
| 留学生招聘 |




① 假设你和朋友去参观长城。请根据下面的提示,以“A Trip to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文(标题已给出,不计入总词数)。


(1) When did you go there?

(2) What did you do there?

(3) How did you feel?

A Trip to the Great Wall

On May Day my friends and I went to visit the Great Wall. When the Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn’t help thinking how wonderful it was! I wondered how the ancient Chinese people built it without any modern machines. While we were climbing the Wall, we saw many foreigners and they said hello to us.

As one of the greatest wonders of the world, the Wall attracts tourists from all over the world. We all felt proud of it.

② 假设你叫李明,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张航。请根据表格内容,写一封80词左右的推荐信给王老师。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.

I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Zhang Hang is confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computers.

He is hard-working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time organizing after-school


He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. He always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us.

I think Zhang Hang is the most suitable person to be our monitor.

I hope you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


假设你是Lucy,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了Sunshine Hotel的部分信息。请你写一封电子邮件给该宾馆的经理,介绍你的行程并咨询如下相关细

Dear Sir,

My family is planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail?

We are arriving in your city on October 1st. And we plan to stay in your hotel for 5 days. Would you tell me how far your hotel is from the airport? And we’d like to know how we can get to your hotel. Also, we wonder whether you offer free breakfast. Last but not least, would you mind telling us whether there is a discount for a long stay?

Thanks for your time. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Mary在学校参加了一个Buddy Club, 从那以后,她改变了很多。请你结合下面所给的提示,写一篇英语短文。

Joining a club sometimes changes a person greatly.

Mary used to be a shy and quiet girl. She used to get nervous easily and her face often turned red when she spoke with strangers. She liked nothing but reading alone in her free time. However, she has changed a lot since she joined the Buddy Club. Now, Mary is so brave and outgoing that she isn’t afraid of speaking out in public anymore. What’s more, she has lots of hobbies, such as singing, writing and dancing. She is good at them as well.

People sure change all the time, right? What we should do is to learn from Mary. Change ourselves and choose to be the best of ourselves.

⑤ 假如你叫李华,最近你的美国朋友Jim想通过邮件了解你家乡最著名的传统艺术是什么。请你根据提示和问题回复邮件。

Name of the artwork: kite

History: over 2,000 years

Material: paper

Features (特征):

different sizes, shapes, fly high

Hi, Jim!

I’m glad to hear from you.

In your last e-mail, you said you were interested in the local artwork in my hometown. Now I will tell you something about it. My hometown is famous for making and flying kites. In my hometown, the history of making kites goes back to over 2,000 years ago. Kites are mainly made of paper, which can be made into different sizes and shapes. People like to fly them in spring. It’s not hard to fly kites, and flying kites is great fun. Some can fly as high as hundreds of meters. Yours,

Li Hua

⑥ 在学校举行的小发明大赛上,Andy的发明是 Cool Shoes,这种鞋子是用一种特殊材料做成的,可以根据脚的尺码调整大小。假设你是Andy, 请你根据下面的问题提示,以My cool invention为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍自己的发明。

1. What problem do you want to solve?

2. What’s special about your invention?

My cool invention

Many of us may have to throw away our shoes when they are too small for our feet. It’s a big waste. And sometimes new shoes can be too tight for us to wear.

This will not be a problem if you wear my Cool Shoes. The shoes are made of special materials, which can grow with your feet and always fit your feet. What’s more, you don’t need to worry about wearing too small or too big shoes anymore.

The shoes don’t cost much. So just have a try!

⑦国有国法,家有家规。下面是Learning English的一则征文通知,请你以The best family rule and the worst family rule为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。

The best family rule and the worst family rule

My family has some rules, most of which are good. I think the best rule is that no one is allowed to abuse or shout loudly at any other family member. If anyone breaks the rule, he or she should do all the housework for a week. This rule makes us be careful with our manners and behavior even if we are angry.

But not every rule is good, of course. The worst rule is that everyone must go to bed before 10:00 pm every night. What if there is a wonderful football match on Saturday nights? I hope there could be some little changes on my family rules.

⑧ 九年级三班每周听一首英语歌曲,歌曲内容由学生推荐,假如你是九年级三班学生Judy,要向同学们推荐Secret Garden演唱的You Raise Me Up (《您鼓舞了我》),请根据歌曲副歌部分的歌词, 谈谈自己推荐这首歌曲的理由。

Dear all,

I think You Raise Me Up would be a nice song.

This song is sung by Secret Garden, which has been many people’s favorite for years. I also like this song because it can often make me full of courage and energy. When I listen to it, I feel myself standing on mountains.

It’s possible for us to meet with problems and failure in life. When that happens, you can listen to the song. It can cheer you up and encourage you to face any trouble bravely. Just as Secret Garden sings, you can be more than you can be.

不同的人有不同的爱好。有的人爱好集邮;有的人爱好养宠物;有的人爱好运动;有的人爱好听音乐;有的人爱好看电影。请根据下面的表格提示,以“Different people, different

Different people, different hobbies

Different people have different hobbies. I have three friends. They are Joe, Dennis and Julia. Joe likes swimming. He has been swimming for seven years. He thinks it makes him strong and healthy. Dennis enjoys collecting stamps. He has been collecting stamps since he was eight years old, and now he has over 500 stamps from different countries. Julia is interested in watching English movies. She has been watching English movies for four years. She says watching English movies helps her learn English well. She thinks it is a good way to learn English.



① 假设你和朋友去参观长城。请根据下面的提示,以“A Trip to the Great Wall”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文(标题已给出,不计入总词数)。


(1) When did you go there?

(2) What did you do there?

(3) How did you feel?

A Trip to the Great Wall

On May Day my friends and I went to visit the Great Wall. When the Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn’t help thinking how wonderful it was! I wondered how the ancient Chinese people built it without any modern machines. While we were climbing the Wall, we saw many foreigners and they said hello to us.

As one of the greatest wonders of the world, the Wall attracts tourists from all over the world. We all felt proud of it.

② 假设你叫李明,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张航。请根据表格内容,写一封80词左右的推荐信给王老师。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.

I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Zhang Hang is confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computers.

He is hard-working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time organizing after-school


He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. He always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us.

I think Zhang Hang is the most suitable person to be our monitor.

I hope you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


假设你是Lucy,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了Sunshine Hotel的部分信息。请你写一封电子邮件给该宾馆的经理,介绍你的行程并咨询如下相关细

Dear Sir,

My family is planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail?

We are arriving in your city on October 1st. And we plan to stay in your hotel for 5 days. Would you tell me how far your hotel is from the airport? And we’d like to know how we can get to your hotel. Also, we wonder whether you offer free breakfast. Last but not least, would you mind telling us whether there is a discount for a long stay?

Thanks for your time. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Mary在学校参加了一个Buddy Club, 从那以后,她改变了很多。请你结合下面所给的提示,写一篇英语短文。

Joining a club sometimes changes a person greatly.

Mary used to be a shy and quiet girl. She used to get nervous easily and her face often turned red when she spoke with strangers. She liked nothing but reading alone in her free time. However, she has changed a lot since she joined the Buddy Club. Now, Mary is so brave and outgoing that she isn’t afraid of speaking out in public anymore. What’s more, she has lots of hobbies, such as singing, writing and dancing. She is good at them as well.

People sure change all the time, right? What we should do is to learn from Mary. Change ourselves and choose to be the best of ourselves.

⑤ 假如你叫李华,最近你的美国朋友Jim想通过邮件了解你家乡最著名的传统艺术是什么。请你根据提示和问题回复邮件。

Name of the artwork: kite

History: over 2,000 years

Material: paper

Features (特征):

different sizes, shapes, fly high

Hi, Jim!

I’m glad to hear from you.

