
| 高三 |






1. What is Jack going to do?

A: Hurry to his office

B:Meet Professor Johnson

C: Help Marry carry the books

2. What do we know about Mr. Smith?

A: He missed the meeting

B: He was late for the meeting

C: He wasn‟t invited to the meeting.

3. Why did the man fail to answer the phone?

A: he went to sleep early B: The TV was too noisy C: His phone was broken

4. Why is the woman going o Germany?

A: To work there B: To visit friends C: To study German

5. What is the man trying to do?

A: Tell Sarah when the picnic ends

B: Persuade Sarah to go to the picnic

C: Ask Sarah to drive him to the picnic


6. Who is the woman?

A: A tourist B: An actress C: A musician

7. On what has the woman got information?

A: A play B: A house C: A theatre


8. Where does the man aim to go?

A: London B: Taipei C: Hong Kong

9. How many pieces of luggage is the man checking in?

A: None B: One C: Two

10. When does the man‟s flight leave?

A: At 9:00 B: At 11:00 C: At 11:30


11. How does Carrie feel about her job?

A: It is quite okay B: It is unpleasant C: It‟s not too bad.

12. What seems to be Andrew‟s future plan?

A: Start a travel business B: Learn to speak Spanish C: Find a new job in Spain

13. What is the relationship between Carrie and Andrew?

A: Good friends B: Fellow workers C: Travel companions


14. What does Simons study at Oxford?

A: English B: History C: Physics

15. What is Simon‟s first novel mainly about?

A: His father‟s work as a reporter

B: His experience in South Africa.

C: His volunteer work in Vietnam

16. What does Simon plan to do after graduation?

A: Go on to study abroad B: Find a job in Vietnam C: Write his second novel 听下面一段独白,回答17—20题

17. Which is a reason for children‟s weight gain in the summer?

A: Hot weather B: Lack of sleep C: Watching TV

18. How many meals do a lot of children have daily in the summer?

A: One B: Two C: Three

19. What do most children choose to do when they are left by themselves?

A: Go outside and play B: read books at home C: Play computer games

20. What does the speaker suggest parents do?

A: Prepare good food for children

B: Spend more time with children

C: Pay attention to their own habits



Time Travel

If you could travel in time, where would you go? Perhaps you would watch an

original performance of a Shakespeare‟s play in Elizabethan England? What about hanging out with Laozi in the Spring and Autumn Period? Or maybe you‟d voyage far ahead of the present day to see what the future holds.

The possibility of time travel is indeed appealing. Stories exploring the subject have been around for hundreds of years. Perhaps the best known example is science fiction novel The Time Machine, which was written by H.G.Wells and published in 1895 for the first time. It was adapted into at least two feature films of the same name, as well as two television versions, and a large number of comic book adaptations. It is

generally credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term “time

machine”, coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to a vehicle transporting people into the far future.

But could time travel actually be possible? Some scientists say yes, in theory. They propose using cracks in time and space called “wormholes”, which could be used as shortcuts to other periods.Einstein's theory of relativity allows time travel in extreme circumstances.And British physicist Stephen Hawking says you could travel into the

future with a really fast spaceship—going at nearly the speed of light.Though building such a spaceship would of course be no simple task.

Even if you could travel into the past, there is something called the “grandfather paradox”.It asks what would happen if a time traveler were to go back in time and have his own grandfather killed for some reason, and therefore prevent himself from being born.If the time traveler wasn't born, how would he travel back in time?

And would you really like to visit the future?In H.G.Wells' book, the main character travels into distant time where he arrives at a beach and is attacked by giant crabs.He then voyages 30 million years into the future where the only living thing is a black object with tentacles(触角).If that's what's in store, maybe we are better just living in the present day after all.

21.The novel The Time Machine mentioned in Paragraph 2 aims to show___________.

A.People's interest in time travel B.the special feature of the book

C.the long history of time travel D.the contribution of H.G.Wells

22.Einstein's and Hawking's theories_________.

A.have similarities in many ways B.push the invention of the first spaceship

C.have proved wrong by some time travelers D.suggest the possibility to invent the time machine

23.In Paragraph 4,“grandfather paradox”probably refers to the idea that__________.

