
| 高一 |




一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合要求的.请把正确的答案序号涂在答题卡相应表格中). 1.(3分)(2009•烟台二模)设集合A={x|x+1>0},B={x|x﹣2<0}.则图中阴影部分表示的集合为( )


B.{x|x≥2} C.{x|x>2或x<﹣1} D.{x|﹣1<x<2}

的定义域为( )



2.(3分)(2014秋•盐湖区校级期中)函数(fx)=A.(﹣5,+∞) B.[﹣5,+∞) C.(﹣5,0)

3.(3分)(2014秋•桦南县校级期中)函数y=值域是( )

A.(﹣∞,0)∪(,2] B.(﹣∞,2] C.(﹣∞,)∪[2,+∞) D.(0,+∞)

4.(3分)(2014秋•盐湖区校级期中)已知集合A={x|x﹣2x﹣3<0},B={y|1≤y≤4},则下列结论正确的是( ) A.A∩B=∅ B.(∁UA)∪B=(﹣1,+∞) C.A∩B=(1,4] D.(∁UA)∩B=[3,4]


,则f(f(2))的值为( )


A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 6.(3分)(2014秋•盐湖区校级期中)若函数y=f(x)在区间[a,b]上的图象为连续不断的一条曲线,则下列说法正确的是( )

A.若f(a)f(b)>0,不存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0 B.若f(a)f(b)>0,有可能存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

C.若f(a)f(b)<0,存在且只存在一个实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0 D.若f(a)f(b)<0,有可能不存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

7.(3分)(2013秋•监利县期末)三个数a=0.3,b=log20.3,c=2A.a<c<b B.a<b<c C.b<a<c D.b<c<a



之间的大小关系是( )

8.(3分)(2013秋•平阴县校级期末)下列所给四个图象中,与所给3件事吻合最好的顺序为( )


(2)我骑着车一路以常速行驶,只是在途中遇到一次交通堵塞,耽搁了一些时间; (3)我出发后,心情轻松,缓缓行进,后来为了赶时间开始加


A.①②④ B.④②③ C.①②③ D.④①②


的图象大致是( )


B. C.



10.(3分)(2013•阜新县校级二模)(理)若不等式x﹣logax<0在(0,)内恒成立,则a的取值范围是( ) A.

≤a<1 B.

<a<1 C.0<a≤




11.(4分)(2014秋•盐湖区校级期中)已知函数f(x)=x﹣1,则函数f(x)的零点是 .

12.(4分)(2014秋•温州校级期中)已知函数f(x)=4+a的坐标是 .




14.(4分)(2014秋•盐湖区校级期中)函数f(x)=在(0,+∞)是减函数,则f(2)= .





(1)如果两个函数都是增函数,那么这两个函数的积运算所得函数为增函数; (2)奇函数f(x)在[0,+∞)上是增函数,则f(x)在R上为增函数; (3)既是奇函数又是偶函数的函数只有一个;

(4)若函数f(x)的最小值是a,最大值是b,则f(x)值域为[a,b]. 其中正确结论的序号为 .

三、解答题(本大题共4小题,共46分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.请在答题纸的相应框里作答,框外答案作废.) 17.(10分)(2014秋•盐湖区校级期中)求下列各式的值: (1)

(2)(log43+log83)(log32+log92). 18.(12分)(2013秋•白城期末)设集合A={x|2a+1≤x≤3a﹣5},B={x|3≤x≤22},求能使A⊆A∩B成立的a值的集合.



f(﹣x)=f(x),x∈R. (1)求a的值;

(2)证明f(x)在(0,+∞)上是增函数. 20.(12分)(2008•天河区校级模拟)某宾馆有相同标准的床位100张,根据经验,当该宾馆的床价(即每张床位每天的租金)不超过10元时,床位可以全部租出;当床位高于10元时,每提高1元,将有3张床位空闲. 为了获得较好的效益,该宾馆要给床位定一个合适的价格,条件是:①要方便结帐,床价应为1元的整数倍;②该宾馆每日的费用支出为575元,床位出租的收入必须高于支出,而且高得越多越好.若用x表示床价,用y表示该宾馆一天出租床位的净收入(即除去每日的费用支出后的收入): (1)把y表示成x的函数;





一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合要求的.请把正确的答案序号涂在答题卡相应表格中). 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分.请把答案填在答题纸的相应空格中.) 11.12 13.14.

15 16

三、解答题(本大题共4小题,共46分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.请在答题纸的相应框里作答,框外答案作废.) 17.18. 19.20.





