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精选词汇总结以下词汇在解说词中都用红色画出美丽中国11.searing hot to    searing /?s??r?? US ?s?r-/ adj extremely hotmind-numbing cold.numbing / `n?m?? / adjective making you lose feeling in a part of your body:e.g. numbing cold 。numb v.使麻木的2 On the Li River, fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts,perch [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (of a bird) come to rest or stay (on a branch, etc) (指鸟)栖息, 停留(枝上等): The birds perched on the television aerial. 鸟停在电视天线上.3.a recurring motif in Chinese paintings.   recurring ,recurrent ?   motif /m??’ti?f/ 1a pattern or design     We chose some curtains with a flower motif.      2 an idea that is used many times in a piece of writing or music     The motif of betrayal is crucial in all these stories.    ?oblivious /??bl?v.i.?s/adjectivenot aware of something, especially what is happening around you:Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.pinnacle顶点;可用于比喻义highest point; peak 顶峰: the pinnacle of one's career, fame, success, etc 事业﹑ 声誉﹑ 成功等的顶峰.for dear life 拼命地If you do something for dear life, you do it with as much effort as possible, usually to avoid danger:As the ship began to tilt, we clung on for dear life.ooze ?/ u?z; uz/ v 渗出    Blood was still oozing from the wound. 伤口仍在渗血. * (fig 比喻) Their courage was oozing away. 他们的勇气慢慢消失.    eon ?[?i??n, ?i??n](=aeon)世, 纪, 代, 无限长的时代, 永世Eons passed before life existed on the earth.经过数不清的年代以后, 地球上才有人类。    Stray     deviate from a direct course or leave a subject 偏离; 背离; 离题: My mind kept straying from the discussion (to other things). 我在讨论时总是走神(去想别的事情). * Don't stray (away) from the point. 不要离题.fetchbe sold for (a price) (指货物)售得, 卖得(某价钱): The picture should fetch 2000 at auction. 这张画拍卖可得2000英镑. * Those old books won't fetch (you) much. 这些旧书卖不了多少钱.fend forto take care of and provide for yourself without depending on anyone else:Now that the children are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday by ourselves.resilient ?/ r??z?l??nt; r?ˋz?l??nt/ adj (of a person or character) quickly recovering from shock or depression; buoyant (指人或性格)能迅速恢复或重新振作的, 达观的, 适应性强的: physically/mentally resilient 肉体上[精神上]迅速复原的 * She is very resilient to change. 她对变化有很强的适应力.> resilience / -?ns; -?ns/ (also resiliency / -ns?;-ns?/) n [U]     美丽中国2wisp /w?sp/ noun [ C ] 缕,束    1. wisp of cloud/smoke/steam

    a small, thin line of cloud/smoke/steam     A blue wisp of cigarette smoke curled in the air.     2. wisp of hair/grass, etc.     a thin, delicate piece of hair/grass, etc     A few wisps of hay still clung to her skirt.     soft wisps of baby hair     nowhere to be found     impossible to see or find     We looked for her everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.     laden /‘le?.d ? n/ adjective     carrying or holding a lot of something     He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone.     The table, as always, was laden with food.     by rights     if the situation was fair 按理说    By rights, it should be my turn next.     saturate /?s?t.j?.re?t/ verb MAKE WET 浸泡,饱和     [ T often passive ] to make something or someone completely wet     The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.     He had cut his leg badly, and his trousers were saturated with/in blood. saturate the market使市场饱和    to provide too much of a product so that there is more of this product available than there are people who want to buy it     Since the US market has now been saturated, drug dealers are looking to Europe.     phenomenal /f??n?m.?.n ? l/ adjective     extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way 非凡的    Her rise to fame was quite phenomenal - in less than two years she was a household name.     cast her spell.    spoken words which are thought to have magical power, or (the condition of being under) the influence or control of such words     The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.     embargo /?m?bɑ?g?u US -?bɑ?rgou/ n plural embargoes [C] an official order to stop trade with another countryimpose/lift an embargo(=start or end one)treacherous /?tret?. ? r.?s/ DANGEROUS 暗藏危险的    If the ground or sea is treacherous, it is extremely dangerous, especially because of bad weather conditions     Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.     美丽中国3archaic /ɑ??ke?.?k/     from an ancient period in history     an archaic system of government     an archaic law/rule/language a hive of activity/industry 熙熙攘攘的地方hive蜂群    a place where a lot of people are working very hard     The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding. Be studded with sth 镶嵌反响    literary If something is studded with many objects of the same type, those objects are arranged regularly across it, or across the surface of it     a baked ham studded with cloves  

   mbue sth/sb with sth phrasal verb formal     to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality or idea 充满感情思想    His poetry is imbued with deep, religious feeling.     reverberate /r?‘v??.b ? r.e?t/ verb SOUND     1. [ I ] literary If a loud deep sound reverberates, it continues to be heard around an area, so that the area seems to shake 回荡    The narrow street reverberated with/to the sound of the workmen's drills.     2. [ I + adverb or preposition ] If an event or idea reverberates somewhere, it has an effect on everyone or everything in a place or group 影响深远    The surge in US share prices reverberated across the globe.     on the lookout for密切注意    catapult ?/ ?k?t?p?lt; ˋk?t??p?lt/ n Y-shaped stick with a piece of elastic attached to it, used esp by children for shooting stones 弹弓(尤指儿童玩的).V弹射catapult sb to fame/stardom etc一夜成名to suddenly make someone very famous A remarkable series of events catapulted her into the limelight.cramp sb's `style (infml 口) prevent sb from doing sth freely, or as well as he can 使某人不能放开手脚; 使某人不能施展其才能: It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time. 你老是盯着我使我放不开手脚. Cramp 名词意为抽筋in/out of one's `element in/not in one's accustomed or preferred surroundings; doing/not doing what one is good at and enjoys 在[不在]某人习惯或喜欢的环境中; 做[不做]某人擅长和喜欢的事: I'm out of my element in political discussions. 我不喜欢参加政治讨论. * The children are really in their element playing on the beach. 孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所.barter ?/ ?bɑ?t?(r); ˋbɑrt?/ v ~ sth (for sth); ~ sth (away) exchange (goods, property, etc) for other goods, etc without using money 以(货物﹑ 财产等)交换其他货物等(不使用货币): barter wheat for machinery 以小麦换机器 * (fig 比喻) barter away one's rights, honour, freedom 出卖自己的权利﹑ 荣誉﹑ 自由. venerate ?/ ?ven?re?t; ˋv?n??ret/ v [Tn] (fml 文) respect (sb/sth) deeply; regard as sacred 敬重(某人[某事物]); 崇敬: venerate the memory, name, spirit, etc of Mozart 怀着崇敬之情纪念莫扎特﹑ 景仰莫扎特的大名﹑ 崇敬莫扎特的精神. > veneration / ?ven??re??n; ?v?n?ˋre??n/ n true to form/type     Someone who does something true to form or type behaves as other people would have expected from previous experience 一如既往像,以往一样True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home.upstage /?p?ste?d?/ v [T] to do something that takes people's attention away from someone else who is more important抢风头 All the big-name stars were upstaged by 12-year-old Katy Rochford.

