
| 高三 |



东北三省三校2016届高三第三次高考模拟考试 英语









第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?


A.£19.15 B.£9.18 C.£9.15


1.Where are probably the two speakers?

A.On the first floor. B.On the fourth floor. C.On the fifth floor.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.One likes the football match, but the other doesn‟t.

B.Neither of them likes the football match.

C.Both of them like the football match.

3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.A job opportunity. B.A general manager. C.A travel agency.

4.How is the man feeling?

A.Disappointed. B.Encouraged. C.Delighted.

5.What can we learn about City of Angels?

A.It‟s a TV play. B.It‟s a love story. C.It‟s about war.






6.When will the man go to town?

A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow morning.

7.What does Linda want the man to do?

A.Go shopping. B.Go to the movies.

8.What will the man probably do next?

A.Write a letter. B.Take some pictures.


9.What will Johnny do on Tuesday?

A.See a film. B.Go swimming.

10.What do we know about the pool in Park Road?

A.It‟s much bigger than the one in town.

B.It‟s more crowded than the one in town.

C.It‟s more expensive than the one in town.

11.Who will Johnny have a dinner with on Thursday?

·3· C.Tomorrow afternoon C.Have a film developed. C.Make a list. C.Have a dinner outside.

A.His sister. B.The woman.


12.What do we know about the restaurant?

A.It‟s self-helpful. B.It‟s expensive.

13.How much will the two speakers pay for the meal?

A.$ 50. B. 100.

14.What do the two speakers think about the food?

A.It‟s worthy.

B.It‟s unworthy.

C.It‟s different to different people.


15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man‟s fresh to the woman.

B.Mr. Graber‟s waiting for the man.

C.The woman‟s changed her office.

16.Why does the man come to the woman?

·4· C.Anna. C.It‟s not various. C.$ 150.

A.To attend a meeting. B.To meet Mr. Graber. C.To visit her new office.

17.What do we know about the man?

A.He travels a lot.

B.He‟s always very busy at work.

C.It has taken him a short time to get here.


18.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.To judge anything from facts.

B.People may fool you by putting up a good appearance.

C.Don‟t judge a person‟s intelligence by his appearance.

19.What do we know about the young man mentioned in the passage?

A.He is stupid. B.He is a talented writer. C.He has many faults.

20.What does the speaker want to say by giving the example of the student?

A.The teacher is fooled by the intelligent student.

B.The student is good at putting up a good appearance.

C.The teacher doesn‟t know how intelligent the student really is.



东北三省三校2016届高三第一次高考模拟考试 英语



辽宁省实验中学 2016年高三第一次联合模拟考试 英语试卷







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15 B.£9.18 C.£9.15


1.Where are probably the two speakers?

A.On the first floor. B.On the fourth floor. C.On the fifth floor.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.One likes the football match, but the other doesn‟t.

B.Neither of them likes the football match.

C.Both of them like the football match.

3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.A job opportunity. B.A general manager. C.A travel agency.

4.How is the man feeling?

A.Disappointed. B.Encouraged. C.Delighted.

5.What can we learn about City of Angels?

A.It‟s a TV play. B.It‟s a love story. C.It‟s about war.




6.When will the man go to town?

A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Tomorrow afternoon

7.What does Linda want the man to do?

A.Go shopping. B.Go to the movies. C.Have a film developed.

8.What will the man probably do next?

A.Write a letter. B.Take some pictures. C.Make a list. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9.What will Johnny do on Tuesday?

A.See a film. B.Go swimming. C.Have a dinner outside.

10.What do we know about the pool in Park Road?

A.It‟s much bigger than the one in town.

B.It‟s more crowded than the one in town.

C.It‟s more expensive than the one in town.

11.Who will Johnny have a dinner with on Thursday?

A.His sister. B.The woman. C.Anna.


12.What do we know about the restaurant?

A.It‟s self-helpful. B.It‟s expensive. C.It‟s not various.

13.How much will the two speakers pay for the meal?

A.$ 50. B. 100. C.$ 150.

14.What do the two speakers think about the food?

A.It‟s worthy.

B.It‟s unworthy.

C.It‟s different to different people.


15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man‟s fresh to the woman.

B.Mr. Graber‟s waiting for the man.

C.The woman‟s changed her office.

16.Why does the man come to the woman?

A.To attend a meeting. B.To meet Mr. Graber. C.To visit her new office.

17.What do we know about the man?

A.He travels a lot.

