本期视频主要内容: 广州佛山市的刘卫林发明了一种可以提供翻炒功能的全自动炒菜锅。其前两代机器的翻炒功能由电机带动搅拌棒来实现,第三代改为滚筒式。历经不会做饭的青年,家庭主妇和名厨大师的使用验证,获得了一致的认可。(《我爱发明》 20150423 翻炒大师)
[我爱发明] 20160820 智能大厨
本期节目主要内容: 来自苏州的盛建华发明的智能烹饪设备,主要由智能灶、加热机构、锅体、锅盖、控制机构等几部分组成,通过智能终端设备选择菜谱,通过蓝牙技术把菜谱发送给烹饪机器人,人工按照按菜谱的提示,把配好的食材放入料盒,按启动键,烹饪设备就会自动预热,加油,倒入调料和食材,自动翻炒。菜炒好后锅盖自动打开,人工手动把菜盛出。这个发明方便快捷,让炒菜变得方便省力。(《我爱发明》 20160820 智能大厨)
发明人联系方式:盛建华 18913191968
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The Operational Amplifier
One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifier is that the gains, Au or AI, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system(β, µ, RI, Ro, etc.). This makes design difficult since these parameters usually vary from device to device, as well as with temperature. The operational amplifier, or Op-Amp,is designed to minimize this dependence and to maximize the ease of design. An Op-Amp is an integrated circuit that has many component part such as resistors and transistors built into the devices. At this point we will make no attempt to describe these inner working.
A totally general analysis of the Op-Amp is beyond the scope of some texts. We will instead study one example in detail, then present the two Op-Amp laws and show how they can be used for analysis in many practical circuit applications. These two principles allow one to design many circuits without a detailed understanding of the device physics. Hence, Op-Amps are quit useful for researchers in a variety of technical field who need to build simple amplifiers but do not want to design at the transistor level. In the texts of electrical circuits and electronics they will also show how to build simple filter circuits using Op-Amps. The transistor amplifiers, which are the building blocks form which Op-Amp integrated circuits are constructed, will be discussed.
The symbol used for an idea Op-Amp is shown in Fig. 1-2A-1.
Only three connections are shown: the positive and
negative inputs, and the output. Not shown are other
connections necessary to run the Op-Amp such as its
attachments to power supplies and to ground potential.【自动翻炒】
The latter connections are necessary to use the Op-Amp in a practical circuit but are not necessary when considering the ideal Op-Amp applications we study in this unit. The voltages at the two inputs and the output will be represented by the symbols ,, and .Each is measured with respect to ground potential. Operational amplifiers are
differential devices. By this we mean that the output voltage with respect to ground is
given by the expression
= A (- ) (1-2A-1)
Where A is the gain of the Op-Amp and and the voltages at inputs. In other words, the output voltage is A time the difference in potential between the two inputs. Integrated circuit technology allows constructions of many amplifier circuits on a single composite “chip” of semiconductor material. One key to the success of an operational amplifier is the “cascading” of number of transistor amplifiers to create a very large total gain. That is, the number A in Ep. (1-2A-1) can be on the order of 100,000 or more. (For example, cascading of five transistor amplifiers, each with a gain of 10, would yield this value for A.) A second important factor is that these circuit can be built in such a way that the current flow into each of the inputs is very small. A third important design feature is that the output resistance of the operational amplifier () is very small. This in turn means that the outpt of the device acts like an ideal voltage source.
We now can analyze the particular amplifier circuit given in Fig. 1-2A-2 using these characteristics. First, we note that the voltage at the positive input, = .Various currents are defined in part b of the figure. Applying KVL around the outer loop in Fig.1-2A-2band remembering that the output voltage, , is measured with respect to ground, we have
--=0 (1-2A-2)
Since the Op-Amp is constructed in such a way that no
current flows into either the positive or negative input, =
0. Applying KCL at the negative input terminal then yields
Using Ep. (1-2A-3) and setting
, I
We may use Ohm’s law to find the voltage at the negative input, , nothing the assumed current direction and the fact that ground potential is zero volts:
= I
and form Ep. (1 -2A-3)
Since we now have expressions for , Eq. (1-2A-1) may be used to calculate the
output voltage,
Gathering terms,
And finally,
This is the gain factor for the circuit. If A is a very large number, large enough that
A >> (), the denominator of this fraction is dominated by the A term. The factor A, which is in both the numerator and denominator, then cancels out and the gain is given by the expression
This shows that if A is very large, then the gain of the circuit is independent of the exact value of A and can be controlled by the choice of . This is one of the key features of Op-Amp design—the action of the circuit on signals depends only upon the the external elements which can be easily varied by the designer and which do not depend upon the detailed character of the Op-Amp itself. Note that if A = 100,000 and
() /=10, the price we have paid for this advantage is that we have used a device with a voltage gain of 100,000 to produce an amplifier with a gain of 10. In some sense, by using an Op-Amp we trade off “power” for “control”.
