以下是中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)为大家整理的《端午节手英语抄报:难忘的端午节》的文章,供大家参考阅读!我国有许多节日,如春节、元宵节、中秋节等,但最令我难忘的是今年的端午节。 Many of our festivals such as the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, but the most memorable is the Dragon Boat Festival this year. 那天,田老师带来了一袋热乎乎的粽子,它们系着白色的腰带,穿着绿色的衬衫,笑盈盈地躺在口袋里,好像对我说:“快来吃我呀。那一股香味扑鼻而来,我的肚子已经在唱歌了,我趴在桌子上呆呆的望着那香喷喷的棕肉,恨不得上去咬几口。 That day, Tian teacher brought a bag of warm dumplings, they tied white belt, wearing a green shirt, smiling to lie in his pocket, as if to me said: "come and get me!. That smell, my stomach has in singing, I lie on the table blankly looked at the delicious meat brown, hate not to bite a few mouthfuls.
田老师似乎猜出了我们的心思,笑呵呵地说:“小馋猫们,想吃了吧,快点排队上来尝尝吧。”“万岁!”同学们高兴地手舞足蹈。田老师慢慢地脱下粽子的衣服,露出了雪白雪白的糯米团,糯米上还镶嵌着几颗红宝石呢。不一会儿,终于轮到我了,我蹦蹦跳跳地走上讲台,拿起一根牙签,轻轻地刺下一团糯米,蘸了一点白糖,高兴地欢蹦乱跳。回到座位上,我有点嘴馋了,一下子就把它喂在嘴里,太甜了。最后,舔一舔嘴边的白糖,实在是人间美味!以前我不喜欢吃粽子,今天为何改变了这种想法。彭议莹也上去刺了一小团,大摇大摆地走下讲台,来到我座位上,得意地给我闻闻那美味的粽子。我用可怜的眼神盯着她(意思是给我尝点)她瞪了我一眼(意思是我还没尝尝鲜呢)于是,她大口吃下了粽子,直喊好吃。我最后的一丝希望也破灭了。 Tian teachers seemed to guess our thoughts, smiling to say: "little chanmao and wants to eat it, quickly queued up to try it." "Long live!" students happy to dance with joy. Tian slowly took off the clothes of the rice dumplings, exposing the white snow white rice ball, glutinous rice also inlaid with a few ruby. Not and in a short while, finally my turn, I skipped away on the podium, picked up a toothpick, gently prick the next group of glutinous rice, dip in a little sugar, happy to romp. Go back to your seat, I'm a little greedy, once put it in the mouth to feed, too sweet. Finally, lick the lips of the sugar is really delicious world! Before, I don't like to eat dumplings today, why to change the the idea. Peng Yiying also up to puncture a small group, strutted down the platform, came to my seat, proudly give me smell the delicious dumplings. I stared at her in poor eyes (that meant giving me), and she stared at me (meaning I hadn't tried the fresh) so she took a mouthful of the