九年级上目标句子: Module 1 Unit 1
1. 我将给汤姆出一些关于怎样取得好成绩的主意。
I’ll give Tom some ideas .
2. 听说玲玲明天要采访校长。
I hear Lingling __________________________________ with our headmaster tomorrow.
3. 我们为什么不跟学生去参观博物馆呢?
the museum with the students?
4. 昨天有别人和你一起去颐和园了吗?
to the Summer Palace with you yesterday?
5. 我已经记下一些关于创办杂志的好主意了。 __________________________________ some good ideas about starting the magazine. 6. 我知道现在他们都在盼望着去埃及的参观。 I know __________________________________ their visit to Egypt now.
Unit 2
1. 那个男孩每天穿过森林去上学。
That boy to go to school every day.
2. 约翰太矮,够不到树顶上的苹果。
John the apples on the top of the tree.
3. ——你知道这条峡谷有多长吗? ——大约3千米长。
— Do you know how long the canyon is? — long.
4. 当我站在峡谷边时,我想: “它一定在那儿。” I thought, “ It must be there .” while the canyon.
Module 1 综合训练
1. 我跟他说我太累了,爬不到山顶了。 I told him climb up the top of the mountain. 2. 他昨天没来,因为他害怕丢面子。 He didn’t come yesterday because 3. 这座城市中的最高建筑是280米高。
The highest building in this city .
4. 在我看来,九寨沟风景区是世界奇观。
In my opinion, Jiuzhai Scenic Area
5. 周庄离这里大约400千米,我们乘火车去吧。
Zhouzhuang Village from here. Let’s go there by train.
6. 从今以后,我要用尽可能多的时间学英语。
learning English from now on.
Module 2 Unit 1
1. 你为什么不写一篇关于“名著欣赏”的文章呢?
_________________________________________________ an article on “ Great Books”?
2. 据我所知,孩子们经常读这本书。
______________________________________, this book is often read by the children.
3. 姚明作为一名出色的篮球运动员而闻名。
Yao Ming a great basketball player.
4. 今天,我们仍然受孔子思想的影响。
Today we Confucius’ thoughts.
5. 我很开心看到现在教师受到别人的尊敬。
I’m very pleased to see that others now.
Unit 2
1. 乔是故事里的坏人,每个人都怕他。
Joe is the bad man of the story and everyone _______________________________________.
2. 恐怕你的英语老师不能来参加你的生日晚会了。
____________________________ your English teacher can’t come to your birthday party.
3. 那本书被数百万人认为是巨著之一。
The book _____________________________one of the greatest books by millions of people.
4. 王老师决定谈论他是如何在美国南部州长大的。
Mr. Wang decided _________________________________in the southern state of America.
Module 2 综合训练
1. 张勇决定将来不当海员,因为他想待在北京。
Zhang Yong a sailor because he wanted to stay in Beijing.
2. 每年有数百万人看莎士比亚的戏剧。
Shakespeare's plays 3. 今天, 罗密欧与朱丽叶仍然被全世界的人所喜爱。
Today, Romeo and Juliet all over the world.
4. 在我小时候,我非常害怕一个人在家。
at home alone when I was young.
Module 3 Unit 1
1. 郭晶晶太出名了,她经常被邀请出现在广告中。
Guo Jingjing is so famous that to appear in ads.
2. 她累得一句话也说不出来了。
she couldn’t say a word.
3. 我们队输了,我们被另外那个队打败了。
Our team lost! by the other team.
4. 今天太热了,别让它影响你。这个测验很重要。
It’s too hot today. _________________________ get to you. The test is very important.
5. 汤姆没被允许去网吧,因为他太小了。
to the Internet bar because he was too young.
6. 学生总是受到鼓励尽可能多地说英语。
Students to speak English as much as possible.
Unit 2
Liu Xiang as a high jumper at first.
2. 我在比赛中获得第一名,所以我将被邀请去参加聚会。
I took the first place in the competition, so the party.
3. 那位医生如此兴奋以致无法入睡。
The doctor _________________________________ he couldn’t fall asleep.
4. 刘翔平了男子110米跨栏世界纪录并获冠军,所以他通常与世界顶级体育明星比。
Liu Xiang equaled the men’s 110-metre hurdles world record and won the championship, so he the world’s best sports stars.
5. 他在第十四届亚运会中受伤,医生建议他好好休息。
He was hurt in the 14th Asian Games, and he _____________________to have a good rest.
6. 据说,运动会将在我们学校开。
It is said that the sports meeting ___________________________________.
Module 3 综合训练
1. 我们踢得太好了,因而将被邀请参加明年的球赛。
We play football so well to take part in the next year’s match.
2. 一会儿将开会讨论这个问题。 A meeting this problem in a minute.
3. 选手们将由世界上最好的教练训练。
The competitors by the best coaches in the world.
4. 尽管这将是一场艰苦的比赛,但我们不能被打败。
Although it will be a tough match, we Module 4 Unit 1
1. 看那些漂亮的花!我想照几张相。
Look at those beautiful flowers! 2. 你看起来脸色不好,你怎么了?
You don’you?
3. 姚明在比赛中表现很好,他父母为他自豪。
Yao Ming did well in the match and his parents ________________________________.
4. 为了引起小朋友的兴趣,老电影已经被替换成动画片。
In order to draw children’s interest, old films _________________________ by cartoons.
5. 奶奶找不到眼镜了,她可能把它落在卧室了。
My grandma can’t find her glasses. Maybe ______________________ in the bedroom.
6. 我不清楚林峰是怎样让那个小孩不哭的。
I don’t know how Lin Feng ___________________________________________.
Unit 2
1. 这种机器用了好多年了。
This kind of machine _________________________________ for many years.
2. 这种纸一直是由木材制成的。
This kind of paper ________________________________________ wood.
3. 别着急!所有事能在下月初准备就绪。
Don’t worry. Everything ____________________________________ next month.
4. 大火迅速蔓延,我们用了两个小时才扑灭。
The fire spread so quickly _________________________________ to put it out.
5. 可以把信息保存在手机里,这样好携带。
Information _____________________ in your cell phone so that it can be carried easily.
Module 4 综合训练
Do you think books by computers?
Useful information on the Internet.
Music CD-ROMs.
over there at the beginning of this year.
My homework at home, so I have to make a phone call.
Module 5 Unit 1
1. 我们不能在这里拍照,这是违规的。
here. It’s against the rules.
2. 你们千万不要上去,我们下楼吧。
You mustn’t go up there. _____________________________________downstairs!
3. 我们为什么不跟学生去参观博物馆呢?
the museum with the students?
4. 你昨天怎么没来上学?怎么了?
Why didn’t you come to school yesterday? with you?
5. 老师经常让我注意我的书写。 The teacher often ____________________________________________ my handwriting. 6. 你千万别碰博物馆内的油画。 You _________________________________________ in the museum.
Unit 2
1. 在多数博物馆里不允许触摸展品。
You the exhibits in most museum.
2. 从互联网上获取信息是个极好的途径。
to get information from the Internet.
3. 汤姆和我跑得一样快,最后都被大明抓住了。
Tom _________________________________ and at last we were both caught by Daming. 4. 在那里,你可以和动物比速度。 You can there.
