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《v字仇杀队 经典台词》
v字仇杀队经典台词 第一篇

v字仇杀队 经典台词

This Visage, no mere Veneer of Vanity, is it Vestige of the Vox populi, now Vacant, Vanished, as the once Vital Voice of the Verisimilitude now Venerates what they once Vilified. However, this Valorous Visitation of a by-gone Vexation, stands Vivified, and has Vowed to Vanquish these Venal and Virulent Vermin vVn-guarding Vice and Vouchsafing the Violently Vicious and Voracious Violation of Volition. The only Verdict is Vengeance; a Vendetta, held as a Votive, not in Vain, for the Value and Veracity of such shall one day Vindicate the Vigilant and the Virtuous. Verily, this Vichyssoise of Verbiage Veers most Verbose Vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my Very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. (能数清楚这段话里有多少个V么?)

这个面罩,不只是虚华的外表,它代表着幸存的人民呼声。虽然现已空洞、没落,如同那些曾经客观的评论家们现在却屈服于那些他们曾厌恶的东西一样。但是,面对过往伤痛的强烈刺激,它焕发了生机,并决心铲除那些引来腐败堕落的邪恶毒虫。 遏制他们狂暴的,恶毒的,以及贪婪的对人性的破坏。对他们唯一的裁决就是复仇。 正义和惊醒的信念不是无用的。它们的价值终将与真理的价值一同显现。当然,我这段莫名其妙的杂碎汤带来的是最冗长的自我介绍。所以现在长话短说:能遇见您是我天大的荣幸,您可以叫我“V”。

1) Voilà! - 法语,啊呀,语气词。

2) view – 观点

3) vaudevillian - 杂耍演员

4) veteran - 老兵

5) vicariously - 替代地

6) victim - 受害者

7) villain - 恶人

8) vicissitudes - 变迁

9) visage - 面容

10) veneer - 外表,面饰

11) vanity - 虚荣

12) vestige - 残余

13) vox - 声音(拉丁语)vox populi (可能是拉丁语,民众的声音

14) vacant - 空虚

15) vanish - 消失

16) valorous - 无畏的

17) visitation - 降临

18) vexation - 恼怒,忿懑

19) vivified - 生动的,活生生的

20) vow - 发誓

21) vanquish - 击败

22) venal - 贪污的

23) virulent - 恶毒的

24) vermin - 害虫

25) vanguarding - 先驱的,以...为首的

26) vice - 罪恶的角色,匪徒

27) vouchfase - 赐予

28) vioulently - 暴力地

29) vicious = 邪恶的

30) voracious - 贪婪的

31) violation - 违犯

32) volition - 意志

33) verdict - 裁决

34) vengeance - 复仇

35) vendetta - 深仇

36) votive - 奉献

37) vain - 徒劳

38) value - 价值

39) veracity - 诚实

40) vindicate - 维护

41) vigilant 警醒的

42) virtuous - 有道德的

43) Verily - 真正地

44) vichyssoise - 奶油浓汤

45) verbiage - 空话

46) veer - 转向的

47) verbose - 冗长的

48) very - 非常地

49) V - V


所以~告诫大家。。。gre单词只是用来背的。。。不是用来运用的~~不然会被人视为疯子的。。。。毕竟那是god speak English。。。

v字仇杀队经典台词 第二篇


Remember, remember The 5th of November


The gunpowder treason and plot 火药阴谋

I know of no reason

Why the gunpowder treason 火药阴谋...

Should ever be forgot ...绝没有理由被遗忘 But what of the man? 但是其中的人呢?

I know his name was Guy Fawkes... 我知道他名叫盖伊·福克斯...

...and I know in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. ...我还知道

他在1605年企图炸毁议会大厦 But who was he really? 但他到底是什么人? What was he like? 长什么样?

We are told to remember the idea and not the man.

我们被教导要记住思想 而不是记住人

Because a man can fail. 因为人可能失败 He can be caught,

he can be killed and forgotten. 他可能会被捕

他会被杀死、被遗忘 But 400 years later... 但400年后...

...an idea can still change the world. ...思想仍可改变世界

I have witnessed firsthand the power of ideas.

我亲眼目睹了思想的威力 I've seen people kill in the name of them...

我见过人们以它为名杀戮... ...and die defending them. ...或是为了维护它献出生命 But you cannot kiss an idea... 但你不能亲吻思想...

...cannot touch it or hold it. ...也不能触摸它或抱着它 Ideas do not bleed. They do not feel pain.