A.the traveler is prevented from meeting his grandfather B.the traveler goes back in time to seek for his grandfather

C.the grandfather's death makes the traveler's birth impossible

D.The reunion of the traveler and his grandfather brings happiness




(卷面分值:150分 考试时间:120分钟)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. When is Mary’s flight expected to arrive in London?

A. At about 7:30. B. At about 6:00. C. At about 5:30.

2. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Cook dinner. B. Buy food. C. Have a rest.

3. Where will the man probably do tennis practice?

A. In a gym. B. In a park. C. In a garden.

4. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. Some tickets. B. A festival. C. A music hall.

5. How does the woman feel about the man?

A. Angry. B. Envious. C. Pleased.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A hotel. B. A TV program. C. A trip.

7. What will the speakers do next?

A. Arrange the luggage. B. Go back home. C. Cook a meal.【群力冲刺卷2016届高三第一次·有听力英语试题】


8. Why does the man want to wear the hat?

A. He’ll attend a party.

B. He doesn’t have a hat.

C. He wants to look cool.

9. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Brother and sister. B. Mother and son. C. Husband and wife.


10. Why does the man come to Africa?

A. To do business. B. To go on holiday. C. To publish books.

11. How will the man get to the university?

A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot.

12. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a hotel. B. In a bookstore. C. In a company.


13. What does Sarah do?

A. A weather forecaster. B. A college student. C. A club owner.

14. Why did Sarah watch weather forecasts on TV when she was young?

A. To read weather maps.

B. To find good weather for traveling.

C. To answer her science teacher’s questions.

15. What did Sarah’s mother do to help her?

A. She explained the weather charts patiently.

B. She recorded the weather every day.

C. She bought a computer for her.

16. What did the weather club members do?

A. They set up equipment to study the weather.

B. They produced a book about the weather.

C. They kept a daily weather diary.


17. Who is Playtime Online designed for?

A. 4-6-years-olds. B. 5-10-years-olds. C. 12-16-years-olds.

18. What is Moving UP aimed at?

A. Designing games for children to learn skills.

B. Developing children’s skills at math and language.

C. Promoting the development of teachers’ qualities.

19. How can Net Aware help teenagers?

A. By recommending safe websites.

B. By teaching them to use the Internet properly.

C. By getting them to realize the danger of the Internet.

20. Why do school students love Test Doctors?

A. It offers tips on improving health.

B. It has useful suggestions for exams.

C. It presents lectures by specialists.【群力冲刺卷2016届高三第一次·有听力英语试题】


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。


The message what the "Eat up All on Your Plate" campaign tries to convey is not new. Our ancestorshad poems about the importance of frugality (节俭) in the consumption of food. But it makes a lot of sensewhen many are yet to have the awareness that food waste borders on a crime.

The campaign has been started online and thousands of people have answered the call. Manyrestaurants have joined the program by announcing that customers are encouraged to order half a dish andtake home what they can't finish.

However, it is estimated (估计) that 50 million tons of grain are wasted every year in China, enough tofeed 200 million people for a year.

True, official banquets (宴席) paid with public money contribute much to such waste. But it isimportant that everyone thinks about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste. We need to developthe habit of never ordering or cooking more than we can eat and feeling guilty when we dump ourleftovers.

Many people have a bad habit of entertaining guests with more than enough food, believing that theyhave not satisfied their guests' appetites if there is no food left on the table. In fact, to be a good host theyorder more than their guests can possibly eat and their guests eat more than they want out of politeness. Such a mentality needs to change. People need to be made aware that it is impolite to force guests toeat more than they are comfortable with and it is insensible and uncivilized to waste food. Even if one iswealthy, ordering more than one can eat is a bad way to show off one's wealth.

21. The writer thinks the campaign "Eat up All on Your Plate" makes sense because______.

A. some people have some bad eating habits

B. some officials are wasting a lot of food

C. wasting food is still rather common in China

D. saving food is a traditional virtue of China

22. The writer shows how serious the problem of food waste is by_____.

A. Using examples B. Offering figures

C. Comparing D. Analyzing people’s attitude

23. The problem of food waste can be handled only when_______.

A. officials are forbidden to eat out with public money

B. more similar campaigns like this one have been started

C. restaurants don’t serve all the food people have ordered

D. everyone takes action to fight against food waste


Why read, and sometimes even write poetry? That question is not difficult to answer if we change theword poetry to songs.