In your last e-mail, you said you were interested in the local artwork in my hometown. Now I will tell you something about it. My hometown is famous for making and flying kites. In my hometown, the history of making kites goes back to over 2,000 years ago. Kites are mainly made of paper, which can be made into different sizes and shapes. People like to fly them in spring. It’s not hard to fly kites, and flying kites is great fun. Some can fly as high as hundreds of meters. Yours,

Li Hua

⑥ 在学校举行的小发明大赛上,Andy的发明是 Cool Shoes,这种鞋子是用一种特殊材料做成的,可以根据脚的尺码调整大小。假设你是Andy, 请你根据下面的问题提示,以My cool invention为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍自己的发明。

1. What problem do you want to solve?

2. What’s special about your invention?

My cool invention

Many of us may have to throw away our shoes when they are too small for our feet. It’s a big waste. And sometimes new shoes can be too tight for us to wear.

This will not be a problem if you wear my Cool Shoes. The shoes are made of special materials, which can grow with your feet and always fit your feet. What’s more, you don’t need to worry about wearing too small or too big shoes anymore.

The shoes don’t cost much. So just have a try!

⑦国有国法,家有家规。下面是Learning English的一则征文通知,请你以The best family rule and the worst family rule为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。

The best family rule and the worst family rule

My family has some rules, most of which are good. I think the best rule is that no one is allowed to abuse or shout loudly at any other family member. If anyone breaks the rule, he or she should do all the housework for a week. This rule makes us be careful with our manners and behavior even if we are angry.

But not every rule is good, of course. The worst rule is that everyone must go to bed before 10:00 pm every night. What if there is a wonderful football match on Saturday nights? I hope there could be some little changes on my family rules.

⑧ 九年级三班每周听一首英语歌曲,歌曲内容由学生推荐,假如你是九年级三班学生Judy,要向同学们推荐Secret Garden演唱的You Raise Me Up (《您鼓舞了我》),请根据歌曲副歌部分的歌词, 谈谈自己推荐这首歌曲的理由。

Dear all,

I think You Raise Me Up would be a nice song.

This song is sung by Secret Garden, which has been many people’s favorite for years. I also like this song because it can often make me full of courage and energy. When I listen to it, I feel myself standing on mountains.

It’s possible for us to meet with problems and failure in life. When that happens, you can listen to the song. It can cheer you up and encourage you to face any trouble bravely. Just as Secret Garden sings, you can be more than you can be.

不同的人有不同的爱好。有的人爱好集邮;有的人爱好养宠物;有的人爱好运动;有的人爱好听音乐;有的人爱好看电影。请根据下面的表格提示,以“Different people, different

Different people, different hobbies

Different people have different hobbies. I have three friends. They are Joe, Dennis and Julia. Joe likes swimming. He has been swimming for seven years. He thinks it makes him strong and healthy. Dennis enjoys collecting stamps. He has been collecting stamps since he was eight years old, and now he has over 500 stamps from different countries. Julia is interested in watching English movies. She has been watching English movies for four years. She says watching English movies helps her learn English well. She thinks it is a good way to learn English.



1. Warming-up:_______________

2. Put up your hands: _______________ 3. Choose the titles for the songs:

5. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meaning, then listen to the song and check.

There's a man standing on the c_______ 一个男子站在街角

With a sign saying "will work for food" 手中的标牌表明他已失去工作


You k_______ the man 你认识他

You see him every m_______ 你每天清晨都能见到他 The one you never g_______ your money to 只是你从未给过他一分钱 You can sit there with your window rolled up 你卷起窗帘,静望窗外 Wondering w_______ the lights going to turn green 捉摸着交通灯何时会闪绿 Never knowing what a couple more bucks 却不曾考虑,那男子口袋里多添几美元 In h_______ pocket might mean 对他来说将是多么重要

What if he's an angel sent here from Heaven 倘若他是上天派下凡的天使

And he's making certain that you're doing your best 前来观察

To take the time to h____ one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 B_______ are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to d_____ 你可以一如既往打发日子 Trying to forget what you saw in his f___ 可以把他的面孔从你脑海中抹去 Knowing deep down it could have 但你深深地知道,

been his saving grace 你本能获得他的“恩赐” What if he's an angel 倘若他是天使

There's a man 一对夫妻 and there's a w_______

Living right above you in apartment G 住在你的楼上

There's a l__ of noise coming f___ the ceiling透过天花板你能听到争执声此起彼伏 And it don't sound like harmony 似乎,他们不很和谐

You can s_ there with your TV turned up 你可以安然地坐在屋内开响电视的音量 While the words and his anger fly 任由骂声充满公寓

But come t_______ when you see her with her shades on 可到第二天,看着她受伤的印记 Can you look her in the e_______ 你是否还有勇气注视她的眼睛

What if she's an angel sent here from heaven 倘若她是上天派下凡的天使 And she's making certain that you're doing your best前来观察

To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 Brother are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子

Trying to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去 Knowing deep down it could have 但你深深地知道

been her saving grace 你本能获得她的“恩赐” What if she's an angel 倘若她是天使

A l_______ girl on daddy's lap 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 Hiding her disease w____ a baseball cap 头上的棒球帽,遮住了她的病痛 You can t_______ the channel 你可以像大部分人那样转开频道 M_______ people do

B___ what if you were sitting in her daddy's shoes但你曾设想过你是那个父亲会怎样?

Maybe she's an angel 也许她是上天派下凡的天使 Sent here from Heaven

And she's making certain you're doing your best 前来观察

To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 Brother are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子

Trying to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去 Knowing deep down it could have 但你深深地知道,

been her saving grace 你本能获得她的“恩赐” What if she's an angel 倘若她是天使


6.Match their Chinese meaning with the lyrics, then listen and check.

Sorrow is gonna say goodbye You have my place to stay Chasing tomorrow's sunrise Keep going on with your dream Won't let you cry, my dear

Seeing you shed a tear make my world disappear See my smile, my friend

you have got to believe, you are my destiny You'll never be alone in darkness We are with you, holding hands That's what a friendship be We're meant to be your friends Don't hide yourselves in the corner A little faith brightens a rainy day Life is difficult you can't go away

Opens up You'll see the happy sunshine The spirit can never die Sun will shine, my friend

小小的信念 照亮那下雨天 生命难困苦 你总不能逃避


我的胸怀可让你倚靠 忧伤终会跟你说再见

张开眼睛 你会看见快乐的阳光 继续追寻梦想


不会逝去的 是信念与理想 好朋友 太阳会闪耀 谁都不会令你流泪

你的一滴眼泪 都会让我的世界灰暗 在黑暗中 你永不会孤独 好朋友 看我的笑颜 手牵手 我们和你一起走

在我宁静的心灵 你是我的信念与目标 我们永远都会在一起 因为我们是朋友


________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7.Listen and fill in the blanks.

I looked in the sky and there I saw a star shining so bright above

I c_______ my eyes and wished upon the star that I would find true l_______ Someone w_______ needed me Someone came to share my life For a love that would be true I would wait f_______ So...no...matter how long it may be I will be waiting

One s_______-brighter than the others Two Hearts-beating for e_______ other I b_______ wishes really come true

Love at first sight I knew it from the moment when you said hello

I hoped you felt it too but we were b_______ so shy how was I to know when you reached for my hand I knew you were the one We laughed and talked for hours like I'd known you forever

Like...a...d_______ or something from a book True love has found me One star-brighter than the others Two Hearts-beating for each other Now I see wishes really come true You just have to dream Nothing's a_______ bad as it seems to be...believe me Someone's waiting for you to t_______ There in the sky

One star-brighter t_______ the others Two Hearts-beating for each o_______ You will see wishes really come true

You can't stop believing-wishes do come true You gotta believe me wishes do come





1.Yesterday once more- carpenters, 相信听过欧美歌曲的没有不听过这首歌的,30年前至今依然被评选为全球最受喜爱的歌曲,所以,放在第一位,每当再次听到它时,总勾起我高中刚入学的回忆,那是我高中听的第一首英文歌曲,怀念至今至永远!

