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Never Give Up

——After Reading Robinson Crusoe

2011级应用英语专科1班 葛瑶 3511120008

Daniel Defoe(c.I659——I73I, bornDaniel Foe), was an Englishwriter,

journalist, andpamphleteer, who gainedenduring fame for his novelRobinson Crusoe.

Defoe is notablefor being one of the earliestpractitioners of the novel, as hehelped to

popularize the form inBritain, and is even referred to bysome as one of the founders

ofthe English novel. As a prolificand versatile writer, he wrotemore than five hundred

books,pamphlets, and journals onvarious topics (including politics, crime, religion,

marriage, psychology and the supernatural). He was also a pioneer of economic


Major works

Defoe began writing the novel at the age of 59. In 1719 the first novel "Robinson

Crusoe" published, popular, it has successfully created an idealized bourgeois image,

the European novel history is a pioneering work. The same year, and published a

sequel. In 1720, Robinson wrote "meditations". Since then, he has written 4 Novels:

"Captain Singleton" (1720), "Moore" Flanders, "Colonel Jack" (1722) and "Roxana"

(1724). He also wrote several biographies, such as "deaf and dumb Bo people

biography of Campbell" (1720), "Peter the great" Ji (1723); a few domestic and

international travel, such as "global travel" (1724), "Captain Roberts's four trip"

(1726), "the British Island Tour" (1724 ~ 1727, Volume 3, the nature of the tour

guide). He had several about business books, such as "business book" (1726), "British

business strategy" (1728) and "make London the world's most prosperous city road"

(1728). His book "English gentleman", after his death in 1890 published. In his novels

"Lu Binsun Crusoe" the most widely spread, is regarded as his masterpiece

Let us enjoy his main works "Robinson Crusoe”.

The famous story of Robinson Crusoe can be divided into three parts: Robinson’s

youth and the time up to his shipwreck; his twenty-eight years on an uninhabited

island; his lie and adventures after being rescued from the island. Published in 1719,

Defoe places his story in the 17th century in England, north Africa, Brazil, an island

off the coast of Venezuela and back to Europe.

The first part of the novel relates that, against the advice of his father, Robinson

wishes to pursue his livelihood by going to sea. He does so and after a false start has

some success but a third voyage ends in slavery. He eventually escapes and is helped

to Brazil where he becomes a successful plantation owner. He embarks on a slave

gathering expedition to West Africa but is shipwrecked off the coast of Venezuela in a

terrible storm.

The bulk of the novel attends to Robinson’s life on the island —how he

accomplishes his survival and even establishes his "kingdom"; how he moves from a

frantic state of discontent to one of resignation and contentment; how he meets Friday

and, finally, how he leaves the island.

Though anticlimactic, the third part of the novel traces Robinson’s securing of

wealth through the honesty and loyalty of friends, his return to England, travels

through the continent and a last trip to his island to see how those he left there fared

I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family,though not of

that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen who settled first at Hull. He got a

good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterwards at York, from

whence he had married my mother, whose relations were named Robinson, a very

good family in that country, and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer; but,

by the usual corruption of words in England, we are now called-nay we call ourselves

and write our name-Crusoe; and so my companions always called me. Rob/nson Crus0e is a novel by Daniel Defoe. Itwas first published in I7I9, and is

sometimes considered to be the first novel in English. Thebook is a fictional

autobiography of the titlecharacter, an English castaway who spends 28years on a

remote tropical island nearVenezuela, encountering Native Americans,captives, and

mutineers before being rescued.This device, presenting an account ofsupposedly

factual events, is known as a “falsedocument” and gives a realistic frame story. After reading the book ROBINSON CRUSOE,I was like having a long magic

dream.It seemed like that I went to the island with Robinso

When the character Robinson was a child,he dreamed of going to sea all day.After

being persuaded by his parents for many times,he still did not give up his idea.When he grew up a little,one day,he went sailing with friends without the permission of his parents’.

He had ever gone to sea for business three times,but he failed at last time.In a huge tsunami and storms,all their ships sunk down and all were drowned,just one person survived—that was him.Then he struggled with hardship,finally,he landed on the island that located in the sea of South America.It was an island that there is no human habitation,he had been lived on it for twenty-eight years alone. How to arrange the life, how does the hunt, and rescued from the savage how captive, and finally how to return to the motherland rescued,which are the most absorbing things for me to go on reading.

He lived alone,working hard,and struggled with the nature and local savages.Under such a poor condition like that,he took away something useful from the broken ship,and made full use of everything that can be gotten.He even kept some animals ,such as dog,cat,parrot and so on.He planted crops and cooked by himself.He learned how to live step by step from his life experience.He created a small country by his own hands,and he became the king of it.Then,he caught up a savage to be his servant.Robinson called him Friday because he caught him on Friday.He taught Friday everythi nd lived with him together.Later,Robinson saved a capital who was betrayed by his sailors.They decided to get back ships ,so they made a series of plans.Finally,they succeed and went back to the motherland.It had been thirsty-five years for Robinson’s absence.

