2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago

| 留学生招聘 |


2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇一:2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(浙江卷)


英 语 试 题





1. ---I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon.

--- ______.

A. It‟s my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you

2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into______night.

A. Aa; the B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. 不填;the

3. An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850.

A. each B. it C. this D. one

4. Joe is proud and ______, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.

A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubborn D. sensitive

5. I don‟t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.

A. when B. where C. which D. why

6. We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like.

A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises

7. Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later.

A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause

8. “Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me.

A. what B. how C. that D. whether

9. No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen.

A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict

10. While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ______ .

A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place

11. Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests before.

A. has seen B. had seen C. saw D. would see

12. Facing up to your problem ____ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.

A. more than B. rather than C. along with D.or rather

13. The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others ______ .

A. blindly B. unwillingly C. closely D. carefully

14. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _______ to guard her.

A. to appoint B. appointing C. appointed D. having appointed

15. Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _______ she could stay home and raise her family.

A.now that B. as if C. only if D. so that

16. They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they _____ to our help.

A. would have come B. could come C. have come D. had come

17. People won‟t pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying _______ expression.

A. from B. over C. with D. for

18. There‟s no reason to be disappointed. ______, this could be rather amusing.

A. Above all B. As a result C. In addition D. As a matter of fact

19. How could you ______ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months.

A. turn off B. turn in C.turn down D. turn to

20. —I‟d like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!

—OK, _______.

A. help yourself B. You will certainly make it

C. just do what you like D. I‟ll make sure you get one



I had worried myself sick over Simon‟s mother coming to see me.I was a new honest account of the students‟ work. In Simon‟s case, the grades were awfully low. He couldn‟t read his own handwriting. he was a bright student. He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult So when Simon‟s mother entered the room, my palms(手掌心) were sweating. I was for her lisses on both my cheeks. “I came to thank you,” she said, surprising me beyond speech. me, he had began to make friends, and for the first time in his twelve years, he had a friend‟s house. She wanted to tell me how grateful she was for the 培养) in her son. She kissed me again and left.

I sat, stunned (惊呆), for about half an hour, what had just happened. How did I make such a life-changing difference to that boy without knowing it? What I finally came to was one day, several months before, when some students were reports in the front of the class, Jeanne spoke , and to encourage her to raise her voice, L had sai, “Speak up. Simon‟s the expert on this. He is the one you have to convince, and he can‟t hear you in the of the room.” That was it. From that day on, Simon had sat up straighter, paid more attention, more, and became happy. And it was all because he be the last kid in the last row. The boy who most needed was the one who took the last seat that day.

It lesson over the years of my teaching career, and I‟m thankful that it came and positively. A small kindness can indeed make a difference.

21. A. cleaner B. reporter C. monitor D. teacher

22. A. Or B. And C. But D. So

23. A. courage B. abilities C. feelings D. dream

24. A. desperate B. responsible C. unprepared D. unsuitable

25. A. Because of B. In spite of C. Apart from D.As for

26. A. loved B. envied C. pleased D. criticized

27. A. gradually B. constantly C. recently D. obviously

28. A. self-respect B. self-doubt C. self-pity D. self-defence

29. A. imagining B. observing C. wondering D. regretting

30. A. also B. even C. always D. still

31. A. expect B. remember C. believe D. accept

32. A. writing B. reviewing C. editing D. giving

33. A. quietly B. repeatedly C. quickly D. firmly

34. A. lucky B. lonely C. only D. likely

35. A. entrance B. middle C. front D. back

36. A. slept B. smiled C. shouted D. quarreled

37. A. intended B. pretended C. refused D. happened

38. A. change B. praise C. thanks D. visits

39. A. difficult B. painful C. valuable D. enjoyable

40. A. early B. slowly C. frequently D. occasionally

第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题,满分50分)



Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollar at a time. Call it the piggy bank strategy(策略). There are lessons in that time-honored coin-saving container.

Any huge task seems easier when reduced to baby steps. I f you wished to climb a 12,000-foot mountain, and could do it a day at a time, you would only have to climb 33 feet daily to reach the top in a year. If you want to take a really nice trip in 10 years for a special occasion, to collect the $15,000 cost, you have to save $3.93 a day. If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.

When I was a child, my parents gave me a piggy bank to teach me that, if I wanted something, I should save money to buy it. We associate piggy banks with children, but in many countries, the little containers are also popular with adults. Europeans see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and wealth. Around the world, many believe a gift of a piggy bank on New Year‟s Day brings good luck and financial success. Ah, but you have to put in it.

Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving? Why not an elephant bank, which is bigger and holds more coins? In the Middle Ages, before modern banking and credit instruments, people saved money at home, a few coins at a time dropped into a jar or dish. Potters(制陶工) made these inexpensive containers from an orange-colored clay(黏土) called “pygg,” and folks saved coins in pygg jars.The Middle English word for pig was “pigge”. While the Saxons pronounced pygg, referring to the clay, as “pug”, eventually the two words changed into the same pronunciation, sounding the “i” as in pig or piggy. As the word became less associated with the orange clay and more with the animal, a clever potter fashioned a pygg jar in the shape of a pig, delighting children and adults. The piggy bank was born.

Originally you had to break the bank to get to the money, bringing in a sense of seriousness into

savings. While piggy banks teach children the wisdom of saving, adults often need to relearn childhood lessons. Think about the things in life that require large amounts of money--- college education, weddings, cars, medical care, starting a business, buying a home, and fun stuff like great trips. So when you have money, take off the top 10%, put it aside, save and invest wisely.

41. What is the piggy bank strategy?

A. Paying 1% income tax at a time.

B. Setting a goal before making a travel plan.

C. Aiming high even when doing small things.

D. Putting aside a little money regularly for future use.

42. Why did the writer‟s parents give him a piggy bank as a gift?

A. To delight him with the latest fashion. B. To encourage him to climb mountains.

C. To help him form the habit of saving. D. To teach him English pronunciation.

43. What does then underlined word “something”(Paragraph 3) most probably refer to?

A. Money B. Gifts

C. Financial success D. Good luck

44. The piggy ban originally was _________.

A. a potter‟s instrument B. a cheap clay container

C. an animal-shaped dish D. a pig-like toy for children

45. The last paragraph talks about ________.

A. the seriousness of educating children B. the enjoyment of taking a great trip

C. the importance of managing money D. the difficulty of starting a business


Here is some must-know information from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.

In Brazil

Brazilians are warm and friendly. They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder. People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. But to be safe, be on time. Meals can stretch for hours—there‟s no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil. Lunches also can start in the mid to late afternoon. Brazilians are social, preferring face-to-face communication over mails or phone calls.

In Singapore

Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small, polite bow. Business cards should be offered and received with two hands. Arriving late is considered disrespectful. So be on time. Efficiency(效率) is the goal, so meetings and dealings often are fast-paced. Singaporeans are direct in their discussions, even when the subject is about money. Rank is important and authority is respected. This determines both people interact in meetings. For example, people avoid disagreeing outright with someone with a higher rank.