2.My heart will go on- Celine Dion .电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲, 席琳迪翁的深情而卖力的演唱配着震撼人心的电影画面恐怕早已打动无数人,同样,《my heart will go on》也使celine?dion在第四十一届格莱美颁奖仪式上独拿三项大奖:最佳年度唱片,最佳年度歌曲,最佳流行女歌手。音乐没有国界,所以我们选择,我们喜欢。

3.A new day has come - Celine Dion. 席琳迪翁的歌声给人感觉很有穿透力,一种穿越时空与精神上的享受,带动内心最深的激情,下面这首歌同样是她的天籁之作。

4.Promise don’t come easy – Celine Dion。同样的经典之作。人生必不可少的精神伴侣。

5. Hotel california--Eagles我喜欢那充满磁性的嗓音,木吉他弹奏出简单幽怨的调子外,我想,喜欢它的另一个理由便是对回忆的孤独感受。这样的曲子,适合一个人听,一遍又一遍地重听,随乐韵飘荡到广袤却寂寥的.

6.Dying in the sun -cranberries小红梅(也叫卡百利)乐队作为爵士乐的代表,许多作品着实让人喜爱,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中... Dying in the sun这首歌曾作为天下足球的背景音乐,从此在中国走红,简单的歌词,附着主唱梦幻般的演唱,我宁愿就平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,在与阳光的温存中死去. 。。

7.Never grow old—cranberries 当你觉得时间很快的流逝时,也许在某个宁静的夜晚,聆听这样的音乐,泪水会模糊你的双眼。岁月如梭,可我真的不想长大。

8.Dreaming my dream—cranberries 中国歌后王菲翻唱过,都是经典。

9.Never say goodbye—Hayley Westenra。Hayley Westenra的声音如同丝线一般,在演唱技巧上更已达到完美的境地,而嗓音天生的优美更是让人不得不赞叹和艳羡。

10.The day you went away-M2M 相信让所有听过的人都喜欢上了这2个来自挪威的精灵般的女孩,淡淡的伤感,唯美的声调,还有什么不能打动你的内心呢。

11.Pretty boy - M2M 记得吗?oh my Pretty Pretty boy.这么可爱而甜美的音调,还有什么不打动你的内心呢。

12.Proud of you—m2m的一首非常甜美的歌,中文版大家肯定熟知“挥着翅膀的女孩”,建议还是听英文版,那种感觉是中文翻唱后所远远达不到的

13.Big big world--Emilia看上去是一个爱整洁的乖女孩,尤其在唱―Big,Big World‖这样的慢歌时,她显得十分纯情而古典。

14.Right here waiting--rachard max这是一首很经典的老歌,歌唱了刻骨铭心的爱情... 这是我曾经最爱的一首老歌,相信每个人也都听过无数遍,但依然是此情可待...

15.Can you feel the love tonight--Elton joh工整清晰的吐字,彬彬有礼的抒情,不紧不慢的钢琴,只能有那些拥有严谨文化传统的中老年英国人来展现。

16.It's my life--bon jovi.. bon jov乃典型的实力派老男人,音调浑厚激情充满磁性,但歌曲真的很震撼,这首歌曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。大爱~~

17.Hero - mariah carey 说道海豚音,天后马里亚凯莉是当之无愧的天后,这么穿透力的歌曲只有她能演绎的出来,什么?什么是海豚音??哥们,赶紧下载去听吧

18.When you believe--mariah carey n'和 whitney houston,天后的魅力无人可及,何况是和惠特尼的合作,相信是后无来者的了。

19.I stay in love --mariah carey 玛利亚凯莉非常抒情的一首歌,当然她的海豚音只需稍稍发挥一下,任何歌都会成为她的经典

20.Forever and ever-because i love you-dido绝对好听,dido的成名曲,肯定好听的很。

21.Thank you –dido 很喜欢dido的不紧不慢的抒情,而且节奏很好 ,曲风别样,曾被艾米纳姆作为一首歌的前奏。

22.Just one last dance-sarah connor中文名叫最后一支舞,是莎拉蔻娜与其丈夫的合作,表达的感情应该就是恋人即将分手痛苦又无奈的心理吧。 歌曲唯美,动人心弦。歌曲前段如同恋人的丝丝低语,温婉而浪漫,以一个回忆作为开头,用一种仿如异国情缘的浪漫道来,中段则更为 绵长悠远,后段则愈益激烈,以致甚于声嘶力竭,将至歇斯底里,恋 人啊,分离是最磨人的痛。

23. Love is colour blind-sarah connor,蔻娜真的很有才,蓝调、舞曲都精通,这首歌略带轻松的被蔻娜演唱的清爽至极。

24.He's unbelievable-- sarah connor 在寇娜一抑一扬的欢快的吟唱中,显得非常轻松愉悦,仿佛把He的不可思议演唱的逼真至极。

25.Stand- jewel 相信这首歌没有不喜欢的,珠儿的美妙嗓音加上歌曲非主流般的节奏,给人感觉就是清新悦耳,而且百听不厌。

26.Gotta have you -- the weepies ,歌曲好像来于现实,女声那懒洋洋的抒情,安静的旋律,让人久久怀念,‘浓浓的倾诉,深情化不开。你弹起吉他,我浅吟低唱,没有咖啡,没有美酒,只有淡淡的爱情‖

27.An angel --declan galbraith,来自英国的90后少年天才,仅10岁就发布专辑并获得大卖,这首Angel 地兰克将其发挥到了极致,堪称男声中的天籁之作,尤其是高潮部分的高音,征服不了你才怪。另一首Tell me why ,也是蛮经典的,感兴趣的朋友可以下载试听。

28.Better man - Robbie Williams,提到declan,就不不得提威廉姆斯,他是declan最爱的明星,而威廉姆斯这首歌又为自己喜爱的足球明星巴乔打造,To be a batter man ,相信有志男同胞们会做个Betterman。

29.Baby one more time - britney spears 小甜甜布兰妮的第一只单曲。记得音乐无限第一次播VIDEO的时候还在奇怪哪里冒出个名字难记的女生,后来看过之后印象最深的就是她托着下巴用笔敲桌子和那个空翻。歌曲本身包含了所有米国泡泡糖歌曲应该具备的元素,所以听的时候把责任啊义务啊严肃啊沉闷啊之类的审视都先放一边去~这首歌让年仅16岁的布兰妮狂登美国音乐天后宝座,至今无人能及~~

30.Cinderella - britney spears,SHE的半糖主义的原版,再次小臭一下SHE,和原版相比,相差甚远啊~布兰妮还有很多经典:Toxic和一改风格的Everytime!

31.Lucky- britney spears让幸运之神来祝福大家this is a story about a girl named lucky,{这是一个故事:一个女孩名叫幸运}。

32.Crazy-- britney spears估计酒吧迪厅必备的歌曲,小甜甜的非常动感的一首歌,尤其是开头那段音乐,真的“Drive me crazy!”


34.I will be missing you高中听的,爱上它是因为它产生的背景,听歌名,你能猜出来吗?

35.The saltwater room - owl city -这首歌的风格非常的独特,细细听之,如微风拂面,清爽至极,也是owlcity成名之作,大爱~

36.Never had a dream come true-s club 7,仅仅是刚开始的几秒钟的钢琴演奏 ,就让我深深吸引住,尤其是高潮部分,never had a dream come true,till the day i found you ,浑身沸腾了已经。

37.Hero--enrique iglesias出生在马德里,有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的外表.

