11、我想要是有这样的笔就好了:它不但外面美观,而且非常耐用。它的笔油永远都用不完,还有多彩的颜色。它会根据你的心情改变颜色和音乐,高兴时,它会变成红色和快乐的歌曲,生病时,它会变成黑色和舒适的歌曲。(经典语句 )它的笔帽上还装有全球卫星定位系统,可以为盲人、迷路的人、在野外旅游的人们,还有家长追踪小孩的行踪,它都会为你调查得清清楚楚。
/*短文学_300x250_内页*/var cpro_id = "u1412357";人生最幸福是有未来可以让我们期待,让我们幻想。为了美好的未来让自己变得更坚强更勇敢吧!品读那些憧憬未来的美好诗句,在诗句中,感受蓬勃的朝气。一切都将是美好的,我们的未来,会是更好的。1、潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。2、池塘生春草,园柳变鸣禽。3、但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。4、道由白云尽,春与青溪长。5、海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。6、时有落花至,远随流水香。7、异日图将好景,归去凤池夸。8、聊乘化以归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑。9、不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层。10、车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。11、沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。12、春风杨柳万千条,六亿神州尽舜尧。13、春有百花秋望月,夏有凉风冬听雪。14、但愿众生皆得饱,不辞羸病卧残阳。15、凡桃俗李争芬芳,只有老梅心自常。16、苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?17、何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。18、红雨随心翻作浪,青山着意化为桥。19、酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨?20、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。21、莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。22、男儿何不带吴钩,收取关山五十州。23、千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。24、晴空一鹤排云上,直引诗情到碧霄。25、劝君更尽一杯酒,天下何人不识君。26、山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。27、他年我若为青帝,报与桃花一处开。28、天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。29、渭城朝雨悒轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。30、我醉欲眠卿且去,明朝有意抱琴来。31、仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。32、一腔热血勤珍重,洒去犹能化碧涛。33、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。34、醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?35、生死契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。36、休对故人思故国,且将新火试新茶。诗酒趁年华。37、肃肃花絮晚,菲菲红素轻。日长雄鸟雀,春远独柴荆。38、更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。39、飒飒西风满院栽,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。他年我若为青帝,报与桃花一处开。40、暂别紫台自飘摇,何惧风雪总潇潇。不见昨夜雨湿处,聊以新颜待今朝。