In the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, status is important, so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles. The handshake seems to be longer than elsewhere. So, do not pull away the handshake. Women should cover themselves when it comes to dress. Men also tend to be covered from neck to elbows(肘部) and

down to the knees. People do not avoid entertaining in their homes, but they also hold business meals at restaurants. Touching or passing food or eating with your left hand is to be avoided. When meetings are one-to-one, if your host offers you coffee, you should refuse. It might seem odd, but it is a cultural tradition. Coffee should only be accepted if it is always set out or presented.

In Switzerland

The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other by last name. They also are respectful of private lives. You should be careful not to ask about personal topics. Punctuality (守时) is vital, something that comes from a deep respect for others‟ time. Arrive at any meeting or event a few minutes early to be safe. They also have clear structure in their companies. Higher-ups make the final decisions, even if others might disagree. Neat, clean dress is expected. The Swiss follow formal table manners. They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table. It is polite to finish the food on your plate.

46. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. communication types B. the workplace atmosphere

C. customs and social manners D. living conditions and standards

47. Why do Singaporeans avoid arguing with their boss?

A. They put efficiency in the first place.

B. They dislike face-to-face communication.

C. They want to finish meetings as quickly as possible.

D. They are supposed to obey the person of a higher rank.

48. In the UAE, when should you refuse the coffee if it is offered?

A. When greeting seniors. B. When meeting the host alone.

C. When attending a presentation. D.When dining with business partners.

49. In which country do people care about where to put their hands at the dinner table?

A. In Brazil. B. In Singapore.

C. In the United Arab Emirate. D. In Switzerland.


Last summer, two nineteenth-century cottages were rescued from remote farm fields in Montana, to be moved to an Art Deco building in San Francisco. The houses were made of wood. These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil; now they hold Twitter engineers.

The cottages could be an example of the industry‟ s odd love affair with “low technology,” a concept associated with the natural world, and with old-school craftsmanship (手艺) that exists long before the Internet era. Low technology is not virtual (虚拟的) —so, to take advantage of it, Internet companies have had to get creative. The rescued wood cottages, fitted by hand in the late eighteen-hundreds, are an obvious example, but Twitter‟s designs lie on the extreme end. Other companies are using a broader interpretation (阐释) of low technology that focuses on nature.

Amazon is building three glass spheres filled with trees, so that employees can “work and socialize in a more natural, park-like setting.” At Google‟s office, an entire floor is carpeted in glass. Facebook‟s second Menlo Park campus will have a rooftop park with a walking trail.

Olle Lundberg, the founder of Lundberg Design, has worked with many tech companies over the years. “We have lost the connection to the maker in our lives, and our tech engineers are the ones who feel impoverished (贫乏的) , because they‟re surrounded by the digital world,” he says. “They‟re looking for a way to regain their individual identity, and we‟ve found that introducing real crafts is one way to do

2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇二:2014高考英语真题及答案北京卷,WORD版

2014年高考英语真题 ——《英语天机》均按照图片版校对



本试卷共16页, 共150分。考试时间为120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话,每段对话有一道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后, 你将有 10

例: What is the man going to rend?

A. A newspaper

B. A magazine

C. A book

答案是 A

1. What juice does the man order?

A. Lemon B. Apple 2. What subject does the man like best?

A. History. B. Biology. C. Chemistry.

3. Where is the woman from?

A. Britain. C. America.

A. Weekly. C. Yearly.

A. A bicycle. C. A book.

第二节(共 10 分)

听下面 4 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的

听第 6 至 7 题。

6. What’

A. She has a cough. B. She has a headache. C. She has a fever.

7. How long is the medicine for?

A. One day. B. Two days. C. Three days.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。

8. What does the woman need?

A. Some ink. B. A printer. C. Some paper.

9. What problem does the man have?

A. He can’t send a text message..

B. He can’t hear the woman clearly.

C. He can’t be back to the office soon.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10. What does the woman plan to do at first?

A. To stay at home. B. To eat out. C. To see a film.

11. When will the two speakers meet?

A. At 11:oo am.. B. At 2:00 pm. C. At 4:00 pm.

12. What is the man trying to do?

A. To introduce a new pizza to the woman.

B. To remind the woman to relax herself.

C. To invite the woman to see a movie.


第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分)

第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共 15 分)


例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago.

A. What’s more B. That’s to say

C. In other words D. Believe it or not

答案是 D。

21. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ______ plants can spread to new places.

A. so B. or

C. for D. but

22. ---Hi, let’s go skating. --- Sorry, I’m busy right now. I _______ in an application form for a new job.

A. fill B. have filled

C. am filling D. will fill

23. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _______ half an hour.

A. by B. in

C. for D. until

24. A. Observe B. To observe

C. Observed D. Observing

A. watch B. to watch

C. watched D. watching

A. who B. which

C. when 27. ________ I have a word with you? It won’

A. Can B. Must

C. Shall A. solving

C. being solved 29.

A. As

C. Even though D. In case

A. where B. when

D. why

31. B. checked

D. would check

A. started B. was starting

C. would start D. had started

33. Some people believe _______ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future.

A. whatever B. whenever.

C. wherever D. however

34. We __________ back in the hotel now if you didn’t lose the map.

A. are B. were

C. will be D. would be

35. The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without ______.

A. recognizing B. being recognized

C. having recognized D. having been recognized

第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)


The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boy in my class often about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.

All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who

” said Miss don’ I’m ” never 38. A. rich B. proud C. tiny D. popular

39. A. come B fall C. fit D. tie

40. A. manner B. pattern C. choice D. way

41. A. read B. taken C. opened D. put

42. A. free B. perfect C. final D. extra

43. A. art B. talk C. quiz D. talent

44. A. colored B. written C. carved D. drawn

45. A. at B. after C. for D. around

46. A. room B. time C. paper D. interest

47. A. gifts B. books C. photos D. posters

48. A. special B. academic C. national D. royal

49. A. painted B. found C. printed D. collected

50. A. very B. that C. quite D. too

51. A. If B. Though C. Unless D. Since

52. A. prize B. rank C. rest D. place

53. A. replied B. realized C. remembered D. regretted

54. A. offered B. valued C. owned D. controlled

55. A. clap B. wave C. raise D. shake

第三部分:阅读理解 (共两节,40 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)



Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium (水族馆)

’’s * Opening Times

* Location ( 位置)



公交线路) and

Shuttle Bus

* Wheelchair Access

Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible toilets.

* Terms

Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your ticket once payment has been accepted. Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!

56. Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium _________.

A. is located at the center of the CBD in the city

B. has 12 most attractive places in Melbourne

2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇三:北京市2014年高考英语试卷及答案



英 语(北京卷)

本试卷共16页, 共150分。考试时间为120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

听下面 5 段对话,每段对话有一道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,

你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 例: What is the man going to rend? A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book 答案是 A

1. What juice does the man order?

A. Lemon

B. Apple

C. Orange

2. What subject does the man like best?

A. History.

B. Biology.

C. Chemistry.

3. Where is the woman from?

A. Britain.

B. Russia.

C. America.

4. What kind of student bus pass does the woman want?

A. Weekly.

B. Monthly.

C. Yearly.

5. What are the two speakers going to nuy for Mary’s birthday?

A. A bicycle. B. A pen. C. A book.


听下面 4 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。

1 / 16

每段对话或 独白你将听两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. What’s wrong with the woman ?

