Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?

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Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?(一)
Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature

Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?

Section A

The main activity is 1a.

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands

1. Learn some new phrases: 2. Learn some useful sentences: 3. Review different kinds of clauses:

4. Learn about some famous painters and their paintings. Ⅱ. Teaching aids


Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review (时间: 5分钟)

Ask and answers with Ss to lead new lesson.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 15分钟)

1.Show some sides of the picture. And listen to 1a. 2. Answer the questions:


(2)What is the major symbol of expression in Vincent van Gogh’s paintings? (Keys: (1) No, it isn’t. (2) Color. (3) A painter.) 1a and find out the complex sentences, at the same time point out their types. Discuss in pairs and further understand them.

Step 3 Consolidation (时间:10分钟)

1. Follow the tape, and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice in pairs. 2. Work in pairs. Act out the dialog.

3. Read 1a again and fill out the table in 1b. Check (√) the painter you like better.

Step 4 Practice (时间: 10分钟)

1.Discuss the questions in 1c in groups. Then tell a story about Ss’own favorite artist. 2.Listen to the passage carefully then finish the tasks in 2 on page 34.

Step 5 Project (时间: 5分钟)


Go to the library and skim at least five kinds of books. Write down the main characters, their characteristics and the writers’ styles of each book. 板书设计:

Who is your favorite character in literature?

Section A

(1)It was painted by Vincent van Gogh, who was a Dutch painter.

(2)The way he showed things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi did. (3)I have made up my mind to be a painter.

(4)It’s possible for you to succeed if you work hard at painting.

Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2a. Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands【Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?】

1. Learn some new words and a phrase: 2. Learn a proverb:

3. Learn how to describe literary works.

4. Learn about Chinese classical literature and western literature. 5. Cultivate the students’ cooperative spirit. Ⅱ.Teaching aids 《西游记》、《哈利·波特》两本小说的相关图片/小黑板/录音机/幻灯片 Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review (时间: 7分钟)

Check homework. Ask some Ss to report it to the class.

Step 2 Presentation (时间: 13分钟)

1. 呈现小说《西游记》主人公的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。

classic, literature

2. 呈现《哈利·波特》的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。

in one’s view

总结学生们对两幅图的描述,加上一些适当的提示,对学生进行情感方面的教育,培养其乐于与他人合作的精神,使其形成注重和谐及积极向上的品质。 3.Listen to 1a. Then answer the following questions:

(1)In order to help Harry, what do Harry’s friends do? (2)What’s Kangkang’s view?

Key:(1)They read many books and discovered the best way to defeat their enemies.(2)Neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends.

Step 3 Consolidation (时间: 8分钟)

1.Act 1a out. Work in groups of three.

2. Work in groups of four, and discuss the characters in 1a with group members. Then fill in the chart and check (√) favorite character.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 (时间: 10分钟)

1.Take out their literature works and describe favorite characters.

2.Read 2a and find the answer to the question: Who are mentioned in this passage?


3. Read by themselves and describe Harry Potter and the Monkey King. 4.Read 2a again and have a further understanding of it.

Step 5 Project (时间: 7分钟)


Write a short article in the topic“My friend”using the descriptive words you have learnt in this lesson. 板书设计:

Who is your favorite character in literature?

【Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?】

Section B

(1)In my view, neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends.

(2)One tree can’t make a forest

(3)Sometimes we can’t help laughing because of his funny behavior.

Section C

The main activities are 1a and 2a. Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands【Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?】

1. Learn a new word and a phrase: 2. Learn some useful sentences:

3. Further understand how to cherish friendship. 4. Go on talking about art and literature. Ⅱ.Teaching aids


Ⅲ. Teaching ways:Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review (时间: 8分钟)

1.Check up Ss’ compositions.

2.Discuss in groups. Describe the Monkey King or Harry Potter.

Step 2 Presentation (时间: 12分钟)

1.T: From Journey to the WestXuanzang. The Monkey King won every battle for Xuanzang with the help of Pigsy and Sandy. They helped each other and succeeded in finishing their tasks. Now we certainly know friendship

them? First, let’s learn some new words. Next, maybe we can get some help from the story Sand and Stone.

(板书并要求学生掌握set free;理解argument。) set free argument

(1) (利用构词法学习生词。) eraser (n.) —— gold (n.) —— (2) (利用英文解释学习生词。) (板书并要求学生掌握golden;理解mud和sink;了解slap和erase。) erase mud golden sink slap

2. Come to 1a and read the story Sand and Stone. Then answer the following questions.

(1)How many people are there in the story? (2)Where did the story happen?

