
| 初一 |




Guide to language use

Module 1 动词说明身份,年龄,状态等

如果有人询问你的年龄,身份或现在的身体状况,你会怎么说呢?你可以说: I am twelve years old. 我12岁了。

I am a student.

I am very well.



Are you from America? 你是美国人吗?

Yes, I am. 是的,我是。

Is he Chinese? 他是中国人吗?

No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。

Are they in Class 1? 他们是1班的吗?

No, they aren’t. They are not in Class 1. They are in Class 2. 不,他们不是1班的,他们是2班的。


注意:am not一般不缩写



I am very happy. 我很幸福。

He is very kind. 他人非常好。

The fruit is very fresh. 这水果很新鲜。


Mr Wang is our English teacher. 王先生是我们的英语老师。

They are our friends. 他们是我们的朋友。

He is a very clever boy. 他是个非常聪明的男孩。


The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上。

She is at home. 她现在在家。

Are they from America? 他们是美国人吗?


Class is over. 下课了。

We are off now. Thanks for the meal! 我们要走了。谢谢款待!

He is away to the office. 他走了,去办公室了。

Module 2 this, these, that, those的用法

我们把this, these, that, those这四个词称为“指示代词”,用来指示或标识人或事物。其中,this和that为单数指示代词,these和those为复数指示代词。例如: This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。

That’s my dad. 那是我的爸爸。

These are my parents. 这是我的父母。

Those are Paul’s son and daughter. 那是保罗的儿子和女儿。

通常,我们谈论离自己近的人或物时用this/these, 离自己远的人或物时用that/those。例如:

This girl is Mary. 这个女孩是玛丽。

That boy is in Class 5. 那个男孩在5班。

I like these books, but I don’t like those books. 我喜欢这些书,但是我不喜欢那些书。

Module 3 there be 句型的用法

如果想要表达“„„地方有„„”该用什么句型呢?一般应采用there be句型。 试看下面的例子:

There is an apple on the desk. 桌子上有个苹果。

There are many students on the playground. 操场上有很多学生。

There is still some water in the cup. 杯子里还有一些水。

从以上句子可以看出,there be 句型的结构也一般为“there is/are + 某物/人+ 地点”, 表示某地方有某物,也可以表示某地方有某人。

如果要表达某地没有某物或某人,或者询问什么地方是否有某物或某人时,就要用到there be 句型的否定和疑问形式。在there be 句型中,从句法结构上讲there 为主语,所以其疑问形式是将be提到there之前,构成 is there/ are there 的句式,

注意系动词be 的形式变化一般视其后面名词的单复数而定。

注意:there is/are 用于表示现在某个地方有某物或某人时,所表示的物或人都是泛指,而非特指。

There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有水。

There are many students in the classroom. 教室里有很多学生。

Module 4 have got的用法


一般可以用have got的表达形式。例如:

I have got a brother and sister. 我有一个哥哥/弟弟和一个姐姐/妹妹。

I have got a lovely cat. 我有一只可爱的猫。

如果表达“他,她”有,则要用has got, 而“我们,你(们),他们”等与“我”一样,用have got。例如:

He has got two sisters. 他有两个姐姐/妹妹。

She has got a very nice bike. 她有一辆很棒的自行车。

They have got many friends. 他们有很多朋友。

We have got a computer. 我们有一台电脑。

如果要表达“没有”,则要用 have not (haven’t) got, has not ( hasn’t) got, 要问“有没有”则要把have/has提至句首,变为疑问句。例如:

Have you got a cat? 你(们)有猫吗?

Has he got a brother? 他有哥哥/弟弟吗?

Have they got any fruit? 他们有水果吗?