Module 5 综合训练
1. 请相信我,我会尽快还你这本书。
Please believe me. I will return the book to you
2. 在麦当劳,你可以享受美味的咖啡,而且想呆多久就呆多久。 In McDonald’.
3. 最重要的是,你可以在这里学会如何集中注意力于学校功课上。
Above all, you can learn your schoolwork here.
4. 把你的答案和汤姆的比较一下,你就知道你错在哪里了。
5. 房间里挤满了人,我们进不去。
The room ’t enter it.
6. 我们不允许在英语课上讲汉语。
We in English class.
Module 6 Unit 1
1. 坐公交出行既有乐趣又环保。
Traveling by bus is environmentally friendly.
2. 扔掉纸杯和金属很浪费,最好是回收利用。
paper glasses and metal. It’s better to recycle them.
3. 我们应该阻止工厂污染河流。
We should the rivers.
4. 别扔掉这些旧书,因为所有的废纸都可以被回收。
Don’t throw away the old books, because .
5. 为了节约电,妈妈总是叫我出去时就关电视。
when going out.
6. 每个人都应该帮忙解决环境问题。
the environmental problems.
7. 我们关上灯吧,以便节约能源。
_______________________________________so that we can save energy.
8. 如果每人都关注环境保护,我们的世界就有希望。
the environmental protection, our world will be hopeful.
Unit 2
1. 关注环境保护对每个人来说都很必要。
to care about environmental protection.
2. 尽管天气热,但是他只是开窗户而不开空调。
Although it is hot, he only turning on air conditioning.
3. 我可以把相机借给你,但请你尽快还给我。
4. 尽量骑车去上学,因为这样可以降低污染。
5. 请保护好这台电脑,以便它能用更长时间。
Please take good care of this computer Module 6 综合训练
1. 别担心,我看见汤姆出去前关上灯了。
Don’t worry. I before he went out.
2. 我父母总是阻止我购买时髦服装。
My parents always fashionable clothes.
3. 如果我们持续到处扔垃圾,就会使环境更糟糕。
陈述句指说明意见、叙述事实的句子。反问句是指用疑问句的形式表达确定的意思的句子。 将反问句改成陈述句,需要把句中表示肯定或否定的词改成否定或肯定的词,再将原句中的问号改成句号,并去掉“难道……吗”和“怎么……呢”语气助词。同样,也可以把陈述句改写成反问句,首先把句中表示肯定或否定的词改成表示否定或肯定的词,再将原句中的句号改成问号。为了加强语气,一般都要加上“难道”、“怎么”等语气助词。
例2、我羡慕他。他聪明。改成:我羡慕他聪明。(把两句合并成一句使语句更简洁。) 例3、我把三百颗菊秧救活了。改成三百棵菊秧被我救活了。(“把”字句改成“被”字句,适应语言环境的需要。
⑴ 把下列句子改写成反问句。
⑵ 把下列句子改成陈述句。
⑶ 把下面句子改成用“把”字的句子。
⑷ 下面句子改成用“被”字的句子。
既……又…… 因为……所以…… 只要……就……
只有……才…… 虽然……但是…… 如果……就…… 即使……也…… 不但……而且…… 不仅……还……
1、( )从小学好本领,( )更好地为国家建设出力。
2、妈妈( )工作,( )参加进修学习。
3、鲁迅( )是伟大的文学家,( )是伟大的思想家和革命家。
4、( )明天下雨,我们( )要去探望李老师。
5、( )长城是那样雄伟壮丽,( )吸引了很多游客。
6、一滴水( )很小很小,( )无数滴水汇集起来,就可以形成江河湖海。
7、( )我的成绩在班级里名列前茅,( )我不能骄傲。
8、( )这本书写得太精彩了,( )我把这本书一连看了三遍。
9、做个好猎手( )要枪法好,( )要机智、勇敢。
10、 ( )你每天坚持早锻炼,你的身体( )素质会得到提高。
《形容有强大执行力的句子 相信完成目标的力量会源源不断的产生》
I study by working with a group. 我通过小组练习学习。
It’s too hard to understand the voices. 很难听懂其发音。
We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. 当我们谈论某事而变得激动时,最后就用汉语来讲述了。
I don’t know how to use commas. (P5) 我不知道该怎么使用逗号。
I don’t have a partner to practice English with. (P5) 我没有练习英语的同伴。
First of all,it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. (P6) 老师起初和同学们交谈时,我不容易听得懂。
She had trouble making complete sentences. (P6) 她在造完整的句子时有些困难。
As young adults,it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. (P8) 作为年轻人,在老师的帮助下尽力处理好教育方面面临的每一个挑战是我们的责任。
I used to be afraid of the dark. (P10) 过去我怕黑暗。
Did you use to play the piano?(P11) 你过去常常弹钢琴吗?
I’m terrified of the dark. (P12) 我非常害怕黑夜。
I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. (P12) 我睡觉时卧室里的灯亮着。
My life has changed a lot in the last few years. (P14) 在过去的几年里,我的生活改变了许多。
It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. (P15) 于梅好像变了许多。
His mother looked after him as well as she could. (P16) 他的妈妈尽可能把他照顾好。
She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us,he was watching me,and would always take pride in everything good I do. (P16) 她还告诉我即使我的父亲不再和我们在一起,他也会一直关照我,总会为我所取得的成绩感到自豪。
I don’t think fifteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. (P18) 我认为不应该允许15岁的孩子开车。
Anna wants to get her ears pierced. (P18) 安娜想穿耳孔。
They talk instead of doing homework. (P19) 他们光说话而不做作业。
—We have a lot of rules at my house. 我们家里立有许多规矩。
—So do we. (P20) 我们也是。
Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others. (P23) 应当允许部分学生星期五下午放假,去做义工帮助他人。
You shouldn’t worry about what other people are wearing.(P27) 你不应该为别人穿什么而担心。
What if everyone else brings a present? (P27) 要是别的人都带来了礼物,该怎么办呢? I get nervous before big parties and then I get pimples.(P28) 在大型晚会前我特别紧张,于是我身上长出小浓疱。
I really want a dog,but my parents won’t let me have one.(P28) 我真想养一条狗,可是父母不让养。
I’d wait for her to introduce herself to me.(P29) 我要等她来向我作自我介绍。
Social situations don’t bother you in the slightest.(P30)社会活动一点儿也不会影响你。 You have plenty of friends,and you enjoy the company of other people.(P30) 你有很多朋友,你也喜欢和别人交往。
You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.(P30) 你宁愿意呆在家,读本好书,也不愿意出去参加聚会。
What do you think I should tell the rest of the students? (P31) 你认为我应该告诉其他学生什么?
It might belong to Alice.She plays the guitar.(P35) 它可能是爱丽丝的。她是弹吉它的。 I can’t find my backpack.(P35) 我找不到背包了。
It’s much too small for him.(P35) (他穿)太小了。
It’s crucial that I study for it because it counts 30 % to the final exam.(P36) 这对我学习(这门学科)很重要,因为它要占期末考试的30%。
He might be running to catch a bus.(P37) 他可能正在跑去赶公交车呢。
There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.(P38) 肯定有什么东西光顾我们的街坊邻里了。
Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.(P39) 过去的就让它过去了!