(3)What did the tall boy do when he had an argument with his friend? (4)Where did the short boy write the words when his friend hurt him? (5)What happened in the pond?

(6)Where did the short boy write the words when his friend saved him? (7)What did he mean by his last words? 3. Retell the story with the sentences above.

Step 3 Consolidation (时间: 10分钟)

Work in pairs to finish 2 of 1b.

Step 4 Practice (时间: 10分钟)

1.Look at the pictures in 2a. And learn the literati at home and abroad and their works. 2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions in 2b. Finish 2b.

Step 5 Project (时间: 5分钟)

1. Look at the pictures in 3 and match them with the expressions above. 2. Homework:

According to your descriptions, write a story about the Monkey King as homework. 板书设计:

Who is your favorite character in literature?

Section C

argument But the short boy got stuck slap erase in the mud and started mud golden to sink. sink set free

Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?(二)
Unit6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature 教案4(仁爱版九年级下)

【Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?】

Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?(三)
Unit6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature 每课一练2(仁爱版九年级下)

Unit 6 Topic 2


( ) 1. — How do you like Van Gogh’s paintings?

— ________

A. What about you? B. Yes, I like them. C. They are great. D. No, I don’t.

( ) 2. — Mr. Li, could you help me? I can’t decide ________ I want to be an artist or not.

— No problem. You can first go to Beijing National Art Gallery and learn about the life of the artists, then you can make a decision.

A. if B. whether C. which D. that

( ) 3. — Who is the man ________ was talking to our English teacher?

— Oh! It’s Mr. Baker, our new maths teacher.

A. that B. he C. whom D. which

( ) 4. Leonardo Da Vinci is known for the portrait of ________.

A. horses B. Mona Lisa C. Romeo and Juliet D. Hamlet

( ) 5. — What are you going to ________ when you ________?

— I want to be an artist.

A. become; will grow up B. be; will grow

C. become; grow up D. be; grow up

( ) 6. — Excuse me, could you tell me _______?

— Certainly, it’s over there along the street.

A. where the People’s Park is B. where is the People’s Park

C. the People’s Park is where D. how I got to People’s Park

( ) 7. — You shouldn’t slap your brother ________ the face.

— I’m really sorry. I won’t do that again.

A. on B. at C. in D. across

( ) 8. — Can you remember ________ else about Gu Kaizhi?

— Oh, Gu Kaizhi is considered to be the father of landscapes and people.

A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

( ) 9. — Vincent is one of my favorite ________.

— I like his ________ very much, too. They are very impressive.

A. artist; painting B. artists; paintings C. artists; painting D. artist; paintings

( ) 10. Jack could hardly believe what I said, ________?

A. could he B. can he C. couldn’t he D. wouldn’t he Ⅱ.情景交际。(5分)


Ma Li: Mom, I really like San Mao’s novels. Her works are very interesting. But it’s a pity that Mom: that you want to be a writer. If you work hard, it won’t be difficult for you. Ma Li: What do you think ?

Mom: Well, that depends on what kind of writer you are talking about.

Ma Li: Mom: That’s a good idea.



Who some of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most of the time? There is an answer all these questions—Leonardo Da Vinci(达·芬奇).

Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(天才) have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1,500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn’t a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked.

But Leonardo an inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master(大师)painter, and as he got older he became more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand in ten different ways he was ready to paint.

Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with today. You may know one of his most famous works—the woman known as Mona Lisa.

( ) 16. A. took B. made C. painted D. invented

( ) 17. A. artists B. doctors C. painters D. people

( ) 18. A. to B. of C. for D. from

( ) 19. A. the scientists B. the artists C. the world D. people

( ) 20. A. draw B. paint C. work D. build

( ) 21. A. was just B. wasn’t just C. wasn’t D. was no longer

( ) 22. A. less B. no C. even D. very

( ) 23. A. before B. after C. because D. when

( ) 24. A. him B. us C. them D. you

( ) 25. A. interesting B. crying C. smiling D. surprising


( A. Exciting. B. Silly but cute. C. Funny. D. Happy.

( ) 27. Mr. Li finishes his lessons at 22:00, which film can he enjoy on Thursday evening?

A. Rush Hour. B. My life as Mcdull. C. Mr. Bean. D.Harry Potter Ⅲ.

( ) 28. My daughter is eight years old, which two films does she like best, can you guess?