1. India is a country with a large population. 印度是个拥有众多人口的国家。
2. Betty had fun yesterday. So did Sue.Betty昨天玩得很尽兴,Sue也一样。
3. Although we may have many friends, sometimes we do feel lonely. 尽管我们也许有许多朋友,但我们时常仍感到孤单。
4. One of Lucy’s sons-in-law is going to keep an eye on these naughty boys.
5. Jackie Chen is famous for his films. One of his most popular films is “Who am I”.
6. More than 70 percent of the milk goes sour, but only a couple of people know.
7. The more you speak, the better your English will become.你说的越多,你的英语就越好
8. After school, I’m about to meet someone important.放学后我要去见个重要的人
9. I’m eager to buy some toiletries.我急切地想买些洗漱用品
10. This container can hold a litre(liter) of water这个容器能装一升水。
11. There are many flowers on each (either) side of the road. 路两边有许多花。
12. That’s why I want to have a good rest at weekends.那就是为什么我想在周末休息一下的原因。
13. This two-bedroom flat is to let.这个有两间卧室的公寓是要出租的。
14. I’ve got two cameras. One is made in Germany; the other is made in Japan.
15. He studies hard enough to be the ace student.他努力学习,为了成为最顶尖的学生
16. Which movie do you want to see? Either will be fine.你想看哪部电影?这两部哪部都可以
17. I enjoy listening to music in my leisure time/ at my leisure.我喜欢在业余时间听音乐
18. The sooner the better.越快越好
19. He is more than a friend to me.他对我来说不仅仅是个朋友
20. It’s ten minutes’ drive from his home to the school.从他家到学校开车要十分钟。
21. I succeed in writing a book named “My Life”.我成功地写完了名为《我的生活》的书
22. China has a larger population than any other country in Asia.中国人口比其它亚洲国家要多
23. I was a student in my twenties but now I begin to run my own business.
24. The majority of teachers in our school are women teachers.我们学校大多数的老师是女老师。
25. My family visit my grandparents twice a year.我家人每年要去看望我的祖父母两次。
26. I made this card especially for a special girl.这张卡片是我特地为一个特别的女孩制作的
27. I’ll call you another day. 我改天给你打电话。
28. Each of them has his own duty. 他们各人有各人的责任。
29. How much is that altogether? 一共多少钱
30. He is an eight-year-old boy. /He is eight. /He is eight years old. 他八岁。
31. His father died in his sixties. /His father died over sixty. /His father died more than sixty. /
His father died above sixty. 他父亲是60多岁去世的
32. Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃点鱼吧。
33. One shouldn’t praise oneself. 人不应该自吹自擂
34. God helps those who help themselves. 自助者,天助之。
35. The child is too young to look after himself. 这孩子太小,还不能照料自己
36. Life itself is happiness. 生命本身就是幸福
37. You’d better ask the nurse herself. (You had better) 你最好问护士本人
38. I’m not quite myself today. 今天我身体不太舒服
39. One can’t please everybody. 众口难调。
40. Come any day you like. 你想哪天来就哪天来。
41. The sheets are as white as snow (is). 床单洁白如雪
42. It’s becoming colder and colder here. 这里天气变得越来越冷了
43. Go as far as you can see. When you get there you can see farther. 只管朝前走,当你到达目的地时,你会看得更远。
44. The room is big enough for us to live in. 这间房我们住够大了。
45. The new supermarket is to be open on Wednesday. 新建的超市将在星期三开业。
46. The captain in the Air Force wasn’t in uniform. 空军上尉当时没穿制服。
47. Railway traffic is usually busy during Chinese New Year. 在中国新年期间铁路交通通常很繁忙
48. Can I have a look at your timetable, please?我能看一下你的时刻表吗?
49. The Swedish are fond of traveling. 瑞典人喜爱旅游。
50. The earth rotates around the sun. 地球围绕太阳旋转
51. The family is a social unit. 家庭是社会的组成单位
52. You look smart in the new suit. 你穿那套新西服看上去挺潇洒。
53. The villa is situated on the top of the hill. 别墅坐落在小山顶上
54. The sun has set. 日已西沉
55. The power of the British Empire began to set after World War I. 第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰弱
56. Please fill in these forms---business routine. 请填好这几张表格——事务的例行手续
57. He rose immediately to reply. 他立即起立回答。
58. What’s the programme for this evening? 今天晚上安排了什么活动?
59. It’s possible that the plane is late. 飞机可能晚点了。
60. I paid thirty yuan for that CD. 我花了三十元买那张CD
61. Can you lend me ten dollars? I’ll pay you back next week. 你能借我十元钱吗?下星期还你
62. You are going to pay for this! 你会为此付出代价的!
63. Every so often, she takes a weekend in the country. 她有时在乡下过周末
64. The British Museum is visited by crowds of people every day.每天都有大批的游人参观大英博物馆。
65. He is a man of middle height. 他是位中等身材的人
66. Don’t forget to take your medicine after lunch. 午饭后别忘了服药
67. It’s my pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker. 我很高兴能把今晚的演讲人介绍给大家
68. He spent two years at the chemistry institute. 他在化工学院学习过两年
69. He realized it was important that he should keep calm. 他认识到保持镇静是重要的
70. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨
71. The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明之前最黑暗
72. She is good at gymnastics. 她擅长体操
73. How much is the admission fee? 入场费是多少?
74. Have you finished writing your speech? 你的发言稿写完了吗?
75. He is excellent for his self-control. 他自我克制能力很强
76. He takes his walkman with him everywhere. 他无论到哪儿都带着他的随身听
77. He ended his letter with good wishes to the family. 他以向全家问好结束了他的信
78. The show closed four hours early. 展览会提早4小时结束了
79. He is the man of the day. 他是眼下的红人
80. He is getting better day by day. 他的健康状况一天天好起来了
81. They worked hard day after day. 他们日复一日努力地工作着
82. I want to take a day off. 我想请天假
83. She completed a 4-year French course. 她学习完了4年的法语课程
84. He attended an orchestral concert. 他出席了管弦乐音乐会
85. He did it for the good of the community. 他为公众利益做了这件事
86. The road is closed to heavy motor traffic. 这条路禁止重型机动车辆通行
87. His parents were embarrassed by his casual behavior. 他不拘礼节的行为使他的父母十分难堪
88. My students gave me a wall calendar. 我的学生们给了我一份挂历
89. I usually have my lunch in the school cafeteria. 通常中午我在学校自助餐厅用餐
90. They worked for 24 hours without a break. 他们不间断地工作了24小时
展望未来的诗句 展望未来的诗句:
《展望未来的诗句 展望未来的文章 展望未来》
回首过去,我们思绪纷飞,感慨万千;立足今日,我们胸有成竹,信心百倍;展望未来,我们引吭高歌,一路欢笑。 昨天,永远属于过去,过去不管成功或失败,永远属于死神;昨天,如一颗陨落的流星划过天际,来不及招呼;昨天,如一朵朵漫天飞舞的的蒲公英,尽显其招摇之态。 回首昨天,我们问心无愧,尽管太多的苦涩融进了昨日的犁铧,尽管太多的忧伤充斥着我们的心灵,尽管太多的无奈写在我们的脸上,尽管太多的精力挥洒在昨日的流程上。 有失败也会有成功,有咸淡的泪水当然也少不了甜美的微笑,有失落才构成昨日缠绵的歌,有忧伤才会有昨日焕发的浪漫色彩。 回首过去,我们心怀坦荡,回首过去,我们沉沦于昨日成功时鲜花与掌声的簇拥之中;回首过去,我们没有驻足在昨日构建的美丽梦想中;回首过去,我们没有黯然伤神,沉沦于昨日的得与失,是与非中;回首过去,了解最真实的自我,看清今后的方向,选好航程,为一个崭新的日子苦心打造。 立足今日,我们擦亮眼睛,走过昨日逝去的岁月,点燃新的希望,放飞新的梦想,在日子的隧道中穿梭。今天,又一个起点,又一轮朝阳,请打开你的心灵之窗,拥抱阳光!拥抱今天吧! 回首过去,我思绪纷飞,感慨万千;立足今日,我胸有成竹,信心百倍;2007这一年走过来,感觉真的复杂,感慨良多啊...... 昨天,永远属于过去,过去不管成功或失败,永远属于死神;昨天,如一颗陨落的流星划过天际,来不及招呼;昨天,如一朵朵漫天飞舞的的蒲公英,尽显其招摇之态。 回首昨天,我问心无愧,尽管太多的苦涩融进了昨日的犁铧,尽管太多的忧伤充斥着我的心灵,尽管太多的无奈写在我的脸上,尽管太多的精力挥洒在昨日的流程上。 有失败也会有成功,有咸淡的泪水当然也少不了甜美的微笑,有失落才构成昨日缠绵的歌,有忧伤才会有昨日焕发的浪漫色彩。 回首过去,我心怀坦荡,回首过去,我沉沦于昨日成功时鲜花与掌声的簇拥之中;回首过去,我没有驻足在昨日构建的美丽梦想中;回首过去,我没有黯然伤神,沉沦于昨日的得与失,是与非中;回首过去,了解最真实的自我,看清今后的方向,选好航程,为一个崭新的日子苦心打造。曲折使我成长.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹.幸运自己认识了另外一个世界。
1. India is a country with a large population.
2. Betty had fun yesterday. So did Sue.
3. Although we may have many friends, sometimes we do feel lonely.
4. One of Lucy’s sons-in-law is going to keep an eye on these naughty boys.
5. Jackie Chen is famous for his films. One of his most popular films is “Who am I”.
6. More than 70 percent of the milk goes sour, but only a couple of people know.
7. The more you speak, the better your English will become.
8. After school, I’m about to meet someone important.
9. I’m eager to buy some toiletries.
10. This container can hold a litre(liter) of water.
11. There are many flowers on each (either) side of the road.
12. That’s why I want to have a good rest at weekends.
13. This two-bedroom flat is to let.
14. I’ve got two cameras. One is made in Germany; the other is made in Japan.
15. He studies hard enough to be the ace student.
16. Which movie do you want to see? Either will be fine.
17. I enjoy listening to music in my leisure time/ at my leisure.
18. The sooner the better.
19. He is more than a friend to me.
20. It’s ten minutes’ drive from his home to the school.
21. I succeed in writing a book named “My Life”.
22. China has a larger population than any other country in Asia.
23. I was a student in my twenties but now I begin to run my own business.
24. The majority of teachers in our school are women teachers.
25. My family visit my grandparents twice a year.
26. I made this card especially for a special girl.
27. I’ll call you another day.
28. Each of them has his own duty.
29. How much is that altogether?
30. He is an eight-year-old boy. /He is eight. /He is eight years old.
31. His father died in his sixties. /His father died over sixty. /His father died more than sixty. /His father died above sixty.
