句中不应有任何不必要的词。只要意思充分 地表达了,用词越少越好。用词过多只会使意思模糊不清,而不是更加明晰。人们常常用不必要的词,所以最好在写完一篇文章之后,仔细检查一两遍,看看有没有一些词可以删去而又不影响意思的表达。
如下面例句: 1 2 3
姐姐 妈妈 菊花
学打字。 是优秀教师。 真好看。
又如: 1 2
你 房子 爸爸
星期天去图书馆吗? 建好了吗? 下班了吗?
还有一种表达感情的句子,也是由两个部分组成的。 例三:
1 这棵白杨多高啊! 2 我玩儿得多么开心啊!
1.按三种基本句式写句子,回答问题。 ①______ 谁 ③______
谁 ⑤______
______ 干什么? ______ 是什么? ______ 怎么样?
②______ 什么 ④______ 什么 ⑥______ 什么
______ 干什么? ______ 是什么? ______ 怎么样?
①同学们( )。 ②小猴子( )。 ③太阳( )。
④( )是我的好朋友。 ⑤( )真大。 ⑥( )在海上航行。 3.照“例”把句子写完整。
培根说:“读史使人明智; 读诗使人灵秀; 数学使人周密;
科学使人深刻; 伦理学使人庄重; 逻辑修辞学使人善辩。”
语文使人_________________________________________________ 体育使人_________________________________________________ 音乐使人_________________________________________________ 美术使人_________________________________________________ 不读书使人_______________________________________________
例如:1.我告诉妈妈,鸡生蛋了。 2.妈妈告诉我,鸡生蛋了。 3.弟弟告诉我,妈妈生蛋了。 4.告诉弟弟我,生蛋妈妈了。
例如:1.春天到了,种子在发芽、生根、长叶。 2.春天到了,种子在长叶、生根、发芽。
第一句,通顺,合乎植物生长的规律,第二句虽然也通顺,但不合事理。植物的生长规律是发芽→生根→长叶。违背事理的句子,在意思上是讲不通的。 把句子写通顺,还要注意合乎人们的语言习惯。如我们常说“刮风了”“下雨了”。如果说成“刮雨了”、“下风了”。人家就要说你是胡说八道。
把句子写通顺,可以经常做如下练习: 1.扩词成句。
例:好孩子/是个/小勇/懂礼貌的 小勇是个懂礼貌的好孩子。 3.词语搭配成句。
怎样写好句子.txt如果有来生,要做一棵树,站成永恒,没有悲伤的姿势。一半在土里安详,一半在风里飞扬,一半洒落阴凉,一半沐浴阳光,非常沉默非常骄傲,从不依靠从不寻找。写作的一个重要标准就是要考查学生"是否会用英语清楚而贴切地表达思想"。而句子是表达一个完整独立思想的最小的语言单位。因此,合理的句子结构对表达思想至关重要,其好坏与否直接关系到一篇文章的成败。 写好句子的基本要素: 1.简洁性(Conciseness) 举世闻名的英国剧作家。诗人莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)有句名言:"言以简洁为贵"(Brevity is the soul of wit.)。所谓简洁,就是语言凝练概括,高度浓缩,简明扼要。用较少的语言表达尽可能丰富的内容,无冗长之弊,无拖沓之嫌,做到文约而事丰,言简而意赅,它充分体现了英语语言自身发展的要求。古今中外,作家们大都惜墨如金。中国著名作家鲁迅曾说过:"竭力将可有可无的字。句。段删去,毫不可惜"。美国作家海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的语言风格在西方文学中更是独树一帜。他的文笔含蓄简练,清新流畅,以善用小词。短句著称,人称"电报式"风格。 他曾经告诫自己儿子说:"Never use more words than you have to—it detracts from the flow of actions."然而,有些学生在写作中却忽略了这一点。把本来可以很简洁的句子变成了冗长的词语堆砌,结果往往是佶屈聱牙,冗长费解。要写出语言优美。短小精悍的文章,就必须作到句子精短,用词简洁,使每个词在句中起到应有的作用。具体来说,在不影响准确。清晰表达的前提下,句子能简化的部分尽量简化,能省略的尽量省略,用精炼的语言表达丰富的思想,使人们要表达的深层语义明白流畅,一目了然,达到简明扼要。清澈晶莹的效果。 1)尽可能把从句变成单句或短语 ,把短语变成单词If you compare the two methods carefully,you will find the difference. 这个句子本来用一个简单句就足以表达清楚,却用了一个含条件状语从句的复合句,反而显得冗长累赘。下面这句就精炼多了: Careful comparison of the two methods will show you the difference. When I pushed the door open, I saw a group of young people. 此句可用现在分词短语代替时间状语从句,使文字更简短紧凑。干净利落:Pushing the door open,I saw a group of young people. During the past forty years,the population of China has been rising at a rapid rate. 句中介词短语at a rapid rate根据其在句中的语法功能,完全可由单个副词rapidly取代,使句子文字简练。 2)避免不必要的重复,包括语义重复和用词重复。 She is attractive in appearance ,but she is rather a foolish person.
