
| 教育 |





美国教育主要由政府提供,由三级政府:联邦政府、州政府和地方政府(学区) 控制和资助。在小学和中学,课程、资金、教学和其他政策都由当地选举产生的学区委员会决定。学区通常根据官员和预算与其他地方事务分开。教育标准和标准测验通常由州政府制定。

在美国,16-18岁之前必须在学校就读。现在许多州要求必须就读到18岁。有些州只规定必须就读到14岁。学生可以进入公立学校, 私立学校或家庭学校就读。在多数公立和私立学校,教育分为3级水平:小学初中和高中。

在联合国的一个21个国家的教育索引中,美国得分为99.9,排名世界第一。7660万学生在16个年级就读。其中, 在义务教育阶段,有520万人(10.4%)在私立学校就读。在该国成年人口中,有85%达到中学毕业,27%获得学士学位以上学位。根据2002年美国人口调查局统计,大学毕业年收入平均为45,400美元,超过平均水平10,000美元。
















1、 学校所给,通常不分国籍、性别、种族、宗教,主要出于对学术成就或潜力的一种鼓励。






E.校外住宿节省或减免、校内打工(ON-CAMPUS JOB):此由美国移民局规定,国际学生可在校内每周工作20小时,假期可工作40小时,每小时不得低于5美金,学生1年可挣到4000至6000美金或更高。工作岗位一般是:图书馆、计算机房、学生餐厅、管理宿舍、办公室、学校书店、学校勤工俭学等。

2、 私人奖学金或政府赞助(如:贷款),往往要求申请者是美国公民或有其他标准,如:性别、年龄、种族等,审核标准并不以学业为主。这一奖励方式可通过各种名义,可能是对申请者卓越的管理能力、参加社区服务,或者具有特殊才华的仅限于低收入者的一种资助。目前,美国最大的私人奖学金机构有“福特奖学金”和“卡内基奖学金”等。


美国各校一般都设置奖学金审核小组(或委员会,有的院校就是ADMISSION OFFICE),由系主任(或所长、院长、项目主持人)挂帅,其下还有抽调出的若干“有分量”的教授,人数在3—10人左右。私人奖学金也是由教授组成的审核小组来审核。而审核小组在审核之前,ADMISSION OFFICE或海外招生办会先对申请人的材料进行初步的审核,看看你的成绩单是否伪造,语言成绩等是不是符合学校的一般标准,再将此汇集整理,递到审核小组(往往还会分类)。所以,符合基本要求以及与专业导师沟通就显得十分重要,不论是对入学还是对奖学金的发放,不过也有特例。奖学金审核时间在每年的3—5月份左右。





US News美国大学排名分为本科和研究生,本科称为Best Colleges,研究生称为Best Graduate Schools。

在得到美誉度方面,美国最知名的大学是哈佛大学。显然,哈佛校友经常在美国商业、教育和社会中取得突出地位,因此在大众心目中确立了美国最高学府的地位。各种好莱坞电影将哈佛描绘成学术“象牙塔”的实例(e.g., Legally Blonde, Soul Man, The Paper Chase, etc).

在大众心目中,大约有25所大学构成了美国“顶级”的高等学校。多数人会提到构成常青藤联盟的8所大学及其一小批精英分子,私立研究型大学(如华盛顿大学 St. Louis、加州理工学院、芝加哥大学、杜克大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、麻省理工学院、西北大学、斯坦福大学等)。





私立学校和公立学校 在私立学校体系,家长一般都要付学费;在公立学校体系,教育是免费的。公立学校通常不接收年龄十六岁以下的外国学生。



预备教育 私立学校为五岁至十三岁儿童提供预备教育(或小学教育)。很多外国学生通常在七岁时以寄宿学生的形式入学。在十一岁或十三岁的时候升入私立中学学习。

小学教育 这是公立教育体系的一部分,为绝大多数英国儿童提供教育。儿童五岁时上小学,一般在十一岁时升入中学或学院。



十六岁以后教育 中学生在十六岁完成强制性义务教育以后,就可以合法地离开学校,开始工作。不过,大多数学生会以预科学生的身份进入预科学院或者延续教育学院,在那里学习中学高级水平考试课程或者同等水平课程。外国学生一般在这个阶段来英国接受教育,如学习中学高级水平考试课程,为在英国学习延续课程或上大学做准备。