A. {x|x>﹣1}

B. {x|x≥2} C. {x|x>2或x<﹣1} D.{x|﹣1<x<2}


C. (﹣5,0) D.(﹣2,0) 2.(3分)函数f(x)= A. (﹣5,+∞)


y=B. [﹣5,+∞) 的定义域是(﹣∞,1)∪[2,5),则其值域是()

B. (﹣∞,2] C. (﹣∞,)∪[2,+∞) A. (﹣∞,0)∪(,2]

D. (0,+∞)


A. A∩B=∅ B. (∁UA)∪B=(﹣1,+∞) C. A∩B=(1,4] D. (∁UA)∩B=[3,4]

5.(3分)设f(x)=,则f(f(2))的值为() 2

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D.3


A. 若f(a)f(b)>0,不存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

B. 若f(a)f(b)>0,有可能存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

C. 若f(a)f(b)<0,存在且只存在一个实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

D. 若f(a)f(b)<0,有可能不存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0


A. a<c<b B. a<b<c C. b<a<c D.b<c<a







A. ①②④


y=B. ④②③ C. ①②③ D.④①② 的图象大致是()



2 C.

D. 10.(3分)(理)若不等式x﹣logax<0在(0,)内恒成立,则a的取值范围是()

A. ≤a<1 B.

<a<1 C. 0<a≤ D.0<a<




xx﹣1的图象恒过定点P,则点P的坐标是. 13.(4分)已知函数y=f(2)的定义域为[0,1],则函数y=f(log2x)的定义域为.



15.(4分)函数的值域为 (常数a∈Z)为偶函数且在(0,+∞)是减函数,则f(2)
















20.(12分)某宾馆有相同标准的床位100张,根据经验,当该宾馆的床价(即每张床位每天的租金)不超过10元时,床位可以全部租出;当床位高于10元时,每提高1元,将有3张床位空闲. 为了获得较好的效益,该宾馆要给床位定一个合适的价格,条件是:①要方便结帐,床价应为1元的整数倍;②该宾馆每日的费用支出为575元,床位出租的收入必须高于支出,而且高得越多越好.若用x表示床价,用y表示该宾馆一天出租床位的净收入(即除去每日的费用支出后的收入):








A. {x|x>﹣1} C. {x|x>2或x<﹣1} D.{x|﹣1<x<2}

考点: Venn图表达集合的关系及运算.

专题: 计算题;数形结合.

分析: 先化简两个集合,再根据图形得出阴影部分对应的集合是(CRB)∩A,即可求出阴影部分的集合

解答: 解:由题意A={x|x+1>0}={x|x>﹣1},B={x|x﹣2<0}={x|x<2}. B. {x|x≥2}




点评: 本题考查Venn图表达集合的关系及运,解题的关键是根据图形得出阴影部分的集合表示,从而计算出集合.


D.(﹣2,0) A. (﹣5,+∞) B. [﹣5,+∞) C. (﹣5,0)

考点: 函数的定义域及其求法.

专题: 函数的性质及应用.

分析: 根据函数成立的条件,即可求出函数的定义域.

解答: 解:要使函数有意义,x满足:



点评: 本题考查对数函数的定义域,解题时要认真审题,注意对数函数性质的灵活运用.



B. (﹣∞,2] C. (﹣∞,)∪[2,+∞) A. (﹣∞,0)∪(,2]

D. (0,+∞)

考点: 函数的值域.

专题: 计算题.

分析: 先利用x∈(﹣∞,1)∪[2,5),求出x﹣1的取值范围,再取倒数即可 求出函数y=的值域.

解答: 解:∵x∈(﹣∞,1)∪[2,5),

则x﹣1∈(﹣∞,0)∪[1,4). ∴∈(﹣∞,0)∪(,2].故函数

y=的值域为(﹣∞,0)∪(,2] 故选A.

点评: 本题考查已知定义域求函数的值域问题.在解题过程中涉及到取倒数,须注意,同号两数取倒数原不等号反向.


A. A∩B=∅ B. (∁UA)∪B=(﹣1,+∞) C. A∩B=(1,4] D. (∁UA)∩B=[3,4]

考点: 交、并、补集的混合运算.

专题: 集合.

分析: 求出A中不等式的解集确定出A,进而求出A的补集,找出A补集与B的交集,并集,即可做出判断.

解答: 解:由A中不等式变形得:(x﹣3)(x+1)<0,



∵B=[1,4], 2

∴A∩B=[1,3),A∪B=(﹣1,4],(∁UA)∪B=(﹣∞,﹣1]∪[1,+∞),(∁UA)∩B=[3,4], 故选:D.

点评: 此题考查了交、并、补集的混合运算,熟练掌握各自的定义是解本题的关键.


A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D.3

考点: 分段函数的解析式求法及其图象的作法.

专题: 计算题.

21分析: 考查对分段函数的理解程度,f(2)=log3(2﹣1)=1,所以f(f(2))=f(1)=2e


21﹣1解答: 解:f(f(2))=f(log3(2﹣1))=f(1)=2e=2,故选C.

点评: 此题是分段函数当中经常考查的求分段函数值的小题型,主要考查学生对“分段函数在定义域的不同区间上对应关系不同”这个本质含义的理解.


A. 若f(a)f(b)>0,不存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

B. 若f(a)f(b)>0,有可能存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

C. 若f(a)f(b)<0,存在且只存在一个实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0

D. 若f(a)f(b)<0,有可能不存在实数c∈(a,b)使得f(c)=0


Module 4 Music Born in America



1. He describes everything in ________ order, which makes ________ excellent impression upon us.

A.the;an B./;the

C.the;/ D./;an

2. (2014·陕西长安一中模拟)The time he has devoted in the past few years ________the disabled is now considered ________of great value.

A.to help;being B.to help;to be

C.to helping;to be D.to helping;being

3. Daily print newspaper circulation had________by about 2%, dropping from 528 million in 2012 to 519 million in 2013.

A.increased B.declined

C.accounted D.reached

4. (2014·山东济宁模拟)The project we had once devoted so much time ________ perfectly.