I sing when I feel good. When I sing my favorite songs, I feel even better. Sometimes when I amlistening to music and to the song words, I feel that it was written for me. A good song always makes mefeel something. There are songs that I sing in my head between classes and songs that I want to sing whenthe school bell rings by the end of the day. They help me get through the day.

They are like bright and warm colors in the middle of grays and shades. I like songs about love andfriendship. The extraordinary thing is that my feelings are more special when I sing my favorite songs inEnglish.

I also like reading. I used to avoid poetry until an e-friend told me I should recite poems and not lookup the meaning of the words. Poetry uses many difficult words and idioms, but the best thing is to justforget about them. In the beginning I felt quite strange. Now I always lock the door. Reading aloud givesyou a strange feeling, but when you have some practice and fall into the rhythm, and the sounds of thewords, it is really a special experience.

I started with small poems, but now I think I most like long poems. I have different feelings withdifferent poems. When I have had a bad day at school, I read Keats and forget everything. When I am sad Iread Wordsworth by the light of a candle. When the poem is finished, I close the book and my sadness isgone.

24. According to the writer, _______.

A. people like poems the same way they enjoy songs

B. poetry is the same form of art as songs

C. people always feel the same while reading poems

D. the meaning of words is the key to appreciating poetry

25. Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?

A. Songs are like different colors in different times.

B. Songs can help people better understand colors.

C. Songs can describe a mixture of different colors.

D. Songs can bring people warmth and comfort.

26. What we can infer from the passage is that______.

A. the writer likes singing songs aloud at any time

B. songs and poems can help get over bad emotions

C. the writer’s native language is English

D. the writer like songs better than poems

27. What can we know about the poems of Keats and Wordsworth through the passage?

A. Keats’ poems are full of bad feelings.

B. Wordsworth’s poems contain much sad description.

C. Both of their poetry can create positive feelings.

D. The themes of their poems are not different at all.


School children are using mobile phone applications to do their homework, which seem to beincreasing during summer vacations. But instead of blaming students for their behavior, we should say noto too much homework. This is important because by using mobile phone applications to do theirhomework, students don't add much to their knowledge, says an article in Guangzhou-based YangchengEvening News. Excerpts (摘录):

Using mobile phone applications to do homework is no different from copying from someone else'swork. This is the opinion of a vast majority of teachers. Students who seek cell phone apps help to do theirhomework will pay dearly during major exams when they cannot seek the help of such applications, theteachers say.

The heavy load of homework Chinese students are burdened with, said to be the heaviest in the world,has led to the popularity of these applications.

Senior high school students in China rarely go to bed before 11 pm. A report in Shanghai published in2013 showed that students in the city on average spend 28.2 hours in class every week, the 9th highestamong 65 countries and regions surveyed. Also, they spend an average of 13.8 hours a week doinghomework, most in the world.

There is no association between the amount of homework one does and the amount of knowledge onegathers. In fact, a research by Australian experts shows that the result is exactly the opposite: the morehours students spend doing homework, the less effective they will be in gaining knowledge.

The United States is one of the countries where students do little homework, but that has not damagedthe country's academic status in the world.

So, it's time Chinese schools understood this fact and freed students of the unnecessary burden ofhomework.

28. What’s the writer’s attitude toward the students’ using mobile phone applications to do theirhomework?

A. Supporting B. Understanding C. Scolding D. Praising

29. The cause of the students’ using mobile phone applications to do their homework is______.

A. the heavy burden of homework B. the advance of modern technology

C. the pressure of the students’ parents D. the influence of other countries




英 语






做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试 卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟 的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What is the man?

A.A taxi driver. B.A police officer. C.A railway worker.

2. How will they cross the river?

A. By ferry. B. By car. C. By plane. .

3. What are they doing now?

A. Watching a movie. B. Traveling by car. C. Traveling by train.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. On a busy street. B. In a Hong Kong hotel. C. At an airport.