32. Help yourself to some fish.
33. One shouldn’t praise oneself.
34. God helps those who help themselves.
35. The child is too young to look after himself.
36. Life itself is happiness.
37. You’d better ask the nurse herself. (You had better)
38. I’m not quite myself today.
39. One can’t please everybody.
40. Come any day you like.
41. The sheets are as white as snow (is).
42. It’s becoming colder and colder here.
43. Go as far as you can see. When you get there you can see farther.
44. The room is big enough for us to live in.
45. The new supermarket is to be open on Wednesday.
46. The captain in the Air Force wasn’t in uniform.
47. Railway traffic is usually busy during Chinese New Year.
48. Can I have a look at your timetable, please?
49. The Swedish are fond of traveling.
50. The earth rotates around the sun.
51. The family is a social unit.
52. You look smart in the new suit.
53. The villa is situated on the top of the hill.
54. The sun has set.
55. The power of the British Empire began to set after World War I.
56. Please fill in these forms---business routine.
57. He rose immediately to reply.
58. What’s the programme for this evening?
59. It’s possible that the plane is late.
60. I paid thirty yuan for that CD.
61. Can you lend me ten dollars? I’ll pay you back next week.
62. You are going to pay for this!
63. Every so often, she takes a weekend in the country. 他八岁。
第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰弱。 请填好这几张表格——事务的例行手续。
64. The British Museum is visited by crowds of people every day.
65. He is a man of middle height.
66. Don’t forget to take your medicine after lunch.
67. It’s my pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker.
68. He spent two years at the chemistry institute.
69. He realized it was important that he should keep calm.
70. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
71. The darkest hour is that before the dawn.
72. She is good at gymnastics.
73. How much is the admission fee?
74. Have you finished writing your speech?
75. He is excellent for his self-control.
76. He takes his walkman with him everywhere.
77. He ended his letter with good wishes to the family.
78. The show closed four hours early.
79. He is the man of the day.
80. He is getting better day by day.
81. They worked hard day after day.
82. I want to take a day off.
83. She completed a 4-year French course.
84. He attended an orchestral concert.
85. He did it for the good of the community.
86. The road is closed to heavy motor traffic.
87. His parents were embarrassed by his casual behavior.
88. My students gave me a wall calendar.
89. I usually have my lunch in the school cafeteria.
90. They worked for 24 hours without a break.
通常中午我在学校自助餐厅用餐。 他们不间断地工作了24小时。
1. India is a country with a large population. 2. Betty had fun yesterday. So did Sue. 3. Although we may have many friends, sometimes we do feel lonely. 4. One of Lucy’s sons-in-law is going to keep an eye on these naughty boys. 5. Jackie Chen is famous for his films. One of his most popular films is “Who am I”. 6. More than 70 percent of the milk goes sour, but only a couple of people know. 7. The more you speak, the better your English will become. 8. After school, I’m about to meet someone important. 9. I’m eager to buy some toiletries. 10. This container can hold a litre(liter) of water. 11. There are many flowers on each (either) side of the road. 12. That’s why I want to have a good rest at weekends. 13. This two-bedroom flat is to let. 14. I’ve got two cameras. One is made in Germany; the other is made in Japan. 15. He studies hard enough to be the ace student. 16. Which movie do you want to see? Either will be fine. 17. I enjoy listening to music in my leisure time/ at my leisure. 18. The sooner the better. 19. He is more than a friend to me. 20. It’s ten minutes’ drive from his home to the school. 21. I succeed in writing a book named “My Life”. 22. China has a larger population than any other country in Asia. 23. I was a student in my twenties but now I begin to run my own business. 24. The majority of teachers in our school are women teachers. 25. My family visit my grandparents twice a year. 26. I made this card especially for a special girl. 27. I’ll call you another day. 28. Each of them has his own duty. 29. How much is that altogether? 印度是个拥有众多人口的国家。 Betty 昨天玩得很尽兴,Sue 也一样。 尽管我们也许有许多朋友,但我们时常仍感到孤单。 Lucy 的女婿们中的一个要照看这些调皮的孩子们。 成龙因他的电影而成名。他最受欢迎的影片之一是“我是谁” 。 超过百分之其实的牛奶都变酸了,但只有一些人知道。 你说的越多,你的英语就越好。 放学后我要去见个重要的人。 我急切地想买些洗漱用品。 这个容器能装一升水。 路两边有许多花。
那就是为什么我想在周末休息一下的原因。 这个有两间卧室的公寓是要出租的。 我有两个相机。一个是德国制造的,另一个是日本造的。 他努力学习,为了成为最顶尖的学生。 你想看哪部电影?这两部哪部都可以。 我喜欢在业余时间听音乐。 越快越好。 他对我来说不仅仅是个朋友。 从他家到学校开车要十分钟。 我成功地写完了名为《我的生活》的书。 中国人口比其它亚洲国家要多。 我在二十岁时还是个学生而现在我已经开始经营自己的生意了。 我们学校大多数的老师是女老师。 我家人每年要去看望我的祖父母两次。 这张卡片是我特地为一个特别的女孩制作的。 我改天给你打电话。 他们各人有各人的责任。 一共多少钱? 30. He is an eight-year-old boy. /He is eight. /He is eight years old. 31. His father died in his sixties. /His father died over sixty. /His father died more than sixty. /His father died above sixty. 32. Help yourself to some fish. 33. One shouldn’t praise oneself. 34. God helps those who help themselves. 35. The child is too young to look after himself. 36. Life itself is happiness. 37. You’d better ask the nurse herself. (You had better) 38. I’m not quite myself today. 39. One can’t please everybody. 40. Come any day you like. 41. The sheets are as white as snow (is). 42. It’s becoming colder and colder here. 43. Go as far as you can see. When you get there you can see farther. 44. The room is big enough for us to live in. 45. The new supermarket is to be open on Wednesday. 46. The captain in the Air Force wasn’t in uniform. 47. Railway traffic is usually busy during Chinese New Year. 48. Can I have a look at your timetable, please?