A. She has a cough.

B. She has a headache.

C. She has a fever.

7. How long is the medicine for?

A. One day.

B. Two days.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 8. What does the woman need?

A. Some ink.

B. A printer.

9. What problem does the man have?

A. He can’t send a text message.. B. He can’t hear the woman clearly. C. He can’t be back to the office soon. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What does the woman plan to do at first?

A. To stay at home.

B. InTo eat out.

11. When will the two speakers meet?

A. At 11:oo am..

B. At 2:00 pm.

12. What is the man trying to do?

A. To introduce a new pizza to the woman. B. To remind the woman to relax herself. C. To invite the woman to see a movie. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 15 题。 13. When did the family visit the Design Museum? A. On Friday.

B. On Saturday.

14. How did the family go to Hyde Park?

A. On foot.

B. By taxi.

15. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

C. Three days.

C. Some paper.

C. To see a film.

C. At 4:00 pm.

C. On Sunday.

C. By tarin.

2 / 16

A. Amazing attraction in London. B. A four-day trip to London. C. A dream about London.


听下面一段对话,完成第 16 至 20 五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词,听对话前,你将有 20 秒钟的时间阅读

试题,听完后你将有 60 秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。

Ticket booking Form


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


例:It’A. What’s more

B. That’s to say D. Believe it or not

C. In other words 答案是 D。

21. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ______ plants can spread to new places. A. so

B. or C. for

D. but

22. —Hi, let’s go skating. —Sorry, I’m busy right now. I _______ in an application form for a new job. A. fill

B. have filled

C. am filling

D. will fill

23. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _______ half an hour.

3 / 16

A. by B. in C. for D. until

24. carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.. A. Observe

B. To observe C. Observed

D. Observing

25. Last night, there were millions of people _______ the opening ceremony live on TV. A.watch

B. to watch C. watched

D. watching

26. I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, ______ my classmates recommended to me.. A.who

27.________ I have a word with you? It won’t take long. A. Can

B. Must C. Shall

D. Should

B. which C. when

D. Where

28. There are still many problems ______ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. A. solving

B. solved C. being solved

D.to be solved

29._______ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year. A. As

B. When

C. Even though

D. In case

30. The best moment for the football star was _______ he scored the winning goal. A. where

B. when C. how

D. why

31.— What time is it? —I have no idea. But just a minute, I ______ it for you. A. check

B. checked

C. will check

D. would check

32. I found the lecture hard to follow because it _______ when I arrived.

A. started

B. was starting C. would start

D. had started

33.Some people believe _______ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future. A. whatever

B. whenever. C. whereever

D. however

34. We __________ back in the hotel now if you didn’t lose the map. A. are

B. were C. will be

D. would be

35.The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without ______.. A. recognizing recognized

4 / 16

B. being recognized C. having recognized D. having been

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan

The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boy in my class often about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.

All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with american kids. I looked down at this girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her in with us? There had to be a .

One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) copy.

I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough ”

On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different.

“And finally,” said Mr Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n) award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw well?”

Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “ this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!”

Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried.

I , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never anything in her whole life.

Everyone started to their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was defening. I knew then Suzy was going to ne all right.

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2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇四:2014年浙江高考英语试卷


英 语 试 题





1. ---I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon.

--- ______.

A. It‟s my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you

2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into______night.

A. Aa; the B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. 不填;the

3. An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850.

A. each B. it C. this D. one

4. Joe is proud and ______, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.

A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubborn D. sensitive

5. I don‟t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.

A. when B. where C. which D. why

6. We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like.

A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises

7. Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later.

A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause

8. “Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me.

A. what B. how C. that D. whether

9. No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen.

A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict

10. While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ______ .

A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place

11. Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests before.

A. has seen B. had seen C. saw D. would see

12. Facing up to your problem ____ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.

A. more than B. rather than C. along with D.or rather

13. The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others ______ .

A. blindly B. unwillingly C. closely D. carefully

14. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _______ to guard her.

A. to appoint B. appointing C. appointed D. having appointed

15. Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _______ she could stay home and raise her family.

A.now that B. as if C. only if D. so that

16. They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they _____ to our help.

A. would have come B. could come C. have come D. had come

17. People won‟t pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying _______ expression.

A. from B. over C. with D. for

18. There‟s no reason to be disappointed. ______, this could be rather amusing.

A. Above all B. As a result C. In addition D. As a matter of fact

19. How could you ______ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months.

A. turn off B. turn in C.turn down D. turn to

20. —I‟d like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!

—OK, _______.

A. help yourself B. You will certainly make it

C. just do what you like D. I‟ll make sure you get one



I had worried myself sick over Simon‟s mother coming to see me.I was a new honest account of the students‟ work. In Simon‟s case, the grades were awfully low. He couldn‟t read his own handwriting. .

So when Simon‟s mother entered the room, my palms(手掌心) were sweating. I was for her lisses on both my cheeks. “I came to thank you,” she said, surprising me beyond speech. make friends, and for the first time in his twelve years, he had spent an afternoon at a friend‟s house. She wanted to tell me how grateful she was for the I had nurtured(培养) in her son. She kissed me again and left.

I sat, stunned (惊呆), for about half an hour, what had just happened. How did I make such a life-changing difference to that boy without was one day, several months before, when some students were reports in the front of the class, Jeanne spoke , and to encourage her to raise her voice, L had sai, “Speak up. Simon‟s the expert on this. He is the one you have to convince, and he can‟t hear you in the of the room.” That was it. From that day on, Simon had sat up straighter, paid more attention, was all because he was the one who took the last seat that day.

It taught me the lesson over the years of my teaching career, and I‟m thankful that it came and positively. A small kindness can indeed make a difference.

21. A. cleaner B. reporter C. monitor D. teacher

22. A. Or B. And C. But D. So

23. A. courage B. abilities C. feelings D. dream

24. A. desperate B. responsible C. unprepared D. unsuitable

25. A. Because of B. In spite of C. Apart from D.As for

26. A. loved B. envied C. pleased D. criticized

27. A. gradually B. constantly C. recently D. obviously

28. A. self-respect B. self-doubt C. self-pity D. self-defence

29. A. imagining B. observing C. wondering D. regretting

30. A. also B. even C. always D. still

31. A. expect B. remember C. believe D. accept

32. A. writing B. reviewing C. editing D. giving

33. A. quietly B. repeatedly C. quickly D. firmly

34. A. lucky B. lonely C. only D. likely

35. A. entrance B. middle C. front D. back

36. A. slept B. smiled C. shouted D. quarreled

37. A. intended B. pretended C. refused D. happened

38. A. change B. praise C. thanks D. visits

39. A. difficult B. painful C. valuable D. enjoyable

40. A. early B. slowly C. frequently D. occasionally

第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题,满分50分)



Wealth starts with a goal saving a dollar at a time. Call it the piggy bank strategy(策略). There are lessons in that time-honored coin-saving container.

Any huge task seems easier when reduced to baby steps. I f you wished to climb a 12,000-foot mountain, and could do it a day at a time, you would only have to climb 33 feet daily to reach the top in a year. If you want to take a really nice trip in 10 years for a special occasion, to collect the $15,000 cost, you have to save $3.93 a day. If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.