    barometer ?/ b??r?m?t?(r); b?ˋrɑm?t?/ n 气压计, 睛雨表(尤用以预报天气):(fig 比喻) thing that indicates changes (in public opinion, market prices, sb's mood, etc) 显示(舆论﹑ 物价﹑ 人的情绪等的)变化的事物: a reliable barometer of public feeling 反映公众情绪的可靠的标志. 美丽中国4meander ?/ m???nd?(r); m?ˋ?nd?/ v I] (of a river, etc) follow a winding course, flowing slowly (指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动. hold/keep sb at `bay prevent (an enemy, pursuers, etc) from coming near 不让(敌人﹑ 追逐者等)逼近: I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主.teeming ?teem·ing /?ti?m??/ adj full of people, animals etc that are all moving around充满 the teeming streets of the citybisect ?/ ba??sekt; ba?ˋs?kt/ v [Tn] divide into two (usu equal) parts 分成两个(通常为相等的)部分; 二等分meticulous ?/ m??t?kjul?s; m?ˋt?kj?l?s/ adj ~ (in sth/doing sth) giving or showing great precision and care; very attentive to detail 极精细的; 极注意细节的: a meticulous worker, researcher, etc 一丝不苟的工作者﹑ 研究者等 * meticulous work 精细的工作 * She is meticulous in her presentation of facts. 她介绍事实十分详细. > meticulously adv.stranglehold ?/?str??g?lh?uld US -hould/ n [C] complete control over a situation, organization etc完全控制stranglehold on Just a few firms have a stranglehold on the market for this software.break/loosen the stranglehold of sb(=stop someone having complete control) a stone's throw a very short distance 很近    The cottage is just a stone's throw from the sea. exuberant ?/ ?g?zju?b?r?nt; US -?zu?-; ?ɡˋzub?r?nt/ adj 1(esp of people and their behaviour) overflowing with happiness and excitement; very lively and cheerful (尤指人和行为)兴高采烈的, 活跃的, 愉快的: exuberant children at a fair 在游乐场上兴高采烈的儿童 * She gave an exuberant account of the party. 她生动地介绍了那一聚会的情形. 2(of plants, etc) growing vigorously; luxuriant (指植物等)茁壮的, 茂盛的; 繁茂的: plants with exuberant foliage 枝叶扶疏的植物 * (fig 比喻) an exuberant imagination 丰富的想像力.quarantine /?kw?r?nti?n US ?kw??-/ n [U] a period of time when a person or animal is kept apart from others in case they are carrying a disease隔离in quarantine The monkeys were kept in quarantine for 31 days.hark back to sth phrasal verb REPEAT     If someone harks back to something in the past, they talk about it again and again, often in a way which annoys other people 追溯过去He's always harking back to his childhood and saying how things were better then.         美丽中国5cooped up /ku?pt?p/ adjective     If you are cooped up somewhere, you are in a small closed space from wh

ich you cannot escape, or you feel as if you are 关在狭小的地方    Cooped up in a small dark cell, the prisoner hadn't seen daylight for five years. underpin ?/ ??nd??p?n; ??nd?ˋp?n/ v (-nn-) [Tn] 1support (a wall, etc) from below with masonry, etc 用砖石结构等从下面支撑(墙等); 加固(墙等)的基础. 2(fig 比喻) form the basis for (an argument, a claim, etc); strengthen 为(论据﹑ 主张等)打下基础; 加强; 巩固: These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry. 重工业的稳固发展为这些进展打下了基础.maze ?1network of paths or hedges designed as a puzzle in which one must find one's way 迷宫; 迷魂阵: We got lost in Hampton Court maze. 我们在汉普顿科特迷宫里迷了路.2 confused collection or complicated mass (of facts, etc) (事情等的)错综, 复杂: finding one's way through the maze of rules and regulations 在纷繁的规则和条例中寻找出路. rummage ?/ ?r?m?d?; ˋr?m?d?/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (among/in/through sth) (for sth); ~ (about/around) turn things over or disarrange them while searching for sth 翻找或搜寻某物: rummaging through (the contents of) a drawer for a pair of socks 在抽屉里(的东西中)翻找一双袜子meagre ?/?mi?g? US -?r/ adj a meagre amount of food, money etc is too small and is much less than you need微薄的 a meagre diet of bread and beans meagre income/earnings/wages etcfidelity ?/ f??del?t?; US fa?-; fa?ˋd?l?t?/ n [U] ~ (to sb/sth) (a) loyalty; faithfulness 忠实; 忠贞; 忠诚: fidelity to one's principles, religion, leader 对自己的原则﹑ 宗教信仰﹑ 领袖的忠诚. recede ?/ r??si?d; r?ˋsid/ v 潮水退去, 逐渐减少 (fig 比喻) The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded, ie is less likely. 破产的危险现已减少了. turn our noses up at sth嗤之以鼻They turned their noses up at the only hotel that was available. commendable /k?‘men.d?.bl??/ adjective formal deserving praise 值得表扬的    commendable efforts/behaviour/bravery incorporate ?/ ?n?k??p?re?t; ?nˋk?rp?ret/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (in/into sth) make sth part of a whole; include 将某事物包括进去; 包含: Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan. 你的建议多已纳入新计画中. descendents of the dragon龙的传人 中国人都该会!resonance /‘rez. ? n.?n t ?s/ noun [ C or U ] a feeling, thought, memory, etc that a piece of writing or music makes you have, or the quality in a piece of writing, etc which makes this happen 共鸣    This poem has many resonances for me teething problems 小毛病wary ?/ ?we?r?; ˋw?r?/ adj (-ier, -iest) ~ (of sb/sth) looking out for possible danger or difficulty; cautious (对可能发生的危险或困难)留意的, 小心的, 警惕的: keep a wary eye on sb 密切注意某人 * She was wary of stran


