
| 网络工程师 |




预约券 reservation ticket

下午茶 high tea

微博 Microblog/ Tweets

裸婚 naked wedding

亚健康 sub-health

平角裤 boxers

愤青 young cynic

灵魂伴侣 soul mate

小白脸 toy boy

精神出轨 soul infidelity

人肉搜索 flesh search

浪女 dillydally girl

公司政治 company politics

剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls

山寨 copycat

异地恋 long-distance relationship

性感妈妈 yummy mummy ; milf(回复中指出的~)

钻石王老五 diamond bachelor

时尚达人 fashion icon

御宅 otaku

上相的,上镜头的 photogenic

脑残体 leetspeak

学术界 academic circle

哈证族 certificate maniac

偶像派 idol type

住房公积金 housing funds

个税起征点 individual income tax threshold

Happy(452117768) 13:15:10

熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)

挑食者 picky-eater

伪球迷 fake fans

紧身服 straitjacket

团购 group buying

奉子成婚 shotgun marriage

婚前性行为 premarital sex

开博 to open a blog

家庭暴力 family/domestic violence (由回复更正)

问题家具 problem furniture

炫富 flaunt wealth

决堤 breaching of the dike

上市 list share

赌球 soccer gambling

桑拿天 sauna weather

自杀 Dutch act

假发票 fake invoice

落后产能 outdated capacity

二房东 middleman landlord

入园难 kindergarten crunch

生态补偿 ecological compensation

金砖四国 BRIC countries

笑料 laughing stock

泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice

学历造假 fabricate academic credentials

泄洪 release flood waters


的 gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him

防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy

暗淡前景 bleak prospects

文艺爱情片 chick flick

惊悚电影 slasher flick

房奴车奴 mortgage slave

上课开小差 zone out

万事通 know-it-all

毕业典礼 commencement

散伙饭 farewell dinner

毕业旅行 after-graduation trip

节能高效的 fuel-efficient

具有时效性的 time-efficient

死记硬背 cramming

很想赢 be hungry for success

面子工程 face job

指甲油 nail varnish

Happy(452117768) 13:15:38

射手榜 top-scorer list

学历门槛 academic threshold

女学究 blue stocking

王牌主播 mainstay TV host

招牌菜 signature dishes

非正常死亡 excess death

影视翻拍 plays reshooting

四大文学名著 the four masterpieces of literature

城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect

逃学 play hooky, 装病不上班 play hooky from work

一线城市 first-tier cities

高考 the National College Entrance Examines

录取分数线 admission scores

小型警车 panda car

老爷车 vintage car

保障性住房 indemnificatory housing

一决高下 Duke it out

差别电价 differential power prices

囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering

灰色市场 Grey market

反倾销 anti-dumping

经济二次探底 double dip

吃白食的人 freeloader

橙色预警 orange signal warning

公关 public relation

不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day

吉利的日子 saints' days

人肉搜索 flesh search

廉租房 low rent housing

限价房 capped-price housing

经适房 affordable housing

替罪羔羊 whipping boy

对口支援 partner assistance

扫把星 jinx

Happy(452117768) 13:15:59

资本货物 capital goods

初级产品 primary goods

商业服务 commercial service

最终消费品 final consumption goods

原材料 raw material

制成品 manufactured goods

重工业 heavy industry

贸易顺差 trade surplus

外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve

Happy(452117768) 13:16:25


发烧友: fancier

骨感美女:boney beauty

卡奴:card slave

蹦迪:disco dancing



小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man

二奶:kept woman

麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen

型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)

新新人类:new-new generation




驴友:tour pal



全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom


80后:80's generation


肚皮舞:belly dance



情侣装:couples dress



胎教:fetal education

限时抢购:flash sale


期房:forward delivery housing

荧光纹身:glow tattoo

团购:group purchase


扎啤:jug beer

Happy(452117768) 13:16:48

八卦,丑闻:kiss and tell

低腰牛仔裤:low-rise jeans

泡泡袜:loose socks

裸妆:nude look


黄牛票:scalped ticket

透视装:see-through dress

扫货:shopping spree

烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up

水货:smuggled goods

热裤:tight pants

舌钉:tongue pin



文凭热 degree craze

反腐败 anti-corruption

联合军演 joint military drill

财政赤字 budget deficit

拜倒在某人的石榴裙下 throw oneself at sb's feet 打破记录 break a record

创造新纪录 create a new record

终生学习 lifelong learning

天气保险 weather insurance

正妹 hotty

对某人念念不忘 get the hots for

希望把好运带来给自己 touch wood

婚外恋 extramarital love; extramarital affair 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse

赞助费 sponsorship fee

抚恤金 financial compensation,compensation payment 草莓族 Strawberry generation

草根总统 grassroots president

点唱机 juke box

笨手笨脚 have two left feet

Emily(673903989) 13:17:09

Happy(452117768) 13:17:14

演艺圈 Showbiz

核遏制力 nuclear deterrence

试点,试运行 on a trial basis

精疲力竭 be dead on one's feet

软禁 be under house arrest

拼车 car-pooling

解除好友关系 unfriend v.

发送色情短信 sexting

暴走 go ballistic


premarital check-up

《时下最流行的英语俚语、短语 第五季》

More Chinese are preferring to late marriage, with an increasing number tying the knot after reaching 25, according to statistics issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Wednesday.

The number of Chinese getting married between 20 and 24 years old made up the largest proportion, accounting for 35.5 percent of last year's total marriage registrations. The figure has decreased by about 1.1 percentage points annually. Meanwhile, the 25-29 age bracket saw an increasing number of marriage registrations last year, up by 0.8 percentage points from the previous year to 34.2 percent. The legal age for marriage in China is 22 for males and 20 for females.

文中的late marriage就是“晚婚”的意思,也可以说成是marry at a late age。类似的表达法还有late arrival 迟到、晚点;late spring 晚春;late work 晚期作品;the late 19th century 十九世纪末;late payment 逾期付款;late hour 深更半夜。

此外,文中还有一些表达法值得一学。第一段的tie the knot为习惯用法,意思是“结婚”、“喜结良缘”;the Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部;还有第二段的marriage registration意思是“结婚登记”。

More than 60 million students and teachers at China's 80,000 middle schools experienced a space lesson by China's first teacher in space from more than 300 kilometers above Earth's surface on Thursday.

Female astronaut Wang Yaping carried out fundamental physics experiments onboard the orbiting Tiangong-1 space module. She interacted with more than 330 students who gathered at a classroom of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China in Beijing.

文中的space lesson就是“太空授课”的意思了。lesson就是“一节课”的意思,与之搭配的常见动词词组有:attend a lesson 去上课;conduct a lesson 授一堂课(=give a lesson);have a lesson 有课(要上);prepare a lesson 备课;receive a lesson 上(某人的)课;skip a lesson 逃课。lesson还有“教训”、“经验”的意思,如absorb lessons 吸取经验(=draw lessons);give somebody a lesson 给某人一个教训等。

Tourists at a beach in Sanya City were accused of contributing to the death of a stranded dolphin by mistreating it, lifting it out of the water and posing with it in photographs that were posted to the Internet.

Online pictures do not show anyone trying to stop the abuse.

Angry netizens condemned them for using a dolphin as a photography prop. Some netizens said it shows Chinese tourists' uncivilized habits.

文中“stranded”是搁浅的意思,引申为“处于困境的”,如the stranded passengers 滞留的旅客。

文中netizen译为“网民”,是net(网)和citizen(市民)组合而成的新兴词汇,类似的表达有sitcom 情景喜剧 (situation 情景 + comedy 喜剧) ,brunch 早中饭(breakfast 早饭+ lunch 午饭) 和medicare 医疗保健(medical 医疗 + care 保健)等 。

Factories in Nanchang county in Jiangxi were the main source of "the toxic preserved eggs incident" and 30 companies have been closed by authorities since the discovery. Other factories are still undergoing investigation.

Preserved eggs generally take about two months to create, using baking soda, salt, and quicklime.

The plants were guilty of adding industrial copper sulphate to the eggs to speed up the production schedule, halving the time to a month.

