
| 结构师考试 |




1、解析 小说的层次就是小说的结构,常见的小说的结构分:开端—发展—高潮—结局。有些小说比较特别,在“开端”之前另有“序幕”,在“结局”之后还有“尾声”。本题考查考生划分作品层次、归纳内容要点的能力。划分层次应该先确定有哪些情节,然后“合并同类项”。本文的题目是“回家”,作品总共写了海子四次“回家”。第一次是略写,旨在交代特殊的家庭环境,揭示矛盾,这应该是故事的开端;第二次写海子为节约车费在狂风之夜走路回家;第三次写海子为节省鞋钱在寒冬之日赤脚走回家,这应该是故事的发展;第四次回家是海子因公殉职后永远回到了家,这是故事的高潮,也是故事的结局。答案 第一次回家为第一部分(从开头到“城外的小河套里去玩去疯”),写家境贫困的海子每周都回家;第二、三次回家为笫二部分(从“有一回”到“许多年以前的事情了”),写海子为节约钱克服一切困难回家;第四次写海子因公殉职后永远回到了家。

2、解析 关键要分清明、暗两条线索。答案 这篇小说有一明一暗两条线索。明线是“尖刀”从磨制到抛弃,再到反射光线使主人公被救的过程,“尖刀”贯穿了文章始终;暗线是主人公的心理变化,从磨制“尖刀”到抛弃“尖刀”的过程就是主人公人性中善战胜恶的过程。

3、解析 “空白”是关键词。答案 被扔掉的凶器,成为救人的工具。结尾的艺术空白,言有尽而余味无穷,有一种冲击人心的张力,更能突出主旨。

4、解析 本题考查对小说人物性格、情节、主题、结构的理解。A项,写作目的是引出下文淳朴的民风,同时与成为景点后的小村构成鲜明对比,以突出经济发展对淳朴民风的冲击。B项,“表现了„„山里人与城里人之间的隔膜”错误。D项,“表现了„„厌倦”“寄托了„„忧虑”错误。“一批批人走进深山”是为了衬托淳朴民风之难得,并为下文写这种难得的民风因经济冲击而消失做铺垫。 答案 CE

5、解析 这道题考查小说中人物形象的性格特点,是常考题型,分析时可以按照情节的展开逐层分析人物表现,从而概括其性格。初始见面为我们这帮路人灌满凉开水,主动解答我们对“黑板”的疑惑,讲述与“黑板”有关的故事,说明店主纯朴热情。在偏僻的村庄经营唯一的一家代销店,并将生意做得越来越大,说明他勤劳能干。最后结局写店主善于发现并抓住商机,用“黑板”招揽顾客,先前任由赊账的乡亲在黑板上擦擦写写,后来不再赊账,表现出他精明务实,也凸显了主题。

答案 ①纯朴热情。为我们这帮路人灌满凉开水,主动解答我们对“黑板”的疑惑,讲述与“黑板”有关的故事。②勤劳能干。在偏僻的村庄经营唯一的一家代销店,并将生意做得越来越大。③精明务实。善于发现并抓住商机,用“黑板”招揽顾客;先前任由赊账的乡亲在黑板上擦擦写写,后来不再赊账。

6、解析 首先应从小说本身的特色入手,再分析对小说内容与结构方面的作用。①“镶嵌在墙上的黑板”本身具有深刻的象征意义。②从内容方面分析,前后对比,突出主旨。③从结构方面看,它是贯穿全文的线索。

