美国政治制度 英文篇一
美国政治制度 英文篇二
美国政治制度 英文篇三
1.The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was draw up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789.美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法,它起草于1787年,生效于1789年。 2.In 1787,Congress called for a meeting of delegate from all the states to revise the Articles of Confederation.1787年,国会召开各州代表参加的大会,主要目的是修改有明显缺点的《联邦条款》。 3.The government is divided into three branched: the legislative ,the executive ,and the judicial. Each branch has part of the powers but not all the power.美国政府被分为3部分:立法机构,行政机构和司法机构。 4.In either case, amendments must have the approval of three-fourths of the states before they enter into force.有两种情可以提出修改宪法条款,但不管是哪种,修正案必须经过3/4的批准才能生效。 5.The President of the U.S is the head of the executive branch and the head of the state elected by the whole nation. The Constitution requires the President to be a natural-born American citizen at least 35 years of age. The president election was held every 4 years .宪法规定总统必须是美国本土出生的美国公民,至少年满35岁,总统选举每四年举行一次。 6. In American ,the “winner-take-all” system applies in all states expect Maine.在美国,嬴者全赢的制度适用于除缅因州外的各州。 7.The electors of all fifty states and the District of Columbia-a total of 538 persons-comprise what is known as the Electoral College. To be successful, a candidate for the Presidency must receive 270 votes.50个州加上哥伦比亚特区共有538位总统候选人,他们组成选举团,要成为美国总统,候选人则要获得270票。 8.The presidential term of 4 years begin on Jan 20 following the November election, The president publicly takes an oath of office, which is administered by the Chief Justice of the U.S. A president can be elected to office only twice.美国总统任期为4年,每位总统任期最多只能两届,总统宣誓就职仪式是由美国首席娃哈哈官主持的。 9. Article I of the Constitution grants all legislative power of the federal government to a Congress composed of two chambers, a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of 2 members from each state, Membership in the House is based on population and its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.国会由参议院和众议院组成,参议院由各州派出两名议员共同组成,众议院成员数则按各州人口及大小而定,因此众义员数宪法没有具体规定。 10. The Constitution requires that U.S. Senators must be at least 30 years of age, citizens of the U.S for at least 9 years, and residents of the states from which they are elected. The senatorial term is 6 years, a
nd every 2 years one-third of the Senate stands for re-election.宪法规定美国参议员必须是年满30岁有美国公民资格9年以上的公民,并且是选其为议员的州的居民,参议员任期为6年,且每月年改选1/3的议员。 11. Menber of the House of Representative must be at least 25, citizens for 7 years, and residents of the states which send them to Congress. Today, the House is composed of 435 members. Since members of the House serve two-year terms, the life of a Congress is considered to be 2 years.宪法规定美国众议员必须是年满25岁有美国公民资格7年以上的公民,并且是选其为议员的州的居民,现在,众议院由来35名议员组成,由于众议员任期为2年,所以国会任期往往被认为是2年。 12. Each hours of the Congress has the power to introduce legislation on any subject, except revenue bills which must first come from the House of Representatives.除了税收法案必须首先由众议院提出,国会的两院各自有权就任何提议立法。 13. The Constitution provides that the Vice president shall be president of the Senate. He has no vote, except in a case of a tie. The House of Representatives choose its own presiding officer-the Speaker of the House.宪法规定由美国副总统担任参议院议长,议长不参加投票,除非出现两派票数相等的情况,众议院则选出他自己的主持官员,-众议院议长。 14. According to the Constitution, the judicial power of the U.S shall be vested in one Supreme Court. The judicial system has evolved into the present structure: the Supreme Court, 11 court of appeals, 91 district courts, and 3 courts of special jurisdiction. U.S.judges are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.根据宪法规定,美国的司法权属于最高法院,司法体系结构为:最高法院,11个上诉法院,91个地方法院,3个有特殊司法权的法院,美国的法官是由总统任命并由参议院批准的。 15. The Supreme Court is the highest court of the U.S and is the only organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution The Supreme Court at present consists of a Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices.最高法院是美国最高等的法院,也是惟一有权解释的机构,目前法院由一名首席娃哈哈官和颜悦色名助理法官组成。 16. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign dignitaries, and those to which a state in a party.高等法院最初只对两种案件拥有司法权:涉及国外达官贵人,一个州为一方当事人。 17. In general, American has a two-party system. There are two major political parties in America: the Democrats and the Republicans. There have been four periods in the history of political parties in American.一般说来,美国实行的是两党制,两大主要政
