
| 校园招聘 |




A 奥秘—神秘 懊悔—后悔

B 报酬—酬劳 悲哀—悲伤 崩塌—倒塌 必然—必定 避免—幸免

便宜—廉价 哺育—培育

C 猜测—推测 才干—才能 采用—采纳 诧异—惊诧 颤动—抖动 沉浸—沉醉 惩罚—惩处 迟延—拖延 耻笑—讥笑 炽热—酷热 憧憬—向往 酬谢—答谢 啜泣—抽泣 创造—制造 绰号—外号 慈悲—慈善 慈祥—慈爱 葱茏—葱郁 聪明—聪慧 催促—督促


D 打扮—装扮 打搅—打扰 胆怯—害怕 淡忘—忘却 调皮—淘气 叮嘱—嘱咐 陡崖—悬崖 妒忌—嫉妒 对付—应付 对照—对比 E 恩赐—赏赐

F 发布—公布 发誓—宣誓 发展—进展 繁殖—生殖 反抗—抵抗 防御—防备 妨碍—阻碍 分量—重量 分外—格外 愤怒—愤慨

锋利—锐利 服侍—侍侯 浮现—出现 赋予—给予

G 告别—告辞 恭敬—尊敬 估计—估量 鼓励—鼓舞 固然—当然 故意—有意 关心—关怀 管理—治理 贯通—贯穿 瑰宝—珍宝 H 含糊—模糊 寒冷—严寒 和蔼—和气 宏伟—雄伟 欢跃—喜悦 环绕—围绕 荒芜—荒凉 回顾—回忆 汇集—汇合 获取—猎取


J 机灵—灵巧 积累—积存 即将—马上 疾驰—飞奔 寄托—寄予 讥笑—嘲笑 坚固—牢固 坚毅—坚强 艰苦—艰难 艰难—困难 建造—建筑 交织—交错 娇嫩—柔嫩 节制—克制 竭力—尽力 解救—拯救 谨防—防备 谨慎—慎重 惊险—危险 精密—周密 精致—精巧 敬仰—仰慕 境界—境地 居然—竟然 绝望—无望 K 开辟—开发 开辟—开拓 慷慨—大方 可惜—惋惜 空暇—空闲

恐怖—恐惧 控制—操纵 款待—招待 愧疚—内疚

L 劳苦—劳累 冷艳—艳丽 黎明—拂晓 立即—马上 灵便—灵活 领略—领会 浏览—扫瞄 隆重—盛大 沦陷—沦落 罗列—排列 M 满意—中意 漫步—闲逛 茂密—茂盛 朦胧—模糊 弥漫—布满 密切—紧密 勉励—鼓励 勉强—牵强 藐视—轻视 泯灭—消灭 明丽—明媚 明艳—鲜艳 摹仿—模仿 蓦地—突然 模范—榜样 N 鸟瞰—俯视 凝结—凝聚 凝视—注视 挪移—移动

O 偶尔—间或

P 判断—推断 批评—批判 疲惫—疲乏 疲倦—疲乏 僻静—偏僻 漂亮—美丽 飘荡—漂浮 飘拂—漂动 品格—品行 平生—终生 平庸—平凡 平整—平坦 普通—一般

Q 欺凌—凌辱 奇妙—奇异 歧视—卑视 气魄—气势 气势—气概 启示—启发 清晰—清楚 乾坤—天地 潜伏—埋伏 谴责—责备 惬意— 满意 亲密—亲热 轻蔑—轻视 轻盈—轻快 清澈—清亮

清纯—纯洁 清晰—清楚 驱赶—驱逐

R 弱小—微小

S 伤害—损害 商议—商量 商议—协商 稍微—略微 奢靡—奢侈

神秘—神奇 神奇—奇妙 神奇—奇特 审阅—批阅

实用—有用 舒畅—舒服 思量—思考 伺侯—侍奉 肃静—安静

素质—素养 率先—领先

T 贪婪—贪欲 探索—探究 逃避—躲避 特殊—特别 誊写—抄写

体面—风光 体味—体会 推荐—推举 妥帖—稳妥

W 蜿蜒—曲折 顽强—坚韧 顽强—顽固宛然—仿佛 宛如—犹如

宛若—仿佛 宛若—宛如 巍峨—雄伟 惟独—只有 危急—危险

尾随—跟随 委托—托付 温和—和气 温和—温柔

X 吸收—汲取 希翼—希望 稀罕—希奇 袭击—突击 吓唬—恐吓

鲜明—鲜亮 羡慕—艳羡 向来—一直 消失—消逝 歇息—休息 欣赏—观赏 新鲜—新奇 兴旺—兴盛 兴许—或许 凶猛—凶狠 雄伟—宏伟 修筑—修建 羞愧—惭愧 秀媚—秀丽 徐徐—缓缓

寻常—平常 寻觅—寻找

Y 延续—连续 严重—严峻 遥望—眺望 要挟—挟制 依然—依旧 游览—巡游 黝黑—乌黑 幼稚—稚嫩 预计—估计 愿意—情愿 允许—同意 Z 暂时—临时 阻挠—阻止 赞赏—欣赏 赞叹—赞美 责怪—责备

占领—占据 照射—照耀 照应—照顾 珍贵—宝贵 镇静—冷静 征服—制服 拯救—挽救 争执—争吵 指望—盼望 骤然—突然 注视—凝视 追寻—寻找 捉弄—戏弄 茁壮—健壮 滋味—味道