建 设 美 丽 中 国 从 我 做 起



美丽中国,从大的方面来讲必须树立尊重自然,顺应自然,保护自然的生态文明理念,从小处来说,可以是要求每个城市以建设“美丽城市”为目标。 十八大报告中提到了生态文明理念,个人认为,生态文明理念的建设是需要我们建设一个和谐的社会的环境。所谓和谐,即人与自然的和谐,人与人之间的和谐。如果我们能够本着为子子孙孙着想,从身边的小事做起,确立低碳环保的生活理念,注重养成节约每一滴水、每一度电的生活习惯,主动关爱身边每一个人并为他人提供力所能及的帮助和服务,以建设美丽城市为己任,都

能从我做起,那么,建设美丽中国指日可待。 建设美丽中国,我理应尽责,那么就从现在做起,从校园做起,从身边做起,向榜样学习,用实际行动真正为美丽中国的建设行动起起来。从校园做起。作为一名大学生,学习是我们当前的主要任务。生在新时代,长在红旗下,我们是幸运的一代,所以一定要懂得珍惜今天的幸福生活,不忘自己的职责,扎扎实实的学好科学文化知识,不断提升自身的素质,提高自己的思想品德,强健自己的体格,朝着德智体美全面发展的合格人才目标而努力,把自己锻炼成为一个符合时代发展的接班人,用自己的所学去汇报我们的祖国和人民。而在学习之余,我们应谨记十八大的生态文明理念,做文明人,行文明事,从校园做起。现在我们大部分的时间都在校园度过,如何让我们的校园成为美丽中国的一角,需要我们每一个在校学生共同维护。毫无疑问,谁都想在一个整洁、明亮、美丽的文明校园里努力学习,健康成长。校园是我们共同生活的大家园,校园的美丽要靠你我共同创造。所以希望大家都能行动起来,齐心协力爱护校园卫生,美化校园环境,增强环境保护意识。








精选词汇总结 以下词汇在解说词中都用红色画出 美丽中国1

1.searing hot to

searing /ˈsɪərɪŋ US ˈsɪr-/ adj extremely hot

mind-numbing cold.

numbing / `nʌmɪŋ / adjective making you lose feeling in a part of your body:

e.g. numbing cold 。numb v.使麻木的

2 On the Li River, fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts,

perch [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (of a bird) come to rest or stay (on a branch, etc) (指鸟)栖息, 停留(枝上等): The birds perched on the television aerial. 鸟停在电视天线上.

3.a recurring motif in Chinese paintings.

recurring ,recurrent

motif /məʊ’tiːf/ 1a pattern or design

We chose some curtains with a flower motif.

2 an idea that is used many times in a piece of writing or music The motif of betrayal is crucial in all these stories.

oblivious /əˈblɪv.i.əs/


not aware of something, especially what is happening around you: Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.


highest point; peak 顶峰: the pinnacle of one's career, fame, success, etc 事业﹑ 声誉﹑ 成功等的顶峰.

for dear life 拼命地

If you do something for dear life, you do it with as much effort as possible, usually to avoid danger: As the ship began to tilt, we clung on for dear life.

ooze / uːz; uz/ v 渗出

Blood was still oozing from the wound. 伤口仍在渗血. * (fig 比喻) Their courage was oozing away. 他们的勇气慢慢消失.

eon [ˈiːən, ˈiːɔn]

(=aeon)世, 纪, 代, 无限长的时代, 永世

Eons passed before life existed on the earth.

经过数不清的年代以后, 地球上才有人类。


deviate from a direct course or leave a subject 偏离; 背离; 离题: My mind kept

straying from the discussion (to other things). 我在讨论时总是走神(去想别的事情). * Don't stray (away) from the point. 不要离题.


be sold for (a price) (指货物)售得, 卖得(某价钱): The picture should fetch 2000 at auction. 这张画拍卖可得2000英镑. * Those old books won't fetch (you) much. 这些旧书卖不了多少钱.

fend for

to take care of and provide for yourself without depending on anyone else:

Now that the children are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday by ourselves.


/ rɪˈzɪlɪənt; rɪˋzɪlɪənt/ adj

(of a person or character) quickly recovering from shock or depression; buoyant (指人或性格)能迅速恢复或重新振作的, 达观的, 适应性强的: physically/mentally resilient 肉体上[精神上]迅速复原的 * She is very resilient to change. 她对变化有很强的适应力. > resilience / -əns; -əns/ (also resiliency / -nsɪ;-nsɪ/) n [U]


wisp /wɪsp/ noun [ C ] 缕,束

1. wisp of cloud/smoke/steam

a small, thin line of cloud/smoke/steam

A blue wisp of cigarette smoke curled in the air.

2. wisp of hair/grass, etc.

a thin, delicate piece of hair/grass, etc

A few wisps of hay still clung to her skirt.

soft wisps of baby hair

nowhere to be found

impossible to see or find

We looked for her everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.

laden /‘leɪ.d ə n/ adjective

carrying or holding a lot of something

He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone.

The table, as always, was laden with food.

by rights

if the situation was fair 按理说

By rights, it should be my turn next.

saturate /ˈsæt.jʊ.reɪt/ verb MAKE WET 浸泡,饱和

[ T often passive ] to make something or someone completely wet

The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.

