Normally 通常 newsworthy( 新闻价值
perform( 完成,表演) perform the chores [tʃɔ:]:做家务 errands. ['erənd]差事,使命 ran my errands 完成我的使命 quietly( polish: gleam: perfection hallway closet( retrieve([ri'tri:v]重新得到、回忆)
revolver( Startle popping( curiosity aroused( drop in on: unannounced( After some initial hesitation( hesitation( initial blender ambuIance. right now. motionless grief-stricken( stricken ['strikən] senseless( tragedy, Desperate Housewives
平静地) 擦光,使优美) 闪现,突然露出 (完美)
( ['hɔ:lwei] 过道,门厅) ['klɔzit]壁橱、衣橱、碗橱 ) [ri'vɔlvə]左轮手枪) 惊吓
(眼睛等)凸出的) ([,kjuəri'ɔsiti] 好奇心) [ə'rauz]唤起,激起) 顺便拜访
突然的,未经宣布的) 在犹豫了一会之后, [,hezi'teiʃən]犹豫) 最初的 搅拌机
(['æmbjuləns]救护车) 立刻,马上 呆呆地
'gri:f,strikən]极度悲伤的) 受伤的 没感觉的) (['trædʒidi]悲剧) 绝望主妇
lay to rest : 埋葬
funeral( ['fju:nərəl]), 葬礼 residents 居民
pay their respects, 表示他们的尊敬 recipe (['resipi]食谱)
fried ([fraid]油炸的)chicken, 炸鸡 move up: 提升)
corporate (公司的)
pregnant (['pregnənt]怀孕 quit (放弃,离开)your job? 辞职 stay-at-home moms, 妈妈待在家里 hectic( ['hektik]兴奋的)
she was now forced to 她现在不得不 fast-food restaurant, 快餐店
appreciated(appreciate英音:[ə'pri:ʃieit] 及物动词 vt. 1.欣赏,赏识; 2.感谢,感激;3.体会,) irony (['aiərəni]反语) Humiliate[hju:'milieit] 使丢脸
ceII-phone number. 电话号码 act up 捣蛋 get over with 做完了事 get this over with 收起来 live down the block 住在街区的后面 Since her modeling days 自她当模特以来 merger [mə:dʒə] 兼并,合并
acquisition,([,ækwi'ziʃən] 获得,收购) propose 求婚,提议 touched( 精神失常的,受感动的) well up 涌出,涌现 considerably 相当,非常 necklace 项链
pin n:别针,v:用别针别住,压住 receipt [ri'si:t] 收据
convertible [kən'və:təbl] 可移动的,有活动折棚的汽车 mutual funds['mju:tʃuəl] 共同基金 context ['kɔntekst] (文章)上下文,(事件)背景 stare [stɛə] 凝视 lives next door, 住在隔壁
muffin ['mʌfin] n. 松饼[C] scratch [skrætʃ] v.n 抓,挠;抓痕
upholster [ʌp'həulstə] vt. 1.为(沙发、椅子等)装上垫子(或套子、弹簧等)[(+in/with)]
2.用(挂毯、家具等)布置(房间); E.G:All the chairs in the lounge([laundʒ]会客厅) are upholstered in black leather(['leðə]) 厅里所有的椅子都装上了黑皮面子。 throughout英音:[θru:'aut] 介词 prep. 1.遍及,遍布 The National Day was celebrated throughout the country. 全国都在庆祝国庆日。
neighborhood ['neibəhud] think of as that is=that is to say ribbon ['ribən] roll breakfast type things The least I couId do decent ['di:snt] grief [gri:f] lives across the street macaroni [,mækə'rəuni] tease [ti:z] ( about ) moved into their house, salty watery ['wɔ:təri] lipstick ['lipstik] divorce [di'vɔ:s] E.G:Mr. Hill divorced his wife at the age of 70. 希尔先生七十岁的时候与他妻子离婚。
