
| 留学生招聘 |




难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:网络


The need to find another human being has always puzzled me.


Maybe because I'm so interesting all by myself.


With that being said, may you find as much happiness with each other as I find on my own.



Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.May peace, health, happiness and bright future attend both your bride and yourself until the end.

值此新婚之际,请接受我的衷心祝贺。愿你和新娘永远和睦、健康、幸福、前程辉煌。 I wish you both the best of luck and, ever-increasing happiness as the years go by.



I wish you both all the luck and happiness life can offer.


Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon your recent marriage. 值你新婚之际,请允许我加入祝福的行列。

My husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperous life together.


Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day.


My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union!


My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.


Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the good things.


Best wishes from one of your old friends on your engagement.


My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.


We send you both our love and best wishes for every happiness that life can bring.


Let me wish you and your bride every joy and the best of everything. 祝你和你的新娘幸福欢乐。

I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together. 我希望你俩的共同生活美满幸福。

May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.


May every happiness be yours on this wedding day.Let an old friend of yours send her love and congratulations to you and the groom.


The news of your recent marriage having reached me,I beg to offer my most sincere congratulations.


《生活大爆炸 谢耳朵经典台词》


《1》 Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock,

Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Sp

ock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.


《2》 Sheldon: Why are you crying?

Penny: Because I'm stupid!

Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.




《3》 Raj: I don't like bugs, okay? They freak me out.

Sheldon: Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you cat




《4》 Leonard: What got into him?

Penny: Oh, a couple of virgin Cuba Libres who turned out to be a little slutty.

Leonard: You didn't.

Penny: You do your little experiments, I do mine.





《5》 *Howard is teaching Sheldon Chinese*.

Howard: You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Mandarin.

Sheldon: Why?

Howard: Once you're fluent, you'll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.




《6》 Leonard: What were you doing at Penny's?

Sheldon: Well, we had dinner, played some games, and then I spent the night. Oh, and you'll be happy to know that I now have a much better understanding of 'friends with benefits.'



《7》 Penny: I give up. He's impossible!

Sheldon: I can't be impossible; I exist! I think what you meant to say is, 'I give up; he's improbable'.



《8》 Sheldon: I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!


《9》 *In tattoo salon*.

Girl: What are you gonna get, Raj?

Raj: With my luck - Hepatitis!



《10》 Sheldon: Ah, gravity - thou art a heartless bitch.


Sheldon的那套座位理論:In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it’s directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.


Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,

Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait. The Earth began to cool,

The autotrophs began to drool,

Neanderthals developed tools,

We built a wall (we built the pyramids),

Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,

That all started with the big bang!

Since the dawn of man is really not that long,

As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.

A fraction of a second and the elements were made.

The bipeds stood up straight,

The dinosaurs all met their fate,

They tried to leap but they were late

And they all died (they froze their asses off)

The oceans and pangea

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya

Set in motion by the same big bang!

It all started with the big BANG!

It's expanding ever outward but one day

It will cause the stars to go the other way,

Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt

Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang! Australopithecus would really have been sick of us

Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy

It all started with the big bang!

Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology

It all started with the big BANG!

It all started with the big BANG!

《Big Bang 谢耳朵经典台词》

1.Would you ask Picasso to play Pictionary? Would you ask Noah Webster to play Boggle? Would you ask Jacques Cousteau to play Go Fish?

你会让毕加索去玩猜猜画画吗?(双人猜词游戏)会让Noah Wbster(词典编纂之父)去玩拼字游戏吗?会让Jacques Cousteau (探险家)去玩金鱼游戏吗? (小游戏)

2.At this point I should inform you that I intend to form my own team and destroy the molecular bonds that bind your very matter together and reduce the resulting particular chaos to tears.


3.One more thing. It’s on, bitch.


4.Dibs does not apply in a bidding war.


5.In a Venn diagram, that would be an individual located at the intersection of the sets “no longer want my Time Machine” and “need 800 dollars”.

在维恩图里那是处于特别的区域,位于 "不再想要时间机器"和"需要800元"两个集合的交集。

6.It only moves in time. It would be worse than useless in a swamp. 它只在时间层面移动。在沼泽地里将一无是处。

7.I disagree. Your inability to successfully woo Penny long predates your acquisition of the time machine. That failure clearly stands on its own.


8.They were not “friends”. They were imaginary colleagues.


9.What twelve year old boy wants a motorized dirt bike?