38.Apologize –timbaland 大一时寒假回家在长途汽车中播放的音乐,当时没有注意,后来回味起来愈觉得特有感觉,于是苦苦寻找,原来就是“Apologize”,后来又看了mv,彻底爱上,尤其那句“It‘s too late too apologize”,勾起人的遐思啊。

39.Yellow- coldplay –英国酷玩乐队的成名之作,主唱克里斯·马汀独特而技巧而精益求精的演唱,很有穿透力,这歌被中国某歌手翻唱过,可想而知的经典。

40.Complicated - Avril Lavigne 提到摇滚,岂可忘了咱们美貌与智慧并存于一身的加拿大歌手艾薇儿呢,小妮子这几年喜事不断,专辑大卖,步入婚姻殿堂,但愿享受爱情的同时别忘记了给歌迷带来新的惊喜啊。这首歌前段比较舒缓,而且步步引人入胜,是她的歌中我最爱的一首

41.Let it be--beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。很多时候我们不能改变历史的潮流和故事的结局,就让它Let it be...

42.Scarborough fair - sarah brightman -天籁之声,知道08年北京奥运会开幕式和刘欢对唱奥运主题曲“我和你”的那位是谁吗?就是大名鼎鼎的沙拉布莱曼,来自英国的“月亮女神”,布莱曼最大的成就是把流行音乐,古典音乐和舞台剧极具创造性地将它们结合在了一起,其绚丽多彩的美丽造型带人们进入如痴如醉的梦幻世界。大爱

43.Better In Time -Leona Lewis,刘安娜的深厚功力驾驭这样的歌曲,只有2字“完美”,开始音乐舒缓,完后步步紧推,美妙的很,难得的享受。大爱

44.Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis 也是展现刘安娜实力派的嗓音的完美例证。

45.Crying in the Rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手Carole King的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造...

46.Knocking on heaven's door--guns n' roses(―野蛮师姐‖主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉

47.Back to you --bryan adams那是布赖恩亚当斯的作品,我想大家应该都听过他那首绝对经典的歌―( Everything I Do )吧,这个帅帅的沧桑男人的声音磁性磁的一塌糊涂,雄浑沧桑,啊,大爱

48.Everything I Do-bryan adams 经典中的经典中的经典,听了N遍仍不厌,叫我如何不爱它。

49.Sailing-- rod stewart感觉和亚当斯是同门师兄弟,声音都那么沧桑而富有穿透力,仅仅开头的几句I am sailing, I am sailing home again 'cross the sea.爱上了这歌!

50.The sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗西蒙的代表...我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人喜欢听这歌的。 下面列举七个我最爱的组合和乐队:分别是Westlife、Blue、LinkinPark、backstreetboys、MLTR(michael learns to rock)和女子组合Sweetbox,groove coverage

51..My love –Westlife相信没有人不喜欢这首歌的,从刚出来到2006年一直被评为最好听的歌曲,不用我多介绍,西城男孩的充满磁性的嗓音和近乎唯美的歌词,仅仅一遍就无法自拔了。我KTV每次的必点之作,但她离开之后,我再没唱过


53.If I let you go—Westlife ―day after day ,time pass away……每次跟着MP3一起哼着意味深长的歌词,总是意犹未尽,如果我让你走,我会很难过,很难过。。西城的经典,不多说了。

54..Seasons in the sun–Westlife。开头的那段什么乐器演奏的很美妙,歌曲的创作灵感来自于一个违背道德的爱情故事,即三角恋,被西城唱的倒有种朋友的分别的苦痛。下面同样是西城的经典与代表之作,我比较喜欢:、You raise me up、lay my love on you、fly without wings 、swear it again、 和翻唱mr big的To be with you ~,就不不列举了。

55..One love –Blue ,英国的组合Blue于世纪初算是风靡全球了,他们的歌曲大都巧妙融合了R&B,hip-hop,节奏感很好,好听不说,甚至是划时代的意义~这歌也被我用过作CF视频的背景音乐。不才。不才。

56.All rise-blue不逊色于one love的一首经典之作,将blue彻底捧上巅峰

57.U make me wanna -blue.爱blue这首歌彻底征服我,人家的曲风就是这么独特。

58.In the end –linkin park, 林肯公园是一组来自美国加州的摇滚乐队,也被认为是新金属中最成功的乐团,这当然是公认的实力加偶像加天王级的组合,这首歌的高潮是一段非常优美的高音向低音的转折,让很多焦虑地迷失在四壁高墙中的年轻人,寻求到了些许疗伤般的安慰和充满震撼的共鸣。

59What I’ve done–linkin park 主唱那歇斯底里的呐喊,带给我们的只有心灵的震撼

九年级三班每周听一首英文歌曲,歌曲内容由学生推荐篇五:英文歌曲推荐 及最佳适合学习时听的音乐

《Burning》《Everyday》《I Love you》《she》《Life is cool》《Lonely》《single ladies》《I believe I can Fly》《Just one last dance》《Because I love you》《You're beautiful》《cross every river》《if you want me》《stay here forever》《I knew I loved you》《cod is a girl》《my love》《Thank you》《Yellow》《You belong with me》《It's my life》《Dream on》《my way》《Baby》《pretty boy》《someone like you》《fuck you》《Boyfriend》《Innocence》《Baby one more time》《How you remind me》《when you're gone》《Love fool》《The mass》《stan》






























4.The rain-久石让


6.The Truth That You Leave-piano boy

7.songs from a secret garden-神秘园





2.爱的筵席(LOVE SONGS FEAST)-莎拉布莱曼

3.Craigie Hill-Cara Dillon

4.valder fields-Tamas Wells

5.Inside-Bang Gang

6.Tango in my heart-QQ音速(爆好听,上网查)

7.Dying In The Sun -小红莓


9.May It Be-恩雅

10.30 Minutes - T.a.T.u





1.Chocolate Ice (听身体唱歌)- 卫兰

2.Beat It -MJ

3.Heal The World - MJ

4.don't cry - 枪花

5.Anything But Ordinary - 艾薇儿

6.Nobody’s A Nun - 王若琳

7.Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit

8.Zombie - 小红莓

9.Time after time - 仓木麻衣(柯南)

10.remember the name - 林肯公园



1.旅行的意义 - 陈绮贞

2.彩虹天堂 - 刘畊宏

3.太早 - 刘允乐

4.心里有个他 - 俞思远

5.白月光 - 张信哲

6.天天想你 - 张雨生

7.我爱你 - 王菲

8.宝贝 - 张悬

9.Forever Now - Bang Gang

10.借我一生 - 水木年华

11.独立 - 蜜雪薇琪

12.Trouble Is a Friend - Lenka




Live like you're dying Lenka

one of these days you'll be 或许在未来的某一天,你将会

under the covers you'll be 封闭自己,你将会

under the table and you'll realize 隐藏自己,然后你清楚的认识到

all of your days are numbered 属于你的未来还有许多时日

all of them one to one hundred 它们从一到一百

all of them millions. 到数百万

all of them trillions.到数亿万

so what are you gonna do with them all? 你打算在这些日子里去做些什么呢? you can not trade them in for mall. no no.你不能把它们拿到商场去买卖,不能 take every moment 那就自己掌控吧

you know that you own them.你知道你拥有它们

it's all you can do,你所能做的

use what's been given to you.就是好好利用你所得到的

give me a reason 给我一个理由

to fight the feeling 让我去抗拒这种感觉

that there's nothing here for me. 那种一无所有,了无慰藉的感觉

cause none of it’s easy,其实生活并不轻松啊~

i know it wasn't meant to be. 没有不争取就注定的事情

i know it's all up to me. 我知道这一切都是由我来决定

i know it's all up to me. 由我来决定

so what am i gonna do with my time? oh在我剩下的时间里我该去做些什么呢? i'll take every moment,我会去利用我剩下的每一分钟

i know that i own them.我知道我拥有它们

it's all up to you to do 完全由你决定去做

whatever you choose. 你所选择做的事情

live like you're dying 要以时日不多的心态活着

and never stop trying.从不放弃尝试

it's all you can do,你所能做的

use what's been given to you.就是好好利用你所拥有的

all of the moments you didn't notice 你没注意到吧

gone in the blink of an eye.时间一眨眼的功夫就过去了

all of the feelings you couldn't feel 所有那些稍纵即逝的感觉~

no matter how you try. oh oh.无论你怎么努力也抓不到~

take every moment 那就珍惜每一个时刻~

you know that you own them.你知道他们属于你

it's all up to you to do

whatever you choose.