文中"preserved egg"即是皮蛋的意思,也可以表达为"preserved duck egg", 或者"thousand-year egg"。

其中preserved可译为“腌制的”,如preserved food (腌制食品),类似的表达还有smoked (烟熏的),salted (盐腌的),canned (罐装的)等。 文中的“copper sulphate”译为硫酸铜,这些企业采用的是工业级别的原料,根本无法用于食品生产。 By this month, 180 dining spots in Shanghai's central Jing'an District had signed up for the "White-Collar Lunch" project, according to the Jing'an District Commercial Commission.

It aims to provide affordable meals, priced at around 20 to 30 yuan on average, for the district's 200,000 white-collar workers and create business opportunities for restaurants facing a tough operating environment.

According to the Ministry of Commerce, during the first quarter of this year the high-end dining industry in Shanghai saw a 20 percent fall in revenue, while Beijing's has witnessed a 35 percent drop.

“white-collar lunch”解释为白领午餐,旨在为白领提供平价的午餐。

“sign up for”解释为报名参加,又如:sign up for training 报名参加培训、sign sb. up for 给某人报名。

“affordable”是形容词,解释为支付得起的、不太昂贵的。例如:affordable fees 平价收费、affordable products 价格实惠的产品。

A widely circulated series of photos of aspiring beauty queens reveals once again just how obsessed Korean women are with plastic surgery.

All of the contestants have dark, long hair; fair, pale skin; big eyes and a perfect, bright white smile. Their faces are oval with sharp, pointed chins that seem to have undergone a certain procedure called "V-line surgery".

The photos may be the result of Photoshop, but they still show that the contemporary concept of female beauty in South Korea is highly monotonous and conforms to a single ideal.

“plastic surgery”解释为整容,也可以说成是cosmetic surgery。“plastic”原意为塑料的、塑形的,但在医学领域解释为整形的;“surgery”解释为(外科)手术,例如:undergo surgery 进行手术、heart surgery 心脏手术。

另外,最后一段中“monotonous”解释为单调的、无变化的,例如:monotonous work 单调的工作、monotonous standard 千篇一律的标准。

Shenzhou X spacecraft carrying three Chinese astronauts is reported to have docked with the Tiangong-1 space laboratory.

The team plans to spend just under two weeks at the space laboratory, in the country's longest manned space mission.

While there, astronaut Wang Yaping, China's second woman in space, will beam a

lesson from the laboratory to students back on Earth.

文中的space laboratory就是“空间实验室”的意思。laboratory(经常简写作lab)就是“实验室”、“实验楼”。我们常见的类似用法还有如:biology laboratory 生物实验室;chemistry laboratory 化学实验室;physics laboratory 物理实验室和language laboratory 语音实验室(语音室)等。

另外,文中的dock with就是“对接”的意思,也可以写作be joined together (in space)。

A 15-minute walk after each meal could prevent older people developing type-2 diabetes, a study has found.

The post-meal walks control blood sugar as well as one long walk, research by George Washington University suggested.

Elevated blood sugar after meals could increase the risk of type-2 diabetes, so resting after eating "is the worst thing you can do", the study said.

文中的type-2 diabetes就是“二型糖尿病”的意思。二型糖尿病占糖尿病患者90%以上。肥胖、高热量饮食和缺乏运动是二型糖尿病的主要致因。

此外,文中第二段的post-meal walks意思就是“饭后行走”。前缀post-表示“在„„之后”,类似的例子如postgraduate 研究生(在本科毕业之后);postwar 战后;postscript 后记、跋(在正文文稿之后);post-impressionism 后印象主义。

A US judge has sentenced a Chinese national, Xiang Li, to 12 years in prison for selling more than $100m of pirated US software.

Mr Li is accused of stealing software from 200 US manufacturers and selling it for a fraction of their prices.

He was arrested in the US Pacific territory of Saipan in June 2011 and pleaded guilty earlier this year.

US officials have said that this is the first time a Chinese national had been prosecuted in the US for such crimes.

文中的pirated software就是“盗版软件”的意思。pirate原意为“海盗”,在这里就是指“盗版者“、”盗印者”。知识产权(intellectual property)现在正越发受到关注,对盗版行为的惩罚也越加严重。

文中还有一些与法律相关的词汇,如sentence,在这里作动词,意为“判决”;prison 监狱(近义词:jail、gaol);be accused of 被指控;be arrested 被捕;plead guilty 认罪;prosecute 提起公诉;release 释放。

Various kinds of street vendors are helping the city become more dynamic; and more and more white-collar workers are now part of this group of small retailers. According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, about 79.2 percent of 1,891 interviewees said they saw white-collar workers setting up street stalls. Besides, 68.1 percent said they supported this initiative.

About 35 percent of interviewees come from big cities, 29.5 percent, from

mid-sized cities, 19.8 percent, from small cities, 11.5 percent, from counties and 3.8 percent, from the countryside.

“set up a street stall”解释为摆地摊,“stall”解释为书报亭、货摊。相关的词组有:market stall 大排档、shop stall 商业档位。

“white-collar worker”是指白领一族,其他的还有:blue-collar worker 蓝领一族、gold-collar worker 金领一族、grey-collar worker 灰领一族。

They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can't take much pressure. They are the so-called "Strawberry Generation".

The term was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules. It refers to the post-60s generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented–just like strawberries–by life's lightest knocks.

This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers, of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two.

“Strawberry Generation”解释为草莓族,是指刚刚参加工作一两年的独生子女一代。“generation”解释为一代,比如:Sandwich Generation 三明治一代。“coin”通常作名词使用,解释为硬币、钱币。此处作为动词使用,解释为创造(新词),比如:coin new words 创造新词、coin money 发大财。

The death toll in the deadly BRT bus fire in Xiamen has risen to 48, and more than 30 were injured.

The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) bus caught fire at about 6:20 p.m., said an official from the municipal government. The fire broke out when the bus was 500 meters away from the Jinshan bus stop.

Some witnesses said they heard explosions about ten minutes after the fire broke out.

A nurse at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University said the hospital has admitted 17 of the injured, including three to the intensive care unit, according to the Xinhua report.

文中“BRT”的意思是快速公交车,即为快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit),是一种介于快速轨道交通(Rapid Rail Transit,简称RRT)与常规公交(Normal Bus Transit,简称NBT)之间的新型公共客运系统。这是一种大运量交通方式,通常也被人称作“地面上的地铁系统”。transit的基本含义是“运输”,在此处意为“公共交通运输系统”,如mass transit 公共交通,transit line运输路线。

Residential and commercial areas and metro stations in downtown Shanghai suffered more than one hour of blackout this Wednesday night due to a massive power outage, authorities said.

Some commuters of Metro Line 2 were trapped inside the train while customers of department stores in part of Jing'an, Huangpu and Putuo districts were trapped in elevators due to the power failure.

No one was reported injured and it was unclear how many people were affected in the incident.

文中的massive power outage的意思就是“大面积停电”。文中的blackout和power failure(相当于power cut)也是“停电”、“断电”的意思。

这里的power不译为“力量”,它是“电力”的意思。相关的词组如power board 接线板;power cable 输电电缆;power grid 电力网;power plant 发电厂;power pole 电线杆;power point 电源插座等。

Three Chinese astronauts will blast off in the Shenzhou X spacecraft this month for a two-week mission to make final preparations for the construction of a space laboratory next year.

China Central Television reported yesterday that the spacecraft, mounted on top of a Long March 2F rocket, had been wheeled to a launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Inner Mongolia, with the mission scheduled for the middle of this month.

The entire mission will last about 15 days, or two days longer than the maiden flight to Tiangong I last year.

文中的blast off就是“(火箭)发射升空”的意思。文中还有一些与火箭发射相关的词汇、词组,如:astronaut 宇航员;Shenzhou X spacecraft 神舟十号飞船;Long March 2F rocket 长征2F火箭;launch pad 发射台;Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre 酒泉卫星发射中心;maiden flight 处女航、首航;Tiangong I 天宫一号。

The TV and online adverts in England will outline the risk to children of people lighting up in cars and homes from Wednesday.

Research suggests the effects of passive smoking on children costs the NHS £23m a year by causing 300,000 GP visits and 9,500 hospital admissions.