A.to work out B.to working out

C.to worked out D.has worked out

5. (2014·安徽师大附中期中考试)It is the protection for trees________really matters,________how many trees are planted.

A.what;besides B.that;except

C.that;rather than D.what;other than

6. So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is ________ ideal. We have to work still harder.

A.next to B.far from

C.out of D.due to

7. Although no further financial problem________, their small factory once couldn’t make both ends meet.

A.rose B.arose

C.aroused D.raised

8. (2014·陕西师大附中模拟)There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in________ with its surroundings.

A.change B.harmony

C.uniform D.aid

9. Make sure the gas is turned off after cooking, which would ________ cause danger.

A.somehow B.meanwhile

C.otherwise D.furthermore

10. They tried________many kinds of cars before they decided to buy one.

A.for B.on

C.out D.at

11. He made a good ________ on me by his rich knowledge.

A.feeling B.effect

C.impression D.sense

12.(2014·浙江杭州模拟) Jim knows little about computer, so his wife thinks he can’t________the development of times.

A.keep pace with

B.take advantage of

C.throw light on

D.put enthusiasm into

13. —You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

—Not exactly. It was his courage________ his skill that really struck me most.

A.rather B.as well as

C.but also D.not as

14. During the break time,workers discussed many________to solving the problems in their work.

A.approaches B.means

C.plans D.ways

15.—Why don’t you apologize to her?

—________ I didn’t do anything wrong.

A.No way!

B.Doesn’t matter.

C.It isn’t my cup of tea.

D.It’s all the same to me.


(2014·西南大学附中模拟)Every Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city of Orlando. We wanted to see__1__ it was like in the life of a homeless person. One special thing I like to__2__ is that my family and I do not eat before we begin our journey so we know how,it feels to be__3__. We all get together in the__4__ and prepare the food .Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water. Sometimes my mom __5__ a steaming hot delicious meal. We then__6__ them all up to feed 30 or more people.

Before my family and I get into the car we ask God for protection in a family__7__.A lot of people__8__homeless people .Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people. Some are really nice;some of them just had __9__ things happening to them. __10__when my family and I went out on the street we had to earn their __11__, because a lot of people are __12__to them for no good reason. But __13__they see us every week they __14__us. We even know some of their names. We all have to remember that these are people with __15__. Some of them shake our hands for giving them food.Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy.

We have become really close__16__ the man named Tony and his wife. They have all of their personal __17__in shopping carts. After we __18__them several times he has told us a lot about his life. He graduated from Howard University. He

__19__teach French and Spanish. After we finished feeding the homeless, it makes me __20__what I have at home. I love feeding the homeless, and making a difference in someone’s life.



















10.A.at last

C.at first





13.A.in case

C.for fear

14.A.care for

C.agree with










C.was to




B.how D.why B.imagine D.remind B.hungry D.helpful B.yard D.street B.takes D.prepares B.pack D.add B.ceremony D.adventure B.misunderstand D.dislike B.normal D.common B.at least D.at once B.thanks D.love B.cruel D.merciful B.now that D.provided that B.believe in D.worry about B.courage D.determination B.by D.with B.clothes D.goods B.saved D.greeted B.used to D.ought to B.realize D.appreciate

Good morning. The program today is about music.The word “music” comes from the Greek word “muse”. The Muses are the goddesses of the arts. Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language, but it uses sounds. Today’s program brings together music from different corners of the world.Who invented music? Who sang the first song? No one knows exactly the answers to these questions. But we know that music plays an important part in almost everyone’s life. Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard.When children go to school, their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music lessons. When they reach high school, they become more and more interested in listening to pop music.

The records we have chosen for you today are from American country music, Indian music, pop music and so on. Music has different meanings for everyone. It can make people happy or it can make them sad.Music is now heard everywhere, in shops and buses and at home. In this program we shall study the language of music.We shall be trying to find out more about how music works. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel. It is worth making the effort. Only then can we say why one piece of music is good and another is bad.

Now, here comes the music today, I shall explain why they are all good music...

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.Some knowledge about music.

B.The origin of music.

C.Something about the announcer.

D.Some questions about music.

2. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of this music program?

A.To study the language of music.

B.To learn more about music.

C.To find out how music expresses people’s feelings.

D.To tell us we should listen to music every day.

3. Why should we study music a lot according to the text?

A.To tell whether a piece of music is good or not.

B.To learn about the development of music.

C.To have a talent for music.

D.To know more about the society.

4. What does the announcer think about the function of music in our life?

A.It is important to almost everyone.

B.It is necessary for the young.

C.It plays a great role when we are children.

D.It decides our future.