B.He‟s always very busy at work.

C.It has taken him a short time to get here.


18.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.To judge anything from facts.

B.People may fool you by putting up a good appearance.

C.Don‟t judge a person‟s intelligence by his appearance.

19.What do we know about the young man mentioned in the passage?

A.He is stupid. B.He is a talented writer. C.He has many faults.

20.What does the speaker want to say by giving the example of the student?

A.The teacher is fooled by the intelligent student.




辽宁省实验中学 2016年高三第一次联合模拟考试 英语试卷







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15 B.£9.18 C.£9.15


1.Where are probably the two speakers?

A.On the first floor. B.On the fourth floor. C.On the fifth floor.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.One likes the football match, but the other doesn‟t.

B.Neither of them likes the football match.

C.Both of them like the football match.

3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.A job opportunity. B.A general manager. C.A travel agency.

4.How is the man feeling?

A.Disappointed. B.Encouraged. C.Delighted.

5.What can we learn about City of Angels?

A.It‟s a TV play. B.It‟s a love story. C.It‟s about war.




6.When will the man go to town?

A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Tomorrow afternoon

7.What does Linda want the man to do?

A.Go shopping. B.Go to the movies. C.Have a film developed.

8.What will the man probably do next?

A.Write a letter. B.Take some pictures. C.Make a list.


9.What will Johnny do on Tuesday?

A.See a film. B.Go swimming. C.Have a dinner outside.

10.What do we know about the pool in Park Road?

A.It‟s much bigger than the one in town.

B.It‟s more crowded than the one in town.

C.It‟s more expensive than the one in town.

11.Who will Johnny have a dinner with on Thursday?

A.His sister. B.The woman. C.Anna.


12.What do we know about the restaurant?

A.It‟s self-helpful. B.It‟s expensive. C.It‟s not various.

13.How much will the two speakers pay for the meal?

A.$ 50. B. 100. C.$ 150.

14.What do the two speakers think about the food?

A.It‟s worthy.

B.It‟s unworthy.

C.It‟s different to different people.


15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man‟s fresh to the woman.

B.Mr. Graber‟s waiting for the man.

C.The woman‟s changed her office.

16.Why does the man come to the woman?

A.To attend a meeting. B.To meet Mr. Graber. C.To visit her new office.

17.What do we know about the man?

A.He travels a lot.

B.He‟s always very busy at work.

C.It has taken him a short time to get here.


18.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.To judge anything from facts.

B.People may fool you by putting up a good appearance.

C.Don‟t judge a person‟s intelligence by his appearance.

19.What do we know about the young man mentioned in the passage?

A.He is stupid. B.He is a talented writer. C.He has many faults.

20.What does the speaker want to say by giving the example of the student?【东北三校高三联考2016英语】

A.The teacher is fooled by the intelligent student.

B.The student is good at putting up a good appearance.

C.The teacher doesn‟t know how intelligent the student really is.





When I was young, my father had one of the first telephones m our neighborhood. I remember the shiny box on the wall. But I was too little to reach it. I could only listen to my mother talk on it.

I discovered that inside the-wonderful box lived an amazing person whose name was Information Please. There was nothing she did not know.

One day my mother went out. I accidentally hurt my finger when I was playing with a hammer. I walked around the house sucking my finger, finally seeing the telephone. Quickly I dragged a chair over and climbed up.

“Information Please, ”I spoke into the receiver. A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear. “Information.”

“I hurt my finger…”I cried into the phone.

“Isn‟t your mother home?” came the question.

“Nobody‟s home but me.” I sobbed.

“Are you bleeding?” the voice asked.

“No,” I replied, “I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts.”

“Can you open your icebox?” she asked. I said I could.

“Then take a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger.” said the voice.

After that, I called “Information Please” for everything. I asked her for help with my geography and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math. She told me her name was Sally.

Then, there was the time my pet canary(金丝雀)died. I called “Information Please” and told Sally the sad story. “Why is it that birds sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a pile of feathers?” She listened, then said quietly, “Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in.” Somehow, I felt better.

One day when I called “Information Please” again, a different voice answered “Information.”

I asked for Sally. “Are you a friend?” she said.

“Yes,” I answered.

“I‟m sorry to have to tell you this,” she said. “She died five days ago.” Before I could hang up she said, “Wait a minute. Did you say your name was Paul?”


“Well, Sally left a message for you. The note said, „Tell him I still say there are other worlds to sing in. He‟ll know what I mean.‟” I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.