前半句属于语义重复。用了attractive(迷人的;有吸引力的),无须再用in appearance ;后半句属于用词重复,全句宜改为: She is attractive, but rather foolish. 改写后行文依然能表达完整意义,给人"含英咀华"之感。 The workers and technicians in this factory have made a lot of new innovations.innovations(something newly introduced)已含有new 之义。汉语口语中有"新发明"这一说法。母语的负迁移(negative transfer)影响容易使人对等翻译英文,给人以叠床架屋之感。 I will go to the movies together with my brother. "与某人一起"用"with sb."就可以,而"together with (as well as; in addition to)则意为"和。加之或连同"。例如:These new facts, together with the evidence you have already heard, prove the prisoner's innocence.(这些新的事实,连同你已听到的证据,证明此在押被告是无辜的。) The final result of the match is 2:1 to our team. 句中final result搬用了汉语的说法,而没有注意到result 本身意为"结果","结局",用了final无异于画蛇添足。 以上经过化简的句子,既保持了信息量大的优点,又避免了臃肿,达到以少胜多的效果。要避免句子的类似问题,一方面要了解英汉两种语言在语法,句型,词义等方面的异同,另一方面要用英语的思维和表达方式取代汉语,排除母语的负迁移干扰。 3)改写不必要的冗长句子结构和被动语态,对原句的结构做一些必要的调整。 It is necessary for students to fill out both registration forms. Students must fill out both registration forms. British was defeated by the United States in the war of 1812. British lost the war of 1812 to the United States. My short stay in the country gave me the greatest happiness that I have hadover the entire period of my life. My short stay in the country gave me the greatest happiness in my life. 2.多样性(Variety) 任何事情都不是绝对的。写作中如果一味追求短句,追求简洁,有时会弄巧成拙,适得其反。因为一篇文章如果都是千篇一律的简单句,势必导致割裂句(choppy sentence )过剩。文体松散,文章就会粗糙浅显。毫无生气。英语是世界上最富有表达力的语言之一。它的句型变化灵活多样,丰富多彩。同一思想内容可以用多种语言形式来表达。当然句型多样化决不可滥用,造成华而不实。只有在准确表达思想的基础上方可力求句型多样化,以求既有丰富的内涵,又有优美的文字。英语句子的多样性主要体现在以下两个方面: 1)句式变化的多样性 这是语言运用能力的一种表现,也是避免句子单调乏味最简单有效的办法。通过句子变换(transformation of sentence),运用不同结构,选用不同句式来表
达相同的内容,使表意手段更为多样化,具有异曲同工之妙。 (1)既可以用主动式也可以用被动式,如: We certainly should make great efforts. Great efforts are certainly required. (2)既可以用肯定式也可以用否定式,如: The lesson will be firmly rooted in our minds. We will never forget this lesson.(3)既可以是正常语序也可以是倒装语序,如: One can't learn anything until he rids himself of complacency. Only when one rids himself of complacency can he learn something. (4)某些成分既可以放在句子前面也可以放在后面,还可以放在中间,如: With a car, people can get around freely. People can get around freely with a car. People, with a car, can get around freely. (5)既可以用简单句(simple sentence)也可以用并列句(compound sentence) 或者复合句(complex sentence) a.扩展为名词从句 One man's meat is another man's poison. What is one man's meat is another man's poison.(从句作主语) The manager is going to some place,but no one knows where. No one knows where the manager is going.(从句作宾语) b.扩展为形容词从句 Our present house suits us fine. The house that we are now living in suits us fine. Robert was not a man to tell a lie. Robert was not a man who told a lie. I placed the book on the table,and it is still there. The book that I placed on the table is still there. c.扩展为副词从句 With the continuance of life,there is still hope. While there is life,there is hope.(表示时间) The ice was thick enough to walk on. The ice was so thick that we could walk on it.(表示结果) Not withstanding the heat of the sun,we must go out. Hot as the sun is,we must go out.(表示让步) Mrs Brown was getting older,so her hair turned grey gradually. As Mrs Brown was getting older,her hair turned grey gradually. (表示原因) Hold your tongue,or you will be sorry. Unless you hold your tongue,you will be sorry.(表示条件) 三者各具功能。简单句简洁明快,措辞严谨,直截了当;并列句则表达同样重要的信息;复合句信息量大,轻重有别,结构上有枝有蔓,能体现出层次。这三种不同的句子形态为语言的表达提供了丰富的选择。使用什么样的句子应取决于实际需要,灵活选用。只有句型多样化,才会行文起伏,流畅自然。2)句子长度的多样性 尽管人称海明威"电报大师",但纵观其作品,句子也是长短相间,富于变化,给人以"万峰起伏,层峦叠嶂"之感。这一点值得我们在写作中好好借鉴。从整体效果考虑,好的文章应该是该用长句时用长句,该用短句就