选修7 Module 4



1.解析:选D。句意:他叙事很有条理,给我们留下了很好的印象。in order意为“有序地”; make an impression on/upon sb.意为“给某人留下印象”。【2015运城康杰高中预估分数和实际差多少】

2.解析:选C。devote...to doing...为固定搭配,to为介词,后接动名词作宾语。consider作“考虑”讲时,后接动名词作宾语;作“认为”讲时,后接名词、形容词、动词不定式作宾补。


4.解析:选C。首先devote ...to ...是固定用法, we had once ...time to是定语从句,修饰前面的名词the project,而worked out在句中作谓语,它和前面的to没关系。因此选C。

5.解析:选 C。句意:真正重要的是保护树,而不是栽种了多少棵树。前半句是强调句型,rather than表示“而不是”。

6.解析:选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意:迄今为止我们为建设低碳经济已经做了很多,但是远不理想,我们必须更加努力。far from“远非,一点也不”,符合句意。next to“仅次于”; out of“离开,出于”,一般与名词或代词连用;due to “因为”。

7.解析:选B。句意:虽然没有出现进一步的财政问题,但他们的小工厂曾一度不能做到收支平衡。arise “(尤指问题或困境)发生/产生,出现”,符合句意。rise “自然事物/景物的升起”;arouse “激起,引起”;raise“举起,抬起,抚养”,为及物动词。

8.解析:选B。 in harmony with “(与„„)协调一致,(与„„)和睦相处”是固定结构。

9.解析:选C。句意:确保做完饭后把燃气关掉,要不然会导致危险的。somehow “不知道怎么的”; meanwhile “同时”; otherwise “要不然”; furthermore “况且”。由句意可知选C。

10.解析:选C。句意:他们在决定买汽车前,尝试了很多种的车型。try out尝试;try on试穿。try与其他两个介词很少搭配。

11.解析:选C。句意:他的博学给我留下了深刻的印象。make an impression on sb.“给某人留下印象”。

12.解析:选A。考查短语辨析。句意:吉姆对电脑知之甚少,所以他的妻子认为他不能跟上时代的发展。keep pace with 跟上,赶上; take advantage of 利用; throw light on 阐明; put enthusiasm into 在„„中投入热情。

13.解析:选B。 as well as相当于介词,意为“除„„之外”。其他三项要么结构不对,要么用法不符。


A、B、D三项都可当“方法”讲。A项后接介词to;B项后接of;D项后接of或to do不定式。C项plan“计划”,后接不定式作定语。

15.解析:选A。No way意为“绝不,没门”;Doesn’t matter意为“没关系”;It isn’t my cup of tea意为“那不是我喜欢的”;It’s all the same to me意为“我无所谓”。句意:——你为什么不向她道歉呢?——没门儿!我没做错什么。


[解题导语] 在奥兰多市,作者每个星期六晚上都和家人到大街上去照顾无家可归的人。通过照顾那些无家可归的人,使得作者更懂得欣赏自己所拥有的生活。

1.解析: 选A。考查连词辨析。我们想看看无家可归的人的生活是怎样的。在be like/seem like/look like句式中,用what提问,表示“是/似乎/看起来怎样”。


Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year



1. The experiment would have been________ success but it’s________great pity that they gave up.

A.a;/ B./;a

C./;/ D.a;a

2. Huang Xiaoming tried to ________ his performance to audience.

A.suit B.fit

C.satisfy D.match

3. There are plenty of after-school opportunities for people who are ________ on athletics.

A.interested B.attracted

C.devoted D.keen

4. We have to________ new customers to our restaurant by providing the best service at the lowest price.

A.accept B.attract

C.add D.transfer

5. I thought Tom would have helped you. ________ is a great pity that he should be so selfish.

A.Which B.It

C.What D.As

6. (2014·河北唐山高三模拟)You can hardly imagine the fun I had ________into the sea from the cliffs.

A.diving B.dived

C.to dive D.dive

7. (2014·湖北武汉高三检测) —Does Peter still feel lonely in the new school? —Not any more. He has ________ a friendship with all his classmates.


A.made B.become

C.developed D.taken

8. Just________ the past 100 years and you’ll discover that a mistake can sometimes be a really good thing.

A.look up to B.look forward to

C.look back at D.look down upon

9. When someone ________, he starts living a quiet life in one place, especially when he buys a house.

A.sets down B.settles down

C.sets up D.settles on

10. ________ made the school proud was ________ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.

A.What;because B.What;that

C.That;what D.That;because

11. Charlie Chaplin is considered ________a great contribution to the film industry.

A.to make B.making

C.to have made D.having made

12. It was not until she had arrived home________her appointment with the doctor.

A.did she remember

B.that she remembered

C.when she remembered

D.had she remembered

13. The villagers are warned that it is________that a storm will come tonight.

A.possibly B.probably

C.likely D.perhaps

14. As far as I________, it is impossible to finish the task in such a short time.

A.am concerned B.concern

C.concerned D.concerned about

15. — Don’t you have classes this morning?

— No. ________ . It’s summer vacation.

A.We’re through

B.Let’s get going

C.It’s up to you

D.I’m with you on that


To build an incredible and successful relationship is something like erecting a building. First of all, you should start with an idea which is expected by everyone, and then you can put a solid foundation stone for that idea.Putting a strong foundation stone is very important and it keeps your building steady. Every part of that building is totally depending upon that solid foundation.

So,here are three rules to establish a successful relationship:

The first rule is just having fun. Once relationship is established then the things become stable. Once it gets stable then you start feeling stifled (压抑的) and fun is no longer there in your relationship. But remember this thing is very dangerous for relationship. You can plan something great like a weekend road trip. Even you can also plan some of your favorite activities at least twice a month. Enjoy laughing with each other and try to find different ways to keep this laughter alive.

