
| 励志口号 |


the city of future 说课稿

Good morning teachers! I am very pleased to be here to talk about my teaching ideas. My topic is _______which is taken from senior English book 4, module 1, and the reading part. My lesson is made up of 5 parts that is analysis of teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design.

I am going to start from the first part, analysis of teaching material. Three aspects are included in this part. They are the understanding of this lesson, the teaching aims, the important points and the difficult points.

This lesson is a reading passage and it mainly tells what will the city look like in the future and how to run a city in the year of 2025.It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this module. The students will learn how to find the information quickly and accurately and also imporve their reading skills through skiming and scaning. If the students can master this part well, it will be helpful for them to study the rest of this unit.

Then according to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus,I think the teaching aims of this lesson are the following:

1 knowledge aim: enable stuents understand definitions of new

words and expressions.

2 ability aim: enable students to understand the main idea of the passage.improve studetns’ intergrated abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing.

3 emotional aim:to develop students’ optimistic attitude to the life.

Next are the important points and difficult points. The important points include: the study of new words and expressions;the understanding of the content.

The difficult point is the improvement of integrated abilities and the achievement of teaching aims.

Well, how to achieve the aims better, stress the important points and break through the difficult points, I adopt situational language teaching method, communicative approach, (question and answer activity; the task-based language teaching method) in my teaching. It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the students, and develops students’ communicative competence. I will offer students different tasks based on the text to help improve their abilities. In order to make my class lively and briefly, I will need the tape recorder, the multi-media, and the blackboard. Part 3 is the studying methods. As senior students, they are

quick in mind and eager to show what they know. But some of them are very shy and they seldom participate in class activities. In order to activate my students, I’ll create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and make students the masters of my class. In a word, students will learn to be a successful reader, to think deeper and form positive attitude to the daily life. Part 4 teaching procedures, which is the main part of my lesson.

Step 1 is lead in. I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discussion by themselves. At the beginning, I will show some pictures of ____to my students and let them discuss ____.thus leading my students to the topic we are going to learn.

Step 2 is reading.

First, fast reading. Here I will ask my students to read the passage as quickly as possible, and then give them some T or F questions to see if they have a general understanding of this passage.

Second, intensive reading. Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. I will also give some explanation for some long and difficult sentences.

Third, consolidation. I will show my students a short passage with key words and phrases missing, and then ask some students to retell the passage by filling the blanks.

Step 3 is games. I will ask my students to work in pairs and do the role play activity. One student acts as____, the other as ____.they will make a conversation about______. At the same time, I give them emotional education.

Step 4 is language points .I will show the important words and expressions which the students need to learn on the screen one by one. Such as _______in the passage. Then give them the right usages of these new language points. What’s more I will ask students to make sentences by using these newly learnt words and expressions.

Step 5 is summary. In this step, I will go through the important points and difficult points of this lesson with students once again and then ask my students to summarize what they have learned in this class. I will also make some supplement in the end.

Step 6 is homework. Write an article about __. I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do it yourself and looking up the information by themselves.

At last, I will give a brief introduction of my blackboard design. A good blackboard design should contain the main knowledge points of the class and help students to organize their thoughts well. Therefore, I divided the blackboard into 3 parts. on the left, I wrote teaching aims; in the middle of the blackboard, there were important and difficult language points, and the right part was used for explanation.

Well. That’s all for my presentation, thank you very much.

the city of future 说课稿language points

Good morning teachers! I am very pleased to be here to talk about my teaching ideas. The content of my lesson is taken from senior English book 4 module3. It is the language points learning. My lesson is made up of 5 parts that is analysis of teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design.

I am going to start from the first part, analysis of teaching material. Three aspects are included in this part. They are the understanding of this lesson, the teaching aims, the important points and the difficult points.

This content of the lesson is about the learning of new words, expressions and grammar appeared in the module. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this module. If the students can master this part well, it will be helpful for them to understand the main idea of the reading passage and to improve their abilities of listensing, speaking, reading and writing.

Then according to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus,I think the teaching aims of this lesson are the following:

1 knowledge aim: enable students to remember the new words ,expressions and to master the grammar point.

2 ability aim: enable students to make sentences by using the newly learned words and expressions.