用短句。因为长句和短句各有千秋。长句的特点是结构层次多,凝重典雅,严密周详,气势畅达,利于复杂思想的表达。严密的论证,但使用起来不够活泼,不够简便。短句的特点是生动简洁,短小精悍,活泼有力,但容量较小,不利于表达复杂的语义内容。在具体语言活动中,为了达到简洁明快。生动活泼,又严密精确。细腻委婉的目的,往往是长短句交替使用。这既体现了节奏上的要求,也是意义上的需要。请看下面这段: John went to work on foot. He took a bottle of hot tea and delicious lunch in a paper bag. He walked slowly. He enjoyed the cool, early morning air. He also enjoyed the sights and sounds of the streets. The big city was rapidly waking up. It was noisy and turbulent. An energetic little boy was setting his battered shoeshine stand in front of a hotel entrance. A deliveryman was busily slapping down cartons of let-tuce on the sidewalk in front of a grocery store and he was dressed in a white uniform. John saw a friend. The friend was waiting for a taxi. He stopped briefly for a short chat. The walk could yield pleasurable observations. John usually walked to work and he seldom took taxis. Walking made him happy. It also kept him healthy. 从语法和用词来看, 这段文字无可挑剔。但句子长度大体相当,且都是短句,读起来平淡无奇,不妨这样修改: With a bottle of hot tea and delicious lunch in a paper bag,John walked to work.Slowly he walked,enjoying the cool,early morning air and the sights and sounds of the streets.The big,noisy,turbulent city was rapidly waking up. An energetic little boy was setting his battered shoeshine stand in front of a hotel entrance.A deliveryman dressed in a white uniform was busily slapping down cartons of lettuce on the side walk in front of a grocery store.John saw a friend waiting for a taxi.He stopped briefly a short chat.As the walk usually could yield pleasurable observations,John seldom took taxis.Walking not only made him happy but also kept him healthy. 改写后的段落中,长短句交替使用,语句叠峦起伏,音韵和谐,语言表达有张有弛,活泼而不乏凝练,紧凑而不显呆板。所以句子的好坏,并不在于长短,简单还是复杂,归根结底在于多变。句子是否多变是衡量一篇文章是否老练成熟的主要标志之一,当然也显示出一个人的英语水平的高低。句子多变主要表现在句型的多样化与长短句的交替使用。但这种交替使用并不是机械的,而是根据不同的语境,选择最能表达作者意图的句子。 总之,面对多种多样的句子,在写作时不分场合简单地偏爱某种句型,会使文字显得呆板,单调,而一味追求长句。复杂句,特别对于那些基本功不扎实的英语初学者来说,会使文章显得华而不实,甚至弄巧成拙。但也有一些初学者为保险起见,过多
地使用简单句,甚至认为使用simple sentence符合我们提倡的 Simple English,这也是一种误解。一篇文章只有交替使用合适的长句。 短句,交替使用有效的简单句。复合句,才会显得生动有力。
1.主语+不及物动词。不及物动词就是后面不能带宾语的动词。尽管不及物动词的后面 不接宾语,但很多时候,这个不及物动词有副词修饰或别的状语修饰。有动词如果不加状语修饰,句子的意思就可能不完整或不那么丰富。如:
1).Mr. Li didn’t appear. → Mr. Li didn’t appear until the meeting was over.
2).She married. → She married late.
Keys: 1) His grandpa died last year.
2) She gets up at half past six every morning.
3) Li Ming won’t come this afternoon.
2. 给下面句子加上适当的状语使句子的内容更加完整、丰富。
1) The manager didn’t turn up______________________________.
2) The meeting ended ____________________________________.
3) The sun rises _________________ and sits _________________.
Keys: 1) until nine o’clock 2) very late this afternoon 3) in the east/ in the west
2.主语+系动词+表语。系动词后面的成分就是表语。在这类结构中,可用作表语的有分 词、形容词、名词、代词、副词、介词短语等。而常见的系动词有be及其它半系动词look、smell、taste、sound、taste、feel、seem、appear、grow、stay、keep、remain、change、turn等。如:1).She was too tired.
2).Your father is in his office.
1) 她看起来像她的妈妈。
2) 她显得非常激动。
3) 这汤尝起来很美味。
4) 她还像以前那样美丽。
5) 明天天气将变冷。
Keys: 1) She looks like her mother.
2) She appears/looks/seems very excited.
3) The soup tastes delicious.
4) She remains as beautiful as before.
5) The weather will turn cold tomorrow.
3.主语+及物动词+宾语。有些动词的后面必须接宾语,其结构才完整,这样的动词就叫 及物动词。可以用作宾语的通常有名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式及宾语从句等。如:
1).I saw a film yesterday.
2).I didn’t meet him at the meeting.
3) I can’t stand your speaking to your mother like that.
4) They tried to help the poor people.
5) I don’t think that he will arrive on time.
1) 警察最后将两个小偷抓住了。
2) 经理过一会要见你。
3) 我不喜欢在这里吸烟。
4) 他们决定在这里办一家新的医院。
5) 我从来就没有想到他会在这么短的时间内完成这项工作。
Keys: 1) The police finally caught the two thieves.
2) The manager will see you in a while.
3) I hate smoking here.
4) They decided to set up a new hospital here.
5) I never thought that he could finish his work in such a short time.
4.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语。有些及物动词后面必须带两个宾语:一个直接 宾语、一个间接宾语。这类结构中的间接宾语和直接宾语又统称为双宾语。常接双宾语的动词有:give、pass、send、teach、buy、bring、show等。直接宾语和间接宾语的位置通常可以互相交换。当直接宾语(指物的宾语)位于间接宾语(指人的宾语)前面时,间接宾语的前面通常有一个介词for或to。如:
1).Mother bought me a watch. →Mother bought a watch for me.