答案 ①“镶嵌在墙上的黑板”本身具有深刻的象征意义。曾经,黑板只是个形式,因为账本自在村人心中,诚信也嵌在村民心中。后来黑板仍然只是个形式,因为它的存在只是为了招揽游客。黑板见证了山村与村民的变化,见证了淳朴民风的消失;黑板的变化,实则意味着村庄民风的变化。②它是贯穿全文的线索。小说情节围绕“黑板”展开:路过小村,“我”被黑板上的数字吸引,询问店主;“我”目睹村民用石灰块在黑板上擦擦写写地记账;山外之人听闻,激动不已,慕名到村中寻访那块黑板;成为旅游景点后,店主用漆有白漆名字及数字的黑板做招牌,招揽顾客。③前后对比,突出主旨。原来,黑板上赊账的数字及名字是用容易擦掉的石灰块写下的,后来则是用白漆漆上的;原来,村人自己诚实地在黑板上记下自己的赊账数目,无人赖账,后来却有很多人赖账,这些鲜明的对比,写出诚信与信任民风的缺失,突出了小说的主旨。

7、解析 A项,“不是一般的作战部队”,属无中生有。C项,“随即又原谅了他”与原文不符,老人向兵讲清了道理,并亲自擦去地上的痰迹。B项,“兵”向“连长”求助,主要是希望他能够出面确认自己志愿军老兵的身份,以获得“享受一定的补助”的正当权益。

答案 答E给3分,答D给2分,答B给1分;答A、C不给分。

8、解析 对于插叙内容的作用,我们主要应从内容和结构两方面来考虑;此外,还应考虑对小说主要人物形象的作用。

答案 交代兵说话时总有些喘的原因。照应上文兵说话喘并将痰吐到了马路上的情节;为下文兵不做声了,捂着胸,吭哧吭哧地喘的情节作铺垫。表现抗美援朝战争的残酷,也为兵找连长打电话享受补助作铺垫。

9、解析 概括人物形象,应从文中对人物的叙事和描写性的文字入手去总结。

答案 ①重情重义:老人陪同兵参观城市的公园等,与兵合影,并在临走时给了兵200元钱。②平易近人:身为副省长的老人亲自去火车站接兵,并及时制止司机的提醒。③以身作则:为了教育兵改掉不文明的坏习惯,老人亲自用纸巾擦去了兵吐到马路上的痰。④坚持原则且不失灵活性:老人没因为兵的请求而给自己曾经的手下打电话并让他徇私情,临走前嘱咐兵将照片保存好,遇到困难,凭此或许会有用。

10、解析 景物描写的作用一般有:①交代故事发生的时间、地点,揭示作品的时代背景;②渲染气氛,烘托人物心情;③展示人物性格;④推动情节的发展;⑤借景抒情,情景交融。结合文章内容作答即可。 答案 ①前一次表现月色明亮的环境特点,推动对饮谈话的情节;②后一次渲染轻松的气氛,暗示事情出现转机。

11、解析 对本题的分析应从文中对“三叔”“儿子”“未婚妻”的描写性文字入手,结合上下文内容,从具体的人物身上去揣摩人物的内心活动。

答案 ①三叔听了后“眼里潮潮的”,说明他被朴实、浪漫的婚礼所感动;②儿子听了后“心里酸酸的”,他感受到上辈人为找一辆时髦婚车的艰难,使用豪华婚车的心理有了变化;③未婚妻听了后“泪光闪烁,一脸的神往”,感动、羡慕父辈“有趣的佳话”,朦胧产生了办一个别具一格的婚礼的想法。

12、解析 本题主要考查学生欣赏作品形象的能力。从“看着儿子为找不到加长林肯或凯迪拉克作婚车而唉声叹气,他一次次欲言又止”可以看出三叔关心儿子;从“老人家把三儿子招呼过来父子对饮,那晚,皓月当空”可以看出三叔理解父亲;从娶亲的经过可以看出三叔憨厚朴实;从引导儿子简朴结婚可以看出三叔善于引导;从提倡婚姻从简可以看出三叔对幸福的含义有自己的理解。

答案 ①理解父亲,关心儿子;②憨厚朴实,善于引导;③对幸福的含义有自己的理解。

13、解析 文章以儿子的故事为主,穿插了爷爷和父亲的故事。插叙的作用一般是:对主要情节或中心事件作必要的铺垫照应,补充说明,使情节更加完整,结构更加严密,内容更加充实丰满。 答案 特点:在儿子的故事中插叙爷爷、父亲的故事。


