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浙教版外研新标准八年级英语(下) 作业本答案新版

Module 1

Unit 1

1 I.1.look 2.taste 3.smell 4.sound

II. 1.看起来可爱 2.have a sweet tooth 3.感觉柔软 4.strawberry jam 5.听着美妙 6.smell fresh 7.尝起来有点酸 8.lucky day

III.1.looks lovely 2.tastes a bit sour 3.sounds nice 4.smell fresh 5.feel soft 6.have a sweet tooth

IV. 1.Do the girls look happy?No,they don’t.They look sad. 2.Does the milk smell fresh?No,it doesn’t.It smells sour.

3.Does the music sound great?No,it doesn’t.It sounds noisy.

4.Does the coat feel soft?No,it doesn’t.It feels rough. 5.Do the cookies taste sweet?No,they don’t.They taste bad.

2 I. 1.tastes 2.sounds 3.felt 4.smells 5.looks II. 1.salt 2.sour 3.lovely 4.taste 5.jam 6.pies III.1.I don’t like jeans because they feel uncomfortable. 2.I don’t like hamburgers because they are unhealthy. 3.I like classic music because it sounds beautiful. 4.I don’t like lions because they look ugly. 5.I like flowers because they look beautiful. 6.I like fish because it tastes nice. Unit 2

1 I.beautiful,nose,pie,hear,noisy,hands,soft,taste,sweet II.1.The garden looks nicer after the rain. 2.Tom felt happy when he got the present. 3.His advice sounds much more interesting. 4.The noodles on the table smell so bad.

2 I. 1.happy 2.beautiful 3.quiet 4.difficult\hard 5.late 6.left

II.1.soft 2.proud 3.strangers 4.nervous 5.message III.1.C 2.B 3.B Unit 3

I. 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B II.1.B 2.E 3.C 4.D 5.A III.One possible version:

I feel excited when I first swim in the sea.I like swimming and I often swim in the swimming pool.When I went to the beach in Hainan this summer,I felt so excited to see the rough sea.And I swam carefully with my parents.How excited!

Module 2 Unit 1

1 I.watched,watched,enjoyed,enjoyed,wanted,wanted,invited, invited,looked,looked,entered,entered,wrote,wrote,took,taken, drove,driven,rode,ridden,saw,seen,swam,swum

II.1.have 2.has 3.has 4.Have,haven’t 5.Has,hasn’t

III.One possible version:Who has seen the wind?the kites fly up the sky

2 I.1.afford 2.wonderful 3.competition 4.prize 5.experience 6.Dream

II.1.experience 2.invited 3.tried 4.prize 5.have entered

III.1.Has Dad had dinner yet?Yes,he has already had dinner. 2.Has Mary finished her homework yet? Yes,she has just finished her homework.


3.Have Betty and Tony made an apple pie yet? Yes,they have already made an apple pie. 4.Have the students ever visited the US? No,they have never visited the US.

5.Has your uncle ever traveled around the world? No,he has never traveled around the world. 6.Have you ever played tennis? No,I have never played tennis. Unit 2

1 I.1.for example 2.are different from 3.count down 4.in many ways 5.all over the world 6. at this moment

II.1.Does,write 2.speaks,has,been 3.Have,read,will read 4.will be,grows 5.is dancing III.略

2 I.1.E 2.C 3.A 4.H 5.B 6.D 7.F 8.G II.1.rides,bike 2.He spent,doing


III.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.略 Unit 3


I.1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B

II.1B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D III.One possible version:

An unforgettable trip experience

I had an unforgettable trip experience in Germany this summer.

On July 10th,we took a plane to Germany.Then we took a bus to our partner’s homes.I really had great fun.I tasted delicious western food,visited some places of interest,and took part in a sports meeting in my partner’s school.I entered a competition and won a prize.How wonderful it was!

It’s pity that we had to go back home 5 days later.But I will keep the wonderful experience in my mind forever.

Module 3 Unit 1

1 I. 1.latest 2.already 3.discovered 4.over 5.show,model

II.1.yet 2.just 3.ever 4.never 5.already 6.yet,already III.1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B

2 I. 1.the earth 2.spaceship 3.astronauts 4.the moon II.1.ever 2.yet 3.never 4.just 5.already III.1.in order to 2.enough,to solve 3.may be 4.as\so interesting as 5.on his own Unit 2

1 I.the moon,the earth,the sun,the solar system.the Galaxy,the universe

II.reach the planet Mars,send spaceship,take many photos, discover billions of stars,communicate with the people III.1.sent spaceships 2.taken many photos

3.communicate with the people 4.go around the sun 5.reached the planet Mars


2 I.1.understand 2.sent 3.goes 4.been 5.discovered 6.called

II.1.C 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.A

III.1.The sky is about 60 miles thick.