纵情—尽情 阻塞—堵塞

别具一格—独具匠心 不可计数—不计其数 风俗世情—风土人情

毫不犹豫—坚决果断 绞尽脑汁—费尽心机 筋疲力尽—力倦神疲

迥乎不同—绝然不同 举世闻名—闻名遐迩 聚精会神—全神贯注

雷霆万钧—排山倒海 络绎不绝—川流不息 眉开眼笑—眉飞色舞

目不转睛—聚精会神 排山倒海—移山倒海 疲惫不堪—筋疲力竭

千磨万击—千锤百炼 情不自禁—不由自主 盛气凌人—不可一世

随心所欲—为所欲为 同心协力—同心同德 无拘无束—自由自在

喜不自胜—乐不可支 腥风血雨—凄风苦雨 一五一十—如数家珍

依依不舍—恋恋不舍 应有尽有—无奇不有 朝夕与共—朝夕相处



前─后 冷─热 高─低 进─退 死─活 公─私 快─慢矛─盾强─弱轻─重 明―暗 缓─急 松─紧 好─坏 美─丑 善─恶 是─非 闲─忙 来─去 分─合 存─亡 动─静 浓─淡 偏─正 饥─饱 爱─恨 升─降 开─关 始─终 胖─瘦 迎─送 盈─亏 真─假 虚─实 有─无 雅─俗 是─否 稀─密 粗─细 东─西 巧─拙 恩─怨 新─旧 正─邪 通─堵 止─行 古─今 张─弛 曲─直 亮─暗 亲─疏 收─放 输─赢 逆─顺 苦─甜 忠─奸 纵─横 得─失 南─北 薄─厚 哭─笑 文─武 推─拉 问─答 主─仆 买─卖 深─浅 聚─散 干─湿 彼─此 生─熟 单─双 首─末 你─我 敌─友 警─匪 盛─衰 胜─败 加─减 软─硬 阴─阳 顺─逆 反─正 祸─福 信─疑 错─对 藏─露 老─少 断─续 钝─锐 浓─淡 雌─雄 醒─睡 止─行 咸─淡 正─歪 大—小 多—少 上—下 左—右 前—后 冷—热 高—低 进—退 黑—白 天—地 男—女 里—外 死—活 公—私 快—慢 矛—盾 宽—窄 强—弱 轻—重 缓—急 松—紧 好—坏 美—丑 善—恶 是—非 闲—忙 来—去 分—合 存—亡 动—静 浓—淡 偏—正 饥—饱 爱—恨 升—降 开—关 始—终 胖—瘦 迎—送 盈—亏 真—假 虚—实 有—无 雅—俗 是—否 稀—密 粗—细 东—西 巧—拙 恩—怨 新—旧 正—邪 通—堵 止—行 古—今 张—弛 曲—直 亮—暗 亲—疏 收—放 输—赢 逆—顺 苦—甜 忠—奸 纵—横 得—失 南—北 薄—厚 哭—笑 文—武 推—拉 问—答 主—仆 买—卖 深—浅 聚 散 干—湿 彼—此 生—熟 单—双首—末 你—我 敌—友 警—匪 盛—衰 胜—败 加—减 软—硬 阴—阳 顺—逆 反—正 祸—福 信—疑 错—对 藏—露 老 少 断—续 钝—锐 浓—淡 雌—雄 醒—睡 止—行 咸—淡 正—歪 深—浅 窄—宽 远―近 高―低 冷―热 横―竖 同—异 浑—清 无―有 涨—降 隐—现 紧―松 细―粗 嫩―老 凹―凸 浮―沉 凉―暖 朝―暮 轻―重 矛--盾 深---浅 买---卖 浓---淡 善---恶 明---暗 涨—降 隐—现 深—浅 窄—宽 远―近 高―低 冷―热 横―竖 同—异 浑—清

正常─异常 非凡─平凡 特别─一般 扫兴─高兴 轻蔑─敬重 开心─苦闷 寻常─异常 违背─遵循 怀疑─相信 强盛─衰败 尊重─侮辱 激烈─平静 嘈杂─寂静 美丽─丑陋 信奉─背弃 失信─守信 率领─追随 退化─进化 凝结─溶解 伟大─渺小 聚拢─分散 增添─减少 活泼─呆板 鲜艳─暗淡 严寒─酷暑 安谧─嘈杂 温暖─凉爽 柔和─严厉 拒绝─同意 清醒─糊涂 荒芜─耕种 清晰─浑浊 坚强─软弱 微云─浓云 纯熟─生疏 陌生─熟悉 平坦─崎岖 光滑─粗糙 慎重─随便 喜欢─厌恶 痛快─难受 幽静─喧闹 崎岖─平坦 刚强─软弱 慌忙─镇定 熟识─生疏 伶俐─笨拙 怕羞─大方 镇定─慌张 团结─分裂 羞涩─大方 严寒─炎热 洒脱─拘谨 明朗─阴沉 沉重─轻盈 迂回─径直 清澈─浑浊 脆弱─坚强 饱满─干瘪 衰弱─强健 犹豫─坚定 丰收─歉收 复杂─简单 淡妆─浓抹 相宜─不宜 自在─拘束 平常─奇特 勤劳─懒惰 喜欢─讨厌 密集─稀疏 胜利─失败 挺进─撤退 宽敞─狭窄 倾斜─竖直 闻名─无名 认识─陌生 有趣─乏味 舒畅─苦闷

结束─开始 紧张─轻松 整齐─纷乱 安全─危险 撒谎─诚实 慈祥─凶恶 可爱─可恶 紧张─轻松 仔细─粗心 附近─远方 赞许─反对 淡水─咸水 高兴─难过 飞快─缓慢 精彩─平淡 笨重─轻便 紧张─松弛 有趣─乏味 听从─违抗 诚实─虚伪 承认─否认 高兴─伤心 起劲─没劲 简单─复杂 容易─困难 熟练─生疏 准确─错误 温和─严厉 暴躁─温和 近处─远处 气愤─欢喜 粗心─细心 美丽─丑陋 洁白─乌黑 高兴─痛苦 宽阔─狭窄 新款─陈旧 兴旺─衰败 团结─分裂 敏捷─迟钝 危险─安全 常常─偶尔 幼稚─老练 含糊─清楚 严重─轻微 茂密─稀疏 光明─黑暗 微弱─强大 杰出─平庸 恶劣─良好 灿烂─暗淡 特殊─普通 异常─平常 简陋─豪华 诚意─假意 理屈─理直 拒绝─接受 惩罚─奖励 迟延─提前 示弱─逞强 好心─恶意 破碎─完整 酥软─坚硬 炎热─寒冷 诚实─撒谎 仔细─马虎 聪明─愚笨 空虚─充实 伶俐─笨拙 狭窄─宽阔 晦暗─明亮 勇敢─懦弱 宽容─严格 表扬─批评 一向─偶尔 善良─凶恶 寂静─热闹 聪明─愚笨 穷苦─富裕 精致─粗糙 健康─虚弱 忧虑─放心 糟糕─精彩 潮湿─干燥 喜欢─讨厌 危险─安全 寂寞─喧闹 奴隶─主人 紧张─松弛 统一─分裂 繁荣─衰败 精致─粗糙 权利─义务 愚笨—聪明 安静—吵闹 宽阔―狭窄 平静―动荡 加重―减轻 缓慢―快速 节省―浪费 分散―聚拢 茂盛—枯萎 美丽—丑陋 静寂—热闹 清楚—模糊 镇静—慌乱 伸开—缩拢 威武—沮丧 巨大—细小 神秘—平常 原始—现代 寒冷—炎热 珍贵—普通 丰年—歉年 舒服―难受 弯曲――笔直 均匀―悬殊 牢固―脆弱 反面―正面 伸出―缩回 干燥―潮湿 平坦―崎岖 简单―复杂 粗糙―细腻 幸福―悲惨 谦虚―骄傲 快乐―伤心 强健―软弱 清澈―浑浊 明白―糊涂 茂密―稀疏 成功―失败 寒冷―温暖 愤怒―高兴 灵活―笨拙 准许―拒绝 热情―冷淡 勤劳―懒惰 分散—聚集 迅速—迟钝 认真—马虎 失败—胜利 犹豫—果断 坚定—动摇 膨大—缩小 迟钝—灵活 笨重—轻便 临时―长期 慎重―马虎 柔弱―刚强 光滑―粗糙 静谧―热闹 崭新―陈旧 开始―结尾 漂亮―丑陋 喧闹―宁静 容易―困难 凋谢―盛开 温暖―寒冷 朋友―敌人 山谷―山峰 点燃―熄灭 神奇―平常 热闹―安静 拽住―放开 关心―冷漠 高傲―谦逊 郑重―轻率 从容―慌张 奢侈―寒酸 敏捷―迟缓 合上―打开 老实―狡猾 温柔―粗暴 丰富―贫乏 高兴―难过 淘气―规矩 讨厌―喜欢 反抗―顺从 忠厚―奸诈 温暖―寒冷 蜿蜒―笔直 坚固―脆弱 清楚―模糊 陡峭―平坦 伟大―渺小 美丽―丑陋 相同―不同 古老―现代 宏大―微小 魁梧―矮小 丰满―干瘪 故人―新朋 无名―有名 满意―失望 灿烂―暗淡 凋零―盛开 容易―困难 希望―失望 安全―危险 可怜―可恨 庄重―轻浮 热情―冷淡 坚强―懦弱 宽裕―拮据 神气―颓丧 喜悦―忧伤 快乐―悲伤 繁华―萧条 热闹―宁静 褴褛―华丽 踊跃―消极 清晰―模糊 仔细―粗心 具体―大略 温柔―粗暴 危险―安全 匆匆―慢慢 认识―陌生 疏远―亲近 聪明―愚蠢 长处―短处 现代―古代 依赖―自立 美好―丑陋 舒适―艰苦 输入―输出 陌生―熟悉 打开―关闭 凶猛―温和 笨重―轻巧 迟钝―灵敏 相似―相反 特殊―一般 美妙―蹩脚 优良―低劣 勤劳―懒惰 俊俏—丑陋 轻快—沉重 鲜艳—暗淡 增添—削减 活泼—呆板 聚拢—分散 停止—开始 玲珑—粗笨 灵活—呆板 陡峭—平坦 特殊—一般 送行—迎接 舒适—难受 悲惨—幸福 愈合—开裂 有名—无名 离开—回归 害怕—勇敢 忧伤—高兴 飞快—缓慢 成功—失败 镇定--慌张 严寒 --温暖 恶劣- 优良 湿润-- 干燥 为难--容易 激烈-平静