党为:民主党和共和党,美国政党的历史可分为四个时期。 18. The first period of the party system in American refer to the appearance of the Federalists and the Anti-federalists. The third phase of the two-party system ran from the 1860s to the 1920s with the Republican Party dominating the political scene for most of the time.美国政党制的第一阶段出现了两个主要党派,联邦派各反联邦派,第三阶段从容不迫9世纪60年代到达9世纪20年代,绝大部分时间是共和党执政。(2002,21题) 19. In the 28 terms of the House of Representatives from 1933 to 1989,the Democrats enjoyed a majority of 26 terms, in the Senate, the Democrats had a majority for 23 terms.从1933年到1989年的确届众议院中,民主党在于6届中拥有多数席位,在参议院中民主党在于23届中拥有多数席位。 20. After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic-Republican party split. The main faction, led by Andrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while the faction opposed to Jackson formed the Whig party in 1834.1828年安德鲁。杰克逊当选总统后,民主共和党分裂,由安德鲁。杰克逊领导的主派自称为民主党,反对杰克逊的一派于1834年另立辉格党
美国政治制度 英文篇四
The British political system is typical of a constitutional monarchy, its main feature is the "parliamentary supremacy", the Cabinet is the core of power, the monarch empty spaces, well-organized political parties. First, the British parliamentary democracy, embodied the principle of parliamentary supremacy. Parliamentary supremacy, that the legislative power in the core position of the three powers, executive and judicial branches are a part of the legislature, executive and judicial power, the actual legislative power derived three overlap.
Second, the implementation of the cabinet system, embodied as a principle of "parliamentary supremacy" in the system between the executive and legislative power relations. Powers of the state system to the Cabinet as the core, the Cabinet has the highest executive power in the country. Then the king is more of an honor positions, there is no real real power. Finally, the organizational system of the British political parties are relatively tight.
Can be seen, the biggest feature of the British political system of parliamentary supremacy, judicial and legislative powers for a substantial part of the legislative and democratic politics under living in the empty spaces monarchs.
The advantage of this political system, whether it is the institutional formation of the actual operation are relatively democratic, just, more conducive to scientific decision-making and comprehensive. But the disadvantage is that the structure or the system is easy mode, lead to bureaucratic impact of the ruling efficiency.
The American political system is a presidential system of the country, and political factors in the power structure of its early, just in the later political battles, the political parties continue to play an increasingly important role in them. Its main features are:
1、A presidential candidate recommended by the political party generated the president by direct vote of the electorate in the country, the indirectly elected president-elect is not necessarily the absolute votes more than those who, but for electoral votes. President or chief executive, the direct control of the administrative agency, or the Commander in Chief.
2、the U.S. party system is quite loose, the significance of the existence of political parties more as tools of all kinds of elections, after the elections, political parties, as the role of an organizational system is quite weak, so it is a typical "election party". The United States is a typical two-party country, but it is different from the two-party system
of the Western European countries, it is not divided by ideology, but in accordance with regional and interest groups to divide the essence, the two parties represent the political parties of the different interests of the bourgeoisie.
3, the U.S. Congress, namely the House of Representatives, the Senate is generally recommended by the political parties in the election, by the direct election of the referendum, has legislative power.
4, the president of the United States the name of whose party's leader is elected "president for all people" emerged.
Now the United States pursues a "vetocracy”.
The American political system to split power between the President and owner of both houses of Congress, and devolution to the states and local governments;to allow the court to overthrow the law on constitutional grounds. In addition to the checks and balances of the Constitution granted the U.S. Congress gave lawmakers many other opportunities, so that they can use its veto power to blackmail the government.
The merits of the political system: the powers of the President of the United States, President subject to the constraints of political parties is a small, independent, quickly make a political decision to improve governing performance.
Its weaknesses are: the three major U.S. power system of mutual restraint, and to contain, resulting in the consumption of some of the institutional. President no power to dissolve Congress, can only veto a bill passed by Congress Similarly, Congress can impeach the president, the use of the veto to reject the President.