10.What computer do you have? And please don't say "a white one." 你的电脑是什么样子的?请不要说“一个白色的”。


Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration;


In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there.


It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.

而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话, 不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. 我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。

Forget? You want me to forget?This mind does not forget. I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.

别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗? 我这脑子 啥东西忘得掉啊! 从我妈给我断奶后 我就没忘掉过一件事

Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two." "许多"现在被重新定义为"两个"

Sheldon,you are a smart guy. Sheldon,你是个聪明人

You must know... - I'm "smart"? 你得知道 - 我是"聪明人"?

I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart." 要被归为"聪明人" 我得去掉60点智商才行

You've given me an obligation. 你给了我一份责任

Don't feel bad,Penny,it's a classic rookie mistake. My first Hanukah with Sheldon,he yelled at me for eight nights. 别太郁闷Penny,一般新手都会犯这个错误。我和Sheldon过的第一个光明节 他吼了我八夜

Sheldon: Why are you crying?你为嘛哭呢?

Penny: Because I'm stupid! 因为我太傻了!

Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.这可不是什么好理由。大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。比方我吧,我总为别人太傻哭,因为人家愚蠢搞得我很伤心

If I've learned anything from British televishion shows on PBS, it's that servants dine downstairs with their own kind.

要说我从PBS台的英剧里学到什么的话,那就是仆人和他的同伴们都是坐楼下吃饭的。 It's just that all the years I've known him, he's never had the opportunity to receive my admiration.


Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.


I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges.


That is my spot. In an ever-changing world it is a simple point of consistency. If my life were expressed as a function in a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, that spot, at the moment I first sat on it, would be 0000.


.I was wrong. Minstrels will write songs about you. There once was a brave lad named Leonard with a fie fie fiddle dee dee.He faced a fearsome giant while Raj just wanted to pee.


Maintaining five friendships promises to be a Herculean task, so I'm going to have to let one of you go.




Has Dr. Sheldon Cooper met his match? The Big Bang Theory has finally nabbed famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking to film a cameo. As first reported by TV Guide Canada, Hawking filmed a scene with Jim Parsons, a.k.a. Sheldon, Friday for the show's April 5 episode. In the scene, Hawking has a "run-in" with Sheldon.


Leonard Nimoy becomes Big Bang Theory's "dream" guest star. The CBS comedy had invited Hawking to appear on the show before, but at the time they were told he was too ill to participate. Hawking's appearance will air the week after another big guest star stops by. Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy will lend his voice to the March 29 episode when he speaks to Sheldon in a dream sequence.


Hawking, coincidentally, played a hologram of himself on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and also played himself on The Simpsons and Futurama. Are you excited to see Hawking and Sheldon together? The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.




Has Dr. Sheldon Cooper met his match? The Big Bang Theory has finally nabbed famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking to film a cameo. As first reported by TV Guide Canada, Hawking filmed a scene with Jim Parsons, a.k.a. Sheldon, Friday for the show's April 5 episode. In the scene, Hawking has a "run-in" with Sheldon.


Leonard Nimoy becomes Big Bang Theory's "dream" guest star. The CBS comedy had invited Hawking to appear on the show before, but at the time they were told he was too ill to participate. Hawking's appearance will air the week after another big guest star stops by. Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy will lend his voice to the March 29 episode when he speaks to Sheldon in a dream sequence.


Hawking, coincidentally, played a hologram of himself on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and also played himself on The Simpsons and Futurama. Are you excited to see Hawking and Sheldon together? The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.



在《生活大爆炸》中,有很多经典的句子,不仅帮助我们学习英语,也丰富了我们自己的交流词汇,比如可爱的Bazinga等等,下面我们就来看看十大最可爱的爆炸句子,你能记得他们出自哪一集吗? 就是啊 看别人热闹最乐呵

I know. It's funny when it's not happening to us.

Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉

Sheldon,I am very,very sorry.

不 我自找的 谁叫我出现在你生命里 又那么可爱 那么举足轻重呢

No. No,I brought this on myself by being such an endearing and important part of your life.


I'm going to need a ride to the mall.

风水轮流转 我们该倒霉了

It's happening to us.


That presupposes Penny is tense.

她了解你 她会压力很大的 咱不都是嘛 快买礼品篮吧!

She knows you. She's tense. We all are. Buy a basket!

喔 太好了 Penny 你终于来交换礼物了

Ah,good,Penny,you're here to exchange gifts.

你一定很高兴 因为我的回礼准备很周到哦 You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer.