make fun of totally What's going on? confront[kən'frʌnt] philanderer [fi'lændərə] handbook Zen Iook Zen punch [pʌntʃ] lives:[laivz] fulfillment [ful'filmənt] conscience['kɔnʃəns]
副词 ad. (通常用在句尾) 1.处处
临近的社区,近邻,真个街坊 看作 那就是说,也就是说 绸带,丝带 v.滚动n..面包卷 类似早餐的东西
我能做的最起码的事情 体面的,不错的 悲痛 住在街对面 通心粉
嘲笑,戏弄 搬进他们的房子 adj.有盐味的
adj.充满水的,稀薄的 口红 n..离婚,v.离婚 嘲笑 adv.完全
vt..迎面遇到、遭遇;反抗 n. 1.调戏女人的男人,花花公子 n.手册
无辜的表情 n..佛教的禅宗,禅 vt. 1.用拳猛击[(+in/on)] life 的复数)注意发音 n.成就感,完成,实现 n.良心,善恶观念
erect [i'rekt] a. 1.直立的,垂直的,竖起的2.【医】(阴茎)勃起的 penis ['pi:nis] n. 1.【解】阳物;阴茎 limp vi.一瘸一拐地走,跛行
a. 1.软绵绵的,松沓的;松垮的;松弛的
ethical['eθikəl] 伦理的,合乎道德的 Good for you 干的好 介词汇总:答案在“1—1”4页
在月份、星期、几点、夏天、圣诞节、早晨、中午、傍晚、晚上; 在海边、海岸;乘火车、公共汽车、出租车、飞机、步行;
Down the street and round the corner 沿着街道绕过拐角 At the crossroads 在十字路口 at the entrance 在入口 conference['kɔnfərəns] 会议
attend the conference 参加会议
in the back of his mind 在他的脑海里 loaded英音:['ləudid] 装满的
gotten英音:['gɔtn] get的过去分词 you guys 各位 survive英音:[sə'vaiv] vt.从。。。中逃生;vi.幸存 head-on adj.正面的,迎面的;adv.迎头,迎面 E.G.Let's meet the problem head-on. 让我们正视这一难题。 go over 查看,受欢迎 pack up 整理行李,停止工作
E.G:It was time to pack up. 收工的时间到了。 crisis英音:['kraisis] 危机,紧要关头,转折点 for God sakes 看在上帝的份上 sake英音:[seik] 目的,理由 death wish 遗愿 screw:[skru:] n.螺丝钉;vi.拧 screw up 搞糟,搞砸
undercooked 煮得不够的;尚未煮熟的 burnt 1、 (burn的过去式和过去分词)
rent英音:[rent] vt.租;n.租金 E.G. 租用,租入[(+from)]
They rented a cabin:['kæbin] for their vacation. 他们为度假租了一间小屋。 2.租出[(+to/out)]
I have rented the house out to a very nice family. 我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家 illustrate英音:['iləstreit] vt.说明,阐明;插图于书籍等 plumber 水暖工 clog英音:[klɔg] vt.堵塞
probably英音:['prɔbəbli] 大概,或许 vampire:['væmpaiə] 吸血鬼
ease up 放松
look over 仔细检查 aware adj.知道的 swimsuit 游泳衣 grab 抓
loss 丧失,遗失 tax 税,负担 flirt英音:[flə:t] 调情 house-warming stop by eligible英音:['elidʒəbl] bachelor predatory英音:['predətəri] divorcee英音:[di,vɔ:'si:] numeral英音:['nju:mərəl]无数的
radius英音:['reidiəs] conquest英音:['kɔŋkwest] varied英音:['vɛərid] legendary英音:['ledʒəndəri] slut英音:[slʌt] sausage puttanesca rivalry英音:['raivəlri] fight fair ass英音:[æs] I'm Iearning to bandage英音:['bændidʒ] shelf英音:[ʃelf] compromise英音:['kɔmprəmaiz] compromise with sb. On/over sth.