A similar mathematical analysis can be made on any Op-Amp circuit, but this is cumbersome and there are some very useful shortcuts that involve application of the two laws of Op-Amps which we now present.
1) The first law states that in normal Op-Amp circuit we may assume that the
voltage difference between the input terminals is zero, that is
2)The second law states that is normal Op-Amp circuit both of the input currents
may be assumed to be zero:
The first law is due to the large value of the intrinsic gain A. For example, if the output of an Op-Amp is 1 V and A=100,000, then V. This is such a small number that can often be ignored, and we set . The second law comes from the construction of the circuitry inside the Op-Amp which is such that almost no current flows into either of the two inputs.
理想运算放大器的符号如图1-2A-1所示。图中只给出三个管脚:正输入、负输入和输出。让运算放大器正常运行所必需的其它一些管脚,诸如电源管脚、接零管脚等并未画出。在实际电路中使用运算放大器时,后者是必要的,但在本文中讨论理想的运算放大器的应用时则不必考虑后者。两个输入电压和输出电压用符号U +、U -和Uo 表示。每一个电压均指的是相对于接零管脚的电位。运算放大器是差分装置。差分的意思是:相对于接零管脚的输出电压可由下式表示 (1-2A-1)式中
= A (- ) (1-2A-1)
A 是运算放大器的增益,U + 和 U - 是输入电压。换句话说,输出电压是A乘以两输入间的电位差。
集成电路技术使得在非常小的一块半导体材料的复合 “芯片”上可以安装许多放大器电路。运算放大器成功的一个关键就是许多晶体管放大器“串联”以产生非常大的整体增益。也就是说,等式(1-2A-1)中的数A约为100,000或更多 (例如,五个晶体管放大器串联,每一个的增益为10,那么将会得到此数值的A )。 第二个重要因素是这些电路是按照流入每一个输入的电流都很小这样的原则来设计制作的。第三个重要的设计特点就是运算放大器的输出阻抗(Ro )非常小。也就是说运算放大器的输出是一个理想的电压源。
极输入的电压U +等于电源电压,即U + =Us。各个电流定义如图1-2A-2中的b图所示。对图 1-2A-2b
--=0 (1-2A-2)
的外回路应用基尔霍夫定律,注意输出电压Uo 指的是它与接零管脚之间的电位,我们就可得到因为运算放大器是按照没有电流流入正输入端和负输入端的原则制作的,即I - =0。那么对负输入端利用基尔霍夫定律可得 =,利用等式(1-2A-2) ,并设 ==1 , U0 = (R1 +R2 ) I (1-2A-3)根据电流参考方向和接零管脚电位为零伏特的事实,利用欧姆定律,可得负极输入电压U - :因此
= I
,并由式 (1-2A-3)可得: 因为现在已有了U+ 和U-的表达式,所以式(1-2A-1)可用于计算输出电压 ,综合上述等式 ,可得: 最后可得: 这是电路的增益系数。如果A 是一个非常大的数,大到足够使AR1 >> (R1 +R2),那么分式的分母主要由AR1 项决定,存在于分子和分母的系数A 就可对消,增益可用下式表示这表明 (1-2A-5b),如果A 非常大,那么电路的增益与A 的精确值无关并能够通过R1和R2的选择来控制。这是运算放大器设计的重要特征之一----- 在信号作用下,电路的动作仅取决于能够容易被设计者改变的外部元件,而不取决于运算放大器本身的细节特性。注意,如果A=100,000, 而(R1 +R2) /R1=10,那么为此优点而付出的代价是用一个具有100,000倍电压增益的器件产生一个具有10倍增益的放大器。从某种意义上说,使用运算放大器是以 “能量”为代价来换取“控制” 。
1) 第一个定律指出:在一般运算放大器电路中,可以假设输入 端间的电压为零,也就
2) 第二个定律指出:在一般运算放大器电路中,两个输入电流可被假定为零:
第一个定律是因为内在增益A的值很大。例,如果运算放大器的输出是1V ,并且A=100,000, 那么 这是一个非常小、可以忽略的数,因此可设U+=U-。第二个定律来自于运算放大器的内部电路结构,此结构使得基本上没有电流流入任何一个输入端。
经过一个星期对《自动化专业英语教程》中的PART 1 - UNIT1 – 《A The Operational Amplifier》的翻译,我对专业英语的翻译有了很深的认识。以前总觉得翻译就是用正确的语法把特定的词语组织起来,表达流利就足够了,在前几段刚刚翻译的段落都是采用直译的手法,翻译出来的词句不但读不通而且逻辑不通,自动化专业英语翻译让我受益匪浅。翻译是跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交
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轿车转向泵装配生产线\ automobile power steering pump assembly line 齿轮泵液压机装配台\ gear pump hydrostatic machine assembly floor 汽车悬置梁装配生产线\ automobile suspended beam assembly line 板链式汽车零部件装配生产线\ flat link chain automobile parts assembly line 板链式电机生产线\ flat link chain motor production line 板链式电机组装生产线\ flat link chain motor assembly line 辊筒式储存生产线\ roll storing & production line 汽液组合压装机\ vapor-liquid