在使用have/has got时要注意:have got表示“有”,指的是“某人有”,注意与上一模块中there be的区别。there be 句型表示某个地方有某物或某人,表示的是“存在”,而have got 表示的是“所有”。试比较:

I have got a new book. 我有一本新书。

There is a new book on the desk. 桌子上放着一本新书。

We have got a computer room. 我们有间计算机房。

There is a computer room next to our classroom. 我们教室的隔壁是计算机房。

She has got a lot of friends. 她有很多朋友。

There are a lot of friends in the meeting room. 会议室里有很多朋友。

have got和there be 有时表达的意思有些相近,但句型和侧重点还是不同。例如: We haven’t got any meat in the fridge. 我们冰箱里没肉了。

There isn’t any meat in the fridge. 冰箱里没有肉。


some, any的用法

在there be 和have got 句型的肯定,否定和疑问句形式中,我们注意到有时用some,有时用any。那么some和any 是如何区别使用的呢?首先来看以下几个例子:

There is some milk in the cup. 杯子里有一些牛奶。

There are some students in the classroom. 教室里有一些学生。

I have got some nice stamps. 我有一些很好的邮票。

We haven’t got any English classmates. 我们没有任何英国同学。

Have you got any brothers? 你有兄弟吗?

Has he got any good news today? 今天有什么好消息吗?

从以上的句子可以看出,some用于肯定句中,any 用于疑问和否定句中。some和any既可以用于可数名词之前,也可以用于不可数名词之前。再看下面的例子: I like rice. 我喜欢吃米饭。

在这里rice表示的是一类的概念,不是特指哪一些米饭,所以不用some。而在下面的句子中,rice 表示具体碗里的米饭,自然是有一定的量,所以要用some. There is some rice in the bowl. 碗里有一些米饭。


tooth-teeth, child-children等。

有些单词单复数同形,如:fish, deer, sheep, Chinese, Japanese等。


M2 情态动词can

M3 一般将来时:be going to

M4 一般将来时:will

M5 特殊疑问句

1.What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mother’s Day?

2.What can I do for you?

3.What about this one?

4.What color does she like?

5.What size does she take?

6.How much are they?

7.When are they going to the shops?




七年级(上)Module1 My classmates


1. 系动词be的用法:

am用于第一人称I后; is用于第三人称单数后; are用于第二人称you及各种人称复数后。

口诀:I是am you是are is 用于he, she, it,复数形式全用are 。

2. 肯定陈述句变一般疑问句的句式:

(1)be+主语 +...... eg: Are you a student?

(2)情态动词(can)+ 主语+ 动词原形+…… eg: Can you speak English?

(3)助动词(do, does, did)+ 主语+ 动词原形+......

Eg: Do you like English?

3. 代词


主格: I we you you he she it they ( 做主语 )

宾格:me us you you him her it them ( 作宾语/表语 )


形容词性物主代词: my our your your his her its their (做定语) 名词性物主代词:mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs (作定语以外成分)

名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 eg: mine = my book


1. ---What’s your name? ---My name is.../I’m ... .

2. ---Where are you from? ---I’m from…. .

---Where do you come from? ---I come from... .

3. --- How old are you? ---I’m...years old. / I’m... .

4. ---Nice to meet you! --- Nice to meet you, too.

5. ---How do you do? (初次见面) ---How do you do?


1. Chinese n. 汉语;中国人 adj. 中国的,中国人的


Eg: He can speak a little English. 他能说一点英语。

We are all Chinese. 我们都是中国人。

(2) 作为“中国的,中国人的” 讲时,为形容词。在句中作定语和表语。 eg. I’m Chinese. 我是中国人。

I’m a Chinese student. 我是一名中国的学生。

2. What about/ How about…的用法

(1)What about you = How about you 用来询问对方或第三者对前面所讨论话题的看法。

Eg. I want to listen to some music. What /How about you? 我想听点音乐,你呢?

(2) What about = How about + n./pron./v-ing 表示“怎么样”用来提


Eg: How about listening to some music? 听点音乐怎么样呢?

How about some apples? 吃些苹果怎么样?

3. Nice to meet you! = It’s nice to meet you!

Glad to meet you! = I’m glad to meet you!

Happy to meet /see you!= I’m happy to meet /see you!

4. welcome v. 欢迎 Adj. 受欢迎的

(1)“欢迎” welcome sb. to...“欢迎某人到......”

eg. Welcome you to China. 欢迎你来到中国。

(2)“受欢迎的” 作为形容词在句中常做表语

eg. You are welcome here. 你在这儿是受欢迎的。


eg.—Thank you! 谢谢你!

—You are welcome! 不客气!

