
| 高三 |


外研版必修三 3 模块四的小卷子

2012-2013李林中学高三英语小卷子 Book3 Module 4 命题人:顾淑萍 审查人:顾淑萍 时间:10月 24日

一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1.— The film is really touching, isn’t it?

— I saw most of the audience crying at the end.

A. It can’t be worse. B. Absolutely right. C. Forget it. D. I couldn’t understand. 2. I have done most of the work; the rest is by my partner next week. A. to have done B. to be done A. that A. process

B. one B. experience

C. to have been done D. to be doing C. her C. interest

D. it D. evidence

3. We really appreciate when Miss Green comes to help us with the kitchen work. 4. The police found enough to prove that the man really had done something illegal. 5. The postman didn’t come to the small village on time of the heavy snow. A. in need A. frightened A. the; a

B. as a result B. frightening B. a; the

C. in search C. amused C. a; a

D. by the end D. amusing D. /; the

6. It was such a(n) experience for little Lucy to walk in the dark on a rainy evening. 7. Only when you read it second time can you fully understand whole story. 8. The teacher asked the students to the article to find five grammar mistakes. A. look through B. look into A. over A. take away

B. at B. take out

C. look out C. in C. take back

D. look round D. on D. take in

9. Always thinking highly of yourself will have a very bad effect your study and career. 10. They did come to listen to my lecture, but how much did they ? I don’t know for sure. 11. Would you please help me with this bottle? I’m afraid I don’t know . A. how open it B. how it opened C. to how open it D. how to open it

12. Doctor, there is a(n) call for you from a driver who has been injured in an accident. A. close A. absolutely A. that A. force

B. urgent B. highly B. what B. strength

C. serious C. normally C. why C. pressure

D. active D. rarely D. whether D. activity

13. It is impossible for that wounded woman to get to the nearest hospital in five minutes. 14. I don’t know you are coming, so I am just calling you to make sure. 15. Man’s greatest energy does not come from his physical but from his dreams. 二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)

I run a hotel in London. During the days with the terrible ash cloud which spread Europe

from Iceland in May, 2010, I was 16 to a London radio station called LBC. People called in 17 their stories of trouble…some had missed 18 for holidays, some couldn’t get home the volcanic eruption.

The story that most me was a call from Peter, who had just gotten the previous weekend to Maz. They were due to their honeymoon to the Dominican Republic but could not the ash cloud. When James O’Brien, the radio presenter, asked if he was upset, Peter said: ―Not at all. I’ve married the 24 girl in the world whom I adore, so…no… I’m not 25 at all.‖ Both the presenter and I were so impressed by the beautiful 26 .

A little later, after receiving many cancellations, a(n) 27 occurred to me and I called LBC. I spoke to the producer of the show and asked if she could keep with Peter to offer him and his wife a for the weekend at my hotel for free. She later to say Peter and Maz were delighted and would love to take up the offer it to them on the radio show, but I declined as I didn’t want it to the public.

So, two days , Peter and Maz arrived at the hotel and checked in. I was so pleased to have made a bad situation 35 for a young couple. 16. A. relating 17. A. telling 19. A. crossing 20. A. upset 21. A. married 22. A. get to 23. A. instead of 24. A. greatest 25. A. unhappy 26. A. question 27. A. voice 28. A. in need 29. A. room 30. A. stood by 31. A. offer 32. A. regularly 33. A. disappeared 34. A. later

B. listening C. sticking D. going B. promising C. understanding D. persuading

D. flights D. following

D. disappointed D. abroad D. turn to D. because of D. healthiest D. content D. chance D. in trouble D. price D. found out

B. limiting B. away

C. keeping C. home

18. A. buses B. taxis C. trains

B. struck C. satisfied B. search for C. leave for B. except for C. as for B. loveliest C. poorest B. weak

C. angry

B. lady C. answer D. attitude B. idea C. result B. in danger C. in touch B. condition C. reward B. called back C. kept on

B. money C. time D. space B. shortly C. frequently B. known C. separated B. before

D. formally D. expected

D. worse

C. after D. since

35. A. easier B. less C. better

3书模块四的 答案:























英 语 试 卷

听力理解 (共30


一、 听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段

对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 1 2










二、 听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选

择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. Whose football is it? A. Tony’s.