Unlike the United States, Britain and other Western countries, the French regime model is a "semi-presidential" mode, both the characteristics of the presidential system and parliamentary system, and their main features:
1、A presidential candidate by a political party or coalition of political parties recommended by universal direct elections, the term from seven years less for five years, with the parliament, government term synchronization. The President as head of state power as President of the United States, but is much larger than the country's president or king of the cabinet system. Him in charge of the country's foreign and defense power, determine the major policies, including the Economic and Social Affairs, in fact, to grasp the country's highest executive power (but he is not head of the executive is not responsible for the Economic and Social Affairs), a cabinet meeting, enjoy the right to appoint government officials, and the right to dissolve parliament and announce an early general election, but also the implementation of the very power of the
provisions of Article 16 of the Constitution.
2, by the lower house, the majority of the National Assembly, political parties, the Prime Minister appointed by the party leader, by presidential appointment, the Government's main responsibility is to manage the economy and internal affairs, while the presidential and parliamentary, the Council can question and impeachment of the government .
3, France's presidential and parliamentary general implementation of two rounds of voting system (the President as more than 50% majority in the first round of elections, you do not have a second vote), the President, Members are in the second roundobtained the relative majority of the candidates served in the vote. If the president and the parliamentary majority party is not a party will be periods of "cohabitation" political phenomenon, but tend to have the party in power in the government as the ruling party. The past 20 years, France has several times the phenomenon of this kind of "cohabitation".
4, the advantages of this political model, the relative dispersion of power, is not easy to lead to tyranny and autocratic, the timely appointment of outstanding talent, the president holds the real power is conducive to political stability.
The disadvantage is that administrative decentralization makes government authority is weak, is not conducive to the national administration, but also about governance "phenomenon has led to the struggle for power between political parties and damage the image of the political parties, is not conducive to the smooth settlement of social problems.
美国政治制度 英文篇五
《美国政治 英文版》
美国政治制度 英文篇六
《第九章 美国现代政治制度》
美国政治制度 英文篇七
美国政治制度 英文篇八
美国政治制度 英文篇九
《美国的政治制度 Politics》
美国的政治制度 Politics
政府是由12个部门及根据法律设立之60余独立机关组成。 总统是国家的元首,政府最高行政首长,
陆海空等各军种之最高司令官, 总统的任期是4年, 期间除了受到议会之弹劾, 不会因受反对势力而去职。 期满后可以连任一期。 总统与副总统候选人经全民投票产生, 总统在任期中因意外事故发生, 不克行事时, 其残遗任期由副总统自动递补。 白宫是美国的总统府 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT。
一.政体概述(the Introducton of Political System)
美国政府实行的是总统内阁制,总统是国家元首(head of state),政府首脑(head of government)兼任武装部队总司令(commander in chief of the armed forces)。总统的行政命令与法律有同等效力。
总统通过简介选举产生,任期四年,政府内阁由各个部长和总统指定的其他成员组成。内阁(cabinet)实际上只起总统助手和顾问团(advisory panel)的作用,没有集体决策的权力。 根据三权分立(separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers)的原则,美国宪法概略滴将政府分为三个部分:立法部门(legislative branch),行政部门
(adminstrative division )以及司法部门(judicial department ),立法部门指定法律,行政部门执行法律,司法部门解释法律,立法部门由国会(Congress )的参议院(Senate)和众议院(house of representatives)所组成,行政部门由总统代表,他被称为最高行政长官(Supreme Chief Executive),或者国家元首。司法部门由最高法院以及大约100各其他联邦法院组成。九位最高法院的法官是终身职位。
二.联邦政府与地方政府 (Federal Government and Local Government)
美国实行的宪政联邦共和制(Constitutional federal republic)。美国政府建立在宪法基础上,《宪法》(constitution)是国家最高法律,不仅确定联邦和州政府的结构,而且确立了政府的权限。1789年3月第一界国会宣布美国《宪法》生效,它是世界上第一部独立统一国家的成文宪法(written constitution)。
根据美国宪法,属于联邦政府(federal government)的权力包括:州际贸易,国防,造币,移民以及入籍等。宪法不仅确定了联邦政府的结构和权力,而且也对州政府有基本规定。同时,各个州都有州宪法。州宪法包含针对州内地方政府的条文。
根据美国宪法,国会是最高立法机构(Supreme legislative body),实行二院制(BicameralSystem)议会,由众议院和参议院组成。两院议员由各州选民直接选举(direct election )产生。参议员每州两名,共100名,任期6年,每两年改选1/3。众议员按照各州的人口比例分配名额选出,共435名,任期两年,期满全部改选。两院议员均可连任(continue in office),任期不限。不得兼任政府职务。
司法部门(judicial department)是由最高法院(supreme court)以及大约100个其他的联邦法院(federal court)所组成,设立联邦最高法院,联邦法院,州法院以及一些特别法院。 美国最高法院是全国最高审级(Highest Court),由总统征得参议院同意后任命的首席大法官(Chief Justice)和8名大法官组成,气判例对全国有约束力,享有特殊的司法审查权(judicial examination power),即有权通过具体案例宣布联邦或各州的法律是否违宪(unconstitutional)。
上诉法院(appellate jurisdiction ):有权复审最初由较低级的法院审理的案件的法院。 地方法院(District Court):美国联邦司法体系中具有一般管辖权的90个审判法院的通称,主要审理违反联邦法律的行为。
司法系统还设有各种专门法院(special courts):如受理向政府要求损害赔偿的案件的索赔法院...