He had cut his leg badly, and his trousers were saturated with/in blood. saturate the market使市场饱和

to provide too much of a product so that there is more of this product available than there are people who want to buy it

Since the US market has now been saturated, drug dealers are looking to Europe.

phenomenal /fəˈnɒm.ɪ.n ə l/ adjective

extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way 非凡的

Her rise to fame was quite phenomenal - in less than two years she was a household


cast her spell.

spoken words which are thought to have magical power, or (the condition of being under) the influence or control of such words

The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.

embargo /ɪmˈbɑːgəu US -ˈbɑːrgou/ n plural embargoes [C]

an official order to stop trade with another country

impose/lift an embargo

(=start or end one)

treacherous /ˈtretʃ. ə r.əs/ DANGEROUS 暗藏危险的

If the ground or sea is treacherous, it is extremely dangerous, especially because of bad weather conditions

Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.


archaic /ɑːˈkeɪ.ɪk/

from an ancient period in history

an archaic system of government

an archaic law/rule/language

a hive of activity/industry 熙熙攘攘的地方hive蜂群

a place where a lot of people are working very hard

The whole house was a hive of activity on the day before the wedding.

Be studded with sth 镶嵌反响

LITERARY If something is studded with many objects of the same type, those objects are arranged regularly across it, or across the surface of it

a baked ham studded with cloves

mbue sth/sb with sth phrasal verb FORMAL

to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality or idea 充满感情思想

His poetry is imbued with deep, religious feeling.

reverberate /rɪ‘vɜː.b ə r.eɪt/ verb SOUND

1. [ I ] LITERARY If a loud deep sound reverberates, it continues to be heard around an area, so that the area seems to shake 回荡

The narrow street reverberated with/to the sound of the workmen's drills.

2. [ I + adverb or preposition ] If an event or idea reverberates somewhere, it has an effect on everyone or everything in a place or group 影响深远

The surge in US share prices reverberated across the globe.

on the lookout for密切注意


/ ˈkætəpʌlt; ˋkætəˈpʌlt/ n Y-shaped stick with a piece of elastic attached to it, used esp by

children for shooting stones 弹弓(尤指儿童玩的).


catapult sb to fame/stardom etc一夜成名

to suddenly make someone very famous A remarkable series of events catapulted her into the limelight.

cramp sb's `style (infml 口) prevent sb from doing sth freely, or as well as he can 使某人不能放开手脚; 使某人不能施展其才能: It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time. 你老是盯着我使我放不开手脚. Cramp 名词意为抽筋

in/out of one's `element in/not in one's accustomed or preferred surroundings; doing/not doing what one is good at and enjoys 在[不在]某人习惯或喜欢的环境中; 做[不做]某人擅长和喜欢的事: I'm out of my element in political discussions. 我不喜欢参加政治讨论. * The children are really in their element playing on the beach. 孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所.


/ ˈbɑːtə(r); ˋbɑrtɚ/ v

~ sth (for sth); ~ sth (away) exchange (goods, property, etc) for other goods, etc without using money 以(货物﹑ 财产等)交换其他货物等(不使用货币): barter wheat for machinery 以小麦换机器 * (fig 比喻) barter away one's rights, honour, freedom 出卖自己的权利﹑ 荣誉﹑ 自由.


/ ˈvenəreɪt; ˋvɛnəˈret/ v [Tn] (fml 文) respect (sb/sth) deeply; regard as sacred 敬重(某人

[某事物]); 崇敬: venerate the memory, name, spirit, etc of Mozart 怀着崇敬之情纪念莫扎特﹑ 景仰莫扎特的大名﹑ 崇敬莫扎特的精神. > veneration / ˈvenəˈreɪʃn; ˈvɛnəˋreʃən/ n

true to form/type

Someone who does something true to form or type behaves as other people would have expected from previous experience 一如既往像,以往一样

True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home. upstage /ʌpˈsteɪdʒ/ v [T]

to do something that takes people's attention away from someone else who is more important抢风头 All the big-name stars were upstaged by 12-year-old Katy Rochford.


/ bəˈrɔmɪtə(r); bəˋrɑmətɚ/ n

气压计, 睛雨表(尤用以预报天气):

(fig 比喻) thing that indicates changes (in public opinion, market prices, sb's mood, etc) 显示(舆论﹑ 物价﹑ 人的情绪等的)变化的事物: a reliable barometer of public feeling 反映公众情绪的可靠的标志.



/ mɪˈændə(r); mɪˋændɚ/ v

I] (of a river, etc) follow a winding course, flowing slowly (指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动.

hold/keep sb at `bay prevent (an enemy, pursuers, etc) from coming near 不让(敌人﹑ 追逐者等)逼近: I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主.



NARRATOR: The last hidden world,


For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes

and surprising creatures.

Chinese civilisation is the world's oldest

and today, its largest,

with well over a billion people.

It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups

and a wide range of traditional lifestyles,

often in close partnership with nature.

We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems.

But there is great beauty here, too.

China is home to the world's highest mountains,

vast deserts ranging from searing hot

to mind-numbing cold.

Steaming forests harbouring rare creatures.

Grassy plains beneath vast horizons.

And rich tropical seas.

Now for the first time ever,

we can explore the whole of this great country,

meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here

and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China

to the remarkable landscape in which they live.

This is <i>Wild China.</i>

Our exploration of China begins in the warm, subtropical south.

On the Li River, fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts,

a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years.

This scenery is known throughout the world,

a recurring motif in Chinese paintings.

And a major tourist attraction.

The south of China is a vast area,

eight times larger than the UK.

It's a landscape of hills but also of water.


It rains here for up to 250 days a year,

and standing water is everywhere.


In the floodplain of the Yangtze River,

black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms.

But isn't just wildlife that thrives in this environment.

The swampy ground provides ideal conditions

for a remarkable member of the grass family.


The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8,000 years.

It has transformed the landscape.

Late winter in southern Yunnan is a busy time for local farmers

as they prepare the age-old paddy fields ready for the coming spring.

These hill slopes of the Yuanyang County plunge nearly 2,000 metres

to the floor of the Red River valley.

Each contains literally thousands of stacked terraces

carved out by hand using basic digging tools.

Yunnan's rice terraces are among the oldest human structures in China.

Still ploughed, as they always have been,

by domesticated water buffaloes,

whose ancestors originated in these very valleys.

This man-made landscape

is one of the most amazing engineering feats

of pre-industrial China.

It seems as if every square inch of land

has been pressed into cultivation.

As evening approaches, an age-old ritual unfolds.

It's the mating season

and male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of the females.

But it doesn't always pay to draw too much attention to yourself.

The Chinese pond heron is a pitiless predator.


Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field,

nature is red in beak and claw.

This may look like a slaughter

but as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time,

the vast majority will escape to croak another day.

Terraced paddies like those of the Yuanyang County

are found across much of southern China.

This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation.

In hilly Guizhou Province,

the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture.

With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation,

the Miao build their wooden houses

on the steepest and least productive hillsides.

In Chinese rural life, everything has a use.

Dried in the sun, manure from the cow sheds

will be used as cooking fuel.


It's midday, and the Song family

are tucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables.


Oblivious to the domestic chit-chat,

Granddad Gu Yong Xiu has serious matters on his mind.

Spring is the start of the rice growing season.

The success of the crop will determine how well the family will eat next year,

so planting at the right time is critical.

The ideal date depends on what the weather will do this year,

never easy to predict.

But there is some surprising help at hand.

On the ceiling of the Songs' living room, a pair of red-rumped swallows,

newly arrived from their winter migration,

is busy fixing up last year's nest.

In China, animals are valued as much for their symbolic meaning

as for any good they may do.

Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life,

so their presence is a favour and a blessing,

bringing happiness to a marriage and good luck to a home.

Like most Miao dwellings, the Songs' living room windows

look out over the paddy fields.

From early spring, one of these windows is always left open

to let the swallows come and go freely.

Each year, granddad Gu notes the exact day the swallows return.

Miao people believe the birds' arrival predicts the timing of the season ahead.

This year, they were late.













《演讲稿美丽中国[1] 2》





如果看看天空,你就知道了答案。就在不久前,中国华东、华中的广大地区被持续的雾霾天气袭击,33个城市发布橙色预警。这种天气的滋味,就不用我再赘述了。在那一周持续不见阳光的日子里,人们置身于浓浓雾气中,仿佛心里也出现了雾霾。我感到迷茫,我想到,难道我们的财富换来的就是这样的结果?难道将来的孩子不仅看不到绿水青山,就连最美的太阳都很少见吗? 而污染的不仅仅是大气。森林破坏、水污染、土地沙化、物种灭绝,这些问题我们早已耳濡目染。美丽中国已经成了我们一根敏感易痛的神经。但这根神经牵连着的还不仅仅是这些。








第一集 龙之心 Heart of the Dragon

00:00:04,280 --> 00:00:06,700 最后的隐世净土 The last hidden world


00:00:07,900 --> 00:00:09,500 中国 China 3

00:00:11,700 --> 00:00:16,300

数世纪来 旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地

For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes


00:00:18,980 --> 00:00:24,800 以及那些神奇生物的传说 and surprising creatures 5

00:00:26,100 --> 00:00:29,300


Chinese civilization is the world's oldest 6

00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:32,400 而如今是最宏博的 and today it's largest 7

00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:34,600 那数十亿的人民

with well over a billion people 8

00:00:36,600 --> 00:00:40,700


It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups


00:00:40,740 --> 00:00:43,400 以及各式各样贴近自然的

and a wide range of traditional life styles 10

00:00:43,800 --> 00:00:48,700 传统生活方式

often inclose partnership with nature 11

00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:58,400

我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会 环境问题 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 12

00:00:59,700 --> 00:01:03,000 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽

but there is great beauty here too


00:01:05,600 --> 00:01:08,400 中国有着世界最高峰

China is home to the world's highest mountains, 14

00:01:09,800 --> 00:01:13,200


vast deserts ranging from from searing hot 15

00:01:13,500 --> 00:01:16,400 到麻木大脑的寒冷地带 to mind numbing cold


00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:18,600 以及那蒸笼般的森林中 steaming forests 17

00:01:18,900 --> 00:01:20,800 隐匿的各种珍稀生物

harboring rare creatures


00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,400 天际下广阔无垠的草原

grassy plains beneath vast horizons 19

00:01:28,990 --> 00:01:32,000 以及富饶的热带海洋 and rich tropical seas 20

00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:37,400 现在 我们第一次有机会 Now, for the first time ever 21

00:01:37,999 --> 00:01:41,000 深入探索这片伟大的土地

we can explore the whole of this great country 22

00:01:43,300 --> 00:01:48,300 接触栖息于此的珍奇生物 meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here


00:01:50,600 --> 00:01:55,400


and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China


00:01:56,000 --> 00:01:59,500


to the remarkable landscaping which they live 25

00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:08,400 这就是最原味的中国 This is wild China 26

00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:23,000


For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland


00:02:38,980 --> 00:02:43,400 我们的中国探索之旅始于南方的亚热带

Our exploration of China begins in the warm subtropical south 27

00:02:45,600 --> 00:02:49,800


On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts


00:02:50,200 --> 00:02:53,400


a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years


00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:11,600


This scenery is known throughout the world 30

00:03:12,600 --> 00:03:16,400


a recurring motif in Chinese paintings 31

00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:21,900 和旅人永远的胜地

and a major tourist attraction 32

00:03:24,500 --> 00:03:27,400 中国南部是片有英国国土

The south of China is a vast area 33

00:03:27,700 --> 00:03:30,200 九倍之大的广阔土地

eight times larger than the UK 34

00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:34,000

It's a landscape of hills 35

00:03:34,800 --> 00:03:36,400 是山雨的国度 but also of water


00:03:44,500 --> 00:03:47,900


It rains here for up to 250 days a year 37

00:03:48,600 --> 00:03:50,600 到处都是积水

and standing water is everywhere


00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:57,900 在扬子江的涝原

In a floodplain of the Yangtse River 39

00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:02,400

黑尾鹬在泥泞中寻索着虫子 black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms 40

00:04:03,400 --> 00:04:06,900


But it isn't just wildlife that thrive in this environment


00:04:07,500 --> 00:04:13,500


the swampy ground provides ideal conditions for the remarkable member of the grass family 42

00:04:14,500 --> 00:04:15,500 这就是稻米 rice

00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:22,400 中国有着至少8000年的稻米种植史

The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8 thousand years 44

00:04:25,200 --> 00:04:28,400 他们改变了这块土地

It has transformed the landscape 45

00:04:31,300 --> 00:04:35,500

对云南南部的农民而言 冬末是个繁忙的季节

Late winter in southern Yunnan is a busy time for local farmers 46

00:04:35,700 --> 00:04:39,800

因为他们要为即将来临的春天整顿这片古老的稻田 as they prepare the age-old paddy field ready for the coming spring 47