5. 在英语中,英美名字在前,姓在后;而中国的人名姓在前,名在后。

first name = give name 名字 last name = family name 姓

Middle name 中间名字【外研社英语七年级上册语法知识讲解视频】

eg. Gorge Washington Bush

first name Middle name family name

6. too adv. 也;太


号隔开。Eg. I’m a student, too. 我也是一名学生。


Eg: The room is too big. 这个房间太小了。

7. 表示某年级班级时,先说班级再说年级,class 和 grade 首字母大写。 eg: I’m Class 1 Grade 2. 我在二年级一班。

七年级(上)Module 2 My family


1. 指示代词

(1) this / these 意为 “这个;这些”,表示在时间或空间上离说话人较近的人或物。 Eg: This is my bike. 这是我的自行车。

These bikes are mine. 这些自行车是我的。

(2) that /those意为 “那个;那些”,表示在时间或空间上离说话人较远的人或物。 Eg: That is his book. 那是他的书。

Those books are his. 那些书是他的。

2. 名词所有格

构成: (1) 在名词后加“’s”,(常用于有生命的名词)。

Eg: These are Tom’s books. 这些是汤姆的书。

(2) 在名词前加 “of ” (常用于无生命的名词)。

Eg: I like the colour of the desk. 我喜欢这个桌子的颜色。

※ (a) 以字母s结尾的单数名词或复数名词,在词尾直接加” ’ ”,不加s. Eg: This is Thomas’ room. 这是托马斯的房间

These are the students’ books. 这些是学生们的书。

(b) 不以s结尾的复数名词,在词尾加 “’s ”。

Eg:Today is Children’s Day. 今天是儿童节。

(c) 表示两者或两者以上共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后用所有格。但表示两者或两者以上分别拥有时,在名词后分别使用所有格。

Eg: This is Jim and Tom’s book. 这是吉姆和汤姆共有的书。

These are Jim’s and Tom’s desks 这些分别是吉姆和汤姆的书。

(d) 当 “’s”所有格和of所有格结构一起使用时,叫做“双重所有格”。其构成有两种形式:of + 名词所有格 of + 名词性物主代词

Eg: He is a friend of my father’s. 他是我爸爸的一个朋友。

She is a friend of mine. 她是我的一个朋友。

(e) “’s” 所有格后面常省略表示地点、场所的词。

Eg: He often goes to his uncle’s. 他经常去他叔叔家。


1. 确认人物的句型:

_Is this your mum? 这是你的妈妈吗?

_Yes, it is./ It isn’t. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。

_Are these your parents? 这些是你的父母吗?

_Yes, they are. /No they aren’t. 是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。

2. 询问某人是谁的句型:

_Who’s the girl in red? 穿红衣服的女孩是谁?

_She is my friend. 她是我的朋友。

_Who is the boy on the left? 左边的那个男孩是谁?

_He is my brother. 他是我的哥哥。

3. 表示位置关系的句型:

_My mum is on the left/on the right. 我妈妈在左边/右边。

_Her husband sits next to her. 她的丈夫坐在她旁边。

_I’m in front of Li Lei. 我在李磊的前边。

4. 询问某人职业的句型:

_What’s your father?/ What’s your father’s job? 你父亲是干什么的?

_My father /He is a doctor. 我的父亲是一名医生。

_What do you do? 你是干什么的?

_I’m a teacher. 我是一名老师。

_What’s your sister? 你姐姐是干什么的?

_She is a nurse. 他是一名护士。

_Who is the girl? 那个女孩是谁?

_She is my sister. 她是我姐姐。

5. 表示某人职业的句型:

My father is a manager. 我的父亲是一名经理。

Her mother is a nurse. 她的妈妈是一名护士。

I’m a teacher. 我是一名老师。


1. fimaly n. 家; 家庭(成员) 集合名词。

作 “家,家庭整体” 讲,做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。作“家人,家庭成员” 讲,做主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。

eg. (1) My fimaly is a big one. 我家是个大家庭。

(2) My fimaly are watching TV. 我的家人在看电视。

2. who与whom



eg. Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?

Whom/Who do you like best? 你最喜欢谁?

Whom are you looking for? 你找谁?