狼狈--潇洒 英勇--怯懦 惬意—满意 惊讶—吃惊 危险—安全 担心—放心 朦胧—清楚 高兴—难受 便宜—昂贵 喜欢—讨厌 魁梧—矮小 失望—绝望 感激—感谢 失望—期望 紧张—松懈 显赫—卑微 朴素—奢华 特殊—一般 激动—平静 蔑视—重视 传统—现代 亲近—疏远 紧张—轻松 坚强—软弱 清楚—模糊 富裕--贫穷 接受--拒绝 黎明--傍晚 普通--特殊 谦虚-骄傲 坚硬--柔软 公开--秘密 宽阔―狭窄 平静―动荡 加重―减轻 缓慢―快速 节省―浪费 分散―聚拢 茂盛—枯萎 美丽—丑陋 静寂—热闹 清楚—模糊 镇静—慌乱 伸开—缩拢 威武—沮丧 巨大—细小 神秘—平常 原始—现代 寒冷—炎热 珍贵—普通丰年—歉年 舒服―难受 弯曲―笔直 均匀―悬殊 牢固―脆弱 新鲜―陈腐 反面――正面 伸出――缩回 干燥――潮湿

名副其实──名不副实 雪中送炭──雪上加霜 歪歪斜斜──端端正正 人声鼎沸――鸦雀无声 风平浪静──狂风恶浪 迷迷糊糊──清清楚楚 全神贯注──心不在焉 断断续续──连续不断 赏心悦目──触目惊心 一丝不苟──粗心大意 力倦神疲──精力充沛 万马奔腾──无声无息 暖暖和和──冷冷清清 吞吞吐吐──干干脆脆 毫不犹豫──犹豫不决 别具一格──普普通通 熙熙攘攘──冷冷清清 心惊肉跳──镇定自如 理直气壮──理屈词穷 一朝一夕──日久天长 悔过自新──执迷不悟 群策群力──孤掌难鸣 废寝忘食──饱食终日 沸沸扬扬──鸦雀无声 翻来覆去──简单明了 吵吵嚷嚷──冷冷清清 唇枪舌剑──心平气和 粗制滥造──精雕细刻 安居乐业──颠沛流离 风平浪静— 风号浪吼 一模一样— 截然不同 柳暗花明—山穷水尽 勤勤恳恳――懒懒散散 享誉世界――默默无闻 相背而行――相向而行 恍然大悟――百思不解 筋疲力尽――精神抖擞 端端正正--歪歪斜斜 筋疲力尽——干劲十足


翻来覆去 顾此失彼 厚此薄彼 虎头蛇尾 街头巷尾 继往开来 扬长避短 说长道短 三长两短 截长补短 取长补短 今是昨非 口是心非 似是而非 空前绝后 除旧布新 你死我活 拈轻怕重 弄假成真 七上八下 完整无缺 借古讽今 避重就轻 头重脚轻 积少成多 尺短寸长 瞻前顾后 同甘共苦 声东击西 喜新厌旧 凶多吉少 眼高手低 假公济私 惩前毖后 自始至终 返老还童 争先恐后 转败为胜 开天辟地 惊天动地 顶天立地 花天酒地

前仰后合 天罗地网 经天纬地 欢天喜地 改天换地 翻天覆地



炙手可热 -- 望而却步 仅此而已 -- 如此而已 矮矬子 -- 矮个儿 矮笃笃 -- 矮墩墩 蔼蕩 -- 暗淡 爱远恶近 -- 贵远贱近 嗷嘈 -- 嘈杂 弥天 -- 漫天 人物 -- 人类 家景 -- 家境 扭身 -- 转身 心潮腾涌 -- 心潮澎湃 寝不安席 -- 夜不能寐 永流不息 -- 川流不息 初露锋芒 -- 牛刀小试 无伤大雅 -- 无关大局 百身何赎 -- 百身莫赎 花样翻新 -- 花样翻新 奇树异草 -- 奇花异卉 内忧外患 -- 内外交困 一臂之力 -- 助人为乐 鱼烂土崩 -- 鱼烂而亡 嗟来之食 -- 残羹冷炙 衮衮诸公 -- 土豪劣绅 熟能生巧 -- 得心应手 百般刁难 -- 故意刁难 无所不可 -- 无所不为 长虑顾后 -- 深谋远虑 空谷足音 -- 凤毛麟角 知彼知己 -- 知己知彼 杯水救薪 -- 杯水车薪 地主之谊 -- 东道之宜 涕泗横流 -- 涕泗滂沱 是古非今 -- 厚古薄今 窗明几净 -- 安室利处 戴头识脸 -- 有头有脸 独立王国 -- 一统天下 软硬兼施 -- 恩威并济 无风起浪 -- 惹事生非 异军突起 -- 别开生面 落落寡合 -- 孤芳自赏 鸿篇巨制 -- 长篇大论 慷慨捐生 -- 慷慨赴义 求同存异 -- 大同小异 可乘之隙 -- 机不可失 摧锋陷阵 -- 冲锋陷阵 风靡一时 -- 盛极一时 问羊知马 -- 闻牛知马


西装革履 -- 衣衫褴褛 炙手可热 -- 和蔼可亲 仅此而已 -- 不仅如此 矮矬子 -- 大个子 矮笃笃 -- 高挑儿 蔼蕩 -- 光明 爱远恶近 -- 厚古薄今 暗箭难防 -- 明枪好躲 嗷嘈 -- 安静 顽恶 -- 老实 刁顽 -- 敦厚 一块 -- 半路 小头 -- 大头 大头 -- 小头 小戏 -- 大戏 大戏 -- 小戏 才子 -- 佳人 虾罂 -- 少量 干饭 -- 稀饭 干洗 -- 水洗 飞扬 -- 坠落 匣镧 -- 下风 小孩儿 -- 大人 下身 -- 上身 上身 -- 下身 大家庭 -- 小家庭 小家庭 -- 大家庭 下款 -- 上款 上款 -- 下款 匣锝 -- 上方 下达 -- 上报 匣铫 -- 上报 大人物 -- 小人物 小人物 -- 大人物 父代 -- 子代 大事 -- 小事 小事 -- 大事 一经 -- 未曾 小视 -- 重视 真钟 -- 幻影 悍然 -- 暗地 民愤 -- 私仇 伙同 -- 分裂 土话 -- 外语 残局 -- 开局 外务 -- 内务 秤谌 -- 垂直 着难 -- 乐意 奼女 -- 老妇 无余 -- 有余 扎手 -- 顺手 专任 -- 兼任 中缀 -- 持续 列席 -- 缺席 进项 -- 出项 出项 -- 进项 垫后 -- 打头 打头 -- 垫后 出借 -- 借用 记过 -- 记功




