my first year at college【三篇】 My first year in college is memorable When I stepped in my school, everything is new to me For days at the
观后感 这是一部好电影。剧情完整、逻辑严密、制作精美、动作炫酷、笑点泪点交替出现,演员表演精彩,两个小时之中观众们又哭又笑。总体来讲,既对得起票价又没辜负盛名。
观后感 历史总是惊人的相似,命运的轮盘转过了两个甲子,又到了甲午年,甲午给中华民族留下的记忆是惨痛的,我们该如何去认识历史、分析现实、采取措施,以做到前事不忘后事之师,
别人说“thank you”时你要怎么回答 Saying thank you is good manners That’s not up for debate But we do need to talk about the way to respond when being thanked You need to say something, right? Many people, particularly in the US, rep