I prefer music that has great lyrics.(P44) 我更喜欢带有好歌词的音乐。
I like music that I can dance to.(P44) 我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。
The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.(P46)这音乐使我回忆起巴西的舞曲。 It does have a few good features,though.(P48) 可是,它的确有一些好的特色。 Whatever you do,don’t miss this exhibition.(P48) 不管咋样,别错过了展览。
What do you think of it? (P46) 你认为它怎么样?
Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Galery.(P48)一定要去看看在利多举办的画展。 They don’t interest me as much.(P48) 它们同样唤不起我的兴趣。
There are many great photos of people and of the countryside.(P48) 有许多人物和乡村的巨幅照片。
I’d like to trek through the jungle,because I like exciting vacations. (P52) 我想徒步到森林里去旅行,因为我喜欢令人激动的假期。
I love places where the people are really friendly. (P53)我喜欢人们友好相处的地方。 For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Singapore? (P54) 对你的下一个假期为什么不考虑一下去新加坡游玩呢?
The traffic is heavy in some parts of the city. (P54)这个城市的一些地方交通很拥挤。 Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? (P54) 难道天气不应该是很热的吗?
My family and I want to take a trip this summer somewhere in the east of China. (P56) 今年夏天,家人和我都想到中国东部的什么地方去旅游。
The room needs to be big enough for three people. (P56) 房间要能容得下三个人。
Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part. (P58) 这里是有关希望和梦想的一些调查结果,数以千计的中国学生参加了这一调查。
It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents. (P58) 似乎有些学生想尽早参加工作,以便他们能够为父母提供更好的生活。
It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes. (P59) 调查显示,青少年怀有类似的希望。
We can’t put off making a plan.制订计划的事,我们不能再推迟了。
He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up. (P61) 他看上去很伤心。我们去帮他振作起来吧。 This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week. (P62) 这份义工每周花了他们每个人好几个小时的时间。
Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love
to do. (P62) 我不仅对帮助别人感到很满足,而且我还渐渐地花时间做自己喜爱做的事情。
The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. (P64) 他想到的那些办法结果证明是成功的。
For sure, you have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky”, who has filled my life with pleasure. (P66) 毫无疑问,你们已经帮我拥有了“幸运”,它使我的生活充满了快乐。
They’re used for seeing in the dark. (P69) 它们被用于在黑夜里观看。
Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? (P72) 你知道,茶,这种世界上(继水之后)最受欢迎的饮品是偶然发明的吗?
According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nung discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. (P72) 根据古代中国的传说故事,神农氏在一堆篝火上煮饮用水时发现了茶。
Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. (P72) 附近丛林里的一些树叶掉进了水里,并留在那里很长时间。
When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home. (P77) 我到了学校,发现把书包落在家里了。
My alarm clock didn't go off, and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. (P78) 我的闹钟坏了,因此等我醒来的时候,我父亲已经进去洗澡了,我只好等他出来。
When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only just made it to my class. (P78) 我到学校的时候,上课铃正在响。我刚好正点赶上上课时间。
What happened to Dave on April Fool's Day?(P79) 愚人节那天Dave出了什么事? Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story and panic set off across the whole country. (P80) Welles的话具有说服力,因此好几百人都相信了他的话,全国处于一片恐慌之中。
He asked her to marry him. She was thrilled, because she really wanted to get married. (P80) 他叫她和他结婚。她感到非常紧张,因为她确实想结婚。
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?
1. sing(现在分词)singing 2. dance(现在分词)dancing 3. swim(现在分词)swimming
4.draw(同义词)paint 5. story(复数)stories 6. Write(同音词)right
7. drum(复数)drums 8. piano(复数)pianos 9. also(同义词)too/either
10. make(单三)makes (现在分词)making 11. Center(形容词)central
12. teach(名词)teacher 13. musician(形容词)musical
1. play chess 下国际象棋 speak English 说英语
play the guitar 弹吉它 want to do… 想做……
2. be good at 擅长于 what club /sports 什么俱乐部 /运动
music /swimming /sports club 音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部
be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事
like to do … 喜欢做… What about…?…怎么样?
be good at doing…擅长做… tell stories 讲故事
the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部 G7BU1p2
3. talk to 跟…..说 write stories 写小说 want …for the school show为学校表演招聘…… after school 放学后
do kung fu 打中国功夫 come and show us 来给我们表演 G7BU1p3
4. play the drum 敲鼓 play the piano弹钢琴
play the violin 拉小提琴 G7BU1p4
5. be good with 善于应付(处理)…的 ;和某人相处很好
make friends 结交朋友 help sb. with sth在某方面帮助某人
on the weekend 在周末 help with...帮助做……
be free /busy 有空/很忙 call sb. at…拨打某人的……号码
need sb./sth. to do… 需要某人/某物做……
English-speaking students说英语的学生 G7BU1p5
join…… the club加入…俱乐部,be in=join in … 成为…中的一员 G7BU1p6
1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.
3. You can join the English club. Sounds good.
4. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.
5. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.
Unit 2 What time do you usually go to school?
1. up(反义词)down 2. brush(单三)brushes 3. tooth(复数)teeth
4. alway (反义词)never 5.early(反义词)late 6. work(同义词)job
7. night(反义词)day 8. half(复数)halves 9. run(现在分词)running
10. clean(现在分词)cleaning 11. either…or… (反义词)neither …nor…
12. life(复数)lives 13. taste(单三)tastes
1. get up起床,站起 get dressed穿上衣服 have/take a shower 洗淋浴 brush teeth涮牙 eat breakfast 吃早餐 What time 几点,何时
go to school 去学校 do homework 做家庭作业 G7BU2p7
2. at night 在晚上 from…to… 从……到…… G7BU2p8
in the morning 在上午 go to work 去上班
That's a funny time for… 那是做……有意思的时间。
be late for… 做……迟到 on weekends 在周末 G7BU2p9
3. on school days 在上学期间 have(eat) breakfast /dinner 吃早餐/晚餐
4. do (one's) homework 做作业 take a walk 散步,走一走
a quarter past /to+钟点数 ……过/差一刻钟
in the afternoon /evening 在下午/晚上 go to bed上床睡觉
half past +钟点数 ……点半 go home 回家 G7BU2p10
5. either…or 要么……要么,或者…..或者 lots of=many+可数(复数)大量,许多
eat quickly 吃得快 play sports 做运动
have much time for …有许多时间做…… for half an hour 半小时 get home 到家 eat a good breakfast早餐吃得好,好好吃一顿早餐 eat…for lunch 午餐吃…… after lunch /dinner 午餐/晚餐后
be (not) good for 对……健康有(没)益 taste good 尝起来好吃 G7BU2p11
6. have a shower 洗澡 have a very healthy life 有健康的生活 need to do … 需要做…… after doing to have … 为了有…… 做……后 from Monday to Friday从周一到周五 radio station广播电台
make breakfast for sb.替某人做早饭 get to school 到校 G7BU2p12
1. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.
2. That’s a funny time for breakfast.
3. When do students usually eat dinner?
They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.
4. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.
5. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch..
6. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good.
7. Here are your clothes.
My School Day
I am a student. I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty. Then I go to school at eight. School starts at eight thirty. I eat lunch at taelve. I go home at 17:00. I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano. I do my homework at 20:00. At 22:00, I go to bed.