十八岁以后教育 预科生一般在十八岁时完成中学教育。然后,大部分学生继续攻读延续教育课程或攻读高等教育课程。

延续教育(FE) (包括职业课程和部分本科课程) 延续教育是指为年龄十六岁的中学毕业生继续提供的教育和培训。英国有六百多所公立和私立学院开设延续教育课程。这些学院开设的课程种类广泛,包括英语语言课程、某些普通中等教育证书课程、中学高级水平考试课程及其同等水平课程、职业课程、衔接课程以及部分本科生课程。

高等教育(HE) (包括本科课程、研究生课程和MBA) 高等教育是指大学、学院及其他院校提供的本科以上课程教育和培训。英国有九十多所大学和五十多所高等教育学院。它们开设了多种多样的课程,大多数课程学习结束时可以获得学位或同等学历,研究生学历或工商管理硕士学位。




The System of American Education Abstract: Compared with other big powers in the world, the United Sates of America is a very young country in the history of the world. Its education started too late, but whose development is very rapid. In fact, American educational system plays an important role in this situation. Keyword: American; system; education

The United States is very strong in education and shoulders huge task of education. To discuss education in the United States is a very complicated problem, because it is a multicultural country. American education is also diverse reflecting on the education, there is no unified national education system in the United States and fifty states have 50 different education system. There is no doubt that mang people pay much attention to the system of American education. The major difference in education system between American and most other countries is that the education of the United States is for everyone in society, not only for a few people. American educational system can be best understood as a kind of social institutions that reflect the basic beliefs and fundamental principles of the nation, rather than simply a kind of skill-training places where students are prepared to get a job.[1] All in all, the system of

American education has its own special features and attract a lot of countries’ attention.

I. The History of American education

As one of the basic contents of social life, education has a close relationship with one nation’s growth. There were many people graduated from Oxford College and Cambridge College between the first English settlers to America in the colonial era of 17th century. It is estimated that there is a college student out of every 40 to 50 families. This immigration of higher education background made them attach great importance to education. And the early immigrants from England needed a kind of culture to help them understand The Bible by themselves because of their devotion to religion. These two factors made the education of America start. Harvard College was founded as early as 1636, only fifteen years after the Pilgrim Fathers had landed in the New World.[2] William Mary university was built in 1639 and Yale university was established in 1701. Before 1776 when America declared independence from Great Britain, eight other colleges came into existence.[3] All these indicate that Americans have shown a great concern for education since early colonial times. Between 1825 and 1850, public education was established in America. All states were built basic education system which was open to all children States and without religious discrimination and the basis of economic conditions. Many public universities and colleges also

appeared and they enriched the education of America along with a large number of private colleges.

II. The Structure of School System

The American education of all types and at all levels join each other in structure and communicate with each other up and down. At any rate, from elementary school through college, Americans hold the belief that everyone deserves a fair and equal opportunity to get a good education, and that part of the responsibility of the government is to make sure that such an opportunity is not denied to any one of them.[4] One of the striking features, differ American education system from other European countries’ education system, call a monorail system. It formed in the second half of the 19th century and can be specifically divided into the bottom-up structure: primary school, secondary school, and then university. "Rail" is the number of class in one grade.

The current school system of America education also reflects the feature of the combination of unity and diversity. Due to a thorough system of decentralization in education, America has no unified national educational system.The current system of America education is basically fallen into following parts : elementary education and secondary education for 12 years, 4 years of higher education, and graduate school, the total course of 20 years or so. There are many different kinds of preschool education institutions in America. No matter public or private,

it can be roughly divided into nursery school (for children aged 3 ~ 5) and the kindergarten (recruit children aged 4 ~ 6); Elementary education is distributed into public education and private education, which pays attention to develop the potential of children; There are mainly four years, six years to construct and three kinds of three-thirds system in secondary school in America. Its main part is the comprehensive school and its minor part are the general education and vocational and technical education. Besides, there are also separate secondary schools, vocational and technical schools, says middle school and other high school; The lessons of higher education colleges and universities in America are divided into four categories: a two-year college (community college) (tertiary), liberal arts college (four-year college), universities and professional schools.[5]