When I was a child, my parents gave me a piggy bank to teach me that, if I wanted something, I should save money to buy it. We associate piggy banks with children, but in many countries, the little containers are also popular with adults. Europeans see a piggy bank as a sign of good fortune and wealth. Around the world, many believe a gift of a piggy bank on New Year‟s Day brings good luck and financial success. Ah, but you have to put Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving? Why not an elephant bank, which is bigger and holds more coins? In the Middle Ages, before modern banking and credit instruments, people saved money at home, a few coins at a time dropped into a jar or dish. Potters(制陶工) made these inexpensive containers from an orange-colored clay(黏土) called “pygg,” and folks saved coins in pygg jars.The Middle English word

for pig was “pigge”. While the Saxons pronounced pygg, referring to the clay, as “pug”, eventually the two words changed into the same pronunciation, sounding the “i” as in pig or piggy. As the word became less associated with the orange clay and more with the animal, a clever potter fashioned a pygg jar in the shape of a pig, delighting children and adults. The piggy bank was born.

Originally you had to break the bank to get to the money, bringing in a sense of seriousness into savings. While piggy banks teach children the wisdom of saving, adults often need to relearn childhood lessons. Think about the things in life that require large amounts of money--- college education, weddings, cars, medical care, starting a business, buying a home, and fun stuff like great trips. So when you have money, take off the top 10%, put it aside, save and invest wisely.

41. What is the piggy bank strategy?

A. Paying 1% income tax at a time.

B. Setting a goal before making a travel plan.

C. Aiming high even when doing small things.

D. Putting aside a little money regularly for future use.

42. Why did the writer‟s parents give him a piggy bank as a gift?

A. To delight him with the latest fashion. B. To encourage him to climb mountains.

C. To help him form the habit of saving. D. To teach him English pronunciation.

43. What does then underlined word “something”(Paragraph 3) most probably refer to?

A. Money B. Gifts

C. Financial success D. Good luck

44. The piggy ban originally was _________.

A. a potter‟s instrument B. a cheap clay container

C. an animal-shaped dish D. a pig-like toy for children

45. The last paragraph talks about ________.

A. the seriousness of educating children B. the enjoyment of taking a great trip

C. the importance of managing money D. the difficulty of starting a business


Here is some must-know information from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.

In Brazil

Brazilians are warm and friendly. They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder. People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. But to be safe, be on time. Meals can stretch for hours—there‟s no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil. Lunches also can start in the mid to late afternoon. Brazilians are social, preferring face-to-face communication over mails or phone calls.

In Singapore

Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small, polite bow. Business cards should be offered and received with two hands. Arriving late is considered disrespectful. So be on time. Efficiency(效率) is the goal, so meetings and dealings often are fast-paced. Singaporeans are direct in their discussions, even when the subject is about money. Rank is important and authority is respected. This determines both people interact in meetings. For example, people avoid disagreeing outright with someone with a higher rank.

In the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, status is important, so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles. The handshake seems to be longer than elsewhere. So, do not pull away the handshake. Women should cover themselves when it comes to dress. Men also tend to be covered from neck to elbows(肘部) and down to the knees. People do not avoid entertaining in their homes, but they also hold business meals at restaurants.

Touching or passing food or eating with your left hand is to be avoided. When meetings are one-to-one, if your host offers you coffee, you should refuse. It might seem odd, but it is a cultural tradition. Coffee should only be accepted if it is always set out or presented.

In Switzerland

The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other by last name. They also are respectful of private lives. You should be careful not to ask about personal topics. Punctuality (守时) is vital, something that comes from a deep respect for others‟ time. Arrive at any meeting or event a few minutes early to be safe. They also have clear structure in their companies. Higher-ups make the final decisions, even if others might disagree. Neat, clean dress is expected. The Swiss follow formal table manners. They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table. It is polite to finish the food on your plate.

46. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. communication types B. the workplace atmosphere

C. customs and social manners D. living conditions and standards

47. Why do Singaporeans avoid arguing with their boss?

A. They put efficiency in the first place.

B. They dislike face-to-face communication.

C. They want to finish meetings as quickly as possible.

D. They are supposed to obey the person of a higher rank.

48. In the UAE, when should you refuse the coffee if it is offered?

A. When greeting seniors. B. When meeting the host alone.

C. When attending a presentation. D.When dining with business partners.

49. In which country do people care about where to put their hands at the dinner table?

A. In Brazil. B. In Singapore.

C. In the United Arab Emirate. D. In Switzerland.


Last summer, two nineteenth-century cottages were rescued from remote farm fields in Montana, to be moved to an Art Deco building in San Francisco. The houses were made of wood. These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil; now they hold Twitter engineers.

The cottages could be an example of the industry‟ s odd love affair with “low technology,” a concept associated with the natural world, and with old-school craftsmanship (手艺) that exists long before the Internet era. Low technology is not virtual (虚拟的) —so, to take advantage of it, Internet companies have had to get creative. The rescued wood cottages, fitted by hand in the late eighteen-hundreds, are an obvious example, but Twitter‟s designs lie on the extreme end. Other companies are using a broader interpretation (阐释) of low technology that focuses on nature.

Amazon is building three glass spheres filled with trees, so that employees can “work and socialize in a more natural, park-like setting.” At Google‟s office, an entire floor is carpeted in glass. Facebook‟s second Menlo Park campus will have a rooftop park with a walking trail.

Olle Lundberg, the founder of Lundberg Design, has worked with many tech companies over the years. “We have lost the connection to the maker in our lives, and our tech engineers are the ones who feel impoverished (贫乏的) , because they‟re surrounded by the digital world,” he says. “They‟re looking for a way to regain their individual identity, and we‟ve found that introducing real crafts is one way to do that.” This craft based theory is rooted in history, William Morris, the English artist and writer, turned back to pre-industrial arts in the eighteen-sixties, just after the Industrial Revolution. The Arts and Crafts movement defined itself against machines. “Without creative human occupation, people became disconnected from life,” Morris said.

Research has shown that natural environments can restore(恢复) our mental capacities. In Japan, patients are encouraged to “forest-bathe,” taking walks through woods to lower their blood pressure.

These health benefits apply to the workplace as well. Rachel Kaplvin, a professor of environmental psychology, has spent years researching the restorative effects of natural environment. Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office—even simple views of trees and flowers—felt their jobs were less stressful and more satisfying. If low-tech offices can potentially nourish the brains and improve the mental health of employees then, fine, bring on the cottages.

50. The writer mentions the two nineteenth-century cottages to show that ________.

A. Twitter is having a hard time

B. old cottages are in need of protection

C. early settlers once suffered from a dry climate in Montana

D. Internet companies have rediscovered the benefits of low technology

51. Low technology is regarded as something that _______.

A.is related to nature B. is out of date today

C. consumes too much energy D. exists in the virtual world

52. The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that human beings ________.

A. have destroyed many pre-industrial arts

B. have a tradition of valuing arts and crafts

C. can become intelligent by learning history

D. can regain their individual identity by using machines

53. The writer‟s attitude to “low technology” can best be described as ________.

A. positive B. defensive C. cautious D. doubtful

54. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. Past Glories, Future Dreams B. The Virtual World, the Real Challenge

C. High-tech Companies, Low-tech Offices D. The More Craftsmanship, the Less Creativity


A city child‟s summer is spent in the street in front of his home, and all through the long summer vacations I sat on the edge of the street and watched enviously the other boys on the block play baseball. I was never asked to take part even when one team had a member missing—not out of special cruelty, but because they took it for granted I would be no good at it. They were right, of course.

