
| 春节 |


描写变形金刚好段 第一篇





父亲的爱,无处不在! 纵使是丹青高手,也难以勾勒出父亲您那坚挺的脊梁:即使是文学泰斗,也难以刻画尽父亲您那不屈的精神;即使是海纳百川,也难以包罗尽父亲您对儿女的关爱!




还有一次,是为了母亲,那是一次很偶然的谈话,话语间我流露出对母亲种种苛责的不满。而父亲在安慰我的同时,也例数着母亲的好。我不知道是自己的 哪一句话触动了父亲的心,他说,你妈这一辈子不容易呀!那泪水--我真真切切地看到--就在眼眶里打转。他又轻轻地说了一句:“咱俩一定得对她好。”这句 话我是一生都不会忘记的,不善言辞的父亲用最平实的语言表达着自己的情感,那分明是一种相濡以沫的爱意。




是疲惫的微笑?嘴角因长期没有得到水的滋润而乏着白色的唾液沫,下嘴唇因干裂而结起了暗青的硬块儿,看得我也顿觉口干舌燥。那碗为他凉好的糖水算是或许能消除一天的劳累。食指上缠着一块白布,也许是一道刀痕,也许是被锄把磨破了的水泡,可丝毫没有减弱那双手显示出来的坚强与力量,仿佛能撑起整片天空,是呀!他背负的是整个家庭的重任哪。 父亲是个真正的男子汉!我曾在日记中偷偷地写道。据母亲说,父亲是极少流泪的,当年,十几岁的父亲孤身一人去遥远的内蒙古下乡,漫漫黄沙,举目无 亲,日子再苦再难,父亲都不曾流泪,父亲遭遇事故,身上大伤小伤十几处,疼痛难忍,夜不能寐,父亲从未说过一个“疼”字,从未叫过一声,默默地坚强地挺了 过来。我的记忆中父亲只流过三次泪。 一张脸,一张刻画着沧桑与磨难的脸,显现出了无比的坚毅与顽强。深邃的眼睛透露出幸福的光芒与顽强的性格。一道道皱纹记录着过去那沧桑的岁月,大大的鼻子“矗立”在脸上,犹如不倒的山峰。小而发白的嘴唇还留着太阳炙烤的痕迹。他那粗大,沾着泥垢的干枯的手,正诉说着他的勤劳、耐苦。是这双手创造了现在的富强,是这双手创造了这个美丽的世界,这碗凉茶不就是他现今幸福的最好见证么?他用自己坚强的性格,创造出了自己的甜蜜,虽然骨瘦如柴,但却显现出了中国人的高大,不是外表,而是那不倒的精神。他们虽然经历了最苦的年代,可是,你们看:他们的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容!









父亲一天天变老了,而我今天才突然发现。我一直都固执的认为父亲一直都是那么年轻,挺拔。也许真的是这样,越是朝夕相处的亲人的变化,越是熟视无睹。总以为只有别人的父亲才会老,别人的小孩长的快。 对于年轻时的父亲的记忆,凌乱不堪,最大的印象就是怕。年幼时的我,是最怕父亲的,虽然父亲从来没有打过我。也许对于每一个子女而言,父亲的威严都是与生俱来的吧。





描写变形金刚好段 第二篇



一、 列举法:

例一 The sentences in most well-written paragraphs may be analyzed and divided into four general functions. First, there are paragraph introducers, which are sentences that establish the topic focus of the paragraph as a whole. Second, there are paragraph developers, which present examples or details of various kinds that support the ideas set forth by the paragraph introducers. Third, there are viewpoints or context modulators(转换词), which are sentences that provide a smooth transition between different sets of ideas. Fourth, there are paragraph terminators, which logically conclude the ideas discussed in the paragraph in a psychologically satisfying manner. Not all pieces of writing will conform to this analysis; however, most successful paragraphs usually contain some combination of these four sentence types.


1) There are a number of ways to do …. First, ….; Second,…..; Third,….; Fourth,…..

2) Many different kinds of part-time jobs are available. To begin with,….; Furthermore,…..; Another,….; As still another instance,….; Finally,….