2).She showed us her new dress. →She showed her new dress to us.
[小练] 请用括号中所给动词并根据所给汉语翻译下面各句
1) 请把那本书递给我好吗?(pass)
2) 请将这封信交给李明。(give)
3) 老师今天教了我们一首新歌。(teach)
4) 我爸爸昨天给我买了一个新手机。(buy)
5) 你能给我看一看你的新衣服吗?(show)
Keys: 1) Would you please pass me the book/ pass the book to me?
2) Please give this letter to Li Ming.
3) Our teacher taught us a ne song today.
4) My father bought me a new mobile/a new mobile for me yesterday.
5) Could you show me your clothes/your new clothes to me ?
5.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补。宾语补足语(简称宾补)是补充说明宾语怎么样或干什 么的成分。可以用作宾补的词语有:名词、形容词、现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式、副词、介词短语等。如:
1).I heard him singing in her room.
2).We must keep our rivers clean.
[小练] 根据所给汉语翻译下面各句
1) 我听到房间里有小孩子在哭。
2) 多做运动能够使我们保持健康。
3) 我刚才看见她进了教室。
4) 我们发现他的车困在雪地了。
5) 在会上我们选李先生做经理。
Keys: 1) I heard a child crying in the room.
2) Taking more exercise can keep us healthy.
3) I just saw her enter the classroom.
4) We found his car stuck in the snow.
5) At the meeting we elected Mr. Li our manager.
并列句就是由并列连词所连接起来的两个简单句。常用的并列连词有:and、or、but、so、while、when等。and用作并列连词,连接两个并列句时,可表示并列关系、递进关系、因果关系、对比关系、转折关系等。or可以表示并列关系,也可表示因果关系。but表示转折关系。so可表示因果关系。while可表示比较或对比。when则表示时间,相当于and at that time(就在那时)。如:
1). Work hard, and you will succeed. ---and表示因果关系
2). Hurry up, or you will be late for the film. ----or表示因果关系
3). He is old, but he still works as hard as young people. -----but表示转折关系
4). Mr. Li is generous and outgoing, so we all gets on well with him. ----so表示因果关系
5). She thought we were talking about her daughter while we were talking about my own.---while表示比较、对比
6). I was going to leave home when the telephone rang. ----when表示时间,相当于and at that time
1. 在下面句子的空格处填上适当的并列连词
1) Get down to your work now, ______ you won’t complete your work in time.
2) Come over here, ______ I’ll tell you a good piece of news.
3) She’s young, ______she knows much more than many of us.
4) I was about to leave the house ______ it suddenly began to rain heavily.
5) Many people don’t have enough to eat ______ they throw a lot of food into the sea.
6) He was very tired, ______ he went to bed very early yesterday.
Keys: 1) or 2) and 3) but 4) when 5) while 6) so
1). As is known to all, China is getting more and more powerful. ----As 引导一个定语从句
2). What he says doesn’t suit what he does. ---本句包含两个名词性从句:What he says是一个主语从句;what he does是一个宾语从句
3). Where there is a will, there is a way. ----Where引导一个表示地点的状语从句
1. With the rapid development, the idea has already come true ________we can play video games and receive e-mails without sitting at a keyboard.
2. Word came ______ the Shengzhou VII will be sent off in a few days.
3. I’ve learned ______, no matter what happens and how bad it seems today, life goes on and it will be better tomorrow.
4. —What worries the public worry most?
—_______ prices keep going up, I suppose.
5. The reason he has been such a success in his career is _____ he never gives up in his work.
6. ______this text can be used for listening this term has not been decided yet.
7. _______ matters most in learning English is enough practice.
8. The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make ______it is.
9. It is none of your business ______ other people think about you. Believe in yourself.
10. Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s _____ the best jobs are.
11. The volunteers have paid a visit to all the senior citizens in the community, most of _______
are aged from 70 to over 90 years old.
12. To get the program started, all ______ I need is your permission and support.
13. _____ has been said above, English grammar is only a set of dead rules.
14. Can you tell me something about the man ______ house you have rented for years?
15. Finally the little boy told us everything ______he had seen and heard in the street.
16. Don’t worry. I’ll inform you ______ your daughter comes back to school.
17. — Why hasn’t Mr. Li come to work today?
— ______ he has gone to Beijing to have a meeting.
18. I think you bag is still _______ you left it. I’m sure you will find it there.
19. Nothing is so difficult in this world _______ you put your mind into it.
20. I won’t have a trip to Mount Huang _______ my best friend Amy is invited, too.
Keys: 1. that 2. that 3. that 4. That 5. that 6. Whether 7. What 8. what
9. what 10. where 11. whom 12. that 13. As 14. whose 15. that
16. when/ if 17. Because 18. where 19. if 20. unless
1. It worries both the parents very much ___________________(他们的儿子患有严重的心脏病)
2. There is no doubt __________________________________(中国将变得越来越强大)
3. During the summer holidays, we paid a visit to _________________(曾经是我们学校的地方)
4. Our city is no longer __________________(十年前的样子), when it was quite dirty and noisy.
5. The result of the experiment turned out very good, ____________(这是我们没有预料到的).
6. Have you seen the play _____________________(它的主角是Lily的姐姐扮演的)
7. _______________(众所周知), our boss had broken his promise that he would give us a rise.