hook up can’t afford to hand-carved import英音:[im'pɔ:t] absolutely英音:['æbsəlu:tli] onion英音:['ʌnjən]洋葱
navy/Navy bean英音:[bi:n] deathly英音:['deθli] allergic英音:[ə'lə:dʒik] dignify英音:['dignifai] sullen英音:['sʌlən] tone英音:[təun]
乔迁庆宴 顺便拜访
尤指婚姻等)合适的,合意的 学士,单身汉
掠夺性的,风骚的 离婚女人 半径,范围,周围 n.征服,(爱情)俘虏 各种各样的
传奇的,像小说一样 荡妇 香肠,腊肠
一种意大利酱 竞争 公平竞争
驴子,笨蛋,屁股 我正学着。。。 绷带 架子
妥协 衔接,接洽妥当 负担不起 手工刻的 进口
完全的,当然 (大写)海军;青色 豆 知名度,非常 。。极讨厌的 使高贵
绷着脸的,沉闷的 音调,语气
-NARRATOR: My name is Mary Alice Young.
我是Mary Alice Young。
When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week.
come across: 偶然遇到 article: 文章 unusual: 不平常的
当你浏览今天的晨报,可能会读到一篇文章关于上个星期我所渡过的不平常的一天。 Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life.
normally:通常 newsworthy: 有新闻价值的
That all changed last Thursday.
change: 改变
Of course everything seemed as normal at first.
of course: 当然 seem: 好像,仿佛 normal: 平常
as normal: 照常 at first: 最初,开始时
I made my breakfast for my family.
make: 做 breakfast: 早饭
-MARY ALICE: Here we are. Waffles.
Waffles: 华夫饼干
-NARRATOR: I performed my chores.
perform: 完成 chore: (家庭或农庄的)杂务,杂活
-NARRATOR: I completed my projects.
complete: 完成 project: 设计【这里指美化家居】
--NARRATOR: I ran my errands.
ran: 有步骤地进行 errand: 差使,差事 run errand: 跑腿
-NARRATOR: In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.
in truth: 事实上,实际上 spend: 度过 every other day: 每隔一天[两天]
polish: 使完美 routine: 日常工作,日常事务 gleam: (使)闪烁, (使)闪亮 perfection: 完美
事实上, 和平时没什么不同——一切都和往常一样,直到一件不寻常的事情的发生。 -NARRATOR: That's why it was so astonishing
astonishing: 令人震惊的
when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been
decide to do: 决定干… hallway: 走廊,玄关
closet:壁橱 retrieve: 找回 revolver: 左轮手枪
-NARRATOR: My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber, neighbor: 邻居
我的尸体是被我的邻居Martha Huber发现的,
who had been startled by a strange popping sound.
startle: 使吓一跳,使惊吓 strange: 奇怪的 popping: 砰的
Her curiosity aroused,
curiosity: 好奇心 arouse: 引起,激发
Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced.
try to do sth.: 设法 think of: 想出 drop in on sb: 顺便拜访某人 unannounced: 未通知的
After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me 6 months before.
initial: 开始的 hesitation: 犹豫 decided to do sth.: 决定做某事
return: 归还 borrow from: 从…借入;借用 blender: 搅拌器
-MRS HUBER: It‘s my neighbor.
on the phone: 〈口〉在打电话;在接电话
I think she's been shot, there's blood everywhere.
shot: shoot的过去分词形式,射中 blood: 血 everywhere: 到处
Yes, you've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one right now!
have got to: 不得不 send: 派遣 ambulance: 救护车 right now: 立刻
-NARRATOR: And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy.
for a moment: 片刻,一会儿 motionless: 不动的,静止的 kitchen: 厨房
grief-stricken: 极度悲伤的 senseless: 无知觉的;愚蠢的 tragedy: 悲剧
过了一会之后,Huber太太呆呆地站在厨房里, 因为这件事情而感到极度悲伤。 But, only for a moment.