III. The Education Management

American education management implements the high degree of decentralization. In America, the education management is the responsibility of the state or local government, rather than the federal government. As early as in 1791, the 10th amendment of the constitution of America has been defined, the federal government does not have the permission to manage education and education is charged by the states. The powers of the ministry of education in American federal government are very limited, whose main responsibility is to distribute education

grants to the states according to the intentions of congress, as well as offer scholarships to American domestic students. The states of America are equipped with the education minister who are in charge of drawing up the state's education policy and lead the subordinate organizations to implement these policies. While according to the state law, all states mostly give the management right of public school to the local school districts, in addition to set up the state board of education and make the basic policy of education’s development. Therefore, the management right of elementary education and secondary education actually belongs to the local school districts and the local public school management system in which the school district plays the leading role ha been established.[6] American universities all have their own characteristics and they are different from the teaching guidelines, professional Settings, test project to small problems such as admission to the TOEFL scores and application fee and so on.

IV. The Goals and Purposes of Education

Historically, the chief aim of education in early times was literacy in order that people might be able to read and write the Bible and laws. When the republic was founded, literacy was still a primary objective, but for the new purpose of fulfilling the obligations of citizenship in the new country. Under the new system, each individual citizen was obligated to vote according to his own opinions and




课号: 054TS1ATS 课程名称: 美国文化 改卷教师: 学号: 106020110 姓 名: 毛丽敏 得 分:










一、 美国教育历史回顾

















二、 学制结构和各等级学校




三、 教育管理





四、 教育目标


五、 教育经费


六、 校历制度






七、 教育发展新趋势



八、 美国的高等教育


随着1876 年约翰·霍普金斯大学的建立,美国研究型大学开始了其发展的历程。到19 世纪末20世纪初, 美国已有20 所左右的研究型大学。1900 年美国大学联合会的建立标志着美国已形成了一个研究型大学的群体。







1、 陈廖娜:《美国教育史概略》,北京;北京广播电视大学学报,2009年第2期(总第51期)

2、 王英杰:《美国高等教育发展与改革百年回眸》,武汉;高等教育研究,2000年第1期,31-38页

3、 徐双荣:《美国特许学校面面观》,太原;教学与管理,2000年9月,73-75页




















A Comment on American Education

After one four-month study, I got shocked by foreign cultures. Among the colorful cultures, the American education impressed me very much. It let me know how my field of vision is narrow. In this passage, I am writing to leave my comment upon American education.

I am a typical traditional Chinese student. I have believed in that the theory of Marx is the only truth in the world for many years until I entered my university. I think the most obvious symbol of Chinese student is that we are forced to study the Marxism and we can not have any doubt about it. However , the thought of American students is free. This is the biggest distance between American students and us. We got to know that American students have many more choices to choose. They are not born to be taught to be "successful". Instead of it, they are taught how to be a fine general person. I have read a story that a Chinese girl who was a tutor in USA. She did well in helping the student get good grades. But she was fired by the parents finally. She could not understand why she got this result. The parents told her that though she is good at teaching, she didn't teach their son how to be a happy general person. We can not imagine that when a person who never get prepared to be a ordinary person find he has no choice but be ordinary all his life, how he lead his life. Objectively speaking ,we lack the ability to be a ordinary person.

I once believed that the Chinese education system is very advanced. After learning the American education system, I suddenly realized how stupid I was. There is a comparison between Chinese students' life and that of American students. It tells that Chinese students work very hard when they are kids and they fool around every day when they are in universities. While the American students are contrary. They play when they should play and work hard when they should work hard. What's more , the American education system puts a lot of importance on integrated development. By comparison, I think the Chinese education is not a education indeed. It is a training in fact. A training that train students how to be good at get good grades.American higher education is uniquely constructed to prepare students for the real world. Well, Chinese education focus less on the real world.

In a word, we still have a lot to learn from American education system. The American education system is fit to the rule of human development.


