《荆棘鸟 英文学年论文》
荆棘鸟英文 第一篇
The Faint Voice
─A Brief Talk on the Western Women’s Faith in Love in The Thorn Birds
[Abstract] This paper attempts to explore the novel The Thorn Birds, which shows the different values of love between women and men around the Clearys. The goal of exploring it is not only to state that women?s faith is love, while men?s faith is anything but love, but also to set off the heroine—Meggie, who longs for love and strives perseveringly for love in all her life. Although Meggie suffers a lot when searching for her faith, she always keeps loyal to love. What?s more, in order to create the beautiful and moving voice of her love, she would rather offer her life as the greatest sacrifice. The paper also aims at tracing back to Western women?s faith by describing the heroines? love stories in some great works written by some famous women novelists. Compared with other heroines? attitudes and behaviors to their faith, Meggie is stronger, braver, purer and nobler to her faith, for she enriches love with endless vivid vigor and color. She is a perfect woman. However, although Meggie dedicates her life to love, what she gains is just a tragedy; although the Western women go all out for their faith, they are always deeply hurt by the cost of great pain. Therefore, this topic subtly delineates the fact that the women?s voice for love is still too faint. No matter how wonderful voice they create, they are still incapable of changing men?s non-love faith and overcoming the unequal values of traditional society. This is an unavoidable tragedy not only to Meggie and the Western women, but also to all women in the world from ancient times. They get temporary happiness from love, but with infinite misery. Their voice is too faint to resist tragedy in love. However, women?s lofty faith brings them a meaningful and significant life, just like the voice of the thorn birds.
[Key Words] women; love; faith; voice; The Thorn Birds
【摘 要】 本文通过对长篇小说《荆棘鸟》的分析,分别描述了以克利里家族为中心的女性与男性不同的爱情价值观,体现了女性视爱情为终生信仰,而男性却常常选择非爱情的信仰,从而衬托出女主人公梅吉对爱情执着的高贵情操。梅吉始终忠诚于她的爱情,甘愿像荆棘鸟那样成为信仰的献祭,谱写了一曲凄婉动人而又崇高、悲壮的爱情主旋律。本文从《荆棘鸟》追溯到其西方女性信仰的源头,通过分析早期西方杰出女作家主要作品中女主人公追寻荆棘的历程,展示了西方女性对爱情的信仰,同时更加突出了梅吉集勇气、高洁、坚强、博爱于一身的完美形象。但是,纵然梅吉为了爱而奉献一生,纵然西方女性为了爱而殚精竭虑,她们最终得到的总是悲剧性的爱情结局;即使最终能够如愿以偿,可在追寻的过程中也付出了沉重的代价。从中揭示了一个道理:即使女性对信仰的呼喊动听而绝美,她们的声音始终是微弱的:她们改变不了男性的爱情观,也战胜不了社会的传统观念。她们得到了短暂的幸福,却承受了一生的痛苦。这不仅仅是梅吉和西方女性的悲剧,也是从古到今全人类女性所无法阻挡的悲剧。但是不管怎样,梅吉她们这种崇高的信仰让她们作为女性的一生熠熠生辉,就像荆棘鸟的歌声永远震撼人心。
1. Introduction
There is a saying that literature somehow aims at studying human, which gives a faithful representation of the life and the thought of mankind. What’s more, each works of literature has its own theme,emblem and fascination, which brings the readers endless aftertaste and consideration, including the The Thorn Birds, written by Colleen Mccullough. The enchantment of this book first lies in its subject─love and destiny, and its symbol—the thorn bird.
There is a legend about a bird, which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the earth.
“From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain….”[1]
The bird, called the thorn bird, follows an immutable law, namely love, filled with solemn and stirring voice.