5. How much does the man have to pay?

A. 18 dollars. B.24 dollars. C.30 dollars.



B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白 前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的 做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Where did the boy go this afternoon?

A. To the school. B. To a shop. C. To the cinema.

7. Who bought the hat for Jimmy?

A. His mother. B. His friend Bill. C. He himself.

8. Why does the boy want to keep the hat?

A. Because his mother asks him to.

B.Because he likes it.

C. Because his mother doesn't like it.

听第7段材料, 回答第9至11题。

9. What does the man do after school?

A. He surfs the Internet . B. He goes to Wanda Plaza.

C.He takes exercise.

10. How does the woman usually feel when she stays at home?

A. Happy. B. Lonely. C. Comfortable.

11. What will the woman choose to do?

A. Go to the fitness center. B. Go shopping alone. C. Surf the Internet. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。

12. What kind of person is Gary according to the woman?

A. Patient and modest. B. Friendly and quiet. C. Easily get angry.

13. What does the woman advise Gary to do?

A. To be more hardworking and careful.

B. To get more popular among the friends.

C. To be more patient and try not to lose his temper.

14. How does the woman feel about Gary?

A. She has already forgiven him. B. She is still angry with him.

C. They won't be friends any more.


15. How many bedrooms does the apartment have?

A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.

16. What does the man want to do first?

A. To see it and find how it is.

B.To find a bigger one.

C. To reduce the price of the rent.

17. Which one is the smallest?

A. The bedrooms. B. The bathroom. C. The kitchen.


18. What stopped him from visiting Yunnan in the past?

A. His money. B. His illness. C. His job.

19. Where is the guy from?

A. Sydney. B. New York. C. Beijing.

20. How did the man feel in their first tour there?

A. Unsatisfied because it was quite noisy.

B. Satisfied because of delicious food and live bands.

C. Upset because he was hungry.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Are you a travel lover? If you are, attention then. No matter whether you're looking for big international events, delicious food, natural wonders or simply

relaxation on a beach, these places should be on your checklist.


Attractions: Festivities for the 2014 World Cup

the world is casting its eye on Brazil for hosting two of the most popular

sporting events - the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics two years after. Except-for watching exciting games and cheering for your favorite team and players, you can also take a trip to 'the lungs of the earth', the Amazon forest, to escape the crowds and embrace nature.


Attractions: Europe's underrated gem

Many grand and spectacular museums are located in picturesque cities like Bruges, Antwerp and Brussels. Art lovers can fully engage themselves in the

numerous treasures dating back to the medieval period. Exploring the quiet towns and appreciating their Gothic architecture is also an opportunity not to be missed. Seychells

Attractions: Paradise within reach

This is so-called 'playground for millionaires' is open to everyone. The

wallet-friendly hotels, guest houses and self-catering apartments make tours

comfortable. With more than l00 divine islands scattered on the Indian ocean, many activities await, such as sunbathing, fishing, diving, sailing, and going on boat tours. The Seychelles islands are blessed with a warm tropical climate all year round, so you can go there whenever you want.

A. what you can expect from a trip B. how to find a place to holiday

C. what this passage is really about D. what to do on a holiday trip

22. If you visit Brazil in 2014, you can .

A. watch the Summer Olympics B. enjoy medieval treasures in museums

C. take a trip to the Amazon forest D. cook your own food in a guest house

23. Which of the following has the closest meaning with wallet-friendly?

A. cheap B. attractive C. expensive D. affordable B

A new retail phenomenon from Japan which allows customers to walk away with free products is to launch in Britain. From tomorrow, visitors to Sample Trend's

central London store can try anything on its shelves, and all of the products can be taken home without charge.