A. Rush Hour and My life as Mcdull.

【Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?】

B. My life as Mcdull and Mr. Bean.

C. Mr. Bean and Harry Potter Ⅲ.

D. Harry Potter Ⅲ and My life as Mcdull.

( ) 29. What kind of movie is Mr. Bean?

A. Action Movie. B. Cartoon. C. Comedy. D.Science Fiction.

( ) 30. Which character is from China?

A. Jackie Chan. B. Rowan. C. Mcdull. D. Harry Potter.


Most musicians agree that the best violins were first made in German, Italy, about 200 years ago. These violins sound better than any others. They even sound better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments like the Italian violins. But they aren’t the same. Musicians still prefer the old ones.

Some people think it is the age of the violins. But not all old violins sound wonderful. Only the old violins from German are special. So age cannot be the answer.

Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood. The wood must be from certain kinds of tree.

But the kind of wood may not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood in special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the Italians. Maybe they understood more than what we do about how to cut the wood.

Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish(清漆). Varnish is what covers the wood of the violin. It makes the wood look shiny. It also helps the sound of the instrument. But no one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish.


( ) 31. The passage is about the old Italian violins.

( ) 32. Some people think that modern violins sound poor.

( ) 33. Other people think the Italian violin makers did not know much about violins.

( ) 34. Violins made today have the same size and shape as the old ones.

( ) 35. Some scientists believe that the secret of the old violins was their varnish.


William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. He wrote thirty-seven plays in all. They are still popular today.

He was born in 1564 in England. At school he liked watching plays. He decided to be an actor(演员)when he finished school at the age of fourteen. In 1582, he married a farmer’s daughter. She was eight years older than he was. Their first child was a daughter. Later they had twins. In 1585,Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind. No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592.

At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theater company which opened the Globe Theater in 1599. He became an actor,and he also wrote plays. He usually acted in his own plays. He earned almost no money from his writing. But he made a lot of money from acting. With the money he bought a large house in his hometown.

At the age of forty-nine,Shakespeare retired(退休)and went to live in Stratford-upon-Avon. He died at the age of fifty-two. He left his money to his family. He left his genius to the world. You still see his plays in English and in many other languages. He is one of the most famous writers in the world.


36. What are Shakespeare’s famous plays?


37. In which year did Shakespeare decide to be an actor?


38. Who did Shakespeare leave his hometown Stratford-upon-Avon with in 1585?


39. How did he make a lot of money?


40. Did he write both plays and poems?




41. It’s a p________ that the book you want to read was lost.

42. Xu Beihong is good at painting horses, and he is known for traditional paintings. He is a p________.

43. Lu Xun, who is famous for his great works, is the father of Chinese l________.

44. Van Gogh’s paintings usually express strong f________.

45. One tree can’t make a f________.


46. Hearing the bad news, she ________ ________ ________(禁不住哭了).

47. You are not a child any longer, you shouldn’t ________ ________(依赖)your parents so much.

48. The short boy ________ ________(卡住,无法移动)in the mud, and his friend saved him.

49. Uncle Li invited me to visit him, but I didn’t decided ________ to go ________ ________ (是否).

50. ________ ________(依照)the introduction of the film, I know that it’s about the silly Mcdull.


Zhu Lei: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please? Mei Ya: Who is that?

Zhu Lei: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV

【Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?】

Spring Festival Gala(中央电视台春节联欢晚会)for 2005?

Mei Ya: Zhu Lei: I haven’t either. But it is said this is a very beautiful dance.

Mei Ya: Was it given by Tai Lihua only?

Zhu Lei: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country

were moved(感动)by it.

Mei Ya: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?

Zhu Lei: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute(哑的)ones.

Mei Ya: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.

Zhu Lei: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their

performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. Mei Ya: Sure. How shall we get there?

Zhu Lei: It is not far from here.

Mei Ya: OK. I’ll wait for you at home at six p.m. See you.

Zhu Lei: See you later.


52. _____________________

53. _____________________

54. _____________________

55. _____________________


以“My Dream”为题,写一篇短文或编一个对话。


1. 主要内容包括:梦想是什么,说出理由以及如何才能实现自己的梦想。

2. 短文词数在60-80之间(对话不得少于5组)。要求切合题意,内容完整,表达清楚,书写规范。

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?(四)
Unit6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature 教案2(仁爱版九年级下)

Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?(五)
Unit6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature 教案6(仁爱版九年级下)

Unit5 Topic2 Revision




