课时作业(五)communication workshop and culture Corner and bulletin board

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  适当的试题能让考生很好的掌握考试节奏,下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家带来的课时作业(五)communication workshop and culture Corner and bulletin board,希望能帮助到大家!

  课时作业(五)communication workshop and culture Corner and bulletin board(1)

  1. Did you witness the accident?

  2. Many people witnessed to the events of that evening.

  3. He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.

  4. He is a living witness to my honesty.

  5. B


  1. The child was abandoned by his parents.

  2. She abandoned herself to despair.

  3. We abandoned taking the adventure next week.

  4. A


  1. The society works to preserve the district’s historic buildings.

  2. I think that these traditional customs should be preserved.

  3. C


  1. These events occurred in 2013.

  2. It occurred to me to visit my teacher.

  3. It occurred to me that I had forgotten my keys.

  4. 区别:

  ⑴ When did the exposion happened?

  ⑵ When will the meeting take place?

  ⑶ When did the war break out?

  ⑷ An idea occurred to me suddenly.

  ⑸ Great changes have taken place in China since 1980.

  5. ⑴ D ⑵ A

  题组训练 5

  1. made a loss

  2. loss

  3. at a loss

  4. the loss of sth. 损失 suffer a loss of sth. 蒙受损失 make up a loss弥补损失

  at a loss 不知所措 a loss in weight 体重减少a sense of loss 失落感

  5. D


  1. burst into n. = burst out doing 突然…起来

  be bursting to do 迫切地想做某事

  2. The balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.


  3. BB


  1. 分成小部分2. 断绝关系,分手3. 断绝关系,分手

  4. ⑴ 使某物分裂 ⑵ 和某人断绝关系 ⑶ 从某物中脱离出来 ⑷ 告发某人

  5. C


  1. 短语释义:⑴ 挡住⑵ 被封闭⑶ 画草图⑷ 被堵塞

  2. A

  课时作业(五)communication workshop and culture Corner and bulletin board(2)

  ⑴ It is him who I want to see.

  ⑵ It is I who am going to Beijing next week.

  ⑶ It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.

  ⑷ Was it during World War II that he died?

  ⑸ Where was it that you met Tom yesterday?

  ⑹ What a wonderful time it was that we had at the party!

  ⑺ Could it have been in the meeting room that you held the speech contest last week?

  ⑻It was not until she took off her sunglasses that recognized she was a famous singing star.

  ⑼It was not until he finished all his homework that he went to bed last night.

  2. ⑴wasn’t it ⑵ isn’t it

  3. DDCB


  1. That tree looks as if it is going to fall down.

  2. Tim sounded as if he had a cold.

  3. Don’t talk to me as if I were a child.

  4. They treat me as if I were their own kid.

  5. He behaves as if nothing had happened.

  6. 完成句子

  ⑴ as if ⑵ as if she were his own daughter ⑶ were there then ⑷ had been there then


  I 单选


  II 阅读理解: ABCA CBAC


  III 七选五答案:DBFCG

  Part II Lesson 2 Name Stories


  1. ⑴ 有重大意义/无重大意义

  ⑵ 重视,认为某事很重要

  2. ⑴ importance;⑵ important

  ⑶ be important;⑷ be of importance

  3. was aware of the significance of his work

  4. realized the significance of the discovery

  5. were of little significance

  6. C

  课时作业(五)communication workshop and culture Corner and bulletin board(3)

  考点归纳:1. for a specific purpose

  2. B


  1. ⑴ interest sb. → __discourage__________;disagreement → ___discouragement__________;

  ⑵ interested →__discouraged_________;interesting → __discouraging________________;

  ⑶ make it interesting → ______make it discouraging__________;

  make people interested → _______make people discouraged__________;

  ⑷ get interested → ____get discouraged_________;be interesting → ____be discouraging______________

  ⑸ enable sb. ;endanger sb. ;entitle sb.;enrich sb. → ____encourage sb_____________

  2. 阻止某人做某事;打消某人做某事的念头

  3. discouraged most people from attending the event.

  4. get discouraged;discouraging

  5. B


  1. ⑴她取笑她父亲的光头。⑵她喜欢嘲弄他人。

  2. You must never tease a child

  3. ⑴teasing ⑵ tease; about

  4. He teased his deskmate.


  1. came across an old school friend

  2. ⑴生效⑵上任,就职⑶变成现实⑷下降⑸涉及到,谈到⑹加油,加把劲;快点


  3. ⑴was realized.

  ⑵ have been published/appeared/been brought out.


  1.(1) You can count on me. I will help you. 你可以依靠我。我会帮你的。

  (2) You can’t count on him to come. 你不能指望他来。

  2. D


  1. We can’t put up with pollution.

  2. ⑴把某物放在一边⑵收拾起来⑶写下,记下;镇压,平定





  1. 看透,理解她2. 算出3. 解决4. 明白,理解5. 计算在内/考虑6. 估计


  考点归纳:1. ⑴ ended up watching TV

  ⑵you will end up in prison

  ⑶ended up with a beautiful song

  2. CA


  1. ⑴ anything in particular

  ⑵ enjoyed the surprising ending in particular

  ⑶ She is very particular about what she wears.