思想不会流血,不会感到痛苦 They do not love. 它们没有爱

And it is not an idea that I miss. 而且我所思念的并不是思想 It is a man. 而是一个人

A man that made me remember the 5th of November.

一个让我记住11月5日的男人 A man that I will never forget. 一个我永不会忘记的男人


So I read that the former United States

is so desperate for medical supplies... 我听说前美国极度渴求药品...

...that they have allegedly sent several containers filled with wheat and tobacco.


送来了几集装箱的小麦和烟草 A gesture, they said, of goodwill. 他们说,这是友好的姿态

You wanna know what I think? 想知道我怎么想的吗?

Well, you're listening to my show, so I will assume you do. 既然你们在听我的节目


It's high time we let the colonies know what we really think of them. 我觉得现在是时候让这些殖民地 知道我们到底是怎么看他们的

I think it's payback time for a little tea party

they threw for us a few hundred years ago.


几百年前向我们发动的小小“茶会”了 I say we go down to those docks tonight

and dump that crap...

我说让我们今晚冲到码头上去 把那些破烂扔掉...

...where everything from

the Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica belongs!

...把所有烂屁眼的美国鬼子的 破烂都扔掉!

Who's with me? Who's bloody with me?!

谁跟我去?谁他妈跟我去? Did you like that? 你喜欢这个称呼吗?

U.S.A., Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica.

I mean, what else can you say? 烂屁眼的美国鬼子

我是说,我们还能说什么呢? Here was a country that had everything,

absolutely everything... 曾是拥有一切的国家 绝对是拥有一切...


...and now, 20 years later, is what? ...而现在,20年以后


The world's biggest leper colony. Why?

世界最大的麻风病患集中地,为什么?Godlessness. 不信上帝

Let me say that again. 让我再说一遍 Godlessness. 不信上帝

It wasrt the war they started. It wasrt the plague they created. 不是他们发动的战争 也不是他们制造的瘟疫 It was Judgment. 是上帝的审判

No one escapes their past. No one escapes Judgment. 没人能摆脱过去


You think he's not up there? 你们以为没有上帝?

You think he's not watching over this country? 你们以为他没有


How else can you explain it?

He tested us, but we came through. 还有什么其他解释吗? 他考验了我们,而我们通过了 We did what we had to do. 我们做了我们必须做的事 Islington. Enfield.

I was there. I saw it all. 埃斯棱顿、恩菲尔德 我都在现场,我都目睹了 Immigrants, Muslims... 移民,穆斯林...

...homosexuals, terrorists. ...同性恋,恐怖分子

Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go.

散播瘟疫的下流种 他们必须滚

Strength through unity. Unity through faith. 力量来自团结 团结来自信仰

I am a God-fearing Englishman, and I'm goddamn proud of it! 我是敬畏上帝的英国人 我真他妈的为此骄傲!

That's quite enough of that, thank you very much. 已经够意思了 非常感谢 Oh, shit. 哦,糟糕

A yellow-coded curfew is now in effect.


Any unauthorized personnel will be subject to arrest. 未经许可出门的人将被逮捕 This is for your protection. 这是为了你的安全

A yellow-coded curfew is now in effect.


Any unauthorized personnel will be subject to arrest. 未经许可出门的人将被逮捕 This is for your protection. 这是为了你的安全 - Excuse me.

- Sorry, I didn't see you... - 对不起,小姐

- 对不起,我没看到你... - In a hurry, are we? - I was just...

- 有急事,是吗? - 我只是...

- It's past curfew, you know. - My uncle, he's very sick.

- 已经过了宵禁时间了,你知道吧 - 我叔叔病得很厉害

- Sick uncle? What you think on that, Willy?


- It's a load of bollocks.

- 哦,叔叔病了,你觉得如何,威利?- 我觉得是瞎扯

I made a mistake. I shouldn't be out after curfew. I know that.

我错了,我不该在宵禁后出来的 我知道的

Maybe you could look after us before getting back to your uncle. 也许去管你的叔叔之前 你能先照顾照顾我们

See, my friend, he's kind of sick. Ain't you?

你瞧,我的朋友也病了 对吧,威利?

Real sick. Bad case of the blues. You can feel them.

病得很厉害,忧郁得不得了 你都能感觉到 - Don't touch me!

- Look, Willy, kitty's got claws. - 别碰我!

- 瞧,威利,小猫还有爪子哩 - She just threatened us. - That she did, that she did. - 她刚刚威胁了我们

- 没错,没错

You know what that means, don't you?

