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Lesson1 Are you going to have a birthday party二课时导学案

Are you going to have a birthday party?二课时导学案


1.能够听、说、认读动词短语:make a cake,invite some friends,sing and dance,eat noodles.

2.能够听、说、读、写短语:next week,this morning/afternoon/evening;并能够听、说、认读时间短语:tomorrow,tonight.

3.能够在Read and write中合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。


Are you going to do tomorrow? Yes,I’m./No,I’m not.




1.热身: “演一演、猜一猜”活动

教师准备好动词短语卡片,如:do spots,party,do morning home,coming,Would you like...等以及相关道具,如电话、书刊、蛋糕、耳机等。学生抽出一张卡片,根据上面的图片或文字,用动作表现出来,其他学生猜是什么短语。当有学生抽到新短语书刊时,教师可引他借助书刊来进行表演,其他学生由此可能会猜:read books。教师可将at home留到最后自己表演。使用卡片蛋糕和party引出新句型Are you going yo ...?教师可设立“最佳表演奖”来鼓励学生进行创造性表演,也可设立心有灵犀奖”来鼓励学生踊跃竞猜。


3.Read and write

教师出示Read and write部分的表格,说:Look! Here are some activities that are good for you.Please decide when you are going to do them and tell your partner.Pay attention:You can do them in two weeks.


4.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)


(2)学生动手做一做Let’s make.


1.你今天下午打算做运动么?___ you___ ___ ____ ____this afternoon?

2.迈克明天打算踢足球.Mike is going to ___ ___tomorrow.

3.我今天晚上打算去看电影。I’m going to ___ ___ ____ this evening.

4.Sarah 想去拜访朋友们。Sarah is ___ ____ ____ ____ some ____.


1、你们准备明天干什么? 2、下周日我们打算去公园。


【总结反思】 幻灯片10




一、 填空


1. It is s that he is very angry with you.

2.All the students laugh at me because my clothes are out of s________.

3.“Don’t worry, my dear young man, there’s nothing s_______.” the doctor said to me.

4. Everyone went to play bowling e____ Tom and me because we don’t like it.

5. There is a tall _________ (build) in front of the post office.

6. I can do my homework by _________ (I).

7. Look! Many girls ______________ (dance) over there.

8. —You look so sad today. —I _______ (argue) with my girlfriend last night.

9. While my parents were doing some cleaning, my sister_________ (shout) to me loudly.

10. First of all, you must tell me what you____________ (do) at nine last night.

11. I don’t know if Lucy___________ (come) to see me in five days.

12. My Chinese friends tell me Chongqing is f________________ for “Hot Pot”.

13. My English teacher always lets me_______ (choose) the answer more carefully.

14. Can you finish _____________ (read) this book in five days?

15. He is always the first one _______ (arrive) at school and the last ______ (leave) school. 16. _________ (collect) old coins is my father’s hobby. 17. I have some difficulties ________ (finish) the work in two days.

18. We ______ (learn) English for more than two years.

19. Be careful, or you ____________ (fall) behind the other students.

20. Don’t ask her p______ questions. Or she will be angry.

We are going to have a party in our house this evening. It is my(21) ______ birthday, and she

(22)______ my uncles and aunts and some of her(23)______. Mother and I are asked to cook most of the food for the party, and father is getting the drinks. The living-room looks very pretty. Balloons of all colours are hanging from the lights and we have taken the carpets away(24)______ we are going to dance there after dinner.

In the dining-room we(25)______ out the best plates and glasses and tablecloths, and it all looks

(26)______. We are going to have soup, fish,chicken,fruit and cheese. We are going to dance

(27)______ midnight,and after that,we will have more food,because we will be hungry after all that dancing.

Last year my mother(28)______ her birthday party in a restaurant,(29)______ it is cleaner and cheaper at home.

When it is my birthday,I am going to invite my friends and have a party in the garden. I will hang pretty lights(30)______ the trees and we will grill our food in the garden and dance on the grass.


31. It’s very cold today. (变为反意疑问句)

It’s very cold today, _________ __________?

