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复习 必修1 Unit3 ,把词组,用法都详细写明,还有相对应的练习


Unit3 Travel journal

考点1 prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)

【课文如是】 Which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train?(课本P17)

prefer doing sth.喜欢做某事

prefer sb. (not)_to_do sth.宁愿某人(不)做某事

prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.喜欢(做)某事胜过(做)某事

prefer to_do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

prefer that sb. did/(should) do sth.宁愿某人做某事

1.I would prefer __________outdoors __________watching TV.我宁愿在外面玩也不愿看电视。

2.He __________ __________stay at home__________ __________go shopping.他宁可呆在家里也不愿意去逛商店。

3.I would __________ __________you (should) not mention my name.我希望你不要说出我的名字。

1.(2010年山东郓城一中高三第一次诊断检测)Even on a cold day, he prefers __________out to play football__________at home.

A.going; rather stay

B.going; to staying

C.to go; rather than staying

D.to go; rather than to stay

2.__________Sunday, rather than __________at home, I preferred__________.

A.It being; stay; to travel

B.Being; to stay; to travel

C.having been; stay; travel

D.It was; to stay; travelling

考点2 persuade vt.劝说;说服

【课文如是】 ...and then she persuaded me to buy one.(课本P18)

persuade sb. to_do sth.说服某人做某事

persuade sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事

persuade sb. of sth.说服某人信服某事

persuade sb. out_of doing sth.说服某人不要做某事

persuade sb. that...使人相信¡-¡-

try to persuade sb. to_do sth.尽力劝说某人做某事

1.I finally managed to__________ __________ __________ __________ __________for a drink with me.我最后终于想法子说服她和我一起出去喝一杯。

2.Don't let yourself be persuaded __________ __________things you don't really want.不要被说服买你并不需要的东西。

We trust you; only you can__________him to give up smoking.

A.suggest B.attract

C.advise D.persuade

考点3 determine vt. & vi.决定;确定;(使)下定决心

【课文如是】 She gave me a determined look.(课本P18)

【家谱追踪】 determination n.决心

determined adj.坚决的,有决心的

1.I've never met such a __________(determining/determined) person in my life.

2.That determined me __________(do/to do/doing) it without delay.

He was determined that his children __________to the best school available.

A.should go


C.ought to go

D.would go

insist【用法一】 v. 坚决要求;坚持要;一定要

1)insist on/upon doing/one’s doing

2)insist +宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形或省去should)。 例如: the young men insisted that they (should) be sent to the front.

【用法二】v. 坚持认为,坚持说,强调

1) insist on +名词

2)insist on + 宾语从句在表示一个客观事实时(谓语动词不用虚拟语气,而应用陈述语气)。 例如: the boy insisted that he hadn’t broken the glass.

1.The headmaster __________ __________ __________with them.校长坚持要求与他们同行。

2.She insisted that __________ __________ ________.她坚持认为汤姆错了。

Convinced that computers are the key to success, parents are insisting that children__________to use them in school as early as possible.

A.must be taught B.ought to be taught

C.be taught D.would be taught

考点5 view n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑

【课文如是】 To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view.(课本P22)

in one's view 在某人看来

out_of view 不在视野中

come into view 进入视野;看得见

in full view (of sb./sth.) 完全看得见

in view of sth. 鉴于;考虑到;由于






用sight, view, scene, scenery填空:

1.There is no __________from this window except for some factory chimneys.

2.The crowd waited for a __________of the Queen passing by.

3.The__________of ZhangJiajie is very beautiful.

4.The fourth__________of Harmlet lets the watchers feel excited.

Niagara Falls is a great tourist__________, drawing millions of visitors from all over the world every year.

A.interest B.view

C.scene D.attraction

1.Most people prefer __________money __________it.

A.spending;to earning

B.to be spending;to be earning

C.to spend;to earn

D.having spent;to having earned

2.While shopping, people sometimes can't help__________into buying something they don't really need.

A.to persuade B.persuading

C.being persuaded D.be persuaded

3.__________to give up smoking, he threw away his __________cigarettes.





4.The man insisted __________a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.


B.to find

C.on finding

D.in finding

5.I would like to buy a house which has a __________over the sea.






1. It was my sister who/that first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River. 首先想到沿湄公河骑


[解释] 强调句型 It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其余部分。被强调部分可以是原句的主语、宾语、状语、从句。

It is the ability to do the job that matters, not where you come from or what you are.

It was Michael that/who I gave this ticket to. 我把这张票给了麦克。


3. Once she had made up her mind , nothing can change it .

Once 意思为“一旦、一…就…” ,引导状语从句,含有条件的意味;从句不能用将来时 ,常用一般现在时表示将来;once引导的从句常发生省略;once 作副词时,意思为“一次,曾经”。例如: _____ you work hard, you will succeed in the future.