你知道这意味着什么,对吧? It means that we exercise our own judicial discretion. 意味着我们可以 行使一下执法权了

And you get to swallow it. 你只能自食其果了 - You're Fingermen.

- She's getting the picture. - 你们是秘密警察 - 她开始明白了

No, please, I didn't know. I'm sorry. 我明白了,我刚才不知道


Not yet you're not. But you will be. 你还没有呢



By sunup, if you're not the sorriest piece of ass in all of London... 到太阳出来的时候

如果你不是伦敦城里最后悔的... ...then you'll certainly be the sorest. ...也一定是最痛苦的了

Oh, God, no. Please don't do this. 噢,上帝,不要这样 请不要这样 I'll go home.

I won't do it again, I swear! Please! 我马上回家

保证以后不会了!求你们了! - What do you think, lads?【v字仇杀队经典台词】

- Spare the rod, spoil the child. - 你有什么看法,兄弟? - 孩子不教训不成器啊 Help me! Someone help! 救命啊,来人啊,救命啊!

The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him.

无数奸恶的天性都丛集于他的一身 - What the hell?! - Bugger off! - 怎么回事?!

- 滚开!

Disdaining fortune,

with his brandish'd steel... 不以命运的喜怒为意


...which smoked with bloody execution. ...血腥的宝剑

We're Fingermen, pal. 我们是秘密警察,伙计 Jesus Christ! Mercy! 耶稣基督!宽恕我吧!

We are oft to blame in this... 'Tis too much proved. 这样的例子是太多了...

- That with devotiors visage and pious action

we do sugar o'er the devil himself. 人们往往用至诚的外表和虔敬的行动 掩饰一颗魔鬼般的心 - What's that mean? - Spare the rod. - 什么意思?

- 孩子要教训

I can assure you, I mean you no harm.

我可以向你保证 我对你没有恶意 - Who are you? - Who? - 你是谁? - 谁?

Who is but the form

following the function of what... 身份只是本质的一种形式...

...and what I am is a man in a mask. ...而我的本质是一个戴面具的人 - Oh, I can see that. - Of course you can. - 我看得出来

- 你当然可以

I'm not questioning your powers of observation.


I'm merely remarking upon the paradox

of asking a masked man who he is. 我不过是指出一个矛盾的地方: 问一个戴面具的人是谁有意义吗? - Right.

- But on this most auspicious of nights... - 说的也是

- 那么在这最吉祥的夜晚... ...permit me then, in lieu of

the more commonplace sobriquet... ...请允许我用不那么平庸的方式... ...to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. ...来引出人物表中的这位角色 Voila! 看哪!

In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran... 在您眼帘中的


...cast vicariously as both victim and villain

by the vicissitudes of fate. ...他在命运的浮沉中随波逐流 扮演着受害与加害者的双重角色 This visage, no mere veneer of vanity...

这面孔,不徒是虚华的外表... ...is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished.

...它还是业已不再的人民呼声的残响 However, this valorous visitation

of a bygone vexation stands vivified... 不过,不惮于重提昔日烦恼的他 依然活力盎然...

...and has vowed to vanquish these venal

and virulent vermin vanguarding vice...

...决心铲除那些腐化堕落的毒虫 他们是作恶的先锋...

...他们代表了对自由意志 肆无忌惮的恶意破坏

...and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. (力量来自团结 团结来自信仰)

The only verdict is vengeance, a vendetta...


...held as a votive not in vain,

for the value and veracity of such... ...这象征希望的血海深仇不会是徒然的 因为它的价值和正确性...

...shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. ...终有一天会证明


Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.

毫无疑问,我这罗嗦的拉拉杂杂 最终变得冗长无比

So let me simply add that it's

my very good honor to meet you...

所以请允许我简单补充一下 认识您是我的荣幸...

...and you may call me V. ...您可以请叫我V

Are you, like, a crazy person? 你是不是个疯子啊?

I am quite sure they will say so. 我肯定他们会这么说我

But to whom, might I ask, am I speaking?

不过,请问我在跟谁说话? - I'm Evey. - Evey? - 我叫伊芙 - 伊芙?

E-vey. Of course you are. 伊芙,当然了

- What does that mean? - It means that I, like God... - 什么意思?

- 意思是我象上帝一样... ...do not play with dice

and do not believe in coincidence. ...不掷骰子 也不相信巧合 Are you hurt? 你受伤了吗? No, I'm fine. 没有,我没事 - Thanks to you.

