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  Unit 1 How Do You Go There?

  Unit 2 Where Is the Science Museum?

  Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do

  Recycle 1

  Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal

  Unit 5 What Does She Do?

  Unit 6 The Story of Rain

  Recycle 2




  Unit 1 How Tall Are You?

  Unit 2 What's the Matter, Mike?

  Unit 3 Last Weekend

  Unit 4 My Holiday

  Recycle 1 Let's Take a Trip!

  Recycle 2 A Farewell Party







英语课程标准明确指出:基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。倡导"敢用英语、能用英语"。通过朗读英语课文,学生自然会把自己对课文的理解,美的体验和情感融进去。这样,学生的学习动机、兴趣都会自然的得到开发。 二、活动的意义

1、全员参与竞赛准备,强调参与率和吸引力。让每一个学生都经历准备的过程,重在体验。培养学生学习英语的兴趣、丰富学生的课余生活。 2、营造良好的校园英语氛围。倡导Don't be shy.I'm the best. "敢用英语、能用英语"。




2011年12月上旬。 六年级办公室

四、比赛内容及方式:每班抽选10--15人代表班级参赛。以抽签的形式决定朗读的内容。 朗读要求:


2、音色优美,语调自然得体,符合课文内容。 评分标准: 项目

读音准确20分 单词发音清晰20分


语调自然得体,符合课文容20分 学生精神面貌20分 领导小组: 组长:周彩香 副组长:李丽







样例:(节选自P71—C) 录音男声录音女声

Walt Disney was born in Chicago in the United

States in 1901. When he was a boy, Walt loved to draw

pictures. He felt happy when people said his pictures

were good. When he was young, he had a lot of different

jobs. In 1923, he moved to Hollywood to make cartoons. Later, his films became very popular. In 1961, Walt started a school to help young people learn about art.

Today, people still remember him and his cartoons.

第一篇 节选自P6—A

Xinjiang is in the west of China. It’s famous for grapes,

watermelons and pears. The fruit there is very juicy and

sweet. People there are friendly and hard-working. They

are very good at singing and dancing.

Hangzhou is a beautiful city in Zhejiang province. It’s in

the south of China. It’s famous for West Lake and silk.

You can row on West Lake. You can buy silk clothes and

silk scarves there. They are usually much cheaper than

other places.

第二篇 节选自P13—C

My mother wants to visit China this spring.

She will be coming to Beijing first. Beijing is one of

the biggest cities in the world. She wants to see the

Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer

Palace. She wants to eat Beijing duck. My mother

also wants to see Tibet. Tibet is in the west of China.

My mother wants to see the Potala Palace and the

snow-capped mountains.

She really wants to see everything in China.

第三篇 节选自P18—A

There are seven continents in the world.

Asia is the biggest continent. It has the most

land and the largest population. Africa is the

second largest continent. It is the hottest

continent in the world. It has the largest desert.

Oceania is the smallest one. It is the only continent with water all around it. Europe is next to Asia. There are many countries in Europe, such as France, Germany, Spain and the UK.

What other continents do you know?

第四篇 节选自P25—C

I’m Li Tong. I’m from China. I like travelling very much.

I have been to Britain before. I visited Big Ben and London Bridge. I can speak English. I want to take a trip to Australia this summer vacation. People there speak English, too. Australia is famous for kangaroos and koalas. Sydney Opera House is famous, too. I can also go to see the beaches. They are beautiful. Oceania is the only continent with ocean all around it. I will have great fun there.

第五篇 节选自P30—A

It’s bigger than a hippo. It’s smaller than a whale.

It’s not an insect. It’s not a reptile. It’s the

biggest mammal on land. It’s an elephant.

An elephant is often four meters tall. It can

weigh four tons. Elephants have two tusks.

They’re long and white. A tusk can be as long as a person.

There are two kinds of elephants—African elephants and Asian elephants. They are very strong, very smart and very, very big.

第六篇 节选自P37—C

Yesterday my friend and I went to the zoo. We


saw many kinds of animals.

I saw the largest animal in the zoo. It was a

shark in Fish World. I think it was also the

heaviest fish in the world. The most beautiful

animal in the zoo was a blue and yellow flying insect. It was a butterfly. It was as big as my hand. The tallest animal I saw was a giraffe.

I liked the trip very much. It was interesting.

第七篇 节选自P52—A

My name is Andy. I am a Grade 6 student. Today is November 4th. I had a good day today. Two good things happened.

I got an A on my English test. I felt very proud.

There was also a new girl in our class. She looked very nervous. I talked to her. She is

from Shanghai. She is also fun and friendly. We

both like basketball and music! Her name is

Jiayi. We were so happy because we became



第八篇 节选自P59—C

Today was a great day! It was my birthday.