49. The Swedish are fond of traveling. 50. The earth rotates around t
he sun. 51. The family is a social unit. 52. You look smart in the new suit. 53. The villa is situated on the top of the hill. 54. The sun has set. 55. The power of the British Empire began to set after World War I. 56. Please fill in these formsbusiness routine. 57. He rose immediately to reply. 58. What’s the programme for this evening? 59. It’s possible that the plane is late. 60. I paid thirty yuan for that CD. 61. Can you lend me ten dollars? I’ll pay you back next week. 62. You are going to pay for this! 63. Every so often, she takes a weekend in the country. 他八岁。 他父亲是 60 多岁去世的。
请随便吃点鱼吧。 人不应该自吹自擂。 自助者,天助之。 这孩子太小,还不能照料自己。 生命本身就是幸福。 你最好问护士本人。 今天我身体不太舒服。 众口难调。 你想哪天来就哪天来。 床单洁白如雪。 这里天气变得越来越冷了。 只管朝前走,当你到达目的地时,你会看得更远。 这间房我们住够大了。 新建的超市将在星期三开业。 空军上尉当时没穿制服。 在中国新年期间铁路交通通常很繁忙。 我能看一下你的时刻表吗? 瑞典人喜爱旅游。 地球围绕太阳旋转。 家庭是社会的组成单位。
你穿那套新西服看上去挺潇洒。 别墅坐落在小山顶上。 日已西沉。 第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰弱。 请填好这几张表格——事务的例行手续。 他立即起立回答。 今天晚上安排了什么活动? 飞机可能晚点了。 我花了三十元买那张 CD。 你能借我十元钱吗?下星期还你。 你会为此付出代价的! 她有时在乡下过周末. 64. The British Museum is visited by crowds of people every day. 65. He is a man of middle height. 66. Don’t forget to take your medicine after lunch. 67. It’s my pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker. 68. He spent two years at the chemistry institute. 69. He realized it was important that he should keep calm. 70. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 71. The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 72. She is good at gymnastics. 73. How much is the admission fee? 74. Have you finished writing your speech? 75. He is excellent for his self-control. 76. He takes his walkman with him everywhere. 77. He ended his letter with good wishes to the family. 78. The show closed four hours early. 79. He is the man of the day. 80. He is getting better day by day. 81. They worked hard day after day. 82. I want to take a day off. 83. She completed a 4-year French course. 84. He attended an orchestral concert. 85. He did it for the good of the community. 86. The road is closed to heavy motor traffic. 87. His parents were embarrassed by his casual behavior. 88. My students gave me a wall calendar. 89. I usually have my lunch in the school cafeteria. 90. They worked for 24 hours without a break. 每天都有大批的游人参观大英博物馆。 他是位中等身材的人。
午饭后别忘了服药。 我很高兴能把今晚的演讲人介绍给大家。 他在化工学院学习过两年。 他认识到保持镇静是重要的。 一日之计在于晨。 黎明之前最黑暗。 她擅长体操。 入场费是多少? 你的发言稿写完了吗? 他自我克制能力很强。 他无论到哪儿都带着他的随身听。 他以向全家问好结束了他的信。 展览会提早 4 小时结束了。 他是眼下的红人。 他的健康状况一天天好起来了。 他们日复一日努力地工作着。 我想请天假。 她学习完了 4 年的法语课程。 他出席了管弦乐音乐会。 他为公众利益做了这件事。 这条路禁止重型机动车辆通行。 他不拘礼节的行为使他的父母十分难堪。 我的学生们给了我一份挂历。 通常中午我在学校自助餐厅用餐。 他们不间断地工作了 24 小时。
Unit2 Lesson3
1.忘记做某事 forgot to do
2.叫人下车(短语) tell sb. to get off=put off
3.既然这样(短语) in that case
4.更愿意v. prefer
5.唯一的,独特的 unique
6.女性 female
7.由„„组成 consist of
8.因此(连词) thus
9.质量 quality
10.在„„方面成功 succeed in
I went on an excursion recently,but my trip took me longer than I expected.