Compare the Similarities and Differences of Education System

Among the UK, the USA and China

Thesis statement Education is a big topic in every country.And as every country has its own characteristics, education in each country is not the same as others. In China, UK,and USA,In this essay, I will illustrate American family values.

At first, the purpose of education in the UK, the USA and China is not quite similar with each other.

In the UK, the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society, and also to socialize children.

In the USA, the goal is to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public.

And in China, it’s to let everyone accepts education, have knowledge and skills to make life.

Certainly, each nation has his own way and problems.

In Britain, one’s classes decided his future. Where you are educated is still very important to your life. And practical decision—making was carried out by local

Education Authorities, located at regional or city levels, which based their policies on local condition while the central government only set broad education policy guidelines and provided funds. Some children go to independent schools run by private organizations, for which their parents have to pay fees. A few go to public schools, such Eton and Harrow. Younger children may attend a private preparatory school (or pre school) until the age of 13. Some parents may send their children to private schools, even if this is against their principles, because they think that their children will receive a better education. All children must study English, mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music art, PE and modern language. Now education in the UK is compulsory. Children are required to be in full-time education between the ages of 5 and 16. Different areas of Britain have different school systems. In some areas children receive their primary education at an infant school and them a junior school, or at a primary school that combines the two. At about 11 they begin their secondary education at a comprehensive school, a

grammar school or a high school. In other areas children go to a first school at age5, a middle school at 8 and an upper school from 13 onwards. Some pupils, especially those hoping to go to university, stay at school for the sixth form or go to a sixth-form college. Up to age 5.children may have some pre—primary schooling in nursery schools, daycare, or play groups. Between the age of 5 to 11, pupils mainly attend

state sector primary schools. From the age of 11 up to around the age of 19, students attend secondary schools. And then, after 5 years of secondary education, students sit their exams, based on these results, pupils then decide to enter a university or take vocational training for further vocational or find a job. In the UK, the amount of

funding each university receives is based on its size, the number of students it teaches, and the research it conducts.

In America, there are two kind of school for students to choose, public school and private school which equaled with state school and public school in Britain .It’s sure that the differences between these two schools are their fees and courses.

American schools both public and private consist of 12 years of grades-----basically 8 years of elementary school and 4 years of secondary or high school, although grades 7 and 8, or 7, 8 and 9 may be housed together in a middle school or junior high school. In addition, the elementary school offers five-year-olds a year of kindergarten, usually half-day sessions, before they have formal instruction in reading and writing in the first grade. In a few states two years of junior college (the first two years of higher education) or a vocational school are part of the public school system. Schooling is compulsory in most states to the age of 16. Like in Britain, religious teaching is a part of the curriculum in private school. Students also study reading, math, history,

geography and science as their basic curricula. Because there are 50 states in the US, and each state has its own laws regulating education ,so most of the instruction material and curricula are decided by local state committees or school officials .For more knowledge was developed, schools were asked not only to teach this new information ,but to help students ask their own questions about it. When graduates from secondary school, more and more students choose to enter university or college to accepts education by many ways .More and more Americans viewed the more

desirable institutions as the doorway to social mobility within the society. Before they select a college or university, they will think about many problems, about their degrees, curricula, and the school self and so on.

In China, education is always an important part of people’s life. The education is divided into three categories: basic education, higher education, and adult education. The Compulsory Education Law of stipulates that each child have nine years of formal education. Students enter a primary school, secondary school, college and university and then get degrees. Although, China has a great civilization from old to now, its education system is not as perfect as we expect .Students study English, Chinese, math as their major courses, and then study biology, geography, history, politic, physical, chemistry and PE. Pupils curricula is not as interesting as the UK’s and the USA’s, because during school , they are taught music ,art and so on .As a Chinese students ,they have too much stress, study , study , and study .They must study hard ,otherwise there is no ways to a splendid future.

In Britain, America and China, schools enrolling all kind of people to equalize educational opportunities. And after graduated from university, degree titles, which school provided, is called Bachelor’s Degree, while a secondary degree is called Master’s Degree, and Doctorate Degree.

All of these are my paper about the Similarities and Differences of Education System among the UK, the USA and China.