live like you're dying

and never stop trying.

it's all you can do,

use what's been given to you. ~

live like you're dying

and never stop trying.

it's all you can do,

use what's been given to you

Believe ---Dima Bilan

Even when the thunder and storm begins 即使电闪雷鸣,暴风四起

I'll be standing strong like a tree in the wind 我也会像棵参天大树一样屹立不倒 Nothing is gonna move this mountain in 没有什么可以移动我心中的大山 or change my direction 或改变我前进的方向

I'm falling off the sky and I'm all alone 即使我从天空摔落下来,孤独无助

The courage that's inside is gonna break my fall 但是骨子里的勇气可以让我重新振作 Nothing is gonna dim my light within 没有什么可以熄灭我心中的灯火

But if I keep going on it will never be impossible 只要我永不放弃,什么都有可能 Not today. 今天我绝不会放弃

Cause I got something to believe in 因为我有原因去相信

As long as I'm breathing 只要我还活着

There is not a limit to what I can dream 我可以追求的梦想是没有什么可以限制的 Cause I got something to believe in 因为我有原因去相信

Mission to keep climbing 有使命需去执行

Nothing else can stop me if I just believe 如果我相信我自己,并信任我自己 And I believe in me. 那什么都阻止不了我

Even when the world tries to pull me down 即使全世界都反对我

Tell me that I can't... try to turn me around 告诉我:你做不到....试着要我回头 I wont let them put my fire out 我也不会让他们把我心中的火种扑灭

without NO 没有希望 不

But if I keep going on it will never be impossible 只要我永不放弃,什么都有可能 Not today 今天我绝不会放弃

Cause I got something to believe in 因为我有原因去相信

As long as I'm breathing 只要我还活着

There is not a limit to what I can dream 我可追的梦想是没有什么可以限制的 Cause I got something to believe in 因为我有原因去相信

Mission to keep climbing 有使命去执行去攀登

Nothing else can stop me if I just believe 只要我相信我自己,那什么都阻止不了我 And I believe 我相信

I can do it all, open every door 我什么都做得到,我可以打开每一扇希望之门 Turn unthinkable to reality 把连想不到的事都变成现实

You see I can do it all and more 你看我什么都可以做到,甚至做得更多

Believing! As long as I'm breathing 相信我!只要我还活着,还呼吸着 There is no limit to what I can dream 那么我所能追求的梦想是无止境的 Believing! Mission to keep climbing 相信我!我会一直执行我的使命 Nothing else can stop me if I just believe 只要我相信,什么都阻止不了我 And I believe in me. 并且我信任我自己。

If today was your last day ---Nickelback

My best friend gave me the best advice


He said each day's a gift and not a given right

他说,我们拥有的每一天都是被赐予的礼物,而不是所享有的特权 Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind


And try to take the path less traveled by


That first step you take is the longest stride


If today was your last day


and tomorrow was too late


Could you say goodbye to yesterday?


Would you live each moment like your last?


Leave old pictures in the past


Donate every dime you have?


If today was your last day


Against the grain should be a way of life


What's worth the prize is always worth the fight


Every second counts 'cause there's no second try


So live like you'll never live it twice


Don't take the free ride in your own life


If today was your last day


and tomorrow was too late


Could you say goodbye to yesterday?


Would you live each moment like your last?

在这天的每时每刻你能否活得像你的最后一天? Leave old pictures in the past


Donate every dime you have?


Would you call old friends you never see?

Reminisce of memories


Would you forgive your enemies?


Would you find that one you're dreamin' of?


Swear of the noun, the God above


That you finally fall in love


If today was your last day


If today was your last day


Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart? 作为留念,你是否愿意在最后去挽救一个碎了的心? You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars


Regardless of who you are


So do whatever it takes


'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life


Let nothin' stand in your way


Cause the hands of time are never on your side


If today was your last day


and tomorrow was too late


Could you say goodbye to yesterday?


Would you live each moment like your last?

在这天的每时每刻你能否活得像你的最后一天? Leave old pictures in the past


Donate every dime you have?


Would you call old friends you never see?

Reminisce of memories


Would you forgive your enemies?


Would you find that one you're dreamin' of?


Swear of the noun, the God above


That you finally fall in love


If today was your last day


The Climb by Miley Cyrus

I can almost see it / 眼前依稀浮现

That dream I'm dreamin' but / 萦绕心头的那个梦境

There's a voice inside my head saying / 脑海里却响起一个声音 you'll never reach it / 你永远也不会到达彼岸