3. woman n. 成年女子,妇女 复数形式( pl.) women

Man n. 成年男子,男人 复数形式( pl.) men

当man和woman作定语修饰后面的名词,要随着后面名词的复数而变复数。 eg. three women teachers 三名女教师 two men doctors 两名男医生

4. what, how引导感叹句的用法:


What + a/an + adj. + 单数名词+主语+谓语。

eg. What a tall building it is!


What + adj. + 复数名词/不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语。

eg. What interesting stories they are.



How + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语。

eg. What nice weather it is.


How interesting the book is.


How hard they are studying.


5. in front of与in the front of

(1)in front of 在...(某物体范围外)的前面。

eg. The school is in front of my home.


(2)in the front of 在...(某物体范围内)的前面。

eg. The blackboard is in the front of my classrom.


※ 表示方位的词归纳:

behind 在„.后面 beside 在---旁边 on the left ( right ) of„ 在„左(右)边 next to 在---旁边,紧挨着 on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边

6. go to hospital 去医院看病 go to the hospital 去医院(不一定是病人) be in hospital 生病住院 be in the hospital 在医院里(不一定是病人)

7. police n. 集合名词,表示警察(总称),单复数同形。前面一般要用定冠词the,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。

eg. The police are looking for the lost boy.


8. job与work

(1) job是可数名词, 意为“工作”;

eg. My father has a job in a factory. 我的父亲在一家工厂里有一份工作。

(2) work作名词,意为“工作”,是不可数名词;作动词, 意为“工作”,是不及物动词。

eg. He can’t find work/a job in the city. 他在城里找不到工作。

I have a lot of work to do evry day.

Jack works evry day. 杰克每天工作。

9. same adj. 相同的 pron. 相同的(人/物)

(1)same 作形容词, 意为“相同的”,在句中作定语,常与定冠词the连用。 eg.The shoes are the same size. 这些鞋是相同的。

(2)same 作代词意为“相同的(人/物)”。 常用结构:the same as„ 和„一样 eg. I think the same as you do about it.


My birthday and hers are the same.




1. There be 句型,表示某处存在某人或某物。这个句型是倒装句,主语在系动词之后,系动词be随主语的单复数而变化形式。当主语是并列的人或事物时,be的形式有第一个人或物的单复数决定,即就近原则。

(1)肯定句:There are thirty students in my classroom.


There is a student in the classroom.


There is a desk and some books in the room.


(2)否定句:There be 句型的否定句在be后加not

There isn’t a student in the classroom.


There aren’t any birds in the tree.树上没有鸟

(3)一般疑问句:There be 句型的一般疑问句把be提前。

---Is there a book on the desk?桌子上有书吗?

---Yes,there is. /No,there isn’t. 是的,有。/不,没有。

--- Are there any birds in the tree?树上有一些鸟吗?

--- Yes,there are./No,there aren’t. 是的,有/不,没有

(4)特殊疑问句:There be 句型,当主语是人时用who提问,是物时用what 提问,是数量时用how many,how much. how any后接可数名词复数形式,how much 接不可数名词。

Who is (there) in the classroom?谁在教室里?

What is(there)on the desk? 桌子上有什么?

How many books are there on the desk?桌子上有多少书?

How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水?

注:some用于肯定陈述句any 用于否定陈述句和一般疑问句。Some也可用于期望对方正面回答或给出肯定回答的疑问句中。






2.主语所具的性格和能力。 3.客观真理。



on Sundays(在星期天),every day/month/year(每一天/月/年) 句型结构:


词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括There be +n.)


1.I______(be) a student. My name_____(be) Tom.

2. Where _____(be) my shoes? They___(be) here.

3.Who ____(be) the girl with long straight hair?

I think she ___(be) Kate.

4. You and I ___(not be) in Class Six.

5.___(be) there a supermarket on the Fifth Avenue?

Yes, there_____(be).

6. ____ her parents tall? No, they____.

(二)主语(非第三人称单数)+行为动词原形+其他(用助 动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)


-助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)


1.在词尾加-s:speak-speaks, work-works


3.以s,x,ch,sh结尾,加-es: watch-watches teach-teaches

特殊情况:have-has do-does go— goes


.1.His parents _______(watch) TV every night. My brother _________(do) homework every day.