I said to the conductor as I got on the bus.
I’ll tell you where to get off.
I set in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.
Looking round,I realised with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. Unit3 Lesson5
1.包裹n. parcel
2.内疚的adj. guiltily
3.尴尬的adj. embarrassed
4.包含v. contain
5.五条巧克力(短语) five bars of chocolate
6.糖 sweet
7.矿、矿山 mine
8.控制 be in charge of
9.属于 belong to
10.结果是(短语) turn out to be
11.出发(短语) set off
12.检查v. examine
Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.
First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.
I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever.
It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.
He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.
Unit4 Lesson7
1.搬(家)v. move
2.暂时的 temporarily
3.英寸 inch
4.吃惊n. surprise
5.盯着(短语) gaze at
6.空闲的 spare
7.养宠物 keep pets
8.完全地adv. completely
9.靴子 boot
10.自信的adj.自信地adv. confident ; confidently
11.合适v. fit
I have been trying to get my new room in order.
To make matters worse,the room is rather small.
A short while age,my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.
This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen.
Unit5 Lesson9
1.扑灭(短语) put out
2.消防员 firefighter
3.非常肯定(短语) be quite sure
4.偶然地adv. accidentally
5.发现 discover
6.抱怨v. complain
7.不可靠的;可靠的 unreliable;reliable
8.鸽子 pigeon
9.评论 comment
10.飞行,航班,航行 flight
Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.
In this way,he was able to solve the mystery.
The explanation was simple but very unusual.
Unit6 Lesson11
1.拿起(电话) pick up
2.挂(电话)(及其动词变形) hang up -hung-hung
3.认出v. recognize
4.混乱n. adj. mess;messy
5.熟悉的 familiar
6.到底(短语) on earth
7.作出努力 make an effort to
8.生动的;实况转播的 live
9.毫无疑问(短语) no doubt
In a short time,I was busy mixing butter and flour.
Nothing is more annoying.
It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.
I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.
Unit7 Lesson13
A new machine called ’The Revealer’ has been invented,and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.
Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave,hoping to find buried treasure.
Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.
In spite of this,many people are confident that ‘The Revealer’ may reveal something of value fairly soon.
“句型转换”相关题型分析及应试技巧大突破戴氏教育蜀汉路校区1. 针对划线部分提问。(raise a question to the underlined part)a. 针对原因提问。(用_____提问)例: Sally is going to get a good job because he wants to earn a lot of money.______________________________________?b. 针对名词(或动名词)或代词提问。(用_____提问)例: I don’t like watching film in my spare time.___________________________________?c. 针对具体时间提问。(用_____提问)例: Nicolas could talk in sentence at 8 months.__________________________________?d. 针对频率提问。(用_____ _____提问)例: He’s going to visit his clients twice a week from next week.____________________________________________?e. 针对比例提问。(用_____ _____ 提问)例: 43 percent of the students are boys in our class. ______________________________________?f. 针对方式提问。(用_____提问)例: Marco earned money by taking photos._________________________________?g. 针对距离提问。(用_____ _____提问)例: The international institute is twenty minutes by car from Lucy’s home. _________________________________________________________?h. 针对状态,状况提问。(用_____ _____ 提问)例: Linda speaks French and Italian very well._________________________________________________________________?i. 针对数量提问。(用_____ _____ 或 _____ _____ 提问)例: Over 1500 million people speak German last time when we met him. _______________________________________________________?2. 陈述句变感叹句。a. what引导的感叹句是对句中名词进行感叹。例: Mr. Brown told us an extremely interesting story last night. (change it into an exclamatory sentence)3. 根据要求改写句子。a. pay,spend,take及cost各自的用法。例: The twins spent some of their time enjoying the game together last year._____ _____ the twins some of their time _____ _____ the game together last year.例: She paid 300 dollars for the dress last week. (rewrite it with cost/spend)______________________________________.______________________________________.b. 词与词组之间的转换。例: He visited his grandma once a week.He _____ _____ _____ _____ his grandma once a week.例: You don’t need to finish your homework today.There is _____ _____ _____ you _____ _____ your homework today.例: He wondered where the bus station was.He _____ _____ _____ where the bus station was.c. 类似结构之间的转换。例: No running.Please _____ _____.例: It is about 30 minutes’ walk from our school to the city centre.It is about _____ _____ _____ _____ from our school to the city centre.例: Beijing is more attractive than any other city in the world. B