Every step I'm taking / 我迈出的每一步

Every move I make feels /我做过的每件事

Lost with no direction / 无不使我迷失方向

My faith is shakin / 开始动摇的,是我的信念

But I, I gotta keep tryin. / 可我,我还是要继续求索

Gotta keep my head held high / 还是要挺胸抬头、阔步前行



1 沉默之声

The Sound Of Silence

2 爱的细语

There's A Kind Of Hush

3 阳光季节

Seasons In The Sun

4 唱首忧郁的歌

Song Sung Blue

5 在老橡树上系黄丝带

Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 6 雨的旋律

Rhythm of The Rain

7 七个寂寞的日子

Seven Lonely Days

8 超级迷你比基尼

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini 9 波夫


10 柠檬树

Lemon Tree

11 花落何处

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

12 顺其自然

Let It Be

13 昨日重现

Yesterday Once More

14 甜心

Dear Heart

15 太年轻

Too Young

16 低语的松树

Whispering Pines

17 世界末日

The End Of The World

18 我的家乡

My Hometown

19 大江东去

The River Of No Return

20 田纳西华尔兹

Tennessee Waltz

21 破晓

Morning Has Broken

22 恶水上的大桥

Bridge Over Troubled Water

23 让它是我

Let It Be Me

24 再见,吾爱

Bye Bye, Love

25 无法停止爱你

I Can't Stop Loving You

26 只有你

Only You

27 世事不可强求

Que Sera, Sera

28 雨点不断落在我头上

Raindrops Keep Falling On My 29 某处,吾爱

Somewhere My Love

30 在雨中哭泣

Crying In The Rain

31 跳舞吧,小女孩

Dance On, Little Girl

32 爱你在心口难开

More Than I Can Say

33 玫瑰,玫瑰我爱你

Rose, Rose, I Love You

34 清晨

In The Morning

35 往日情怀

The Way We Were

36 北上阿拉斯加

North To Alaska

37 老鹰之歌

El Condor Pasa

38 乡村路带我回家

Take Me Home Country Roads 39 邮差先生

Please Mr. Postman

40 黄河镇

Yellow River

41 放开我

Release Me

42 最后华尔兹

The Last Waltz

43 孤枕难眠 Head

I Don't Like To Sleep Alone 44 想象


45 不再坠入情网

I'll Never Fall In. Love Again 46 轻歌销魂

Killing Me Softly With His Song 47 婚礼

The Wedding

48 雪鸟


49 黛咪


50 情感


51 假如


52 小白鸽

Paloma Blanca

53 今日


54 无须说爱我

You Don't Have To Say You Love 55 奔放的旋律

Unchained Melody

56 与我吻别

Kiss Me Goodbye

57 只有寻梦去

All I Have To Do Is Dream 58 小白花


59 在我肩上

Put Your Head On My Shoulder 60 黄鸟儿

Yellow Bird

61 全为了一个女孩的爱

All For The Love Of A Girl 62 轻声细诉,爱人

Speak Softly, Love

63 交换舞伴

Changing Partners

64 我参加你的婚礼

I Went To Your Wedding

65 给约翰的一封信 Me

A Dear John Letter

66 月亮河

Moon River

67 黛安娜


68 哦,卡罗

Oh! Carol

69 试着回忆

Try To Remember

70 什锦烩饭


71 时机不再

72 唯有孤寂

Only The Lonely

73 我明白

I Understand

74 全心全意爱我

Love Me With All Of Your 75 深夜陌生人

Strangers In The Night 76 离家五百里

Five Hundred Miles

77 昨日


78 走在雨中

Just Walking In The Rain 79 阳光在我肩上

Sunshine On My Shoulders 80 我希望你要我

I'd Love You To Want Me 81 你欺骗的心

Your Cheating Heart

82 麻萨诸塞州


83 丹尼男孩

Danny Boy

84 今晚你寂寞吗

Are You Lonesome Tonight 85 随风飘荡

Blowing In The Wind 86 敲三下

Knock Three Times

87 不再 Heart

No More

88 热爱着你

Devoted To You 89 旧金山

San Francisco

90 棉花田

Cotton Field

91 亲爱的

Sugar, Sugar

92 世界之顶

Top Of The World 93 你照亮我的生命

You Light Up My Life 94 玫瑰花园

Rose Garden

95 如果你爱我

If You Love Me 96 史东妮


97 我不知如何爱他

I Don't Know How To 98 温柔地爱我

Love Me Tender 99 你偷走巨厦

The Mansion You Stole Love Him


1音乐没有国界,那些经典的英文音乐更是人类共享的宝贵的精神财富,我们喜欢 音乐,不仅它可以给我们以美的享受,更能陶冶情操,涤荡一个人的心灵,在开 着最大音的耳机的笼罩下,这个世界,仅有我们自己~下面是我近大学三年来的 遍听欧美经典歌曲的成果, 整理出来, 毫无保留, 奉献给热爱英文歌曲的粉丝们!1.Yesterday once more- carpenters, 相信听过欧美歌曲的没有不听过这首歌的, 30 年前至今依然被评选为全球最受喜爱的歌曲,所以,放在第一位,每当再次 听到它时,总勾起我高中刚入学的回忆,那是我高中听的第一首英文歌曲,怀念 至今至永远! 2.My heart will go on- Celine Dion .电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲, 席琳迪翁的 深情而卖力的演唱配着震撼人心的电影画面恐怕早已打动无数人,同样, 《my heart will go on》也使 celine?dion 在第四十一届格莱美颁奖仪式上独拿三项大奖: 最佳年度唱片,最佳年度歌曲,最佳流行女歌手。音乐没有国界,所以我们选择, 我们喜欢。 3.A new day has come - Celine Dion. 席琳迪翁的歌声给人感觉很有穿透力,一 种穿越时空与精神上的享受,带动内心最深的激情,下面这首歌同样是她的天籁 之作。 4.Promise don’t come easy – Celine Dion。同样的经典之作。人生必不可少 的精神伴侣。 5. Hotel california--Eagles 我喜欢那充满磁性的嗓音,木吉他弹奏出简单幽怨的 调子外,我想,喜欢它的另一个理由便是对回忆的孤独感受。这样的曲子,适合 一个人听,一遍又一遍地重听,随乐韵飘荡到广袤却寂寥的. 6.Dying in the sun -cranberries 小红梅(也叫卡百利)乐队作为爵士乐的代表, 许多作品着实让人喜爱,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质, 沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而 真切的女声中... Dying in the sun 这首歌曾作为天下足球的背景音乐, 从此在中国 走红,简单的歌词,附着主唱梦幻般的演唱,我宁愿就平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎 乎的,在与阳光的温存中死去. 。 。 7.Never grow old—cranberries 当你觉得时间很快的流逝时,也许在某个宁静的 夜晚,聆听这样的音乐,泪水会模糊你的双眼。岁月如梭,可我真的不想长大。 8.Dreaming my dream—cranberries 中国歌后王菲翻唱过,都是经典。 9. Never say goodbye—Hayley Westenra。 Hayley Westenra 的声音如同丝线一般, 在演唱技巧上更已达到完美的境地, 而嗓音天生的优美更是让人不得不赞叹和艳 羡。 210.The day you went away-M2M 相信让所有听过的人都喜欢上了这 2 个来自挪 威的精灵般的女孩,淡淡的伤感,唯美的声调,还有什

么不能打动你的内心呢。 11.Pretty boy - M2M 记得吗?oh my Pretty Pretty boy.这么可爱而甜美的音调, 还有什么不打动你的内心呢。 12.Proud of you—m2m 的一首非常甜美的歌,中文版大家肯定熟知“挥着翅膀的 女孩” ,建议还是听英文版,那种感觉是中文翻唱后所远远达不到的 13.Big big world--Emilia 看上去是一个爱整洁的乖女孩,尤其在唱“Big,Big World” 这样的慢歌时,她显得十分纯情而古典。 14.Right here waiting--rachard max 这是一首很经典的老歌,歌唱了刻骨铭心的爱 情... 这是我曾经最爱的一首老歌,相信每个人也都听过无数遍,但依然是此情可 待... 15.Can you feel the love tonight--Elton joh 工整清晰的吐字,彬彬有礼的抒情,不 紧不慢的钢琴,只能有那些拥有严谨文化传统的中老年英国人来展现。 16.It's my life--bon jovi.. bon jov 乃典型的实力派老男人, 音调浑厚激情充满磁性, 但歌曲真的很震撼,这首歌曾用来做 CS 的 MTV 背景音乐。大爱~~ 17.Hero - mariah carey 说道海豚音,天后马里亚凯莉是当之无愧的天后,这么穿 透力的歌曲只有她能演绎的出来,什么?什么是海豚音??哥们,赶紧下载去听 吧 18.When you believe--mariah carey n'和 whitney houston,天后的魅力无人可及, 何况是和惠特尼的合作,相信是后无来者的了。 19.I stay in love --mariah carey 玛利亚凯莉非常抒情的一首歌, 当然她的海豚音只 需稍稍发挥一下,任何歌都会成为她的经典 20.Forever and ever-because i love you-dido 绝对好听,dido 的成名曲,肯定好听 的很。 21.Thank you –dido 很喜欢 dido 的不紧不慢的抒情,而且节奏很好 ,曲风别样, 曾被艾米纳姆作为一首歌的前奏。 22.Just one last dance-sarah connor 中文名叫最后一支舞,是莎拉蔻娜与其丈夫的 合作,表达的感情应该就是恋人即将分手痛苦又无奈的心理吧。 歌曲唯美,动 人心弦。歌曲前段如同恋人的丝丝低语,温婉而浪漫,以一个回忆作为开头,用 一种仿如异国情缘的浪漫道来,中段则更为 绵长悠远,后段则愈益激烈,以致 甚于声嘶力竭,将至歇斯底里,恋 人啊,分离是最磨人的痛。 23. Love is colour blind-sarah connor,蔻娜真的很有才,蓝调、舞曲都精通,这首 歌略带轻松的被蔻娜演唱的清爽至极。 324.He's unbelievable-- sarah connor 在寇娜一抑一扬的欢快的吟唱中, 显得非常轻 松愉悦,仿佛把 He 的不可思议演唱的逼真至极。 25.Stand- jewel 相信这首歌没有不喜欢的,珠儿的美妙嗓音加上歌曲非主流般的 节奏,给人感觉就是清新悦耳,而且百听不厌。 26.Gotta have you -- the weepies ,歌曲好像来于现实,女声那懒洋洋的抒情,安 静的旋律,让人久久怀念,’浓浓的倾诉,深情化不