- Oh, I merely played my part. - 多亏了你

- 哦,只是我的份内事

- But tell me, do you enjoy music, Evey?

- I suppose.

- 告诉我,你喜欢音乐吗,伊芙? - 我想是的

You see, I'm a musician of sorts... 你瞧,某种程度上


...and on my way to give a very special performance. ...而我正要去演奏


What kind of musician? 什么样的音乐家?【v字仇杀队经典台词】

Percussion instruments are my speciality. 打击乐是我的特长

But tonight I intend to call upon the entire orchestra for this event... 不过今晚我打算为

这个特别的日子请出整支乐队... ...and would be honored if you could join me. ...而你的出席

将是我最大的荣幸 I don't think so.

I should be getting home. 还是不了


I promise you, it'll be like nothing you've ever seen. 我保证这将是你从未见过的 And afterwards,

you'll return home safely. 事后你将会安全到家 All right. 好吧

It's beautiful up here. 这上面真美丽

A more perfect stage could not be asked for. 再没有更完美的舞台了

I don't see any instruments. 我没看到乐器

Your powers of observation continue to serve you well. 你的观察力仍然十分敏锐

But wait. It is to Madame Justice that I dedicate this concerto... 不过要等一下


...in honor of the holiday she seems to have taken from these parts... ...这是为了纪念

被她从这片土地上夺走的节日... ...and in recognition of the imposter that stands in her stead. ...同时向代替她的冒牌货 致以敬意

Tell me, do you know what day it is, Evey? 告诉我,伊芙

你知道今天是几号吗? - November the 4th? - Not anymore. - 11月4日?

- 不再是了

Remember, remember The 5th of November


The gunpowder treason and plot 火药阴谋

I know of no reason

Why the gunpowder treason 火药阴谋...

Should ever be forgot ...决没有理由被遗忘 First, the overture. 首先是序曲 Yes. 没错

Yes, the strings. 没错,是弦乐

Listen carefully, can you hear it? 仔细听,你能听到吗? Now the brass. 现在是铜管 I can hear it! 我听到了!

Look outside, Mommy! They're playing music! 看外面,妈妈! 他们在放音乐!

- How do you do that? - Wait.

- 你怎么做到的?

- 等等

Here comes the crescendo! 高潮来到了!

How beautiful, is it not? 真美啊,不是吗?

Gentlemen, you have had four hours. You had better have results. Mr. Creedy.


最好已经有些结果了,克里蒂先生 The Bailey area is quarantined. 贝里地区已被隔离

(中央刑事法庭所在地) All significant witnesses have been detained. 主要目击者都被扣留 Good. Mr. Etheridge? 很好,埃瑟雷奇先生?

A recording device was found wired into

the central emergency-broadcast system.

中央紧急广播系统里 找到一个放音机

The DCD was Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

是柴科夫斯基的《1812序曲》 Add it to the blacklist.

I never want to hear that again. 把它加入黑名单

我以后再也不想听到那音乐 Yes, sir. 是,先生

We also doubled our random sweepsand are monitoring phone surveillance...

我们将随机监听活动加倍 对电话的监听...

...indicating a high percentage of conversation concerned with the explosion.


都和爆炸有关 Mr. Dascomb,

what are we doing about that? 达斯克先生,我们有何对策? We're calling it an emergency demolition.

我们将称其为一次紧急定向爆破 We have spin coverage on the network

and throughout the InterLink. 在电视和网络上都会有报道

Several experts have been lined up to testify

against the Bailey's structural integrity. 还组织了数名专家准备说明 贝里街那些建筑本来已经摇摇欲坠 I want Prothero to speak on

the dangers of these old buildings... 我要普洛特洛讲讲


...and how we must avoid clinging to the edifice of a decadent past. ...还有为什么我们不应该

死抱着那些属于堕落的过去的建筑 He should conclude that the New Bailey

will become the symbol of our time... 他应该总结说新巴里街

将成为这个时代的标志... ...and the future

that our conviction has rewarded us. ...同时它也标志着未来

我们恪守信念的奖赏 Mr. Heyer. 黑尔先生

Our surveillance cameras captured several images of the terrorist... 我们的监视相机拍到了 几张恐怖分子的照片...

...though the mask obviously makes retinal identification impossible. ...但他戴了面具


We also managed to get a picture of the girl

that Creedy's men were detaining. 我们还设法弄到了

克里蒂手下试图拘留的女孩的照片 - Who is she, Mr. Finch? - Not sure yet, sir. - 芬奇先生,她是谁?