8. The foreign settlers began killing the native citizens __________________(他们一上这个岛)
9. It was five o’clock _________________(他们登上山顶的时候)
10. The visitor asked the guide to take his picture___________________(在塔所处的地方) Keys:
1. that their only son suffers from serious heart trouble.
2. that China will become more and more powerful in the future.
3. what was once our primary school
4. what it was ten years ago
5. which we hadn't expected.
6. whose leading role is played by Lily’s sister
7. As was known to all
8. the moment/ As soon as they set foot on the island.
9. when they climbed up to the top of the mountain.
10. where stands the famous tower.
任何句子都是在上述的这些句子的基础上变化而来的。所以,我们在把握这些基本的 结构之后,要写出完整而且符合规则的句子就不难了。此外我们还要注意使用正确的时态和语态。由于英语习惯上的不同,英语中常常以动词来体现动作发生的时间;表示被动意义时,也要用动词来体现。动词时态和语态的使用是否得当直接影响句子的含义。因此,同学们在写作时,应特别注意正确地使用动词的时态和语态。只有这样,我们才能写出符合英语表达习惯的句子。
写好句子的基本要素: 1.简洁性(Conciseness) 举世闻名的英国剧作家。诗人莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)有句名言:"言以简洁为贵"(Brevity is the soul of wit.)。所谓简洁,就是语言凝练概括,高度浓缩,简明扼要。用较少的语言表达尽可能丰富的内容,无冗长之弊,无拖沓之嫌,做到文约而事丰,言简而意赅,它充分体现了英语语言自身发展的要求。古今中外,作家们大都惜墨如金。中国著名作家鲁迅曾说过:"竭力将可有可无的字。句。段删去,毫不可惜"。美国作家海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的语言风格在西方文学中更是独树一帜。他的文笔含蓄简练,清新流畅,以善用小词。短句著称,人称"电报式"风格。 他曾经告诫自己儿子说:"Never use more words than you have to—it detracts from the flow of actions."然而,有些学生在写作中却忽略了这一点。把本来可以很简洁的句子变成了冗长的词语堆砌,结果往往是佶屈聱牙,冗长费解。要写出语言优美。短小精悍的文章,就必须作到句子精短,用词简洁,使每个词在句中起到应有的作用。具体来说,在不影响准确。清晰表达的前提下,句子能简化的部分尽量简化,能省略的尽量省略,用精炼的语言表达丰富的思想,使人们要表达的深层语义明白流畅,一目了然,达到简明扼要。清澈晶莹的效果。 1)尽可能把从句变成单句或短语 ,把短语变成单词If you compare the two methods carefully,you will find the difference. 这个句子本来用一个简单句就足以表达清楚,却用了一个含条件状语从句的复合句,反而显得冗长累赘。下面这句就精炼多了: Careful comparison of the two methods will show you the difference. When I pushed the door open, I saw a group of young people. 此句可用现在分词短语代替时间状语从句,使文字更简短紧凑。干净利落:Pushing the door open,I saw a group of young people. During the past forty years,the population of China has been rising at a rapid rate. 句中介词短语at a rapid rate根据其在句中的语法功能,完全可由单个副词rapidly取代,使句子文字简练。 2)避免不必要的重复,包括语义重复和用词重复。 She is attractive in appearance ,but she is rather a foolish person. 前半句属于语义重复。用了attractive(迷人的;有吸引力的),无须再用in appearance ;后半句属于用词重复,全句宜改为: She is attractive, but rather foolish. 改写后行文依然能表达完整意义,给人"含英咀华"之感。 The workers and technicians in this factory have made a lot of new innovations.innovations(something newly introduced)已含有new 之义。汉语口语中有"新发明"这一说法。母语的负迁移(negative transfer)影响容易
使人对等翻译英文,给人以叠床架屋之感。 I will go to the movies together with my brother. "与某人一起"用"with sb."就可以,而"together with (as well as; in addition to)则意为"和。加之或连同"。例如:These new facts, together with the evidence you have already heard, prove the prisoner's innocence.(这些新的事实,连同你已听到的证据,证明此在押被告是无辜的。) The final result of the match is 2:1 to our team. 句中final result搬用了汉语的说法,而没有注意到result 本身意为"结果","结局",用了final无异于画蛇添足。 以上经过化简的句子,既保持了信息量大的优点,又避免了臃肿,达到以少胜多的效果。要避免句子的类似问题,一方面要了解英汉两种语言在语法,句型,词义等方面的异同,另一方面要用英语的思维和表达方式取代汉语,排除母语的负迁移干扰。 3)改写不必要的冗长句子结构和被动语态,对原句的结构做一些必要的调整。 It is necessary for students to fill out both registration forms. Students must fill out both registration forms. British was defeated by the United States in the war of 1812. British lost the war of 1812 to the United States. My short stay in the country gave me the greatest happiness that I have hadover the entire period of my life. My short stay in the country gave me the greatest happiness in my life. 2.多样性(Variety) 任何事情都不是绝对的。写作中如果一味追求短句,追求简洁,有时会弄巧成拙,适得其反。因为一篇文章如果都是千篇一律的简单句,势必导致割裂句(choppy sentence )过剩。文体松散,文章就会粗糙浅显。毫无生气。英语是世界上最富有表达力的语言之一。它的句型变化灵活多样,丰富多彩。同一思想内容可以用多种语言形式来表达。当然句型多样化决不可滥用,造成华而不实。只有在准确表达思想的基础上方可力求句型多样化,以求既有丰富的内涵,又有优美的文字。英语句子的多样性主要体现在以下两个方面: 1)句式变化的多样性 这是语言运用能力的一种表现,也是避免句子单调乏味最简单有效的办法。通过句子变换(transformation of sentence),运用不同结构,选用不同句式来表达相同的内容,使表意手段更为多样化,具有异曲同工之妙。 (1)既可以用主动式也可以用被动式,如: We certainly should make great efforts. Great efforts are certainly required. (2)既可以用肯定式也可以用否定式,如: The lesson will be firmly rooted in our minds. We will never forget this lesson.(3)既可以是正常语序也可以是倒装语序,如: One can't learn anything until he rids himself of complacency.