The second rule is________. In relationship it is important that both the

partners should deserve equal treatment. If anyone of the partners dominates to the other then such relationship is surely not going to survive for a long time. Such relationships are called unbalanced relationship and it is going to give lots of pain. So try to give respect to each other equally.

The third rule is always to be open and honest with each other. Another good and important part of any relationship is being honest and open-minded with your partner. Whenever the problem arises in your relations, honesty is very crucial. Even being open-minded with each other is a foundation to your good relationship. Honesty is the most valuable thing. If you become very honest with each other then problems can be very easily sorted out.

You need put lots of efforts to build a successful relationship. This effort is required from both the partners. And the reward which you are going to get will be fantastic.If the three rules mentioned above are maintained very well then there will be a strong chance of a long-term and wonderful relationship.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

A.Good Relationship and Success

B.How to Build a Successful Relationship

C.Solid Foundation and Building a Relationship

D.The Benefits from Good Relationship

2. In the first paragraph the author mainly wants to tell us ________.

A. the concept of good relationship

B.the importance of good relationship

C.the characteristics of good relationship

D.what is the most important thing in building a good relationship

3. What’s the second rule?

A.Giving respect to each other equally.

B.Being generous to friends.

C.Giving timely help to friends.

D.Treating friends equally.

4. The underlined word “crucial” in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.

A.important B.enough

C.sufficient D.efficient


(2014·河南省郑州市高中毕业班第一次质量预测) __1__

Safety in the highway is not totally out of hand.Here are four ways we can protect ourselves when we travel. __2__People in small cars are injured more often and more severely than people traveling in large cars.Factories of small cars are strengthening their products’ safety,which helps.But the mix of large cars and small cars on the road is the main reason of the problem.

Being thrown into glass and metal car parts,or being thrown from the car can really hurt or even kill you.__3__ The safety belt’s main purpose is to pull you

back if your car has a sudden crash with another vehicle or object,or if it rolls over.A belt can reduce the chance of deadly injury by 45% and the chance of serious injury by 50%.

Airbags are important.More than half of all new cars sold have airbags.Airbags provide protection in frontal crashes-the type of crash that kills the most drivers-when they are also wearing safety belts.Most people are demanding airbags in the cars they buy.__4__Effective as they are,they can’t take the place of safety belts.

Drunk driving crashes are less likely to happen if you don’t drink.__5__Many people have realized that drunk driving can lead to injury,death,being put in prison or other results.There are movements to strengthen penalties (处罚) for drunk driving.

A.How to drive safely?

B.You are safer in a large car.

C.How to protect ourselves in the highway?

D.Airbags are not installed in all cars.

E.That’s why safety belts should be worn.

F.Drunk driving is the most serious problem.

G.But the protection provided by airbags is limited in side or rear crashes.

选修7 Module 2



1.解析:选D。success作不可数名词意为“成功”,作可数名词,意为“成功的人或事”;It’s a great pity that意为“很可惜„„”。句意:实验本来会成功的,可惜的是他们放弃了。

2.解析:选A。句意:黄晓明试图让他的表演适合观众的口味。suit sth.to sb.“让„„适合于某人”。suit表示适合某人的口味;fit 指“(衣服等)大小适合”; satisfy “满足”; match “与„„相配”。

3.解析:选D。句意:那些热衷于体育的学生有大量的课外机会。根据题干中的on可知,只有keen才有这种搭配,be keen on sth.“对某事物很热衷,有兴趣”。

4.解析:选B。句意:我们必须通过提供最好的服务和最低的价格来吸引新的顾客到我们餐馆来。attract“吸引”,符合句意。accept “接受”; add “增加”; transfer “转移”。

5.解析:选B。句意:我原以为汤姆会帮你忙的。真遗憾,他竟然那么自私。 It’s a great pity that ...意为“很可惜„„”,本句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。

6.解析:选A。have fun(in)doing sth.“开心地做某事”。本句中fun为先行词,后面是由that/which引导的一个定语从句,that/which被省略了。


8.解析:选C。句意:回顾过去的100年,你将会发现错误有时可能会变成一件好事。look up to尊重;look forward to期望,盼望;look back at回顾;look down upon轻视,瞧不起。

9.解析:选B。句意:当一个人稳定下来,尤其是买了房子,他便开始过一种安静的生活。set down记下,写下;settle down稳定;set up建立,设立;settle on选定,停



11.解析:选C。be considered to have done被认为做过„„,do的动作发生在主句谓语动词所表示的动作之前。


13.解析:选C。句意:村民们被警告说暴风雨今晚要来。It is likely that... 很可能„„;It is possible/probable that... 也可以表达“可能„„”,但A、B项形式不对。

14.解析:选A。句意:就我而言,在这么短的时间内完成这项任务根本不可能。as far as I’m concerned是固定结构,意为“就我而言”。

15.解析:选A。句意:——你今天上午没课吗?——没有。我们课已经结束,放暑假了。We’re through意为“我们完了,结束了”;It’s up to you意为“由你决定”;I’m with you on that意为“我同意你”;Let’s get going意为“开始吧”。


[解题导语] 本文主要讲述了在现代社会中如何建立良好的人际关系。

1. 解析:选B。主旨大意题。从短文第二段可以看出本文主要讲述怎样建立成功的人际关系。



4. 解析:选 A。词义猜测题。若把原句 honesty is very crucial补充完整则为honesty is very crucial in solving the problem, 故important(重要的)符合语境。




Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage



1. Making ________ good impression on the interviewers is of ________ vital importance.

A.a;不填 B.a;a

C.不填;不填 D.不填; a

2. (2014·陕西渭南市一模)Her child was crying, but she ________him and carried on with her work.