eijing is more attractive than _____ _____ _____ in the world.例: Mother is going to America next week. The children are going to America next week, too.The children _____ _____ _____ mother _____ going to America next week.d. 不定式(to do)、动名词(v.ing)做主语改为it做形式主语,真正的主语挪至句子最后。例: Discussing the baseball match is exciting._____ is exciting _____ _____ the baseball match.Swimming in the sea is difficult but interesting.= ________________________________________________.e. “一般过去时态”变“现在完成时态”。(rewrite it with present perfect tense)注意:含有瞬间动词的句子在转换成现在完成时的时候,应相应把其改成非瞬间动词或be+介词或副词用来表示某种状态。重点熟记内容:buy/lend/borrow转换成keep, join army/club转换成be in army/club(或be a soldier/club member)例: My uncle retired after he came back from America.____________________________________________.例: The twins borrowed my book three months ago. (rewrite this sentence with “since three years ago”)______________________________________________.4. 反义疑问句。(tag question)a. 含有宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分通常与主句一致。但当主句的谓语动词是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等且主语是I , we时,疑问部分则与从句相一致,但“肯定否定”还是看主语。 (记忆口诀:结构看从句,语气看主句)例: I do not think he can do everything well, _____ _____? I don’t think he is bright, _____ _____?b. 陈述部分的主语是everybody, somebody, nobody, everyone, no one时,附加疑问句的主语应用they。例: Everybody here hardly cleans the house, _____ _____? They rarely get any information from their colleagues these days, _____ _____?c. 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。 例: Tom hardly plays computer games, _____ _____?d. 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。 Don’t do that again, will you? Go with me, will you / won't you ? 注意: Let’s 开头的祈使句,后用shall we? Let us 开头的祈使句,后用will you? Let’s go and listen to the music, shall we? Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ? 5. 主动语态改被动语态。 (change it into passive voice) see, notice, catch, hear的用法a. 原本句中的宾语在被动语态中做主语,且注意各种时态下被动语态的结构以及含有情态动词时被动语态的用法。例: You can’t take the book out of the library. __________________________________________.The teacher noticed a naughty boy speaking Chinese in English class.________________________________________________________.6. 直接引语变
间接引语。a. 如直接引语是陈述句,变间接引语时,由that 引导。(that可省略)例: He said: “I was born in 1990.”He said _________________________.b. 如直接引语是一般疑问句或选择疑问句,变间接引语时,由if或whether引导。例:She said to her brother, “Do you want to go with me next week?”_____________________________________________________?“Are you interested in this?” she said.She _____ _____ I was interested in _____.c. 如直接引语是特殊疑问句,变间接引语时,由原来的疑问词引导。例: “Where have you been these days?” he asked.He asked me _____ _____ _____ been _____ days.d. 如直接引语是祈使句,变间接引语时则:tell/ask/order sb. (not) to do例:”Don’t tell him the news.” She said.She told me _____ _____ _____ him the news.7. 简单句、复杂句互换。(change it into a simple/complex sentence)a. while的用法。 (while doing = while 主语+be动词+doing)例: He washed his clothes while watching TV. __________________________________________.b. “in order to”变“so that”。例: My brother finished his homework as soon as possible in order to play soccer with his friends.__________________________________________________________________.真题操练:1. Jenny is the most beautiful girl in her class.Jenny is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ in her class.2. The old man bought a new car two weeks ago. (present perfect tense)__________________________________________.3. Did the little girl hear that boy singing in his classroom? (passive voice)__________________________________________.4. I improved my English by listening to the tape every day.________________________________________________.5. Janet has decided to go abroad to learn English.Janet _____ _____ _____ _____ to go abroad to learn English.6. The cleaners do the housework for me once a week.______________________________________________________?7. I’d like to pay for the books in cash. (raise a question to the underlined part)________________________________________?8. My brother joined the football team two months ago. (present perfect tense)________________________________________________.9. My father is busy earning money so that he can provide a better life for his family. (change it into a simple sentence)_____________________________________________________.10. James is 12 years old. His brother is 24 years old.James is _____ _____ _____ _____ his brother.11. The British Youth Theatre is 20 minutes’ walk from the train station.The British Youth Theatre is _____ _____ _____ from the train station.12. The tall girl is more careful than the other students in her class.The tall girl is more careful than _____ _____ _____ in her class.13. The detective has already caught the criminal. (passive voic