Only when one rids himself of complacency can he learn something. (4)某些成分既可以放在句子前面也可以放在后面,还可以放在中间,如: With a car, people can get around freely. People can get around freely with a car. People, with a car, can get around freely. (5)既可以用简单句(simple sentence)也可以用并列句(compound sentence) 或者复合句(complex sentence) a.扩展为名词从句 One man's meat is another man's poison. What is one man's meat is another man's poison.(从句作主语) The manager is going to some place,but no one knows where. No one knows where the manager is going.(从句作宾语) b.扩展为形容词从句 Our present house suits us fine. The house that we are now living in suits us fine. Robert was not a man to tell a lie. Robert was not a man who told a lie. I placed the book on the table,and it is still there. The book that I placed on the table is still there. c.扩展为副词从句 With the continuance of life,there is still hope. While there is life,there is hope.(表示时间) The ice was thick enough to walk on. The ice was so thick that we could walk on it.(表示结果) Not withstanding the heat of the sun,we must go out. Hot as the sun is,we must go out.(表示让步) Mrs Brown was getting older,so her hair turned grey gradually. As Mrs Brown was getting older,her hair turned grey gradually. (表示原因) Hold your tongue,or you will be sorry. Unless you hold your tongue,you will be sorry.(表示条件) 三者各具功能。简单句简洁明快,措辞严谨,直截了当;并列句则表达同样重要的信息;复合句信息量大,轻重有别,结构上有枝有蔓,能体现出层次。这三种不同的句子形态为语言的表达提供了丰富的选择。使用什么样的句子应取决于实际需要,灵活选用。只有句型多样化,才会行文起伏,流畅自然。2)句子长度的多样性 尽管人称海明威"电报大师",但纵观其作品,句子也是长短相间,富于变化,给人以"万峰起伏,层峦叠嶂"之感。这一点值得我们在写作中好好借鉴。从整体效果考虑,好的文章应该是该用长句时用长句,该用短句就用短句。因为长句和短句各有千秋。长句的特点是结构层次多,凝重典雅,严密周详,气势畅达,利于复杂思想的表达。严密的论证,但使用起来不够活泼,不够简便。短句的特点是生动简洁,短小精悍,活泼有力,但容量较小,不利于表达复杂的语义内容。在具体语言活动中,为了达到简洁明快。生动活泼,又严密精确。细腻委婉的目的,往往是长短句交替使用。这既体现了节奏上的要求,也是意义上的需要。请
看下面这段: John went to work on foot. He took a bottle of hot tea and delicious lunch in a paper bag. He walked slowly. He enjoyed the cool, early morning air. He also enjoyed the sights and sounds of the streets. The big city was rapidly waking up. It was noisy and turbulent. An energetic little boy was setting his battered shoeshine stand in front of a hotel entrance. A deliveryman was busily slapping down cartons of let-tuce on the sidewalk in front of a grocery store and he was dressed in a white uniform. John saw a friend. The friend was waiting for a taxi. He stopped briefly for a short chat. The walk could yield pleasurable observations. John usually walked to work and he seldom took taxis. Walking made him happy. It also kept him healthy. 从语法和用词来看, 这段文字无可挑剔。但句子长度大体相当,且都是短句,读起来平淡无奇,不妨这样修改: With a bottle of hot tea and delicious lunch in a paper bag,John walked to work.Slowly he walked,enjoying the cool,early morning air and the sights and sounds of the streets.The big,noisy,turbulent city was rapidly waking up. An energetic little boy was setting his battered shoeshine stand in front of a hotel entrance.A deliveryman dressed in a white uniform was busily slapping down cartons of lettuce on the side walk in front of a grocery store.John saw a friend waiting for a taxi.He stopped briefly a short chat.As the walk usually could yield pleasurable observations,John seldom took taxis.Walking not only made him happy but also kept him healthy. 改写后的段落中,长短句交替使用,语句叠峦起伏,音韵和谐,语言表达有张有弛,活泼而不乏凝练,紧凑而不显呆板。所以句子的好坏,并不在于长短,简单还是复杂,归根结底在于多变。句子是否多变是衡量一篇文章是否老练成熟的主要标志之一,当然也显示出一个人的英语水平的高低。句子多变主要表现在句型的多样化与长短句的交替使用。但这种交替使用并不是机械的,而是根据不同的语境,选择最能表达作者意图的句子。 总之,面对多种多样的句子,在写作时不分场合简单地偏爱某种句型,会使文字显得呆板,单调,而一味追求长句。复杂句,特别对于那些基本功不扎实的英语初学者来说,会使文章显得华而不实,甚至弄巧成拙。但也有一些初学者为保险起见,过多地使用简单句,甚至认为使用simple sentence符合我们提倡的 Simple English,这也是一种误解。一篇文章只有交替使用合适的长句。 短句,交替使用有效的简单句。复合句,才会显得生动有力。
A. Tom saw the advertisement about an expedition organized by
Sir Earnest. He decided to join it.