I would never forget the wonderful evening when something changed. The baseball ended about eight or eight thirty when it grew dark. Then it was the custom of the boys to retire to a little stoop(门廊) that stuck out from the candy store on the corner and that somehow had become theirs. No grownup ever sat there or attempted to. There the boys would sit, mostly talking about the games played during the day and of the game to be played tomorrow. Then long silences would fall and the boys would wander off one by one. It was just after one of those long silences that my life as an outsider changed. I can no longer remember which boy it was that summer evening who broke the silence with a question: but whoever he was, I nod to him gratefully now. “What‟s in those books you‟re always reading?” he asked casually. “Stories,” I answered. “What kind?” asked somebody else without much interest.

Nor do I know what drove me to behave as I did,for usually I just sat there in silence, glad enough to be allowed to reain among them; but instead of answering his question, I told them for two hours the story I was reading at the moment. The book was Sister Carrie. They listened bug-eyed and breathless. I must have told it well, but I think there was another and deeper reason that made them to keep an audience. Listening to a tale being told in the dark is one of the most ancient of man‟s entertainments, but I was offering them as well, without being aware of doing it, a new and exciting experience.

The books they themselves read were the Rover Boys or Tom Swift or G.A.Henty. I had read them too, but at thirteen I had long since left them behind. Since I was much alone I had become an enthusiastic reader and I had gone through the books-for-boys series. In those days there was no reading material between children‟s and grownups‟books or I could find none. I had gone right from Tome Swift and His Flying Machine to Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie. Dreiser had hit my young mind, and they listened to me tell the story with some of the wonder that I had had in reading it.

The next night and many nights thereafter, a kind of unspoken ritual (仪式) took place. As it grew dark, I would take my place in the center of the stoop and begin the evening‟s tale. Some nights, in order to taste my victory more completely, I cheated. I would stop at the most exciting part of a story by Jack London or Bret Harte, and without warning tell them that that was as far as I had gone in the book and it would have to be continued the following evening. It was not true, of course; but I had to make certain of my new-found power and position. I enjoyed the long summer evenings until school began in the fall. Other words of mine have been listened to by larger and more fashionable audiences, but for that tough and athletic one that sat close on the stoop outside the candy store, I have an unreasoning love that will last forever.

55. Watching the boys playing baseball, the writer must have felt ________.

A. bitter and lonely B. special and different

C. pleased and excited D. disturbed and annoyed

56. The writer feels grateful even now to the boy who asked the question because the boy ________.

A. invited him to join in their game

B. liked the book that he was reading

C. broke the long silence of that summer evening

D. offered him an opportunity that changed his life

2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇五:2012年高考英语浙江试题及答案word校对版无错误



选择题部分 (共80分)

第一部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空

1. — Is there anything else to discuss?

—_____________. I guess.

A. Not at all B. No, that's all C. Yes, I'm sure D. Yea, of course

2. The development of industry has been_______ gradual process throughout _______ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.

A. 不填, the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a

3. No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times when it's better_______ silent.

A. remain B. be remaining C. having remained D. to remain

4. I made a promise to myself______ this year, my first year in high school, would be different.

A. whether B. what C. that D. how

5. Studying Wendy's menu, I found that many of the items are similar to______ of McDonald's.

A. those B. ones C. any D. all

6. ______ all the animals I've ever had, these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.

A. From B. Of C. For D. With

7. Your ________as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

A. operation B. growth C. performance D. character

8. I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly or______ his job.

A. quits B. to quit C. quitting D. quit

9. We live in an age _________ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.

A. why B. when C. to whom D. on which

10. The research lacks ________ evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.

A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential

11. "It's a such nice place," Mother said as she sat at the table________ for customs.

A. to be reserved B. Living reserved C. reserving D. reserved

12. According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to______ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.

A. differ B. shrink C. fail D. decline

13. Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _____ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.

A. had abandoned B. abandoned C. abandon D. will abandon

14. Brown said he was by no means annoyed; _____ he was glad to be able to make himself clearly


A. all in all B. for one thing C. on the contrary D. by the way

15. Armed with the information you have gathered, you can_______ preparing your business plan.

A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set up

16. — Alvin, are you coming with us?

— I'd love to, but something unexpected ___ .

A. has come up B. was coming up C. had come up D. would come up

17. Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.

A. which B. who C. where D. whom

18. Mike was usually so careful, ______this time he made a small mistake.

A. yet B. still C. even D. thus

19. Had they known what was coming next, they________ second thoughts.

A. may have B. could have C. must have had D. might have had

20. — I'm going to San Francisco for a couple of days.

— ____ . I wish I could get away for a while.

A. It doesn't matter B. Forget it C. I really envy you D. I can't agree more

第二节 完形填空

"Just sign here, sir," the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package.

The package consisted of a long, narrow box wrapped in brown paper. the box, Oscar saw an umbrella inside — a very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle. he had not seen it in more than 20 years, he recognized it .

Oscar was 16 when he first saw the umbrella. He had gone to a concert with his grandparents. As they were leaving, he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat, impressed by its , Oscar felt a strong desire to find its .

Oscar the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales. Just as he thought, a name matched the seat Oscar had found the umbrella. The name was Mrs. Katie O'Brien.

Oscar talked his grandparents into going by Mrs. O'Brien's on their way home. He rang the bell, the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared. "May I you?" she asked.

"I'd like to return it if it's yours," Oscar said, the umbrella as if presenting a that had long been wished for.

"Why, yes! It's mine," replied Mrs. O'Brien with a smile and shining eyes. "It was given to me by my father years ago. Thank you so much for returning it. May I offer you a reward for your "No, ma'am," he said, "My grandmother says that a good deed is its own reward.”

"Well, that's what my father used to say. What is your name, young man?"

Years later Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs. O'Brien. It was in perfect condition, considering how it was. Why had it arrived here today?

As if , a note fell from the paper. It reads: Mrs. O'Brien wanted to this umbrella as a present for a kind, gesture long ago.

21. A. strictly B. carefully C. roughly D. casually

22. A. Opening B. Seizing C. Observing D. Searching

23. A. After B. When C. Since D. Although

24. A. clearly B. fully C. immediately D. suddenly

25. A. average B. unusual C. plain D. typical

26. A. beauty B. shape C. origin D. history

27. A. designer B. seller C. user D. owner

28. A. convinced B. forced C. encouraged D. advised

29. A. until B. before C. which D. where

30. A. family B. theater C. house D. neighborhood

31. A. invite B. help C. bother D. know

32. A. putting up B. turning out C. picking up D. holding out

33. A. chance B. fact C. gift D. result

34. A. wide B. confident C. proud D. shy

35. A. patience B. kindness C. courage D. determination

36. A. obviously B. naturally C. exactly D. probably

37. A. old B. rare C. precious D. nice

38. A. in contrast B. in return C. in exchange D. in answer

39. A. possess B. accept C. carry D. value

40. A. attractive B. significant C. unselfish D. sympathetic


第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题 所给四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.