14、解析 “陋室”的特点需要阅读全文后,从文章的各个段落中提取。如第①段写其“黑暗”,第③段写其小,第③⑥⑨段写其家具摆设,第⑩段侧面写其破旧。


15、解析 这是考查细节描写的作用。细节描写是指抓住生活中的细微而又具体的典型情节,加以生动细致的描绘。对其表达效果,要结合文章的主旨来解说。

答案 撷取生活细节进行描写。通过写看老鼠打架、欣赏裂缝等生活细节,表现陋室夫妇安贫乐道、富有情趣的生活态度。

16、解析 谈其作用,可从三个方面来说:结构上的作用,叙述内容上的作用,对表达主题的作用。 答案 收束全文,点明陋室主人的身份;通过写一些有职有位的人的住宅挂满了陋室主人的各种书法,反衬出主人非凡的艺术成就和安贫乐道的人格特征。

17、解析 第一问:前一个“艺术”是实指,后两个“艺术”是比喻,答题时回答出“本体”的特征就可以了。第二问是开放性试题,能答出示例中的一到两点,并能作出简要恰当的阐释即可。 答案 第一个指书法艺术,第二、三个指的是主人超凡脱俗、善待人生的思想境界。


18、解析 本题考查概括作品主题,赏析作品的内涵,分析作品体裁的基本特征和主要表现手法的能力。B项,祁茂顺从事的职业变化,说明以前的手艺不能适应时代的变化,过时了,而不是说“他的手艺已经落伍,无法满足人们生活的需求”。D项,作者写金四爷,主要是通过这一人物引出祁茂顺高超的糊顶棚手艺,而金四爷所提及的大酒缸、酥鱼等的消亡,展现了人民生活的变迁,并不能说明金四爷的守旧做派。E项,“让读者难以琢磨”的说法不准确。

答案 答A给3分,答C给2分,答E给1分;答B、D不给分。

19、解析 本题考查欣赏作品的形象的能力。分析祁茂顺这一形象的特点,可以从其技能水平和为人处世两个角度考虑。技能水平上,祁茂顺有两样手艺糊烧活和裱糊顶棚,人们称赞其人“心细手巧”,其


答案 ①手艺精湛,心细手巧,糊烧活地道,裱糊顶棚讲究。②朴实忠厚,热心助人,街坊邻居有事相求,总是有求必应。③勤快能干,认真谨慎,三轮车总是擦洗得很干净,收车落锁,不许人乱碰。

20、解析 本题考查分析作品结构的能力。分析段落情节的作用,要从人物塑造、结构和主旨等方面予以考虑。人物塑造方面,祁茂顺糊顶棚做得干净利落,表现其手艺了得。结构方面,与第二段提及的手艺“裱糊顶棚”相照应。主旨方面,如此高超的手艺,在如今却再无施展的空间,流露出对民俗文化衰落消亡的惋惜之情。

答案 ①展示了祁茂顺高超的手艺,完成了主人公形象的塑造。②照应开头糊烧活的情节,结构严谨。③表达叹惋民俗文化衰落的主题。

21、解析 本题考查对作品进行个性化阅读和有创意的解读的能力。文中作者结尾并未将自己的情感直接地表露出来,这留给读者更多的思考空间。“烧活、纸糊的顶棚、大酒缸”逐渐淡出人们的生活,可以谈自己对此的惋惜,也可以客观地评价这些过时的种种不适应时代而必然消亡。结合文本来谈,自圆其说,理由充分即可。