For an annual membership fee of ~60, users are free to enter the shop once a month and help themselves to no less than ~250 worth of goods every year. The only 'catch' is that shoppers are asked to complete a simple questionnaire about each

product they try. Known as ' try-vertising ' , the concept allows manufacturers to test products and receive consumer feedback(反馈) before launching onto the open

market. It is already a sensation in Japan and now looks set to transform the fortunes of the embattled UK retail industry. If everything goes well, countries such as

Germany and France will give it a try. According to new figures, stores are facing a Christmas crisis with the weakest high street trading for six months. Michael Ghosh, the founder behind Sample Trend, said, "The concept behind Sample Trend is unique in the UK. It allows shoppers the opportunity to walk away with a number of real, full-size products of their choosing without handing over a penny." The concept of in-store try-vertising is simple but effective. Businesses across all sectors, from

cosmetic manufacturers to beverage makers, place new products on the shelves at Sample Trend and wait for consumers to try them out.

Customers complete a short l0-point questionnaire about the product. The feedback they provide is used to make any finishing touches before the product is brought officially to market. The Sample Trend store stocks everything from

cosmetics, food and drink, and household goods. Ghosh , the former advertising and sales director for Disney Europe, said such feedback may also build brand loyalty from the outset--- a particularly appealing prospect for new businesses.


A. they only pay £60 for a life-long membership

B. they can help to make the products better

C. it won't take much time to finish the questionnaire

D. they can take things home without paying for them

25. The idea of .

A. Germany B. Britain C. Japan D. France

26. The purpose of 'try-vertising' .【群力冲刺卷2016届高三第一次·有听力英语试题】

A. get feedback for their new products

B. sell more products at Christmas time

C. encourage people to buy more products

D. give customers free products as gifts

27. What does Michael Ghosh think of this business idea?

A. Puzzling. B. Unpractical. C. Promising. D. Surprising. C

We are much happier in our new house because it has a large garden, and you know how enthusiastic we both are about gardening. When we moved in a month ago, Mary wanted to get a dog to keep out burglars. However, we finally decided that it would be cheaper to put an iron grille in front of the door and get a burglar alarm. Last week, I went to a shop and bought an alarm for just over £200. It consists of a control unit with three smaller units. I put the control unit in the lounge and put the other units in place by the front door, back door and lounge windows.

That night I soon fell asleep because I was confident that no one could get into OUR house undetected. At about l:50 a.m. I woke up suddenly and heard the siren. It was like an ambulance driving right through our bedroom. I couldn't leave the siren on all night. I went downstairs in the dark. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I switched on the light and looked around. Oh my gosh. The back door was unlocked. I rushed to lock it and it was just at that exact moment that the 'burglar' disappeared behind a curtain. Guess what? It was an ordinary house lizard(蜥蜴). Apparently the ' alarm system had been made for American or European homes in which lizards are never seen. I switched the alarm off and sat down to watch. A few moments later, a lizard ran across a wall, right in front of one of the alarm units.

I won't bother to finish this story but if you'd like a burglar alarm system free of charge, just let us know.

28. What do we know about the author and his wife?

A. They are pet lovers. B. They love plants and flowers.

C. They are fond of catching lizards. D. They hate technology.

29. What happened after they got the alarm system?

A. It worked unexpectedly. B. It did not work.

C. A burglar' broke into the house. D. Their neighbors complained about it.

30. What will the author do after the incident?

A. He will sell the alarm to someone else.

B. He will buy a dog to keep our burglars.

C. He will fix the alarm system immediately.


D. He will file a complaint to the company.

31. How does the author sound when telling the story?

A. Curious. B. Anxious. C. Cautious. D. Humorous. D

Taller men and women are more likely to develop cancer than their shorter peers, according to a major study that sheds new light on the link between height and the disease.

Researchers in Sweden found the risk of women developing cancer of any kind rose by 18% for every extra l0cm of height, while for men the risk rose by 11% - although height is not as great a risk for cancer as smoking, overweight and a poor diet.

Dr Emelie Benyi of the Karolinska Institute, who led the research, said there were several possible reasons for the link. "One is that taller people have a larger number of cells in their body which could potentially transform to cancer. It could also be that taller individuals have a higher energy intake which has previously been linked to cancer." .

The study analyzed data on 5.5 million people born between 1938 and 1991, with heights ranging from l00cm (3ft 3in) to 225cm (7ft 6in).