A.knew B.ignored

C.recognized D.joined

3. It has been proved ________ taking exercise regularly does good to one’s health.

A.whether B.when

C.what D.that

4. People all over China were shocked by what the little boy________ when his eyes were gone.

A.went over B.went through

C.got along with D.got away

5. These pictures________ us of the happy days which we spent together on campus.

A.remained B.reminded

C.informed D.reformed

6. Although made in Tang Dynasty, this vase is well ________.

A.discovered B.observed

C.delivered D.preserved

7. (2014·天津河西区模拟)Plastic bags are provided for our convenience but they have also________the pollution of the environment.

A.adapted to B.turned to

C.contributed to D.looked forward to

8. —How about the result?

—Well, it remains ________ whether we’ve got enough support.

A.seen B.to be seen

C.seeing D.to see

9. I tried my best to help them ________ what they had done for me.

A.on the basis of B.in honour of

C.in return for D.on condition that

10. If we are all willing to make a(n) ________ with each other when we are in dispute, quarrels and conflicts will be avoided and we will surely live in peace.

A.acquaintance B.adjustment

C.contact D.compromise

11. We had a pleasant time on the beach last weekend, ________ the bad weather.

A.but for B.thanks to

C.rather than D.apart from

12. The pancakes of Shandong tastes delicious and is easy________. As a result, it is very popular with tourists.

A.to be preserved B.preserving

C.being preserved D.to preserve

13.Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself________of his own dreams.

A.reminding B.to remind

C.reminded D.remind

14. ShenzhouⅩ launched to the space successfully in 2013, ________ the greater success of the spaceship project.

A.marked B.to mark

C.marking D.having marked

15. —I’m afraid we can’t make it there on time.

—________. I’ll find another way up.

A.I’m afraid so B.Not to worry

C.Forget it D.By all means



The last thing that might come to mind is that we can find antibiotics(抗菌素) on the surface of flies. Over a thousand years ago, Prophet Mohammad said: “If a fly falls down to your cup, drown it then remove it, for one of its wings has the disease and the other has the cure.”

In Australia, a team from the Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, worked on the research to prove that flies have remarkable antimicrobial(抗菌的)defenses. The team’s leader, Dr. Joanne Clarke proved this discovery through a number of experiments.

“Our research is a small part of a global research effort for new antibiotics, but we are looking where we believe no one has looked before,” said Dr. Clarke, who presented the team’s findings at the Australian Society for Microbiological Conference in Melbourne.

She added, “We are now trying to identify the specific antibacterial compounds which will be chemically formed from the surface of the flies.”

Another researcher from Tokyo University, Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo confirms that in the near future “people will be astonished to find that flies are being used as antibiotics in the hospitals”.

He also assures that scientists are working on the flies to get a number of effective medicines for different diseases.

Working on this theory, scientists found that getting the remedy from flies is strange but acceptable in science. Other researchers from the United States are trying to find anti-pathogenetic ways from the flies. They also note that having the cure from the flies will be something reasonably acceptable by people in the coming few years.

1. What Prophet Mohammad said means_________.【2015运城康杰高中预估分数和实际差多少】

A.flies are harmful to us

B.flies carry many kinds of diseases

C.people can eat flies

D.people can not only infect diseases from flies but also find cures from them

2. Dr. Clarke and her team have________.

A.been the first to do such an experiment

B.found flies have antimicrobial defenses

C.identified the specific antibacterial compounds which are chemically formed from the surface of the flies

D.reached a conclusion that doesn’t agree with Prophet Mohammad

3. Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo comes from________.

A.Australia B.Japan

C.America D.Germany

4. Which of the following can Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo agree with?

A. Scientists will make more effective medicines using flies.

B.It’s strange to find medicines from the flies.

C.It is hard to find enough flies to make the medicine.

D.It’s impossible that flies carry a cure for diseases.


If you’re concerned about gaining weight over the upcoming holiday season, consider eating more slowly and you might consume less, a study suggests. Diet experts have been promoting this advice for years, and now nutrition scientists at the University of Rhode Island have some new data to back it up.

They had 30 normal-weight, college-age women come into a laboratory for lunch on two separate occasions. Each time, the women were offered a huge plate full of delicious food, plus a glass of water. They were asked to eat until the point of comfortable fullness. On one occasion, they were instructed to eat as quickly as they could;on the other occasion they ate slowly and put down their spoons between bites.

They did not know the food and water was weighed before and after the meal to determine the amount consumed.Findings were: When eating quickly, the women consumed 646 calories in about nine minutes. When eating more slowly, they had an average of 579 calories in about 29 minutes.

“They ate 67 calories more in nine minutes than they did in 29 minutes,” says lead researcher Kathleen Melans.“If you add that up over three meals a day, that’s a big difference in calories.”