答案 (示例一)它们的消亡是历史的必然。①从文中可以看到时代的变迁:“都兴火葬了”“钢筋水泥的楼房更没有谁家糊个纸顶棚的”“卖手表照相机”等,说明“烧活、顶棚、大酒缸”等不能适应时代的变化,已经过时了。②“纸顶棚容易坏,而且招蟑螂,招耗子”,说明不创新变化就不能适应发展,就没有竞争力,衰败是必然的趋势。(示例二)它们的衰落乃至消亡,令人叹惋。①糊烧活、糊顶棚是祁茂顺的手艺,也是他的生存方式,却因为现实的冲击无奈改行,令人叹惋。②它们也是传统民俗文化的代表,构成了我们的文化记忆,衰落和消亡使得这些民俗文化失传,令人痛惜。

22、解析 B项,“情节曲折离奇”“带来一种悬疑得到解决的刺激”不符合文章的特点。C项,“讽刺了装腔作势的人”,这是对文章主旨的误读。D项,“而情节的设置显得有些逊色,缺乏戏剧性”说法不当。答案 答A给3分,答E给2分,答B给1分;答C、D不给分。

23、解析 本题与分析人物形象不同。分析人物形象时既要点出人物形象的特点,又要结合文本对其特点进行简要分析。本题只要求简要概括人物的形象特点,所以只要答出要点即可。

答案 长相妩媚,衣着华丽;声音甜美、舒缓,爱好交谈;坦率自然,纯真善良。

24、解析 这里的“铺垫”是指“伏笔”。伏笔可理解为是前段文章为后段文章埋伏的线索,也可以理解为是上文对下文的暗示。它的好处是交代含蓄,使文章结构严密、紧凑,使读者读到下文时,既出乎意料,又感觉在情理之中。答案 暗示承认自己是罪犯的人才是真正的警长,而埃斯顿才是罪犯。 铺垫有以下几处:①埃斯顿的神情。当姑娘向他打招呼时,他显得局促不安。②埃斯顿的语言。当姑娘问多久能见面时,他说“我想恐怕我是不会有轻松自在的日子过了”。③自称是罪犯的人的神情。这位脸色阴沉的人一直用他那“锐利机敏的眼睛偷偷地观察着姑娘的表情”。(写出其中两处即可)

解析 这是一道探究题。要注意题干要求的探究的角度,要紧扣文本,思考文本的情节结构特点和题目中“手”与“心”的关系,以便深入理解作品的主旨。

答案 小说的情节是和两只铐在一起的手紧密相关的。一个女子在火车上遇到了老朋友,却发现老朋友的一只手和另外一个人的手用手铐铐在了一起,女子惊讶,朋友尴尬,而另外一个被铐的人——真正的警长,出于好心解释说自己是罪犯,她的朋友是警长,缓解了这一尴尬局面。小说表面上写的是“被铐在一起的手”的故事,揭示的却是“心”的问题——心灵深处的人性美。警长为了保护罪犯的面子和尊严,不给他造成心灵上的负担,编造了一个善意的谎言,这体现了警长善解人意、为别人着想、体谅他人之心的美好品格。

26、解析 A项,“与金花争吵并获胜”不正确,她们并没有吵,只是互相暗骂,玉梅也无所谓获胜。D项,“给玉梅买车票和戏票”这个情节不是伏笔,这几个情节也不能预示金花的悲剧结局。E项,“语言朴实无华”不准确。答案 答C给3分,答B给2分,答E给1分;答A、D不给分。

27、解析 此题为探究题,根据题意,应首先明确表达观点,然后从设置情节、塑造人物、表达主题等不同角度分点阐释理由。答案 (示例一)同意“画龙点睛”说。理由:①内容方面:以女儿不知原因而骑车大笑,反衬金花之死的悲哀。②情节方面:以此显示玉梅因感到歉疚而关注金花的女儿,侧面反映了玉梅的歉疚。③主题方面:以看似快乐的结尾烘托出金花之死的悲凉,引人深入思考。



man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones. RTCA, an organization which advises the aviation industry, has recommended that all airlines ban such devices from being used during "critical" stages of flight, particularly take-off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights. Currently, rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And although some airlines prohibit passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing, most are reluctant to enforce a total ban, given that many passengers want to work during flights. The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft's computers. Experts know that portable devices emit radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication. But, because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory, they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not. The fact that aircraft may be vulnerable to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio systems in order to damage navigation equipment. As worrying, though, is the passenger who can't hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music's too loud.