Most of those patients were suffering from breathing-related problems although smoke was also blamed for diseases of the ear and other illnesses.

The adverts are a re-run of the campaign held last year.

文中的passive smoking字面意思是“被动吸烟”,即“二手烟”,也可以说成是second-hand smoking。被迫吸二手烟的人就是passive smoker。passive的意思是“被动的”,相对于active(积极的),语法中我们学到的“被动语态”,英文就叫做passive voice。 另外,文中第一段的light up,是动词短语,意思是“点燃、点亮”,联系上下文,在这里就是指“点燃香烟”,译作“吸烟”。

Cellphones and social networking may be killing off the old civilities and good graces, but a new generation of etiquette gurus is rising to make old-fashioned protocols relevant to a new generation.

Their goal is to help young people navigate thorny, tech-age minefields, like invitation on social networking sites and online dating, not to mention actual face-to-face contact with people.

Perhaps the fastest growing area of social advice is what's been termed

“netiquette”. There are online tutorials on using emoticons in business e-mails, being discreet when posting on social networks and re-posting too many micro blog messages.


《时下最流行的英语俚语、短语 第一季》

boils(疖),burns(灼伤),chafing(擦伤),cuts(切割伤),cracked skin(皮肤龟裂),nappy rash(尿布疹)和insect bites(虫类叮咬)

“World Athletics Championships”就是“世界田径锦标赛”的意思。其中,athletics是复数型名词,指体育运动,在英式英语中,特指田径运动。不加s的athletic,是形容词,义为“运动的”、“体育的”或“健壮的”,如an athletic coach 运动员教练。而“运动员”的英语说法是athlete。

世界田径锦标赛由国际田径联合会(IAAF,International Association of Athletics Federations)组织,自1991年起每2年举办一次。本次世界田径锦标赛于8月10日至18日在俄罗斯首都莫斯科举办,而下一届比赛将于2015年在北京举办。

For more than a decade, shark fin soup has been served in any meal intending to highlight the host's wealth, resulting in the consumption of hundreds of millions of shark fins.

Up to 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins.

One third of the world's nearly 500 shark species are facing extinction.

However, the shark fin market has been hit by a drastic market downturn recently. Precise figures are difficult to come by, but industry estimates the market has shrunk by between 50 and 70 percent.

“shark fin”是鲨鱼翅的意思,即为人们常说的“鱼翅”,其中fin意为“鳍,鱼翅”,人类割掉鱼鳍之后将鲨鱼扔回海里,鲨鱼会因为溺水或者流血过多而死。

另外,文中face extinction意为“濒临灭绝”,其中extinction意为“消亡,绝种”,如mass extinction(大量消亡),in danger of extinction(面临灭绝的危险)。

A televised contest that has become hugely popular in China has led to nationwide hand-wringing over the population's increasing inability to write Chinese characters.

The rapid rise of computers and smartphones has left most young people barely able to write by hand, with many unable to recall the estimated 10,000 characters used in daily life without an electronic prompt.

The state broadcaster CCTV launched the Chinese Character Dictation Competition this month to improve the population's handwriting amid fears that the country's complex writing system, a highly prized treasure of its ancient culture, is entering an inexorable decline.

文中的Chinese characters就是“汉字”的意思。wording或diction,意思是“措辞”,font是指“字型、字体”,而calligraphy意思是“书法”。称赞某人写得一手好字,可以说他writes a good hand或has good handwriting;handwriting义为“书法、书写”,是不可数名词。

China's State Council has approved the establishment of a pilot free trade zone in Shanghai, according to a Ministry of Commerce statement last Thursday. Experiences gained from the pilot zone are expected to be copied in other parts of the country, according to the statement.

Covering 28.78 square kilometers, the new zone will be built on the basis of existing bonded zones – Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Logistics Park, Yangshan Free Trade Port Area and Pudong Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone.

“pilot free trade zone”在文中解释为自贸试验区(自由贸易试验区)。“pilot”在此是形容词,解释为试验性的,例如:pilot edition 试用版、pilot project 试点项目。

另外,文中的“establishment”可解释为设立,它还可以解释为机构、当局。比如:public establishments 公共机构、welfare establishment 福利机构等。

Ghosting refers to leaving a social gathering without saying your farewells. It usually happens when you are too drunk to say a proper goodbye or you don't want to interrupt the host and make other guests take it as a cue to leave and thus kill the party.

One moment you're at the party or the wedding lunch. The next moment you're gone. "Where'd he go?" your friends might wonder. But–and this is key–they probably won't even notice that you've left.

But is it rude to leave without saying goodbye? A perky thank-you text the next day is fine. What do you think?

文中的ghosting就是“不辞而别”的意思。ghost本是名词,此处用作动词,指像鬼一样溜走,引申作“不辞而别”之意。此外,ghost作为动词本身还有“替人代笔”之意,并有ghost-writer “代笔者”一词较为常用。

文中最后一段出现的leave without saying goodbye也是“不辞而别”的意思,其他同义表达还有:take French leave;say Irish goodbye;Dutch leave;peel out等。

kill the party是很形象的表达,指“把聚会给毁了”。与之类似,kill-joy与wet blanket指“扫兴或者煞风景的人”。

Much like Western culture's Halloween, some Eastern cultures celebrate a Fall festival where they believe the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life.

This month-long festival is known as the Hungry Ghost Festival.

People would also burn things such as paper houses, cars, servants and televisions to please the ghosts.

Families also pay tribute to other unknown wandering ghosts so that these homeless souls do not intrude on their lives and bring misfortune and bad luck.

文中的“Hungry Ghost Festival”就是“中元节”的意思。中元节,类似于西方的万圣节(All Saints' Day)和万圣夜(Halloween)。西方的传统节日在国内越来越盛行,但国人也不要忘记自己的传统节日哦。七夕节的说法是“Tanabata Festival”或“Chinese Valentine's Day”;中秋节的说法是“the Mid-Autumn Festival”;元宵节的说法是“Lantern Festival”。

Today, it is usual to claim that manners are getting worse: there's too much lunging for the bread, both literally and metaphorically.

One of the just examples is sodcasting. To sodcast is to play loud music through a phone's speaker in a public location such as on a crowded bus or subway. The music could be loud enough to annoy other people, through which sodcasters beg for public attention.



文中还出现了“lunge for bread”这个新鲜用法,原意是“向面包冲刺”,这里引申为追求物质生活。

As part of an effort to improve treatments for illnesses, a team of scientists have created glow-in-the-dark rabbits.

The rabbits were born at the University of Istanbul as part of a collaboration between scientists from universities in Turkey and Hawaii.

To produce the glowing effect, researchers injected jellyfish DNA into a mother rabbit's embryos.

"The green is not important at all. It's just a marker to show the experiment can be done successfully," said University of Hawaii Associate Professor Stefan Moisyadi.

文中的“glow-in-the-dark rabbits”是夜光兔的意思,其中glow作为动词时,通常指无焰或无烟地“燃烧;发光”,也可用来比喻人的“感情洋溢”,如glow with joy(闪烁着喜悦的光芒);glow-in-the-dark是一个复合形容词,类似的表达如carry-on luggage(随身携带的行李)。

另外文章第二句中出现的“collaboration”译为“合作”,如close collaboration(密切合作),permanent and efficient collaboration(持久有效的合作)。

For about 66 per cent of us, being with your phone at all times is an obsession that occupies every waking minute.

If you think you may suffer from nomophobia - or 'no mobile phone phobia' – then the warning signs are:

■ An inability to ever turn your phone off;

■ Obsessively checking for missed calls, emails and texts;

■ Constantly topping up your battery life;

■ Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your phone in with you. The number of people afflicted with nomophobia — revealed in a recent study — shows a rise from a similar study four years ago, where 53 per cent of people admitted the fear of losing their phone.