e)____________________________________________________.14. Let’s go on holiday with Jake’s friends in June, _____ _____?15. We did a new play with other people every two weeks.____________________________________________.16. Tom Hall as the managing director of the big company usually pays for every thing in cash.________________________________________________________________.17. The old lady with her little grandson saw a thief climb into the huge villa the day before yesterday. (passive voice)_____________________________________________________________________.18. Peter was as clever as his brother. (negative sentence)________________________________________________.19. These boys are talking and laughing noisily when the teacher comes in. (what)__________________________________________________.20. The teenagers are watching films in the cinema in West Road in their free time.__________________________________________________________________.21. Marx could speak and write German, Russian as well as English. __________________________________________________________?22. I want to earn a lot of money so I’m going to get a good job, too. (raise a question with Why)_____________________________________________________________?23. I want to learn Chinese because I like China. (raise a question with Why)____________________________________________________________?24. You can design the blank cards by using a photograph. ___________________________________________________?25. She earned money by painting before making a book of maps in London. (complex sentence)______________________________________________________.26. Tom ran quite fast in order to catch up with his classmate. (complex sentence)__________________________________________________________.27. People consider he is an intelligent child. (simple sentence)_______________________________________________.28. Madame Tussaud’s is an amazingly beautiful place. (exclamatory sentence)________________________________________________________!29. The helicopter cost him $60,000._______________________________________?30. He has to finish only little homework, _____ _____? (tag question)31. I borrowed a coffee maker from Tim yesterday. (rewrite the sentence with “since last week”)________________________________________________________________.32. The teacher saw him crash into a car yesterday. (passive voice)__________________________________________________________.33. The traffic police are busy cleaning the road.____________________________________________________________.34. Attending the conference on time is very important to the leaders from Europe. (rewrite the sentence with “it”)_____________________________________________________________.35. James has designed a lot of amazingly attractive clothes since he became a designer. (
exclamatory sentence)__________________________________________________________________!36. Why did Tom make Sandy cry when they went to the park yesterday? (passive voice)__________________________________________________________?37. It’s impolite to say those words to your teacher, _____ _____?38. The policeman said to the thief, “How do you break into their house?” (indirect speech)______________________________________________________?39. 80% of the students in our school also study hard after school. ________________________________________________________.40. He can’t play the piano at all. (how)___________________________________?41. The teacher said to the students, “Does the sun go around the earth?” (indirect speech)__________________________________________________________?42. I got up early to catch the bus on time. (complex)___________________________________________________-.43. She went on to read the book after washing dishes. (complex)________________________________________________.44. When does the train arrive? Please tell me. (改为宾语从句)Please tell me _____ _____ _____ _____.45. I think this is a good idea. (改为否定句) = I _____ _____ this _____ a good idea.46. That university is about ten hours on foot from my hometown.___________________________________________________?47. The teacher said: “Tom, don’t be late tomorrow.” (indirect speech)____________________________________________________.48. The boy has finished his homework on time in order to play basketball with his friends. (complex)_____________________________________________________.49. My mother bought me a book as my birthday present. (passive voice)________________________________________________.50. The new couple have decided to travel to London for a week.The new couple _____ _____ _____ _____ to London for a week.51. He gave a very excellent explanation to the public! (exclamatory sentence)_________________________________________________________!52. We thought she had a happy time with her friends that day, _____ _____?53. Lisa spends 5 thousand yuan on make-up every year. (pay……for……)____________________________________________.54. The poor boy earns his living by cleaning other’s shoes. ___________________________________________________.55. Laura has to check in the luggage for the passengers, _____ _____?56. Taking a bus in Japan is punctual and reliable for passengers. (rewrite the sentence with “it”)__________________________________________________________.57. I like to issue tickets better than to re-confirm flights. (rewrite it with “prefer”)_______________________________________________.58. Julia made a decision to visit her clients on foot. ______________________________________________.59. I felt quite pleased when I heard what he said. (exclamatory