湖南第一师范学院外语系 英语阅读(二) 考查卷
(2009--2010学年 2 学期)
专业班级 08英本一班 学号 04b10140830 姓名 袁东东 评分等级
Book Review on Daddy-Long-Legs
Once the Daddy-long-legs was published in 1912,it got thousands of readers and applauses.The writer—Jean·Webster was born in America in 1876.Her mother was Mark·Twan’s niece,and her father was a publisher.In her all life, Jean·Webster finished 8 novels and many unpublished stories and movie scripts.In her works, Jean·Webster usually useds orphan as theme.Her works are famous for their features of plain and witty.Daddy-Long-Legs as her magnum opus established her stable status in literrature.And it was intituled as the good book which may can not be met in 100 years,and its content is better than The little women.
Daddy-Long-Legs is a epistle novel.It is full of love and legend.The novel is made up with 84 pieces of letters.All the letters was written by an orphan-Judy who was brought up in the Jhon Grier Home.Though she was still a little girl,she had to do the heavy work which beyond her ability of support.She couldn’t enjoy the happiness with her family just as the ordinary child.One day, her fate was changed.After a councilman reading her essay-Blue Wedneday, he thonght she had a potential of being a famous writer,so he decided to sent her to a university to advanced studies.But his only requirement was she must write him a piece of letter to report her study situation every month.And he wished Judy’s writing skill can be promoted by this way .As Judy didn’t know the councile just saw his figure viewed from behind which seemd just like a big spider,so she called him daddy-long-legs.In the university,all the things to her were fresh and strange.As
an orphan, she didn't have families.And it seemed the orphonage leave a bad memory on her,so she could just regard the Daddy-Long-Legs as her only listener.But she never get any response from daddy-long-legs.It seemed in this drama, she was the only player.And,in that university,she met many kinds of people.Sallie was gentle and soft;Julia was superiority and conservative;Jimmie was prime and handsome;Jervie quiet and gentle…,Judy and Jervie fall in love with each other after many contacts.But when Jervie asked Judy to marry with him,she refused.This cuased a misunderstangding between them,Jevie thought she didn’t love him,he felt very resentful and heartrending,so he went to Canada.Actually,Judy had her difficulties which couldn’t mention to others.She didn’t want to let her benefector feel disappointed,she must try her best to be a famouse writer.And she thought she didn’t macth with Jevie,he had a eminent family,but she was just an orphon.So Judy write to Daddy-Long-Legs to express her intricate feelings.To her surprise,after sending her letter,daddy-long-legs agreed to meet her .When she appeared before her benefector,she found that the Daddy-Long-Legs was Jevie.
When I closed the book slightly,I felt very gentle and happy.Fortunately,it had a happy ending.And I think the most lucky people in this novel was not Judy but daddy-long-legs.Who can be happier than the people who read this lovely character.Seeing her humorous and sapiential letter which attached some simplified pictures,I think the most rentless man in the world will also fell happy.The pieces of letters memorized the happy times,and I think everyone like to treasure it in their heart.When you reading this book,you will find Judy is a pretty,pure and capricious girl.She is so sincere that you don’t want to anyone hurt her.She changed her name to let hershelf seem more graceful;she admired other people’s beautiful clothes;she felt a little inferrior for her orphon identity.But she could get satisfied even when her little dream came
true.Everytime,when she learned new knowledges,she can feel very exited.When you are reading this novel,You can find the little girl become more and more mature between the lines.Not only her knowledge increased,but also her heart got mature.In her the 66 letter to Daddy-Long-Legs,she said“Give the Home my love,please-my truly love.I have quite a feeling of tenderness for it as I look back through a haze of four years.when I first came to college I felt quite resentful because I’d been robbed of the normal kind of childhood that other girls had had;but now,I don’t feel that way in the least.I regard it as a very unusual adventure.It gives me a sort of vantage point from which to stand aside and look at life.Emerging full grown,I get a perspective on the world,that other who have been brought up in the thick of things entirely lack.”Maybe we can find our shadows on these girls.Sometimes we felt regret for our poor family circumstance,felt pity for our failure of exame,felt chagrined for the unfair society.We are always like this,we always see what we haven’t had,but show our thanks to what we have had.If everyone could be an orphon in their early life time,maybe it will be an another kind of welfare.Loneliness can teach us treasure every gathering time with our family members and our friends and also can tell us how to love other people and how to cherish the love which we can get.“I’ve discovered the true secret of happiness,Daddy,and that is live in the now.Not to be for ever regretting the past,or anticipating the future;but to get the most that you can out of this very instant”.I will finish my second year in this university,when I recollected the past two years,it was filled with uncontend and uncomplainted.And I always dreamed what my life will be if I were not in this univesity.But I didn’t realized that I have lost many chances to promote myself while others seize the opportunity. I have spent the two years without any achievements.”Live in the now,face the reality bravely” are what I have learned from this novel.I wish I could have knew the principle earlier.