Assessing the impact of height on developing different forms of cancer, they found the increased risk was highest in skin cancer, rising 30% for every l0cm in

height. They observed a 20% increase in the risk of taller women getting breast cancer. The Swedish researchers did not look at possible confusing factors such as

smoking in their study, but the size of the sample and the good quality data meant that it could be taken seriously even though the full results have not been published, other scientists said.

The early results of the study, conducted by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and University of Stockholm, were presented at the annual European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology conference in Barcelona and will be published in full in due course.

32. What's the most surprising message from the text?

A. Cancer is a deadly disease that has killed many people.

B. Smoking, overweight, or a poor diet can lead to cancer.

C. Growing taller increases the danger of getting cancer.

D. Men are more likely to get cancer than women.

33. According to the research findings, who is most likely to get cancer?

A. Mary, female, 180cm. B. John, male, 190cm.

山东省泰安市2016届高三下学期第一次模拟考试 英语试题(含听力)











1.Where is Steven now?

A.At home. B.At schoo1. C.In the hospital.

2.What does the man want to do?

A.Surf the Internet. B.Apply for a job. C.Put an ad.

3.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Toys. B.Kids. C.Pictures.

4.What did Bob do yesterday?

A.He called Mark.

B.He watched a game.

C.He played computer games.

5.Why does the man sound upset?

A.He was fed up with meetings.

B.He missed his flight.

C. He was late for work.




6.What does the woman think of the man’s apartment?

A.Beautiful. B.Untidy. C.Large.

7.What are the speakers going to do?

A.Have a meal together. B.Clean up the room. C.Go home.


8.Why does the man look pale?

A.He got sick.

B.He didn’t sleep well.

C.He argued with his manager.

9.How are the man’s projects going?

A.He has finished all.

B.He hasn’t started yet.

C.He hasn’t completed any.

10.What will the woman do to help the man?

A.Have a chat with him.

B.Talk with his manager.

C.Do the projects with him.


11.How did the man get the news?

A.From the TV. B.From the Internet. C.From the newspaper.

12.What is the news about?

A.A crowded town. B.A big disaster. C.A donation.

13.What will the speakers do first?

A.Make a phone call.

B.Donate some money.

C. Search for some information.


14.What is War Craft II?


A.A game. B.A movie. C.A toy.

15.How does the man find the price of War Craft II?

A.Too expensive. B.Very normal. C.Quite cheap.

16.What do we know about the woman?

A.She lives in a shared room.

B.She has no interest in War Craft II.

C.She likes watching movies in her spare time.

17.What does the woman like about War Craft II?

A.Sound. B.Pictures. C.Plots.


18.Where can you hear this announcement?

A.In a library. B.In a restaurant.

19.When is the closing time?

A.8:45 pm. B.9:00 pm. C.10:00 pm. C.In a supermarket.

20.Where are the listeners asked to leave?

A.From the front doors.

B.From the back doors.

C.From the side doors.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Design your own adventure spent at IZE’s Blue Creek Field Station by choosing 2 activities per day from the list below.

Short Cave Hike:2-hour activity where you will be exposed to the ultimate tropical rainforest

experience.At every turn along the trail a novel experience awaits.Perhaps it's a trail of leaf cutter ants or a delicate tree snake.You will follow your Maya Guides up a steep tend to the entrance of one of the most

spectacular limestone caves in Belize.

Ethnobotany Walk:3-hour activity where you will explore the medicinal and cookery uses of the local herbs,plants and trees.The Mayans were masters at using the jungle’s natural resources for their medical needs.You will learn about the vines that store drinking water and other remarkable remedies(疗法)that nature offers.You will get a first hand look at the crops the Maya harvest such as cocoa,mango,rice,beans,etc.

Hokeb Ha Cave Hike:Spend time in one of the most spectacular limestone caves in Belize.The name of this cave means“where the water enters the earth.”Stalactites(钟乳石) hang from the ceiling,and colonies of bats live in the darkest gaps.Be on the 1ookout for Mayan artifacts over 1000 years old.

Iguana Hike:2-4 hour activity where you will swim and hike along the clear blue fiver as you look for lizards in the high trees.Can you identify which species;is it the spectacular dinosaur looking green

lizards?Belize is home to many of the 3,800 species of lizardsln the world!