The book tells readers a story, beginning in 1915 and ending more than half a century later, “of a singular family, the Clearys, who leave New Zealand to live on vast Australian sheep station, where their triumphs and tragedies are interwoven with the wonder and terror of a land ravaged by cycles of drought, fire and torrential flood. But most of all, it is the story of Meggie, who falls madly in love with a man she can never marry, and of Ralph, a truly beautiful man, whose ambition takes him from outback parish priest to the inner circles of the Vatican—but whose love for Meggie Cleary will lead to a passion he cannot control.”[2]
It is considered that the writer, Colleen Mccullough, condenses every aspect of life into a brilliant book. By describing the Clearys? frustrations of emotional experiences, she tries to show a truth that it?s necessary to pay an unimaginable cost for the true love and any other magnificent things. Undoubtedly, in the story, Meggie is the most conspicuous thorn bird, whose longest, sharpest spine is Ralph. No matter how difficult and mournful the experience is, and how slim the hope is, she never gives up her faith—being loyal to love and making her love significant. She knows she has chosen a tortuous road, but she would rather devote all her effort to searching for her thorn tree—Ralph, and having her faith glitter.
2. Women?s faith in love in The Thorn Birds
“If love is the everlasting theme of literature, then female is also an unfailing topic, for love story can?t lie in the world without women.”[3] The Thorn Birds tells a penetrative love story between Meggie and Ralph. It also shows the particular love story about the Clearys? three female generations, from which the writer portrays four characteristic women who are brave to fight against their fate and social custom for their faith.
2.1 Meggie?s love story
The story begins with the day of Meggie’s four-year birthday, on which she receives an unexpected present─a pretty doll, from her mother. She, born poor, is an attractive and lovely girl with vivid hair, but she also has a strong personality. When her dear doll is spoilt by her elder brothers, it does not occur to her to seek help; when she is strictly but unequally punished by Sister Agatha in the school, she does not surrender; when her dear brother Frank leaves her, she doesn?t weep, for “Something in her little soul was old enough and woman enough to feel the irresistible, stinging joy of being needed”[4]. Her self-control is phenomenal and her pride
formidable. Besides, she is a quaint mixture of ignorance and morality. She is worth more, but she is not born to be more. Nobody knows what will happen to her, what kind of life she will have, and what sort of fate she will encounter.
When she is nine years old, she moves to the vast Australian sheep station─Drogheda from New Zealand with her family, which really changes her fate and brings her a new life. The first time Ralph meets her, she begins to tug at his nonexistent heart, though she is only nine years old while he is already twenty-eight years old. Maybe at the beginning, Meggie just views him as a cherished elder brother, for he is glad to do everything that her mother, her father and her brothers can?t do for her, and she depends on him so much. As she grows up, her adoration of Father Ralph has turned into an ardent, very girlish crush. But after Mary?s death, he chooses to obey Mary?s arrangement to realize his dream and give up Meggie by marrying to the Church. She knows it is forbidden to have a priest as husband or lover, and Ralph can?t love her as a husband and will never abandon his job as a priest, but she still dreams of him, yearns for him and wants him. However, besides love, she thinks she also needs a husband and babies, and she considers that though she means little to Ralph, there is still some man who loves her before all else. She believes that not all men love some inanimate thing more than they can love a woman. Therefore, she marries Luke, mostly because Luke looks like Ralph so much, which can remind her of Ralph, and will give her children similar in type to those she may have had with Ralph. But she does not love Luke at all, and she is not able to fall in love with him, as she never weakens her deep love for Ralph. Because of the celibacy of priests, she has to go away from Ralph, make her home and her life with another man, and have someone else?s baby. So she becomes to hate the Church?s implication that her loving Ralph or his loving her is wrong. What is worse, to her disappointment, Luke does not need her, either. He never respects her feelings. However, after having the daughter of Luke─Justine, she wants to give her daughter a real family. Assuming that the love to Ralph can’t occur, she will have to love her children, and the love she receives will have to come from those children, so she tries forgetting Ralph and persuading herself that Ralph is the past.