五.行政 Executive
美国政府实行的是总统内阁制,总统是国家元首(head of state),政府首脑(head of government)兼任武装部队总司令(commander in chief of the armed forces)。总统的行政命令与法律有同等效力。 美国总统官邸位于华盛顿特区的白宫(White House)。
六.总统选举 Presidential Election
七.政党 Political Parties
成立于1854年,1861年林肯(Abraham Lincoln)就任总统,共和党首次执政。此后至1933年的70多年中,除了16年外,共和党一直主政白宫。1933年至2001年之间,艾森豪威尔(David Eisenhower)尼克松(RichardMilhousNixon),福特(Gerald Ford),里根(Ronald Wilson Reagan)等总统都是共和党人。 民主党
成立于1791年,当时称为共和党。1794年改称民主共和党,1861年南北战争前夕,民主党内部分裂。该党的南方奴隶主策划叛乱。南北战争结束后,民主党在野24年。从1933年开始,民主党人罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt ),杜鲁门(Truman ),卡特(James Carter),克林顿(William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton) 等先后当选为总统。奥巴马是美国民主党总统候选人、伊利诺伊州国会参议员。
美国政治制度 英文篇十
第24卷第6期 唐山师范学院学报 2002年11月 Vol. 24 No.6 Journal of Tangshan Teachers College Nov. 2002
(石油大学 外语系,北京 102200)
摘 要:为了表达美国与众不同的政治,美国英语发展了一套独特的政治词语,它们反映了美国独特的政治制度和政治现象。
中图分类号:H313 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9115(2002)06-0020-04
言美国政治体制必言美国的选举。选举制度作为美国政治制度中的一个重要组成部分是十分独特的。Primary(预选)是美国选举制度的特色之一,有direct primary(直接预选),indirect primary(间接预选),closed primary(封闭预选),open primary(开放预选),non-partisan primary(超党派预选)或cross-filling primary(跨党预选),blanket primary(大开放预选),run-off primary(第二轮预选),super primary(超级预选),presidential primary(总统预选)等之说。在美国,参加总统、议员以及各类公职的竞选少不了演讲。历史上,美国式的竞选演讲方式五花八门,有whistle-stop(站台演讲),stump speech(树桩演讲),barnstorm(谷仓演讲),sound
作者简介:戴卫平(1956-),男,石油大学外语系教授,研究方向:语言学、语言与文化。 - 20 -
bite(电视演讲),soap box(街头演讲),bandwagon(乘宣传车演讲),swing around the circle(旅行演讲)等。选举投票时,选民们既可以straight ticket(投某一政党全部候选人的票),ticket splitting(同时投几个政党候选人的票),或bullet vote(只投一个候选人的票),如不在国内可absentee ballot(缺席投票),正式投票前还可以straw vote(模拟投票)。每届美国大选都是新闻的“焦点时刻”,因此,大量与竞选相关的表达用语也随之出现:to throw one’s hat in the ring(决定参加竞选),favorite son(得到本州代表支持的总统候选人),the swing voters(摇摆不定的选民),Don’t change horses in the middle of stream.(不要在大选中途换人)coattail(提携候选人声势),等等。
为了政治上的钻营、发迹,为了隐蔽自己的政治目的,为了掩饰自己的失败,为了替自己的政治主张和不得人心的行动辩解,美国的政客们在语言使用上就常常借助文过饰非的政治化妆语来自我美化,以遮人耳目。例如:用international armed conflict指“侵略战争”;用make the supreme sacrifice指“美军战死”;用new life hamlet指“难民营”;用strategic withdrawal指“美军败退”。Burning,bombing,imprisonment在美官方报道中被pacification(绥靖)一带而过。确切明了的civilian casualties(平民伤亡),成了collateral damage(附带损伤)。由于美国国防部惯于使用指鹿为马、欺骗愚弄人的伎俩,有人为它使用的语言设计出一个带有明显挖苦意味的雅号——Pentagonese (五角大楼行话)。美国公众则将double-speak(假话)这个词用作Pentagonese的代名词。从表面上看,上述列举的措辞可归入委婉语的范畴。“但是白宫和五角大楼的官员们并不是出于闲情逸致做无害的文字游戏,他们发明和使用这类委婉语的目的在于混淆视听,掩盖其热衷于战争的凶残面目。”[5]