“Upon completion of the meal and an hour afterward, the women were less satisfied and hungrier when eating quickly compared with when they ate slowly,” she says. They said they enjoyed the meal more when they were taking their time. Not surprisingly, the women drank more water when they ate more slowly, and researchers are doing a follow-up study on whether that factor contributed to their feeling fullness.

One way to help control calories intake during Thanksgiving is “to slow down and savor(尽情享受) and enjoy your food more,” she says.

5. The best title of the passage could be ________.

A. Taking Your Time Caused Fullness

B.Eating Quickly Means Less Calories

C.Eating Slowly Leads to Eating Less

D.Enjoying Your Food in Holiday

6.What is the difference between the two occasions on which these women had their lunch?

A. They reached different points of fullness.

B.They were provided with different amount of food.

C.They ate their lunch at different speeds.

D.They were offered different kinds of foods.

7.The aim of the study is to find whether speed influences________ people eat.

A.how well B.how much

C.what D.the way

8.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. These women didn’t know the weight of the food until they finished the meal.

B.The food and water wasn’t weighted until the end of the meal.

C.The amount of food consumed had little to do with the eating speed.

D.The more quickly they ate, the more calories they consumed.

选修7 Module 6



1.解析:选A。考查冠词用法。句意:给面试者留下好的印象是至关重要的。make a(n) ...impression on sb.意为“给某人留下„„印象”; of vital importance意为“至关重要的”。


3.解析:选D。It is/was/has been+过去分词+that­clause是固定句型。其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。

4.解析:选B。句意:全中国人都对这个双眼被挖去的小男孩所经历的事情感到震惊。go through经历,符合句意。go over复习;get along with相处,进展;get away离开。

5.解析:选B。句意:这些照片使我们想起了在校园里一起度过的那些快乐的时光。remind sb.of sth. “使某人想起某物”是固定搭配。remain“保持”;inform“通知”;reform“改革”, 均不合句意。

6.解析:选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:花瓶尽管是唐朝制造的,但依然保存完好。preserve “保存”; discover “发现”; observe “观察”; deliver“传送,引渡”。故选D。

7.解析:选C。句意:塑料袋给我们提供了方便,但是也导致了环境污染。contribute to“有助于,促成,导致”符合句意。adapt to“适应”;turn to“转向,求助于”;look forward to“盼望”。


9.解析:选C。句意:我尽最大努力帮助他们,来报答他们为我所做的一切。on the basis of在„„的基础上;in honour of为了向„„表示尊敬;in return for作为对„„的回报;on condition that条件是。根据句意可知选C项。

10.解析:选D。句意:如果我们遇到争端时相互妥协,争吵和分歧都会避免,我们肯定会生活在和平之中。make a compromise with“与„„妥协”。

11.解析:选D。句意:上周末我们在海滩上玩得非常愉快,就是天气不好。apart from除„„之外,符合句意。but for要不是;thanks to多亏,由于;rather than而不是, 这三者均不符合句意。

12.解析:选D。考查“主语 + be + 形容词 + to do”句型。句意:山东煎饼口感很好,而且容易保存,因此颇受游客欢迎。不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。

13.解析:选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:Michael把姚明的图片张贴在床边是为了提醒自己要实现自己的梦想。 remind sb.of sth.表示“ 提醒某人某事”, himself与remind之间是动宾关系, 故用动词的过去分词形式。


15.解析:选B。考查交际用语。I’m afraid so意为“恐怕是这样”; not to worry意为“不必担心”; forget it意为“不必在意,休想”; by all means意为“可以,当然行”,表示同意或答应对方提出的要求。根据答语后一句子“我会找到另一条路上去”可知应用“Not to worry”。



[解题导语] 本文主要讲述了苍蝇虽然身上携带着致病菌,但是科学家希望通过科学研究从苍蝇身上能找到有效的抗菌药。

1. 解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段Prophet Mohammad说的话中的for one of its wings has the disease and the other has the cure可知,苍蝇不仅携带疾病也可以治愈疾病。故选D。

2. 解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二、三、四段可知,Dr. Clarke和她的研究小组已经证明了苍蝇有抗菌素。故选B。

3. 解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第五段的Tokyo University可知Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo来自日本。

4. 解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第五段和第六段可知,Dr. Juan Alvarez Bravo认为科学家们会在苍蝇身上找到一些有效的药物。故选A。


[解题导语] 科学家经过研究找到了一种不必担心身体体重增加的好方法,那就是:吃得慢,吃得少,易饱。



7.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章的第一句If you’re concerned about gaining weight over the upcoming holiday season, consider eating more slowly and you might consume less...可知选B项。