- 还不能确定,先生

- But we're working on several leads. - Anything else?

We located the fireworks launch... 我们找到了发射烟火的地点... ...and found traces

of the explosives used at both sites. ...两处均发现了


Unfortunately it appears that despite the heavy level of sophistication... 不幸的是


...these devices were homemade with over-the-counter chemicals... ...可它们是手工制造的


...making them very difficult to trace. ...很难追踪来源

Whoever he is, chancellor, he's very good.



Spare us your professional annotations,

Mr. Finch. They are irrelevant. 省省你的专业分析吧,芬奇先生 它们与此无关

Apologies, chancellor. 抱歉,元首大人

Gentlemen, this is a test. 先生们,这是一次考验 Moments such as these are matters of faith.

像这样的时刻事关我们的信仰 To fail is to invite doubt

into everything we believe... 失败就会导致对我们的信念... ...everything we have fought for. ...对我们奋斗的目标的怀疑

Doubt will plunge this country back into chaos, and I will not let that happen.

怀疑会导致这个国家回到混乱中 我不会允许它发生

Gentlemen, I want this terrorist found...

先生们,我要你们找到 这个恐怖分子...

...and I want him to understand what terror really means. ...我要他明白“恐怖” 究竟是什么意思 England prevails. 英格兰必胜

England prevails. 英格兰必胜

- You think people will buy this? - Why not?

- 你觉得人们会信吗? - 为什么不信? This is the BTN.


Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it.



That's the government's job. 伪造是政府的事情

On the lighter side of things... 说点轻松的事情...

...seems that the crew responsible for the demolition of the Old Bailey... ...(成功爆破:老巴里街) 看来老巴里街的爆破人员们...

...wanted to give the old girl a grand, albeit improvised, sendoff.

...给了这位老女士一个虽然简陋 但不失隆重的告别仪式

Although the demolition had been planned for some time... 尽管这次爆破


...the music and the fireworks were, according to the crew chief... ...不过根据爆破队长的说法 烟火和音乐...

..."definitely not on the schedule." - We'll be right back.

...“绝对不是计划的一部分” - 我们马上回来

Do you believe that load of bollocks? I mean, there was no bloody demolition.


我是说,根本没有什么他妈爆破 I saw it, the whole thing. 我都看见了,整个过程 - Did you see it?

- No. Last night I was... - 你看到了吗? - 没有,昨晚我...

Yeah, that's right. You went

to see Daddy Deitrich, didn't you? 哦,对了

你去看迪特里克大叔了,对吧? Evey, there you are. 伊芙,你在这里啊

- You are still working for me. - Sorry, Patricia.

- 你还在为我工作,对吗? - 对不起,帕特莎

I need two espressos and three coffees.

我需要两杯特浓咖啡 三杯普通咖啡

And Deitrich is ready for his tea. 另外可以给迪特里克上茶了 I don't get it.【v字仇杀队经典台词】


Why does he wear a Guy Fawkes mask?

Didrt Fawkes try to blow up Parliament? 他戴着盖伊·福克斯的面具,可跑去炸法庭

福克斯不是要炸掉议会大厦吗? It's not too late.

He's still got another 16 hours. 还不算太晚


Maybe he's just getting started. 或许他只是刚开始 Yeah? 喂?

Okay. A lead on the girl.


Look, don't get me wrong, I love it. A cow getting crucified. 别误会我,我喜欢这点子 把牛钉在十字架上 It's hysterical.

But you'll never get it approved. 令人捧腹


You've got to rewrite it, okay? Gotta go.

你再重写一遍,好吗? 我得挂了

I don't recall getting stood up by a more attractive woman. 我还从来没被

这么美丽的女人放过鸽子呢 - Mr. Deitrich... - Gordon, please. - 迪特里克先生... - 请叫我戈登

I don't need "mister" to make this body feel any older. 叫我先生让我觉得我更老了 Gordon... 戈登...

...I was on my way last night, but there were Fingermen... ...昨晚我本来已经上路了


...and I got scared and went home. ...我有点害怕,于是就回家了 Sadly, after last night,

I think our curfew will only get worse. 不幸的是,昨晚之后 宵禁只会更严了 Gotcha. 抓到你了 - Hey, Fred.

- All that been x-rayed?

- 你好,福雷德 - 都透视过了吗?

Nope. They're filled with bombs. 没有,它们装满了炸弹 Well, wait till commercials to set them off, okay?