Robinson was a strong-minded person,he ever said,”I will not give up until success,that is my temper.””I will try my best as long as I can arm pull,I can’t be drown;as long as I can stand up,I will not fall down.”He did not have any assistant,also enough tools,and he was lack of experience,which made him much harder to do such things,and it costed him for a long time.Althought sometimes his efforts would be in vain,he never gave up and not disappointed.He just did this thing again and again,like summing up experience and starting from the beginning again and again.At last,hard work resulted in good harvest:he had ship to use,some bread to

eat,a lot of potteries,plantation estate,pasture,and two “luxurious”houses to live.None of these things did not need overcome many difficulties and a great deal of efforts.

Robinson thought that nothing in the world that human beings can not deal

with,as long as they use their wisdom and their hands,all can be solved under these.

But if I were him,what should I do?I do not know how to deal with in that

situation,and I am afraid of loneliness very much.Maybe I can not live on the island where was no man.What’s more,I have to admit that I am not a brave girl,and my lacking of living independently.If I were him, I probably will give up,and wait to death.To face the sudden disaster ,I can not do as what he did because I can not help myself because I do not have that power.Furthermore,I will feel lonely if nobody talks with me.I might not be as optimistic as Robinson.

I pick out some beautiful sentences that I like most:丹尼尔笛福的名言

“It was in vain to sit still and wish for what was not to be had;and this extremity

roused my application.”

I used to finish my homework before the deadline,which makes me very hurried,and there always something goes with wrong.I always just sit and wait,what I am waiting for?As a matter of fact,I do not know at all,but I am not willing to try.After reading the book,I will not do it again.Practice makes perfect,I need try more times,which can make me easily get closer to what I want.

“I have saved your life on no other terms than I would be glad to be saved myself;and it may,one time or other,be my lot to be taken up in the same condition.”

It teaches me that considering more for others.Everyone may someday be in

trouble,if you help other people to cope with their problems,and your own will be easier to cope with.I would like help others when they are in trouble,so that others will help me when I am in trouble in return.In this way everybody can live a happy life.

Everyone may experience many difficulties and troubles in all his

lifetime,perhaps we face these difficulties,however,how to solve them?How can we keep a clear mind?Our parents can help us when we are young,but how about being

adults?We should try to face them and deal with them by ourselves,learning to live independently.

I have learned a lot from this book.Life will not go smoothly,and there usually are some hardships in front of you and wait you to go through.When we face adverse situation,we should learn to face the reality and find hope in despair.I believe that overcome all the difficulties ,victory will eventually come.And after experiencing trials and hardships ,rainbow will be even more brilliant!

When I lay down on my bed in the evenings,closing my eyes,a picture appears in my mind:a blue deep vast ocean,a lonely island in the distance.And on the island,only the birds are singing,the sheep are running,the trees are growing up,the green is new,and the fragrant flowers are in their bloom.Gradually,there is a leaf boat paddle with a strong wind overturned his boat, and only one person who drifted into this deserted island—He is Robinson.

Believe me,insisting in the end and struggling in the end, if so, victory will belong to you. Because, persisting in the end, the struggle of the magic and hope, it will help you go through life.Go at life with abandon;give it all you have got.And life will give all it has to you.

I will never forget Robinson's stirring experience, and I will never forget his strong will and infinite wisdom. I understand, if we overcome the darkness, the dawn of the victory will eventually come. So, when we have difficulties, let's keep going! Never give up!



1、害怕危险的心理比危险本身还要可怕一万倍。 《鲁宾逊漂流记》



2、你以为我贫穷、相貌平平就没有感情吗?我向你起誓:如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让你难于离开我,就象我现在难于离开你一样。上帝没有这样安排。但我们的精神是平等的。就如同你我走过坟墓,平等的站在上帝面前。 《简爱》(英)夏洛蒂•勃朗特

3、一个人可以被摧毁,但不能给打败。 《老人与海》(美)厄纳斯特•海明威

4、如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 《雪莱诗选》(英)比西•雪莱

5、静静地坐着吧,我的心,不要扬起你的尘土。让世界自己寻路向你走来。《泰戈尔诗选》 离你越近的地方,路途越远;最简单的音调,需要最艰苦的练习。 《泰戈尔诗选》

6、人最宝贵的是生命,生命对于人只有一次。一个人的生命应当是这样度过的:当他回首往事的时候,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为碌碌无为而羞耻;这样,在他临死的时候,他就能够说:我的整个生命和全部精力,都已献给世界上最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争。 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》

7、 人间真话本不多,一个女子的脸红胜过一大段话。 老舍《骆驼祥子》

8.大人都学坏了,上帝正考验他们呢,你还没有受考验,你应当照着孩子的想法生活。 《童年》


10.只要你是天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸡场里也没有什么关系。 《安徒生童话》