21.At short Cave Hike,you______.

A.will be lost in the tropical forest

B.may enjoy unexpected views on the way

C.can be bitten by the tree snakes occasionally

D.need to follow the track of ants in the forests

22.What activity can improve your skills of living in the wild?

A.Ethnobotanv Walk.

C.Iguana Hike. B.Short Cave Hike. D.Hokeb Ha Cave Hike.

23.We can infer that Hokeb Ha Cave might be_______.

A.the source of the water on the Earth

B.the habitat of bats in Belize

C.the entrance to the earth

D.home to ancient Mayans


It would haye been a success story if Fullerton High School senior Fernando Rojas,the son of Mexican

immigrants whose schooling stopped in the eighth grade,was accepted to college. But the 17-vear-o1d achieved a surprising clean sweep—he was accepted to every Ivy League (常春藤)schoo1.

“I am so lucky,"Roias told The Orange County Register on Saturday.“When I got all eight,it was a

blessing and a curse because I had to choose.I was excited and scared and everything at the same time.”

The first call came from Yale University in February.Within weeks calls,emails and letters followed from

the other seven universities.Rojas also was accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools,the University of California,Irvine,and California State University,Fullerton.

He is one of four children of Raul Rojas,59,and wife,Mafia,56,who moved to Fullerton from Jalisco,Mexico,in the early 1980s.

A national speech and debate champion,Rojas reasoned that if he applied to the eight Ivy League

schools,he might get into one.Sal Tinajero,Rojas’speech and debate coach at Fullerton,told the newspaper that Rojas is a hardworking self-starter who thrives(茁壮成长) on competition.“His biggest motivation for speech and debate was his parents to know that their hard work meant something,”Tinajero said.

After visiting several campuses,he settled on Yale,which costs $64,000 a year with room and board.He is responsible for$6,000;Yale scholarships and federal grant money cover the rest.

He’ll mostly take it easy during the summer before heading to Yale in late August.He’s considering

majoring in Latin American studies and perhaps a career as a lawyer or in international affairs.

24.What do we know about Fernando Rojas from Paragraph l?

A.His schooling stopped in the eighth grade.

B.He often did some cleaning in the schoo1.

C.People were confident that he would be successful.

D.His admission to famous universities was completely unexpected.

25.How many universities accepted Rojas altogether?

A.11. B.10. C.9. D.8.

26.How do we understand what Tinajero said?

A.Rojas is good at speech and debate competition.

B.The hard work of his parents inspired Rojas greatly.

C.Rojas’s parents knew Rojas loved them deeply.

山东省淄博市2016届高三下学期第一次模拟考试 英语试题(含听力)

英 语










1.In what way does the woman’s sister go to university every day?

A:On foot. B.By underground. C.By bus.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He used to like boating very much.

B.He won’t go boating with the woman.

C.He thinks it is too cold outside today.

3.What will the woman probably do this afternoon?

A.Ask the man for help.

B.Go for a job interview.

C.Give the man some advice.

4.Why does the man want to know how to take care of babies?

A.He is going to be a brother.

B.He wants to be a baby sitter.

C.His wife is going to have a baby.

5.How does the man expect the woman’s experience?

A.Unusual. B.Dull. C.Exhausting.




6.What should the woman do when arriving on 112th Street?

A.Turn left and keep walking until she passes three lights.

B.Turn right and keep walking until she passes two lights.

C.Turn right and keep walking for about a mile.

7.Where is the supermarket?

A.At the end of 112th Street.

B.At the beginning of 56th Street.

C.Around the corner on 56th Street.


8.What size car does the man want?

A.A small car. B.A midsize car. C.A large car.

9.How much will the man have to pay?

A.$160. B.$200. C.$240.


10.What is the man most probably?

A.A teacher. B.A salesman. C.A scientist.

11.What does the woman want the robot to do?

A.Talk with her. B.Do her homework. C.Do the housework.

12.What do we know about the robot from the conversation?

A.It is not for sale at the moment.

B.It can do a lot of dangerous work.

C.It doesn’t operate on batteries.


13.How does the woman look now?


A.Tired. B.Upset. C.Excited.

I4.What does the woman think of Linda?

A.Popular and lovely.

B.Intelligent and pretty.

C.Hard-working and smart.

15.What’s the weather probably like now?

A.Cloudy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.

16.What will the man probably do next?

A.Go to the library.

B.Go to the dormitory.

C.Go to the teaching building.


17.How many years has Mount Fuji slept for?

A.250. B.300. C.350.

18.What will travelers do in Brazil?

A.See mountain views at sunrise.

B.Visit the rain forests.

C.Look at some temples.

19.When will travelers go to see Niagara Falls?

A.In Week One. B.In Week Two.

20.Which country will travelers visit in Week Four?

A.The United States. B.Thailand.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




The International Voluntary Service runs a number of Youth Exchanges throughout the year.Youth Exchanges give small groups of 4-5 young people the opportunity to take part in volunteering trips abroad for an

C.In Week Three. C.Canada.

average of two weeks.These young people are joined by 4-5 young people from 3-4 other nationalities and are a wonderful intercultural experience in a safe environment.

Example Youth Exchanges:

Youth Exchange 1


Other nationalities:Ireland,Spain,Italy,Hungary

Theme:Focuses on the topic of community reconstruction and community activities—exploring how local issues facing our communities are connected to global issues.The group will also learn about the eco-village as an example of a community and take part in team-building activities.

Youth Exchange 2


Other nationalities:Bulgaria,Italy,France

Theme:Organic gardening & continual living.This project will take place in a natural park,where the group will take part in gardening activities and games/workshops about continuous development.

Youth Exchange 3


Other nationalities:Serbia,Turkey,Ireland

Theme:Foster social inclusion and motivate personal development of young people through sports and outdoor activities.Promote outdoor activities as a tool to help inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Youth Exchange 4


Other nationalities:Italy,Bulgaria,Greece

Theme:A sociaI-environmental project that intends to promote social inclusion and c ontinuable development,regarded as a process of civil rights and active citizenship. Over 10 days, the group will participate in activities to raise awareness about the effect of our behavior on the environment.

21.What do you focus on when travelling in France?

A.Gardening work. B.Civil rights

C.Developing social inclusion. D.Rebuilding communities

22.If you are interested in protecting the environment,you can take part in______.

A.Youth Exchange 1

C.Youth Exchange 3 B.Youth Exchange 2 D.Youth Exchange 4

23.Which nationality are Youth Exchanges most popular with?

A.Spain. B.Italy C.Ireland


one day,I noticed the most beautiful Cadillac pull in the lot while waiting for my husband.A pretty female driver pulled into the spot beside our car.There was a striking resemblance to Liz Taylor.Her eyes were as blue as the sea,and teeth like an even row of pearls. A few minutes 1ater,a nice looking man entered her car,leaned over and kissed her and she drove away.

Sitting there,I wanted to cry.How could some people have it all?

Then it became almost routine to see her about once a week.She seemed friendly and always waved,flashing a big smile.My envy continued to exist long after she drove away.

A couple of weeks later,sitting in our usual parking lot,I was holding a book,watching her over the top of it.Her husband came to the car,took her arm and helped her out of the car. I could see very well as she moved to get out.She unsteadily walked around to the passenger side very slowly, leaning on a walking cane.Sitting sideways.she lifted one leg with her hands and then the other.The beautiful lady had a prosthesis(假肢) on the left Ieg and a brace(支持物) on the right leg.

I couldn’t watch them drive away as the tears were blinding me.Through my tears,I told my husband about the beautiful lady.He said he knew her husband and the story.The lady and her parents were in a car that got caught on the railroad tracks and was hit by a train.Both parents were killed and she was severely injured.She was only 12 years old..He explained her car was specially built for her needs as well as the home.

I prayed for forgiveness all the way home.The lady I thought had everything I didn’t.I realized how lucky I was to have my parents,the ability to walk,run or dance through life and many wonderful things money can’t buy.I would not have traded places with the beautiful lady for anything.

When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you,don’t be fooled.

24.Why did the author want to cry when noticing the beautiful lady?

A.She thought of Liz Taylor.

B.She had no such expensive car.