B. Tom saw the advertisement about an expedition organized by
Sir Earnest and he decided to join it.
1. I tried to give him advice. He didn’t listen.
2. he didn’t listen.
1. I don’t like smoking. I don’t like drinking alcohol.
2. I don’t like smoking drinking
3. I like drinking alcohol.
1. He was an amateur. He hid secretly aboard the ship.
2. , he hid secretly aboard the ship.
1. The child hid behind his mother's skirt. He was afraid of the
2. The child hid behind his mother's skirt, he was afraid of the dog.
1. He is a kind person. He likes helping others.
like helping others
A. On January 18th, 1915, because the ship got stuck in pack ice, it crushed.
B. (不用连词)
1. There is a girl who is sitting between us.
2. between us.
1. Because I have finished all the work, I am free now.
2. all the work, I am free now.
1. Alice is fond of playing table tennis, so Alice practices playing table tennis every day.
2. Alice is fond of playing table tennis, every day.
1. Mary went to the party and I went to the party
went to the party.
1. They were optimistic and persevered. They were rescued.
2. , they were rescued.
3. , they were rescued.(用连词)
He went home late, so his mother was angry. He explained that there was an accident on the road, so he met a traffic jam.(修改一下连词的用法,让句子更加合理)
1. I don’t agree with you on your plan. I don’t think it is of great use for our company. It is not very practical.
2. On the whol., I don’t agree to your plan. For one thing, I don’t think it is of great use for our company. For another, it is not very practical
1. A tortoise was walking in the beach. He found a stone in the beach.
2. Walking in the beach, a tortoise found a stone.
1. He felt curious. He kicked the stone.
2. Feeling curious, he kicked the stone.
3. With great curiosity, he kicked the stone.
1. It was another tortoise. It was having a rest.
2. It was another tortoise having a rest
3. Much to his surprise, it was another tortoise having a rest.
not…until…/It is/was…that…强调句
1. I didn’t realize I was wrong until you told me.
2. Not until you told me did I realize I was wrong.
3. It was not until you told me that I realized I was wrong.
4. Wanghai left the classroom after he closed all the windows.
5. Wanghai didn’t leave the classroom until he closed all the windows
一.with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语
1.The old man led the way and we had no trouble finding the house.
2.With the old man leading the way, we had no trouble finding the house.
二.too young/old to do …
Mike is very young . He can’t move the heavy box. ---Mike is too young to move the heavy box.
三.祈使句, + and / or + (一般将来时)陈述句
If you think hard, you will answer it.
--- Think hard, and you’ll answer it.
My mother didn’t agree with me and my father didn’t either. --- Neither my mother nor my father agreed with me.
五.I don’t think/ believe/ suppose…
He won’t come, I think.
--- I don’t think he will come.
六.It’s no good doing …
Eating too much is not good.
--- It’s no good eating too much.
七.what/when/how/why/whether to do…
段落的写作.doc (35.5 KB)
举世闻名的英国剧作家。诗人莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)有句名言:"言以简洁为贵"(Brevity is the soul of wit.)。所谓简洁,就是语言凝练概括,高度浓缩,简明扼要。用较少的语言表达尽可能丰富的内容,无冗长之弊,无拖沓之嫌,做到文约而事丰,言简而意赅,它充分体现了英语语言自身发展的要求。古今中外,作家们大都惜墨如金。中国著名作家鲁迅曾说过:"竭力将可有可无的字。句。段删去,毫不可惜"。美国作家海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的语言风格在西方文学中更是独树一帜。他的文笔含蓄简练,清新流畅,以善用小词。短句著称,人称"电报式"风格。
他曾经告诫自己儿子说:"Never use more words than you have to—it detracts from the flow of actions."然而,有些学生在写作中却忽略了这一点。把本来可以很简洁的句子变成了冗长的词语堆砌,结果往往是佶屈聱牙,冗长费解。要写出语言优美。短小精悍的文章,就必须作到句子精短,用词简洁,使每个词在句中起到应有的作用。具体来说,在不影响准确。清晰表达的前提下,句子能简化的部分尽量简化,能省略的尽量省略,用精炼的语言表达丰富的思想,使人们要表达的深层语义明白流畅,一目了然,达到简明扼要。清澈晶莹的效果。
1)尽可能把从句变成单句或短语 ,把短语变成单词If you compare the two methods carefully,you will find the difference.