文中的nomophobia就是“无手机焦虑症”的意思,是指在手机丢失、手机没电或余额不足、不在服务区时,手机用户的焦虑反应。正如文中第二段提到的,这个词由no-、-mo-和-phobia三个词缀(词素)构成。其中no-为否定含义,-mo-是手机(mobile phone)的缩写,而-phobia是英语中常见的一个后缀,带有“害怕、忧虑”的意思,又如acrophobia 恐高症、hydrophobia 恐水症(如狂犬病)、nyctophobia 黑夜恐怖症和trypophobia 密集恐惧症等。

A road safety campaign to promote safer driving and avoid reckless driving has been launched, China's Ministry of Public Security said Friday.

During the campaign on Thursday, police around the country caught 14,280 drivers for speeding and 760 motorists for carrying too many people and gave subsequent punishment. Police also punished 13,782 cases relating to overloading and 2,196 drivers for tiredness while driving, the ministry said.

“reckless driving”在文中解释为鲁莽驾驶。“reckless”是形容词,解释为鲁莽的、不计后果的,例如:reckless action 鲁莽的行为、reckless driver 鲁莽的司机。

此外,文中与道路安全相关的词汇还有:road safety 道路安全、safe driving 安全驾驶、overload 超载、speeding 超速行驶、tiredness while driving 疲劳驾驶。

As mistakes go, it was a pricey one. A so-called fat finger trading error at a large Chinese brokerage was reportedly behind wild swings on the country's stock market on Friday.

China's main stock index was up as much at 5.6% at one stage and trading volumes were up more than 50% on the day before as 1.5 bn shares changed hands. The buying frenzy appears to have been triggered by China Everbright Securities sending through billions of incorrect purchase orders for shares. The brokerage's own shares were soon suspended, China's securities regulator said it was looking into the volatility and by the end of play the morning's spectacular rally had been undone by equally dramatic plunges in share prices. That left the Shanghai Composite Index down 0.6% on the day.

文中的fat finger就是“乌龙指”的意思,是指股票交易员、操盘手、股民等在交易时,不小心敲错价格、数量或买卖方向等,也可以拼写作fat-finger。

文中还可以看到一些与股市相关的英语词汇,如brokerage 经纪公司,stock market 股市、股票交易所(证券交易所),main stock index 证券综合指数,trading volumes 交易量,securities regulator 证监会,rally 股价止跌回升和Shanghai Composite Index 上证指数。另外,股市中的牛市,英文是bull market;而对应的熊市,英文就是bear market。

The owner of an illegally-built two-story "rooftop villa" constructed on the rooftop of a high-rise apartment building in Beijing said Tuesday that he would tear it down within 15 days, after local authorities posted a notice on his door Monday and attracted wide public attention.

Zhang Biqing, the owner of a penthouse in a 26-story building in Renji Shanzhuang, a residential compound in Beijing's Haidian district, admitted Tuesday that he illegally built a small sunlight room on the rooftop, and gradually expanded it with rocks, trees and artificial landscapes that take up some 800 square meters, reported the Legal Mirror.

Zhang said that the structure is not a "villa" but said it is a grape trellis that he recently built to house vegetation as "thermal insulation" to reduce the heat absorbed by the rooftop in summer, and the "rocks" were made by a light-weight material to enclose the chimneys that would blow unpleasant kitchen and bathroom odors to his apartment, and he later added bonsai trees to make it "look good."

文中的rooftop villa可以解释为“空中楼阁”,直译为屋顶别墅。其中rooftop一词意为屋顶,与其相关的习惯用法有“shout something from the rooftops”,译为广而告之、公开宣布或是使众人皆知。villa则是别墅、庄园住宅的意思。在英国,寻常百姓住的房屋可大致分为三种类型:semi-detached house 两户相连房屋, detached house 独门独户的院落和 terraced house 连栋房屋。

另外,文中的thermal insulation,是一个科技术语,意思是热绝缘。类似于thermal shield(隔热层)。

Qingdao remains China's happiest city in 2013, according to the latest China Urban Competitiveness Ranking from Hong Kong-based China Institute of City Competitiveness (CICC).

The survey measured local residents of a given city on their overall sense of satisfaction, sense of belonging, life quality, natural environment, economy and social civilization.

Apart from the urban happiness ranking, CICC also published other Chinese city rankings based on a China City Competitiveness Index System.

“ranking”在这里解释为排行榜,其基本含义是等级评定,如the ranking of students(学生的名次排定),world ranking(世界排名),它也可以作为形容词使用,如 high-ranking officers(高级官员)。

文中提及的China Institute of City Competitiveness (CICC),即为中国城市竞争力研究会,于1998年在香港成立,是一家专门从事中国城市竞争力研究、顾问与评价服务的的国际性学术团体。其中的competitiveness一词,是“竞争能力”的意思,如price competitiveness(价格竞争力),core competitiveness(核心竞争能力)。

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has flagged up that many toys, such as toy guns and swords, contain powerful lasers that can cause permanent damage to the eye.

Laser injuries don't hurt, but vision can deteriorate slowly over time with injuries going unnoticed.

Advertisers often promote their toys as playthings, so parents and children believe they're harmless.

But this is often not the case and vigilance must be maintained by parents while children play with the electronic toys.

文中的“laser”是激光的意思,最初的中文名叫做“镭射”,现在激光已得到广泛应用,如laser printer(激光打印机),laser scalpel(激光手术刀),laser record(激光唱片)等。

另外,最后一句中出现的“vigilance”一词,含有警戒、警惕之意,又如Police's vigilance(警戒),relax vigilance(放松警惕性)。

《时下最流行的英语俚语、短语 第三季》

China's growth remains strong despite a moderate decline and it is not heading for an economic hard landing, an expert of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Wednesday.

The Chinese economy has trended down over the last few quarters, but still it grew at a rate of 7.5 percent in the second quarter, which "we understand is very much in line with the government's own target," Markus Rodlauer, Deputy Director of the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department, told Xinhua.

Official data showed that China's economic growth decelerated from 7.7 percent in the first quarter to 7.5 percent in the second, matching the government's full–year target, a rate that would make this year the slowest in two decades.

文中的economic hard landing就是“经济硬着陆”的意思。hard是“硬”的意思,landing则是“着陆”的意思。IMF是“国际货币基金组织”(International Monetary Fund)。financial crisis是“经济危机”。sustainable是“可持续的”。

与“硬着陆”意思相反的“软着陆”是soft landing。landing的其他表达还有:emergency landing 紧急着陆,moon landing 登月,smooth landing 顺利着陆。

Scientists used anonymous call data from more than six million cell phone users to help model a potential outbreak.

And they concluded that viruses that spread from phone to phone by Bluetooth are not much concern, because users have to be in close physical proximity for their phones to "see" one another.

However, viruses that spread through multimedia messaging services can move much faster.

文中virus解释为“病毒”的意思,既可以指医学方面的病毒,如DNA virus(DNA病毒)、influenza virus(流感病毒),也可以指代计算机病毒(computer virus)。

与互联网使用相关的词汇:search engine(搜索引擎),pop-ups(弹窗式视窗),link(链接),browser(浏览器)等。

The city of Detroit filed(底特律市) for federal bankruptcy protection last Thursday, making the automobile capital the country's largest-ever municipal bankruptcy case.

The financial outlook has never been bleaker for the Motor City, which has shrunk from its peak of nearly two million people in 1950 to 700,000 today.

Hurt by a flight of residents and businesses to the suburbs, cuts in state aid and a crash in real-estate values, Detroit borrowed to meet operating costs.

文中bankruptcy protection译为破产保护,其中bankruptcy含有“破产、倒闭”的意思,相关的短语有declare bankruptcy(宣告破产),bankruptcy debtor(破产债务人),voluntary bankruptcy(自愿申请破产)等。

另外,municipal在本文中解释为“城市的、市政的”,如municipal government(市政府),municipal hospital(市医院)。

On Friday, the world's longest cable-stayed bridge opened to traffic.

Jiashao Bridge is the second cross-sea bridge across Hangzhou Bay in China. The bridge is a massive eight-lane structure that spans approximately 6.28 miles.

Shanghai, located to the northeast of Jiaxing, would normally be a three hour trip for drivers coming from Shaoxing. The commute is now halved with the opening of the Jiashao Bridge. Bridge-crossers will be charged a toll of 40 yuan for the trip.