21.When the author hurt his finger, he rang because __________.

A.he believed that the telephone knew everything

B.the telephone could tell him a doctor‟s number

C.his mother was on the other end of the telephone

D.he was once told to ask for help in this way

22.Through the help from Sally, it can be inferred that __________.

A.Sally was a geography teacher B.Sally was the author‟s friend

C.Sally was a considerate person D.Sally was an imaginary person

23.What did Sally really mean by her message?

A.She was sure that she could sing in other worlds.

B.She didn‟t want Paul to be sad about her death.

C.Singing helped Paul to face death more easily.

D.There was no need for Paul to call her anymore.

24.What is the best title for this passage?

A.My Pet‟s Death B.An Amazing Woman

C.A Healing Message D.My Magic Box


Tu Youyou has become the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize, for her work in helping to create an anti-malaria(疟疾)medicine. The 84-year-old‟s route to the honour has been anything but traditional. In China, she is being called the “three nos” winner:no medical. degree, no doctorate, and she‟s never worked overseas. Americans in the jungles of northern Vietnam. A secret research unit “Mission 523” was formed to find a cure for the illness. Two years later, Tu Youyou was instructed to become the new head of “Mission 523”.

“Mission 523” read ancient books carefully for a long time to find historical methods of fighting malaria. When she started her search for an anti-malarial drug, more than 240,000 compounds(化合物)around the world had already been tested, without any success. Finally, the team found a brief reference to one substance, sweet wormwood(青蒿),which had been used to treat malaria in China around 400 AD. The team took out one active compound in wormwood, and then tested it. But nothing was effective until Tu Youyou returned to the original ancient text. After another careful reading, she changed the drug recipe one final time, heating the compound without allowing it to reach boiling point.【东北三校高三联考2016英语】

After the drug showed promising results in mice and monkeys, Tu Youyou volunteered to be the first human recipient of the new drug.

In any case, Tu Youyou is consistently praised for her drive and passion. One former colleague, Lianda Li, says Ms Tu is “unsociable and quite straightforward”, adding that “if she disagrees with something, she will say it.”

Another colleague, Fuming Liao, who has worked with Tu Youyou for more than 40 years, describes her as a “tough and stubborn woman”. Stubborn enough to spend decades piecing together ancient texts, she applies them to modem scientific practices. The result has saved millions of lives.

25.According to Para 1, we can learn that __________.

A.Tu is the first woman to win a Nobel Prize

B.Tu has a medical degree

C.Tu‟s road to success is not traditional

D.Tu discovered a cure for malaria

26.The underlined word “decimating” can be replaced by __________.

A.encouraging B.killing C.annoying D.benefiting

27.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Tu first invented the idea of using sweet wormwood as a cure.


B.Tu was inspired by medical textbooks published in northern vietnem.

C.The compound needs to be heated to the boiling point to be effective.

D.Over 240,000 compounds were proved ineffective before Tu‟s search.

28.Tu Youyou can be best described as a __________ person.

A.devoted and stubborn B.straightforward and mean

C.considerate and tough D.sociable and generous


If you live in a big city, there are many things to drive you crazy on your daily route, and it‟s not just overcrowded subway trains.

Vicky Zhao is a mainlander working in Hong Kong. For her, one thing she can‟t put up with is people standing on the wrong side of the escalator(自动扶梯)in subway stations. “Escalators help us move faster

and save time. It isn‟t a place to rest,” the 24-year-old says. “I often see tourists block the way with their suitcases or chatting on the escalators during rush hours.

Admitting she is not the patient type, Zhao says things are much better in Hong Kong than in cities on the mainland where “stand right, walk left” signs are often ignored.

The logic behind the “stand right, walk left” escalator etiquette(礼仪)seems obvious. Even though you may want to catch your breath while you‟re transported up or down, you should still consider others and leave enough space for people in a hurry, so that they can run and catch the train.

Many cities‟ escalators, including London‟s and Beijing‟s, use the “stand right, walk left” system to speed up the flow of people.(Australia is an exception and you should stand on the left side instead.)But some cities discourage people from moving on escalators out of safety reasons. In Hong Kong‟s subway stations there are regular announcements asking people to “stand still” on escalators. Even so, most people in this fast-paced city observe the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

But the people who stand on escalators defend themselves by telling the walkers not to be so impatient. The BBC quotes one stander as saying:“If the person is in such a rush, why not just take the stairs? Even when the escalator is packed and there‟s nowhere to move, I see these same people complaining about not being able to pass.