3) In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, ….; Secondly,….; Thirdly,……; Fourthly,…..


1) Nowadays there is an increasing number of people going on line .(why ?)

2) Successful students/managers/businessmen/ … have several characteristics in common.

3) Good teachers have a few qualities in common.

例二 Should Firecrackers Be Banned ?

In some big cities , the government has banned the custom of letting off firecrackers on the most important occasion ?Spring Festival . People take different attitudes towards it.

Some people think that letting off firecrackers has some positive effects . , it is the custom set by our ancestors . We should inherit it .warm atmosphere of holidays such as Spring Festival, wedding ceremony . No one wants to have a silent holiday .they make a beautiful view .

On the contrary , some people believe letting off firecrackers should be banned . , it costs a lot of money .Every year, we spend thousands of yuan on it . sometimes . If you’re not cautious enough or if the firecrackers are in bad quality , you’ll be hurt by them . It can also bring fires to human beings. Firecrackers are the most important factor that causes fires every year.

I prefer the latter. We can use other ways to create warm atmosphere ?we can use balloons. If we ban it , we can save a lot of money either cost by medicine or by fires . We can relieve from pain caused by firecrackers . Based on these points I’m strongly for the latter.

练习: Write a three-paragraph composition on School Activities . The opening sentence of each paragraph has been given to you . Your composition should follow them .

There are two kinds of attitudes toward school activities . One is enthusiasm , the other is

___________________________________________________________________________. As far as I’m concerned, I’m fond of school activities______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________. All in all , ______________________________________________________________.


例一 Colleges and universities across the nation have decided to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating. For instance, the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland launched a campaign to stop one form of cheating. As 409 students filed out of their exam, they found all but one exit blocked. Proctors asked each student to produce an ID card with an attached photo. Students who said they’d left theirs in the dorm or at home had a mug shot taken. The purpose of the campaign was to catch “ ringers,” students who take tests for other students.

例二 Body movements have meaning. If the speaker shrugs his shoulders , it might indicate indifference .

Generally speaking , English is a difficult language for me to learn . For example, vocabulary is a problem . Sometimes some words like “thin”, “ slender” , or “slim” have almost the same meaning . How can you tell which word to use ? Pronunciation is hard also . My tongue will not make sounds such as “th” , “g” , and “k” . Furthermore , writing presents a whole group of different obstacles ; grammar, word order , and spelling . These are only some of the difficulties I have with this language .


1) Jefferson’s courage and idealism were based on knowledge. For example,….

2) Television commercials often exaggerate the effectiveness or quality of the products they sell.

A case in point is,…..

3) Learning an important lesson can sometimes be painful. Here are a few examples,


4) An illustration/example of this might be lifting one’s eyebrow for disbelief .

5) Two examples are polio and smallpox.

6) Another example of good teachers is ______.

7) This is best illustrated /exemplified by facial expressions .

8) Facial expressions can show characteristics such as fear and arrogance ?

9) Computers have entered many areas of our lives like airlines , banks ?offices .

10) Body movements have meaning , for example /for instance , the lifting of an eyebrow .

Body movements have meaning . For example /For instance , we lift one eyebrow for disbelief .


1) Television presents a vivid world in front of us.

2) There are many ways for people to communicate with each other nowadays. For example, ….

3) Communicating with people from all walks of life (各行各业) can be very exciting .

4) Seeing with my own experience is not always believing .


例一 点式比较法(point to point )

Despite their obvious differences in length, the paragraph and the essay are quite similar structurally. For example, the paragraph is introduced by either a topic sentence or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay, the first paragraph provides introductory material and establishes the topic focus . Next, the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence. Similarly, the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that expand and support the ideas presented in the introductory paragraph. Finally, a terminator---whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation---ends the paragraph . The essay, too, has a device which brings its ideas to a logically and psychologically satisfying completion: the concluding paragraph. Although exceptions to these generalizations may be observed in modern creative writing, most well-written expository paragraphs and essays are comparable in structure.