文中的cross-sea bridge就是“跨海大桥”的意思。第一段中的cable-stayed bridge是“斜拉桥”、“索拉桥”的意思。常见的桥梁建筑样式还有:suspension bridge 悬索桥;arch bridge 拱桥;pontoon bridge 浮桥;cantilever bridge 悬臂桥;draw bridge 吊桥;bridge to nowhere 断桥。

文中还有一些有用的表达法,如Hangzhou Bay 杭州湾;eight-lane 有8根车道的;commute 两地往返、上下班通勤;toll 路费、通行费。

A Beijing man has been in a coma for the past 10 days, after being electrocuted while using his knockoff charger for his iPhone 4.

Want China Times reported that Wu Jiantong was shocked on July 8 and helped by his sister who heard him shouting and found him shaking on the floor with purple lips. Jiantong was using a charger that was not manufactured by Apple and may have been the cause of the electrocution.

The news out of Beijing follows reports earlier this month of a Chinese woman, Ma Ailun, killed by an electric shock when she answered a phone call on her iPhone 5 while it was charging. Apple said that it was investigating Ailun's death.

文中的knockoff charger就是“冒牌充电器”的意思。knockoff常见于口语,指名牌产品的仿制山寨品、冒牌货。charger的意思是“充电器”,它的动词形式就是charge。charge作动词时,可以解释为“充电”,如charge a battery 为电池充电;charge在做名词时,也有“电荷”这层意思。

此外,文中的electrocute就是“触电”、“遭电击”的意思,该词的前缀electro-和“电”有关,又如electrode 电极等;而后缀-cute通常有“执行”或“使„受害”的意思,例如execute 处决、处死;persecute 迫害和prosecute 起诉、控告等。

Although many Chinese believe the "Four Furnaces" of Chongqing, Nanchang, Wuhan and Nanjing are the country's hottest cities, meteorological authorities have debunked the popular belief after comparing temperatures in cities nationwide. The top hot spots on the list, compiled by the China Meteorological Administration's National Climate Center (NCC) this year, are Fuzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou and Haikou.

The NCC analyzed the number of hot days and consecutive hot days in different cities, as well as the average high and low temperatures during the summer season..

“Four Furnaces”在文中解释为四大火炉,“furnace”解释为火炉、炉子。火炉城市是中国对夏季天气酷热的城市的夸张称呼。“meteorological”是形容词,解释为气象的,例如:meteorological station气象站、meteorological tide气象潮等。

It is a pity if rich Russians who missed last week's bargain on Japanese-grown, cube-shaped watermelons at high-end Moscow markets: Just $700. That's more than 300 times the price of your standard melon, the Kyodo News Agency said.

A couple of weeks before the start of Russia's watermelon season, its price has increased to around $860, according to news reports.

“cube-shaped watermelon”在文中解释为方形西瓜,“cube-shaped”是形容词,解释为方形的、立方形的,例如:cube-shaped sand 立方体颗粒。“bargain”解释为便宜货、廉价品的意思,相关的词组有:get a bargain 买到便宜货、bargain price 便宜的价格等。

Feeling stressed and in need of a vacation? But more than half of white-collar workers do not take all their vacation days, even though they think they need a paid leave more this year than last.

And nearly a third of workers who do take a break check in with work every other day and some keep in touch hourly, according to a new survey.

Even some of them admit they have canceled or postponed a vacation this year because of work-related reasons.

文中的“paid leave”是带薪假的意思,leave在此处是名词,译为“假期,假日”,相关的短语有paid holiday(年假);sick leave(病假);unpaid leave(无薪假)等。

现在,越来越多的公司也在利用paid leave(带薪假),stock options(股票期权),telecommuting(远程工作)等有弹性的福利方案(cafeteria plan)来吸引人才。

State television pictures showed Putin climbing aboard the Sea Explorer 5 underwater research vessel for the half-hour dive to a frigate, the Oleg, which sank in the Gulf of Finland.

The Oleg was discovered by Russian divers in 2003 and is now being studied by scientists.

"Indeed, it's in perfect state, the name of the ship can be clearly read." Putin said in televised reports afterwards.

"It's not scary. It's very interesting." he added, referring to the experience.

“dive”在文中是“下潜”的意思,通常指的是头朝下跳入水中,如make a dive(跳水), dive into the pool(潜入水池中);该词也可以表示“埋头于或钻研于”,如dive into the history(潜心研究历史)。

另外文中的vessel指的是大型船只,如cargo vessel(货船),trip in a vessel(乘船旅行)。boat泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船;ship一般指大轮船;而canoe指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。

The United States and China agreed last Wednesday to tighten pollution standards on heavy trucks, boost energy efficiency in buildings and take a series of other steps to curb greenhouse-gas emissions in the world’s top two polluting countries.

Under Wednesday’s agreement, China and the United States consented to build “several large-scale” demonstration projects to try to “overcome barriers” to the wider use of carbon-capture technology.

The climate discussions were part of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the two countries. The sessions are taking place against the backdrop of an economic slowdown in China that U.S. officials hope will spur the new government there to quicken the pace of financial reform.

文中的carbon capture就是“碳捕获”的意思。carbon的意思是“碳”,常用的表达还有:carbon emission 碳排放,carbon dioxide 二氧化碳,carbon trade 碳交易。capture的意思是“捕


文中第一段的energy efficiency是“能源效率”,第二段的demonstration project是“示范项目”,第三段的Strategic and Economic Dialogue是“战略经济对话”,economic slowdown是“经济增速放缓”。

Late nights and lax bedtime routines can blunt young children's minds, research suggests.

The findings on sleep patterns and brain power come from a UK study of more than 11,000 seven-year-olds.

Youngsters who had no regular bedtime or who went to bed later than 21:00 had lower scores for reading and maths.

Lack of sleep may disrupt natural body rhythms and impair how well the brain learns new information say the study authors.

late night,字面是“深夜”的意思,在文中就是指“晚睡”。类似的表达还有late marriage 晚婚;late spring 晚春等。

另外,文中的bedtime是“上床时间”的意思,常见的搭配有bedtime snack 睡前小吃和bedtime story 床边故事。文中的regular bedtime是指有规律的、每天“按时睡觉”,相反,lax bedtime就是没有规律、“不按时睡觉”。

Lunch at your desk can be a downer, especially when you reheat the leftovers in plastic lunch box. Are you putting more into your body?

"We don't know if and how many people die from plastic exposure." says Dr. Halden, the director for the Center for Environmental Security at the Biodesign Institute.

"But we do know that we suffer from a lot of diseases – breast cancer, obesity and early onset puberty. These are a result of our lifestyle."

He adds: "From a public health perspective, we should consider heated plastic an unnecessary source of exposure to harmful elements and eliminate it."

文中plastic lunch box是塑料饭盒的意思,plastic有塑料或塑料制品的意思,日常家居用品的材质大致分为glass(玻璃),metal(金属),wood(木质),

bamboo(竹)等,其中eco-friendly material(环保材料)很受消费者青睐。

另外puberty是“青春期”的意思,如reach puberty(进入青春期),文中early onset puberty可译为性早熟。

British scientists are to make a concerted effort to look for extra-terrestrial life among the stars.

Academics from 11 institutions have set up a network to co-ordinate their search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (Seti).

The group is asking funding agencies for a small – about £1m a year – sum of money to support listening time on radio telescopes and for data analysis.

Currently, most Seti work is done in the US and is funded largely through private donation.

文中的extra-terrestrial life就是“地外生命”的意思。前缀extra-表示“超出”、“超越”,又如extraordinary 非凡的和extracurricular 课外的。terrestrial是形容词,意思是“地球的”、“陆

地的”,其中词根-terra-,源于法语,意思为“地球”、“陆地”,又如terrace 梯田和terracotta 兵马俑。

另外,第一段的make a concerted effort是固定词组,意思是“齐心协力”。concerted来源于concert 音乐会。在音乐会上,需要大家互相协同,才能保证演奏效果和谐一致,类似地,形容词concerted即为“齐心协力”之意。

A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China. Researchers estimate that the half-billion people alive there in the 1990s will live an average of 5 years less than their southern counterparts because they breathed dirtier air.

Researchers found significant differences in both particle pollution of the air and life expectancy in the two regions, and said the results could be used to extrapolate the effects of such pollution on lifespans elsewhere in the world.

“air pollution”在文中解释为空气污染,空气污染对人体的危害是多方面的,主要表现是呼吸道疾病与生理机能障碍等。与pollution相关的词组还有:environmental pollution 环境污染、control pollution 控制污染、water pollution 水污染等。

“life expectancy”是预期寿命的意思,“expectancy”解释为预期、期望的意思。相关词组还有:expectancy value 期望值、with expectancy 满怀期待。

China's top food watchdog said the content of trans fat in homemade baby formula abides by national and international standards, contrary to a media report claiming that some milk powder contains too much of the substance.

"Test results showed the value of trans-fatty acids in domestic baby formula products was 0.019 to 0.574 grams per 100 grams of milk powder, which conforms to national and international standards. Meanwhile, tests have found trans-fatty acids in all the 197 samples of imported baby formula and the value detected was 0.024 to 0.367 grams per 100 grams of the product." said a notice that the China Food and Drug Administration posted on its website on Tuesday.

“trans fat”解释为反式脂肪,其中“trans”是“transform”的缩写形式,在化学领域中解释为反式。反式脂肪,又称为反式脂肪酸(trans-fatty acid),对健康并无益处,也不是人体所需要的营养素。

“baby formula”是奶粉的意思,“formula”解释为配方奶(母乳替代品)。

China will issue red alert for Typhoon Soulik, the strongest ever this year, which is expected to affect the East China Sea.

As the seventh typhoon to hit China this year, Soulik will have a big impact on the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait, as well as waters off the coastal provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian laying along the East China Sea from Thursday to Sunday, according to the the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center.

The red alert is the highest in the country's four-tier color-coded weather warning system.

文中的red alert就是“红色预警”的意思。发布红色预警,动词用issue;而解除警报,动词一般用call off alert。alert 作名词,解释为“警报”,相关的词组有24-hour alert 昼夜警戒;a fire alert 火警警报等。alert亦可用作形容词(意为“机警的”)和动词(意为“使…警惕”)。

《时下最流行的英语俚语、短语 第四季》

Demand for internships is rising among students facing a tight job market where employers are increasingly putting a premium on work experience.

While larger companies tend to have broader brand-name recognition, interns may enjoy the less bureaucratic nature of small companies, and the more dynamic work environment.

Interns can energize a workplace with their enthusiasm.

An internship program can also serve as an effective recruitment ground for future hires.

文中“intern”的意思是实习生,而“internship”则含有实习生职位或者实习期的意思,相关的词汇还有probation period(试用期),base rate(基本薪资),labor contract(劳动合同)等。

另外文中出现的bureaucratic可译为“官僚作风的”,如extremely bureaucratic(极端官僚主义)。bureaucrat可译为“官僚”,如party bureaucrat(政党官僚)。

Taxi drivers in Shanghai will be banned from picking up passengers through taxi-booking apps that allow tips, according to a new regulation issued by the city's transport authority.

The taxi-booking service management regulation, recently released by the Shanghai Transport and Port Administration, said the service provided by third-party taxi-booking apps should be integrated with those of the taxi companies' dispatch centers.

Smartphone apps that allow users to offer tips to drivers and bargain for rides are becoming increasingly popular in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, where it's difficult to get taxis during rush hours.

文中的taxi-booking apps就是“叫车软件”的意思;book a taxi 就是叫一辆出租车。和taxi相关的词组还有take a taxi 乘出租车;flag a taxi 招来一辆出租车;get in a taxi 上出租车;get out of a taxi 下出租车等。

app是application的缩写,特别用来指智能手机上的各类应用和程序。苹果手机上的“应用商店”就叫App Store.

With summer heating up, campus dormitories without air conditioners in Central China are pushing students in pursuit of cooler temperatures to escape heat. Students nationwide are commencing a campaign to keep cool in their dormitories.

Hong Li, a sophomore majoring in architecture at Guangdong University of Technology, recently read on Sina Weibo that holding a wax gourd while sleeping can cool the body by three degrees.

Students at Hubei University of Technology set up an inflatable pool in their dormitory. They play card games and even eat instant noodles in the pool.

“escape heat”在文中解释为避暑,表达“避暑”的词组还有:prevent sunstroke、beat heat和avoid heat等。

另外,“inflatable”是形容词,解释为“可充气的”;也可以做名词使用,解释为“充气艇”。相关的用法还有:inflatable aircraft 充气式飞机和inflatable boat充气橡皮艇等。

A "master key" that could give cyber-thieves unfettered access to almost any Android phone has been discovered by security research firm BlueBox.

The bug could be exploited to let an attacker do what they want to a phone including stealing data, eavesdropping or using it to send junk messages.

The loophole has been present in every version of the Android operating system released since 2009.

Google said it currently had no comment to make on BlueBox's discovery.

文中的master key就是“万能钥匙”的意思。master的原意为“主人”,但在不同语境下解释不同,船上的master就是“船长”(mast 船桅);文坛中的master就是“大师”;学院里的master是“院长”;而学位证上的master就是“硕士”。master key字面意思是“主人的钥匙”,意译为“万能钥匙”,有了这把钥匙,就像成了主人一样,可以为所欲为了。 另外,cyber-thief是“网络窃贼”的意思。前缀cyber-跟“网络”有关,又如cyberattack 网络攻击;cyberbanking 网上银行;cybercafe 网吧;cybercitizen 网民;cybershop 网上购物等。

A Boeing 777 passenger jet has crash landed at the San Francisco International Airport in California.

Officials have identified it as Asiana Airlines Flight 214, originating in Seoul, South Korea. Witnesses say the tail of the aircraft fell off just before the aircraft struck the runway. They say the plane wobbled from side to side, causing the collapse of at least one wing.

Television pictures showed a large cloud of smoke streaming from the plane with the roof burned through..

文中的passenger jet就是“客机”的意思,其中jet是“喷气式飞机”的意思。文中可看到一些与飞机相关的词汇,如airport 机场;flight 航班;tail 机尾;runway 机场跑道;wing 机翼;roof 机顶等。此外,登机就是board a jet,而乘坐飞机为take a jet。

文中的Boeing 777就是波音777,注意正确的读法是Boeing Seven Seventy-Seven,而不是Boeing Seven hundred and Seventy-Seven。

Some 250 martial arts enthusiasts from the United States arrived at the renowned Shaolin Temple in Central China and demonstrated their skills to the temple's masters on Wednesday.

They demonstrated multiple Chinese martial arts skills, including the three-section whip, Buddha's fist, tiger hooks and Chinese boxing, in front of the temple gate while the temple's abbot, Shi Yongxin, watched.

The tour was initiated by the United Studio of Self Defense (USSD), a martial arts training center with hundreds of thousands of registered members in the US.

文中的martial arts就是“武术”的意思。martial是形容词,意思是“武术的”、“尚武的”,该词源于罗马神话中战神马尔斯的名字Mars。武术大师的英文表达为martial artists。

文中第二段出现了一些常见的少林功夫,类似的还有如Shaolin fist 少林拳(如long fist 长拳);drunken fist 醉拳;eagle claw 鹰爪功;three-section cudgel 三节棍等。

Just like signing up for campus clubs, attending a farewell party has long been a campus ritual that marks the end of one's college life. For most, it's not about the dinner, but about holding on to the most cherished memories of one's student life. For partygoers, a farewell party's intention is to look back on the fun times.

Besides students' sad feelings of departure, many teachers show their caring side at farewell parties.

However, this time of year is the peak season for alcohol poisoning.

farewell party在本文中指的是“散伙饭”,也可以译为告别晚会、欢送会。较为普遍的社交聚会有Christmas party(圣诞晚会),dancing party(舞会),evening party(晚会)等。


Grown children in China must visit their parents or potentially face fines or jail, a new law that came into effect on Monday says.

China's new "Elderly Rights Law" deals with the growing problem of lonely elderly people by ordering adult children to visit their ageing parents.

The law says adults should care about their parents "spiritual needs" and "never neglect or snub elderly people".