3 emotional aim:to stimulate students’interest to learn english and to develop their sence of cooperation.

Next are the important points and difficult points. The important point is the grasp of new words, expressions and related grammar.【The,city,of,the,future,说课稿】

The difficult points are the improvement of integrated abilities and the achievement of teaching aims.

Well, how to achieve the aims better, stress the important points and break through the difficult points, I adopt situational language teaching method, communicative approach, (question and answer activity; the task-based language teaching method) in my teaching. It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the students, and develops students’ communicative competence. I will offer students different tasks based on the text to help improve their abilities. In order to make my class lively and briefly, I will need the tape recorder, the multi-media, and the blackboard. Part 3 is the studying methods. As senior students, they are quick in mind and eager to show what they know. But some of them are very shy and they seldom participate in class activities.

In order to activate my students, I’ll create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and make students the masters of my class. In a word, students will learn to be a successful reader, to think deeper and form positive attitude to the daily life. Part 4 teaching procedures, which is the main part of my lesson.

Step 1 revision

I will check their homework exercise and then ask some students to retell the reading passage.

Step 2 reading and finding

Ask students to read the passage again to underline all the words, expressions they cannot understand. Step 3 group work

Students will be asked to work in groups to guess the meanings, or learn the correct usages by looking up the dictionaries.

Step 4 language points

I will explain the new words and expressions to my students and ask them to do the exercise of vocabulary part. Step 5 summary

In this step, I will go through the important points and difficult points of this lesson with students once again

and then ask my students to summarize what they have learned in this class. I will also make some supplement in the end. Step 6 homework

Students will be asked to do some vocabulary and grammar exercise, to consolidate what they have learned. At Last will give a brief introduction of my blackboard design.

A good blackboard design should contain the main knowledge points of the class and help students to organize their thoughts well. Therefore, I divided the blackboard into 3 parts. on the left, I wrote teaching aims; in the middle of the blackboard, there were important and difficult language points, and the right part was used for explanation.

Well. That’s all for my presentation, thank you very much.

Unit 3 life in the future说课稿定稿

Unit 3 life in the future First Impressions

Good morning, professors, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lessons with you. The content of the lesson is New Senior English for China Student’s Book 5 Unit 3 life in the future . I’ll begin the lesson from the following six parts,

Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material

Part 2.Analysis of the students

Part 3.The teaching methods

Part 4.The studying methods

Part 5.The teaching procedure

Part 6.Blackboard design

Part 1.Analysis of the teaching material

The teaching material includes teaching content , teaching aims , teaching key points and teaching difficult points.

Teaching content

This unit is about life in the future , and the reading passage plays an important part in this unit . It not only provides the chance for the students to learn about what the life may be like in the future ,but also includes many useful words ,expressions and grammar points that students should learn in this unit.

Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims:

(1)To help students to understand the words and some useful expressions

(2)To get the students to know about what the life may be like in the future .

2. Ability aims:

(1) To train the students’ reading ability by fast reading and careful reading ,and get them to learn more reading skills.

(2) To help the students talk about the life in about 1000 years in English.

3. Emotional aims:

(1) To increase the students’ interest in science and develop their imagination.

(2)To call up the students to protect the environment.

Teaching key points

1. To train the students’ reading ability

2. To help the students talk about the life in about 1000 years in English.

Teaching difficult points

1. To develop the students’ reading ability

2. To help the students grasp the main idea of each paragraph and the whole passage Part 2.Analysis of the students

On the one hand ,they’ve learnt English for years, the students have got the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned, to express their ideas, feelings, and experiences and to develop their self-dependent learning ability and cooperative learning ability

Part 3.The teaching methods

a. Task-based Language Teaching

b. Discussion

c. Question-and-answer Method

d. Role-play

Part 4.The studying methods

a. self-dependent learning method

b. Cooperative learning method

Part 5.The teaching procedure

Step 1 Lead-in

I will lead in the lesson of the unit by showing pictures about the life in the past ,today and in the future ,and talk about them .

Purpose: To increase the students’ interest, attract their attention and lead in step 2. Step 2 Fast reading

3. Ask them to choose the main idea of each paragraph

Paragraph 1( ) Paragraph 2 ( )Paragraph 3( )Paragraph 4( )

A. How I came to take a time travel journey

B. Staying Wang Ping’s home

C. The journey

D. My impressions of the life one thousand years into the future

Methods: self-dependent learning method , Question-and-answer Method, task-based language teaching

Purpose :To train the students’ self-dependent learning ability and have a brief understanding of the passage.