无不使出浑身解数,用尽各种各样的策略与手段。打不倒对手便树不起自己,这似乎是政治候选人再熟悉不过的规律。嘲弄对手的政治立场、揭发个人隐私、进行人身攻击的sleaze(散布私生活丑闻),blame game(推卸责任),mudslinging(抹黑),negative campaign(反面竞选),come out swinging(互相攻击),wedge issue(政客们为了挑起选民和竞选对手之间的冲突而提出的“制造分裂的问题”)等已成为美国总统候选人惯用的手段。克林顿有过在越战中逃避兵役,与歌女长期保持通奸关系,大学读书时吸毒的不光彩历史,因此先后两次在竞选中被共和党总统候选人捅了“软肋”。美国两党都没有具有长期、广泛约束力的党纲,只有每次提名大会所制定的竞选纲领,即所谓platform(政纲)。党的政纲对未来的总统并没有多少约束力,因此有人将它比作“火车月台”(platform)。
美国的议员们享受许多特殊待遇。他们享受免费医疗、免费停车、免费旅游、免费娱乐、免费服务,过着免费式生活。美国民众对此深恶痛绝,称议员们为perkoholics(特权迷),国会山为Perk City(特权城)。许多美国人批评美国是“Government of the elite, by the elite and for the elite.”(精英所有,精英所治,精英所享)[7]Gerrymander(不公正地划分选区),the Spoils System(政党分赃制度),The Third House(对国会众、参议员进行游说、疏通的说客群体),lobbyism(院外活动),filibuster(参议院辩论制度的“冗长的演说”),political patronage(国会中相互捧场、妥协的“政治赞助人”),logrolling(互投赞成票以通过对彼此有利的法案),cemetery vote(竞选中舞弊将死人充数的“死人票”),pork barrel appropriation(政治分肥拨款)等词语从其他不同的侧面揭示出美国政治的病态症状。
现代美国总统既是国家元首又是政府首脑,也是军队的总司令。另外,总统还享有立法创议权和对国会通过的法案进行否决的权限。美国总统对美利坚合众国所起的举足轻重的影响体现在社会、政治、经济等诸多方面。这一点可以从与美国总统有关的词语中得到验证:Reaganomics(里根经济学),Reaganology(里根政策研究),Reagan Democrat(里根民主派),Reagonesque(里根式的),Nixonian(尼克松的),Nixonization(尼克松化),Nixonomics(尼克松经济政策),Bushism(布什用语),Clintonize(采用克林顿政策),Clinton-lingo(克林顿官话),Clintonomics(克林顿经济政策),Clintonism(克林
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第24卷第6期 唐山师范学院学报 2002年第6期 顿风格),Hooverize(胡佛化),等等。
历任美国总统都提出自己的施政蓝图,如:塔夫脱的Dollar Diplomacy(金元外交),西奥多·罗斯福的Big Stick Policy(大棒政策),杜鲁门的Fair Deal(公平施政),艾森豪威尔的Modern Republicanism(现代共和党主义),肯尼迪的New Frontier(新边疆),约翰逊的Great Society(伟大社会),卡特的Human Rights Diplomacy(人权外交),里根的Containment(遏制政策),小布什的Congagement(遏制——接触战略)。
美国的总统在执政时几乎都搞过“创新”:威尔逊的New Freedom(新自由),富兰克林·罗斯福的New Deal(新政),卡特的New Populism(新平民主义),尼克松的New Federalism(新联邦主义),New Majority(新多数),New Nixon(新尼克松,指改变政治策略,树立自己新形象的尼克松),里根的New Conservatism(新保守主义),老布什的New Paradigm(新典范),克林顿的New Economics(新经济学),等等。几乎每届总统都有相对完整的观点,因此被冠上种种的doctrine(主义),如Reagon Doctrine(里根主义),Nixon Doctrine(尼克松主义),Kennedy Doctrine(肯尼迪主义)等,不一而足。
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变形,总统逐渐成为联邦政府的权力中心,明显地取得对另外两个部门的优先地位。特别是20世纪30年代的经济大危机以后,总统的权力急剧膨胀,逐渐取代国会,在国内政治生活中居于主导地位。在60年代后期和70年代初期,甚至出现了总统滥用权力的现象(主要表现是总统不经国会同意对越南战争逐渐升级,武装入侵柬埔寨)。美国英语中将这样的总统称之为Imperial President(帝王般总统)。
Political Action Committee(政治行动委员会,简称PAC)为候选人筹措资金。这是由公司、工会、专业组织或其他利益集团从事游说、捐款的机构,在美国有数以千计。今天的美国,可以说差不多人人都有了选票,但大把的钞票却只有少数人才有。巨额的私人捐款是民主、共和两党及其候选人筹集资金的一个主要来源,这种提供大笔捐款的少数富翁在美国的政治俚语中被称为fat cat(政治运动的出资人)。直接向选民投递个人信件以求捐助的direct mail(直接邮件)是民主、共和两党搞募集经费惯用的方法。hard money(硬币)是由政府和候选人从个人或PAC那里募集到的捐款,而soft money(软币)则来自工会会费、公司金库资金和超出政府限额的个人捐款。此外,旨在筹集竞选款项的Coffee(白宫的“咖啡交谊会”),Cocktail(鸡尾酒会),Tea party(茶话会,)以及各种规模的酬款聚餐会也是候选人惯用的拿手好戏。利益集团,特别是强大的集团,通过提供political contribution(政治捐款),协助开展竞选活动。美国一直流行这么一句名言:“Money is the milk of politics.”这句话形象地道出了金钱在美国政治中的重要作用。当今美国的竞选实际上已成为money games,是games for the rich。在这种竞选中,手无雄厚资金或“政治断奶”必然会被淘汰出局。
权力和荣誉方面,金钱从来没有像今天这样有效。”影响美国政治的社会力量是错综复杂的,各种社会团体、具有美国特点的lobbyist(说客)、Establishment(权势集团)和财团等等。但不管什么力量,最终都同金钱相联系。金钱政治是美国最大的特点。 参考文献:
[2] 顾宁.美国文化与现代化[M].沈阳:辽海出版社,1999.26. [3] 黄安年.美国的崛起[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992.13. [4 ] 刘纯豹.英语委婉语词典[M].南京:江苏教育出版社,1993.566.
[5 ] 郑立信,顾嘉祖. 美国英语与美国文化[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社,1993.119. [6] 李其荣.美国人在想什么[M].南宁:广西人民出版社,1998.83. [7] 端木义万.美国社会文化透视[M].南京:南京大学出版社,1999.70. [8] 张毅.国会选举与金钱[J].美国研究,1990,(2):11. [9] 最出丑的任命[N].参考消息,2001-05-07(1).
[10] 彭志红.语言的发展与政治[J].河南大学学报(社会科学版),2000,(3):94. [11] 陈安.新英汉美国小百科[Z].上海:上海译文出版社,2000.
[1] 仲掌生. 20世纪美国文化断想[J].解放军外国语学院学报,2000,(3): 99.
Americanized Politics as Reflected in American English
DAI Wei-ping, ZHANG Zhi-yong
(Foreign Languages Department, Petroleum University, Beijing 102200)
Abstract: To express the politics characteristic of the United States, American English develops quite a number of political items, which reflect American distinctive political system and political phenomena.
Key Words: political system; political illness; money politics; political items; American English
Study on the HUANG Ting –jian’s Zen Poems
LONG Yan1, WEI Shao-lin2
(Chinese Department, Fudan University, Shanghai 200437)
Abstract: HUANG Ting-jian was deeply affected by Buddhism Zen. There was a strong taste of Zen in his poems. He often made use of literary quotation of Zen. It is difficult to understand his poems if we don’t find out the meaning of these quotations. We discuss some quotations relating with Zen Buddhism in HUANG Ting-jian’s poetry.
Key Words: HUANG Ting-jian; poem; Buddhism Zen; literary quotation
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