B. Betty’s.

C. Sam’s.

7. Where are the speakers?

A. In a school. B. In a zoo. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。

8. What was the relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates.

A. Playing tennis.

B. Teacher and student. B. Playing the piano.

C. Brother and sister.

9. Which is the woman more interested in now?

C. Playing basketball.

请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. How to find a museum. B. What museums to visit. C. Why to visit museums. 11. What kind of museums does David like? A. History museums.

B. Science museums. C. Children’s museums.

请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. When does the dialogue take place?

C. In a park.

A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon.

13. What can we infer from the dialogue? A. Mark’s mum is very humorous.

B. Mark doesn’t know Rule No. 2. C. Mark’s house is near the cinema. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。 14. What’s the speaker doing?

A. Offering some advice. B. Making an introduction. C. Leading a conversation. 15. What can we learn from the talk? A. It takes place at the end of the term.

B. The speaker has the listener’s phone number. C. Students can borrow books on the ground floor.



About International Friends Club

Starting time: Open time:

16. in August, ________

17. every weekday except ________

◆ social get-togethers



◆ 18. ________ events ◆ 19. language ________:

Monday: Italian; … 20. Friday: ________ 知识运用 (共25分)


21. Tom is a book lover. ______ likes reading very much.

A. He A. on A. or A. can

B. She B. at

C. You C. in

D. It

22. I often go on holiday with my parents _____ summer.

D. of

D. so

23. It was dark, ______ I couldn’t see what was happening.

B. though

C. but

24. — Can he jump high?

— Yes, he ______. He is a good high jumper.

C. must

D. shall

B. need

25. The schoolboy ______ a blind man cross the street yesterday.

A. helps A. stops A. studies A. sent A. is

B. helped B. stopped

C. will help C. stopping

D. has helped D. to stop D. studied D. will send D. was

26. Even Tony’s six-year-old son asked him ______ smoking. 27. She ______ very hard since she came to our school.

B. has studied B. is sent B. will be


C. is studying C. was sent C. be

28. Helen ______ to a language school when she was seven. 29. If you read a lot, your life ______ full of pleasure.

30. — I’m going to Flower Bookstore. Could you tell me ______? — Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here.

A. where is it

B. where was it

C. where it is

D. where it was



“Mommy, look!” cried my daughter, Darla, pointing to a chicken hawk in the air. “Uh huh,” I answered, driving, lost in thought about the timetable of my day. filled her face.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” I asked.

“Nothing,” my seven-year-old daughter said. The moment was gone. Dinner, baths and phone calls the hours until bedtime.

“Come on, Darla, time for bed!” She raced past me up the stairs. Tired, I kissed her and tucked her in.

“Mom, I forgot to give you something!” she said.

“Give it to me in the morning.” I said. My was gone. I could hardly stay cool. “You won’t have time in the morning!” she talked back quickly.

“I’ll take time,” I answered. Sometimes no matter how hard I tried, time was never enough.

She wasn’t ready to up yet. “No, you won’t! It will be just like today when I told you to look at the chicken hawk. You didn’t listen to what I said.”

I was too tired to argue; she hit too to the truth. “Good night!” I shut her door in anger.

Later though, her gray-blue eyes filled my vision as I thought about how little time we really had until she was grown and gone. My husband asked me what was going on and I told him.

“Maybe she was not asleep yet. Why don’t you ?” he said.

I followed his advice, it was my own idea. I opened her door gently. In Darla’s hand I could see her paper all crumpled (弄皱的) up. She had torn into small pieces a big red heart with a poem she had written titled, “Why I Love My Mother?”

Why I Love My Mother

Although you’re busy, and you work so hard, You always take time to play with me, I love you Mommy,

Because I am the biggest part of your busy day!

Tears filled my eyes. When I softly touched her face, she awakened from a dreamless sleep and asked, “Why are you , Mommy?”

“You ARE the most important part of my busy day!”

She smiled and then went back to sleep, not really understanding how strongly I what I said.

31. A. Disappointment B. Worries 32. A. cost 34. A. give 35. A. just

B. filled

33. A. belief B. attitude

B. even

B. badly

C. Fear

C. lasted

C. attention C. yet

C. test

D. Enjoyment

D. took D. patience

B. build C. call D. clear D. almost

D. check

D. guessing D. meant D. touching

36. A. heavily 38. A. realizing 39. A. crying

C. close D. hard

C. wishing C. shouting C. inferred

37. A. watch B. exam

B. thinking B. laughing

40. A. considered B. expressed 六、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)

阅读理解 (共50分)







21. No matter how busy he is, Tom makes ______ a rule to see his grandparents every weekend.

A this B that C it D him

22. Tom is ______ fantastic musician. I’m absolutely certain that his next concert will be ______ success.

A the , a B the , 不填 C a , a D a , 不填

23. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ______ the traffic problem.

A to B on C in D for

24. –What do you think of your new ipad?

--Good. I can’t find a ______ one.

A worst B best C worse D better

25. Whenever you ______ a present, you’d better think about it from the receiver’s preference.

A bought B buy C will buy D have bought

26. You will never be successful _____ you are fully devoted to you work.

A because B unless C if D when

27. I’ve ordered some pizza, so we _____ worry about cooking when we get home tired.

A can’t B may not C needn’t D dare not

28. –Long time no see! Where have you been?

--I went to Ningxia and ______ there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.

A stayed B stay C had stayed D am staying

29. The most unforgettable moment for me was _____ I graduated from high school.

A when B where C how D why

30. We won’t start the work until all the preparations _____.

A are being made

C have been made B will be made D had been made

31. Group activities will be organized in and after class _____ children develop team spirit.

A helping

C helped B having helped D to help

32. It was David dreamed to be an interpreter, _____ he joined a translation club at the age of 16.

A but

B so C or D for 1

33. Although _____ by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged but practiced harder.【21.,–The,film,is,really,touching,,isn’t,it?】

A beating

B beaten D being beaten C having beaten

34. Paris has some great museums _____ visitors can see fine works of impressionist painters.

A that B which C when D where

35. ______ the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda is more independent now.

A Spending

C To spend B Spent D Having spent


阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 We could all say that we have bad days as we go through life, but what does it take to have a really good day?

wasn’t feeling well and my doctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of

one not too far from the entrance to the hospital.

As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket, I noticed a man looking a little

he was only thinking about visiting his sick wife when he left his house.

walking away:”Have a good day.”

to walk just a little quicker. I was walking away when he called out:”Thank you so much.

”That’s all it took to bring a smile to my face as I went on toward completing my own business. 2

36. A.hospital B.school C.gym D.company

37. A.walked B.ran C.rode D.drove

38. A.search B.plan C.travel D.design

39. A.tired B.worried C.puzzled D.bored

40. A.tools B.keys C.coins D.batteries

41. A.really B.suddenly C.finally D.probably

42. A.help B.understand C.follow D.join

43. A.while B.although C.unless D.because

44. A.turned B.dropped C.pulled D.sent

45. A.call B.cheer C.regret D.response

46. A.safer B.younger C.brighter D.easier

47. A.tell B.expect C.remind D.encourage

48. A.trust B.hope C.share D.know

49. A.courage B.patience C.hand D.guide

50. A.mean B.take C.make D.save

四 阅读理解(共15小题,30分,每小题2分)




A. Do role-play games.

B. Put on science shows.

C. Hear touching stories.

D. Meet authors of the books.

52. If you are interested in ocean engineering, you will probably attend_______________.

A. Story Show

B. DIY Underwater Vehicle Design

C. Make Your Own iPhone Case

D. Animal Kingdom for Young Ones

53. Animal Kingdom for Young Ones is designed for ____________.

A. adults


B. children of all ages

C. kids under 8 years old

D. children aged twelve and older

54. What is the subject of the festival?

A. Sports.

B. Science.

C. Literature.

D. Education.


Since 1936, many female space explorers have followed Russian astronaut Valentina Tereshkova. Let’s look at the missions(任务) of four important female astronauts to find out what astronauts do in space.

In 1983, Sally Ride became the first American women in space. Her team carried out scientific experiments in space and put two communications satellites in space. Satellites make it possible for us to communicate instantly with each other across the world through TV, radio, and telephones.

