1、Note7的分辨率是( )
2、Note7的国行版处理器是( ),主频是( )
3、Note7的防尘防水等级是( )
4、Note7前置摄像头是( )万像素,后置摄像头是( )万像素
5、Note7现目前官方已公布的存储配置是:RAM( )GB,ROM( )GB, Micro SD最高可拓展是( )GB
6、Note7的电池是( )mAH
7、Note7 S Pen压力感应级可达( )
8、Note7的玻璃采用的是( )
9、Note7 S Pen的笔尖为( )mm,上一代Note5 S Pen的笔尖为( )mm
10、Note7的数据接口为( )
1、Note7支持防水,在水下不可以使用S Pen。 ( ) 更正:
2、Note7 S Pen内置电池。 ( ) 更正:
3、Note7采用的是USB Type-C接口。 ( ) 更正:
4、带了美瞳,Note7的虹膜识别可以正常识别。 ( ) 更正:
1、列举USB3.1 Type-C的十大优势。
Samsung is the king of big-screen smartphones. In fact, it’s not too much of a stretch to say that without the company’s original Galaxy Note, we wouldn’t have an iPhone 6s Plus.
So when it came time for Samsung to roll out its latest creation, the company decided to take back its big-screen crown. Which brings us to Samsung’s Galaxy Note7. A 5.7-inch beast of a handset, the Note7 features an elegant, if not original design; waterproof body; iris scanner and new stylus (a writing utensil to use with the phone).
But at $849, the Note7 isn’t exactly cheap. And yet, I can’t help but want one.
A familiar, but welcomed design
I’m not going to sugarcoat things: The Galaxy Note7 looks a lot like Samsung’s Galaxy S7 Edge. And I mean, a lot. Both phones have curved screens, they’ve both got glossy front and back panels and they both share the same basic overall design. Sure, the Note7 is bigger than the S7 Edge, but beyond that and the Note’s included stylus, they’re nearly twins.
That’s not exactly a bad thing, though. I happen to think both the Note7 and S7 Edge are genuinely attractive phones. And considering how much more modern the Note7’s curved edges look compared to the phone’s flat-screened predecessor, the Note5, I’ve got no complaints. Just know that if you were looking for something unique, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
The Note7’s slimmer body makes it comfortable to hold
In terms of size, Samsung managed to shrink the Note7’s footprint ever so slightly compared to the Note5, cutting its dimensions by a few hundredths of an inch. And despite how small of a change that might seem to be, it actually makes a difference when holding the phones.
The Note7 measures 6.0 x 2.91 x 0.31 inches, while the Note5 measured 6.0 x 3.0 x 0.30 inches. Like I said, it’s not a huge difference on paper, but the Note7 feels thinner and, importantly, more comfortable to hold with one hand.【note7,锁网】
Like Samsung’s Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, the Note7 is also water resistant. You can dunk this thing in up to 5 feet of water for as long as 30 minutes, and it’ll keep working as if nothing happened. It’s nice to see Samsung expanding its waterproofing technology across its smartphone lines. Now if only some other companies would take note. I’m looking at you, Apple.
Big screen, big dreams
Samsung clearly loves the curved edge screen motif it’s got going on with its Galaxy S7 Edge and last year’s Galaxy S6 Edge and S6 Edge+. Which is why the company decided to bring the feature to the Note7.
The Note’s 5.7-inch, 2560 x 1440 resolution screen uses Samsung’s Super AMOLED (active matrix of organic light-emitting diodes) technology, which produces gorgeous colors and inky blacks. This time around, Samsung has added HDR (high-dynamic range) technology.
The Note7 has a beautiful 5.7-inch display
HDR essentially improves color quality by increasing the display’s color gamut and contrast ration, meaning the screen can show brighter whites and more colors. The rub, though, is that in order to take advantage of the Note7’s HDR capabilities, you need HDR content, and there isn’t much of that available just yet. Netflix offers some HDR shows, but the vast majority of its content isn’t HDR-compatible.
成都政务服务中心:办公区域禁止使用三星Note7 宏观经济澎湃新闻2016-09-26 16:27
电后起火风险,而市政府政务中心内办事群众和工作人员众多,为保障办事群众和工作人员的人身和财产安全,现禁止在成都服务运营中心使用三星Galaxy Note 7手机。
“首炸”来了, 三星Note 7国行版也炸了! 2016-09-18思迪资讯神牛炒股三星就是思密达人眼中的“天下第一”、绝对的NO.1。正当李健熙想着可以用Note7对iPhone7打出一场漂亮的阻击战的时候,却因自己电池爆炸事件而轰动了全球。使得三星,这家科技巨头的电池成为了各界关注的焦点。三星不得已在全球范围内召回该机,也是,谁敢整天抱着个不定时的炸弹上班睡觉啊。但需要注意的是,三星一再重申中国地区的Note 7电池采用不同电池商因此不存在召回问题。嗯,肯定没事的。不过,就在今天!凌晨一位网友在论坛中发表帖子,称自己的国行版三星Note7爆炸了!哇,这下厉害了,我的哥。 有一天,小米、苹果、华为、三星一块打牌。小米:“我出一张5。”苹果:“我出一张7。”华为:“我出一张9。”三星望了望手里的牌:“我炸。”这下真的炸了。 据该网友描述:手中爆炸的Note 7在使用时并没有充电,手机突然黑屏晃动随后爆炸,万幸的是这次爆炸没有造成他自己的受伤。据悉,这部爆炸的Note 7为国行版本,生产时间为2016年8月,但具体日期生产却是不详。
目前暂时未知该用户手中的国行版Note 7是否属于召回批次内,不过这次爆炸案也是国行版Note 7的首炸,国行版本的Note 7真如三星所说安全吗?额滴个神,这个不定时炸弹我们惹不起。