Easter(复活节 ) is still a great day for worship, candy in baskets and running around the yard finding eggs, but every year it gets quite a bit worse for bunnies. found that rising temperatures are having harmful effects on at least five species of rabbit in the US.

Take the Lower Keys March rabbit, for instance. An endangered species that lives in the Lower Florida Keys, this species of cottontail is a great swimmer — it lives on the islands! — but it is already severely affected by development and now by rising levels. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, an ocean level rise of only 0. 6 meters will send these guys jumping to higher ground and a 0.9-meter rise would wipe out their habitat (栖息地) completely.

The snowshoe hare, on the other hand, has a color issue. Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the wintertime to brown in the summer, each designed to give them better cover from predators (捕食者) . As the number of days with snow decreases all across the country, however, more and more bunnies arc being left in white fur during brown dirt days of both fall and spring, making them an easier mark for predators. Researchers know that the color change is controlled by the number of hours of sunlight, but whether the rabbit will be able to adapt quick enough to survive is a big question. The National Wildlife Federation has reported that hunters have noticed their numbers are already markedly down.

American pikas or rock rabbits, a relative of rabbits and hares, might be the first of these species to go extinct due to climate change. About 7-8 inches long, pikas live high in the cool, damp mountains west of the Rocky Mountains. As global temperatures rise, they would naturally migrate (迁徙) to higher ground — but they already occupy the mountaintops. They can't go any higher. The National Wildlife Federation reports that they might not be able to stand the new temperatures as their habitat beats up.

The volcano rabbit has the same problem. These rabbits live on the slopes of volcanoes in Mexico, and

recent studies have shown that the lower range of their habitat has already shifted upward about 700 meters, but there are not suitable plants for them to move higher, so they are stuck in the middle. Scientists are concerned about their populations.

Native to the US, pygmy rabbits weigh less than 1 pound and live in the American West. They are believed to be the smallest rabbits in the world. Their habitats have been destroyed by development. Several populations, such as the Columbia Basin pygmy, almost went extinct and were saved by zoo breeding programs. Pygmy rabbits also rely on winter cover by digging tunnels through the snow to escape predators, but lesser snowfall is leaving them exposed.

All of this gives new meaning to dressing up in a giant bunny costume this Easter.

41 The writer mentions Easter at the beginning of the passage in order to_______.

A. show the importance of Easter Day B. introduce the issue about bunnies

C. remind people of Easter traditions D. discuss the relationship between Easter and bunnies

42. The word "culprit" ( Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to______.

A. criminal B. judge C. victim D. producer

43. According to the passage, some rabbits can now be easily discovered by predators because they_______

A. are exposed lo more skillful hunters

B. have moved to habitats with fewer plants

C. haven't adapted themselves to climate change

D. can't change their fur color into white in the fall and the spring

44, The problem faced by volcano rabbets and rock rabbits is that________.

A. both are affected by 1ess snow B. both are affected by rising sea levels

C neither can find enough food D. neither can migrate to higher places

45 Which best describes the writer's tone in the postage?

A. Approving. B. Concerned. C. Enthusiastic. D. Doubtful.


Below is a selection about Guinness (吉尼斯) World Records.

Top 6 Unusual Guinness World Records

♦ Fastest 100 m running on all fours

The 2008 Guinness World Records Day was, according to CWR, their biggest day of record-breaking ever, with more than 290,000 people taking put in record attempts in 15 different countries. Kenichi Ito's record attempt was port of this special day. He is just another example of Japanese with "super powers". His "super power" is to run with great speed on all fours. Kenichi Ito ran 100 m on all fours in 18.58 seconds. The Japanese set this record at Setagaya Kuritsu Sogo Undojyo, Tokyo, in 2008.

♦ Most people inside a soap bubble

The Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana, Califomia celebrated this year the 15th anniversary of the Bubble (泡泡) Festival. A bubble's math principles and science were presented and demonstrated at the three-week-long exhibition. The intriguing Bubble Show was also part of the program. Fan Yang and Deni Yang impressed the audience with their awesome skills for bubble making. The Yang family cooperated with the Discovery Science Center to set a new Guinness World Record for most people inside a scap bubble and

they succeeded.

The family that has been working with soap bubbles for 27 years created a huge soap bubble and got 118 people inside it. The record was set on. April 4, 2011.

♦ Longest ears on a dog

A bloodhound from Illinois has the longest ears ever measured on a dog. The right ear is 13.75 inches long and the left one 13.5 inches. The dog named Tigger earned this title in 2004 and is owned by Christina and Bryan Flessner.

Mr. Jeffries is the previous record holder of this title. Each of his ears measured approximately 11. 5 inches long. His grandfather used to hold this amazing world record, but when he died Mr.Jeffries look over. ♦ Most living generations

Did you ever wonder what is the Guinness World Record for most living generation in one family? Seven is the answer.

The ultimate authority on record-breaking mentions on the website that the youngest great-great- great-great grandparent of this family was Augusta Bung "aged 109 years 97 days, followed by her daughter aged 89, her granddaughter aged 70, her great grand-daughter aged 52, her great-great grand-daughter aged 33 and her great-great-great granddaughter aged 15 on the birth of her great-great-great-great-great grandson on January 21, 1989".

♦ Most T shirts worn at once

Believe it or not, there is a record also for this category. Krunoslav Budiseli set a new world record on May 22, 2010 for wearing 245 T-shirts at the same time. The man from Croatia was officially recognized as the new record bolder by Guinness World Records after he managed to put on 245 different T-shirts in 1ess than two hours. The T-shirts weighted 68 KG and Budiseli said he began struggling around T-shirt No. 120. He dethroned the Swedish Guinness record holder who wore 238 T-shirts.

♦ Heaviest pumpkin

Guinness World Records confirmed on October 9. 2010 that a gigantic pumpkin (南瓜) grown in Wisconcin was officially the world’s heaviest. It weighed 1,810 pounds 8 ounces and was unveiled by Chris Stevens at the Stillwater Harvest Festival in Minnesota. Stevens' pumpkin was 85 pounds Javier than the previous record, another huge pumpkin grown in Ohio. The proud farmer said his secret is a precise of rain, cow mature, good soil, sea grass and fish emulsion. Some of the world's heaviest pumpkins, including the record bolder, were on public display at the Bronx Botanical Gardens in New Yost for a dozen days.

46. Why is Kenichi Ito described as a man with a "super power"?

A. He set a good example to all Japanese.

B. He made record attempts in 15 different countries.

C. He set a new record for "Fastest 100 m running on all fours".

D. He participated in the 2008 Guinness World Records Day activities.

47. Jeffries is the name of _ .

A. the owner of the dog with the longest ears

B. the grandfather of the dog with the longest care

C. the present holder of the record for "Longest care on a dog"

D. the former holder of the record for " longest care on a dog'

48. How many T-shirts had Krunoslav Budiseli put on before he felt it difficult to go on?

2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇六:陕西西安西工大附中2014届第七次适应性训练英语试题及答案


英 语

第一部分: 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)

第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)




5.A.B.C. D.第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


Mark: I’m so glad a Taco Bells is going to open at the corner of the street next week. Dora:

Mark: What? I really cannot believe this! Don’t you know Taco Bells? It is said to

be the most visited drive-in fast food restaurant in the world.