(1)看—望 复—又 啼—叫 全—都 关—合 眠—睡 闻—听 闭—合 傻—笨 升—落

叫—喊 蹦—跳 丹---红 杀---宰

(2)朋友—伙伴 小心—仔细 高兴—快乐 好玩—有趣 高兴—快乐 刚才—刚刚 美丽——漂亮

快乐—欢快 亲爱—敬爱 着急—焦急 发现—发明 快活—欢快 陈旧---很旧 遥远-----远处 清晨----早晨 说谎----撒谎 仿佛----好像 难过---伤心 洁净---干净 希望---盼望 抬头---昂首 惊讶---吃惊 热闹----吵闹 称赞----表扬 用心----专心 缓缓----缓慢 估计---猜测 高兴----开心 祝贺----庆祝 亲切----亲密 奇怪---稀奇 温和----和气 保护---保卫 飞快----迅速 观察----察看 立刻---马上 突然----忽然 宽阔---辽阔 仔细---认真 简单---容易 依靠---依赖 反对---反驳

(3)笑嘻嘻—笑眯眯 高高兴兴——快快乐乐



大—小 对—错 开—关 轻—重 多—少 忙—闲 今—古 真—假 高—低、矮 好—坏 笑—哭 胖—瘦 合—开 放—收 外—里 男—女 早—晚 去—来

朝—夕 香—臭 远—近 前—后 先—后 明—暗 无—有 阴—阳 闭—开

坐—立 是—非 美—丑 圆—方 黑—白 弯—直 送—接 干—湿 伸—缩

借—还 难—易 左—右 好—坏 熟—生 西—东 进—出 男—女 宽—窄

密—稀 爱—恨 快—慢 老—少 是—非 长—短 拉—推 活—死 饿—饱

苦—甜 快—慢 问—答 分—合 公—私 北—南 暖—寒 东—西 厚—薄

软—硬 动—静 晚—早 新—旧 正--反 有--无 长--短 上--下 这--那

松--紧 迎--送 买--卖 斜--正 深--浅 喜--悲 爱--恨 左--右 守--攻

吞--吐 是--非 新--旧 重---轻 美--丑 阴---晴 生--死 硬--软 进--退 竖--横 近--远 高---低 闹---静 穷--富 后---前 弯---直 缓--急 饥----饱

厚--薄 粗--细 善---恶 始---终 强---弱 私---公 来---去 愚---智 赢---输


认真—马虎 高兴—生气 爱惜—浪费 难看—漂亮 难过—高兴 喜欢—讨厌 清凉—炎热 温暖—寒冷 下沉—上浮 以后—以前 敌人—朋友 顺从—反抗 高大—矮小 雪白—乌黑 虚心—骄傲 热情—冷淡 诚实—虚伪 进步—落后 真正—虚假 伙伴—敌人 粗心—细心 忘记—记得 可爱—可恶 成功—失败 明白—糊涂 前进---后退 吵闹--安静 容易---困难 聚拢---分散 复杂----简单 特别---普通 富有---贫穷 光明---黑暗 奇怪---正常 危险---安全 仔细---马虎 夸奖----批评 喜欢---讨厌 相信---怀疑 成功---失败 粗心---细心 节约---浪费 许多---很小 高大---矮小 勤劳---懒惰 高兴----难过 飞快---缓慢 虚心---骄傲 狭窄---宽阔 舒服--难受 弯曲--笔直 惊慌---沉着 冷淡---热情 不懂---懂得 关闭---打开 战争---和平 美丽--丑陋 扔掉--捡起 诚实---撒谎 著名---无名 昂首---低头 温和---暴躁 勇敢---胆怯 傍晚---早晨 夕阳—朝霞 陈旧---崭新 落下--升起 干净---肮脏 愚蠢---聪明 举起---放下 支持---反对 附近---遥远 进攻---防守 信用--失信


得意洋洋-----垂头丧气 画龙点睛-----画蛇添足



上对下,小对大。 前对后,左对右。 多对少,老对少。 来对去,男对女。 黑对白,里对外。 高对低,粗对细。 远对近,古对今。 明对暗,早对晚。 有对无,出对入。 宽对窄,买对卖。 南对北,首对尾。 西对东,始对终。 干对湿,公对私。 美对丑,薄对厚。 咸对淡,甘对甜。 天对地,稠对稀。 旧对新,晴对阴。 浮对沉,假对真。 强对弱,对对错。 开对关,硬对软。 深对浅,加对减。 负对正,降对升。 冷对热,饱对饿。 死对生,反对正。 直对弯,长对短。 胜对败,好对坏。 快对慢,双对单。 熟对生,歪对正。 笑对哭,吸对呼。 退对进,阳对阴。 优对劣,日对夜。 紧对松,轻对重。 香对臭,胖对瘦。 后对先,易对难。 冷对暖,忙对闲。 爱对憎,贵对贱。 送对迎,动对静。 仰对俯,吞对吐。 浊对清,输对赢。 悲对喜,劳对逸。 凹对凸,矮对高。 利对弊,此对彼。 盾对矛,贬对褒。 涝对旱,简对繁。 2、

安全对危险,优点对缺点。 晴天对阴天,寒冷对温暖。

喜欢对讨厌,复杂对简单。 胆小对勇敢,早晨对傍晚。

责备对称赞,坚硬对柔软。 现实对幻想,软弱对刚强。

暗淡对明亮,缓和对紧张。 迅速对缓慢,乐观对悲观。

干净对肮脏,喜悦对悲伤。 沉着对慌张,凶恶对善良。

轻巧对笨重,繁重对轻松。 火热对冰冷,浪费对节省。

迟钝对灵敏,怀疑对相信。 喧哗对安静,动摇对坚定。

黑暗对光明,表扬对批评。 先进对落后,敌人对朋友。

秘密对公开,快乐对悲哀。 扩大对缩小,笨拙对灵巧。

潮湿对干燥,和蔼对粗暴。 憎恨对热爱,隐瞒对坦白。

暴露对隐蔽,陌生对熟悉。 糟蹋对爱惜,惩罚对奖励。

困难对容易,降落对升起。 白天对黑夜,欢送对迎接。

成功对失败,爱护对损害。 幸福对痛苦,正确对错误。

认真对马虎,明白对糊涂。 稠密对稀疏,清晰对模糊。

提倡对禁止,弯曲对笔直。 永久对暂时,结束对开始。

忧愁对高兴,冷淡对热情。 粗糙对光滑,矮小对高大。

愚蠢对聪明,动摇对坚定。 强烈对微弱,勤劳对懒惰。

反义词,对子歌,合辙押韵编得好。 帮你学记反义词,掌握词汇可不少。 天天唱支对子歌,保你记得快又牢。


一、 近义词:

跟――同 说――讲 瞧――看 淋――浇 借――贷 争论――争辩 到底――究竟 轻轻――悄悄 挑选――选择 仔细――认真 美丽――漂亮 茁壮――健壮 精彩――出色 疲劳――疲倦 提议――建议 到底――究竟 喜欢――喜爱 高兴――快乐 明白――知道 暖和――温暖 奇怪――古怪 商量――讨论 照顾――照料 一定――肯定 连忙――急忙 仿佛――好像 焦急――焦虑 活泼――活跃 忽然――猛然 主意――办法 茂密――茂盛 喜欢――喜爱 五颜六色-五光十色 参观――观赏 随手――顺手 准备――预备 严肃――严正 展开――张开 透明――透亮 放声――纵声 笑嘻嘻――笑呵呵 闭上――合上 感激――感谢 着急――着慌 休息――歇息 玩耍――玩乐 难过――难受

二、 反义词:

软――硬 醒――睡 高――矮 落――升 轻――重 有――无 那――这 湿――干 收――放 凉――暖 还――借 长――短 慢――快 香――臭 笑――哭 好――坏 细――粗 美――丑 弯――直 低――高 小心――大意 仔细――粗心 笔直――弯曲 严肃――活泼 美丽--丑陋 奇妙――平常 精彩――乏味 出头――进去 秘密――公开 喜欢――讨厌 明白――糊涂 出来――进去 舒服――难受 生病――健康 太累――轻闲 愉快――悲伤

离开――回来 暖和――阴冷 焦急――从容 连忙――缓慢 活泼――呆板 茂密――稀疏 认真――马虎 出现――消失 专心――分心 展开――收缩 放声――收声 着急――镇静 高兴――难过 潮湿――干燥 难过――高兴

三、 多音字:

给:gěi 交给 让给 jǐ给养 给予

藏:cáng躲藏 隐藏 zàng西藏 藏族

长:zhǎng长大 成长 cháng长江 长短

落:luò 落后 落泪 lào落枕 là 丢三落四 看:kàn看见 看书 kān看家 看门

行:xíng 行走 行动 háng银行 行长

露:lù露水 露天 lòu 露脸 露头

种:zhòng种树 种地 zhǒng种子 各种

都:dōu都有 都是 dū首都 都市

了:liǎo了解 了得 le走了 好了

好:hǎo好人 好事 hào爱好 好奇

干:gàn干活 树干 gān干净 干杯

和:huó和面 和泥 hã和气 和风 hâ和诗 附和 huò和弄 和药 hú和了 和牌

铺:pū铺床 铺路 pù当铺 床铺

得děi得亏 dã得到 dã哭不得

还:hái还有 huán 还给 还钱

只:zhī两只 五只 zhǐ只好 只有 散:sàn散会 散心 sǎn松散 散文 哪:na天哪 昐哪 nǎ 哪里 哪个 扫:sǎo清扫 扫地 sào扫把 扫帚 假:jiǎ假山 假话 jià假日 请假 闷:mēn闷热 闷头儿

空:kòng 空地 有空 kân烦闷 闷雷 ōng空气 天空 m



一.Taking Pictures of the World 二.Own Your Childrens Education 三TV Game Shows 四.Smoking

五. Plants and Makind 六. Brands

七Moderate Earthquke Strikes England 八Easy Learning

九.The First Settlement in North America 十.The Workers Role in Management 十一. Computer Mouse 十二Starting a New Tradition 十三. A Dog’s Dilemma 十四The National Trust

十五.Lower Body Fat Means Better Performance

一1.Belt has never traveled to England B Wrong 2.Belt has never traveled to Antarctica A Ring 3.Belt has worked C Not mentioned 4Petra A 5Belt can B 6.People A 7. Volunteering A

二1.According C 2. You B 3.Children C 4.If A 5.It A 6.Parents C 7. Govemmental C

三 1.TV A 2.The principle B 3. Prizes C 4.One B 5.The huge B 6.Nowadays A 7.Winners B

四 1.It B 2.Smoking reduces A 3.Smoking may A 4.There C 5.Male B 6.Nicotine A 7.Filters B

五 1.It A 2.People cannot A 3.Tribes B 4.Our B 5.Today B 6.People living A 7.Once B

六 1.Brand A 2.A brand B 3.Trademarks B 4.Some A 5.Among A 6.Penncrest B 7.When A

七 1.During B 2.The Channel C 3.It was A 4.France C 5.The countrys B 6.Musson A 7.It can A

八1.Babies A 2.An C 3.Finnish C 4.The three B 5.The study A 6. If B 7.Cheours B

九1.We B 2.Among A 3.With B 4.There B 5.The first A 6.The name A 7.The name New C

十1.Traditional C 2.In A 3.Since B 4.Before B 5.The A 6.One C 7.An B 十一 1.Most B 2.Aoccording C 3.The computer A 4.The key A 5.When B 6.The most C 7.The optical A

十二 1.Kwanzaa is celebrated A 2.Kwanzaa is a holiday A 3.Kwanzaa is a very B 4.People in C 5.People spend A 6. Children A 7. Everyone B

十三 1.The African A 2. The spotted B 3. The remaining C 4. The dominant B 5.There A 6.The size A 7.Steps C 十四 1.The National B 2.British A 3.Lord C 4.The Trusts A 5.A project B 6.The public C 7.The National A 十五 1.Fans A 2.People C 3.Ronaldinho is B 4.The president B 5.According A 6.The football A 7.Ronaldinho often C 三、概括大意与完成句子 一The Making of a Success Story 二 The Paper Chase

三 English and English Community 四Alaska

五US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty 六How Ww Form First Impression 七How to Argue with Your Bos 八How We Form First Impression 九Trasport and Trade

十Washoe Learned American Sign Language 十一Is There a Way to Keep the Britains Economy Growing

十二Intelligence :a Changed View 十三Screen Test

十四Hearthbeat of America 十五Smoke Gets in Your Mind

一1C The origin 2 D Specialization 3 B Success 4E Flat 5C Ingvar 6A IKEA 7E here 8B it is

二1A Find 2E Get 3 F Dealing 4C What 5 B in paper 6 C that it 7 A they are useless 8D that different

三1F The Definition 2 D The Composition 3A The Wide 4C The Advantages 5B can 6 A that 7D for 8E has

四 1F Land 2D The 3C Transpirtation 4 A Rich 5D shines 6 E only 7C by 8A as 五 1B US 2D How 3A What the FCTC Demands 4E What the FCTC Came 5B approving 6D restrict 7E caused 8A have ratified

六1D Comparing 2C Illustration 3B Comment 4A Ways 5E the singhts 6D the meaning 7C the immature 8B the most 七1D Don’t 2E Make 3C Propose 4B Put 5B how he 6D what 7E without 8C the 八1D Comparing 2C Illustration 3B

Comment 4A Ways 5E the sights 6D the meaning 7C the immature 8B the most 九1B Importance 2A Higher 3D Birth 4E Role 5C has 6D is it 7B at 8E the 十 1C General 2B Report 3E Debate 4A Reason 5C when 6A if 7D while she 8E because 十一1E Gift 2C Strrngth 3D Weakness 4B Servant 5C to feed 6F to worry 7E to make 8B to do

十二1C Effect 2A Main 3F A Changed 4E Impact 5D that 6F and partly 7B have 8A born

十三1A Harm 2B Investigating 3C Effects 4D Small 5C save 6D still 7E reduce 8F reduced

十四1A The Financial 2C The Traffic 3F Central 4D Shopping 5F for 6A do 7E where the 8C than

十五1D Close 2A Doubt 3F Effect 4E Breslaus 5B but to 6A have 7D involved 8F but their 四阅读理解

一A Letter from Alan 二A Tale of Scottish Rural Life 三Americans Get Touchy 四Clone Farm

五Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack

六Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed 七Eiffel Is an Eyeful 八Eat to Live

九Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving

十Finding Enlightenment in Scotland 十一Find Yourself Packing It on? 十二Going Her Own Way 十三Goal of American Eductation 十四Income

十五Importance of Services

十六Lucky Lord Lucan ---Alive or Dead 十七Modern Sun Worshippers

十八New US Plan for Disease Prevention 十九Narrow Escape 二十

Outside-the-classroom Learning

Makes a Big Difference 二十一Orbital Space Plane 二十二Oseola McCarty 二十三Older Volcanic Eruptions 二十四Pool Watch 二十五Pop Music in Africa

二十六Smuggling 二十七Shark Attack

二十八Single-parent Kids Do Best 二十九Sleep

三十Spacing in Animals

三十一Some Things We Know about Language

三十二Seeing the World Centuries Ago 三十三Sauna

三十四Telling Tales about People 三十五The Travels of Ibn Battuta 三十六TV Shows and Long Bus Trips 三十七The Changing Middle Class 三十八The Development of Ballet 三十九The Barbie Dolls 四十The Sahara 四十一The Family