Unit 3 How do you get to school?
1. Subway(同义词)underway 2. ride(现在分词)riding 3. bike(完全式)bicycle
4. far from(反义词)near to 5. km(完全式)kilometer 6. drive(现在分词)driving
7. cross (介词)across (名词)crossing 8. Village(指人)villager
9. leave/li:v/ live /liv/ 10. stop(同义词) station
1. take the train /bus/boat/subway 乘火车/公共汽车/船/地铁=by train/bus/boat/subway
How do(does)+人+ get to+地方? 你怎样到达…… G7BU3p13
人+take(s)+交通工具+to+地方= 人+go(es)+地方+to by+交通工具 乘…去…
2. by bike=ride a bike=on one’s bike骑自行车 how long 多久,多长 how far多远
How long does it take sb. to do…? 做……花某人多长时间?
It take(s) +人(宾格)+时间段(sometime) to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。
How far is it from …to …? ……离……有多远?
I'm not sure. 我不能确信。 have a good day at school. 上课快乐
you, too. 你也是。 the bus ride 乘公共汽车 G7BU3p14
3. walk to school 走路上学 drive one's car to do… 开某人的车去做…… from here 从这儿 every day 每天:天天 G7BU3p15
4. think of 认为 bus stop 公交车站点 train station 火车站 G7BU3p16
5. How far does he /she live from…? 他/她住在离……有多远?
What does he/she think of sth/doing sth?
=How does he/she like sth/doing sth? 他/她觉得……如何?
6. between…and 在…..和……之间 come true 实现,成为现实
by bus /train 乘公交车/火车 run too quickly for… 对……来说流得太急 It is adj+(for) sb. to do sth… 做……怎么样 cross the river 通过河 one (an)11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩 be not afraid不害怕
love to do sth.=like to do sth喜欢做…… play with sb/sth 和某人玩耍;玩耍某物
be like…to sb. 像……一样对…… like this 像这样
It is one's dream to do… 做……是某人的梦想。 have to do… 不得不做某事……
go on a ropeway 坐索道 G7BU3p17
7. thanks for + n. / v. ing …感谢你(做)某事 get there到达那儿 G7BU3p18
1. How do you get to school?
I ride my bike=I get to school by bike=I get to school on my bike.
2. How far is it from your home to school? It’s about three kilometers
3. How long does it take you to get to school? It takes me about half an hour on foot.
4. For many students, it is easy to get to school.
5. There is a very big river between their school and the village.
The Best Way for Me to Go to School
Different students go to school in different ways in our school, but I llike to go to school on foot.
First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better. So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you?
Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.
1. rule(复数)rules 2. hallway(复数)hallways 3. listen(现在分词)listening
4. fight(现在分词)fighting 5. outside(反义词)inside 6. wear(同音词)where
7. important(反义词)unimportant 8. bring to(反义词)take to
9. uniform(复数)uniforms 10.out(反义词)in 11. before(反义词)after
12. dirty (反义词)clean 13. noisy(反义词)quiet 14. relax(形容词)relaxing/relaxed
15. terrible(副词)terribly 16. luck(形容词)lucky
1. dining hall 餐厅 listen to 听 in class 上课 in the dining hall在餐厅 don't arrive late for… =be not late for... 不要到……迟到 G7BU4p19
2. a lot of 许多,大量 be quiet=keep quiet安静
wear a hat /the school uniform 穿着帽子/穿着校服
bring …to… 带……到(给)……
3. be on time for…… 准时(按时)做……
4. have to,has to 不得不 don't(doesn’t) have to do …=needn’t....不必做……
go out 外出(娱乐) do the dishes=wash the dishes(U5)清洗餐具 G7BU4p21
5. practice the guitar=practice playing the guitar练习弹吉它
help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事
on school nights在夜自习,在晚上上课 before dinner 晚饭前
every Saturday /morning 每周六/每天上午 G7BU4p22
6. make (one's) bed 铺床 make breakfast 做早餐 follow the rules 遵守规则 be strict with+人 对某人要求严格 be strict in+事情 对某事要求严格 too many+可数名词(复数) 大多的……
leave +物品+in the kitchen 把某东西忘放在厨房
be noisy 吵闹,发出噪音 What can I do? 我该怎么办呢?
think about 考虑,思考 read a book 看书
make rules to do…制定规章来做…… good luck! 祝你好运!G7BU4p23
7. at home 在家 learn to do... 学习做…… have fun 过得高兴,玩得愉快 keep + 宾语+形容词 使……保持某种状态 keep one’s hair short 某人留短发
get sth.for sb. 替某人拿某物 want sb. to do… 想某人做……
It's best to do… 做……是最好的。 G7BU4p24
1. Don’t arrive late for class. 上课不要迟到。
2. Can we bring music players to school? 我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗?
3. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 并且我们总是不得不穿校服。
4. There are too many rules! 有太多的规则!
5. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 不要把脏盘子留在厨房里!
6. I have to keep my hair short. 我不得不留短发。
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them.
We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class.
I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me. Yours
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?
1. panda(复数) pandas 2. zoo(复数)zoos 3. tiger(复数)tigers 4. koala(复数)koalas
5. giraffe (复数)giraffes 6.elephant(复数)elephant 7.lazy(反义词)di gent
8. beautiful(名词)beauty (反义词)ugly 9. Australia(指人)Australian
10. south(对应词)north 11. Africa(指人)African 12. friendly (反义词)unfriendly
13. forget(反义词)remember 14. danger(形容词)dangerous 15.danger(反义词)safety
16. ivory(复数)ivories save(名词)saving
1. let sb do sth. first.咱们某人先做… why do you like…?你为什么喜欢……?G7BU5p25
2. kind of 稍微,有点儿 South Africa 南非
be from…=come from来自… walk on two legs 两条腿走路;立着走路 all day=the whole day 全天,整天 be friendly to sb. 对于某人很友好; Why don’t you like…?=why not like… 你为什么不喜欢……?