11.盲目可以增加你的勇气,因为你无法看到危险. 《格列佛游记》丹尼尔笛福的名言

12 一个人孤独了思想集中了所发的感情都是真心实意。你所赏识的李太白、白居易、苏东坡、辛稼轩等各大诗人了是我们喜欢的,一切都有同感,亦是一乐也,等到你有什么苦闷、寂寞的时候,多多接触我们祖国的伟大诗人,可以为你遣兴解忧,给你温暖。《傅雷家书》 注意社会问题与世间艰苦,为人类社会中丑恶的事情而悲痛,是磊落的行为,故此,以一个人敏感的年青人来说,对人类命运的不公与悲苦感到愤慨是理所当然的,但是为此而郁郁不乐都是不可取的,无此必要。《傅雷家书》

中国民族多数是性情中正和平,淡泊、朴实,比西方人容易满足,我们的民族本来提倡智慧,中国人的理想是追求智慧而不是追求信仰。 《傅雷家书》

13 痛苦能够毁灭人,受苦的人也能把痛苦毁灭。创造就需苦难,苦难是上帝的礼物。卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。 贝多芬(德国)

我要扼住命运的咽喉,它妄想使我屈服,这绝对办不到。 贝多芬(德国)

14 、 你只有探索才知道答案。《海底两万里》



15\'当疑问解开时,觉得没有比这再简单不过的了,然而在寻求解答的时候,简直就像捕捉天上的云彩.\' 《昆虫记》

16、童年呵! 是梦中的真 是真中的梦 是回忆时含泪的微笑 《繁星》《 春水》丹尼尔笛福的名言














9、《红楼梦》:“千红一窟” “万艳同杯”曹雪芹,清代小说家。

10、《三国演义》:“滚滚长江东水,浪花淘尽英雄” 罗贯中,元末明初小说家、戏曲家。

11、《水浒传》:反抗封建暴政的英雄传奇 (施耐庵)


13、《海底两万里》:科学与幻想之旅 凡尔纳







丹尼尔·笛福(1660~1731),英国小说家,英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“小说之父”。出生于伦敦。父亲营屠宰业,信奉不同于国教的长老会。笛福原姓福,1703年后自称笛福。他受过中等教育,但没有受过大学古典文学教育。他一直保持不同于国教信仰的立场,政治上倾向于辉格党。他在学习当牧师多年后,才发觉自己并不适合宗教生活,因此转而选择了经商。 他广泛游历,经商也很成功。在此期间,他成了家,开始了养家糊口的生活。 1692年,他的生意失败了,32岁的笛福负债累累,同时还要养活妻子和6个孩子。由于对政治一直有较浓厚的兴趣,他开始为报社撰写政论文章来谋生。因为这些文章经常抨击国王和执政党,结果,笛福数次入狱,在监狱里呆了不少年。 由于政论文章只能给他惹麻烦并增加债务,笛福只好转向小说创作。1719年,年近60岁的笛福发表了第一部小说,后来该小说成为世界上著名的冒险小说之一——《鲁滨孙漂流记》。250多年后的今天,这部小说仍然脍炙人口。 《鲁滨孙漂流记》给笛福带来了巨大成功并帮他还清了部分债务。此后,他还陆续写成了《莫尔·弗兰德斯》、《杰克上校》及另外两本写鲁滨逊的小说,但债主总是跟着他追债。 在他生命的最后几年中,笛福体弱多病,无人陪伴,债主不断上门,孩子们也对他撒手不管。1731年,丹尼尔·笛福去世,终年71岁。像生活在荒岛上长达28年之久的他的小说主人公鲁滨逊一样,他孤独而又恐慌。



笛福在59岁时开始写作小说。 1719年第一部小说《鲁滨孙漂流记》发表,大受欢迎,它成功地塑造了一个理想化的资产者的形象,在欧洲小说史上是一项创举。同年又出版了续篇。1720年又写了《鲁滨孙的沉思集》。此后,他写了4部小说:《辛格尔顿船长》(1720)、《摩尔?弗兰德斯》、《杰克上校》(均1722)和《罗克萨娜》(1724)。此外他还写了若干部传记,如《聋哑卜人坎贝尔传》(1720)、《彼得大帝纪》(1723);几部国内外游记,如《新环球游记》(1724)、《罗伯茨船长四次旅行记》(1726)、《不列颠全岛纪游》(1724~1727,3卷,导游性质)。他还有几部关于经商的书,如《经商全书》(1726)、《英国商业方略》(1728)和《使伦敦成为世界最繁荣都市之道》(1728)。他的《英国绅士全书》则在他死后于1890年刊印。他的小说以《鲁宾孙漂流记》流传最广,被认为是他的代表作。




