如果把对比双方分别用 A和B 代表,则该对比段落发展示意图如下:

主题句:Despite their obvious differences in length, the paragraph and the essay are quite similar structurally.

1. the introduction of a topic A: paragraph introduced by topic sentence or topic introducer

B: first paragraph establishes topic focus

2. the development of a topic sentence

or a topic paragraph A: sentences in paragraph body develop topic sentence

B: body paragraphs expand and support ideas in topic paragraph

3. the conclusion A: terminator ends paragraph【描写变形金刚好段】

B: concluding paragraph brings ideas to completion

结尾句:most well-written paragraphs and essays are comparable in structure.

例二 块式比较法 ( block to block )

Cats make better pets than dogs. Dogs are messy, and do not clean themselves. They eat too much food, requiring too much care. Besides, dogs jump up on people, and knock over furniture. Cats , on the other hand, are clean and tidy. They eat sparingly, and take care of themselves. Cats are usually well-mannered pets.


主题句:Cats make better pets than dogs.

A: dogs---1)messy and do not clean themselves

2)eat too much and require too much care

3)jump up on people and knock over furniture

B: cats----1)clean and tidy

2)eat sparingly and take care of themselves


例三 (point to point )

European universities and universities in the United States are different in many ways . First , European students enroll in fewer courses each term than United States students do . Second, European students seldom live at a university . Instead they live at home and travel to classes. Third , most European courses are given by professors who lecture to their classes . In contrast , United States professors often ask their students questions or allow their students to form discussion groups . Fourth , European professors ask students to write fewer papers than United States professors do . Consequently , European students’ final examinations are usually oral , whereas American students take written final examinations. Finally , a European university is

mainly a place to study .But at most United States universities , social activities take up a large part of the students’ time.


Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs. People are…in the city. But life in the suburbs is…People in the city…, while in the suburbs….

The introvert is quieter than the extrovert . (introvert内向的人 extrovert外向的人 ) is more reliable than

is less optimistic than

learns more slowly than

The extrovert isn’t as reliable as the introvert .

doesn’t learn as slowly as


Contrary to the extrovert , who craves excitement , the introvert likes a well-ordered mode As opposed to of life .

In contrast to


Whereas the extrovert loses his temper quickly , the introvert seldom does.


The introvert contrasts with the extrovert in regard to his ability to remember.【描写变形金刚好段】

differs from in respect to

is different from

The extrovert loves crowds; however, the introvert is fond of solitude.

on the other hand

in contrast

The extrovert loves crowds ; the introvert , however, is fond of solitude .

on the other hand

in contrast

The introvert likes books; the extrovert is fond of people.

The introvert likes books; the extrovert, people.

A further difference between the extrovert and the introvert involves the ability to remember. 练习:

1) Life in college is quite different from life in high school.

2) Students from the south of China vs. students from the north of China.

3) Chinese food vs. Western food

4) Make a comparison of different ways of communicating with others, such as writing letters, making phone calls and sending E-mails.

四、 因果法:

例一 There are many reasons why languages change, but three major causes illustrate the concept. Initially, various languages that started from the same parent developed their own uniqueness after groups of speakers drifted away from one another to establish isolated, independent communities. Another major cause of language change is the influence of and interaction with foreign cultures, often as a result of military conquest. A continuing cause for change is rapidly expanding technology and new systems of communication that bring all cultures

and languages into closer contact, with borrowing between languages a common phenomenon in the contemporary world. All languages change as the experiences of their speakers change.( 多因一果)

例二 Perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever met is Prof. Smith who taught us philosophy at university . Although I last met him eight years ago . I still remember his special qualities most distinctively . First of all , I was impressed by his devotion to teaching . Because his lectures are always well-prepared and clearly delivered , students swarmed into his classrooms. His followers appreciate the fact that he believed in what he taught and that he was intellectually stimulating . Furthermore , he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an imaginative way , introducing such aids as paintings, recordings, pieces of sculpture and guest lecturers. Once, he even sang a song in class to illustrate a point . Second, I admired the fact he would meet with students outside of the classroom and talk to them on the telephone. Sometimes he would challenge a student to a game of chess. At other times , he would join groups to discuss subjects ranging from astronomy to pop music . Finally . I was attracted by his lively wit . He believed that no class hour is a success unless the students and the professor share a few chuckles and at least one loud laugh . through his sense of humor, he made learning more enjoyable and more lasting . If it is true that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry , then Prof. Smith is truly a wise man . ( 多因一果)

例三 Disadvantages of Life in Big Cities (一因多果)

Although big cities provide people with many conveniences , they certainly have their own disadvantages .