Let’s do sth. =shall we do sth =what/how about doing sth G7BU5p26
3. a lot 非常,十分 black and white 黑白相间 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
教学方法:知识点讲析 重点示例举偶 难点研讨分析
(二) 复句与单句的辨析
单用的:也 、又、还、同样、同时、以及、另外
搭配用的:不是„„而是 是„„不是 既„„又 一面„„一面 一会儿„„一会儿 一边„„一边 有时„„有时 也„„也
搭配用的:首先……然后 起先……后来
过了那树林,船便弯进了叉港,于是赵庄便 真在眼前了。
3、递进复句— 后一分句所说的内容比前一分句所说的程度要深,意义更进一层。
关联词语配对使用:不但……而且…… 不仅……还…… 不光……也…… 不只……又…… 不但不……反而(反倒)……
单用关联词语:而且 、 并且 、 甚至 、尤其
例句: 他不但学习好,而且思想品质也好。
4、选择复句—几个分句分别说出几种情况,这几种情况不能同时并存,要求从中选择一种。 单用的:或、或者、还是、宁可、倒不如、宁肯、还不如
搭配用的;是……还是 要么……要么 不是……就是 也许……也许 与其……不如 与其……宁可 宁愿……也不 宁可……也
例句: 不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。
5、转折复句— 转折复句由两个有转折关系的分句组成,后一个分句不是顺着前一个分句的意思说下去,而是转到相反或相对的意思上去。
重转句搭配用的:尽管……但是 虽然……但是 虽然……可是 尽管……然而 虽然……却
搭配用的:如果……就 假使……便 若是……那么 要是……则 假若……那么 例如:如果你愿意,我就陪你去白云山看看。
搭配用的:因为……所以 由于……因而 既然……就 之所以……是因为 例如: 因为他有坚定的信念,所以遇到困难从不气馁。
搭配用的:只有…….才 只要……就 一旦…….便 除非……否则 不管……都 不管……总 无论……也 任凭……也
例句: 一旦丧失了信心,便失去了前进的动力。
9、解说复句——一个分句说明一种情况,其他分句对这种情况进行解释、说明或总括。 ①一种是教条主义,一种是经验主义,两种都是主观主义。
10、目的复句——一个分句表示实现或避免某种目的,一个分句表示为此而采取的行为。 达到目的:以、以便、以求、用以、借以、好、好让、为的是
11、 让步复句——让步假设复句前后分句所说的事情都没有成为现实,“即使”表示撇开的是虚拟的事实,是做最大的假设罢了。
常见关联词:即使(就算、纵然、哪怕、就是、即便)……也(还)…… 再……也 例如: 纵然有千难万险,也挡不住我们前进的步伐。
答案:①因为 ②如果 ③而 ④却 ⑤但是
语言的形式, ① 能是美的, ② 它有整齐的美,抑扬的美,回环的美。这些美都是音乐所具备的, ③ 语言的形式美也可以说是语言的音乐美。在音乐理论中,有所谓“音乐的语言”;在语言形式美的理论中, ④ 应该有所谓“语言的音乐”。 ⑤ 音乐和语言不是一回事, ⑥ 二者这间有一个共同点:音乐和语言都是靠声音来表现的。
明确:①之所以 ②因为 ③所以 ④也 ⑤尽管 ⑥但是
因果 并列 并列
命的急先锋, |||⑤给革命以很大的助力。
B、穿的虽然是长衫,│可是又脏又破,|| 似乎十多年没有补,||| 也没有洗。
转折 解说 并列
C、想有乔木,|||想看好花,|||一定要有好土; ||没有好土,|||便没有好花,│所以土实在较花木还重要。
并列 假设 并列 假设 解说
六、课堂小结, 分析复句的步骤
a 找出分句的个数
b 找出关联词,或者补出关联词,明确分句间的结构关系
c 分析各种结构关系的层次
它们是句子的主干,有些成分是附着在主干上的“枝叶”,对主干起修饰、限制、补充等作用。所谓句子的主干,是指把句子中的定语、状语、补语(即“枝叶”成分)逐层压缩掉之后剩下的部分。句子的主干一般是由主语或主语中心语、谓语或谓语中心语和宾语或宾语中心语组成的。 例如:南极洲恐龙化石的发现,为支持地壳在进行缓慢但又不可抗拒的运动这一理论,提供了另一个强有力的证据。 把这一句的所有定语、状语都压缩掉,剩下的主干是“发现提供证据”,可以看出,这个句
口诀: 主前定状 谓后补,谓前只有状地位。
如:我不看黄色书刊。 主干:我不看书刊。 .
2、主语、谓语、宾语的中心词是并列结构的,要把整个并列结构找出。 如:赵州桥高度的技术水平和不朽的艺术价值,充分显示了我国劳动人民的智慧和力量。
3、主谓短语作宾语的句子应把整个短语保留在主干里。 如:我清楚地看见他来了。 主干:我看见他来了。 ...
1、下列句子,标错主干的一句是( ) A、桥的设计者李春就是一位杰出的工匠。 B、他的英雄事迹深深地感动了我们。 C、深蓝的天空中,挂着一轮金黄的圆月。
2、下面句子的主干判断正确的一项( )
A我们有骨气。 B、祖先有骨气。
C、我们祖先有意义。 D、事迹有意义。
3、对下列句子的主干判断正确的一项是( )
A、苏州园林栽种和修剪树木也着眼在画意。 主干:苏州园林着眼在画意。
B、我母亲对我们的拮据生活感到非常痛苦。 主干:母亲感到痛苦。
D、她住在那个乡村的乡公所楼上。 主干:她住在楼上。
4、对下面句子主干的分析,正确的一项是( ) A、将军爱抚地看着他那张满是汗水的脸。 B、将军爱抚地看着他那张满是汗水的脸。 C、将军爱抚地看着他那张满是汗水的脸。 D、将军爱抚地看着他那张满是汗水的脸。
5、选出下列句子主干划得不正确的一项( )
A、老师们正在开会研究这个问题。 B、你那只手指头一定是给小钉子弄破的。 C、河里有几个小孩在游泳。 D、我下楼在门口买了几个大红桔子。
6、选出划错主干的一项( ) A、蚕的小小的身躯是一座非常奇妙的“加工厂”。 B、我的祖父,是一个中国标本式的农民。
学说。 D、我要高声赞美白场树。
7、选出提取句子主干正确的一项( )
A、卢进勇惶惑地把手插进那湿漉漉的衣服。 (卢进勇把手插进衣服。) B、这激动人心的一幕,却一直深深地印在我的脑海里。 ( 一幕印在我脑海里。)
C、人们常常会在万花丛中碰到一种翩翩起舞,色彩绚丽而又纤巧单弱的蝴蝶。 (人们碰到蝴蝶。)
D、这时,早就在附近等待的一艘快艇如离舷之箭向落区开进。 (一艘快艇开进。)
8、对句子主干(主语、谓语、宾语)划分错误的一句是( )
9、下面提取的句子主干,正确的是( )
A、我不相信那些骗人的鬼话。 主干:我相信鬼话。
B、花香鸟语、草长莺飞都是大自然的语言。 主干:花香鸟语是语言。
C、我的思想感情的潮水,在放纵地奔流着。 主干:潮水奔流。
D、远寺的钟声突然惊醒了海的酣梦。 主干:钟声醒了。
10.他非常诚恳地征求大家的意见。 11.秋天比春天更富有欣欣向荣的景象。
12.张思德同志永远是我们学习的榜样。 13.汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰。
14、我清楚地看见他来了。 15、桥的设计者李春就是一位杰出的工匠。
1. What's your name? My name is Gina. 2. Nice to meet you!
3. What's your phone number? It's 284 - 2942.
4. What's this in English? It's a pen.
5. How do you spell "pen"? 6. Where's my backpack? It's under the bed.
7. Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 8. Let's watch TV. That sounds great. 9. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. / No. I don't. 10. How much is the blue T-shirt? It's 10 dollars.
11. When is your birthday?
My birthday is November 11th. 12. How old are you7 I'm thirteen.
13. Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do.
14. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies. 15. Can you dance?
yes, I can. / No, I can't. 16. What can you do? I can dance.
17. What time do you usually get up? I get up at six o'clock. 18. What time is it?
It's seven o'clock.
19. What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is PE. 20. Where is your pen pal from? She is from Australia. 21. Where does she live? She lives in Sydney.
22. What language does she speak?
She speaks English.
23. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is.