32. It is a very interesting film.(改为感叹句)

_________ __________ interesting film it is!

33. He doesn’t go to school by bike. I don’t, either.(改为同义句)

_____ I ______ he goes to school by bike.

34. They clean the classroom every day. (用tomorrow代替every day)

They _________ _________ the classroom tomorrow.

35. Work hard, or you will not pass the exam. (同义句)

____________you____________ work hard, you will _____________ the exam.

36. Nanjing will have a fine day. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ Nanjing _________ a fine day?

37. There is only one sheep on the farm. (对划线部分提问)

__________________________ are there on the farm?

38. 他和他的同班同学相处的很好

He is___________________________ his classmates.

39. English is the most popular of all. (同义句)

English is _____________ popular than _____ subjects.

40. She was so tired; it’s difficult for her to arrive on time. (同义句)

She was _____________ tired _______________arrive on time.


Grandma Li lived alone in an old building. She was old and didn’t like noise at all. The young man and woman ___41___always made much noise every night, so she couldn’t___42___.When the young man and woman moved out of the building, Grandma Li was very ___43___. Another young man moved in and Grandma Li thought, “Well, he __44__.”

But at three o’clock the next morning, when Grandma Li___45___, some noise___46___. She___47____carefuly. It was a dog. She thought, “There wasn’t any dog here before. It___48___be the young man’s.” She__49__ him and telephoned the young man at once. Before the young man could say something, she stopped the call.

Nothing more happened__50__four o’clock. Then Grandma Li’s telephone rang. When she answered the phone, she heard, “I’m the man upstairs. I’m sorry to trouble you, but I want to tell you I don’t have a dog at all!”

( ) 41. A. upstairs B. up C. above D. higher

( ) 42. A. get to sleep B. sleeps C. slept D. get to sleep

( ) 43. A. sad B. pleased C. surprised D. worried

( ) 44. A. looked quiet B. looks quiet C. looked quite D. looks quite

( ) 45. A. was sleeping B. was falling asleep C. slept D. was getting to sleep

( ) 46. A. woke her up B. waked she up C. woke up her D. waked up she

( ) 47. A. heard B. listened C. was hearing D. listened to

( ) 48. A. can B. may C. must D. could

( ) 49. A. angry with B. angried with C. is angry with D. was angry with【are,you,going,to,have,a,birthday,party】

( ) 50. A. when B. after C. at D. until

三、 单项选择(30分 ,1*30)

( )51. —— How long have you ______ the car?

—— For half a year.

A. have B. buy C. had D. bought

( )52.Now many famous stars raise money ______ charity.

A. on B. for C. of D. buying

( )53.They have lived in this city for ______ .

A. two years and a half B. two and a half year

C. two years and half D. two year and half

( )54.If my sister ______ far away, she’ll miss my parents.

A. work B. works C. will work D. working

( )55.This pair of skates ______ very nice ______ a little big for me.

A. are; but B. is; but C. are; and D. is; or

( )56.She has been waiting for you for ______ afternoon.

A. whole B. an C. whole the D. all the

( )57. —— Will you please make some ______ for the old grandma?

—— Certainly. Take my seat, please.

A. rooms B. place C. room D. house

( )58. ——______ have you been playing ping-pong?

—— For five years.

A. How often B. how far C. How long D. When

( )59.My mother has been cleaning the house ______ nine o’clock in the morning.

A. at B. for C. to D. since

( )60. Our water is running ______ .

A. out of B. out C. into D. up

( )61. Could you please ______ me such boring questions? I’m tired.

A. not ask B. not to ask C. not asking D. don’t ask

( )62. —— Lucy, my pencil is under your chair.

—— Oh, let me ______ for you.【are,you,going,to,have,a,birthday,party】

A. pick up it B. to pick it up C. pick it up D. to pick up it

( )63. My parents don’t allow me ______ late.

A. stay up B. staying up C. stayed up D. to stay up

( )64. ______! The ground is too slippery(滑的).

A. Don’t worry B. Take care C. No problem D. Not at all

( )65.I want ______ cream cake. It’s delicious.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others

( )66.Please ______ . I am the mother of the sick girl. I want to see her.

A. let in me B. let out me C. let me out D. let me in

( )67.It’s raining outside. You’d better ______ your raincoat

A. put up B. put out C. put on D. put off

( )68.Nobody is in the room. Could you please ______ the light?