Traffic is the most serious problem . The majority of people spend a great of time on their way to work and coming back from work . During the rush hour , all the streets are jammed with packed buses , endless lines of bicycles and cars , and almost unavoidably traffic accidents occur , resulting in broken limbs and traffic deaths.

Air pollution comes second. Factories and moving vehicles are constantly giving off smoke and harmful gases. There is no way to get fresh air except to go out of the city on weekends or holidays . If the weather is bad, you’ll find the whole city overcast with smog . As a result , pollution induced diseases are a common occurrence .

Besides , noise and violence are to be found in every big city and the situation seems to get worse year by year. In short , life in big cities is rather unnatural and unhealthy. To me, it is silly of people to choose to live in big cities.


1) 一因一果:I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar.

2) 一因多果:Several things happened after I switched my interest from sports to music.

3) 多因一果:People pick up material to read for many reasons.

Children watch too much television ; as a result , they lose creativity .

consequently ,

therefore ,

because of this,

hence ,

Children are so interested in television that they lose creativity .

watch so much television that

watch such a lot of television that

描写变形金刚好段 第三篇



增田弘道 Business Media 诚








翻译:未知的深蓝色 在西欧人们对机器人感到反感,而在美国《变形金刚》则大受欢迎。其成功的背景可能是美


孩之宝是美国的位于美泰之后销售规模排名第二的玩具公司。其主打商品是星球大战、特种部队、土豆先生、芝麻街等相关玩具,而它与Takara Tomy合作后则可以经营变形金刚和战斗陀螺等玩具。就企业印象来说孩之宝相当于日本的万代南梦宫和Takara Tomy。销售规模和万代南梦宫大体相同。











《变形金刚》系列电影票房收入(单位:千美元,来源:BOXOFFICE MOJO)





1963年开始播出的日本首部三十分钟电视系列动画《铁臂阿童木》曾被美国三大广播公司之一的NBC购买,并实现了全美播出的壮举(实际上进行播放的不是NBC而是网罗了各个地方电视台的节目销售网络(syndication network))。

另外在1978年,法国国营电视台分裂成三家并陷入了极端的软件不足的困境,此时东映动画(现東映アニメーション)制作的《Goldorak》(原名《UFO机器人 古连泰沙》)在法国播出并掀起了空前的热潮,据说“收视率达到100%”(虽然是以世代分类做的统计)。





另外,在对于机器人没什么宗教禁忌的亚洲,其成功的可能性也是很高的。笔者已经在杭州动画展览会上发现了中国有很多的高达粉丝。御台场的Gundam Front东京也吸引了很多来自亚洲各地的粉丝,万代南梦宫为了强化高达产业已经在中国的大型在线购物网站“淘宝”开启了网店。其目标是三年后亚洲的高达商品的销售额能达到约是现在两杯的80亿円。





最近笔者观看的印度电影《机器人》中同时出现了西欧和亚洲的机器人观,是颇有意思的一部作品。另外香港电影中也出现了《未来警察 FUTURE X-COPS》这样的作品,《变形金刚》之后亚洲也开始出现了这些以机器人为主题的作品。



1954年出生。法政大学毕业后,以音乐事业为开端,拥有出版、动画等多方面的contents business的经验。Video market董事,映画専門大学院大学专职教授,日本动画协会date base working主席。著有《アニメビジネスがわかる》(译注:我懂得了动画商业)(NTT出版)、《もっとわかるアニメビジネス》(译注:进一步理解动画商业)(NTT出版)、《动画产业报告》(编辑·共同执笔,2009~2011年,日本动画协会date base working)等。



描写变形金刚好段 第四篇