四十二 Tales of the Terrible Past 四十三The Only Way Is Up

四十四The National Park Services 四十五The Cherokee Nation 四十六To Have and Have Not

四十七The Operation of International Airlines

四十八The Beginning of American Literature

四十九Why So Many Children

五十Women Staying in Mini-skirts for Longer

一1Why has 1D To inform 2Why is 2C Because it is a 3What 3A A building 4Alan 4D have 5Which 5B SAY NO

二1What is Sunset 1D The lives 2Which 2D She married 3What is the 3B The history 4Who 4A The Germans 5The 5C the end of traditional

三1The 1B nearly2Which of the following is 2D Embrace 3Some 3D Diseases 4Which of the following statements 4D In 5We 5A positive

四1Which statement 1C Cloned 2Which institution 2A The 3In 3D chickens could 4Which of 4C Origen has 5The 5A farmers 五1The question 1C that was never 2The project 2D was to find 3The column 3A was part of the building 4A surprising 4B some 5What 5D bladt engineering

六1According to the 1B School 2 Wich 2D Darwins 3AIBS 3A more than 80 4According to Weis 4A is fundamental 5Why D Because the term creationism is too

七1Why 1B Tourists from 2What seems 2A Visitors prefer 3Which statement 3C He climbed 4What did 4B Conducting 5Which of 5C Visitors can imagine

八1According to the passage 1D We 2Why 2B To illustrate 3What 3D They are 4According to the author 4A The 5According to the last 5C dieting 九

1On 1A ghosts 2When 2C On Thanksgiving 3Thanksgiving 3B providing 4Many 4A they can stay 5The 5B 1620 十1Why 1C Rocks 2The 2A that climbers 3What is likely 3B Rocks are falling 4What is sarcastic 4D Being 5In 5A The

十一1Who 1A Their friends 2Which of 2C People 3According 3D Friends affected 4Which factor 4C Life 5In 5A Social 十二1Maria 1C technical 2In 2C did 3You 3B only boys 4Marias 4B had very traditional 5High 5D quite strict

十三1Which 1C To give 2It 2D the 3American 3C acquisition of the ability to be 4According 4C the students 5Which 5D Its underlying

十四1This 1B the difference between national and personal 2Which 2D The 3It 3A corporation 4According 4B the money not 5The 5D people pay taxes somewhat 十五1The first 1B services are important 2Between 2A 32.4milion service 3Many 3B most of the fast growth in the service sector is in low –paying 4The 4C by 5What 5C Their prices

十六1The 1C Lord 2It 2C it 3Aspinall 3D sinking 4Lucan 4B thought he might 5Ex-detective 5C was really

十七1The writer 1D they wish 2In 2A to show 3According to the passage ,which of the following countries 3B Spain 4The latter 4B






passage,which of the following factors might 5D Rainy

十八1Which 1C They often 2The author 2D higher 3The article 3B much 4The 15 4A promoting 5Early 5D cancer

十九1Why 1C Rocks 2The 2A that climbers 3What is likely 3B Rocks are falling 4What is sarcastic 4D Being 5In 5AThe

二十1An 1D will 2American 2C building 3Who 3B Shes a senior official 4What 4A Passion 5The 5C polish

二十一1The 1B carrying 2From 2A NASA 3When 3C Years 4BAesides 4D a space ambulance 5According 5B be equally 二十二1This 1C she gave her life 2She managed 2B she had worked 3She gave 3C she wanted others to have the opportunity 4When 4C hundreds of people 5McCarty 5A of her generosity

二十三1Why 1A Because they killed 2How 2D By comparing 3When 3D 65million 4What can 4D The 5What is 5B Older 二十四1AI 1D artificial 2What 2C It can distinguish 3How 3B It alerts 4Which 4A He runs 5The 5B rated

二十五1This 1B more 2For 2D both 3The 3A write abort 4Eric 4C studied 5Witness 5A she has had a

二十六1The 1D it had a 2How many methods 2A As 3How many pounds 3C 25770 4Which 4C Samll smugglers 5What 5C Varied

二十七1After 1C swam 2It 2A often 3Which 3B are 4The 4B great 5What 5C We 二十八1With 1C Two-parent families produce less 2According to the paddage,in 2A The young males 3What 3B Expenriment 4According to Hartley 4D The offspring 5According to the passage,people 5C ecological 二十九1The 1D because shift 2According to the passage,the main 2B your 3 According to the passage, the best 3C to employ 4In the second 4A the third week 5In the last 5A another routine

三十1Which of the following is 1C Distance between an 2If 2A begin to attack 3According 3B psychological 4Which of the following could 4A strip 5The 5D social 三十一1In 1C any 2According to the author ,people 2A complicated 3The 3B just as sophisticated 4Which 4D Some 5 According to the author ,language 5C vocabulary

三十二1This 1C where 2Ibn 2C throughout 3The books 3B they told 4The overall 4A chronological 5In 5D give proof

三十三1Ceremonial 1C has 2What 2B Saunas with 3According to the third 3D curing 4According to the fourth 4A pores 5Who 5D All

三十四1This 1A the 2Helen 2B an 3Autobiography 3C want 4The 4A defining

5Divrese 5C varied

三十五1What 1B The 2Wich of the following is 2A left 3The 3C Ibn Battuta had studied 4Which of the following would 4D Ibn battuta should 5Why 5D The

三十六1According 1C Advertisements 2What 2A To talk 3The writer of 3D no 4The writer feels 4B they 5The writer thinks 5A exciting

三十七1The information 1B a social 2A common 2D debt 3In 3C hard 4The phrase 4C a restatement 5The word 5A as

三十八1This 1C the 2An 2D Louis 3You 3B will 4The information 4D in 5The word 5D elaborate

三十九1When 1D to be 2Who 2D Harold Mattson,Ruth 3It 3A Build 4Where 4B Lilli 5Which 5A She does 四十1This 1A life 2Rainfall 2A less than five 3The Sahara 3A a place of 4The phrase 4C the 5In 5B group 四十一1Another 1A What 2A nuclear 2A a married 3The information in this 3A an 4The information in the 4C pointing out similarities 5The word 5B readiness 四十二1This 1D two 2Beloved 2C in Ohio 3The writer seems 3B the 4The writer emphasizes 4D portrayal 5The word 5A terrible

四十三1”…these 1C want 2The 2B the lack 3When 3D most 4Wich 4B Uninteresting 5Psychologits 5D in

四十四1Why 1A Because they are always 2Which 2D They protect 3The 3B molding 4What is 4B It is about the National Park Srevice 5What will 5C The work

四十五1The 1B in the southeasterm 2One 2A writing 3A law 3C force 4When 4D all 5Many 5C they did 四十六1Why 1B To have 2What attracted 2D The light 3The writer found 3A of top 4What was 4C She seemed 5The writer disliked 5C he 四十七1According 1D cater 2The following 2A the tourist 3The improvements 3C showing 4There 4C speeding 5Which 5C They do not tranel

四十八1What does 1B The hope to start 2When 2D Long 3What can 3A About the everyday 4The main 4D there 5According 5D Some British writers had great

四十九1In a 1A can 2When 2B the birth 3According 3C industrialized country with a

low 4Saudi 4B factors 5In Mexico 5D has tried to improve 五十1Debenhams 1D a department 2According 2C The 3We 3D most 4Which 4D From 5The word 5A soar 五补全短文