开。你弹起吉他,我浅吟低 唱,没有咖啡,没有美酒,只有淡淡的爱情” 27.An angel --declan galbraith,来自英国的 90 后少年天才,仅 10 岁就发布专辑 并获得大卖,这首 Angel 地兰克将其发挥到了极致,堪称男声中的天籁之作, 尤其是高潮部分的高音, 征服不了你才怪。 另一首 Tell me why , 也是蛮经典的, 感兴趣的朋友可以下载试听。 28.Better man - Robbie Williams,提到 declan,就不不得提威廉姆斯,他是 declan 最爱的明星, 而威廉姆斯这首歌又为自己喜爱的足球明星巴乔打造, be a batter To man ,相信有志男同胞们会做个 Betterman。 29.Baby one more time - britney spears 小甜甜布兰妮的第一只单曲。记得音乐无 限第一次播 VIDEO 的时候还在奇怪哪里冒出个名字难记的女生,后来看过之后 印象最深的就是她托着下巴用笔敲桌子和那个空翻。 歌曲本身包含了所有米国泡 泡糖歌曲应该具备的元素, 所以听的时候把责任啊义务啊严肃啊沉闷啊之类的审 视都先放一边去~这首歌让年仅 16 岁的布兰妮狂登美国音乐天后宝座, 至今无人 能及~~ 30.Cinderella - britney spears,SHE 的半糖主义的原版,再次小臭一下 SHE,和原 版相比,相差甚远啊~布兰妮还有很多经典:Toxic 和一改风格的 Everytime! 31.Lucky- britney spears 让幸运之神来祝福大家 this is a story about a girl named lucky,{这是一个故事:一个女孩名叫幸运}。 32.Crazy-- britney spears 估计酒吧迪厅必备的歌曲, 小甜甜的非常动感的一首歌, 尤其是开头那段音乐,真的“Drive me crazy!” 33.Dilemma--kellyrowland 与饶舌巨星 nelly 搭档演唱的歌曲,这首歌曲虽然风格 老套,但仍然在全美电台创下近两个月蝉联冠军宝座的纪录。 34.I will be missing you 高中听的,爱上它是因为它产生的背景,听歌名,你能猜 出来吗? 35.The saltwater room - owl city -这首歌的风格非常的独特,细细听之,如微风拂 面,清爽至极,也是 owlcity 成名之作,大爱~ 436.Never had a dream come true-s club 7,仅仅是刚开始的几秒钟的钢琴演奏 ,就 让我深深吸引住, 尤其是高潮部分, never had a dream come true, the day i found till you ,浑身沸腾了已经。 37.Hero--enrique iglesias 出生在马德里,有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而 又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的外表. 38.Apologize –timbaland 大一时寒假回家在长途汽车中播放的音乐,当时没有注 意,后来回味起来愈觉得特有感觉,于是苦苦寻找,原来就是“Apologize” ,后 来又看了 mv, 彻底爱上, 尤其那句 “It’s too late too apologize” ,勾起人的遐思啊。 39.Yellow- coldplay –英国酷玩乐队的成名之作,主唱克里斯·马汀独特而技巧而 精

益求精的演唱,很有穿透力,这歌被中国某歌手翻唱过,可想而知的经典。 40.Complicated - Avril Lavigne 提到摇滚,岂可忘了咱们美貌与智慧并存于一身 的加拿大歌手艾薇儿呢,小妮子这几年喜事不断,专辑大卖,步入婚姻殿堂,但 愿享受爱情的同时别忘记了给歌迷带来新的惊喜啊。这首歌前段比较舒缓,而且 步步引人入胜,是她的歌中我最爱的一首 41.Let it be--beatles 昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是 Beatles 解散时成员们的心态写照。 很多时候我们不能改变历史的潮流和故事的结局,就让它 Let it be... 42.Scarborough fair - sarah brightman -天籁之声,知道 08 年北京奥运会开幕式和 刘欢对唱奥运主题曲“我和你”的那位是谁吗?就是大名鼎鼎的沙拉布莱曼,来 自英国的“月亮女神” ,布莱曼最大的成就是把流行音乐,古典音乐和舞台剧极 具创造性地将它们结合在了一起, 其绚丽多彩的美丽造型带人们进入如痴如醉的 梦幻世界。大爱 43.Better In Time -Leona Lewis, 刘安娜的深厚功力驾驭这样的歌曲, 只有 2 字 “完 美” ,开始音乐舒缓,完后步步紧推,美妙的很,难得的享受。大爱 44.Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis 也是展现刘安娜实力派的嗓音的完美例证。 45.Crying in the Rain 大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了, 这首出自民谣 女歌手 Carole King 的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造... 46.Knocking on heaven's door--guns n' roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪 花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉 47.Back to you --bryan adams 那是布赖恩亚当斯的作品,我想大家应该都听过他那 首绝对经典的歌“( Everything I Do )吧,这个帅帅的沧桑男人的声音磁性磁的一 塌糊涂,雄浑沧桑,啊,大爱 48.Everything I Do-bryan adams 经典中的经典中的经典,听了 N 遍仍不厌,叫我 如何不爱它。 549.Sailing-- rod stewart 感觉和亚当斯是同门师兄弟,声音都那么沧桑而富有穿透 力,仅仅开头的几句 I am sailing, I am sailing home again 'cross the sea.爱上了这 歌! 50.The sound of silence 是奥斯卡最佳电影 《毕业生》 的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大 师保罗西蒙的代表...我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人喜欢听这歌的。 下面列举七个我最爱的组合和乐队:分别是 Westlife、Blue、LinkinPark、 backstreetboys、MLTR(michael learns to rock)和女子组合 Sweetbox,groove coverage 51..My love –Westlife 相信没有人不喜欢这首歌的,从刚出来到 2006 年一直被 评为最好听的歌曲,不用我多介绍,西城男孩的充满磁性的嗓音和近乎唯美的歌 词,仅仅一遍就无法自拔了。我 KTV 每次的必点之作,但她离开之后,我再没 唱过 52.Soledad–Westlife, 西城迷人的魅力