Step 3. Careful Reading


1.Get the students to read the passage carefully ,and then finish Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on page 19

I’ll divide the students into 4 groups ,and then ask them to finish the tasks by competition and cooperation.If anyone answers the question correctly,his or her group will get 1 point,and the group which get the most points is the winner.

Methods :cooperative learning method , competition, task-based language teaching

Purpose :To train the students to grasp the detailed information and have a better understanding of the text.Through cooperation and competitions,the students get the joy of success which makes the students become more interesed in learning English, at the same time ,it can help the students improve the cooperative learning ability.

Step 4 Activity

Ask the students to work in pairs ,one acts as Li Qiang ,the other acts as a reporter that wants to interview Li Qiang .

Methods: cooperative learning method , role-play , task-based language teaching

Purpose :To train the students’ speaking and thinking abilities and impove their abilitiy of communicating in English.role-play teaching method can arouse the interest of learning and make the students learn better.

Step 5. Summary and homework

1.Get the students to retell the text with the help of the information on the blackboard.

2.Imagine you are studying in a school in about 1000 years ,what may it be like ?Please write a composition about it .

Purpose: By doing this , the students can review the knowledge they have learnt in this lesson and train their writing ability.

Part 6.Blackboard design

First impressions【The,city,of,the,future,说课稿】

1. What is the main idea of the passage ?

2 Choose the main idea of each paragraph

Paragraph 1( ) Paragraph 2 ( )Paragraph 3( )Paragraph 4( )

A.How I came to take a time travel journey

B.Staying Wang Ping’s home

C.The journey

D.My impressions of the life one thousand years into the future

The purpose of this part is to get the students to have a clear idea to get the main content of this lesson.

Unit 3 life in the future说课稿

高二必修5 Unit 3 life in the future说课稿


早上好。今天我说课的主题是必修五第三单元 life in the future,第一篇课文 First impressions。我准备从教材,学情,教学,学法,教学过程,板书设计六方面来说。


1. 未来生活在必修5中是一个重要话题。本课是一节泛读课,First impressions 讲述了李强如何安全到达“未来世界”以及在“未来”的第一印象。本课在提高学生的阅读能力上起着非常重要的作用。教材设计这样一个话题,不仅是为了提高学生的语言技能,也是为了拓宽学生的视野,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 新课标提出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富社会经历、开发思维能力和提高人文素养的过程。学习英语是人的发展的一部分,体现更多的人文精神。








情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,热爱生活,提高小组合作意识。 教学重难点:掌握未来生活与现在生活的不同,提高推断阅读技巧;理解作者对未来生活



1. 多媒体的使用,采用视频情境导入。

2. 略读(借助图片,每段首尾句),(带着中心词)查读 ,推断(根据课文提供


3. 任务型教学法: 围绕课文设计预测,连线,填词。TorF,翻译难句,选择,讨论等不同形式的活动。

4,独立思考, 同桌、小组讨论和合作的学习方法

5. 学案辅助教学


Teaching Design

Step1. Lead-in


1) Predicting

2) Fast reading

3) Careful reading

Step3. Deep Comprehending

Step4. Discussion

Step5. Summary

Step6. Homework


Step1 lead-in

导入环节使用了视频, 电影<变人中>的一小段。主要是让学生对未来生活展开想象力,引起兴趣. 然后反问Do you want to know more about future?接着用一些图片吸引学生。最后反问do you want to travel to future now? Step2. Reading

1. Predicting (预测环节主要是让学生利用课文的图片思考文章中有可能出现的内容。这样是为了激活学生相关的背景知识,培养学生对阅读的预测能力。)

2. Fast-reading

(快速阅读设计了两个活动。 一是回答问题,二是连线匹配各段的中心大意。是为了提高学生的略读技能。带着问题,中心词去文中查找) Task1. Answer questions

1.Whose first impressions are these?

2. Who guided my trip?

3. How did he get to the year 3008?

Task 2: Match the main idea of each paragraph.