2.His parents _________(not watch) every night .

My brother________(not do)homework every day.

3._____his parents_____(watch) TV every night ?

______ your brother _____ (do)homework every day?

4.He ____(have) two sisters.

5.Peter____(study) hard.

二. 现在进行时:


常用的时间状语: now(现在),listen(看),look(听)

at the moment(此刻), at this time(这个时候)。




1.直接在词尾加-ing: eat-eating

2.以“辅音字母+e”结尾,去掉e再加-ing: take-taking

3. 以“元音字母+辅音字母”结尾的重读闭音节,先双写该


sit-sitting, put-putting, begin-beginning, run-running, swim-swimming, stop-stopping, get-getting, shop-shopping cut- cutting , plan→planning (计划), prefer→preferring (更喜欢)

4.少数以­ie结尾的重读开音节的动词,把ie变为 y,再加­ing。如:die→dying(死),lie→lying(躺) , tie→tying(拴;系)


1. Jim __________________(take) photos in the park now.

2. Listen!A girl___________(sing) next to the room.

3. ______________Peter____________ (run) in the park now? Yes, he _____. No, he _______.

4. Where _________Marry __________(have) a picnic now?

5.Tom _________(not swim) now,he ________(do) his homework.

6.Lily_______(lie) on the beach at this time.





1.My name's Daming. = I'm Daming.

3.Are you a new student.?= Are you new?

4.Nice to meet you. = Nice to see you. =Glade to meet you. = Glade to see you. 5.What's your name. = May I have your name? 6.Welcome to +地点


—What's your name.

How old are you?

—My name is ....

— —I‟m 12. — Where do you come from? —I come from...

—Where are you from? —What class are you in? I'm from...

—I'm in Class One, Grade One.

—What about ...?

—What about doing ...?=How about doing ...? With和表并列)

(with 是介词,和...一起,动词的形式要与with前面的主语一致)

三 语法专项。

Be 动词用法口诀

我用am你用are,is跟着他,她,它. 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be 后not莫忘记。 否定疑问任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。



二. 句子(询问职业)

What does your ... do?=What is\are you ...'s job?=What is your ...? He\She is a ...

They're ...



1.What 引导的感叹句(修饰名词):What +(a\an)+形容词++(主语+谓语)! What a big school it is ! 好大的学校啊 ! What a tall boy he is ! 他好高啊! What heavy rain!好大的雨!

2.How 引导的感叹句(修饰形容词或副词):How + 形容词或副词 + 主语+谓语! How tall he is ! 他好高啊! How fast he runs! 他跑地好快!


人称代词:代指人或物名称的词。主格在句首主语,宾格在及物动词和介词之后做宾语。 He is a teacher. (主语) 宾格) 宾格)


形容词性物主代词:必须和名词在一起。 物主代词 名词性物主代词:作用相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。


反身代词:...自己。常用于语及物动词和介词之后。 myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself (单数) Ourselves, yourselves,themselves.(复数)

He enjoys himself on the party. 他在聚会上很愉快。

They enjoy themselves on the party. 他们在聚会上很愉快。 He studies English by himself. 他自学英语。


一 介词


在右边 在 (在前部)

between ...and ...在两者之间 Lingling sits between Tony and Daming. 玲玲坐在托尼和大明之间

among 在三者或三者以上之间 Miss Li is among lots of students. 李老师在许多同学之间



There be句型(在某地有某物)用法参照笔记和课本第79页

1.there is/are +名词+ 地点. 2. How many +“可复”+ are there +地点? 3. How much +”不可数”+is there+地点?

注意:1.就近原则:there be 句型中be动词的形式和与它相邻的名词的数保持一致。




Jim‟s book Jim的书【外研社英语七年级上册语法知识讲解视频】

Lily and Lucy's 两人共有的 Lily's and Lucy's 两人各有的 My uncle‟s 我叔叔家 Children‟s Day 儿童节


the students‟ books 学生们的书 Teachers‟ Day 教师节

of所有格 the book of Jim Jim的书 (可以和‟s所有格互换)拥有者有生命时 the legs of a desk. 桌子的腿 (一般用于拥有者无生命时)

特殊形式: 门的钥匙


双重所有格:由„s所有格和of所有格或者由„s所有格和名词性物主代词构成。 意义:表示部分的概念。 „s所有格和of所有格 a friend of my father‟s.