1. The passage is mainly about ________ .

A . a possible cause of aircraft crashes

B . a new regulation for all airlines

C . effective safety measures for air flight

D . the defects of electronic devices

正确答案:a possible cause of aircraft crashes

题目详解:根据第一段最后一句"The source of …remains unconfirmed, but…干扰源虽未确定,但专家们已注意到…"的提示, 判断出与选项中的"a possible cause of aircraft crashes"含义相关。

2. What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years?

A . They may have been caused by the damage to the radio systems.

B . They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference

C . They may have taken place during take-off and landing.

D . They were proved to have been caused by the passengers' portable computers.

正确答案:They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference

题目详解:根据第一段第二句"that could have caused by…可能是由于电磁干扰引起的"的提示, 判断出与选项中的"They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference"含义相关。

3. Few airlines want to impose a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices because______.


A . they don't believe there is such a danger as radio interference

B . most passengers refuse to take a plane which bans the use of radio and cassette players

C . the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved

D . they have other effective safety measures to fall back on

正确答案:the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved

题目详解:根据第三段最后一句"have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not他们无法知道是否这种干扰是危险的"的提示, 判断出与选项中的"the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved"含义相关。

4. Why is it difficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplane's computers?

A . Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research.

B . Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with.

C . Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs.


D . Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.

正确答案:Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs.

题目详解:根据第三段最后一句"because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory"的提示, 判断出与选项中的"Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs"含义相关。

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author ________.

A . has overestimated the danger of electromagnetic interference

B . is in favor of prohibiting passengers' use of electronic devices completely

C . regards it as unreasonable to exercise to total ban during flight

D . hasn't formed his own opinion on this problem

正确答案:is in favor of prohibiting passengers' use of electronic devices completely

题目详解:根据第四段"…raises the risk that…can't hear the instructions"的提示, 判断出与选项中的"is in favor of prohibiting passengers' use of electronic devices completely"含义相关。狼军师阅读答案

Pronouncing language is a skill. Every normal person is expert in the skill of pronouncing his own language; but few people are even moderately proficient at pronouncing foreign languages. Now there are many reasons for this, some obvious, some perhaps not so obvious. But I suggest that the fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages very much better than they do is that they fail to grasp the true nature of the problem of learning to pronounce, and consequently never set about tackling it in the right way. Far too many people fail to realize that pronouncing a foreign language is a skill-one that needs careful training of a special kind, and one that cannot be acquired by just leaving it to take care of itself. I think even teachers of language, while recognizing the importance of a good accent, tend to neglect, in their practical teaching, the branch of study concerned with speaking the language. So the first point I want to make is that English pronunciation must be taught, the teacher should be prepared to devote some of the lesson time to this; and by his whole attitude to the subject should get the student to feel that here is a matter worthy of receiving his close attention. So, there should be occasions when other aspects of English, such as grammar or spelling, are allowed for the moment to take second place. Apart from this question of the time given to pronunciation, there are two other requirements for the teacher: the first, knowledge; the second, technique. It is important that the teacher should be in possession of the necessary information. This can generally be obtained from books. It is possible to get from books some ideas of the mechanics of speech, and of what we call general phonetic theory. It is also possible in this way to get a clear mental picture of the relationship between the sounds of different languages, between the speech habits of English people and those, say, of your students. Unless the teacher has such a picture, any comments he may make on his students pronunciation are unlikely to be of much use, and lesson time spent on pronunciation may well be time wasted.


1. What does the writer actually say about pronouncing foreign languages?

A . Only a few people are really proficient.

B . There are even some people who are moderately proficient

C . There aren't many people who are even fair proficient.

D . No one is really an expert in the skill.

正确答案:There aren't many people who are even fair proficient.

题目详解:依据问题中"pronouncing foreign languages"的提示,从文章第一段的第一句中的"few people are even moderately proficient at pronouncing foreign languages"判断出与选项中的"There aren't many people who are even fair proficient"语义相关。

2. The writer argues that going about the problem of pronunciation in the wrong way is ______.

A . a fundamental consequence of not speaking well

B . not an obvious cause of speaking poorly

C . an obvious cause of not grasping the problem correctly狼军师阅读答案

D . a consequence of not grasping the problem correctly

正确答案: a consequence of not grasping the problem correctly

题目详解:依据问题中"going about the problem of pronunciation in the wrong way"的提示,从文章第一段第四句中的"and consequently never set about tackling it in the right way"的提示,判断出与选项中的"a consequence of not grasping the problem correctly"语义相关。

3. The best way of learning to speak a foreign language, he suggests is by ______

A . learning from a native speaker

B . picking it up naturally as a child

C . undertaking systematic work

D . not concentrating on pronunciation as such

正确答案:undertaking systematic work

题目详解:依据问题中"The best way of learning to speak a foreign language"的提示,从第2段文章中的"Apart from this question of the time given to pronunciation, there are two other requirements for the teacher: the first, knowledge; the second, technique" 看出,"除了时间外,还需要知识和技能"的提示,判断出与选项中的"undertaking systematic work"语义相关。

4. What is that teachers are said to be inclined to forget?

A . The practical teaching of languages.

B . The principle of phonetic theory

C . The importance of a good accent

D . The teaching of pronunciation in the classroom

正确答案:The teaching of pronunciation in the classroom

题目详解:依据问题中"to be inclined to forget"的提示,从第一段的第六句中的"tend to neglect, in their practical teaching, the branch of study concerned with speaking the language"的提示,判断出与选项中的"The teaching of pronunciation in the classroom"语义相关。

5. The value the student puts on correct speech habits depends upon ______

A . how closely he attends to the matter

B . his teacher's approach to pronunciation

C . the importance normally given to grammar and spelling

D . whether it is English that is being taught

正确答案:his teacher's approach to pronunciation

题目详解:依据问题中"The value the student puts on correct speech habits"的提示,文章最后一段最后一句 "Unless the teacher has such a picture," 中的"such a picture,"指的就是上句中的"get a clear mental picture of the relationship between the sounds of different languages, between the speech habits of English people and those, say, of your students"的提示,判断出与选项中的"his teacher's approach to pronunciation"语义相关。

Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them. Their values --this can't be repeated too often-- are not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important things. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with flat with decaying food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone in bed, taking no notice of the worms. But is it interfering with personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old. Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed. The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spare parts. But never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results. And at what point should you cease to treat the old body? Is it morally right to try to push off death by pursuing the development of drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that it is designed to die? You cannot ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical opportunities, they will feel bound to give them a try, on the principle that while there's life, there's hope. When you talk to the old people, however, you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or health than it does on tour ability to have fun.


1. It is implied in paragraph 1 that ______.

A . social services have nothing to do with very old people

B . very old people enjoy living with their relatives

C . very old people would like to live alone so that can have more personal freedom

D . very old people are able to keep their rooms very clean

正确答案:very old people would like to live alone so that can have more personal freedom 题目详解:依据问题中"in paragraph 1"的提示,从第一段文章的倒数第2句中的"is it interfering with personal freedom to insist"判断出,选项中的"very old people would like to live alone so that can have more personal freedom"符合题意。

篇三:《王安石待客 阅读答案》狼军师阅读答案






(1)公约之饭 (2)又久之,方命坐

(3)惟啖胡饼中间少许 (4)其人愧甚而退


②其人已心怪之 (2分)

12、理解:上文末了说“公取自食之”,那么王安石到底吃了什么?(2分) 13、王安石是一个怎样的人?读了本文,你有什么感悟?(3分)







































(34) 怪:奇怪。

(36) 约:请。

(37)意:以为 。