24. Why do you like koalas? Because they are cute. 25. What does he do? He is a waiter.
26. What do you want to be? I want to be an actor. 27. What are you doing? I'm doing my homework. 28. How is the weather? It's raining. 29. How is it going? It's great.
30. What does he look like? He's tall.
31. What size bowl of noodles would you like? I'd like a large bowl of noodles. 32. What kind of noodles would you like? I'd like beef and tomato noodles. 33. What's your address? My address is ...
34. What did you do last weekend?
I did my homework last weekend. 35. How was your weekend? It was great.
36. Where did you go on vacation?
We went to New York City. 37. Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did.
38. How was the weather? It was humid.
39. What do you think of soap operas? 40. Don't eat in class!
41. 42. But my mother wants me to drink it.
Here are the result of the student activity survey at Green High School. 43. How many hours do you sleep every night? 44. I try to eat a lot of vegetables.
45. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 46. You should drink some hot tea with honey. 47. I hope you feel better soon. 48. Maybe you have too much Yin.
49. It's important to eat a balanced diet. 50. Everyone gets tired sometimes.
51. I don't like going away for too long.
52. Show me your photos when we get back to school.
53. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans? 54. He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. 92. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four. 93. Is he alive?
94. What can I do to become famous?
95. Deng Yaping was born on the 2nd of June, 1973. 96. He is going to move to New York. 97. I'm going to do what I want to do.
55. I want to do something different.
56. I'm planning to spend time in the beautiful countries. 57. I just finished making my last movie. 58. It takes sb some time to do sth.
59. What does she think of the transportation? 60. The early bus takes him to school.
61. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.
62. In north America, not all students take the bus to school. 63. I have too much homework this weekend. 64. Thanks for asking.
65. Thank you for your invitation to visit next week. 66. Please keep quiet! I'm trying to study. 67. Can you come over to my house? 68. I'm free till 22: 00.
69. I'm more outgoing than my sister. 70. Tina is funnier than Tara. 71. My friend is the same as me. 72. We are both quiet.
73. We both have black eyes.
74. My hair is shorter than hers.
75. My best friend is different from me. 76. I like to have friends who are like me. 77. I'm a little taller than her. 78. Pour the milk into the blender.
79. Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. 80. Here's a recipe for a great turkey sandwich! 81. First... then.., next.., finally...
82. There weren't any sharks, but there were some really smart seals. 83. They took the bus back to school.
84. On my next day off, I don't want to go for a drive. 85. Did you have fun camping?
86. Unfortunately, it was a kind of boring.
87. I'm sorry you didn't have fun on your day off. 88. You are never too young to start doing things.
89. Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. 90. It was a comedy called...
91. He spends all his free time with his grandchildren.
98. I’m going to move somewhere interesting.
99. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. 100. I'm going to bug a big house with the money. 101. They are going to exercise more to keep fit. 102. They want to communicate better with their kids. 103. She found a job as a foreign language teacher. 104. I hate to do chores.
105. I like to make breakfast, because I like to cook. 106. Don't forget to clean his bed. 107. We need more drinks and snacks. 108. It has the friendliest service
109. Jason110. We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. ’s has the best quality clothing.
111. My sister Isabel is the funniest person I know. 112. Eliza Clark won the prize for the best performer. 113. He danced without music.
114. Who do you think is the funniest actor?
115. The price of the hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.
116. You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it. 117. What do you think life will be like in 100 years? 118. There will be fewer trees. 119. I'll fly rockets to the moon. 120. I don't like living alone.
121. I'll be able to dress more Casually.
122. It will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 123. My parents want me to stay at home every night. 124. What should he do? Maybe he should say he's sorry. 125. What's the matter with you? = What's wrong with you? 126. You could borrow some money from your brother. 127. You should ask your parents for some money. 128. He doesn't have any money, either. 129. He has the same haircut as I do.
130. 131. I'm very upset and don't know what to do.
I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend.132. The tired children don't get home until 7 p.m. 133. It's time for homework.
134. They feel their own children should do the same.
135. What were you doing when tile UFO arrived? The barber was cutting my hair.
136. While he was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police. ( He was buying a souvenir when the girl called the police. ) 137. What were you doing at nine o'clock last Sunday morning? loudly in public if possible.
179. Dropping litter is almost never allowed. 180. What's the best gift Joe has ever received? 181. What a lucky guy!
182. I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child. 138. Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere.
139. She didn't think about looking outside the station. 140. Not all events in history are as terrible as this. 141. His flight around the earth lasted about 22 hours. 142. I'm better at reading than listening. 143. How's it going?
144. Another disappointing result was in history. 145. She said that she had forgotten to do hers.
146. Both she and her husband thought this was a good idea. 147. Help sick people in poor countries. 148. If you do, you will have a great time.
149. What will happen if they have the party today? 150. Don't run and shout at the party.
156. You'll be able to make a living doing something you love. 157. This can make life difficult.
158. -- How long have you been skating?
-- I have been skating since nine o'clock. 159 -- How long has Alison been skating? -- She has been skating for five hours.
160. Students are skating to raise money for charity. 161. I have a big one with beats in it.
162. I'd like to start a snow globe collectors' club. 163. I'm interested in the writer job.
164. Some of the old buildings in Harbin are in Russian style. 165. 166. If she works far away, she will miss her family. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 167. They'll have problems with the language. 168. I'll put on another pair.
169. Do I have to wash the dishes? 170. You have to help making dinner.
171. Could you help me with my homework? 172. The waitress brought you the wrong food. 173. Could you please not follow me around?
174. This happens to me all the time in the school library. 175. I get annoyed when people cut in line. 176. I don't know the way to tile Sports club. 177. Talking loudly in, our own homes is fine.
178. In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze
183. Dogs are too difficult to take care of. 184. Life with a pig isn't always perfect.
185. Sometimes I don't have enough time to spend with her. 186. Different people like different kinds of gifts.
187. They will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remember a person. 188. Singing English songs made her more interested in learning English. 189. John has never been to the space museum.
190. You can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time. 191. You can take a ride on the boat for several days.
192. The boat rides all take different routes, but they all end up in the same place.
193. I'd like to go on a Disney Cruise.
194. Have you ever traveled to another province? 195. It's all I have ever wanted to be. 196. All I ever wanted to do was traveling.
197. 198. Whether you like Indian food, western food, or Japanese I'll think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide. food, you'll find it all in Singapore if you look! 199. It's best to visit Singapore in autumn. 200. How much did that shirt cost? 201. How big is your apartment?
202. Thank you so much for inviting me. 203. They were really friendly to me. 204, I feel like part of the group now. 205. I enjoyed meeting Carlos.
206. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place. 207. I'm really happy to have the tickets. 208. You have never seen it before.
209. Be careful to look both ways before you cross the street. 210. It's too hard to understand the voice. 211. Many said they learnt by using English.
212. We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. 213. First of all, it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher. 214. I don't know how to use commas.
215. I don't have a partner to practice English with. 216. She had trouble in making complete sentences.
217. I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. 218. We must learn how to change these "problems" into "challenges".
219. As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 220. I'm on the swim team. 221. People sure change.
222. I used to be afraid of being alone.
223. I'm still afraid of flying in an airplane. 224. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.
225. His mother looked after him as well as she could. 226. He often got into trouble with the police.
227. Even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching
me, and would always take pride in everything good I do. 228.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my !friends,
but I just don't have the time anymore.