My friend Sandra told me to come to her

house after school. At five o’clock, I went to

Sandra’s house. I was nervous when I went

into the house, because no one was there. I

went into the living room. The lights were off. I was scared. Then I went into the kitchen. All my friends shouted “SURPRISE!” I was excited to see all my friends there.

I love surprise parties. I love birthdays!



样例:(节选自P71—C) 录音男声 录音女声

Walt Disney was born in Chicago in the United

States in 1901. When he was a boy, Walt loved to draw【小学六年级英语课本朗读】

pictures. He felt happy when people said his pictures

were good. When he was young, he had a lot of different

jobs. In 1923, he moved to Hollywood to make cartoons. Later, his films became very popular. In 1961, Walt started a school to help young people learn about art.

Today, people still remember him and his cartoons.

Xinjiang is in the west of China. It’s famous for

grapes, watermelons and pears. The fruit there is very

juicy and sweet. People there are friendly and

hard-working. They are very good at singing and dancing.

Hangzhou is a beautiful city in Zhejiang province.

It’s in the south of China. It’s famous for West Lake and

silk. You can row on West Lake. You can buy silk clothes

and silk scarves there. They are usually much cheaper

than other places.

第二篇 节选自P13—C My mother wants to visit China this spring.

She will be coming to Beijing first. Beijing is

one of the biggest cities in the world. She wants to see

the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven and the

Summer Palace. She wants to eat Beijing duck. My

mother also wants to see Tibet. Tibet is in the west of

China. My mother wants to see the Potala Palace and

the snow-capped mountains.

She really wants to see everything in China.

There are seven continents in the world.

Asia is the biggest continent. It has the

most land and the largest population. Africa is

the second largest continent. It is the hottest

continent in the world. It has the largest desert.

Oceania is the smallest one. It is the only continent with water all around it. Europe is next to Asia. There are many countries in Europe, such as France, Germany, Spain and the UK.

What other continents do you know?【小学六年级英语课本朗读】

第四篇 节选自P25—C【小学六年级英语课本朗读】

I’m Li Tong. I’m from China. I like travelling very much.

I have been to Britain before. I visited Big Ben and London Bridge. I can speak English. I want to take a trip to Australia this summer vacation. People there speak English, too. Australia is famous for kangaroos and koalas. Sydney Opera House is famous, too. I can also go to see the beaches. They are beautiful. Oceania is the only continent with ocean all around it. I will have great fun there.

It’s bigger than a hippo. It’s smaller than a

whale. It’s not an insect. It’s not a reptile. It’s the

biggest mammal on land. It’s an elephant.

An elephant is often four meters tall. It can

weigh four tons. Elephants have two tusks.


They’re long and white. A tusk can be as long as a person.

There are two kinds of elephants—African elephants and Asian elephants. They are very strong, very smart and very, very big.

第六篇 节选自P37—C

Yesterday my friend and I went to the zoo.

We saw many kinds of animals.

I saw the largest animal in the zoo. It was

a shark in Fish World. I think it was also the

heaviest fish in the world. The most beautiful

animal in the zoo was a blue and yellow flying insect. It was a butterfly. It was as big as my hand. The tallest animal I saw was a giraffe.

I liked the trip very much. It was interesting.

My name is Andy. I am a Grade 6 student. Today is November 4th. I had a good day today. Two good things happened.

I got an A on my English test. I felt very proud.

There was also a new girl in our class. She looked very nervous. I talked to her.

She is from Shanghai. She is also fun and

friendly. We both like basketball and music! Her

name is Jiayi. We were so happy because we

became friends.

第八篇 节选自P59—C

Today was a great day! It was my


My friend Sandra told me to come to her

house after school. At five o’clock, I went to

Sandra’s house. I was nervous when I went

into the house, because no one was there. I went into the living room. The lights were off. I was scared. Then I went into the kitchen. All my friends shouted “SURPRISE!” I was excited to see all my friends there.

I love surprise parties. I love birthdays!


Unit 1 Greeting and letters

Lesson 1

A Amy: Good morning.

Sam: Good morning.

B Amy: Hello! I am Amy.

Sam: Hello! I am Sam.

Amy: Nice to meet you.

Sam: Nice to meet you.

A a

B b C c D d E e F f G g

Amy: Hi!

Sam: Hi!

Amy: I’m Amy .What is your name?

Sam: My name is Sam.

Amy: Glad to meet you.

Sam: Glad to meet you.

H h

I I J j K k L l M m N n

Amy: Good morning! Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang: Good morning! Amy, sit down, please. Amy: Thank you!

O o P p Q q R r S s T t

A Amy: Hello! I’m amy.

Sam: Hi! I’m Sam.

Amy: Goodbye! Sam.

Sam: Goodbye! Amy.