In 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became the first American women to walk in space. During her mission, she discovered important information about the sun’s energy and how it affects the climate in very hot and very cold places on Earth. She also took photographs of Earth and measured air pollution.

In 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African-American in space. During her mission, she did scientific experiments using the weightless atmosphere. In space, there is no gravity, so everything floats! Dr. Jemison’s experiments gave important information about the human body to produce better medicines and healthcare.

In 2012, Liu Yang became the first Chinese women in space. She did experiments in space medicine, which look at how astronauts can survive and stay healthy in space. The conditions in space are very hard on the body and space medicine helps astronauts work safely. 55. Who collected important information about air pollution?

A. Valentina Tereshkova.

C. Kathryn Sullivan. B. Sally Ride. D. Mae Jemison

56. What did Dr. Jemison’s experiments focus on?

A. Human body. B. Space satellites. 5




试卷总分:100 测试时间:--

、(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.– Do you think the exam will be put off? – ( ).

A. Not good news

B. The exam is difficult

C. Not likely

D. It was put off yesterday


2.If you have made a decision, please stick( )what you want.

A. to

B. up

C. of

D. for


3.He speaks so quickly that I didn’t( )what he said.

A. receive

B. listen

C. take

D. catch


4.– Is there a drugstore near here? – ( ).

A. It’s very small

B. It’s very crowded

C. It’s a cheap one

D. Yes, there is a big one


5.– Thanks a lot. You’ve gone to so much trouble. – ( ).

A. It’s no trouble at all

B. That’s all right. I like it

C. I don’t think it’s a trouble

D. That’s very kind of you


6.( )you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.

A. Not

B. After

C. Till【21.,–The,film,is,really,touching,,isn’t,it?】

D. Until


7.The policeman was attacked( )a knife.

A. on

B. by

C. for

D. with


8.Silk( )by Chinese for thousands of years now.

A. has used

B. has been used

C. was used

D. is used


9.– Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? – ( ).

A. No, there isn’t

B. Yes, it is

C. On the ground floor

D. It is empty


10.– Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? – ( ).

A. Certainly. Here you are

B. Please don’t mention it

C. It’s nothing

D. Yes, I have a hand


11.This is the problem( )we have no good solution as yet.

A. to that

B. which

C. for which

D. to which


12.The mistake was( )by the carelessness of the assistant.

A. due

B. caused

C. because

D. owe


13.– Have you got a table for four, Waiter? – ( ).

A. Welcome to our restaurant

B. Yes, sure. This way, please

pA. Really? Maybe she’s out

B. Here is a message for her

C. I’m really sorry about it

D. I didn’t realize that



Why( )the old block of flats( )demolished next month? A. are…being

B. is…being

C. has…been

D. have…been

满分:2 分

15. – I'm trying to call Marie, but there's no answer. –

( ). A. Really? Maybe she's out B. Here is a message for her C. I'm really sorry about it

D. I didn't realize that

满分:2 分

16.Ann is studying( )at university.

A. politic

B. politics

C. politician

D. political


17.– Well, Mary, how are you? – ( ).

A. I’m good

B. I’m pleased

C. I’m fine

D. I’m nice


18.If you go by car, you’ll get there( )40 minutes.

A. within

B. about

C. under

D. after


19.– Excuse me, I didn’t mean to bother you. – ( ).

A. There’s no problem

B. It’s a pleasure

C. That’s quite all right

D. I didn’t realize that


20.– When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? – ( ).

A. I’ve never been there

B. The next one is faster

C. They leave every hour

D. The city is far away


21.Let’s go to the cinema,( )?

A. will you shan’t we

B. shan’t we

C. don’t we

D. shall we


22.The restaurants( )are good but the( )here are much better.

A. there…ones

B. here…one

C. there…one【21.,–The,film,is,really,touching,,isn’t,it?】

D. here… one


23.My teacher told me( )to English people as much as I can to practise my English.

A. talking

B. talk

C. talked

D. to talk


24.John Preston was tired( )living in east London, in which he had moved after his wife’s death.

A. to

B. of

C. at

D. for

25 let's take a walk




26 History is the story of( )happened to the people before today.










27.– Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? – ( ).

A. That’s fine, thank you

B. Yes, please

C. Take a seat

D. Of course not


28.He asked me( )English culture.