00:04:49,300 --> 00:04:52,000 元阳县的山坡以2000M之势

These hill slopes of Yuanyang county 48

00:04:52,100 --> 00:04:56,400


plunge nearly 2000m to the floor of the Red River Valley


00:04:58,000 --> 00:05:05,000


each contains literally thousands of stack terraces carved out by hand using basic digging tools 50

00:05:07,400 --> 00:05:12,000 云南的梯田是中国最古老人类耕作痕迹中

Yunnan's rice terraces are among the oldest human structures in China

00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:15,400 依旧被耕种使用的土地

still ploughed as they always have been 52

00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:18,300 正如千百年来的习俗一样

by domesticated water buffaloes 53

00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:23,700


whose ancestors originated in these very valleys 54

00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:58,900

这片人力开拓的土地是工业化前中国最惊奇宏伟的壮景 This man-made landscape is one of the most amazing engineering feats of preindustrial China 55

00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:02,800 似乎这里的每一寸土地

It seems as if every square inch of land 56

00:06:03,200 --> 00:06:05,400 都被打上了农耕的痕迹

has been pressed into cultivation 57

00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:22,800 当薄暮降临

As evening approaches


00:06:23,300 --> 00:06:26,300 另一场古老的仪式上演 an age-old ritual unfolds 59

00:06:28,300 --> 00:06:29,600 现在是交配的季节

It's the mating season

00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:34,000 雄禾田蛙们为了吸引异性而卖力高鸣

and male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of females 61

00:06:43,000 --> 00:06:46,400 但这并非总能为你吸引来关注的目光

But it dosen't always pay to draw too much attention to youself 62

00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:52,600 中国池鹭是个饕餮掠食者

The Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predator 63

00:06:58,700 --> 00:07:01,100 就算在耕作过的稻田中央

Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field 64

00:07:01,400 --> 00:07:04,300 也会上演喙与爪的血腥剧目

<i>nature is red in beak and claw 65

00:07:15,550 --> 00:07:17,300 或许这看上去像一场屠杀

This may look like a slaughter 66

00:07:17,800 --> 00:07:20,900


but as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time 67

00:07:21,200 --> 00:07:24,500


the vast majority will escape to croak another day 68

00:07:29,900 --> 00:07:35,000 元阳县这样广泛种植水稻的

Terrace paddies like those of YunYang county are found across much of southern China 69

00:07:36,900 --> 00:07:40,500 梯田横贯中国南部

This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation 70

00:07:45,300 --> 00:07:51,000

苗族人在炎热的贵州发展了高度发达的水稻种植 In heated Guizhou province the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture 71

00:07:53,700 --> 00:07:57,200 苗族人把木屋建立在陡峭低产的山壁上

With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation


00:07:58,300 --> 00:08:03,400 用其余每寸丰饶的土地来种植水稻

the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides 73

00:08:06,500 --> 00:08:09,200 所有东西在中国农村都自有其用处

In Chinese rural life everything has a use 74

00:08:09,600 --> 00:08:13,500


dried in the sun manure from the cowsheds would be used as cooking fuel 75

00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:29,990

中午时分 宋家人正饱餐以米和蔬菜为主的中饭 It's midday and the Song family are

tucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables 76

00:08:37,999 --> 00:08:40,400


Oblivious to the domestic chitchat 77

00:08:40,600 --> 00:08:44,600 寻思着重要的事情

granddad Guyong Song has serious maters on his mind 78

00:08:45,800 --> 00:08:48,600


Spring is a start of the rice growing season 79

00:08:49,100 --> 00:08:53,000 庄稼的长势决定了来年宋家人的生计

the success of the crop will determin how well the family will eat next year 80

00:08:53,400 --> 00:08:56,100

因而选择合适的时机进行耕作是至关重要的 so planting at the right time is critical 81

00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:00,300 时机的选择取决于当年的天气情况

The ideal date depends on what the weather will do this year


00:09:00,990 --> 00:09:02,400 而这些却是永难估料的 never easy to predict


00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:05,700 但是身边就存在着贴心小帮手

But there is some surprising help at hand 84

00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:14,200

宋家厅堂房梁上的是一对刚从冬季迁徙中归来的金腰燕 On the cielling of the Song's living room

a pair of red-rumped swallow newly arrive from their winter migration


题目 华文中宋 小一






该纪录片是一部关于中国野生动物和自然风光的大型电视纪录片,无论在摄影还是在音乐的选取上都相当的完美,充分的体现了中国自然的优美和和谐。看过之 后给了我深深的触动。纪录片作为“以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象的电 影电视艺术形式” ,其手段在于对真实素材进行艺术加工与展现,其目的在于以展现真实为本质,并用真实引发人们思考。纪实的品格上升为思维的品格,才能使创作进入审美的 层次。 国际自然类电视节目主席帕萨`萨拉斯曾说:“自然类影片绝不只是动物、树和昆虫等非 常近的镜头和放大镜头,还有被称为自然精神的东西。也就是说拍摄自然类纪录片,首先需 要摄制者对自然的热爱和了解,要懂得珍爱生命、尊重生命。它需要一种人文精神,而绝不 只是为了追求感官刺激。”他同时还说:“现今社会强调的人文精神,并不是单纯的指对人的 价值、人的个性、人的尊严、人的地位、人的发展与人的自由的关怀、看护和尊重,还有我们所在的这个大自然,包括自然中的一切生命。人文精神就是一种关怀,真诚的对自然世界 的一种关怀。”与其说这是一部纪录片,不如说它是一场视觉的盛宴。诗一般的画 面、 伴之纯粹大自然的声音、独具中国气质的磅礴之声相结合的美丽画面„„都给我们带来 了一种久违的震撼,强大的视觉冲击力带给我们的是全新的视听完美享受。然而,不仅如此,纪录片《美丽中国》中更有一种陷于画面和音乐背后的、厚实的浓浓 的情怀,一种博大警世的人文关怀流淌其中,它不仅给我一种视觉的震撼,更让我有了对自 然的震撼与敬畏。《美丽中国》中的人文精神。

在整部纪录片中,没有清晰的人物对白,解说词只是展示性的,可以说主要是在用视觉语言和影像的力量展示着自然, 更展示着不朽的人文主义精神,这些精神深深地打动着我。张家界深山溪水中的娃娃鱼,贵州山间的叶猴自由自在地在原始森林中生活着,他们灵动的身躯深深的震撼了我,当它们在相互打斗时我紧张无比深怕彼此受伤。当我看到一只较年长的猴子以一种观战的表情在看着打斗时我不禁哑然失笑。在看到一条竹叶青在对一只猴子虎视眈眈时我的心顿时提到了我嗓子眼,在看到那只猴子在同伴的帮助下逃生是我的心这才放了些来,也为它们的机智与默契而感到惊讶。茫茫雪山中被呼为“山中野老”的滇金 丝猴,迁徙途中在鄱阳湖歇脚的浩荡鸟群,上海郊区寺庙中 400 余岁高龄的斑点龟,贵州岩 洞中的蝙蝠。水稻在中国有着悠久的历史,稻米也是南方人的主要食物。由于南方的地形以丘陵、山地为主,在中国南方的云南省、贵州省等地的稻田一般都是环山而行,这就是著名的梯田。其中纪录片中的元阳县红河谷河谷的水稻梯田是中国最为古老的人工地形。元阳县丘陵都很陡,骤降海拔2000米,至下面的红河谷底,每个山坡上都有上千个梯田,是人们以简陋的工具用手开拓出来的。梯田环山而行,面积不大,不适宜机械化生产,因此保留着最为传统的牛耕方式,其中云南稻米梯田是中国最古老的人类遗址之一。整片的丘陵梯田广布,浩瀚而伟大的工程,从上往下看整个山谷是多么的壮阔,那层层的梯田犹如攀登的阶梯,通向光明的山顶。梯田中又孕育着不同的生物,如:青蛙、池鹭等。在崎岖不平的贵州,少数民族——苗族村落分布在较缓的丘陵,他们的生活方式都比较的传统,梯田的耕作仍使用家畜牛,在中国的日常生活中,往往都是物尽其用,比如做饭使用晒干的粪土、植物的干枝条,这些都是来自自然界、生物界

的资源。梯田耕作方式适应了当地地形较陡,平地缺乏,又要种植水稻的要求。在传统的耕作方式中,智慧的人们很好的利用了物候现象把握耕作的时间,苗族的人们就很好的利用了金丝燕归来来确定开始耕作的时间。苗族人的水稻耕作依然是传统的人工手插秧方式,记录片中宋家插秧时,他们的左邻右舍都会帮忙,其实他们一直都是这样的,无论是在日常的生活中,还是在特别的时期,大家都是互帮互助的,从这也体现了一种纯朴的民风,体现了中国优良传统。苗家的村落也像梯田一样层层分布,环环相叠,苗家的房子是木制的,这是一道美丽的风景与民族特色。傍晚时分, 古老爹倚在窗前, 仰头远眺, 看着遮天蔽日从北方飞来的成群雨燕, 计算着它们南来的日子,并以此盘算着插秧的日期。金腰燕飞来的第二天,各家各户就一同 忙着把秧苗移到山间的梯田之中,而头上的雨燕也在忙着建筑新巢。黑叶猴,这是世界上最稀有的灵长类动物,在中国只有两个省——贵州省与广西才有,而且数量并不多。黑叶猴是种素食动物,它们只吃花蕾、果子及嫩叶。这些黑叶猴的毛色是黑色的,但是幼小的黑叶猴是褐红色的,然后才从尾巴的末端开始慢慢地变黑。同时,黑叶猴还是攀岩的好手,它们从小就开始在岩石峭壁上攀岩,在峭壁会滴流出含有矿物质的水,那是黑叶猴的最爱。在过去的几世纪里,中国南方这些地区生活着花豹、黄金蟒甚至东北虎,但在今天的中国南方已不复存在。黑叶猴虽然比较会攀岩,但每种动物都会有自己的天敌,在夜间黑叶猴为了躲避夜间捕食动物,它们必须躲入地下,这就需要它们的攀岩的技术了,在峭壁上寻找不容易被发现的洞穴躲避。黑叶猴的生活习性是它们种族的特征,捕食、防卫等一些看似人类的生活,其实只是动物的一种生存本能。如此清晰逼真的视觉语言让我在体味生命力量的挣扎的同时,更让我深深地感受到在纪录片中,所展示的动物、植物是与我们人类一样平等而珍贵的生命。在优美 的摄像的引导下,渐渐走进了大自然的世界,逐渐用一颗平等的心态感受着自然中生命的起 起伏伏。这部纪录片带给我们的不单单是美的享受,更融入了一种生命的整合。

本片的画面极为清晰细腻。运用省略叠化技术拍摄人们的劳作场景,如果把全部过程展现出来难免使观众产生厌烦之感。机位景别不改变,省略中间过程的叠镜头,可以简化漫长的过程,并使画面变得活泼不沉闷。 运用超高速摄影可以拍出比一般的摄影机快80倍的镜头。蝙蝠一段我们都被这一场面震惊。蝙蝠在水面上舞动着翅膀飞行,水中是它优雅的倒影。超高速摄影所带来的给与我们的感觉竟是如此的细腻和自然,让我们看到了以前无法观察到的一些场景 升格摄影是和超高速摄影相反的。镜头速度减慢,在农民处理稻穗的那一段放慢,制造了一种浪漫和谐美好气氛。 用水下的摄影机拍摄鸬鹚狩猎的、娃娃鱼的一段和黄金鲤鱼一段,给人平常无法体验到的水下经历。叙述方面 本片对人声的纪录实际上并没有太大体现,因为影片主要通过解说词来叙事的。有些言语对我们的心里造成一定的打击,看到我们祖国的风光,同时也看到了,我们现在所存在的问题,我们应该通过这部影片提醒自己好好的保护好我们的祖国。影片的解说词起到了贯穿始终,起到叙说、叙事、段落连接、气氛营造等作用。 音乐 本片中音乐在渲染气氛和形象塑造功用比较突出。 本片背景音乐的作曲者是一位英国人,但他将中国元素运用的贴切到位,比如对笛子、古筝、二胡和箫等中国乐器都进行了恰到的好处。在云南石林一段,笛子独奏制造出一种神秘古怪的气氛。而在猴子旁边的监视者蛇出场的时候又用音乐制造了一种危险的气氛。在黑夜猴攀岩一段又用提琴、鼓、扬琴制造轻快节奏塑造了猴子灵活的形象。