和主唱的真情流露, 塑造了这首歌的完美, SHE 的紫藤花来自于此。 53.If I let you go—Westlife “day after day ,time pass away……每次跟着 MP3 一起 哼着意味深长的歌词,总是意犹未尽,如果我让你走,我会很难过,很难过。 。 西城的经典,不多说了。 54.Seasons in the sun–Westlife。开头的那段什么乐器演奏的很美妙,歌曲的创作 灵感来自于一个违背道德的爱情故事,即三角恋,被西城唱的倒有种朋友的分别 的苦痛。下面同样是西城的经典与代表之作,我比较喜欢: 、You raise me up、lay my love on you、 without wings 、 fly swear it again、和翻唱 mr big 的 To be with you ~,就不不列举了。 55..One love –Blue ,英国的组合 Blue 于世纪初算是风靡全球了,他们的歌曲 大都巧妙融合了 R&B,hip-hop,节奏感很好,好听不说,甚至是划时代的意义~ 这歌也被我用过作 CF 视频的背景音乐。不才。不才。 56.All rise-blue 不逊色于 one love 的一首经典之作,将 blue 彻底捧上巅峰 57.U make me wanna -blue.爱 blue 这首歌彻底征服我, 人家的曲风就是这么独特。 58.In the end –linkin park, 林肯公园是一组来自美国加州的摇滚乐队, 也被认为 是新金属中最成功的乐团,这当然是公认的实力加偶像加天王级的组合,这首歌 的高潮是一段非常优美的高音向低音的转折, 让很多焦虑地迷失在四壁高墙中的 年轻人,寻求到了些许疗伤般的安慰和充满震撼的共鸣。 59What I’ve done–linkin park 主唱那歇斯底里的呐喊,带给我们的只有心灵的 震撼 660.Somewhere I Belong-linkin park 体现出林肯公园音乐最完美之处的经典歌曲莫 过于它, 听着主唱之一查斯特在副歌唱出充满希望与期待的感受: wanna heal? “I I wanna feel……somewhere I belong! ”那份触动心灵的程度绝对不亚于贝多芬的 《命运》 。 61.Believe me-fort minor 即黑暗堡垒,这歌也算是林肯的了,因为主唱是林肯的 原主唱,所以我归到林肯的歌里。说唱歌中的经典的经典,很喜欢。另外有: Numb、Faint、New devide、Nobody’s listening 和略带抒情的 My december. 62.Where'd you go --fort minor 最好听的莫过于里面的女声,而加上配合主唱雄 厚的说唱技巧,演绎的美妙至极!堪称完美! 63.Take me to your heart-Michael learns to rock,中文名叫迈克学摇滚,来自丹麦的 音乐组合,也是我最最最最爱的组合,04 年的在中国刮起的一阵流行风里最大 的飓风, 这歌记得当时听了不下百遍, 是我学会的第一首英文歌, 抒情之极不说, 歌曲流畅,堪称完美,连咱们的天王张学友都翻唱哦。 64.Breaking my heart –MLTR 的略带伤感的作品了,听完很有一种别样的心情, 如果谁 Breaking your heart ,那就听吧,尽情的



卷 Ⅰ(80分)



1.Who wrote the interesting book?


2. What club has Frank decided to join ?


3. What sign may the man see on the wall?


4. Who was not born in Shanghai?


5. What did the boy’s uncle send him as his birthday present?



6.On which day will there be a school concert?

A.On Thursday B.On Friday C. On Saturday

7.What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A writer B. A movie C. A book

8.How much is the book?

A. 15yuan B. 50 yuan C. 30 yuan

9.Who runs fastest ,Jack,John or Bruce?

A. Bruce B. John C. Jack

10.How will the man go to the Science Museum?

A. By bike B. On foot C. By bus


11. A. A dress B. A T-shirt C. A pair of trousers

12. A. Small B. Middle C. Large

13. A. Green B. Red C. Yellow

14. A. Cotton B. Wool C. Nylon

15. A. 50 dollars B.60 dollars C.80 dollars

二、 单项选择(共15 小题,每小题1 分; 满分15分)

16. The Internet was invented in _________ 1960s and it was ________ big success.

A. An; a B. the; a C. the; / D. /; a

17. This book is _____for a six-year-old child to read.

A. enough easy B. enough easily C. easy enough D. easily enough

18. —Is this your bicycle, David?

--No, it isn’t __________. It’s Helen’s.

A. his B. yours C. mine D. hers

19.He has _____Japanese friends,but he knows ______Japanese.

A.a little;a few B.few ,little C. a few;little D.a little;few

20.___girls took part in the Super Girl Competition but only a few of them succeeded.

A. Two million of B. Two millions of C. Millions of D. Two millions

21. “Use again” means “___________”.

A. Recycle B. Reuse C. Reduce D.Throw

22.Mark Twain isn’t _______ a great thinker like Confucius.

A. famous of B. famous for C. known as D. known for

23. --__________ is your company? --Ten minutes’ drive from here.

A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How much

24. How sweet the light music ____!

A. sounds like B. is sounded C. is heard D. sounds

25. They________ home _________ the night of April 7, 2002.

A.got, in B.reached, on C.arrived, in D. arrived at, on

26. Tony _______the club and ______ its activities when he was a college student.

A. took part in; joined B. joined; joined

C. joined; took part in D. took part in; took part in

27.—What do you think of the two books?

--______of them is interesting. And I don’t like them at all.

A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Either

28. If I ___________, I will go to the tea party this evening.

A. invite B.invited C. will invite D. am invited

29. Which of the following signs shows people the way to go out of a building?


30.--I am flying to Harbin for my holiday this weekend.

-- Wonderful! _____________ A. Have a nice trip! B.I hope so. C.Why not? D.With pleasure.


On Fridays I come home from work at about 2:00 in the afternoon and I just have a rest.On Friday evenings I don't go out,.the wine(酒)and I cook the meal.I love cooking!. .a film.I love films!Chinese restaurant.On Sunday...Oh,on ,I get up until 11:00!Sometimes

in the afternoon I visit my sister..leave early because I go to bed at 8:00 on Sunday evenings.

31. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some times D. some time

32.A.me B.I C.my D.mine

33.A.have B.for C.has D.with

34.A.brings B.takes C.gives D.puts

35.A.tell B.say C.talk D.speak

36. A. In B.At C. On D. By

37.A.shop B. shopping C. buy something D.buyers

38.A.look B.see C.read D.look at

39.A.a B.the C.hungry D.favourite

40. A. Saturday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Friday

41. A.late B.early C.down D.up

42. A. / B. am C. don’t D. doesn’t

43.A.to B.and C.with D.for

44. A. it B. theirs C. them D. its

45.A.or B.then C.but D.an


阅读下列材料, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。


Billy and Bobby were small boys. They were brothers, and they often fought each other.

Last Saturday their mother said to them, “I’m going to cook our lunch now. go out and play in the garden……and be good.”

“Yes, Mum,” the two boys answered, and they out.

They played in the garden for half an hour, and then Billy ran in. “Mum,” he said, “Bobby’s broken a window in Mrs Allen’s house.” Mrs Allen was one of their neighbours.

“He’s a bad boy,” his mother said. “How did he break it?”

“I threw a stone at him,” Billy answered, “and he quickly moved down.”

46. Billy and Bobby were .

A、sisters B、classmates C、not often kind to each other D、always kind to each other

47. Last Saturday their mother asked them .

A、not to play in the garden B、to cook their lunch

C、not to go out D、to be good

48. broke the window.

A、Mrs Allen B、Billy C、Bobby D、The mother


Years ago a farmer owned a farm along the sea. He wanted to hire(雇佣)some workers, but most people didn’t want to work on the farm along the sea. They were afraid of the storm.

Finally, a short and thin man came to the farm. “Are you a good worker?” the farmer asked him. “Well, I can sleep when the wind blows,” answered the little man.

Although the farmer felt puzzled about the answer, he hired him, because he couldn’t find any other worker. The little man worked hard around the farm, and the farmer was pleased with him.

Then one night a storm came. The farmer rushed to the worker and cried, “Get up! A storm is coming. Tie things down before they are blown away!”

The little man said slowly, “No, sir. I told you that I could sleep when the

wind blows.”

The farmer was very angry. He hurried outside himself. To his surprise,

everything had been done. The cows were in the barn(牛舍), the chickens

were in the cages, and the doors were locked. Nothing could be blown away.

The farmer then understood what his worker said, so he also returned to his bed to sleep while the wind blew. When you’re prepared, you have nothing to fear.

49. Most workers didn’t want to work for the farmer because __________.

A. he wasn’t kind to his workers B.he didn’t give his workers enough money

C.they were afraid of the storm D.they didn’t like the farmer

50. What was the little man doing when the storm came?

A. He was locking the doors . B. He was sleeping.

51. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The farmer hired many workers easily.

B. The little man was afraid of the storm like others.

C. Everything had been done well before the storm came.

D.The little man was very lazy.

52.How did the farmer feel about the little man’s work in the end ?











































7.你应该告诉她吸烟的危害。(the dangers of)

8.约翰主动提出开车送我回家。(offer to do)












































1.不少学生拖延到最后一刻才赶作业。(quite a few, put off)












































