Arriving: 09-04-2012
Check-in at St. George Hotel
Day 1
London Sightseeing 市内观光
Staying at St. George Hotel
Day 2
Oxford and Biscester Village 牛津 比斯特村 Back to London in the evening
Staying at St. George Hotel
Day 3
London Sightseeing 市内观光
Staying at St. George Hotel
Day 4
Windsor Castle 文萨城堡
London Sightseeing
Staying at St. George Hotel
Day 5
Cambridge Sightseeing 剑桥观光 Back to London in the evening
Staying at St. George Hotel【daily,schedule教学视频】
Day 6
London Sightseeing 市内观光 Staying at St. George Hotel
Day 7
Manchester and York Sightseeing Back to London in the Evening Staying at St. George Hotel
Day 8
Bath Sightseeing 巴斯观光 Back to London in the Evening Staying at St. George Hotel
Leaving: 18-04-2012
Variables of type daily_schedule can store handles for daily schedules and access attributes of the daily schedule using the pointer (->). Daily schedules consist of breaks and these break characteristics can be obtained by accessing the shift break. Different day end logic and defer day end behavior can also be defined for a daily schedule. The behavior of process, route or request logic when the day end logic is run can also be controlled by the daily schedule. Daily schedules can be defined for time periods of up to 24 hours and can be saved in the model file or in an
independent file
类型daily_schedule的变量可以存储句柄使用指针的日常安排和作息时间的访问属性( - >)。每天的日程安排包括休息时间和休息这些特性可以通过访问移位休息来获得。不同的一天结束逻辑和推迟一天结束的行为也可以被定义为每天的日程。的过程中,路由或一天结束的逻辑运行时请求逻辑的行为也可以通过每日的日程安排控制。每天的时间表可以被定义为长达24小时的时间周期,并且可以保存在模型文件或在一个独立的文件