229. Martin called his mother, but to his surprise, this phone call changed his life.
230. I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 231. Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have
part-time jobs?
232. The other day, my friends and I talked about the roles that
we have in school.
233. Last summer, I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital. 234. They talk instead of doing homework. 235. They aren't serious enough at that age.
236. We would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. 237. For example, we should visit primary schools and help teach young students. 238. My parents have always taught me the importance of working hard
and not just to do what I enjoy.
239. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.
240. Being a professional runner is the only thing I have ever wanted. 241. What would you do if you won a million dollars? 245. If I were you, I'd wear a shirt and tie. 246. What if I don't know anyone?
247. What do you think I should tell the rest of the students? 248. I'd wait for my friends to introduce herself to me.
249. You like talking to one or two people rather than a group. 250. She doesn't want to let her friends down, but she's terrified
of speaking in front of other people.
251. You always come up with good solutions to people's problems. 252. I'd hurry to call the hospital first.
253. What would you do if you injured your knee while running? 254. It must be Ning's. 255. It could be Ali's.
256. It might belong to Mice.
257. It can't be John's.
258. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest. 259. She is the only one who's studying French. 260. Be careful of the person who doesn't talk, and the dog that does not bark. 261. It's crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% to the final exam. 262. She's worried because of her test. 263. He might be running to catch a bus.
264. However these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood. 265. The director of the local zoo says that three monkeys' escaped from .... 266. It means you're afraid of too much homework.
267. You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. 268. Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. 269. I like music that I can dance to.
270. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. 271. He's made some great movies over the years.
272. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. 273. I prefer classical music to pop music. 274. That man remind me of my English teacher.
275. I can't stand hamburgers ! They make me feel sick. 276. My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weekend. 277. But prefer not to eat too much food that is fried, er, French fries. 278. This person doesn't mind eating burnt food.
279. If food tastes good, it's usually bad for you, isn't it? 280. I'd like to go somewhere relaxing.
281. I like places where the weather is always warm 282. It's easier to get around the city by subway. 283. I'd like trek through the jungle. 284. Why not consider visiting Singapore?
285. Don't plan on driving a car in Singapore.
286. I hope you can provide me with some information about the
kinds of vacations that your film can offer. 287. We don't mind how far we have to go.
288. We'd like to be away for about three weeks.
289. We received several different answers to tile question. 290. They dream of going to the moon one day. 291. I'd like to cheer up sick kids.
292. We can't put off making a plan Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now. 293. He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital. 294. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. 295. I am similar to her.
296. Who has filled my life with pleasure?
297. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.
298. When I got home, I realized I had left my keys in the backpack. 334. Many ads are aimed specifically at teenagers. 299. I knew I couldn't get to school on time. 335. For instance, they can help you to compare two different 300. Tony and his dad came by in his dad's car and they gave products so that you can buy the one you really need. me a ride. 336. Some clothes are for work. 301. I only just made it to my class. 337. When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the lowest price. 302. What happened to Dave on April Fool's Day? 338. I'm like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. 303. Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed 339. They're about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds. the story, and panic set off across the whole country. 340. There used to be a lot of manatees. 304. Many people ran to their local supermarket to buy as much spaghetti as they could. 341. I am against building a new zoo in our town. 342. I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for 305. The number of foreign players in America's NBA has increased. 306. It's used for scooping really cold ice cream. 307. They were invented by Julie Thompson. 343. They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the ,public about caring for them. 308. The potato chips were invented by mistake. 344. 309. Do you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world, was invented by accident? 345. That apartment block is old and dangerous. 310. Take the escalator to the second floor. 346. It really made me feel embarrassed, because to be honest, 311. Go past the bank. 3. I prefer being outside. 312. I also like to look at books in tile bookstore. 347. I pretended that I liked it. 313. Go out the front door and take a right. Walk about three blocks. 348. My grandparents have different taste from me. 314. Could you please lend me your pen? 315. I wonder if you can help me. 349. I prefer to receive a gift that has some thought behind it. 350. I haven't cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 316. However, in order not to offend people, learning about language 351. I couldn't get back to you sooner. 317. You're supposed to shake hands. etiquette is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary. 352. He had to get up at 5 a.m. and chop wood and light the fire 318. We're pretty relaxed about time. 353. Then he had to collect water from the village well. 319. We're the land of watches, after all! 320. We never visit a friend's house without calling first. 354. They are going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities. 321. In Peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table. 355. They are off to a great start. 322. It's rude to make noise while eating noodles. 323. It's even better than I thought it would be. 356. Have you been back to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played? 324. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 357. Thanks to In Search of Roots, I am beginning to 325. I find it difficult to remember everything, but I'm gradually getting used to things. understand my Chinese roots, and who I am. 358. I'm looking forward to finding out more about my roots 326. He got into trouble at school and with the police. during my time here. 327. I realized she was living her life for her children, 328. There are a lot of things that 'move a kid in the right or wrong direction. 329. You can learn it easily by yourself, and experiment with your own ideas. 330. I'd rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like
to listen to quiet music while I'm eating. 331. Waiting for her made me angry. 332. It tastes terrible.
333. They don't even keep out the sun.
animals to live in. I urged 'all of your' readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon It should be pulled down. I thought the purse was really ugly. for breakfast.
Unit 2 where the post offce?
具体:there be 句型 注意就近原则 另外 对there be 句型中的名词提问时,无论名词为单数或复数,都用what’s+地点副词/介词短语(某地)?
三、指 路:1、It’s +介词短语(地点)她在…….
(1)、在…..的对面 (2)在….和…之间
8、穿过桥四、地点名词:1、邮局 2、图书馆 3、饭店
4、旅馆 5、银行6、超市 7、投币式公用电话8、公园9、大街、林荫道
13、花园小区14、地方、地点15、路线 16、、机场五、重点词汇;1、pay 2、across 3、 turn 4、open 5、enjoy
6、walk 7、arrive 8、pass 9、take 10、 hope
六、短 语:1、在中央大街 2、邮信
3、教师办公室 4、 在河岸
5、禁止停车 6、 一个借口
7、 一条直线 8、左转
9、 转身围绕„„转 10、翻到4页
11、轮到某人干 12、轮流做某事
13、 在„„左边(2种)
18、关着的/开着的、 打扫教室20、 保持安静 21、一个大房子22、 感受城市幽静的街道
23、 ……的开始
24、欢迎来到……、 一个娱乐的好地方26、 弹吉他 27、 散步
28、 步行十分钟的路程 (3种)
30、 拜访我的叔叔
31、第一次参观 .....2、参观,访问 (3种)
33、正在参观,正在访问 (2种) 34、 就坐 35、赢得第一
36、带有一个有趣花园的小房子 37、让我告诉你 38、让某人做某事
39、打一个出租车 40、去我家的路
41、 一个大/小超市
42 、过得很愉快 (3种) 七、句 子:1、邮局在哪儿?在旅馆的对面。
《新目标八上重点话题 短语 句子》
Unit 1
重点话题:How often do you exercise?