-NARRATOR: If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.
be known for:因...而众所周知 ability: 能力
look on the bright side: 看到事物光明的一面;对事物抱乐观态度
-NARRATOR: I was laid to rest on a Monday.
laid: lay的过去分词,使躺下,放置 rest: 使休息 lay to rest: 安葬
After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. funeral: 葬礼 resident: 居民 pay: 给予 respects: 敬意
葬礼之后,所有住在wisteria lane人都来表示他们对我的怀念和尊敬,
And as people do in this situation, they brought food.
as: 如同,像 in this situation: 在这种情况下 bring: 带来
-NARRATOR: Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken.
fried chicken: 炸鸡
Lynette Scavo带了炸鸡。
Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.
recipe: 食谱
-NARRATOR: Of course, she didn‘t cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladder.
move: 移动 up: 向上 corporate: 社团的 ladder: 梯子 corporate ladder: 公司的官阶
move up the corporate ladder: 升官;升迁
She didn‘t have the time.
-NARRATOR: But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea.
announce: 正式宣布 pregnant: 怀孕的
但是当她的医生告诉她怀孕了的时候, 他的丈夫Tom想了个办法。
Why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay-at-home mums; it was so much less stressful.
quit: 辞职 stay-at-home : 驻家的:不工作,呆在家里的 stressful: 紧张的
为什么不辞职呢?妈妈待在家里带出来的孩子会比较好,而且这样压力也比较小。 -NARRATOR: But this was not the case.
case: 情形,实情
-NARRATOR: In fact, Lynette‘s life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant.
hectic: [俗] 兴奋的, 紧张忙碌的 be forced to: 被迫做 restaurant: 餐馆
Lynette would have appreciated the irony of it if she stopped to think about it, appreciate: 欣赏 irony: 反讽 stop to: 停下来要做 think about: 考虑
Lynette 如果仔细想想,可能会明白这是反话,
but she couldn‘t. She didn‘t have the time.
-LYNETTE: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
-LYNETTE: Stop it, stop it, stop it. Stop it.
-PRESTON: But Mom!
-LYNETTE: No, you are going to behave today.
be gong to: 将要 behave: 举止端正
I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood.
humiliate: 使蒙羞,使丢脸 in front of: 在……前面 neighborhood: 街坊
And, just so you know how serious I am...
serious: 严肃的,认真的
-PRESTON: What‘s that?
-LYNETTE: Santa‘s cell-phone number.
cell-phone: 手机
-PORTER: How‘d you get that?
How‘d you=how would you
-LYNETTE: I know someone, who knows someone, who knows an elf.
elf: (双耳尖尖的)小精灵,恶人
And if anyone of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas.
act up: 行动倔强, 任性【这里指捣蛋,淘气】 socks: 袜子
You willing to risk that?
risk: 冒……的危险
-SCAVO kids: Uh-uh! (all shake their heads vehemently)
shake: 摇晃 vehemently: 猛烈地
-LYNETTE: Let‘s get this over with.
get over with: 〈口〉一劳永逸地做完,把…做完了事
-NARRATOR: Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, brought a spicy paella. block: 街区 spicy: 辛辣的 paella:(西班牙)肉菜饭
Gabrielle Solis,住在街区的后面, 带了辣肉菜饭。
-NARRATOR: Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men.
model:模特 develop: 使显出, 出现, 产生 taste: 品味
自从她开始在纽约当模特以来, 她对食物和有钱男人的品味渐渐提高。
Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. mergers and acquisitions: 兼并与收购 propose: 求婚
Carlos在并购公司上班,在他们第三次约会的时候,他向Gabrielle求婚了。 Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes.
touch:感动 welled: well的过去式,流出 well up: 涌出,涌现
-NARRATOR: But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal.
discover: 发现 happen: 发生 close: 靠近,接近 a big deal: 要人
-NARRATOR: Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.
piping hot: 非常新鲜的,滚热的
However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.
relationship: 关系 considerably: 相当地
-CARLOS: If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, I want you to casually mention how much I paid for your necklace.
talk to sb.: 和…说话 talk at: 对…唠叨不休 casually: 随意地
mention: 提到,谈到 pay for:为…付钱 necklace: 项链
如果今天早上你跟Al Mason交谈,我希望你能装着很随意的提起我花了多少钱给你买这条项链。
-GABRIELLE: Why don‘t I just pin the receipt to my chest?