行~ 给你


先说一句 我的肠胃不太舒服 I should note I'm having some digestive distress,

所以 要是我突然离开一阵 你可别慌

so,if I excuse myself abruptly,don't be alarmed.


Do you realize what this means?!

只需要一个健康的卵细胞 就可以培育属于我的Leonard Nimoy了!

All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!

Sheldon 你这是干嘛?!

Sheldon! What did you do?!


I know!


It's not enough,is it?



Leonard 看啊 Sheldon拥抱我了诶

Leonard,look! Sheldon's hugging me.


It's a Saturnalia miracle.

什么? What?


He said maybe we should enter you in the killer robot competition.

Sheldon 你干嘛呢?

Sheldon,what are you doing?

我和这小女孩交朋友呢 你叫什么名字?

I'm making friends with this little girl. What's your name?

Rebecca Rebecca.

嗨 Rebecca 我是你的新朋友Sheldon

Hi,Rebecca. I'm your new friend,Sheldon.

不 别搞了 走吧

No,you're not. Let's go.

- 我俩聊得正投机呢 - 别抬头 上面有摄像头

维持五个朋友的友情太困难了 所以...

Maintaing five friendships promises to be a Herculean task,so...


I'm going to have to let one of you go.

我 我 选我吧

Me,me,let it be me.

我有罪啊 我淘汰了

Guilty as charged. I'm out.

不 你也安全

No. You too are safe.

哦 不是吧 我该怎么做呀?

Oh,come on. What do I have to do?

来 拿点吧 有钱了再还

Here. Take some. Pay me back when you can.

哇 里面钱还不少啊

Wow,you got a lot of money in there.


That's why it's guarded by snakes.

- 拿点吧 - 别犯傻了

- Take some. - Don't be silly.


I'm never silly.


My expenses account for 46. 9% of my after-tax income.


The rest is divvied up between a small savings account,


this deceptive container of peanut brittle

还有一个超级英雄手办 被掏空的屁股

and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure


who shall remain nameless for his own protection.


Or her own protection.


You know,I've given the matter some thought,


and I think I'd be willing to be a house pet to a race of super-intelligent aliens. 有意思


问问我为什么 Ask me why.


Do I have to?

当然了 这样才能继续对话啊

Of course. That's how you move a conversation forward.




The learning opportunities would be abundant.

还有呢 我喜欢人家挠我肚肚

Additionally,I like having my belly scratched.

干得好啊 Leonard

Well done,Leonard.


The true hero doesn't seek adulation.


He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature.


I was wrong.


Minstrels will write songs about you.

* 曾有一位勇敢的青年 他的名字叫做Leonard *

* There once was a brave lad named Leonard *

* 满嘴跑火车 逞英雄 *

* With a -fi fiddle dee-dee *

* 他与可怕巨人对峙 *

* He faced a fearsome giant *

* 而Raj却只想嘘嘘 *

* While Raj just wanted to pee.*

见到你真好 妈妈

Good to see you,Mother.

这是你要的茶 妈妈

Here's your tea,Mother.

- 乌龙茶? - 嗯

- Oolong? - Yes.

- 散装的 不是袋泡的? - 嗯

- Loose,not bagged? - Yes.

- 泡了三分钟? - 嗯

- Steeped three minutes? - Yes.

- 加了2%的牛奶 - 嗯

- Two-percent milk? - Yes.

- 分开加热的? - 嗯

- Warmed separately? - Yes.

- 一茶勺糖? - 嗯

- One teaspoon sugar? - Yes.

- 原糖? - 嗯

- Raw sugar? - Yes.


It's cold.


I'll start again.


So,where were we?

Howard和他妈妈一起住 Raj只有喝醉了才和女人讲话

Howard lives with his mother and Raj can't speak to women unless he's drunk. 开讲吧



Say what?


That's basically what I just said.

你带老公来上班 你知道规矩的

You brought your husband to work. You know the rules.


That is my spot.

在这个不断变化的世界中 那是唯一一个连续点

In an ever-changing world,it is a single point of consistency.

如果将我的人生比作 四维笛卡尔坐标系里的一个函数

If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system,

在我第一次坐上那儿的时候 那个座的坐标就是(0,0,0,0)

that spot at the moment I first sat on it would be zero-zero-zero-zero.


All right.

好了 舒适 惬意 安逸 0 0 0

There,nice and comfy cozy. Zero,zero,zero.


There's one more zero.


You forgot the time parameter.


Sit on the damn couch.