一What We Take from and Give to the Sea 二Teamwork in Tourism 三Happy Birthday to You 四The First Four Minutes 五Financial Risks 六 Mobile Phones

七 The Worlds Longest Bridge 八Pubic Relations 九Heat Is Killer

十 Ants as Barometer of Ecological Change 十一Virtual Driver

十二Obesity Causes Global Warming 十三The Value of Motherhood 十四Ludwig Van Beethove

十五Einstein Named Person of the Century 一As long as we have been on earth ,we have used the sea around us ,We take from the ocean ,and we give to it ,

We take fishes from the ocean –millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to feed millions of people We take minerals from the ocean ,One way to get salt is to place seawater in a shallow basin and leave it until drift dissolved in the waters of the sea ,too.But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation .Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges and seaweed.Pearls become jewelry, ,Seaweed becomes food of many kinds –even candy, and ice cream –as well sa medicine ,Believe it or not , fresh water is another gift from the sea, We cannot ,But ocean water becaomes fresh water when the salts are removed.In the future ,we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea. The ses gives us food ,fertilizer ,minerals, water,and other gifts,What do we give the as it is , the ocean cannot hold all the water that we pour into it ,Dumping garbage into the ocean is

killing off sea life ,Yet as the world population grows. We may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.

We are finally learning that if we destroy our






oourselves ,Hopefully, it is not too late. 二 Growing cooperation among braches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned ,Gorernment bureaus,trade and travel associations, carriers and properties are all woring together to bring about aptimum conditions travelers .

They have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services,and they are experts in ouganizing different types of tours and in preparing effective advertising campaigns. They distribute materials to agencies ,such as journals, brochures and advertising projects.

Tourist counselors give valuable seminars to acquaint agents with new programs and Properties and agencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts, considering both the comfort of the clients and





arrangement are dependent upon agencies to supply passengers,and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours. All services must work together for greater efficiency, fair pricing and comtented customers.

三The main problem in diacussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics:it won’t stay American.No matter what it is ,whether it is films ,food and

fashion, music, casual sports or slang, it’s soon at home elsewhere in the world.There are several theories why Amerian popular culture has had this appeal.

One theory is that it has been advertised and marketed through American films, popular





are, after all, in competition with those produced by other countries.

Another theory ,probably a more common one , is that American popular culture is internationally associated with something called The spirit of America.This The





comples:American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in the world like it .

Regardless of why it spreads, American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many other countries. Birthday to You ,for instance, is such an everyday song that its source, its American copyright, so to speak, is not remembered , Black leather jackets worn by many heroes in American movies could be found, a generation later ,on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.

Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music,Some people can still remember a time when T-shirts, jogging clothes, tennis shoes, denim jackets, and blue jeans were not common daily wear everywhere. Only twenty years ago, it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes, No longer so : those bright colors, checkered jackets and trousers,hats and socks which were once made fun of in cartoons are back The situation with American popular music is more comptex becauses in the beginning ,when it was still clearly

American ,it was often strongly resisted ,Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals, and was actually outlawed in several countries. Today ,while still showing its rather American toots, it has become so well established, Rock‘n’roll and all its variations, country ﹠ western music ,all have more or less similar histories,




resisted,often in America as well, as being low-class, and then as a danger to our nations youth. The BBC,for example, banned rock and roll until 1962. And then the music became accepted and was extended and developed , and exported back to the US.

四When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their



minutes togrther,according to a book by Dr.Leonard




Contact :The first four minutes, he offen this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships:Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.A lot of peoples whole lives would change if they did just that .

You may have noticed that the average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met, He keeps looking over the other persons shoulder ,as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room. If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.

When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general, he says, People like people who like themselves.

On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we too sure of ourselces. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizing that the person has his own needs, fears, and hopes.

Hearing such advice, one might say, But I am not a friendly ,self

–confident person,That is not my nature,Tt would be dishonest for me to act that way.

In reply, Dr, Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about changing our social habits. We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality, It is like getting used to a new car .It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one.

But is not it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we do not actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according


Dr.Zunin,total honesty is not always





especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best fpr the first few minutes of contact wirh a stranger. That is not the time to complain about one is health or to mention faults one finds in other people ,It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one is opinions and impressions.

Much of what has been said about strangers




relationships with family members and friends. For a husband and wife or a parent and child , problems often arise during their first four minutes together after they have been apart,Dr.Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care.If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed ,they should be dealt with later.

The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught ad a required course in every school ,along with




mathematics.In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people. That is at least as important as how much we know. 五Several types of financial risk are encountered in in ternational marketing ,the major problems include commercial, political,

and foreign exchange risk.

include solvency, default, or refusal to pay bills, The major risk, however, is compentition which can only be dealt with through consistently effective Such risk is encountered when a controversy arises about the quality of goods delivered, a dispute over conteact terms, or any other disagreement over which payment is withheld.One company, for example, shipped several hundred tons of dehydrated potatoes to a The alternatives fpr the exporter were reducing the price, reselling the potatoes, or shipping them





considerable cost.

Political risk relates to the problems of war or revolution, currency inconvertibility, expropriation or expulsion, and restriction or cancellation of import licenses. and effective decision-making processes are the best defenses against political risk. As many companies have discovered, sometimes there is no way to avoid political risk, so marketers must be prepared to assume them or give up doing business in a particular market. Exchange-rate



cause problems, but for many years, most firms could take protective action to minimize their unfavorable International Business Machine Corporation, for example reported that exchange losses resulted in a dramatic 21.6 percent drop in their earnings in the third quarter of 1981. Before rates were permitted to float , dealuations of major currencies were infrequent and usually could

be anticipated, but exchange-rate fluctuations in the float system are daily affairs.

六 Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist .And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term





electromagnetic radiation they emit are scientifically evaluated, he said .Nobodys going to drop dead overnight but we should be





information .Robert Bell said at a confrernce A report widely circulated among the pubic says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill-effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation .According to Robert Bell,there are 3.3 million mobile phones in Australia alone As well, there are 2000 transmitter towers around Australia ,many in high density residential areas, electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.

Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Govrnment should ban construction of phone toers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. that if cancer sufferes are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates.

According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telephone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide-ranging inquiry into possible health effects.

七 Rumor bas it that a legendary six-headed monster lurks in the deep waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea between Italy and the island When completed in 2010,the worlds longest bridge will weigh nearly 300000 tons –equivalent to the icberg that sank the Titanic-and stretch 5 kilometers long. That is nearly 50 percent longer than any other bridge ever built. Says structural engineer Shane Rixon.

They are suspension brides, massive structures built to span vast water channels or gorges. A suspension bridge needs just two towers to shoulder the structures mammoth weight, thanks to hefty supporting cables .The Messina Stridge Bridge will have two 54100-ton towers, which will support most of the bridges load, The beefy cables of the bridge, each 1,2 meter in diameter ,will hold up the longest and widest bridge deck ever built.