pin: 把…别住 receipt: 收据 chest: 胸部
-CARLOS: He let me know how much he paid for his wife‘s new convertible. Look, just work it into the conversation.
convertible: 折篷汽车 work into: 插进,穿入 conversation: 谈话
他上次告诉我他为他妻子的折篷汽车花了多少。看,只要在聊天的时候插入就可以了。 -GABRIELLE: There‘s no way I can just work that in, Carlos.
there‘s no way: 没有办法 work in: 插进
我怎么插得进去嘛, Carlos。
-CARLOS: Why not? At the Donohue party, everyone was talking about mutual funds. talk about: 谈论 mutual: 共同的 funds: 基金
And you found a way to mention you slept with half the Yankee outfield.
mention: 提到,谈到 sleep with: 与…做爱 Yankee: 美国佬 outfield: 偏远的田园 你却说什么你和那些农场里一半以上的美国佬睡过。
-GABRIELLE: I‘m telling you, it came up in the context of the conversation.
The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.
Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see.
Yes I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was, what a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away.
What type of person would send such a note? Was it an enemy? Of course! But what kind? An acquaintance? A stranger? Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away?
People by their very nature are always on the lookout for intruders, trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in. The ones we never truly get to know.
The search for power begins when we are quite young. As children, we are taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple. Traces of evil always remain.
Competition, it means different things to different people. But whether it's a friendly rivalry, or a fight to the death. The end result is the same. There will be winners, and there will be losers. Of course the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price.
There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. There are others who soothe their consciences with small acts of kindness. Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. Sometimes, their prayers are answered.
People are complicated creatures, on the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity; on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It is a constant battle that ranges within all of us, between the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.
Trust is a fragile thing, once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom; but once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we
are closest to can betray us. And total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.
We are all searching for some one. That special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives, someone who can offer companionship, or resistance, or security. And sometimes if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us with all three. Yes for all searching for someone. And if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us.
Death is inevitable. It's a promise made to each of us at birth. But before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us, whether it is the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss. We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful, but the sad fact is, not all lives have meaning. Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines, waiting for something to happen to them, before it's too late.
Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults, and learn to give up what we want, so we can choose to do what is right. Of course, a life time of responsibility isn't always easy, and as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still we try to do what is best, what is good. Not only for ourselves, but for those we love. Yes, sooner or later we must all become responsible adults. No one knows this better than the young.
It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is, it can sustain us through trying times, or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices; it can force decent man to commit the darkest deeds, or compel ordinary woman to search for hidden truths. And long after we're gone, love remains burned into our memories. We all search for love, but some of us, after we found it, wish we hadn't.
Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep. We whisper them in the dark, telling ourselves we are happy, or that he's happy that we can change, or that he will change his mind. We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins, or that we can live without him. Yes, each night before we fall asleep we lie to ourselves in a desperate, desperate hope that come morning, it will all be true.
Yes, everyone loves a scandal, no matter how big or small. After all, what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high and mighty? What could be more amusing than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners? Yes, everyone loves a scandal, and if for some reason, you are not enjoying the latest one…Well, the next one is always around the corner.
We all honor heroes for different reasons, sometimes for their daring, sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another, we all dream to be rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves.
Children come into the world with their own agendas, some to brighten our days, some to test our patience, some to give us purpose, some to take care of us. Yes, when they come, children change everything. Especially when they’re not invited.
Yes, life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side. Of course that companion can be just about anyone - a neighbor on the other side of the street - or the man on the other side of the bed? The companion can be a mother with good intentions, or a child who is up to no good. Still despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way and then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, human beings are designed for many things. But loneliness is not one of them.
Yes, spring comes every year to Wisteria Lane. But not everyone remembers to stop and smell the flowers. Some are too busy worrying about the future, or mistakes they've made in the past. Others are preoccupied with not getting caught, or thinking of ways to catch someone else. Still there will always be a few who remember to take a moment and appreciate what spring has given them. Just as there will always be those who prefer to sit in the dark, brooding over everything they've lost.