press assembly machine 真空吸吊头\ vacuum cup hanging nozzle 多岔道辊道输送线装配线\ multi-branch roller way conveying assembly line 悬臂吊机显示器生产线\ suspended display assembly line 显示器老炼生产线\ display burn-in production line 节能灯管老炼分拣生产线\ energy-saving lights burn-in sorting assembly line 节能灯装配工作台生产线\ energy-saving lights assembly floor production line 载体式电子节能灯老炼生产线\ carrier electronic energy-saving lights burn-in production line (国内首创)电子节能灯全自动电脑控制光电检测生产线\ (national initiate) automatic computer-controlled photoelectricity inspection line for electronic energy-saving lights 电子节能灯皮带分拣生产线\ strap sorting line for electronic energy- saving lights 电子节能灯老炼生产线\ burn-in production line for electronic energy-saving lights 集群皮带输送分流生产线\ group belt conveying & sorting production line 自动配料带式生产线\ automatic feed belt production line 电子节能灯自动检测电参数老拣生产线\ electronic energy-saving automatic electrical parameter testing burn-in production line 毛管气密性烤箱\ capillary tube airtighting oven 试验台\ test-bed 紧凑形电子节能灯噪音检测机\ compact electronic energy-saving light noise-testing machine 电子节能灯超低温试验检测机\ electronic energy-saving light ultralow temperature experiment testing machine 电子节能灯光电综合检测系统\ electronic energy-saving light photoelectricity comprehensive testing system 电子节能灯寿命试验台(1) \ electronic energy-saving light life-span test bed (1) 电子节能灯寿命试验台(2)\ electronic energy-saving light life-span test bed (2) 皮带式装配生产线\ strap assembly line 内置式条形皮带生产线\ built-in strip belt production line 大型车间皮带输送群体连接生产线\ large workshop belt conveying & linking production line 双边桌皮带式生产线\\ double-table strap production line 各类皮带式输送连接生产线 \ strap belt conveying & linking production line 灯具装配生产线\ lamps and lanterns assembly line 自动配料双层环形式生产线\ automatic feeding double layer loop production line 连接平移机\ lin
king transition machine 条型工作台式输送装配生产线 \ strip-type worktable conveying assembly line 皮带式轻型装配生产线\ strap-type light assembly line 皮带包装生产线\ strap packing line 条形工作台皮带生产线\ strip-type worktable strap production line 双边桌型皮带生产线\ double-table strap production line 多层输送装配老化生产线\ multi-layer conveying burn-in production line 连续式升降机\ continuous elevator 吊笼式升降机\ cage elevator 汽车线束装配线\ automobile wiring harness assembly line 穿层升降机\ cross-layer elevator 平板式生产线1\ flat production line 1 单边式工作台生产线\ single-sided worktable production line 铝质平板式生产线\ aluminium flat production line 平板式生产线2\ flat production line 2 缝纫机装配生产线1\ sewing machine assembly line 1 铝质立杆不锈钢平板式生产线\ aluminium pole erecting stainless steel flat production line 环形式手推工装板生产线\ circular hand-pushing board production line 板链式烘干输送生产线\ flat link chain drying & conveying production line 转向泵涂装线涂装生产线 \ steering pump coating line production line 多工位通过式清洗机 \ multi-station passing cleaning machine 多工位悬挂式清洗机 \ multi-station suspended cleaning machine 大型清洗机\ large cleaning machine 单工位清洗机\ single-station cleaning machine 清洗机过滤罐\ cleaning machine filtering pot 汽车零部件涂油生产线\ automobile parts oiling line