  2. C


  1. He is as old as I. /He is the same age as I.

  2. Wealth is not so important as health. / Wealth is not as important as health.

  3. The house is three times as big as ours. = The house is three times the size of ours.

  4. ⑴as much coffee as Mary did

  ⑵as good a student as she

  ⑶as early as possible

  5. ⑴ 我没你的钱多。⑵ 我和你一样钱不多。⑵ 我和你一样钱不多。

  6. A


  1. He must be a student of our school.

  2. He must be watching TV in the room.

  3. He must have been here since last Monday.

  4. He must have been here yesterday afternoon.

  5. He must have been watching TV in the room then.

  6. He must have gone to Qingdao last month.


  7. No one answered the phone. They must have already gone out.

  8. Any applicant for this position must have practiced for five years.

  9. D


  I 单选





  III 改错

  答案:travelling abroad;where改为which;advice;an改为the invitation;and改为or;shake hands;another改为other;or some flowers;before改为after

  Part III Lesson 3 Life stories


  考点归纳:severe adj. 苛刻的,严厉的;严格的;严重的;剧痛的

  1. 短语归纳:

  ⑴ be severe on/with sb. 对某人苛刻⑵ be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

  ⑶ be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格

  2. 完成句子:

  ⑴ I think you are too severe on the boy.

  ⑵ His severe looks fightened me.

  ⑶ He suffered a severe attack of toothache.

  3. 句型转换:

  He is strict with his children. → He is severe on/with his children.


  考点归纳:former adj. 以前的;(两者之中)前者

  1. 汉译英:

  This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.这座美丽的古老建筑物已经恢复了昔日的壮观。

  2. the former … the latter 前者……后者……

  3. He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.



  考点归纳:be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事

  1. 短语归纳:

  ⑴ be eager for sth. 渴望得到某物⑵ be eager about 盼望⑶ be anxious about sb.担心

  2. 汉译英:

  ⑴ I am eager to do it.

  ⑵ The doctors are anxious about his health.

  3. 选择:B



  ⑴ His face expanded in a smile of welcome. 绽开

  ⑵ Metals expand when they are heated. 膨胀

  ⑶ Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. 扩大,发展

  ⑷ Sydney’s population expanded rapidly in the 1960s. 增长,扩大

  ⑸ The hotel wants to expand its business by adding a swimming pool. 扩大

  2. 示例:extend → extension;impress → impression

  expand → expansion

  3. 选择:C


  考点归纳:breakthrough n. 突破,重大发现


  ⑴ An important breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved. 谈判已经取得了重大突破。

  ⑵ It’s a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. 这是癌症治疗方面的重大发展。

  2. 短语归纳:

  ⑴ make a breakthrough 取得重大突破

  ⑵ break through 冲破,突破,克服,战胜

  3. 汉译英:

  ⑴ Scientists made a major breakthrough in cancer research.

  ⑵ They hope to have broken through by this time next year.

  4. 选择:A


  1. 汉译英:

  ⑴ They brought experienced people in to help.


  ⑵ She brought in $200 in a week.



  ⑴ bring about 引起,导致;造成;使发生⑵ bring back 拿回来;使想起,使回忆起

  ⑶ bring down 使落下,降低⑷ bring on 导致,惹来⑸ bring out 显示出,使得出现

  ⑹ bring up 养育,教育;呕吐

  3. 选择:C



  ⑴ In part of Asia, you mustn’t sit with your feet pointing at another person. 伴随

  ⑵ With the task done, they went home separately. 伴随

  ⑶ He slept with the window open. 伴随

  ⑷ The girl with flowers in hands is Kate. 定语

  ⑸ With Mr. White to advise us, we’ll do it quickly.条件

  ⑹ He died with his son yet a school boy.结果

  2. 选择:A


  1. 完成句子:

  ⑴ Now that dinner is ready, wash your hands.

  ⑵ Now that you have finished your work, you’d better have a rest.

  ⑶ Now (that) John’s arrived, we can begin.

  2. 选择:



  I 单选




  III 七选五


  语法填空1.stolen   2.to_look  3.amazement   4.a 5.was_having 6.her 7.inconvenience 8.immediately 9.had_been 10.On

  Part IV Communication Workshop & Culture Corner and Bulletin Board


  1. 英译汉:

  ⑴ The players were tense at the start of the game.


  ⑵ There is a tense expression on her face.


  ⑶ He tensed, hearing the strange noise again.


  2. 选择:C


  1. 短语归纳:

  ⑴ pat sb. on the back 赞扬⑵ a pat on the back 表扬⑶ pat one’s hand 拍手

  ⑷ give sb. a pat on the shoulder 拍打某人的肩膀

  2. 完成句子:

  ⑴ The mother patted the little girl to make her go to sleep. 母亲拍小女孩入睡。

  ⑵ He patted the dog affectionately. 他亲切地拍了拍狗。

  3. 句型总结:

  ⑴The lilttle girl held her mother by the arm.