The vow is simple really. Those who take it promise to stay together, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to honor and to cherish, forsaking all others, until death do us part. Yes, the vow is simple. Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part. But if we can, that’s when we begin to live happily ever after.
101. An odd thing happens when we die. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they'd only take the time to look. 我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。我们能突然把被我们扔在身后的这个世界看清楚。当然,大多数死人能看见的世界,活着的人也能看清楚,只要他们愿意花时间去看。 102. As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me: the beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It‟s a shame really, there‟s so much to see.
103. Yes, I remember the world --every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now -- there will always
be those who face their fears... and there will always be those who run away.
104. When I was alive, I maintained many different identities --lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves.
105. People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders. Trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in...the ones we never truly get to know.
Life was suddenly full of possibilities, not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命充满了各种各样的可能,还有一些意想不到的惊喜。
The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see.
We are all searching for someone, that special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives. Someone who can offer companionship...or assistance...or security. And sometimes, if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us...with all three. Yes, we're all searching for someone, and if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us.
We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of. Some of us
have fallen for the wrong man. Some have let go of the right woman. There are those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow.
Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly. Sometimes, we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life. Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself. And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win.
The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence. They're the ones who love us long before we've even arrived. They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives...feel like good mothers.
You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. there will always be those who face their fears...and there will always be those who run away. 恐惧的生活根本不能算是生活。总有一些人勇于面对他们的恐惧,但总有一些人会选择逃避。
Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults and learn to give up what we want so we can choose to do what is right. Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become
《绝望的主妇 经典台词》
101. An odd thing happens when we die. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they'd only take the time to look. 我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。我们能突然把被我们扔在身后的这个世界看清楚。当然,大多数死人能看见的世界,活着的人也能看清楚,只要他们愿意花时间去看。 102. As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me: the beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It’s a shame really, there’s so much to see. 当我回头看看身后这个世界时;我看的如此清晰。有那么多有待发现的美丽;和那么多有待揭幕的神秘;但是人们很少会停下来看上一眼。他们只是不停的往前走,这真的很遗憾。。。。有那么多值得一看的东西! 103. Yes, I remember the world --every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now -- there will always be those who face their fears... and there will always be those who run away. 是的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节;而我记的最多的是我有多害怕;真是浪费。你看,住在恐惧中并不是真正的活着!我希望能告诉活在我身后世界的人们这个道理,但是会有用吗?可能并不会。我现在明白,总是会有人要面对他们的恐惧;也总有人会选择逃避 104. When I was alive, I maintained many different identities --lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves. 当我活着的时候,我保持着很多不同的身份——恋人,妻子,最终是受害者。是的,这样那样的标签对于活着的人们来说是很重要的,因为它指示了人们怎么看待自己。 105. People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders. Trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in...the ones we never truly get to know. 人本能都在寻找入侵者;阻止别人从外面闯入。但总有些人强行闯入我们的生活;正如那些被我们邀请进入我们生活圈的人一