Whatever the escalator etiquette is in the place you live or visit, do what most people are doing and always be mindful of others: leave enough space between each other, don‟t stay at the end of the escalator, and if someone is blocking your way, a simple “excuse me” is enough.

29.In the second paragraph, the underlined word It refers __________.

A.the author‟s living in the big city of Hong Kong


B.being crowded on the subway trains m rush hours【东北三校高三联考2016英语】

C.people‟s blocking the way or chat on the escalators

D.people‟s standing on the right side resting

30.When on the escalator, a majority of local people in Hong Kong __________.

A.stand still as the railway stations require

B.ignore the “stand right, walk left” signs

C.use the stairs instead of escalators

D.follow the “stand right, walk left” etiquette

31.What can be inferred from the 6th paragraph?

A.Not everyone follows the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

B.The BBC is against the “stand right, walk left” etiquette.

C.People should be patient and take the stairs if possible.

D.People shouldn‟t complain about the crowded escalators.

32.Which of the following statements is the writer‟s opinion?

A.People should stand right no matter where they are.

B.People should do as the Romans do and consider others.

C.People should do as they like on the escalators.

D.People should be seriously critisized when they block the way.


Explore Australia‟s Top End on a Northern Territory camping tour through Kakadu, Katherine Gorge and Litchfield national parks. This five-day tour to the Top End‟s three most popular national parks takes you hiking to waterfalls, swimming in rock pools and spotting crocodiles on a private wildlife cruise. Experience the Top End‟s unique culture, spend evenings around the campfire and sleep under the stars at private campsites in a traditional Australian bedroll or a permanent safari tent. This small-group tour is limited to 16 people, ensuring a personalized experience with your guide, and operates seasonally from May to November. Additional Information:

●Confirmation will be received at time of booking.

东北三省三校2016届高三第一次高考模拟考试 英语试卷 Word版含答案



辽宁省实验中学 2016年高三第一次联合模拟考试 英 语 试 卷







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15 B.£9.18 C.£9.15


1.Where are probably the two speakers?

A.On the first floor. B.On the fourth floor. C.On the fifth floor.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.One likes the football match, but the other doesn‟t.


B.Neither of them likes the football match.

C.Both of them like the football match.

3.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.A job opportunity. B.A general manager. C.A travel agency.

4.How is the man feeling?

A.Disappointed. B.Encouraged. C.Delighted.

5.What can we learn about City of Angels?

A.It‟s a TV play. B.It‟s a love story. C.It‟s about war.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6.When will the man go to town?

A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow morning. C.Tomorrow afternoon

7.What does Linda want the man to do?

A.Go shopping. B.Go to the movies. C.Have a film developed.

8.What will the man probably do next?

A.Write a letter. B.Take some pictures. C.Make a list. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9.What will Johnny do on Tuesday?

A.See a film. B.Go swimming. C.Have a dinner outside.

10.What do we know about the pool in Park Road?

A.It‟s much bigger than the one in town.

B.It‟s more crowded than the one in town.

C.It‟s more expensive than the one in town.

11.Who will Johnny have a dinner with on Thursday?

A.His sister. B.The woman. C.Anna.


12.What do we know about the restaurant?

A.It‟s self-helpful. B.It‟s expensive. C.It‟s not various.

13.How much will the two speakers pay for the meal?

A.$ 50. B. 100. C.$ 150.

14.What do the two speakers think about the food?

A.It‟s worthy.

B.It‟s unworthy.

C.It‟s different to different people.


15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man‟s fresh to the woman.

B.Mr. Graber‟s waiting for the man.

C.The woman‟s changed her office.

16.Why does the man come to the woman?

A.To attend a meeting. B.To meet Mr. Graber. C.To visit her new office.

17.What do we know about the man?

A.He travels a lot.

B.He‟s always very busy at work.

C.It has taken him a short time to get here.


18.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.To judge anything from facts.

B.People may fool you by putting up a good appearance.

C.Don‟t judge a person‟s intelligence by his appearance.

19.What do we know about the young man mentioned in the passage?

A.He is stupid. B.He is a talented writer. C.He has many faults.

20.What does the speaker want to say by giving the example of the student?

A.The teacher is fooled by the intelligent student.

B.The student is good at putting up a good appearance.

C.The teacher doesn‟t know how intelligent the student really is.