A. Even if B. Once C. Since D. Because

4. She insisted that she (should) organize the trip properly.

[解释]insist + that-clause

insist 意为“坚持要求(做某事)”时,宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语用should do的形式, should可省略;



1. 过来Vieni qui !

2. 赶紧的 Sbrigati!

3. 就这么办 D'acordo!

4. 可能是吧 forse./puo darsi

5. 将就一下的吧 Eh , ci si deve accontentare!

6. 试试吧 prova/ provatela/ provatele.

7. 胡说八道 Non dire stupidaggini!

8. 多此一举 Non ce n’è proprio bisogno.

9. 有什么了不起的 E che c’è di strano?

10. 那又怎么样 E allora?

11. 那是 è vero!

12. 可不是吗 Eccome!

13. 时间不早了 Si sta facento tarti.

14. 出事了 Brutto.

15. 是这么回事 Proprio cosi.

16. 你说的太对了Puoi dirlo forte!

17. 请相信我 Devi credermi.

18. 想想办法吧 Troveremo un modo.

19. 瞎胡闹 Ma sei pazzo?

20. 真荒唐 Ridicolo (asurdo)!

21. 真黑 Disonesto!

22. 真无聊 Che noia!

23. 真没意思Davvero noioso!

24. 行好吧 Va bene.

25. 我也是 Anch’io.

26. 别拿我开心 Non prendermi in giro.

27. 怎么搞的 Ma come mai?

28. 太夸张了吧 Esagerato!

29. 没办法 Eh cosa vuoi farci?【带明的短语】

30. 没辙 Non c’è niente da fare.

31. 让我想想 Lasciami pensare.

32. 我请客 Offro io.

33. 就指望你了Conto su di te.

34. 臭死了 Che puzza!

35. 别神气了 E cosa me lo mostri a fare?

36. 我也是这么想的 Si,forse è meglio.

37. 我想是吧 Credo di si.

38. 那儿的话 Di nulla!

39. 加把劲儿Devi impegnarti.

40. 一切都会好的 Andrà tutto bene.

41. 别犹豫了Non farti troppi problemi.

42. 该你了Tocca a te.

43. 该走了devo andare.

44. 胡扯 Storie!

45. 话不能怎么说 Non puoi dire cosi.

46. 让我来吧 Lasia fare a me

47. 饶了我吧Risparmiami.

48. 开始吧 Cominciamo.

49. 干杯 Salute!

50. 您先请 Dopo di te.

51. 让你久等了 Ti ho fatto aspettare.

52. 真抱歉 scusa.

53. 说的是啊Dice bene!

54. 谁说不是呀 Sono d’accordo con te!

55. 天哪 Mio dio !/ Accidende !

56. 哇塞 Wow!

57. 使劲点 Forza!

58. 振作点 Coraggio!

59. 你敢 Non provarci neanche!

60. 你会后悔的 Te ne pentirai.

61. 帮个忙吧 Dammi una mano.

62. 拜托了 Per favore!

63. 失陪了Scusa se ti lascio

64. 真过意不去 Davvero desolato.

65. 瞎掰 Ma non dire sciocchezze.

66. 休想 Scòrdatelo!

67. 真讨厌 Che seccatura!

68. 我受够了 La mia pazienza ha un limite!

69. 好说,好说 Sicuro.

70. 好主意 Buona idea!【带明的短语】

71. 这叫什么事啊Ma come può essere!

72. 真是没事找事.Questa volta se l’è cercata.

73. 怪不得呢 Ecco perché!

74. 简直难以想象 ? davvero imcredibile .

75. 求你了Ti prego.

76. 等等我 Aspettami.

77. 有道理 Hai raggione.

78. 我也这么觉得 Anche per me.

79. 真要命 Diamine!

80. 真扫兴 Che peccato!

81. 你表现得不错 Ti sei coportato bene

82. 打起精神了Sforzarti un po’ di piu.

83. 我不是故意的 Non l’ho fatto apposta

84. 你别介意Non farci caso.

85. 真跌份儿 Che vergogna!


86. 真掉价 Davvero indegno!

87. 慢慢来 Un po’ per vorta.

88. 好事多磨嘛吗 Per avere successo bisogna sudare.

89. 别见外 Non dirlo neanche.

90. 应该的 ? stato un piacere.

91. 不会吧 Ma dai.

92. 怎么能这样 Ma come mai?

93. 真的吗 Davvero?

94. 怎么可能呢 Non ? possible!

95. 让你受罪了 Scusa per il disdurbo.

96. 给你添麻烦了 Scusa per il disdurbo.

97. 哎呀 Odio!