2.They can form all kinds of shapes,like cotton and flying animals.

3.After a storm. 4.画图略(a circle) Unit 3

I.1.reach 2.sent 3.alone 4.two thousand 5.think of II.1.first 2.successful,had praised

3.in many types of ways,space lessons

Module 4 Unit 1【八下英语作业本答案】


1 I.1.headache 2.have a toothache 3.have a stomach ache

4.have a fever 5.take one’s temperature 6.have a cough 7.do exercise\sports 8.take some medicine II.1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C

III.1.for 2.since 3.since 4.for 5.harmful 6. caught 7.Health 8.take 9.temperature

2 I.1.health 2.exercise 3.since 4.cough 5.stomach ache 6.temperatures

II.1.can be harmful 2.three times 3.has been ill 4.done,since

III.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.E Unit 2

1 I.1.well 2.active 3.member 4.condition 5.sleepy 6.illness 7.daily 8.Perhaps II. 3 2 4 1 5 6 III.the shopping way,略

2 I.1.checked,heart 2.started,team 3.take,for a walk

4.in excellent condition 5.took part in 6.part of 7.go for a run 8.all over II.1.C 2.D 3.A Unit 3

I.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D

II.1.healthy 2.illness 3.exercises 4.since 5.daily III.1.Anna has been ill in hospital since three weeks ago. 2.Richard is too weak to get himself dresses.

3.Sean trained hard every day,so he won the competition. 4.It takes Sally a lot of time to practise volleyball at school. 5.John doesn’t often have breakfast,so he has got a stomach ache.

Module 5 Unit 1

1 I. 1.cartoon 2.humorous 3.smart 4.hero 5.fight 6.lesson 7.laughing 8.handsome II.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.E III.1.D 2.A 3.B

2 I.1.C 2.F 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.E

II.1.humorous 2.crying 3.heroes 4.Cartoons 5.to have 6.have watched 7.fought 8.sky

III.1.Havoc in heaven 2.Tom and Jerry 3.Spiderman 4.Mickey Mouse

One possible version:

I like Havoc in heaven best because I think the Monkey King is the strongest and cleverest.He can always beat others in many different ways.It’s the best cartoon.However,I don’t like Tom and Jerry because the cat seems to be too stupid.The mouse usually fools him. Unit 2

1 I. 1.cute 2.artists 3.copies 4.satisfy 5.lead 6.expect 7.created 8.private II.1.D 2.C 3.B

2 I. 1.black-and-white 2.win the heart of 3.as well as 4.made a terrible mess 5.more than 6.for example II.1.C 2.A 3.B

III.Picture 1:ADF Picture 2:BCE

One possible version:

1.Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a very popular cartoon in China.It has won the hearts of many children.They like Pleasant Goat because he is clever and brave.


2.Garfield is a fat and lazy cat.He looks unfriendly to people.In fact he is a friend with hard words.The cartoon is many children’s favorite in the US. Unit 3

I. 1.laughing 2.visit 3.working 4.heroes 5.satisfied II.1.A girl’s experience of moving to America at Ellis Island. 2.She was at Ellis Island.

3.He asked if she had been in prison. 4.She didn’t understand English. 5.The man wrote a new name for her.

Exercises for Revision module A I.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A II.1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B

III.1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B

IV.1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A V. 1.seven 2.something special 3.Chiang Mai 4.the train 5.kind\friendly 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A

VI.1.favourite 2.strangers 3.afford 4.impossible 5.fight 6.illness 7.private 8.latest 9.done 10.none VII. One possible version:

Popeye has been my favourite cartoon since I was young.My brother and I always watched the cartoon on TV.It was fun to watch it after school every day.

Popeye is a sailor.He is clever and strong.He likes having vegetables very much.And he can get much stronger by eating the vegetable.That’s the most interesting part.He fights against many bad guys.My brother and I have loved to have vegetables ever since then.We want to be as strong as Popeye. Listening materials:

I.Listen and choose the right pictures.

1.W:It’s weekend,finally.What shall we do on Saturday night? M:What about watching some cartoons on the Internet? W:Good idea!

2. W:Have you heard the latest news about the spaceship Chang’e--3?【八下英语作业本答案】

M:Oh,yes.And it landed on the moon successfully. 3.W:Hi,Eric.What are you up to?

M:Hi,Grace.I’ve decided to enter a Chinese writing competition.I’m getting things ready. 4.W:Does Kenny still work in New York now?

M:Not any more.His company has sent him to work in Shanghai.

5.W:How do you like the cookies that Sam made? M:Hmm,not bad.It tastes a bit sweet. II.Listen and choose the best answers. Conversation 1

W:Hey,James.Come on in to the living room.

M:Yeah,uh,thanks for inviting me.As I said,I’m looking for a place so that I can have a homestay experience and pick up some English and culture.