A. turn on B. turn up C. turn down D. turn off

( )69.She ______ to work for three days because she had to look after her daughter.

A. won’t be able B. am not be able C. haven’t been able D. wasn’t be able

( )70.The teacher asked Nancy ______ louder in class.

A. speaks B. spoken C. speaking D. to speak

( )71.His grandma makes a living ______ vegetables.

A. grows B. grow C. to grow D. growing

( )72. —— Do you know if he ______ to play basketball with us?

—— I think he will come if he ______ free tomorrow.

A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be

( )73.You can’t ______ jeans to the party. If you do so, the teachers won’t let you______.

A. wear; in B. put on; in C. dress; out D. have on; away

( )74. ——I’m sorry I ______my bag at home.

——You did that last week. Never forget ______ it to school next time.

A. forget; to take B. forget; to bring C. left; to take D. left; to bring

( )75. Jack ______ all the things on the desk just now.

A. puts away B. takes away C. puts on D. took away

( ) 76. “ What _____ fine weather!” ______ tallest boy said.

A. / , a B. a , the C. / , the D. a , a

( ) 77. He gave me two answers, and _______ of them ______ right.

A. every, is B. both, are C. neither, are D. none, is

( ) 78. I will skate on the real ice instead of ________ football.

A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play

( ) 79.He had to take a bus this morning ______ he couldn’t find his bike.

A. so B. but C. because D. or


( ) 80. She is so tired. Let’s _______.

A. stop resting B. stopped walking C. stop to go D. stop to rest



A: Excuse me, madam. (81)_______

B: Certainly. What can I do for you, sir?

A: Er, (82) _______ I want to take my son to Beijing for a short visit.

I’d like to look for some information about traveling. Do you have five

days’ tours(旅行)?

B: We certainly do. (83)______

A: Well, we’re going to visit some famous places like the Great Wall, the

Summer Palace and so on.

B: They’re all places of great interest(名胜)in Beijing. (84)________

A: We’re going to take it next week after my son finishes the final exam.

B: Then do you plan to go by train or by plane?

A: (85)_____________

B: Oh, I see. Here is the information about the tour and it will help you.

A: Thank you very much.


Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in the everyday life. For example, they can help people to save time to do much work, and they can help people to work out many problems. They can do easily. Our government(政府)asks everyone except(除了„„以外)the old people to learn to use computers.

Today more and more families have computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hop computers can help them improve their studies at school. Yet, many of their children used computers to play games, to watch video or to sing Karaoke(卡拉OK)instead of studying. So, many teachers and parents complain that computers can not help children but make them fall behind. So computers are locked in boxes by parents.

In some other countries, even some scientists also hate computers. They say computers let too many people lose their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.

Will computers really bring trouble to people? Can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by today’s students themselves.

( ) 86. Computer is a useful machine because our country asks us to learn it.

( ) 87. Many teachers and parents complain that computers make their students and children fall

behind instead of improving their studies at school.

( ) 88. In this passage we know computers can bring us neither happiness nor trouble.

( ) 89. If children make good use of them, computers can really help them to study.

( ) 90. One must decide how to use computers.



Before you got to another country it is a great help if you know the language and some of the customs(风俗)of the country.

When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say “How do you do? ”and shake hands(握手). Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they haven’t met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.










一般将来时be going to用法

一般将来时、be going to用法



常与tomorrow, next… , in (the) future,soon, in five days,in two weeks等连用。

―I’ll, You’ll, He’ll , She’ll , It’ll, We’ll , They’ll …‖ 是简缩形式。


1.will + 动词原形(will可以用于任何人称)


She will come back in three days.

Shall we go to the zoo?

I will be at home tomorrow. going to +动词原形 They are going to clean their classroom this afternoon.


1.肯定句:主语+shall /will+动词+其他.

They will go shopping this afternoon. (译出中文)

We shall be there before dark. (译出中文)

2.否定句:主语+shall /will+not+动词+其他.

They will go shopping this afternoon. (译出中文)

We shall not be there before dark. (译出中文)

3.一般疑问句:shall /will+主语+动词+其他?

Will they go shopping this afternoon? (译出中文) Shall we be there before dark? (译出中文)

4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+shall /will+主语+动词+其他?

When will they go shopping? (译出中文)

What sall I do? (译出中文)

5.there be的将来时:there will be

There will be a show in the park tonight. (译出中文)


1. _____you ____a doctor when you grow up? A Will; going to be B Are; going to be C Are; / D Will; be

2. He will be back _____a few minutes. A with B for C on D in

3. What time _____we meet at the gate tomorrow? A will B shall C do D are 4. It ____my brother’s birthday tomorrow. She is going to have a party. A is going to be B will be C will is D will have

5. Li Ming is 10 years old now, next year he _____11. A is B is going to be C will be D will to be

二、 用所给词适当形式填空

1. -―I need some paper.‖ - ―I ____(bring)some for you.‖ (be)you free tomorrow?

3. They _________(not leave) until you come back. 4. _____we_____(go) to the party together this afternoon?

5. There (be) a sports meeting in our school tomorrow. 6. I _____(go) with you if I have time.

7.Hurry up! Or we ______(be) late. 8.What ____you _______(do) tomorrow afternoon?

9. Jenny ____ _____ (do) an experiment the day after tomorrow.

10. If she isn’t free tomorrow, she _______(not take) part in the party.

be going to用法

be going to 是一种固定结构,其中"be"会根据主语的人称变化用"is, am ,are",它后面要接动词原形。含有be going to

结构的句子中往往有表示将来的时间状语,如:tomorrow, next week,this morning/afternoon/evening, at night, this weekend, soon等。

1、用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有―准备;打算‖的意思。这种主观意图,一般已做过事先安排,故其实现的 可能性较大,其主语常是人。We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.(安排)


Look at the black clouds. It's going to rain.(推测)

I‖m not feeling well, I‖m going to be ill. (表示说话人的感觉而已)

一、 陈述句

肯定句 主语+be(am / is / are) + going to +动词原形+其它。

They are going to see the car factory next week.


They are not going to see the car factory next week.


Be(am is are)+主语+going to+动词原形+其它?

—Are they going to see the car factory next week? —Yes, they are. (No, they aren't.)


疑问词+be(am is are)+主语+ going to+动词原形+其它? Who is she going to see this afternoon?

四、there be 句型的be going to 结构为:there is / are going to be... (注意句型中going to 后面的be不能改为have。) 常用来表示将有某事发生。 There is going to be a football match next Saturday in our school.


( ) 1.--What are you going to do this weekend? --I am going ____ my grandmother and grandfather.

A. visit B. to visit C. visiting

( ) 2.What ____ you want to be? A. are B. does C. do

( )3. -- ___________. --I’m going to the science museum.

A. What are you going to do this afternoon? B. What are you doing? C. What are you?

( )4. --_______. --On foot.

A. Do you go to school by bike every day? B. How do you go to school every day, Helen?

C. Do you walk to school every day?

( )5.-- ____________. --I usually read books. A. What are you doing? B. What do you do in the evening?


1.-______________ are you going? - I am going to the Great Wall.

2.-_____________ are they going to school? -They go to school by school bus.

3.-_____________ are you going to the museum? –Tomorrow afternoon.

4.-_____________ are we going to buy? –We are going to buy some fruit.

5.-_____________ is she going with? –She is going to Beijing with her mum.


1.Where are you going this evening?(the cinema) 2.When are you going to take a trip?(tomorrow) 3.How are you going to the US?(plane)


1.There_________ a basketball match this afternoon.

A is going to be B is going to have C are going to be D are going to have

2.I’m going _______(go) school by bike tomorrow. A to will go B to go to C go to D to go

at school next Monday. C.are

4. He is going to A. does C.did



1. I ______(leave)in a minute. I ______(finish)all my work before I leave.

2. —How long _____ you _____(study)in our country? —About one more year.

—What ______ you ______(do)after you leave here —I ______(return)home and get a job.

3. I am tired. I ______(go)to bed early tonight.

4. Mary’s birthday is next Monday, her mother _____(give)her a present.

5. It is very cold these days. It ______(snow)soon.

6. —_____ you _____(be)here this Saturday? —No. I ______(visit)my teacher.