98. 好家伙 Mamma mia!

99. 不出我所料 Me lo aspettavo. 100. 打扰了Scusami il disdurbo.

101. 请你原谅 Ti prego di scusarmi. 102. 看我的 Guartami !/ guardatemi ! 103. 厉害吧 Niente male ,eh?

104. 太好了 Benissimo!

105. 倒也是 Si ,forse hai raggione.

106. 一切都会过去的 Vedrai che passerà.



1. Welcome back 2. the trip back to 3. be full of 4. fly back to

5. because of

6. go sightseeing by bus 7. take a tour by coach to

8. go for a walk

9.the school leaver’s party

10. the visit ( journey/ tour/ travel/ )to 11. our trip to

12.at the end of the term

13. there are plenty of fun things to do 14. Better get back to work. Summary:


go to sp

by train/ on a train.= by plane/ on a plane.=

by boat (ferry / ship/coach) by car(taxi)/in a car/ in a taxi by bike 3. go sightseeing= do some sightseeing 4. take a tour to sp

5. travel to sp

6. have/take a trip (back)to sp 短语

1. dream about/ of 2. set off

3. nod to sb.

4. at the start of his new life 5. hold … in his arms 6. with tears in his eyes 7. push away 8.jump onto the train

9. push past them towards his seat 10. smoke a cigarette 11. look out of the window 12. with a nervous smile

1.欢迎归来 2.归程 3.充满 4.飞回来 5.因为

6.坐公交车观光 7.坐长途汽车旅游 8.散步

9.学校毕业典礼 10.去…观光


12. 在这学期末

13. 有很多有趣的事情可做。 14. 最好回来工作/学习

2. take a bus to sp

take a train to sp

take a plane to sp= fly to sp take a boat to sp take a car/taxi to sp ride a bike to sp

walk to sp

have/take a walk

1.梦想着 2.出发


4.在他新生命的开始 5.拥抱… 6.热泪盈眶 7.推开


9.推开他们向他的座位走去 10.抽一支烟 11.向窗外看


13. watch …with interest

14. turn to look at him

15. have a ticket with the right number of the seat 16. in a strong voice

17. without moving his head 18. a man wearing glasses 19. feel brave 20. have my seat 1. travel across

2. more than twice speed of sound 3. a huge step forward 4. in history

5. at the same day

6. produce noise pollution 7. take off from 8. fly over


9. have no sleep

10. the first person to fly across…...



15.有一张带着正确座位号的票 16.很大声地 17.没有回过头 18.一个戴眼镜的人 19. 感觉勇敢 20.坐我的座位

21. 即使,纵使 1.旅行穿越

2.比声速的两倍还多 3.向前迈进了一大步 4.在历史上 5.在同一天

6.制造噪音污染 7.从…起飞 8.飞过 9.没睡觉


1. guess what

2. play in the orchestra 3. be great to see her again 4. have a look 5. as big as us

6. a few science laboratories 7. a hall for concert 8. be even better than

1.猜想是什么呢! 2.在乐队里演奏

3.再一次见到她太好了 4.看一下

5.和我们一样大 6.一些图书馆 7.一所音乐大厅 8. 甚至比…更好

9. 在英语上取得高的成绩 1.通过考试 1. pass exams

2.一所中学 2. a secondary school

3. 20 minutes by bike away from

4. be present or absent 5. make a speech 6. have a break 7. stand for 8. fortunately=luckily 9. among other things

10. can do Italian and Spanish 11. PE involves physical exercise 12. in my final year

3.骑自行车离…有20分钟的路程 4.到席或缺席 5.演讲 6.休息一下 7.代表


9.以及其它的事情,包括,在其他事当中 10.可以学习意大利语和西班牙语 11.体育课包含了身体的锻炼 12.在我的最后一年

13. school activities 14. language societies 15. a sports day

16. a parents’ meeting 17. talk about our progress 18. the best thing about school Unit 3. language in use

13.学校活动 14.语言社团 15.一个运动日 16.一个家长会

17.谈论我们的进步 18.有关学校的最好的事

1.据说 1.it is estimated that…..

2. benefit from a more individual, flexible form of 2.受益于一个更个性化的、灵活的教育

式 education,

3.receive more attention

4. work at their own pace 5. socialize with

3.受到更多注意,得到更多的关注 4.按照他们自己的节奏学习 5.进行集体活动

1. It’s getting late. 2. Nearly finished! 3.do a composition 4 That’s true.

5. be better at preventing illness 6.eat as well as in the past

7.take as much exercise as they did 8.use their bike less 9.make more pollution

10. make life more dangerous and less healthy

1.现在太晚了 2.差不多快完了 3.写一篇作文 4.这是真的

5.在预防疾病方面做得更好 6.吃的和过去一样好

7.做和他们以前一样多的锻炼 8.很少骑他们的自行车 9.制造更多的污染


11.有很多的空闲时间 11.have too much free time.