2 W0 s7 F% S. t1 e5 R
Careful comparison of the two methods will show you the difference.
When I pushed the door open, I saw a group of young people.! I/ M( b9 P' r6 T! k6 ?' F
此句可用现在分词短语代替时间状语从句,使文字更简短紧凑。干净利落:Pushing the door open,I saw a group of young people.
During the past forty years,the population of China has been rising at a rapid rate.
句中介词短语at a rapid rate根据其在句中的语法功能,完全可由单个副词rapidly取代,使句子文字简练。
She is attractive in appearance ,but she is rather a foolish person.
前半句属于语义重复。用了attractive(迷人的;有吸引力的),无须再用in appearance ;后半句属于用词重复,全句宜改为:
She is attractive, but rather foolish.
The workers and technicians in this factory have made a lot of new innovations.innovations(something newly introduced)已含有new 之义。汉语口语中有"新发明"这一说法。母语的负迁移(negative transfer)影响容易使人对等翻译英文,给人以叠床架屋之感。
I will go to the movies together with my brother.
"与某人一起"用"with sb."就可以,而"together with (as well as; in addition to)则意为"和。加之或连同"。例如:These new facts, together with the evidence you have already heard, prove the prisoner's innocence.(这些新的事实,连同你已听到的证据,证明此在押被告是无辜的。)
The final result of the match is 2:1 to our team.
句中final result搬用了汉语的说法,而没有注意到result 本身意为"结果","结局",用了final无异于画蛇添足。
It is necessary for students to fill out both registration forms.
Students must fill out both registration forms.
British was defeated by the United States in the war of 1812.
British lost the war of 1812 to the United States.
My short stay in the country gave me the greatest happiness that I have had8 u; ?1 I( M$ }4 S* U' X6 K4 Y) n
over the entire period of my life.
My short stay in the country gave me the greatest happiness in my life.
任何事情都不是绝对的。写作中如果一味追求短句,追求简洁,有时会弄巧成拙,适得其反。因为一篇文章如果都是千篇一律的简单句,势必导致割裂句(choppy sentence )过剩。文体松散,文章就会粗糙浅显。毫无生气。英语是世界上最富有表达力的语言之一。它的句型变化灵活多样,丰富多彩。同一思想内容可以用多种语言形式来表达。当然句型多样化决不可滥用,造成华而不实。只有在准确表达思想的基础上方可力求句型多样化,以求既有丰富的内涵,又有优美的文字。英语句子的多样性主要体现在以下两个方面:
) B! Q9 t$ R: F
这是语言运用能力的一种表现,也是避免句子单调乏味最简单有效的办法。通过句子变换(transformation of sentence),运用不同结构,选用不同句式来表达相同的内容,使表意手段更为多样化,具有异曲同工之妙。
We certainly should make great efforts.
Great efforts are certainly required.
The lesson will be firmly rooted in our minds.
We will never forget this lesson.(3)既可以是正常语序也可以是倒装语序,如:
One can't learn anything until he rids himself of complacency.
Only when one rids himself of complacency can he learn something.
With a car, people can get around freely.
People can get around freely with a car.
People, with a car, can get around freely.
(5)既可以用简单句(simple sentence)也可以用并列句(compound sentence) 或者复合句(complex sentence)
One man's meat is another man's poison.
What is one man's meat is another man's poison.(从句作主语)
The manager is going to some place,but no one knows where.
No one knows where the manager is going.(从句作宾语)
Our present house suits us fine.
The house that we are now living in suits us fine.
Robert was not a man to tell a lie.
Robert was not a man who told a lie.
I placed the book on the table,and it is still there.
The book that I placed on the table is still there.
With the continuance of life,there is still hope.
While there is life,there is hope.(表示时间)
The ice was thick enough to walk on.
The ice was so thick that we could walk on it.(表示结果)
Not withstanding the heat of the sun,we must go out.
Hot as the sun is,we must go out.(表示让步)
Mrs Brown was getting older,so her hair turned grey gradually.
As Mrs Brown was getting older,her hair turned grey gradually. (表示原因)
Hold your tongue,or you will be sorry.
Unless you hold your tongue,you will be sorry.(表示条件)
John went to work on foot. He took a bottle of hot tea and delicious lunch in a paper bag. He walked slowly. He enjoyed the cool, early morning air. He also enjoyed the sights and sounds of the streets. The big city was rapidly waking up. It was noisy and turbulent. An energetic little boy was setting his battered shoeshine stand in front of a hotel entrance. A deliveryman was busily slapping down cartons of let-tuce on the sidewalk in front of a grocery store and he was dressed in a white uniform. John saw a friend. The friend was waiting for a taxi. He stopped briefly for a short chat. The walk could yield pleasurable observations. John usually walked to work and he seldom took taxis. Walking made him happy. It also kept him healthy.
从语法和用词来看, 这段文字无可挑剔。但句子长度大体相当,且都是短句,读起来平淡无奇,不妨这样修改:+ ?1 Z1 n# K. u3 e# t" _' _! W- `