文中的Elderly Rights Law就是“《老年人权益保障法》”的意思。elderly是形容词,解释为“年老的”,与old同义,但比old用法上更礼貌。The elderly,即定冠词加上形容词构成名词化结构,解释为“老年人”,相当于senior citizen或elderly people。

另外,第二段中的ageing(或拼为aging),解释为“变老的”。“老龄化社会”就可以翻译成ageing society。

Li, the No.6 seed, entered the match as fight back against No.32 seed Zakopalova but Li’s legions of fans would have had their hearts in their mouths on several occasions.

Dropping the first set stung Li into action. "After first set I was thinking…I couldn't continue the way, otherwise I would lose the match. I need change something in my game."

Li held serve and kept the good status for a few more games before finally securing the match 8-6 in the deciding set.

文中的fight back即为“反击”。常见的搭配有:fight back against sb./sth. 向„反击。 另外,第一段中的“legions of”的解释为“大批的,众多的”。搭配有:legions of people 大批的人。最后一段中的“serve”除了常见的解释“服务,服侍;供应”外,在体育运动中,应当解释为“发球,开球”。

The opening of a new high-speed train line linking Nanjing, Jiangsu province, with Ningbo, Zhejiang's only deepwater port, will not only make the integration of the Yangtze River Delta region a possibility, but almost a certainty.

The new high-speed rail line passing through Hangzhou, Zhejiang's provincial capital, commenced operations on Monday.

It is the latest leg of a high-speed rail network of eight lines that cross the

industrial heartland of East China.

文中的Yangtze River Delta region就是“长三角地区”(长江三角洲地区)的意思。Yangtze River是长江,也可以译作the Changjiang River;类似地,中国第二长河流,黄河,英文是the Yellow River或the Huanghe River;而珠江的英文是the Pearl River或the Zhujiang River。 Delta是“三角洲”的意思,可以联想到的词汇如:河口 mouth;支流 tributary;上游 upper reaches;下游 lower reaches;中游 middle reaches。

Every year, hundreds of thousands of college students in the UK choose to take a gap year or a short-term volunteering trip abroad. They dig wells in Africa, build schools in Thailand and save elephants in India.

It sounds like a win-win situation in which students broaden their experience by helping others, while locals benefit from their financial support, knowledge and skills.

“gap year”在文中解释为间隔年,“gap”是名词,解释为间隔、隔阂、差距等。相关的词组有:close the gap 缩小差距、generation gap 代沟等。

“win-win”是形容词,解释为双赢的,例如:win-win cooperation 合作共赢、win-win idea 双赢理念等。

How to avoid the dreaded feelings of jet lag? Some of frequent fliers often have to adjust a sleep schedule days before a trip, seeking out bright light at certain times, or forcing the body to eat and sleep on local time immediately upon arrival. The news from most researchers appears to be that the best formula is a combination of all of these tactics.

As a general rule, crossing more time zones makes it more difficult to avoid symptoms, which include sleepiness and confusion. Most people have body clocks that run longer than 24 hours, which generally makes it easier to fly west than east, researchers say. When people fly west, they have to stay up later before going to bed. That is easier to do than having to go to bed earlier than normal.

“jet lag”解释为飞行时差反应,简称为“时差”,也可以表达为“time lag”。人在一天内跨越不同时区,由于时差的变化,使人感到眩晕(dizziness)、疲劳(weariness)、情绪失控(emotional wreck)等问题。相关的短语有:body clock(生物钟),time zone(时区)等。

The Argentinian football player Lionel Messi along with his father, who is also his manager, must appear in court next September on possible charges of tax fraud, local media reported last week.

Messi and his father, Jorge Horacio Messi, are charged with defrauding the Spanish treasury more than 4 million euros ($6.6 million) in tax declarations of 2007, 2008 and 2009.

They sold Messi's image rights to foreign countries avoiding paying taxes in Spain, where Messi plays with FC Barcelona.

“tax fraud”解释为逃税,“fraud”解释为欺骗(行为)、欺诈(行为)。相关词组有:financial fraud 金融诈骗、commercial fraud 商业诈骗。“defraud”解释为诈骗,是动词,例如:defraud tax 偷税、defraud sb of sth 欺骗某人某物。

Shanghai's first-ever food safety blacklist was issued recently and two restaurant managers were banned from the industry for five years, according to the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration.

Two restaurant managers were banned for five years from food production on allegations that they were collecting hotpot broth and reselling it to customers.

The two restaurants and 13 individuals were blacklisted, including individuals who processed and sold pigs that died of diseases and sold industrial salt as edible salt. All received criminal penalties.

“blacklist”解释为黑名单,“blacklist”还可以作动词用,解释为将…列入黑名单,比如:blacklist sb. 将某人列入黑名单。“criminal penalties”解释为刑事处罚,“criminal”解释为刑事的,相关的词组有:criminal capacity 刑事责任能力、criminal code 刑事法典。

President Xi Jinping has instructed the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to implement a "mass line" campaign as part of efforts to build a strong military.

"Mass line" refers to a guideline under which the Communist Party of China (CPC) is required to prioritize the interests of the people and persist in exercising power for them.

The PLA should build inner relations featuring solidarity, friendship, harmony and purity, he said, adding that bad elements such as formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance should be firmly opposed.

文中的mass line就是“群众路线”的意思。其中,mass解释为“大众”、“群众”,类似的表达有mass education 大众教育;mass communication 大众传播;mass media 大众传媒;mass transport 大众交通等。

文中还有一些值得一学的表达:People's Liberation Army 人民解放军(PLA);to build a strong military 强军;the interests of people 人民利益;harmony 和谐;formalism 形式主义;bureaucracy 官僚主义;hedonism 享乐主义等。

Samsung has unveiled a tablet that can switch between the Windows 8 and Android operating systems.

The ATIV Q has a 13.3 inch screen that sits over a keyboard that can be folded out for typing or set to act as a stand. In addition it has a stylus.

It comes just over a fortnight after Asus unveiled its own laptop-tablet hybrid which also runs both Microsoft and Google's systems.

One analyst said he expected this to be a trend that other firms would follow.

文中的tablet就是“平板电脑”的意思。文中出现的相关词汇有operating system 操作系统(缩写作OS);screen 屏幕;keyboard 键盘;type 打字(用作动词);stand 支架(用作名词);stylus 触笔(手写笔);laptop 笔记本电脑。

联想一下,平板电脑上常见的组件还有如camera 摄像头;front-facing camera 前摄像头;processor 处理器;battery 电池;bluetooth 蓝牙;integrated microphone 内置麦克风;headphone 耳机;integrated speaker 内置扬声器等。

The night sky has been illuminated by what appears to be a much bigger and brighter Moon.

The so-called "supermoon" occurs when the Moon reaches its closest point to


英语八年级上 短语集合

Unit 1

go to the movies 去看电影 watch TV 看电视 every day 每天 on weekends 在周末 play soccer 踢足球 do homework 做作业 junk food 垃圾食品 drink milk 喝牛奶

be good for health 对健康有好处 eat vegetables 吃蔬菜 eat fruit 吃水果 every night 每天晚上 eating habits 饮食习惯 a lot of 许多的 of course 当然 try to do 尽量……

healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式get tired 变得疲劳 good grades 好成绩 the same as 和……一样 healthy habit 健康的习惯 get up 起床

play ping-pong 打乒乓球 hardly ever 几乎不 Unit 2

have a cold 患感冒

have a stomachache 换肚子痛 have a headache 患头痛 lie down and rest 躺着休息 see a dentist 看牙医 go to bed 去睡觉 feeling well 感觉很好 go to the party 去参加聚会 at the moment 此时