A. about

B. of

C. for

D. on


29.The population of the earth( )increasing fast. One third of the population here( ) workers.

A. is; are

B. is; has been

C. are; is

D. is; was


30.The play( )already( )when we got to the theatre.

A. has…started

B. was…started

C. have…started

D. had…started


31.– I don’t think I’m late. Excuse me, what’s the time? – ( ).

A. It says 8:00. But it’s 5 minutes slow

B. I’m sorry I’ve forgot the time

C. I was caught in the traffic jam

D. I’m sorry to keep you waiting


32.– Excuse me, how far is the airport from here? – ( ).

A. You can take a taxi

B. It’s about thirty miles

C. I’ll fly to Sidney

D. It’s only six hundred dollars


33.The picture is pleasant( )_.




第一部分: 交际用语 (每题2分, 共10分)

一、阅读下面的小对话,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. Nice weather, isn’t it?


A.I’m not sure

B.Your know it well

C.Yes, it is

D. Yes, it isn’t

2. What about going for a walk?


A.Why not? A good idea

B.That’s all right

C.So, do I

D. Walking is good to you

3. Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?


A.That’s fine, thank you

B.Yes, please

C.Take a seat

D. Of course not

4. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket?


A.It’s not very far from here

B.The supermarket is very large

C.The goods there are very expensive

D. Sorry, sir. I’m a stranger here myself

5. What’s the problem, Harry?


A.No problem

B.No trouble at all

C.Thank you for asking me about it

D. I can’t remember where I left my glasses



阅读下面的句子和对话,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题2分,共20分)

6. Which do you like better, real movies ___D_______ cartoons?

I prefer cartoons __________real movies

A. and, than B. or, than C. and, and D. or, to

7. What a fool I have been! Why ____B_ I think of that before?

A. don’t B. didn’t C. not D. do

8. Time is money! We should _____B____ our time.

A. be fit for B. make good use of C. play a part of D. take the place of

9. You must explain ______C____ how they succeeded ___________ the experiment.

A. of us, for B. at us, at C. to us, in D. for us, to

10. Of all the stories here, I like this one ______C___. It’s not interesting at all.

A. spoken, written B. speaking, written C. speaking, writing D. speak, write

11. We must make a difference between _____A____ language and _________ language.

A. spoken, written B. speaking, written C. speaking, writing D. speak, write

12. I think all these are main points ______B_____ much attention.

A. being worthy of B. worthy of C. which worth D. which worthy of

13. They ___B____ the train until it disappeared in the distance.

A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed

14. Can I get you a cup of tea?


A.that’s very nice of you

B.with pleasure

C.you can, please

D. thank you for the tea

15. Mary forgot _____B______ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.

A. writing B. to write

C. having wrote D. to have written



A study has shown that fitness is the key _16__C___ long life, irrespective of body shape __17__A___ even smoking habits. Researchers discovered that people who exercise live longer than _18___D_, even if they are overweight and smoke.

The study found that __19_____D___ fit of the 6,000 middle-aged men in the study were five times more likely to die within six years of the start of the research than the fittest. This was true 20_B____ the men had heart problems, smoked or were

overweight. Scientists concluded that it was better _21____B__ and active than skinny and sedentary. Dr Ken cooper, a fitness expert, said, “ You are better off smoking a packet of cigarettes a day and exercising regularly than 22__A__ a non-smoker and sedentary.” Although he adds, “ But don’t misunderstand me. I am not endorsing _23___C___, I am trying to tell you how dangerous it is to be sedentary.” The British Government is putting pressure _24_____A___ manufacturers to reduce high levels of sugar in food and to restrict the hard-sell of junk food to children in order to improve the nation’s health. But the new study suggests the Government should encourage more people _25__C____.

16. A.for B.of C.to

D. in

17. A.or B.and C. but


18. A. those who does not B. these who do not C. these that do not D.those who do not

19. A. the little B. less C. lease D.the least

20. A. that B.whether or not C. if or not

D. when

21. A. being fat B.to be fat C. to do D. doing

22. A.being B. be C. to be


23. A. smoke B. to smoke C.smoking

D. smoked

24. A.on B.in C. to

D. for

25. A. exercise B. exercising C.to exercise D. exercised




PAT the Dog

Did you know there are some very special dogs doing good work in our hospital wards? These are PAT ( Pets As Therapy) dogs. Doctors and nurses are recognizing the benefits of pets more and more – particularly for children, people with mental illnesses and elderly people who are separated from their own pets or have had to give up their pets.