样。但最令人头疼的是;那些站在外面向里面偷窥的人;是一些你根本无法去了解的人~! 其它: Life was suddenly full of possibilities, not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命充满了各种各样的可能,还有一些意想不到的惊喜。 The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see. 有那么多待发现的美丽,和那么有待揭幕的神秘。但人们很少会停下来看一眼,他们只是不停地往前走。这真是令人遗憾,有那么多丰富多采的事物等着去看啊。 We are all searching for someone, that special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives. Someone who can offer companionship...or assistance...or security. And sometimes, if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us...with all three. Yes, we're all searching for someone, and if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us. 我们一直在寻寻觅觅,寻找着一位能弥补我们生命中缺陷的与众不同的人。给予友谊,或是帮助,又或者是安全的人。有些时候,要是我们能努力地寻求,我们甚至会找到能把以上三种东西都给予我们的人。是的,我们都在寻觅着,如果我们一无所获,那只能祈祝寿他们能找到我们。 We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of. Some of us have fallen for the wrong man. Some have let go of the right woman. There are those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow. 在生活中,我们都做过一些我们为之羞愧的事情。我们中一些人爱错了男人,会错过合适的女人。有使他们的父母丢脸的孩子,有让他们的孩子失望的父母。是的,我们都会犯错,让爱我们的人离去。但还是有挽回的机会,只要我们试着从这些错误中汲取经验教训,从而成长。 Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly. Sometimes, we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life. Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself. And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win. 每一个人总喜欢时不时地自欺欺人。当然了,我们每人的表达方式不尽相同。有时我们告诉自己我作不会影响家庭,有时我们幻想某段关系比实际的有有意义
。有时我们会掩饰,好像这样能安慰自己我们的秘密并不是真的那么可怕。是的,自欺欺人的游戏很简单。只要你说服自己谎言是真的。要是你能可以让全世界相信这是真的,那么你就是赢家。 The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence. They're the ones who love us long before we've even arrived. They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives...feel like good mothers. 世间好爸爸到处都有。我们又如何辨认呢?他们不在身边时我们会如此地想念到要崩溃,他们在孩子还未出生前就深爱着我们,他们在我们迷失回家的路时找到我们。是的,世间处处有好父亲。而最好的父亲就是那些能让生命中的女人觉得自己是最好的母亲的人。 You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. there will always be those who face their fears...and there will always be those who run away. 恐惧的生活根本不能算是生活。总有一些人勇于面对他们的恐惧,但总有一些人会选择逃避。 Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults and learn to give up what we want so we can choose to do what is right. Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still, we try to do what is best, what is good--But for those we love. 迟早,我们都会成为有责任心的成年人,从而为正确学会了放弃。当然,终其一生的责任不会总是简单。随着岁月的流长,一些人会不负重担。但是,我们依然尽力而为——为了我们所爱的人。 We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring. Sometimes for their bravery. Sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes, because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves. 我们都有各种理由去尊敬英雄。有的是因为英雄的胆识,有的是因为勇气,有的是善良。但我们尊敬英雄的大部分原因,多多少少是因为我们都幻想着被拯救。当然,要是真正的英雄没有出现,有时,我们就只有自我拯救了。 Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on--be they faithful friends, determined advocates or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people who we thought would always be there for us, leave. And if that happens, it's amazing the lengths we'll go to to get them back. 每一个人都需要依靠——忠实的朋友,坚定的拥
护者或者是充满爱意的家庭。但有时候,我们以为会永远守护着我们的人,离去了。真是那样的话,我们就得为找回他们而走上漫漫长路。 Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams--dreams we didn't even know we had. 是的,照相机是用来捕捉画面的。但事实上,它能捕捉到更多东西。它能揭示一个你从不在意的男人心底隐藏的渴望;它能泄露许多普通婚姻的天大的秘密;最惊人的是,相机可以在不知觉中告知我们自己的梦想——我们从未意识到已拥有的梦想。 In a world filled with darkness, we all need some kind of light. Whether it's a great flame that shows us how to win back what we've lost, or a powerful beacon intended to scare away potential monsters...or a few glowing bulbs that reveal to us the hidden truth of ur past...we all need something to help us get through the night...even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope. 