者用以构成 视觉形象、表达制作思想的各种手段技法的总和。因此视觉艺术、画面思维是纪录片制作人 员应有的基本思维方式,也是电视纪录片表达创意、展示故事的主要创作思维方式。对于纪 录片来说,视觉是第一性的。纪录片是供人们欣赏的艺术品,“好看”是纪录片的“核” ,因 此,视觉语言是纪录片思维品格表达的一种最重要手段。 正是基于对自然生命的尊重与深厚的感情, 纪录片 《美丽中国》 用独具中国气质的磅礴、浑厚、包容的声音结合美丽的中国自然画面, 把原属于自然科学范畴的主题拍成了洋溢深厚 人文主义精神的优秀作品,其视觉语言充溢、表现着浓厚的思维品格。如大量的长镜头,跟 随对象的运动,用特效表现的风云变幻、万物生长,大量的航拍镜头展现出壮阔的美感、梯 田区的整体视觉冲击效果;运用自然光线、光度的强弱,光位的顺光、逆光、侧光,光比的 明与暗等,追求写实性;运用蒙太奇的手法、切换自然中的不同场景,无不集中反映着人与自然和谐这一伟大主题。同时,拍摄者在摄像时总是尽可能地亲近拍摄对象,获取最真实的视觉画面、获取自然的最美好的瞬间。对于摄制者来说,它们已经不是单纯的物或景,而是 怀有情感的相互依存的“伙伴” 。《美丽中国》 “创造和利用现实”、以自己的人文精神与思想来指导纪录片中视觉语言的运 用,而绝不是为纪实而纪实,做呆板、机械的原生态记录。如此生动的记录给所看到的人巨大的启发。我们都应站起呼吁:“保护自然,保护野生动植物和那些历史悠久的自然人文景观!”

《美丽中国》中展现给观众的自然世界与每一个人所面对的并无不同:孤独、疲惫、不能支撑和致命伤害。《美丽中国》用它的镜头告诉人们:自然生物是我们的朋友,只不过与 我们生活的方式、地点不一样。也许是社会生活太过复杂和疲惫,我们早就忘了其实所有的 生物都是地球的主人,我们应该发现,这个地球不仅仅属于我们,还属于动物,属于更多的 生灵。纪录片引导人们关注或者说重拾的,可能正是已被忽视掉的人类与动物之间的感情、生物之间奇妙的感应和联系。 如果每一个观众都在观后像珍惜自己一样善待动物,那么这就 足以体现这部纪录片在现实中的价值和意义。理解爱护珍稀动物,保护我们的自然环境的意 义,正是影片所要表达的强烈的人文关怀精神。《美丽中国》中的生态平衡观。文明是一把双刃剑,在带给人类物质享受和现代生活的 同时,也带来了人类与自然的隔阂和异化,人类的心灵越来越粗糙,感觉越来越迟钝,心肠越来越坚硬„„于是生命的意识淡薄,悲悯情怀丧失,人文精神缺乏,人类成为唯一只爱自 己的冷漠动物。但是《美丽中国》,它带给观众的不仅是美轮美奂的中国自然视觉奇观,还有前所未有的心灵震撼,人们震撼于大自然的美与脆弱,让冷漠已久的心灵变得湿润、柔软。这部纪录片的特点是以自然为对象,以平等的视点关注人与自然界中的生 物。以纪实的手法和写意的风格,来抒写和展示自然的奇观和生命的奇迹,让观众有机会近 距离地观赏中国大自然中生存的各种生命,在观赏中感受自然的壮观、神奇与美妙,感受生 命的庄严、神圣与美丽,同时也对自然法则产生了新的认识和新的思考。它不是从人 类的角度看自然,而是从自然的角度解读人类,即将动物的世界作为这个世界的主角,从自 然的角度来观察人类的行为,巧妙地将动物的世界与人的世界进行艺术化的对比。 无污染无破坏的自然环境本来是 自然界最美好、最壮观的景象,而人类无止境的开发与建设却把这些美好近乎破坏殆尽,多种物种濒临灭绝,美丽的自然美景不复存在,最终也影响了人类的生存。当我们从大自然的角度来观察这个世界时, 才能看清这个世界的面貌与形态。



关键词:十八大报告 美丽中国 特色社会主义道路 小康社会










理等措施,大幅度减少资源消耗、降低废物排放、提高资源生产率,促进资源利用由“资源-产品-废物”线性模式向“资源-产品-废物-再生资源”循环模式转变。循环经济是以低投入、低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式。 着力推进低碳发展1.提高能源效率在工业化阶段,提高能源效率是减少碳排放最为有效的方式,而且能源效率提高的空间非常大。2.开发利用可再生能源中国的可再生能源资源很丰富,虽然可再生能源成本较高,但相当一部分已经商业化。例如太阳能热水器,农村的小沼气等。3.引导消费者行为通过提高消费者的节能意识来加速低碳经济建设进程,至关重要。 3美丽中国的意义


3.1 美丽中国是实现路径 建设美丽中国,必须要有美丽发展作支撑,美丽中国是生态文明建设的目标指向。在面对当前人民群众的生活水平不断提高,而资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势下,人民群众对环境质量、健康水平的关注度是越来越高,迫切需要人类社会系统与自然生态系统的协调发展。 美丽中国是操作方法


3.3建设美丽中国,落实生态文明要求是根本 落实以人为本的要求


4 落实绿色环保的要求

进一步强化 “既要金山银山,更要绿水青山”、“保住青山绿水也是政绩”、“环境就是现实生产力”的理念,大力推进清洁生产,发展循环型生态经济,让绿色成为一种时尚,让环保成为一种习惯,让绿色增长、绿色消费、绿色经济成为美丽发展的代名词。





5.1规范经济增长行为 建设美丽中国,必须是经济增长与生态文明建设的有机结合和完美统一,美丽中国需要用生态文明铸就体魄之美,而生态文明建设又需要通过经济增长奠定物质基础,提供财力支撑。