  拽着某人的胳膊 hold sb. by the arm

  ⑵The man touched me on the back.

  碰某人的背部 touch sb. on the back

  ⑶He hit the boy on the head.

  打某人的头 hit sb. on the head

  ⑷He hit the boy in the face.

  打某人的脸 hit sb. in the face

  4. 完成句子:

  You can touch yourself on the back for a job well done. (你可以赞扬自己所做的出色工作。)

  She gave the child a pat on the head. (她轻轻拍了一下那孩子的头。)


  1. 给划线词释义:

  ⑴ He presented a clock to me when I retired. 赠给

  ⑵ He presented me to his family. 介绍

  ⑶ He presented himself at the meeting. 出席

  ⑷ He presented a bold front to the world. 显示出

  ⑸ This case presents some interesting features. 显示出

  2. 短语归纳:

  ⑴ be present at the meeting 出席会议⑵ be absent from the meeting 缺席会议

  ⑶ at present 目前⑷ for the present 暂且⑸ people present 在场的人们

  ⑹ present people 现在的人们

  3. 选择:C



  You can stop to refer to your notes while making a speech. 演讲时你可以停下来参考讲稿。

  2. 短语归纳:

  ⑴ refer to sb. as…把某人称做

  ⑵ refer sth. to sb.把某物提交给某人

  ⑶ refer to sth. / consult sth. 参考、查阅某物

  ⑷ look up sth. in the dictionary = refer to the dictionary 查词典

  3. 根据示例填空:

  示例:be used to doing sth.;stick to doing sth.;get down to doing sth.;help yourself to doing sth.;object to doing sth.;look forward to doing sth.

  refer to doing sth. (做某事)

  ⑴ In his speech, the manager kept referring to staying with his former teacher last month.

  ⑵ The manager that we referred to had stayed with his former teacher for two days last month.

  4. 选择:B

  5. 改错:

  You can look them up in your dictionary while coming across new words in the passage.



  ⑴ go bad 变质,变坏⑵ go against sth. 违背某事⑶ go wrong 出错

  ⑷ go without sth. 在没有某物的情况下应对⑸ go lame 变瘸⑹ go dry 变干

  2. the instant = as soon as,意为:一…就…


  ⑴ We recognized her the instant she entered the room.

  ⑵ We recognized her the moment she entered the room.

  ⑶ Directly/Immediately you feel any pain, you must go to the doctor.

  ⑷ We recognized her the second she entered the room.

  ⑸ We recognized her the minute she entered the room.

  ⑹ We recognized her immediately she entered the room.

  ⑺ We recognized her directly she entered the room.

  ⑻ We recognized her instantly she entered the room.

  ⑼ I’ll write to you the moment/instant/minute/second I arrive in Beijing.

  ⑽We recognized her the first time she entered the room.


  the instant;the moment;directly;the second;the minute;immediately;instantly

  3. 选择:B


  I 单选




  III 改错

  答案:to school;out去掉;discovered;must be;But改为Then;by taxi;too改为so;took up改为took out;politely

  Part V 写作训练


  阅读理解 ABAC BACA



  答案:第一句:but→and 第三句:his→my 第四句:what→that或去掉what

  第五句:去掉eat前的to; on→in 第七句:sport→sports; happy→happily

  第八句:went→go 第九句: have→having; while 前加a

  七选五答案: 1-5 GCDAE

  语法填空1.personal   2.wondering   3.French   4.who

  5.a 6.How 7.am_seen 8.better 9.to_find 10.what_


  Dear Tom,

  How is everything going on with you? I'm writing this e­mail to express my apology to you for not writing you back in time.

  In the first place, I'll be so happy if you could accept my apology.①It's of great importance for me to make full preparations for the final exam last week. ②Therefore, I couldn't spare enough time to write you back in time. What's more, I am willing to tell you that I am to do some part­time jobs in the summer holiday. No one can deny the fact that we can have our vision broadened in the process. Last but not least, it must be pointed out that I would love to go travelling during this holiday.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you. And I'll appreciate it very much if you give me an early reply.


  Li Hua


  1. He couldn’t have taken his books home, for he left all of them on the desk.

  2. The harder you study, the better results you will get.

  3. He spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him.

  4. When I entered the room, I found them whispering to each other.

  5. We can’t take the wrong way, because we are familiar with the streets here.

  6. The doctor gave some advice on how to prevent heart problems.

  7. She has put forward many valuable ideas for reform.

  8. Nuclear talks with Iran ended up with failure.

  9. The book he wrote about advanced technology is popular with children.

  10. People often compare the young to the sun in the morning.

  11. It was his determination and courage that led the ship to the port safely.

  12. They did research into the causes of cancer.

  13. Another manned spaceship is believed to be sent into space soon.

  14. No matter where you go, you should let your parents know.

  15. I think Yao Ming is the pride of us Chinese.