That’s a good idea 那是一个好主意 I’m sorry to hear that.听到这儿我很难过 have a sore back 患背痛 have a sore throat 患咽炎

have a toothache 患牙痛

hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 drink lots of water 喝大量的水 eat anything 吃任何东西 listen to music 听音乐 stressed out 紧张的 have a fever 发烧 for example 例如

balanced diet 饮食平衡了 What’s the matter? 你怎么了

I hope you feel better soon.我希望你很快好起来

healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 Unit 3

for vacation度假

babysit sb.…照顾(婴儿) how long多久

go sightseeing去观光 go fishing去钓鱼

rent videos租赁录像带 go camping去野营 on Monday在周一 go hiking去远足 go bike riding去骑车 take walks散步

an exciting vacation一个令人激动的假期 show sb. sth./show sth. to sb. 把……展示给

get back to 回到 how far 多远

vacation plans 假期计划 think about 思考 decide on 决定

take vacations in Europe 在欧洲度假 something different 不同的某物 plan to do 计划做 need to do 需要做

ask sb. about 向某人询问 finish doing 完成做某事 leave for 动身去……

Unit 4

how far多远

from…to…从……到…… ride one's bike骑自行车 the subway station地铁站 take the bus坐公共汽车 take the subway乘地铁 the most popular最流行的 think of看待,认为 North America北美

be different from与……不同 depend on依靠,依赖 get to school到达学校

It takes sb. some time to do 花费某人一些时间做某事

leave for 前往 at around six 大约在6点 on the school bus 乘校车

in other parts of the world 在世界的其它地方

a lot more fun 更有趣

not all students 不是全部学生

a small number of students一小部分学生 some…others 一些……其它的…… in the hospital 在医院 a map in Chinese 一张中文地图 Don’t worry (about)不要担心 Thank you so much!非常感谢 Unit 5

on Saturday afternoon在星期六下午 hou about ……怎么样 study for a test 为考试而学习 go to the doctor 去看医生

have a piano lesson有一节钢琴课 help my parents 帮助我的父母 visit my aunt 拜访我的姨妈 come to my party 参加我的聚会 have to 不得不

too much homework 太多作业 much too +(形容词)很,非常 go to the mall 去大商场

practice soccer 练习足球 the day befor yesterday前天 the day after tomorrow后天

going to my cousin’s birthday party 准备参加我堂妹的生日聚会 science test 科学考试 keep quiet 保持安静 try to do 尽力做某事

finish the geography project完成我的地理学科

culture club 文化班

the whole day=all day 整天 come over to 顺便来访 be free有空 Unit 6

as you can see如同你看到的那样 in some ways 在某些方面 look the same 看起来相同 look different看起来不同 we both like我们都喜欢 more outgoing更外向

more athletic更活跃的,更强健的 enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 more than=over 比……多 in common公有的,共有的 as…as… ……与……一样 not as…as… ……不如…… be good at=do well in擅长做某事 a little more outgoing更外向一点 the same as与……相同 make me laugh让我笑

most of the kids大部分孩子

be good with children和孩子们友好相处 tell jokes讲笑话

get the job得到那份工作 stop talking停止说话 two years ago两年前 Review1-6

two wheels两个轮子

different kinds of 不同种类的 ask…about询问……关于……

here are some of the results这是一些结果 more crowded更拥挤 afford a car支付一辆汽车 Unit 7

Turn on 打开 cut up 切碎

pour sht. into 把什么倒入 put sth. into 把什么放进 mix up 混合在一起 add….to…. 加入 put on 穿上 in sandwiches 2 slices of bread 1teaspoon of butter 3 slices of chicken on…top Unit 8

went to the aquarium 去水族馆 took photos 照相

went to the zoo 去动物园 had pizza 吃比萨饼

ate some ice cream 吃一些冰激凌 hung out with friends 和朋友在一起 saw some seals 看到一些海豹 bought a souvenir 买一个礼物 saw some sharks 看到一些鲨鱼 went to the beach 去沙滩

met a famous actor 遇见一个电影明星 had a great time 玩的愉快 for the day 那天 lots of 很多

at the end of… ……的结束

have a school trip 有一个学校旅游

take the subway 乘坐地铁

watch TV with a friend 和朋友一起看电视

take a class 上课 sleep late 很晚睡 go for a drive 去开车

sound like 听起来像 have fun 玩的开心 day off 休息日 all day整天

put out把……取出

yard sale 庭院旧货出售 kind of 有点 in the future 在未来

win the first prize 赢得一等奖

in yesterday’s singing competition在昨天的唱歌比赛中 Unit 9

start hiccupping开始打嗝 stop sneezing停止打喷嚏 too…to太……而不能 for example例如 learn to ride学骑车

spend on+名词在某事上花费

spend… in doing在做某事上花费 see sb do看到某人经常做(或过程) see sb doing看到某人正在做某事 at the age of four在四岁的时候 take part in参加 because of因为 major in 主修 Unit 10

grow up长大

take acting lesson上表演课

practice basketball every day每天练习篮球

move to搬去

do what I want to do做我想做的 somewhere interesting有意思的地方 sound like听起来像

find a part-time job找份兼职工作 save some money攒一些钱 at the same time在同时

buy a big house for my parents为父母买个大房子

travel all over the world环流世界 write articles写文章


I’m not sure yet我还不确定 New Year’s resolution新年决心

learn to play an instrument学弹一种乐器 make the soccer team组建足球队 get good grades取得好成绩

eat healthier food吃更健康的食物 get lots of exercise做大量运动

learn a foreign language学一门外语 Unit 11

Take out 取出

do chores 琐事;干家务 do the dishes 洗餐具

sweep the floor清扫地板;扫地 living room 起居室;客厅 work on 从事;忙于 do the laundry洗衣服 take care of 照看;照顾 come over to 顺便来访

need some help需要一些帮助 go on vacation度假 be in在家

Unit 12

close to 靠近

by bus 乘公共汽车 think about 考虑 as for 关于 as for=about without 没有

the prize for ..的奖励 the price of .的价钱 cut their prices 减价 need to 需要…… in the daytime 在白天 talent show 天才表演

play a piano piece演奏一段钢琴曲 ask sb. sth .

radio station 广播电台

in a fun part of town 在城镇有一个有趣的聚会

big screen 巨大的银幕 closest to home接近家

most comfortable seats最舒服的座位 movie theater电影院 good quality 好的质量 talent show 才艺表演 without music 无音乐 most expensive更贵的 funniest actor 滑稽的演员 most popular 最受欢迎

most creative music video 最具创造性的音乐录影带

do a survey of 做了……的调查 in town在小镇里

a lot to do 有很多要做……

in the north of China 在中国北部 get the prize 得奖

southern China中国南部


1. How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week.

2. How often does he go shopping? He goes shopping once a month. 3. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. 4. What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimes go hiking. 5. I try to eat a lot of vegetables; I think it\'s good for my health. 6. What\'s the matter? I have a cold. I\' sorry to hear that. 7. I\'m not feeling well; I hope you feel better soon. 8. She has a toothache, she should see a dentist. 9. It\'s important to eat a balanced diet. 10. Everyone gets tired sometimes.

11. What are you doing for vacation? I\'m babysitting my sister. 12. When are you going? I\'m going on the 12th.

13. I\'m going to Tibet for a week. ------ Have a good time. 14. How long are you staying? For about three weeks. 14. Who are you going with? I\'m going with my friends.

15. How\'s the weather? = what\'s the weather like? It\'s sunny today. 16. This time I want to do something different.

17. He thought about going to Greens or Spain. But decide on Canada. 18. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.

19. Can I ask you some question about your vacation? Yes, sure. 20. She\'s leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday.

21. How do you get to school? I get to school by subway. = I take the subway to school. 22. How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes.

23. How far do you live from school? I live ten miles from school

24. Can you come to my birthday party on Friday? Yes, sure, Sorry, I can\'t. 25. I\'m more outgoing than my sister.

26. My friend is the same as me.

27. Liu Ying isn\'t as good at sports as her sister. 28. She\'s a little more popular than me.

29. We are both quiet. We both have black eyes and black hair. We both enjoy going to parties. 30. He is good at school work; She is good at playing basketball. 31. I think a good friend can make me laugh.

32. I like to have friends who are like me. I like to have friends who are different from me.

33. How do you make a banana smoothie? Peel three bananas, cut up the bananas, put the bananas and the yogurt into the blender, pour the milk into the blender, turn on the blender, drink the smoothie. 34. How many tomatoes do we need? We need two tomatoes.

35. How much cinnamon do we need? We need two teaspoons of cinnamon. 36. Finally mix it all up.

37. Put some relish on a slice of bread.