Dora: I don’t go to fast food restaurants. I cook.

Mark: The French fries.

Dora: I never eat fries.

Mark: I love French fries. And I think many people around the world love French



Mark: Because there are hundreds of Taco Bells fast food restaurants all over the world in more than 20 different countries.


A. Is it a toy store?

B. Why do you say so?

C. Fries make people overweight.

D. I prefer Chinese food to French food.

E. So what is this restaurant most famous for?

F. People are aware of the harm of fast food.

G. Anyway, I think people should eat less fast food.

第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并 在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

11. ---Li Ping often watches _______ English TV news in her spare time.

---No wonder she has _______ command of English.

A. /; a B. an; the C. the; / D. an; a

12. It’s the third time that Li Ming has been to Xi’an , _______?

A. isn’t he B. hasn’t he C. isn’t it D. hasn’t it

13. Don’t call me up at this time tomorrow, for I _______ an important test.

A. will take B. am taking

C. have been taking D. will be taking

14. Sheldon could have defeated Howard in the match, but he _______ too careless at the last minute.

A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

15. _______ I went to the South Lake in Hanzhong, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.

A. For the first time B. The first time

C. At first D. It was the first time

16. _______ in the computer game, Peter didn’t notice his father approaching.

A. Being lost B. Lost C. Losing D. To lose

17. When the young man was shown the evidence, he _______ and told everything he had done to the police.

A. broke up B. broke away C. broke off D. broke down

18. ---How did you find out it is my birthday today?


A. I mean it B. A little bird told me

C. It’s a deal D. Great minds think alike

19. Ms Liu saw a fashion dress in a shop which set her heart racing. However, its price was far beyond her _______.

A. range B. certainty C. reach D. contact

20. In spite of his disappointment, he _______ a weak smile.

A. confirmed B. persuaded C. cancelled D. managed

21. _______, Sharon couldn’t find her lost wallet.

A. As she might try B. Might she as try

C. She might as try D. Try as she might

22. Knowing what colors look good _______ your skin is of great importance when you buy clothes.

A. beyond B. within C. against D. over

23. This hotel is the highest building in the city, from _______ top you can enjoy a good view of our city.

A. which B. its C. that D. whose

24. ---Do you think you can finish the project by five o’clock this afternoon? ---_______. I’ll be busy with my term paper all day.

A. Not a little B. Not a chance

C. Not a bit D. Not to mention it

25. It’s crazy of you to spend more time playing computer games than you _______ studying.

A. are B. have C. do D. will

第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入 对应空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a neighboring town of Venice. As we our coffee, a man came in and sat at a(n) table beside us. He called the waiter and placed his saying, “Two cups of coffee, one of them there on the wall”. We this order with rather interest and observed that he was with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter a piece of paper on the wall saying “A Cup of Coffee”.

While we were still there, two other men and ordered three cups of coffee, two on the table and one on the wall. They had two cups of coffee but for three and left. This time also, the did the same; he put up a piece of paper on the wall saying, “A cup of coffee.” It seemed that this gesture was a at this place. , it was something unique and puzzling for us. Since we had to do with the matter, we our coffee, paid the bill and left.

After a few days, we again had a(n) to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man walked in. The way this man was dressed did not the standard nor the atmosphere of this coffee shop. Poverty was from the looks on his face. he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said, “One cup of coffee from the .” The waiter served coffee to this man with and dignity. The man had his coffee and left without paying. We were amazed to watch all this when the waiter a piece of paper from the wall and threw it into the dustbin.

26. A. enjoyed B. prepared C. practiced D. bought

27. A. crowded B. open C. empty D. beautiful

28. A. food B. goods C. table D. order

29. A. heard B. found C. glared D. watched

30. A. satisfied B. served C. treated D. awarded

31. A. stuck out B. hid away C. put up D. took out

32. A. dashed B. moved C. fled D. entered

33. A. paid B. looked C. waited D. asked

34. A. customer B. waiter C. stranger D. passenger

35. A. demand B. signal C. custom D. duty

36. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. However

37. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

38. A. wasted B. finished C. missed D. donated

39. A. invitation B. time C. reward D. chance

40. A. equal B. change C. match D. reach

41. A. obvious B. slight C. serious D. strong

42. A. So B. As C. Unless D. Since

43. A. window B. floor C. wall D. door

44. A. carelessness B. wisdom C. interest D. respect

45. A. brought down B. took off C. kept away D. cut off

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)




It was Thanksgiving morning. I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together on the top step.

“Any old papers, lady?” asked one of them.

I was busy. I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin little sandals (凉鞋), wet with heavy snow.

“Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”

They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I saved them cocoa and bread to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started cooking.

The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, “Lady, are you rich?” “Am I rich? Pity, no!”

I looked at my worn-out slipcovers (椅套). The girl put her cup back in its saucer (茶碟)carefully and said, “Your cups match your saucers.” They left after

that, holding their papers against the wind. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.

Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched. I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a regular job, these matched, too.

I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy marks of little sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.

46. The writer let the two children come in and served them well because ______.

A. she wanted to sell old papers to them

B. she wanted to give them some presents

C. she showed great pity and care on them

D. she wanted to show her thanks to them

47. The writer left the muddy marks of little sandals on the floor for a while to _______.

A. show that she was a kind-hearted lady

B. remind her she shouldn’t forget how rich she was

C. leave room for readers to think about what being rich is

D. call up her memories of the good old days

48. It can be inferred from the text that whether you are rich depends on _______.

A. how much money you have made

B. what attitude you have had toward life

C. the way you help others

D. your social relationship


A team of British surgeons has carried out Gaza’(s加沙)first organ transplants for a long-term plan to train local medical staff to perform the operations.

Two patients underwent kidney(肾脏)transplants at the Shifa, Gaza’s biggest public hospital. The operations were conducted a fortnight ago by a volunteer medical team from the Royal Liverpool hospital.

Ziad Matouk, 42, was born with one kidney and was diagnosed with renal failure(肾衰竭)several years ago. Matouk, whose wife donated one of her kidneys, hopes to return to his job within six months. The couple had sought a transplant in Cairo, but were rejected as unsuitable at a state hospital and could not afford the fee at a private hospital. “We were desperate,” said Matouk.

The UK-Gaza link-up began about a year ago after Abdelkader Hammad, a doctor at the Royal Liverpool hospital, was contacted by an anaesthetist(麻醉师)at the

2015年贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试 英语 Several years ago篇七:2004——2010单项选择解析(高考辽宁卷)


21. — I’ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floor?