But when she decides not to waste time dreaming of the man and children she can never have, Ralph comes to find her on Matlock Island, which kindles her hope again, and makes her decide to challenge God for her faith. She can never have Ralph, but there she does get the part of Ralph the Church can never have─she has Ralph’s son Dane, who is as perfect as Ralph. Then she chooses to leave Luke to go back to Drogheda, in order to guard her son. She thinks that she has beaten God. But to her sadness, she has to admit that there is never a woman born who can beat God. That day when Dane tells her that he is going to be a priest, which is as if her death sentence, she has to compromise, crying to her son,
“ ?To the Church thou belongest, to the Church thou shalt be given. Oh, it?s beautiful, beautiful. God rot God, I say! God the sod! The utmost Enemy of women, that?s what God is! Everything we seek to do, He seeks to undo!? ”[5]
She sends her son to Ralph, but she doesn?t tell him that Dane is his son until Dane?s death. As Anne, Meggie?s good friend and former master, worries, the gods have not done with her yet. After he is ordained without her mother?s presence in Rome, Dane decides to come down to the Peloponnese, getting up his courage to meet his mother. Yet before seeing his mother for the last time, he is drowned in Crete, rescuing some women from the sea. Meggie does her best to love Ralph?s son with the purity of the Blessed Mother herself, but she doesn?t realize that “The object of her love was struck down in the very fullness of His flower”[6]. After Dane?s funeral, Ralph
consequently dies in her arms. They steal what he has vowed to God, and they have to pay, which is a fatal attack to Meggie. She suffers so much, and it seems that she fails and is unhappy, yet she is really a great and successful woman. In her eyes, the tragedies are a comfort, once the pain dies down, “I did it all to myself, I have no one else to blame. And I cannot regret one single moment of it.” [7] She knows what she wants and tries her best to pursue it, in spite of high expense, and her inimitable voice is so plaintive and sacred.
2.2 The love stories about the other women in The Thorn Birds
Mary is Meggie?s aunt. She takes possession of a large amount of property and lives in Drogheda, a great pasture. She has been a widow for so many years, but she refuses to marry again. “Not Mary Carson?s idea of living, to play second fiddle. So she had abjured the flesh, preferring to wield power”[8]. She was not born into money or is not so charming, but besides her genius, the great effort makes her lead a superior life. When she meets Ralph, she has already been an old woman, but she crazily falls in love with him, who has remarkable appearance and uncommon intelligence. On her deathbed, she asserts her true feeling to Ralph,
“ ‘I have loved you. God, how much! Do you think my years automatically preclude it? Well, Father de Bricassart, let me tell you something. Inside this stupid body I’m still young─I still feel, I still want, I still dream, I still kick up my heels and chafe at restrictions like my body. Old age is the bitterest vengeance our vengeful God inflicts upon us.? ”[9]
She believes that there are no bounds of age in love, but she is clear that Ralph is not likely to love her, who knows that only Meggie is his lover. As a result, she becomes to hate her old age and envy Meggie. Moreover, she can?t bear Ralph and Meggie to get together, and she also cannot stand others possessing the things she hungers for but could not gain. She has said to Ralph,
“ ‘I’ll be like the Devil, and offer you─Enough said! But never doubt I’ll make you writhe. You’re the most fascinating man I’ve ever met. You throw your beauty in our teeth, contemptuous of our foolishness. But I’ll make you sell yourself like any painted whore.? ”[10]
Therefore, she chooses to retaliate by separating Ralph from Meggie. The reprisal works after her death, but it really changes the fate of Ralph and Meggie. She knows Ralph very well, and she is sure that if the church inherits her abundant legacy, Ralph will quit Meggie to be the bishop of Catholicism, who can never marry. In the letter given to him, she says,
“ ?Ralph, I love you, so much I would have killed you for not wanting me, except that this is a far better form of reprisal. I?m not the noble kind; I love you but I want you to scream in agony. Because, you see, I know what your decision will be. I know it as surely as if I could be there, watching. You?ll scream, Ralph, you?ll know what agony is.? ”[11]
If she never knows how to do anything else, she actually knows how to make the ones she loves suffer. Just as the sayings go, if you love him, send him to New York, because it is a heaven; if you hate him, send him to New York, because it is a hell. Mary does so and she succeeds finally. Ralph accepts Mary?s will which makes his dream come true, so he reaches the heaven; Ralph betrays Meggie in order to get the money, which means that there will be an everlasting gulf between them from then on, so he arrives in the hell. If Mary is a thorn bird, Ralph is her sharp spine. However, because of the interlacement of love and hate, she chooses to destroy him.
Fiona, Meggie?s mother, was born in Armstrongs, a passport to colonial aristocracy. She is a very handsome, very fair woman a little under medium height, but rather hard-faced and stern. “She was a silent woman, not given to spontaneous conversation. What she thought, no one ever knew, even her husband”[12]. She is a hardworking housewife, but who can imagine that she used to be
well-bred girl from an honorable family, and marries the poor hired herdsman─Paddy. It goes without saying that she has contracted a shocking mesalliance. What is worse, she doesn’t love Paddy, but she deeply loves another handsome married man, named Pakeha, with whom she has the son Frank. Fiona thinks the man is everything Paddy isn’t─cultured, sophisticated, very charming. She loves him to the point of madness, and she thinks she will never love anyone else. However, he is impossible to marry her, though they have a son, so she is forced to marry Paddy by her family. It is a legal marriage but without love. Although Paddy loves her so much and tries his best to make her happy, she never feels happy, and she always keeps silent, which means she never belongs to Paddy until his death. Among the family members, she only loves Frank, or loves Frank more than the rest of others put together, because she loves his father. In the family, Frank is her only spiritual mainstay, but he cannot get along with Paddy well. When Frank manages to drop away from home after the furious quarrel with Paddy,
“There had not been a flick of emotion in those soft grey eyes, not hardening nor accusation, hate or sorrow. As if she had simply been waiting for the blow to fall like a condemned dog for the killing bullet, knowing her fate and powerless to avoid it.”[13]
She keeps herself folded up with quietness, and a total undemonstrativeness. In fact, Fiona has led an impassible life since she left Frank?s father and lost her love. When she loses Frank, it means that she loses all her hope.
“If the days were long and bitter with a sense of failure, she must bear it in silence…. She was one of those people whose feelings were so intense they became unbearable, unlivable, and her lesson had been a harsh one. For almost twenty-five years she had been crushing emotion out of existence, and she was convinced that in the end persistence would succeed.”[14]
Therefore, there is no doubt that Frank?s father is her longest spine, for her life loses colors without him. The love between her and him is so transient, yet she puts in all her life for it. She knows that Paddy hasn?t been the man of her choice, but a better man than Paddy never lives. The moment she hears that Paddy died unexpectedly in the fire, she suddenly senses that she loves him, like all of her life. But it is too late for him, and too late for her, as she has wallowed in the former delusion so long and leaves it too late. Finally, she chooses to get herself under that iron control once more, as if she is determined to elongate her periods of darkness until the light shires no more in her lifetime. She is really a very unhappy woman who cannot live with the man she loves, and loses the man who loves her. But on the other hand, she is somewhat lucky, for she has loved someone, and been loved by someone.
When Meggie gives birth to Justine, she has gone through death and life, which implies that Justine will be out of the ordinary, will never be Meggie?s , Luke?s or anyone else?s, and will always belong to herself. Compared with her mother and her grandmother, Justine lives in a new age, and is more enlightened than them. What?s more, she has her own life style that she will not like to have changed by others, which usually cannot be understood by her family. In Drogheda, Dane gets far more emotion from the family, especially their mother than Justine, who thinks she will never love anyone and need other?s love. But actually she longs for love in her heart of hearts, and the reason she pretends to be indifferent to love is that she is terrified of committing herself to the kind of love which marriage will entail. She only chooses to stand on the stage to make her full emotions release. However, because of her younger brother Dane?s death, she plunges into a helplessness and distress, which urges her to recognize herself again and to reflect how to treat her life again. Finally, she becomes brave to confront and accept her love and her lover Rainer.
荆棘鸟英文 第二篇
摘要 There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life , more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree ,and does not rest until it has found one. Then ,singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest,sharpest spine. And,dying,it rises above its own agony to out- carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song,existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen , and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain…… Or so says the legend.
——the Legend about the Thorn Birds
关键词 荆棘鸟 爱和命运
1. 作者简介
考琳?麦卡洛(Colleen McCullough),1937年6月1日生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州的惠灵顿,澳大利亚当代著名作家。
There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life , more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree ,and does not rest until it has found one. Then ,singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest,sharpest spine. And,dying,it rises above its own agony to out- carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song,existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen , and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain?? Or so says the legend.
——the Legend about the Thorn Birds
环境描写不仅为塑造人物起到了很好的烘托作用,而且增强了阅读的美感,使读者对人物所处环境的人文地理的丰富知识有了一定的认识。“保守这轮番而至的韩老侵躏;索取时,残酷无情;花开时,绚丽烂漫;造化慷慨的粘结,有不失丰饶。天底下在没有哪一个地方如此怪诞离奇。” 亚马逊网上书店曾有对这本书的介绍。
们依然把荆棘扎进胸膛。” 什么是我们的荆棘树,哪一根最长让我们甘愿刺进胸膛,义无反顾?你的荆棘鸟抑或是荆棘树是什么?
传记《新南威尔士原州长罗登·卡特勒爵士作传》,散文或杂文《我为什么反对安乐死?》,历史小说《罗马主人》,言情小说《密萨龙基的淑女们》,理念小说《第三个千年的纲领》,传记《新南威尔士原州长罗登·卡特勒爵士作传》,散文或杂文《我为什么反对安乐死?》。 ——摘自网络
1. “有一个传说,说的是有那么一只鸟儿,它一生只唱一次,那歌声比一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听,从离开巢穴的那一刻起,它就在寻找着荆棘树,直到如愿以偿,才歇息下来。然后,它把自己的身体扎进最长最尖的荆棘上,在那荒蛮的枝条之间放开了歌喉。在奄奄一息的时刻,它超越了自身的痛苦,而那歌声竟然使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色。这是一曲无比美好的歌,曲终而命竭。然而,整个世界都在静静地谛听,上帝也在苍穹中微笑。因为最美好的东西只能用深痛剧创来换取??”
2. 鸟儿胸前的荆棘,它遵循着一个不可改变的法则。她被不知其名的东西刺穿身体,被驱赶着,歌唱着死去。在那荆棘刺进的一瞬,她没有意识到死之将至。她只是唱着,唱着,知道生命耗尽,在也唱不出一个音符。但是,当我们把荆棘扎进胸膛死,我们是知道的。我们是明明白白的。然而,我们依然要这样做。我们依然把荆棘扎进胸膛。
《荆棘鸟 英文读后感》
荆棘鸟英文 第三篇
Feelings After Reading The Thorn Birds
When I started to read The Thorn Birds, I was attracted by the legend about the bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the surface of the earth. It impales itself upon the longest spine to sing the most beautiful song.
The thorn bird is like the female characters’ in the novel. The Cleary women just like the birds, pursued things they love at the cost of great pain. The thorn birds looked for the most painful thorn since leaving the nest, and sacrifice them for singing the most beautiful song in the world. The women in the novel are pursuing what they want all their life. However, what they want is the most painful thorn in their lives. They are not afraid of these pain and they tried their best to fight for their dreams bravely, never regretted.