B Amy: Hello! How are you! Miss Fang. Miss Fang: Fine, thank you. How are you? Amy: I’m fine, too.

U u Vv W w Xx Y y Z z

Hello, hello. Goodbye, goodbye. How are you? Goodbye to you. I’m fine. Goodbye , goodbye. I’m fine, Goodbye to you. and hello to you.

26英文字母可分为元音字母和辅音字母。 元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

辅音字母:Bb Cc Dd Ff Gg Hi

Kk Ll Mn Nn Pp Qq

Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy

Jj Rr Zz




一、 模块内容简介 二、 教学目标分析 三、 教学重点分析 四、 学生在学习本模块过程中可能出现的问题及解决办法 五、 课时划分及教学建议 六、 课文注释 七、 教学资源提供与推介

广州市SWE英语第八册Module 1模块分析



Module One充分体现新教材知识结构呈现滚动螺旋式递进的特点,突现知识的纵横联系。本模块重点让学生综合运用语言谈论人物或事物的变化,感受岁月流逝、社会进步对人们生活的影响;同时复习比较级和过去时的用法,让学生更准确地就“变化”这一话题开展讨论交流。

(二)模块教学内容的纵横向联系及教学策略 三年级学过关于Apartment的话题,四年级学过关于人物的话题,五年级学过“比较级”,六年级上学期学过“过去时”。本模块主要是综合运用上述语言谈论人物或事物的变化,是对旧知识进行巩固和拓展。




1.掌握过去时与一般现在时的表述。 2.掌握形容词比较级的结构和用法。 3.掌握本单元的词汇及句型:

„was(wasn’t) / were(weren’t) „ but now „ „looked / didn’t look „ but now „ „ had / didn’t have „ but now „

There was / were/ wasn’t/ weren’t „but now„ (二)语言技能目标

1.能用英语谈论人物或事物的变化。 2.能用英语简述人物或事物的变化。 (三)情感态度目标


1.通过谈论人与事的变化,感受社会的进步和变迁,培养学生对家乡的热爱之情。 2.通过语言交际活动,体验英语学习的乐趣。 (四)学习策略目标

1.能积极与他人合作共同完成学习任务。 2.能在小组交流中积极运用英语与他人交际。 (五)文化意识目标




(一)词汇(单词、短语) 1、描述人物或事物的形容词;

2、单词表中的“三会”及“四会”单词。 (二)句型

1.„ was (wasn’t) / were ( weren’t) „ but now „ 2.„ looked / didn’t look „ but now „ 3.„ had / didn’t have „ but now„

4.There was / were / wasn’t / weren’t „ but now „ 5.„was/ were „ when „ 6.Welcome to „

7.Let me show you the „ 8.„ be far away from „ 9.Watch my „

10.„ be „ to look at. (四)日常生活用语

Let me try. Here I come. Gosh. (五)语法项目

1.一般现在时与过去时的陈述句式。 2.过去时的疑问句式。 3.比较级的运用。 (六)语言运用能力

1、能用英语谈论人物或事物的变化; 2、能用英语简述人物或事物的变化。






(一)Unit 1 注释:



Xiaoling is sitting on a chair in her living room in her new apartment.


Let me show you the changes between my old bedroom and my new one. The window in your house wasn’t large. Your bedroom here is much bigger.

3.„ aren’t you?是一个反意疑问句,可以理解为“难道不是吗或不是吗?”的意思。如:

(1) You are nearer to school, aren’t you?你现在离学校更近了,不是吗? (2) You play basketball very well, don’t you?你打篮球打得真好,不是吗?

(3) You really did a good job, didn’t you?你做得真好,不是吗? (4)You were a good student before, weren’t you?你以前是个好学生,不是吗?

(5) She’s hard-working, isn’t she?她很努力工作,不是吗? (7) Your father likes drinking, doesn’t he?你的爸爸喜欢喝酒,不是吗? (8) All the children had a good time in this winter holiday, didn’t they?所有的孩子在这个寒假里都过得很愉快,不是吗?


4.a lot= much,置于比较级前用于加强语气。可以理解为“„„.得多!”

1.注意归纳话中或过往学过的描述人物的形容词或表示职业的词,如: (1)外貌的形容词

beautiful, handsome, lovely, fit, strong, slim, good-looking, tall, healthy, young

ugly, short, fat, thin, heavy, old,

big eyes, small eyes, black eyes, blue eyes, big nose, small nose, long hair, short hair, blonde hair, black hair, round face, square face


kind, funny, patient, honest, friendly, naughty (3)常见的表示职业的单词:

work-worker, teach-teacher, drive-driver, manage-manager, wait-waiter (waitress), vend-vendor

football-footballer, law-lawyer, farm-farmer

fire-fireman, post-postman,

doctor, nurse, athlete, clerk, boss, shop assistant, housewife





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