(父亲众多朋友中的一个) 比较: a friend of my father 我父亲的朋友(和父亲是朋友关系) „s所有格和名词性物主代词 a friend of mine.



have some orange [U] 橙色 the oranges are orange [C] This is an orange [C]

善良 He is very kind.

种类=tyre a kind / type of fruit two kinds /types of fruits

3. gym: 不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动馆

stadium: 周围有看台的露天大型运动场



1.My name's Daming. = I'm Daming.

2.I'mfrom England. = I come from England. 3.Are you a new student. ≈ Are you new?

4.Nice to meet you. = Nice to see you. =Glade to meet you. = Glade to see you.

5.What's your name. = May I have your name. 二、特殊疑问句

—What's your name. —How old are you? = Can you tell me your age?

—My name is ....

= What's your age?

— —Where are you from? —What class are you in?

—I'm from... —三、单词短语

1.practise + ding sth.

2.with& 四、形容性物主代词

I--my you--your he--his she--her it--its we--our you--your they--them



职业:doctor manager secretary worker teacher

工作地点:factory hospital hotel office school university 二、短语 三、语法(can) Can do sth.

I can\can't ride a bike. Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can.\No, I can't. 四、句子

What does your ... do?=What is\are you ...'s job?=What is your ...? He\She is a ... They're ...


1.building in school: classroom dining hall gym library office science lab

2.something: blackboard book classroom computer desk dictionary football

library picture television

3.numbers: thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

4.介词:next to ≈ near behind ≠ in front of in on under 5.

in front of:在......前面

in the front of:在......里面的前面 正确的≠wrong


二、语音 er、or、ur发/ə/ 三、语法(There be)

----Are there any school offices?

----No, there isn't. 注意:1.就近原则:

There is some meat and two apple on the desk. 2.名词所有格: her

Lily and Lucy's 两人共有的 eg: Lily and Lucy's father. Lily's and Lucy's 两人各有的 Lily's and Lucy's fathers.


一、family members:

aunt uncle grandma grandmother grandpa grandfather mother father mum dad sister brother 二、短语句型

----How many people are there in your family?

----There are four. There are my mum and dad, my sister and me. ----Have you got an aunt?/any .....? ----Yes,I have./No,I haven't.

----Have you got a small family or a big family? ----I've got a big family.(选择疑问句)

or的用法:① 或;

② 并列否定:I don't like swimming or dancing.



橙汁 have some orange [U]

橙色 the oranges are orange [C] 橙子 This is an orange [C] 善良 He is very kind.

种类=tyre a kind / type of fruit two kinds /types of fruits 3. gym: 不受天气影响的室内体育馆、健身房或运动馆 stadium: 周围有看台的露天大型运动场

see a film / see films = go to the cinema

希望别人得到肯定回答的疑问句用'some' eg:

Do you have some money for me?



about sth.谈论某事 to sb. go home≠leave home(for) 二、语法 ①时间表达法:

____ 直 读 法 : 逆 读 法 : ①It's ten past two.(2:10) ≤30' ②It's ten to ten. (2:50) >30'

整点表达法:It's two o'clock. (2:00)

注意: (不用介词)

a quarter past two 2:15 a quarter to two 2:45 half past two 2:30

1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。eg:The sky is blue.

2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 eg:I get up at six every day.

3.表示客观现实。 eg:The earth goes around the sun. 【No. 2】一般现在时的构成

1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。eg:I am a boy.

2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。 eg:We study English. 【No. 3】否定句

1. be动词的变化:主语+ be + not +其它。 eg:He is not a worker.

2.行为动词的变化:主语+ don't( doesn't ) +V原形(+其它)。eg:I don't like bread.



be different from ask sb. (not) to do sth. have a habit of ding sth.

get sth. from sb. by her favourite singers a box of candies/chocolates on television wear silk shirts a pair of

(当物为代词时,只能 jeans/trainers/glasses/shoes

send/give sth. to sb. make/buy/choose sth. for sb. 用to或for的句型)