Para.1 Staying in Wang Ping’s home

Para.2 My impressions of life in AD 3008

Para.3 How I came to take a time travel journey

Para.4 The journey

3. Careful-reading


Task1. Fill in the blanks

Before ________about the journey, I was __________for the the first few days. journey as a result, he suffered from“ time lag”.

During The surroundings were difficult to tolerate. ______by a the _____ of fresh air and his head ______. journey Collect a hovering carriage __________by computer.

After Li was showed into a large bright, clean room with a the green wall made of______. journey Exhausted, he _____ into bed and _____ fast



Step4. Deep comprehending

(深层理解部分一是对难句分析并翻译, 二是基于文章事实做一个推断题。这个环节的设计是为了更深刻的理解文章。)

Task1. Translation

However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.


Task2.What can you infer from the passage?

A. Global warming still exists in AD 3008.

B. Everyone would have to put on a mask when they went outside in the future

C. In the year AD 3008, the air in private houses was poor quality.

D. Li Qiang regretted having traveled to

the year AD 3008.

Step 5.Discussion: the writer’s view of future

Pessimistic or optimistic





1. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.

2. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.

3. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached

1. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.


Step6. Summary (走向高考)

The passage is about Li Qiang’s future journey in a time capsule. He traveled to AD 3008. He was unsettled as ______result of suffering from “time lag”But his guide , Wang Ping gave him some _________ (tablet) which helped a lot. It took only a few minutes ______ they came to 1,000 years in the future. At first his new ____________(surround) were difficult to tolerate . Hit by a lack ______ fresh air, his head ached. But after putting on a mask , he felt ________(good) in no time. He collected a hovering carriage __________(float) above the ground. He caught _________(sight) of Wang Ping and flew after him to Wang Ping’s house, ________everything was strange. The wall was made of trees, which provided the room with oxygen. Exhausted, he ______(slide) into bed and fell asleep.


Step7. Homework: 对学案上的summary进行翻译并背诵。






五.说板书设计 Blackboard Design

Unit 3 life in the future

First Impressions

一. Structure Before the journey

Future tours During the journey

After the journey【The,city,of,the,future,说课稿】

二. Summary(学生写下10个词 )

(板书的设计一方面体现本课的结构,另一方面体现学生的活动展示) 以上是我的说课内容,希望各位评委多多指教!!!

life in the future 说课稿

The City of the Future






我说课的内容是外研版《英语》(新标准)高中第四册Module 1 Life in the Future 中的Reading and Vocabulary。这篇阅读文章主要通过想象描绘了未来城市的发展前景,使学生了解世界的趋势,了解可持续发展的必要性,培养乐观的生活态度。





For sure run out rely on alternative natural resources get rid of free of charge Carry out attach to make predictions come true senior citizens






3. 情感目标:


4. 教学重点:扩大学生的词汇量并训练学生的听,读, 说能力。

5. 教学难点:培养学生的阅读技能,包括分析课文并总结段落大意。





根据新颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》所倡导的教学原则及“第二语言习得论”和“整体语言教学理论”,结合文章具体内容及学生的差异性,确定本节课主要采用任务型语言教学法(Task-based Language Teaching) 、合作学习教学法(Cooperative Learning Approach)、视听教学法、交际教学法(Communicative Approach)、以及情感激励教学法(Affective Motivation)等教学方法。具体采用“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式:(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task)来组织教学。








整体语言教学法要求按 “整体-部分-整体”的模式,进行语篇阅读训练,即从“整体”开始,以“整体”结束的“三段式”阅读教学法。本课采用从整体略读——分段细读——通读全文,进一步理解课文内容,即是这种教学策略的体现。


在教学中重视师生之间的思想交流,充分调动自己情绪的感染力,适时进行情感与策略调整,通过情感激励,使教师与学生达到情感交融,在愉悦的课堂氛围中发展创新,体验成功。 此外在教学过程中还注意遵循以下教学原则:









4) 探究策略:布置任务,引导学生主动拓宽英语学习的渠道,即通过不同信息渠道(internet, newspaper, dictionary, magazines…)查找所需信息,把英语学习从课堂延伸到课外。 5)评价策略:采用过程性评价中的学生-学生,教师-学生让学生知道自己的每一个进步。 说教学过程 教学反思】