Fiona Cleary fell in love with a married man who was the leader of Maori. She can not have the man as husband so she “stole” Frank from him. She lived a miserable life and did not smile very often. She spent so much time with the memories before Frank was born. Sometimes, I hate Fiona because of her indifference to Meggie. However, to my surprise, she was so smart that she knew Dane was fathered by Ralph the moment Dane was born. Meggie was fighting with the church all her life. To some extent, she won the battle. Meggie stole Dane from Ralph and the church. At last, she lost her son which made her suffered so much but she never regret. Dane didn’t belong to her nor Ralph. He belonged to God. If someone does not belong to us, we can not have him no matter how hard we try. Justine was the third generation. I understood her very much what she thought about Dane’s death. If I were her, I would also think Dane’s death was my fault. We can not fight against our fate. Everything happened has its reason. I think Justine was a girl who had a strong appearance and a fragile inner heart. So she was afraid of man’s love though everyone can feel the love from her Mr. Right. There was a battle between her feeling and her heart. She wanted both of them but she had to choose one only.
From this novel, we can see that all of them were suppressed by the male culture. Fiona was lonely because she did not have a female company before Meggie grew up. Meggie was neglected by her mother and she was the only female child. Justine was indifference with Drogheda. Her uncles were not at ease with her and her mother did not give her the love Dane had. However, they never give up pursuing their love and their dream. Just like the thorn birds, they hold the great pain to enjoy the happiness from that.
荆棘鸟英文 第四篇
writers of books such as le mis, gone with the wind and the thorn birds seemed to have all the time in the world, nothing to do but tell you a story, from the moral of the tale, the fate of the characters to details such as the color of one?s hair when the morning light strikes。
?sit down, child。 let me tell you a story of a lifetime。 listen to me, not just for a day, a month, but a year。荆棘鸟读后感英文版。 keep me pany and i will tell you all the wisdom i know, just listen to my story。? the book seems to say。
some say the thorn birds is the gone with the wind of australia。 it does remind you of it, the small print, the length of the book, the expanse of the story and the fineness of the details。 but i don?t see the resemblance in the souls of the two books。 meggie lived for another man while scarlett lived for herself。 one so soft you pity her, the other so headstrong you can?t bother feeling sorry for her。荆棘鸟读后感英文版。 one can?t hold on to the man she loves, the other threw aside her one true love。
in spirit,it?s more like the scarlet letter。 forbidden love is always more tantalizing than romance of plain nature, always more intense with a lifetime of bittersweet aftertaste。 let?s not envision what would have happened if the fallen priest does marry the woman he loves。 reality never fails to rub the shine off any great passion。 it?s the best cure to love-sickness。
ralph, the handsome priest, so charming and perfect that from an old woman of seventy to a child of ten, no woman can escape from his pull, whether or not he does any intentional pulling。 he was made for trouble, tall and attractive, but cloaked in the soutane of a priest。 and above all his faith, his love for the church and for god, is there anything more frustrating than a perfectly sculptured man, trained with the elegance of a gentleman and the pureness of a saint, but thrown into the lay crowd, to be loved and adored, but not touched。
our little meggie steals the readers? hearts right from the start。 with its nearly 600 pages of flowing words and unrolling scenes, i remember the first scene the best。 it?s the one that touches me the most。 it tells you right away who is the gentle victim of the whole epic。
little meggie, dressed in her sunday best, was squatting down behind the gorse bush, holding her very first gift on her fourth birthday。 it was a little doll, bought from a store in town with money, with money! meggie saw the doll in the store on her only trip to town and fell in love with it。 their lives on the raw land in rural new zealand in the early twentieth century didn?t involve much buying, not to mention wasting money on buying a gift for a little girl, even a very good little girl。
she held agnes, the name she gave the doll the moment she saw it。 she marveled at the doll?s golden hair, her cream lace dress and her eyes that close when you lie her down and then open when you stand her up。 agnes was all the desire that meggie knew and she sat there taking it all in。