7. —______ I ______(get)you a copy of today’s newspaper? —Thank you.

8. I am afraid there ______(be)a meeting this afternoon. I can’t join you.


1. There _____a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. is going to have B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be

2. Charlie _____ here next month. A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working C. isn’t going to working D. won’t work

3. He ____ very busy this week, he ___ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be

4. There _____a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be

5. Mother ___ me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give

7. Where is the morning paper? I ___ it for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get

9. _____ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are

10. If they come, we _____ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have

11. He ____ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday. A. gives B. gave C. will giving D. is going to give

12. He _____ to us as soon as he gets there. A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote

13. He ______ in three days. A. coming back B. came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back

14. Will his parents go to see the film tomorrow? No, _____ . A. they willn’t B. they won’t. C. they aren’t D. they don’t.

15. We ______ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing

16. There _____ a birthday party this Sunday A. shall be B. is going to be C. shall going to be D. will going to be

17. They ___ an English evening next Sunday. A. are having B. are going to have C. will having D. is going to have

18. It ____ us a long time to learn English well. A. takes B. will take C. spends D. will spend






U8 Janet is going to have a party教学设计

U8 Janet is going to have a party

P1: 师生互相问候

T: Good afternoon, every one. How are you, today.

S: …

T: Are you happy?

S: Yes, I’m happy.

P2: 创设野餐情景导入,学习新单词

T: I’板书 板书my picnic?

S: Yes. 板书bring) …

What food will you bring? (展示食物的图片)

S: I will bring…


T: No problem. (板书problem, No, problem.)

T: What do you want to do during my picnic? Tell me, that I can prepare the party.

T: … (问学生)Would you like to… 1. play little games / 2. listen to the music (Ok, no problem, I will bring 板书(板书VCD)

S: …


P3: 进入课文学习

T: My friend Janet’s birthday is coming soon. She is going to have a birthday party too. Let’s go and have a look.

S: Yes.

T: Ok. Today, let’s study U8 Janet is going to have a party. Let’s see what is Janet’s party like?

P4: 看金太阳,完成视听练习,初步了解课文大意。读课文第一部分,对课文第一部分


T: Ok, now let’s watch the movie and finish the exercise.

1. Mrs Webb’s birthday is coming. ( )

2. Janet wants to have a party. ( )

3. Janet wants to invite all her friends to the party. ( )

4. Janet doesn’t want to have a picnic outside. ( )

5. Janet has to help her mother with the party. ( )

(看金太阳完成“T”and“F”练习, 让学生带着任务了解课文内容的同时进行视听训练)。 T: Let’s read part one together.

P5: 听课文录音,完成选择题练习,读课文第二部分。

( ) 1. When is Janet’s birthday?

A. Next Monday. B. Next Sunday. C. Next Saturday.

( ) 2. What time is the party?

A. At 1:00. B. At 1:30 C. At 1:45

( ) 3. Does Janet want to play computer games with Ben?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. I don’t know.

( ) 4. Who will Ben bring to the party?

A. Sally. B. Billy. C. Xiaoling.

P6: 复习邀请的三个句型并进行语言运用操练。

T: Let’s make a short dialogue. When you want to invite your friends, you can use Shall we… / Would you like to… / Do you want to… Here we have many activities. Now, let’s use these three sentences to ask your partner what does he want to do in the party.

S: …(practise in their group)

T: Children, Amy’s birthday is coming. She wants to invite his friend Piggy to the party. They’re making a telephone call. Can you help them finish the calling? Now, please choose the right answers and fill in blanks.

A: It’s my birthday this Sunday. I’m going to have a birthday party. K: Yes, I’d love to. A: It starts at two .

K: Shall I bring some food?



A: Yes, of course.

K: See you.

A: See you.

(1) What time is the party?

(2) No, my mother will make all the food.

(3) Would you like to come?

(4) Can I bring my friend Piggy?

P7: 学生自作对话,拓展训练。

T: Follow the example and make a dialogue in pairs.


T: Do you want to have a party and invite all your friends to come. Now, please follow the example and write an invitation card. OK?