1、柴斯特是一只( 蟋蟀 )。塔克是一只( 老鼠 )。
2、塔克住在( 下水管道 )。
3、柴斯特的家乡在( 康涅狄格州乡下的草场 )。
4、玛利欧给柴斯特的新家安排在(火柴盒 )。
5、玛利欧的爸爸叫( 白利尼 )。
7、玛利欧的爸爸的工作是(卖报纸 )。
1、《时代广场的蟋蟀》作者是 ( C )
A、蒙哥马利 B、E.B.怀特 C、塞尔登
2、一开始,玛利欧给蟋蟀柴斯特一个安身的处所是一个( A )
A、 火柴盒 B、竹笼子 C、报纸堆
3、塔克喜欢玛利欧吗?( A )
A、喜欢 B、不喜欢
4、保罗是做什么的?( A )
A、列车长 B、乘务员【长腿叔叔内容简介】
5、柴斯特在乡下是在哪居住?( A )
A、草丛 B、树桩
6、柴斯特来到纽约最后坐的是什么?( B )
A、汽车 B、地铁 C、走路
7、柴斯特来纽约时被什么压在下面?( A )
A、烤牛肉三明治袋子 B、虾肉馅的汉堡
8、 蟋蟀柴斯特是跟随( B )落在时代广场地铁车站的一堆垃圾里的。
A、 火柴盒 B、野餐篮 C、垃圾车
歌,这正是妈妈最爱听的那首——( B )。
A、 《蓝色多瑙河》 B、《重归苏莲托》 C、《红河谷》
10、蟋蟀音乐事业达到巅峰时,它却突然做出的决定是( B )。
A、用自己的名气帮玛利欧一家赚大钱 B、回归康涅狄格州的老家
只是让它觉得不快乐的话,那成名又有什么意义呢?” 这句话是( C )说的。
A、玛利欧 B、塔克鼠 C、亨利猫
12、《时代广场的蟋蟀》中柴斯特是个伟大的音乐家,它是( D )
A、有副好嗓子 B、会拉小提琴 C、自身有魔力 D、用两只翅膀摩擦
13、柴斯特梦游中吃的是( A )
A、二元钱 B、柳树叶 C、腊肠
14、塔克最喜欢收集( A )
A钱 B纸 C食物
15、柴斯特最喜欢吃( A )
A腊肠 B桑叶 C钱
16、柴斯特因为( B )而被带到纽约
A贪玩 B贪吃 C被捉住
老人正衔着一根好长的白色泥质烟斗抽着烟。”这段话描写的是是( B )
A、中国绅士 B、冯赛 C、史麦德利
5.在护送唐僧去西天取经途中,机智灵活,疾恶如仇的是________;憨态可掬,好耍小聪明的是________,;忠诚老实,勤勤恳恳的是________。 唐僧师徒取经共经历了________难。
(1)( )照镜子——里外不是人
(2)( )见高小姐——改换了头面【长腿叔叔内容简介】
(3)( )钻进铁扇公主肚里——心腹之患
的生活,可她不知道那个人是谁,只是在夜晚看到那个人的背影,他的腿很长,于是她亲昵地叫这位理事“长腿叔叔”。 整本书的主要内容是茱迪写给“长腿叔叔”的,而这些信最开始时似乎是茱迪的一项义务--史密斯理事资助茱迪上大学,要求她写信给他,汇报她在学校的进展。而朱蒂从一开始就没有把写这些信当作一项义务来履行,是用心在感激着“长腿叔叔” 。在大学生活中,她偶然认识了査比斯少爷,他独到的见解和广博的知识吸引了她,而毕业时,深爱着査比斯的她却拒绝了他的求婚。就在这时,一直未曾谋面,甚至从未给她回过一封信的“长腿叔叔”邀请她到纽约见面,“长腿叔叔”竟然就是査比斯。
1、早发白帝城 (李白)
朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。
两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。
2、望天门山( 李白 )
3、绝句 (杜甫 )
迟日江山丽, 春风花草香。
泥融飞燕子, 沙暖睡鸳鸯。
4、四时田园杂兴 (范成大 )
昼出耕田夜绩麻, 村庄儿女各当家。
童孙未解供耕织, 也傍桑阴学种瓜。
5、四时田园杂兴 (范成大 )
6、游园不值 (叶绍翁 )
应怜屐齿印苍苔, 小扣柴扉久不开。
春色满园关不住, 一枝红杏出墙来。
7、竹石(郑燮 )
咬定青山不放松, 立根原在破岩中。
千磨万击还坚韧, 任尔东西南北风。
8.元日 (王安石 )
爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏。
千门万户曈曈日, 总把新桃换旧符。
9、九月九日忆山东兄弟( 王维 )
独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。
遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。
10、池上 (白居易)
11、塞下曲(卢纶 )
林暗草惊风, 将军夜引弓。
平明寻白羽, 没在石棱中。
12、小儿垂钓(胡令能) 蓬头稚子学垂纶,侧坐莓苔草映身。 路人借问遥招手,怕得鱼惊不应人。
13、望洞庭 (刘禹锡)
湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。 遥望洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺。
14、江雪 (柳宗元)
千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。
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