it?s a sweet picture until the boys came into the scene。 meggie?s elder brothers saw their baby sister so engrossed that they had to poke their noses in。 i knew it smelt of trouble and i wish i had the power to push the stop button and erase the boys or turn their crude minds elsewhere。 but that?s not to be。 little meggie will be hurt by little boys, just like the older meggie will be hurt by grown men。 no one can push the stop button and rewrite the scene。
the boys took the doll that was barely warm in meggie?s hands, with their rough and dirty paws pulled the doll apart, like dissecting anything that they didn?t understand。 it?s all just some plastic to them, no feelings。
my heart aches for little meggie, so helpless, so young and so weak。 she cried and begged but she couldn?t get her doll back。 tears washed down her face, blurring her entire world。 on her fourth birthday, she learned what it meant to have her heart broken。 and she was to know more。
do you believe in fate? do you believe in destiny? you know how in some movies you just know two people will fall in love even before they have a chance to speak。 like meryl streep and client eastwood in bridge of madison county; like matthew and mary in downton abbey。 there is no other way。 ralph was bound to love meggie。 meggie was made for the sacrifice。
but of course such a huge piece of work is not just a love story, as forbidden as it is。 maybe people will close the book with different answers to the question of ?what?s the book about?? i won?t be surprised if many say that it?s about the love story between a handsome catholic priest and a gentle woman who is used to suffering。 it is the most prominent theme of the book。 but it?s much more than that。 it?s also about the harsh conditions of making a living in the new land of australia in the early 20th century。 it was a constant battle with droughts and sand storms and endless flies, with loneliness and helplessness in face with the severity of nature at its raw state。
i will also remember it as a book about the suffering of women, especially in the hands of men, all kinds of men。 meggie?s brothers deprived her of her first gift in life, but this grief will be forgotten in face of the many more to e。 the man who thought of her as the love of his life traded her for 13 million pounds, which bought him his future career。 he has loved her ever since he saw her as a timid ten year old, but it?s not enough to lead him astray from his path in serving god。 for her whole life, she would feel abandoned by her ralph。 she lost, even if it?s to god。
then there was her husband luke, who married her for her money and took every penny, and then sent her to work as a housemaid in exchange for more money。 i wonder if meggie hadn?t felt so abandoned by ralph and given up on love, would she have accepted this? even then, luke left her to make more money。 she was a beautiful woman, yet somehow, not wonderful enough to hold any man。 but the truth is, the men were not good enough to deserve her。
meggie?s mother also had her scar in life。 she was the daughter of a prominent family。 an affair with a married man left her with a child and rejection from her family。 the married man had too much to loose to marry her, or even to reveal who he was。 her own father married her and the child to one of their farm hands in exchange for taking them away。 from then on, it was endless house chores and farm labor, then child bearing and raising the children。
is there a happy woman in the story?
even the rich old widow, mary carson, the most powerful figure in the region who owned all the property and money, wasn?t happy。 she was also in love with the perfect priest, who was decades younger and detested her。 her only satisfaction was in knowing that the one whom she loved would be tortured。 she made him choose between an inheritance of 13 million pounds and fulfilling his love with meggie。
the only happy woman, or a woman who had a chance of being happy, was justine, daughter of meggie and luke。 she was rebellious and dared to go after what she desired。 she always knew what she wanted and always went after what she wanted。 she despised men but was lucky enough to have met one that treasured her and waited for her awakening。
but above all these, i think the author wants to write about the power of fate, the force of nature, the tendency for us to be whom we are meant to be even if it leads to suffering。 i think she wants to say that all the struggle and going against the current are just people being what they are meant to be。 meggie was meant to be in love, forever, even if it meant she would be unhappy all her life, except the few times that his love for her was confirmed and their relationship fulfilled。 she knew he would leave her, to seek his own destiny of being married to the church。 she couldn?t change her own destiny and she couldn?t change that of another man。 but she had him。 she only needed it once to know that she was in love。 she didn?t just love。
for that one confirmation she would suffer for the rest of her days。 but just like the thorn birds, she lived for that one song to sing。
荆棘鸟英文 第五篇