不会那么紧张了 12.You will be more relaxed and less nervous

12.在考试前你会更放松,1.她的一生 1.all her life

2.那过去 2.in those days

3.一份全天的工作 3.a full time job

4.It’s normal for married women to go out to work. 4.对于一个已婚的女人来说出去工作是很正常的 5.less common 6.much more often 7.be freshly cooked 8.buy ready- food 9.get married (to sb) 10. fall off.

1.one of the most popular leisure activities 2.travel long distances 3.Continue to do sth

5.不正常的 6.更经常 7.新鲜现做的 8.买现成做好的食物 9.和……

结婚 10.摔下来

1.最受欢迎的空闲活动之一 2.长途的旅行 3.继续做某事

1.look forward to (doing )sth

2.It’s the right size but a bit bright 3.take/have a look at

4. Let’s see if they have one in blue. 1.期望(做)……

2.是合适的型号但是颜色有点亮了 3.看一眼……



1.choose something fashionable or comfortable

2.追随今年的流行颜色 2.go for this year’s colour 3.catch your attention

4.less well-known companies 5. care about the way they look. 6.that’s not the point 7.show off their personality 8. It’s clever advertising. 9.the logo on your trainers 1.be popular with 2. become fashionable

3.become increasingly interested in

3.引起你的注意 4.鲜为人知的公司

5.关心他们在别人眼中的样子 6.这不是关键

7.展示他们自己的个性 8.它是聪明的广告 9.你旅游鞋上的标志


1.受……欢迎 2.变得更时尚


1. listen up!

2. keep to the path/ keep to sth 3. walk along the edge

4. keep together

5. you mustn’t go off on your own/alone/by yourself 6. get lost = lose one’s way 7. I’m starving= I’m hungry 8. think about personal safety 9. go down this path 10. cross the stream

11.climb up to the top of that mountain 12.take a look across the countryside 13. lead the way

1.on our first evening 2.the three of us/.three of us

3.in the middle of the night = at midnight 4.look out of the tent

5.stop in a beautiful valley by the stream


2.沿着小路走/ 履行,遵守 3.沿着边缘走


5.你不能一个人独自走 6.走丢了



8.考虑个人的安全 9.沿着这条小路走 10.穿过河流

11.爬上那座山的山顶 12.向整个农村眺望 13.领路



2.我们三人/ 我们中的三个

3.在午夜的时候 4.向帐篷外面看


6.fall asleep listening to the sound of water 7.smell food from a distance 8.pick up the rubbish 9.the first rule of camping 10.during the night 11.keep a clean camp site 12. tidy the site up

13.make lots of noise

14. They may not come any closer 15.make any gesture 16. above all.

17. No one can ….. than …. 18.reach out (for) 19.stand still

19.run past sb into the woods 20.go cold

1.make a huge effort to help

2. get involved in cleaning up the forests. 3.achieve good results

4. play their part in keeping our forest clean 5. wake up to the fact that

6. to save water is to save our lives

7. pass on the knowledge to the neighborhood 8. keep all the lights in the house on all night. 9.develop better habits 10. at the same time

11. start eco- tourism holidays and trips 12. Don’t make open fires in the forests

13. pass on knowledge to the neighbourhood. 14. look after their natural environment 15. Here are some rules of eco-tourism

6.伴着潺潺的水的声音睡着了 7.在一段距离内闻到食物的香味 8.拾起垃圾

9.野营的第一条规则 10.在夜晚

11.保持野营地洁净 12.把野营地收拾干净


14.他们可能不会再靠近我们了 15.作任何手势 16.最重要的是

17.没有一个人能比……更…… 18.伸手去够 19.保持静止不动

19.从…..旁边跑过森林里去 20.变冷了/ 变凉了




4.把森林保持干净起到他们的作用 5.清醒地面对事实

6.节省水就是在挽救我们的生命 7.把知识传递给邻居

8.让房子里所有的灯整个晚上亮着 9.养成较好的习惯 10.与此同时

11.开始生态旅游和假期 12.不要带明火进森林 13. 把知识传递给邻居 14. 保护他们的自然环境 15. 生态旅游的一些规则

1. everything is working properly 2. be ready for departure 3.fasten their seat belts

4. put their personal belongings away carefully 5. have no better plan than to do sth. 6. draw up 7.be excited about

1. 一切运行正常 2. 准备启程

3. 系紧他们的安全带

4.小心地把他们的个人财物收拾起来 5. 没有比做某事更好的计划 6. 过来,靠近 照顾自己