  中国招生考试网中考频道为您提供2016运城中考分数线,2016年运城中考分数线查询,运城中考分数线预测,运城中考录取分数线最新信息,欢迎广大考生访问中国招生考试网中考分数线栏目!  目前,2016年运城中考录取分数线尚未公布,预计公布时间为7月初,为了提供给各位考生及家长们一个参考,下面是中国招生考试网小编为大家整理的2016年运城中考分数线预测版,根据2015年情况进行整理,信息仅供参考使用,最新2016年运城中考分数线小编将在公布后第一时间更新,敬请期待!  我市2015年高中阶段教育学校招生考试登分统计工作已经结束。现将经市招生考试委员会批准划定的各高中学校录取最低分予以公布。  一、康杰中学面向各县(市、区)统招录取最低分分别为(小数点后为语文、数学和英语三科成绩,依次用“,”分隔,下同):  盐湖区 659.104,104,112.5  永济市 651.107,099,110  芮城县 603.097,108,081  临猗县 649.107.5,097.5,109.5  万荣县 638.104,100,114  新绛县 648.103.5,114.5,090  稷山县 653.097.5,106,110  河津市 646.106,099.5,107.8  闻喜县 654.102.5,099.5,106.5  夏 县 638.102,095.5,109  绛 县 642.103.5,104.5,104.5  平陆县 642.103,102.5,099.5  垣曲县 642.103,102.5,106.3  市 直 643  开发区 649.102.5,112,102.3  康杰中学分配到各初中学校计划的录取最低分为各初中校所在县(市、区)的统招线下降70分。  二、运城中学面向全市统招录取最低分为640.098.5,104.5,105,面向盐湖区和运城经济开发区统招录取最低分为634.100.5,107,104.5。  运城中学分配到盐湖区和运城经济开发区各初中学校计划的录取最低分为面向盐湖区和运城经济开发区统招录取最低分下降70分。  三、盐化中学面向全市统招录取最低分为610.103.5,110.5,080.8,面向市直统招录取最低分为611.095.5,105,090.3。  四、各公办高中学校统招录取最低分分别为:  永济中学 613.101,097.5,102.5  涑北中学 462.090.5,069,040.5  永济三中 514.094.5,080,058  芮城中学 615.102.5,090.5,092  风陵渡中学 566.106.5,091,089.5  临猗中学 612.104.5,085,090.5  临晋中学 582.106,095,078.5  万荣中学 594.097,102,082.5  新绛中学 605.092,092.5,079.5  稷山中学 567.097,096.5,079.8  稷王中学 595.097.5,092,097  河津中学 607.098.5,093,096  河津市第二中学 561.093,098,072.5  河津市第三中学 544.092.5,088.5,079.8  闻喜中学 589.100,100.5,076.8  闻喜二中 572.099.5,091,081.3  夏县中学 562.094.5,080.5,083.5  夏县二中 460.084.5,070.5,058.5  绛县中学 460.087,057.5,077.5  平陆中学 460.082.5,085,030.5  垣曲中学 599.098,100.5,091.3  解州中学(统招) 484.092,051,105  解州中学(飞行员) 476.095,080,069.8  盐湖五中 494.093.5,070,052.5  盐湖二中 503.098,079,084  运城三中 453.094.5,079.5,059.5  陌南中学 505.098,093.5,047.5  牛杜中学 466.091.5,065,058  临猗县第三中学校 506.095.5,091,049  临晋中学西校 465.102,069,042  万荣县第二中学 514.090,074.5,071.5  新绛县第二中学 500.088.5,082.5,077  稷山县第二中学 482.089,085.5,048  翟店中学 465.092,077,059  河津市第四中学 495.097.5,088.5,041.3  河津市第五中学 476.092.5,079,062  东镇中学 481.099.5,065.5,079.5  绛县实验中学 449.083,065,054.5  中条中学 487.093,075,060.5  省、市级示范高中(除康杰中学、运城中学外)统招和分配到各初中学校计划的录取最低分均为460分。其余各普通高中(含民办)的录取最低分为420分。特长生录取最低分为420分。  五、我市各民办高中学校录取最低分分别为:  运城学院附属中学 583.100.5,086,094.3  盐湖中学 500.091,072,057.5  博海中学 459.087,081.5,066  河东一中 564.098,092.5,085  景胜中学 541.095,106.5,071  运康中学 577.096.5,091,102.3  蓝海学校 465.085.5,067,056.5  博立中学 504.087,084,056  华杰学校 443.091.5,050.5,068  银星学校 456.085,095,063  荣河中学 437.093.5,052.5,043  汉薛中学 441.085.5,075,048  万荣县育才中学 430.092,042.5,068  海泉学校 618.099.5,096.5,091.8  汾河学校 503.095,083,053.5  新绛县育才学校 448.085,072,048  河津市育才中学 449.083,058,077  文昕中学 435.085,067.5,043  红旗中学 449.080,051.5,041.5  李文中学 420.086.5,070.5,039  绛县第二中学校 533.096,086,077.5  康平中学高中部 461.087.5,069,049  星达中学 458.078.5,061,059.5  六、在我市招生的外地学校录取最低分分别为:  太谷二中启航学校 444.082.5,078.5,062.5  山西现代双语学校南校 592.092.5,096,091.5  太原杏岭实验学校 467.095,073,053.5  山西通宝育杰学校 606.096.5,089.5,093.5  太原新兴中学 454.091.5,076,059  太原维刚实验学校 464.101,058,050  太原金桥双语学校 551.100,084,079  太谷县第二中学校 421.091,072,032  我市普通高中录取工作将在7月9日开始。届时,考生可登录“运城市招生考试网”(http://www.yczk.org)查询录取结果和打印录取通知书。被录取考生按通知书要求到各录取学校报到。未被录取考生可及时关注网上有关征集志愿的公告,在规定时间内选择填报征集志愿。