那等到放广告的时候再起爆,好吗? - I can't believe you watch that shit. - What?

- 我不敢相信你居然看那种垃圾 - 什么?

Laser Lass is banging. 激光拉斯风头正劲呢 What's all that? 这些是什么?

Not sure. They just arrived. Marked for Stage 3. 不知道,刚送到的 上面写着三号舞台 Must be Prothero. 肯定是普洛特洛的

I wish someone had the balls to tell that brat this station ain't his playground.


告诉那个混蛋电视台不是他的游戏场 What the hell is this? 这是什么东西?!

Just put them over there

until I can figure out what they're for. 放到一边

等我搞清楚它们是什么再说 This looks serious.

Her parents were political activists. 看来很严重


- They were detained when she was 12.

- What happened to her? - 她12岁时他们被捕

- 她后来怎样?

Juvenile Reclamation Project... 青年改造计划... ...for five years. - Shit.


- 妈的

We're gonna need backup, but keep it minimal. 我们需要增援


You sure about that, sir? 你确定吗,长官?

I want a chance to talk to her before she

disappears into one of Creedy's black bags.

《v字仇杀队 经典台词》
v字仇杀队经典台词 第三篇

v字仇杀队 经典台词

This Visage, no mere Veneer of Vanity, is it Vestige of the Vox populi, now Vacant, Vanished, as the once Vital Voice of the Verisimilitude now Venerates what they once Vilified. However, this Valorous Visitation of a by-gone Vexation, stands Vivified, and has Vowed to Vanquish these Venal and Virulent Vermin vVn-guarding Vice and Vouchsafing the Violently Vicious and Voracious Violation of Volition. The only Verdict is Vengeance; a Vendetta, held as a Votive, not in Vain, for the Value and Veracity of such shall one day Vindicate the Vigilant and the Virtuous. Verily, this Vichyssoise of Verbiage Veers most Verbose Vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my Very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. (能数清楚这段话里有多少个V么?)

这个面罩,不只是虚华的外表,它代表着幸存的人民呼声。虽然现已空洞、没落,如同那些曾经客观的评论家们现在却屈服于那些他们曾厌恶的东西一样。但是,面对过往伤痛的强烈刺激,它焕发了生机,并决心铲除那些引来腐败堕落的邪恶毒虫。 遏制他们狂暴的,恶毒的,以及贪婪的对人性的破坏。对他们唯一的裁决就是复仇。 正义和惊醒的信念不是无用的。它们的价值终将与真理的价值一同显现。当然,我这段莫名其妙的杂碎汤带来的是最冗长的自我介绍。所以现在长话短说:能遇见您是我天大的荣幸,您可以叫我“V”。

1) Voilà! - 法语,啊呀,语气词。

2) view – 观点

3) vaudevillian - 杂耍演员

4) veteran - 老兵

5) vicariously - 替代地

6) victim - 受害者

7) villain - 恶人

8) vicissitudes - 变迁

9) visage - 面容

10) veneer - 外表,面饰

11) vanity - 虚荣

12) vestige - 残余

13) vox - 声音(拉丁语)vox populi (可能是拉丁语,民众的声音

14) vacant - 空虚

15) vanish - 消失

16) valorous - 无畏的

17) visitation - 降临

18) vexation - 恼怒,忿懑

19) vivified - 生动的,活生生的

20) vow - 发誓

21) vanquish - 击败

22) venal - 贪污的

23) virulent - 恶毒的

24) vermin - 害虫

25) vanguarding - 先驱的,以...为首的

26) vice - 罪恶的角色,匪徒

27) vouchfase - 赐予

28) vioulently - 暴力地

29) vicious = 邪恶的

30) voracious - 贪婪的

31) violation - 违犯

32) volition - 意志

33) verdict - 裁决

34) vengeance - 复仇

35) vendetta - 深仇

36) votive - 奉献

37) vain - 徒劳

38) value - 价值

39) veracity - 诚实

40) vindicate - 维护

41) vigilant 警醒的

42) virtuous - 有道德的

43) Verily - 真正地

44) vichyssoise - 奶油浓汤

45) verbiage - 空话

46) veer - 转向的

47) verbose - 冗长的

48) very - 非常地

49) V - V


所以~告诫大家。。。gre单词只是用来背的。。。不是用来运用的~~不然会被人视为疯子的。。。。毕竟那是god speak English。。。

《qq飞车车队名字 个性好听的车队名字大全》
v字仇杀队经典台词 第四篇































v字仇杀队经典台词 第五篇


























