1. A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I often go to the movies.
2. A: What does she do on weekends? B: She often goes to the movies.
3. A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I usually play soccer.
4. A: What do they do on weekends? B: They often go to the movies.
5. A: What does he do on weekends? B: He sometimes watches TV.
6. A: How often do you shop? B: I shop once a week.
7. A: How often does Cheng watch TV? B: He watches TV twice a week. 重点短语、句子
go skateboarding 去滑板
1. exercise = do / take exercise 锻炼
2. hardly ever 几乎不
3. twice a week 一周两次
4. once a month 一个月一次
5. three times a year 一年三次
6. surf the Internet 网上冲浪
7. How often does he watch TV? 他多久看一次电视?
8. three or four times a week 一周三或四次
9. all / most / some / no students 所有的 / 大多数的 / 一些 / 没有学生
10. the result of the student activity survey 学生活动调查的结果
11. Here be sth for sb. 有某物给某人
12. be active 活跃的;积极的
13. as for… 至于;关于
14. the result for “watch TV” “看电视”的结果
15. junk food 垃圾食品
16. want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事
17. be good / bad for… 对…有好处 / 坏处
18. be healthy 健康的
19. How many hours do you sleep every night? 每晚你睡几个小时?
20. come home from school 从学校放学回家
21. eating habits 饮食习惯
22. try (one’s best )to do sth 尽(最大)努力做…
23. eat a lot of vegetables 吃大量的蔬菜
24. of course 当然
25. look after my health 注意健康
26. have a healthy lifestyle 有健康的生活方式
27. help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事
28. get good grades 取得好成绩
29. study well / better / best 学得好/更好/最好
30. why not do sth?= why don’t you /we do sth? 为什么不做某事?
31. be the same as… 与…相同
be different from… 与…不同
32. be kind of unhealthy 有几分不健康
33. sleep for nine hours every night 每晚睡九个小时
34. keep in good health = keep healthy保持健康
35. eat less meat 少吃肉
Unit 2
重点话题:What’s the matter?
1. A: What’s the matter?B: I have a cold.
2. A: What’s the matter?B: I have a stomachache.
3. A: What’s the matter?B: I have a sore throat.
4: A: I have a headache.B: You should go to bed.
5. A: He has a stomachache.B: He shouldn’t eat anything.
6. A: She has a toothache.B: She should see a dentist.
1. What’s the matter (with sb)? 怎么了? = What’s wrong (with sb)?
2. have a (bad) cold (重)感冒
3. have a (high) fever 发(高)烧
4. have a stomachache 胃痛
5. have a toothache 牙痛
6. have a headache 头痛
7. have a sore throat 喉咙痛
8. have a sore back 背痛
9. lie down and rest 躺下休息
10. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶
11. see a doctor 看病
12. see a dentist 看牙医
13. drink lots of water 多喝水
14. should / shouldn’t do sth 应该/不该做某事
15. That’s a good idea. 好主意。
16. I’m not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。
17. two days ago 两天前
18. That’s too bad. 太糟了。
19. I think so. 我是这样认为的。
20. I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你能尽快好起来。
21. be + adj.
be hungry 饥饿 be/ get tired 疲劳
be thirsty 口渴 be /get stressed out压力大
22. go to bed early 早上床睡觉
23. listen to music 听音乐
24. go to the party 参加派对
25. need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy
26. traditional Chinese doctors 传统中医
27. for example 例如
28. be weak (in sth) 在某方面很弱
29. too many +可数n.复数 太多…
too much +不可数n. 太多…
much too + adj. / adv. 实在太…
30. eat hot yang foods, like beef 吃热的壮阳气食物,比如说牛肉
31. be angry 生气
32. Chinese medicine 中医学
33. take medicine 吃药
34. in western countries 在西方国家
35. eat a balanced diet 吃均衡的饮食
36. It’s +adj. + (for sb ) + to do sth (对某人来说)做某事很…
37. a few + 可数n.复数 少数几个(肯定)
few + 可数n.复数 几乎没有(否定)
a little + 不可数n. 少许,一点(肯定)
little + 不可数n. 几乎没有(否定)
38. stay / keep healthy 保持健康
39. at the moment = now 此刻;现在
40. have a lot of headaches 经常头痛
41. study late until 2 am 学习晚直到凌晨两点
42. conversation practice 对话练习
43. host family 寄宿家庭
44. I’m sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到这个消息
Unit 3
重点话题:What are you doing for vacation?
1. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: I’m babysitting my sister.
2. A: What’s she doing for vacation? B: She’s babysitting her sister.
3. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: I’m visiting my grandmother.
4. A: What’s she doing for vacation B: She’s going camping.
5. A: What are they doing for vacation? B: They’re relaxing at home.
6. A: When are you going? B: I’m going on Monday?
th7. A: When is he going? B: He’s going on the 12.
8. A: When are they going? B: They are going next week.
9. A: How long is he staying? B: He’s staying for a week. 重点短语、句子
1. What are you doing for vacation? 假期你打算做什么?
2. go + V+ing 去…
go camping 去野营 go hiking 去远足
go fishing 去钓鱼 go sightseeing 去观光go bike riding 去骑自行车
3. That sounds nice. 那听起来很棒。
sound + adj. 听起来…
4. relax at home 休闲在家
5. Who are you going with? 你将和谁一起去?
6. on the 12th 在12号
7. in the mountains 在深山里
8. How long are you staying? For four days. 你将呆多长时间?四天。
9. go away for too long 离开太长时间
10. send sb sth=send sth to sb 把某物寄给某人
11. show sb sth=show sth to sb把某物给某人看
12. get back to school 回到学校
13. go for vacation 去渡假
14. take walks 散步
take a walk = have a walk = walk
15. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans?
16. rent videos 租录像带
17. the famous French singer著名的法国歌唱家
be famous for 以…而出名
18. take / have a long vacation 过长假
19. this summer 今年夏天
20. think about sth / doing sth 考虑某事/做某事
21. decide to do sth 决定做某事
decide on sth / doing sth
22. in Europe 在欧洲
23. do something different 做一些不同的事
24. the first week in June 六月的第一周
25. plan to do sth 计划做某事
26. in the countryside 在乡村
27. spend time / money on sth 花时间 / 金钱于某物
spend time / money in doing sth 花时间 / 金钱做某事
28. sleep a lot 多睡
29. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
30. finish doing sth 做完某事
31. need to do sth 需要做某事
32. ask sb about sth 询问某人某事
33. a good place to go sightseeing 一个观光的好地方
34. take sth with sb 随身带上某物
35. leave + 地点 离开某地
leave for +地点 动身前往某地
leave … for … 离开…去…
Unit 4
重点话题:How do you get to school?
1. A: Hi, Dave. How do you get to school?
B: I walk. How about you, Sally?
A: I ride my bike.
2. A: How does Bob get to school? B: He takes the train to school.
3. A: How does he get to school? B: He walks to school.
4. A: How do they get to school? B: They take the train.
5. A: How long does it take? B: It takes about forty minutes. 重点短语、句子
1. How do you get to school?
2. take the subway 乘地铁
take the bus 乘公交车
take the train 乘火车
take the car 坐小汽车
take a taxi to… 乘出租车
take a plane 乘飞机
take a ship 乘轮船
ride a bike 骑自行车
walk 走路
= by subway
by bus
by train
by car
go / come to… by taxi
by plane / air
by ship / sea
by bike
下一篇:爱情 诗句