W:Well,I think this is the right place.It’s an American family with 5 kids.And the family has four dogs,three cats,a rab- bit,and a large snake named Phil.

M:Wow!I haven’t expected that.That’s a huge family. Conversation 2

W:So,how are things going,Steve?

M:Well,I was feeling great on Saturday,but I started to feel terrible on Sunday afternoon.

W:OK.Let me take your temperature.Hmm,there’s a little fe- ver,Do you have a headache?

M:Not really.And I don’t feel like eating anything.

W:Well.I think you’ve got a bad cold.But it’s nothing serious.

Here,take the medicine three times a day after eating.And you’ll be up and dancing around soon. M:Thank you,Carla!

Module 6 Unit 1

1 I. 1.collect 2.the piano 3.tennis 4.model II.1.F 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.E

III.1.mess 2.notes 3.collecting 4.shelves

5.somewhere 6.anything 7.coin 8.wonderful 2 I.Instrument:piano,violin,guitar

Sports:climbing,baseball,skiing Collections:fans,coins,stones

II.look,collecting,many,is,really,long,Since,interesting,China end,be III.略 Unit 2

1 I.1.useful 2.interesting 3.active 4.success 5.untidy 6.reading 7.anything 8.lucky II.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C III.略

2 I.1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D

II.1.come out 2.as a result 3.such as 4.Looking after 5.Are,interested in 6.as well as III.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B Unit 3

I.1.E 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B

II.swimming,their,metres,after,but,shone,during,were,didn’t, learned\learnt III.略

Module 7 Unit 1

1 I.1.total 2.list 3.passport(s) 4.culture(s) 5.crazy 6.progress 7.sunglasses 8.end II.1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A III.略

2 I.1.E 2A 3.D 4.C 5.B

II.1.between 9:30 am and 11:30 am from July 20th to July 30th

2.Star Children’s Palace\No.23 Dongshan Street,Binhai City

3.children aged 7--14 4.before July 18th 5.sports,interest groups,English world Unit 2

1 I.1.learn about,at the same time 2.well trained,have,experience

3.form close friendships,stay in touch with 4.fill out

II.1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 2 I.1.D 2.B 3.E 4.C 5.A

II.seems,waste,realized,activities,plants,around,in offered, using,those Unit 3

I.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B

The boy played the piano and the girl sang.

You can come now or you can meet us there later.

At first he was a little shy but now he acts more natural. Mrs Brown was about to begin but Jennie spoke first. II.1.A 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.C III.One possible version:

I will go to Australia to learn about Australian culture and improve my English at the same time.The English course will


last one week.I will have four English lessons every day.

As well as learning English,I want to experience life there.So I will stay with an Australian family.I think I’ll form close friendships with them.I’m looking forward to the travel.

Module 8 Unit 1

1 I.1.B 2.A 3.D 4.F 5.E 6.H 7.C 8.G II.1.Kate says(that)she’s not a star.

2.Li Ming says(that)the programme is interesting.

3.Linda and Jack say(that)they love sailing and collecting stamps.

2 I.1.in 2.at 3.for 4.of 5.on 6.after

II.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.It was built in the 10th century. 5.At the centre of the park is an island called Qionghau Island. Unit 2

1 I.1.magic 2.kilometres 3.shape 4.pulling 5.woke 6.second-largest

II.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.F 5.E 6.D III.1.It is 885 square miles

2.There are 11 national parks in England and Wales.The English Lake District National Park is the largest one. 2 I.1.hardly 2.square 3.tired 4.leaves 5.Pull\Push II.1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A

III.1.The best time to visit Las Vegas is October.Because it’s usually sunny.

2.He advises her to bring a camera and some warm clothes. 3.略 Unit 3

I.1.We thought(that)somebody was moving about.

2.They do not believe(that)the tree is over 1,000 years old. 3.The guide said(that)we should protect everything there. 4.I don’t think(that)they allow people to swim in the lake. II.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C


Module 9 Unit 1

1 I.1.separate 2.patient 3.explain 4.encourage 5.regret 6.mention 7.refuse 8.introduce

II.1.encourage 2. explain 3.separated 4.introduced 5.mentioned 6.refused 7.patient 8.regretted III.1.Please tell me when they got separated. 2.I don’t know why she treats you like that.

3.Do you know how they stay in touch with each other? 4.Try to find out if\whether she feels lonely without you. 5.I want to know how long the Smiths have lived in Hang- zhou.