在一个黑暗的世界里,我们都需要光明。也许是一束让我们知道怎么挽回失去的东西的光明,也许是一座能驱走潜伏着的恶魔的灯塔;又也许是几个照亮了掩蔽着的我们过去的真相……我们都需要帮助来渡过黑夜,哪怕只是最微弱的希望的光芒。 106: The search for power begins when we're quite young. As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple.Traces of evil always remain. 权力的追求始于我们年少之时。当还是孩子的时候,我们就受到“邪不能胜正”的教育。但随着年龄的增长,我们意识到没有单一的事物。邪恶如影随行。 107: Competition , it means different things to different people. But whether to friendly rivalry, or fight to the death . The end result is the same . There will be winners, and there will be losers, Of course the trick is , to know which battles to fight, you see, no victory comes without a price. 竞争因人而异,但是不管是友好竞争还是生死决斗,结果总是相同的――有赢家,也有输家。但是,诀窍是,懂得去参加什么样的竞争。要知道,胜利都是用代价换来的。 108: there is a widely-read book that tells us everyone is sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do . in contrast , there are those who assume more than their share of the blame , there are others who soothe their consciences with small eggs of kindness. or by telling themselves their sins we
re justified. Finally there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time. And pray for forgiveness , some times there prayers are answered. 有一本流行的书告诉我们“每个人都是罪人”。当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所作的坏事感到愧疚。相反的,有些人认为那应该比应受的谴责更多;还有些人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心;或者告诉他们自己,他们的罪行是正当的;最后,有些人会发誓,下次会做好些,然后为了饶恕而祈祷。有时,他们的祈祷被回应了。 109: People are complicated creatures. On the one hand able to perform great acts of charity ,on the other , capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal, it is a constant battle that rages within all of us ,because the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our sinner demons, and sometimes the only way to ward off darkness, is to share a light of compassion. 人类是复杂的动物。一方面,表现着善心,另一方面,却又干阴险地背叛。我们都时常在天性的本善与内心的恶魔之间挣扎。有时候,唯一能阻挡黑暗的方法,就是闪耀怜悯的光辉。 110: trust is a fragile thing, once earned , it affords us tremendous freedom, but once trust is lost , it can be impossible to recover, of course ,the truth is we never know who we can trust , those we ‘re closest to can betray us , and total strangers can come to our rescue ,in the end, most people decide to only trust themselves, it really way is the simplest way , to keep from getting burned. 信任真是一件脆弱的东西,一旦赢得了,会提供给我们巨大的空间。而一旦失去了,就不可能再恢复了。当然,事实上我们永远不知道我们能信任谁:那些我们最亲近的人可能会背叛我们,而陌生人却能帮助我们。最后,大多数人决定只能信任他们自己。这的确是简单的办法,来防止引火上身。 111: We are all search for some one , the special person that who are provide us are missing in our lives, some one who can offer compassion ship, or resistance or security , and sometimes if we search very hard we can find someone who provide ourselves, with all three, yes for all searching for someone, and if we can’t find them , we can only pray, they will find us. 我们都在寻找一个人,他能带来我们生活中所缺少的东西:有些人能提供陪伴,或是帮助,或是安全。有时候如果我们努力寻找,我们能找到能同时提供以上三者的人。是的,我们都在寻找一个人,如果我们找不到他们,那我们只能祈祷,他会找到我们。 112: Death is inevitable, it’s a promise made to each of us at birth , but before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us, w
第二季第1集 1. I don’t wanna be one of those kind of woman , you know, sloughing things off onto co-workers because of a pediatrician appointment or a dance recital. I got really neurotic about putting people out.
这是Lynette的上司NinaLynette应征工作时说的话,道出了职场女性事业与家庭难以平衡的窘境。slough off有删除、戒除之意,这里可以理解为把事情丢给……co-这个前缀指的是共同……比如奥运会的协办城市可以叫co-city,这里就是同事的意思。pediatrician appointment指与儿科医生之约,dance recital是舞蹈演出。
2. Anyway, I’m afraid that my visit has an ulterior motive.
好像是Bree登门拜访Applewhite一家说的话。《绝望主妇》里的人物多次用到“ulterior motive”,指不为人知的隐秘动机。
3. Bree, we widows have to stick together.
stick together, 团结一心。Betty对Bree说这么一句话,是一个很友好的gesture.
4. Just because I choose to express myself doesn’t mean that I condone adultery.
Gabby怀了不知道父亲是谁的孩子,Carlos要求Gabby出具亲子鉴定。Gabby无奈只好去医院,看到一个头发染得五颜六色的护士,Gabby央求对方给她一个亲子鉴定的样张,没想到对方说出这么一句话。condone adultery, 宽恕通奸。这句台词真的很好笑! 第二集