When construction begins on the Messina Strait Bredge in 2005,the first job will be to erect two 370 meter-tall steel towers, these cables up will be something .It is not just their length –totally 5.3kilometers – After lowering vertical suspender cables from the main cables, buiders will erect a 60 meter-wide 54630-ton steel roadway ,or deck –wide enough to accommodate 12 lanes of traffic.The decks weight will pull down on the cables with a force of 70500 tons. In return, the cables yank up against their firmly rooted anchors with a force of 139000 tons –equivalent to the weight of about 100000cars,






冷漠—( )饥寒—( )索取—( )叽叽喳喳—( )停住—( )开始—( )

( )寒冷—( )勤快—( )保护—( ) 朋友—( ) 机灵—( ) 著名—( )翠—( ) 勤劳—( )美丽—( ) 神奇—( ) 告别—( ) 快活—粗心—( )准备—( )观察—( ) 寒—( ) 观—( ) 喂—( )

赞新—( )弯—( ) 干—( ) 四处张望—( )潮湿—( ) 极小—( )

( )热腾腾—( )温和—( )冲毁—( )奇怪—( ) 舒服—( ) 疲倦—( )挂牵—( )安静—( )消除—( ) 愣住—( )突然—( ) 早晨—亲切—( )关心—( )非常—( ) 后悔—( ) 格外—( )严寒—( )

普通—( )后退—( )熟悉—( ) 保护—( )提高—( ) 进—( )

) 正—( )快—( ) 安全—( ) 复杂—( ) 赞许—( )马上—( )仔细—( )仿佛—( )欢乐—( ) 与—( ) 买—( 入—( )各种各样—( )欢庆—( )美丽—( )中央—( )矗立—( )

宽阔—( )优美—( ) 聚集—( )挥舞—( )激动—( )飘扬—( ) 成功—( ) 洁白—( )惊奇—( ) 一起—( ) 窥—( )观—( ) 每天—( )奇怪—( ) 赛过—( )无边无际—( )好看—( )得意—( ) 温和—( ) 盯—( )实在—( )飞快—( ) 急忙—( ) 感谢—( )

赶紧—( )计谋—( )消除—( )迫不及待—( )疲劳—( )连忙—( ) 用心—( )难过—( )宣告—( )担心—( )冷漠—( ) 索取—( ) 觉得—( )假如—( )勤快—( )嬉戏—( )保护—( ) 机灵—( ) 蓬松—( )崭新—( )梳理—( ) 缓缓—( ) 紧紧—( ) 准确—( )

生怕—( ) 极小—( )漂浮—( )百花盛开—( )平常—( ) 奔跑—( ) 灾害—( )周围—( )安稳—( ) 舒服—( ) 珍贵—( ) 熟悉—( )


勤劳—( )美丽—( )高—( )浓—( )陡峭—( ) 粗心—( ) 出发—( ) 轻—( )好—( ) 无—( ) 远—( ) 斜—( )

走进—( )安静—( ) 伸进—( )亲切—( )非常—( )迟到—( ) 严寒—( )静悄悄—( )仔细—( )紧张—( )沉着—( )难忘—( )

朝—( ) 美—( ) 隔—( ) 长—( ) 兴—( ) 洁白—( )

欢乐—( )美丽—( )宽阔—( ) 许多—( ) 高处—( ) 又宽又长—( ) 聚集—( ) 成功—( ) 高潮—( ) 难—( )远—( ) 真—( ) 落—( ) 笑—( )抬头—( ) 错—( ) 来—( ) 可爱—( ) 快—( ) 雪白—( )好看—( )弯曲—( )细—( ) 甜—( ) 硬

—( ) 断断续续—( )容易—( )独—( )多—( ) 粗糙—( )

称赞—( )近处—( )借—( )吞吞吐吐—( )现在—( )放—( ) 担心—( )开始—( )真诚—( )爱—( )贫—( ) 冷—( )


1.我国的首都是( )

2.我们的国旗是( )3.我们国歌是( ) 4.我们伟大的祖国是个(多民族)国家,共有(56)个民族,我知道的少数民族有( )

( )( ). 5.秋天盛开的花儿有( )、( )、( )。

6.秋天成熟的果实有( )、( )、( ).

7.丰收的庄稼有( ) ( ) ( )。


9.和雪有关的四字词有( )( ) ( ) ( ).

10.节日:5月1日劳动节 ,6月1日儿童节,7月1日建党节,8月1日建军节,10月1


ABB式 轰隆隆 笑眯眯 笑哈哈 笑嘻嘻 笑呵呵 圆溜溜 慢吞吞 兴冲冲

绿油油 红彤彤 红通通 黑乎乎 黄澄澄 白花花 亮晶晶 ABCD式 闻名中外 奇形怪状 四海为家 丰富多彩 和蔼可亲 绿树成阴

鲜花盛开 川流不息 名胜古迹 风景优美 高楼大厦 不约而同

坐井观天 迫不及待 热情帮助 友好相处 团结合作 景色秀丽

叫苦连天 展翅欲飞 引人注目 百花盛开 秀丽神奇 之ABCC式 兴致勃勃 议论纷纷 金光闪闪

又A又B式 又闷又热 又窄又矮 又香又甜 又宽又长 又红又大 又尖又长 又细又长

ABAC式 大模大样 自言自语 荡来荡去 各种各样 无边无际 无影无踪 成语故事

一本正经 二话不说 三心二意 四面八方 五颜六色

六神无主 七嘴八舌 八仙过海 九牛一毛 十全十美

尺有所长 寸有所长 取长补短 相得益彰 管中窥豹 坐井观天 一叶障目 不见泰山 拔苗助长 瓜熟蒂落

水到渠成 后羿射日 精卫填海 嫦娥奔月 女娲补天

AABB式 稳稳当当 平平整整 清清楚楚 干干净净 断断续续

摇摇摆摆 蹦蹦跳跳 弯弯曲曲 平平淡淡 平平整整

许许多多 多多少少 反反复复 急急忙忙 认认真真

仔仔细细 结结实实 祖祖辈辈 吞吞吐吐 明明白白

高高兴兴 说说笑笑 来来往往 叽叽喳喳


jǐn( )( ) zuî( )( ) pū( )( ) 尽 作铺 jìn( )( ) zuō( )( ) pù( )( )

dū( )( ) wãi( )( ) hái( )( )

tǔ( )( ) xiāo( )( )

吐 削

tù( )( ) xuē( )( )

zhîng( )( ) lâ( )( )

都 dōu(

降 jiàng(


弹 tán(


切 qiâ( qiē(

兴 xīng( xìng(

发 fā( fà(

似 sì(


)( )( )()( )( )( )( )( )( ( ( )( )( ) 为

wâi( ) 行 xíng( ) háng( ) níng( ) 宁 nìng( ) bēi( ) 背

bâi( ) dān( ) 担

dàn( qǔ( 曲

qū( ) 相 xiāng( xiàng()( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ( ( )( )() 还 huán( )( )

) 绿 lù( )( )

) lǜ( )( )

) zhuàn( )( )

) 转 zhuǎn( )( )

) chǔ( )( ) 处 )

chù( )( )

) 称 chân( )( )

) chēng( )( )

gàn( 干 )( )

gān( )( )

) jiāo( )( ) 教 )

jiào( )( )

chïng( jiǎ( 假 jià( 卷 juǎn( juàn( zhōng( 中

zhîng( bâ 奔n( bēn( 倒 dào( dǎo( piāo( 漂 piào( piǎo( )( ( ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( 乐 ) yuâ( hǎo( 好 hào( ) chá ) 朝

o( zhāo( ) 只 zhī( ) zhǐ( ) mãi() 没

mî( ) 分 fēn( ) fân( ) )

)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) )

) )

) )

) )

) )

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


近义词:喜爱—喜欢 有名—知名 形状—样子 非常—十分 知道—明白 洁白—雪白 立—站 惊奇—惊讶 漂亮—美丽 好看 许多—很多 开放—盛开 五光十色—五颜六色 五彩缤纷 色色俱全 五彩斑斓 以前—从前 高兴—开心

反义词:去—来 里—外 早—晚 闹—静 升—降 前—后 正—反 高—低 东—南 西—北 左—右 天—地 白—黑 有—无 好—坏 生—熟 多—少 冷—热 睡—醒 笑—哭 冬—夏 进—退 长—短 古—今 紧—松 弯—直 浑浊—清澈 喜爱—讨厌