2 I.1.found out 2.speak to,take a message 3.feel sure of 4.stay in touch 5.got separated

II.calling\that,speaking,with,what,herself,if\whether, introduce,encourage

III.1.if 2.who 3.that 4.how 5.why 6.when 7.what 8.where Unit 2

1 I.1.laugh 2.includes 3.singing 4.suggestion(s) 5.felt 6.trust

II.1.D 2.E 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.F

III.1.true friends are not easy to find 2.Smiling,listening

3.personal questions

4.have the same interests and hobbies as you 5.answer

2 I.1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A

II.1.talking,laughing,happy 2.nobody,enter 3.like,hidden,treasure 4.what you think 5.stick together III.略 Unit 3

I.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B II.One possible version:

Jack is my best friend.We have been good friends since eight years ago.We went to the same school and had the same hobby---playing badminton.Usually,we spent the whole Saturday afternoon practising playing badminton.We often helped each other in our study.When he feels unhappy,I always tell jokes to cheer him up.Last year,we got separated because he move to another city with his family.But we can chat on the Internet.I think it’s a good way to keep our friendship on.

Module 10 Unit 1

1 I.1.avoid 2.background 3.director 4.awful 5.national 6.interview 7.crazy 8.presenter

II.1.on 2.with 3.in 4.off 5.between 6.against 7.for 8.around

III.1.got crazy 2.keep quiet 3.was doing an interview with 4.show,around 5.on the radio 6.at the end of 7.no problem 8.making noise

2 I.1.washing 2.to have 3.laugh 4.not to read 5.coming 6.meeting 7.reading 8.open 9.doesn’t rain 10.means II.1.F 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.C 6.D III.略 Unit 2

1 I.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A II.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

6.just long enough for your height

7.jump over it at the right time without its striking your feet

8.when to stop for a rest

2 I.1.俯视,朝下看 2.look out of the window 3.研究..... 4.national and international news 5.了解 6.in person 7.检查音量 8.weather report【八下英语作业本答案】

II.1.was looking out of the window 2.looked down at 3.to do research on

4.weather report\national and international news 5.learn about 6.in person

III.1.was preparing 2.be 3.once 4.to hear 5.to check 6.real

IV.1.if\whether,got 2.she could 3.that,is 4.what,is 5.he had Unit 3

I.1.that 2.whether 3.who 4.where 5.what 6.how

II.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C III.One possible version:

There are many good programmes on TV now.I like The Voice of China at Zhejiang TV best.Everyone can enter the singing competition.The singers show their true love for music and life when they are singing.The most exciting part of the programme is when two or three teachers like the same singer,the singer has to choose whose singing family to join.It’s really the best TV programme I have ever seen.

Exercises for Revision module B


I.1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C II.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B

III.1.important 2.like 3.skills 4.grow 5.collecting 6.different 7.culture 8.lucky 9.pleasure 10.success IV.1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B V. 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A

VI.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.略 10.略 VII.1.valuable 2.preferred 3.interest 4.wake 5.explained 6.separated 7.expecting 8.progress 9.sleepy 10.has interviewed

VIII.1.to talk 2.because 3.the most popular 4.in 5.quickly 6.appeared

IX.One possible version:

Almost everyone in my class enjoys reading cartoons stories.It’s also a popular hobby in our school.Most cartoon stories are interesting and the characters are funny,and some cartoon stories are close to our life.The always bring us a lot of happiness.Some students even draw cartoon pictures or write cartoon stories.These help improve the painting and writing skills.But I don’t think we should spend all our free time on it.Work must come first,and then we can develop our interests and hobbies.

Listening materials:

I.Listen and choose the right pictures.

1.M:Are you going to Los Angeles for summer holiday,Alice? W:Yes,I will take a great English course there 2.M:I like looking after animals best.Do you like it?

W:Sorry,Tom.I don’t like it,because it’s too difficult for me. 3.M:Mary,how much did you pay for this pair of sunglasses? W:It was a bit expensive,100 US dollars 4.M:Have you been to France,Lingling? W:Yes,I went there last year

5.M:Honey,when are you arriving tomorrow?I will pick you up at the airport.

W:At 8:00 pm if everything goes on well.Thank you! II.Listen and choose the best answers .

1.Jerry is a fan of cartoon.Tintin wins his heart most,so he has a large collection of Tintin books.

2.Mike’s grandfather was interested in listening to the news

on the radio when ha was young.But now,he prefers to go on the Internet for the latest news.

3.Hey,Tom!Look at your books.They are everywhere in the

room and have taken up your bed.Please put them on the shelf!

4.Please check the list of things for your trip again.Have you

got everything ready yet,especially the passport?

5.My best friend Alex, a successful young writer,is good at writing about the experiences of young people.As a result, he is popular with us.

III.Listen and complete the passage.

Hobbies are very important in my life.A life without hobbies is like a day without sunshine.Good hobbies can help me learn new skills,develop my interests,broaden my horizon and make me grow as a person.For example,collecting stamps has helped me know more about different places,famous people and interesting culture around the world.

If we are lucky enough,hobbies can brings us not only pleasure,but also success.