Stroking and playing with a pet is a calming experience and something to look forward to. One hospital reported that a man with a mental illness, who hadn’t spoken for years, first stroked and played with a visiting dog and then started talking to it.

Today, around 4,500 dogs and 50 cats and their volunteer owners are at work in the UK bringing comfort and pleasure to over 100,000 people in hospital.

There are many other “working dogs”. There are guard dogs, police dogs, hunting dogs and dogs for the blind. Disabled people benefit greatly. Take the case of Alan Smythe, who has to visit hospital every month. Some things are difficult for him because he is in a wheelchair. But his life has altered dramatically since he got a god, Tess, from the charity “Dogs for the Disabled”. “She helps me to get dressed, and she brings me my socks and shoes. She fetches the newspaper from the shop, and she passes me the phone when it rings. I feel so much better too. It’s like having a really good friend. She comes with me to hospital. Once, she saved my life. I am a diabetic and one day my blood sugar level dropped, and when I was going into a coma she went next door and she alerted my neighbour. He gave me an insulin injection.”

26. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage? _____B______

A. All the dogs are allowed into the hospitals to visit the patients.

B. Only some special dogs can help the patients feel better.

C. Doctors and nurses doubt if pets can bring comfort to the patients.

D. Doctors and nurses are aware pets will bring benefits to all the patients.

27. Pets are particularly beneficial to the following EXCEPT _____C______.

A. children

B. people with mental illness

C. the elderly people who live alone

D. the elderly people who have to live apart from their pets

28. The first sentence of Para. 2 suggests ________D__.

A. touching and playing with a pet makes people nervous and anxious

B. pets can make people become quiet and attentive

C. people feel uncomfortable when they touch and play with a pet

D. people feel relaxed and hopeful when they touch and play with a pet

29. The dog helps Alan do the following EXCEPT _____D_____.

A. She helps her get dressed

B. She accompanies her to the hospital

C. She gets the newspaper for her

D. She picks up the phone for her

30. The sentence “when I was going to a comma” means that ____C______.

A. when I got hungry

B. when I felt asleep

C. when I became unconscious

D. when I fell down on the floor



The ancient Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in honour of the Greek

god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses. The festival and games were held in Olympia, a religious sanctuary. The athletes came to Olympia from all parts of the Greek world, from as far as Spain in the west and Turkey in the east.

The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 766 BC when Koroibos, a cook from the city of Elis, won a 200-metre-long race. They took place for a period of 617 years until the last games were held in AD 393.

In the ancient games, athletes received prizes worth large amounts of money. In fact the word “athlete” is an ancient Greek word, meaning “one who competes for a prize”. Although women did not compete in the games, there was a separate festival held at the same time in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus. At this festival unmarried girls competed in foot races.

The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games. The marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Olympic Games in 1896. It was named after a village called Marathon where the Persians were defeated by a small Greek army. The news of the victory was brought to Athens by soldier, who ran the 26 miles from the village of Marathon to the capital. 26 miles was therefore adopted as the distance of the modern marathon race.

The Olympic flag was introduced in 1908 and carries the symbol of five linked rings. Which represent the five continents --- Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and Europe. The Olympic flame was first carried in the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. There was no torch relay in the ancient Olympic Games. The first torch relay in the modern Olympic Games was staged in Berlin in 1936.

36. The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 617 BC.( F )

37. The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games for 393 years. ( F )

38. They did not allow women to compete in the ancient Olympic Games. ( T )

39. They first used the Olympic flag in 1908. ( T )

40. Both the Olympic Games and the Marathon Race are very popular for old and young people in many countries of the world. ( NG )


Diections: For this part. You are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage on the topic How to Keep Healthy. You showrite least 80 words and could base your writing by using the hints given below.

It is necessary to keep a balanced diet /had better / it is important to do regular exercise / it is essential to keep high mood / renwe our spirts and release our stress / be bound to keep healthy

How to Keep Healthy

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.