— A. Yes, please B. No, I don’t

C. Yes, sure


A. the; the D. No, not at all 22. There are over 58,000 rocky objects in space, about 900 of which could fall down onto B. 不填; the C. the;不填 D. a; the

23. Jim went to answer the phone. A. However B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile

24. Joseph to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say “What’s your name ?” in Russian.

A. has been going B. went C. goes D. has gone

D. to be found 25. We were astonished the temple still in its original condition. A finding B. to find C. find

26. Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it be regular exercise.

A. can B. will C. must D. may

27. We only had $100 and that was to buy a new computer.

A. nowhere near enough

C. enough near nowhere B. near enough nowhere D. near nowhere enough

28. Thousands of people to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.

A. turned on B. turned in C. turned around D. turned out

29. The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair he wanted to sit next to his wife.

A. although B. unless C. because D. If

30. I all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.

A. will do B. do C. am doing D. had done

31. I agree to his suggestion the condition that he drops all charges.

A. by B. in C. on D. To

32. The new movie to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.

A. promises B. agrees C. pretends D. declines

33. The fact that she was foreign made difficult for her to get a job in that country.

A. so B. much

34. —It’s no use having ideas only. C. that D. it

—Don’t worry. Peter can show you to turn an idea into an act.

A. how B. who C. what D. where

35. Alexander tried to get his work in the medical circles.

A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized


21---Is it OK if I take this seat?


A. here you are B. take it C. it’s taken D. never mind

22. When we visited my old family home, memory came ______ back

A. flooding B. to flood C. flood D. Flooded

23. They’ve won their last three matches.________ I find a bit surprising actually.

A. that B. when C. what D. which

24. Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair ________ all day. Could you speak to her now?

A. phones B. has phoned C. has been phoning D. phoned

25. Usually John would be late for meetings. But this time, _______to my surprise, he arrived on time.

A. little B .much C .ever D .even

26. This area experienced______heaviest rainfall in_______month of May.

A .不填; a B. a ; the C. the ; the D .the ; a

27. _________, you need to give all you have and try your best.

A.Being a winner B. To be a winner C .Be a winner D .Having been a winner

28. _________is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.

A .Such B. This C. That D. So

29. The traffic is heavy these days. I_______arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place?

A .can B. must C. need D. might

30. It just isn’t fair. _______I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach..

A. whenever B. though C. for D. while

31. My parents have promised to come to see me before I_______for Africa.

A .have left B. leave C. left D. will leave

32. Children need friends________their own age to play with.

A .of B. for C .in D. At

33. Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost_______his.

A. as much twice as B. twice as much as

C. much as twice as D. as twice much as

34. It’s the first time that he has been to Australia,________?

A .isn’t he B. hasn’t he C .isn’t it D .hasn’t it

35. —Sorry, do you mind if I smoke here?


A .you could B. go ahead C. I do D .my pleasure


21. —Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?

— ______, it was too hot.

A. Not really B. Yeah, why not C. Oh, great D. You’re right

22. Peter ______ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general.

A. shall B. should C. can D. must

23. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we ______ each other for years.

A. knew B. have known C. had known D. know

24. My neighbor asked me to go for ______ walk, but I don’t think I’ve got ______ energy.

A. a; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填;the D. a; the

25. You have to be a fairly good speaker to ______ listeners’ interest for over an hour.

A. hold B. make C. improve

26. —Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?

—Victoria Street? ______ is where the Grand Theatre is.

A. Such B. There C. That

A. to stop B. stopping D. receive D. This 27. He was busy writing a story, only ______ once in a while to smoke a cigarette. C. to have stopped D. having stopped

28. ______ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.

A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Wherever D. However”

29. —Have you got any job offers?

—No. I ______.

A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am waiting

30. It looks like the weather is changing for ______. Shall we stick to our plan?

A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst

答案:A.change for the worse“恶化,每况愈下”

31. Please remain ______; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.

A. seating B. seated C. to seat D. to be seated

32. I used to love that film ______ I was a child, but I don’t feel it that way any more.

A. once B. when C. since D. although

33. I like Mr. Miner’s speech; it was clear and ______ the point.

A. at B. on C. to D. of

34. —My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you?


A. If you don’t mind B. Not at all C. Take it easy D. Nice to meet you

35. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and ______.

A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I


21. ---Have you heard the latest news? ---No, What ________?

A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those

22. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs.

A. then B. there C. while D. where

23. The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting.

A. on B. for C. about D. with

24. ---It’s a long time since I saw my sister. ---_______________ her this weekend?

A. Why not visit B. why not to visit C. Why not visiting D. Why don’t visit

25. ---The last one __________________ pays the meal.


A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving

26. I won’t call you, ________ something unexpected happens.

A. unless B. whether C. because D. while

27. ---How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

A. will B. would C. should D. must ”

28. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.

A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with

C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with

29. I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?

A. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt

30. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this!

A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose

31. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding.

A. like B. as C. or D. but

32. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago.

A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been

33. ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! ---__________________.

A. Never mind B. Don’t mention it C. Sure, I don’t smoke D. Pardon me

34. “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even ___________ from her book.

A. looking down B. looking up C. looking away D. looking on

35. The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time.

A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell

2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (辽宁卷)

21.Of all_____reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advice was_______most important one.

A.the;a B.不填;a C.不填;the D.the;the

22.The computer system_______suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

A.broke down B.broke out C.broke up D.broke in


23.I hear_______boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.

A.quite a lot B.quite a few C.quite a bit

答案:B.a lot,a bit,a little后边加名词都得加of D.quite a little

24.He was about halfway through his meal_______a familiar voice came to his ears.

A.why B.where C.when D.while


25.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students_______Chinese in the school, most______were from Germany.

A.study; of whom B.study; of them

C.studying; of them D.studying; of whom


26.-These books are too heavy for me to carry.


A.You may ask for help B.I’ll give you a hand

C.I’ll do you a favor D.I’d come to help


27.The father as well as children_______every Sunday afternoon in winter.

A.is going B.go C.goes D.are going

答案:C.as well as“和„„一起”,这种用法,根据as well as前面的名词的单复数决定谓语动词的数的形式。

28.People have always been corious_______how living things on the earth exactly began.

A.in B.at C.of

答案:D.be curious about sth.“对„„好奇” D.about

29.I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he_______home for dinner.

A.come B.comes C.has come D.will come


30. _______makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.

A.What B.Who C.Whatever D.Whoever


31.It is said that the early European playing-cards_______for entertainment and education.

A.were being designed B.have designed

C.have been designed D.were designed


32.School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous_______.

A.states B.conditions C.situations D.positions


33.-I’m sorry I’m late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here.


A.Don’t be late next time

C.It doesn’t matter, I’m also late

答案:D.“没关系,过来坐下吧” B.You should be blamed D.Never mind. Come and sit down

34.I grew up in Africa. _______at least I should say that I spent much of the first ten years of my life there.

A.And B.Or C.So D.But


35.It was after he got what he had desired_______he realized it was not so important.

A.that B.when C.since D.as

答案:A.强调句,It was„„that„„“就是在他得到他想要的东西之后他意识到那东西对于他没有那么重要其实。”还原之后“After he got what he had desired,he realized it was not so important.”

21.D22.A23.B 24.C 25.D26.B 27.C 28.D29.D30.A31.D 32.C 33.D34.B 35.A



从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants .


