2016年广东省汕尾市市直学校教师招聘公告 广东教师招聘、广东教师资格的最新资讯、考试公告及真题资料请详情查看广东教师招聘网,我们会及时更新最新消息!
㈠ 具有中华人民共和国国籍,拥护中华人民共和国宪法;
㈡ 政治思想素质端正,遵纪守法,作风正派,具有良好的品行;
㈢ 具有正常履行职责的身体条件;
㈣ 无违法违纪行为。凡受党、政纪处分期限未满或正在接受纪律审查,以及处于刑事处罚期间或正在接受司法调查尚未做出结论的人员,曾因犯罪受过刑事处罚的人员,其它违反国家法律、法规等行为的,均不得报名;
㈤ 没有违反国家计划生育政策;
㈥ 年龄在35周岁以下。年龄的计算时间截至2016年6月30日。
㈠ 报名时间及地点:
㈡ 考试
㈢ 体检、考察和公示
7、下列各组离子一定能大量共存的是( )
A.在强碱性溶液中: NH4+、Ag+、NO3、I
C.在c(H+)=0.1 mol·L-1的溶液中:Ca2+、Fe2+、NO3、Cl
8、通过对实验现象的观察、分析推理得出正确的结论是化学学习的方法之一。对下列实验事实的解释正确的是( )
9、下列有关实验操作的说法正确的是( )
A.SO2通入品红溶液和高锰酸钾溶液中,溶液均褪色,说明SO2具有漂白性 B.用蒸馏水将PH试纸先润湿,可用于检验氨气
C.在常温下,将氯化铝溶液蒸发结晶,最后能得到氯化铝晶体 D.某无色溶液中加Ba(NO3)2溶液,再加入稀盐酸,沉淀不溶解,则原溶液中一定有SO42- 10、下列装置能达到实验目的的是( )
① 实验室制取并收集NH3 ②吸收NH3 ③检查装置气密性 ④利用排空气法收集CO2
A.①③ B.②③ C. ①④ D. ②④ 11、能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式为( )
A. 硫化亚铁溶于稀硝酸中:FeS+2H+=Fe2++H2S
B. NH4HCO3溶于过量的NaOH溶液中:HCO3-+OH-=CO32-+H2O C. 少量SO2通入苯酚钠溶液中:C6H5O-+SO2+H2O=C6H5OH+HSO3-
D. 大理石溶于醋酸中:CaCO3+2CH3COOH=Ca2++2CH3COO-+CO2+H2O 12、下列实验现象对应的结论正确的是
氯气 CCl4 NaOH
①气密性检查 ②气体性质检验 ③化学平衡的探究 ④喷泉实验
22.设NA表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法中正确的是( )
A. 1 mol Fe溶解于一定量的HNO3溶液中,电子转移数介于2NA和3NA间 B.L mol FeCl3完全水解转化为氢氧化铁胶体后能生成NA个Fe(OH)3胶粒
C.0.01 mol Mg在空气中完全燃烧生成MgO和Mg3N2,转移电子数目为0.02NA D.10 mL 5mol/L (NH4)2SO4溶液中含有NH4+数目为0.1NA个 23、下列实验现象预测正确的是( )
①酸性 ②强氧化性 ③吸水性 ④脱水性
(2)直玻璃管中依次观察到的现象是____________;______________;______________。 (3)某次实验中小烧杯中澄清石灰水始终未观察到浑浊,你猜想可能的原因是____________________,请设计实验证明它:________________________________________。 31.(16分)用含少量铁的氧化铜制取氯化铜晶体(CuCl2·xH2O)。有如下操作:
。 (2)氧化剂A可选用 (填编号,下同)。 ①KMnO4 ②HNO3 ③Cl2
(3)要得到较纯的产品,试剂B可选用 。 ① NaOH ②CuO ③FeO
(4)试剂B的作用是 。
①使Cu2+完全沉淀 ②使Fe3+完全沉淀 ③降低溶液的pH ④提高溶液的pH(5)从滤液经过结晶得到氯化铜晶体的方法是 (按实验先后顺序选填编号)。 ①过滤 ②蒸发至干 ③冷却 ④蒸发浓缩
写出实验②中有关反应的离子方程式:_______________________________________。 (2)提取碘的过程中,可供选择的有机溶剂是________。 A.甲苯,酒精 B.四氯化碳,苯 C.汽油,乙酸 D.汽油,甘油
(3)为了使海藻灰中碘离子转化为含碘的有机溶液,实验室准备了烧杯、玻璃棒、锥形瓶、酒精灯、导管、圆底烧瓶、石棉网以及必要的夹持仪器、物品,还缺少的玻璃仪器是 。
是 ;_______________ 。(写出两条)。
(2)第①步操作中需使用的硅酸盐仪器有酒精灯、泥三角、 和 。 (3)某学习小组拟通过实验探究某食盐样品中是否加碘及所加碘的存在形式是I2、I-、IO3-中的哪一种。请利用实验室常用仪器、用品和下列限选试剂完成探究过程。 .
限选试剂:浓硫酸、1.0mol/L HNO3、1.0mol/L CH3COOH、0.1mol/L AgNO3、1.0mol/L
NaHSO3、1.0mol/L KI、3% H2O2、1% 淀粉溶液、蒸馏水
查阅资料知:(a) 2H++2NO3-+I-=IO3-+2NO↑+H2O (b) 2H++H2O2+2I-=I2+2H2O
(c) 2IO3-+5HSO3-=I2+5SO42-+H2O+3H+
假设1:该食盐样品中含I2 假设2:该食盐样品中含I- 假设3 假设4: ②设计实验方案证明你的假设(不要在答题卡上做答) ③实验过程
7、B 8、B 9、B 10、B 11、D 12、D 22、AC 23、BD 30、 (1)CuSO4 ①②③
(3)SO2易溶于水,大量SO2与Ca(OH)2生成易溶于水的Ca(HSO3)2而不产生CaSO3浑浊 取小烧杯中溶液少许于另一支试管中,加入足量NaOH溶液,若有白色沉淀生成,则证明猜想合理。 31.(16分)
(1)Fe + 2HCl = FeCl2 + H2↑(3分) CuO + 2HCl =CuCl2 + H2O (3分) (2)③(2分) (3)②(2分)
(4)②④(3分) (5)④③①(3分,顺序有错不给分)
32、 (1)①过滤 ③萃取、分液 Cl2+2I===I2+2Cl
(2)B (3)分液漏斗、普通漏斗 (4)取少量提取碘后的水溶液于试管中,加入几滴淀粉溶液,观察是否出现蓝色(若变蓝, 说明还有单质碘) 33.(16分)
(1)加热;搅拌;适当延长浸取时间;少量溶剂多次浸取(各2分,答其中任意两个即可) (2)玻璃棒;坩埚 (2分,各1分,写成“玻棒”不给分)
英 语
2016.02 By SONG
第 I 卷
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A
Make a difference with your photography
Take the chance to make a real difference with your photography and contribute to One Minute on Earth, a project aiming to help street children around the world.
We all live on the planet Earth, in different time zones and different parts of the world. When you read this, it will be night in one part of the world and morning somewhere else. A sunset and a sunrise is always there at any minute on earth.
In 2015 on the 6th of April at 13:00 (New York time), 200 photographers all around the world clicked on the button of their cameras all within the same minute on earth. From all these amazing landscape photos and stories, a photobook was made which was sold to raise money for charity.
100% of this profit was donated to the Ashalayam Deutschland organisation which used this money to support a street children center in Kolkata India. You can still buy this book from our website, which will help us continue to support the kids.
We plan to hold this event annually, with the next one scheduled on June 21st 2016 at 21:00 (New York time). Money raised from the sale of the new photobook will go to a home in South Africa where 75 parentless children live. This year’s event will include not only landscape photos but also street photos. The main rule is that the sky must be shown in the photo, so all can see at what time it was shot when this year’s One Minute on Earth got to you.
1. What is the main goal of One Minute on Earth?
A. To raise money for children.
C. To find the best picture.
A. They take place on the same date.
B. They each produce a photobook.
C. They require the same type of picture.
D. The money raised goes to the same children.
3. What is the main rule of the 2016 event?
A. All photos must be landscapes.
B. The photos must be taken in Africa.
B. To publish a photobook. D. To take pictures of different places. 2. What do the 2015 and 2016 events have in common?
C. The sky must appear in every photo.
D. Each photographer can submit only one photo.
I was probably one of the few kids in America whose parents didn’t want them to go to college. My family was very blue collar. My parents were never able to achieve more than getting a factory job, and trying to make ends meet. While growing up, I would always say I wanted to go to an Ivy League university and my dad would say there was absolutely nothing wrong with our state university. Dad suggested that’s what I ought to aim for. By the time senior year approached, I sent out only two applications for college, one to the state university a little more than two hours away from my hometown, and one to a university in another state. I was quickly accepted into both, but my dad seemed to be against the idea of my going away for university. He wanted me to attend the one in our county and save money by continuing to live at home.
For whatever reason, I had been given more ambition than my parents before me, or my two younger brothers, both of whom chose the factory scene rather than education. So every day after school, my dad and I had fights about where I would go to university. His logic was very , especially considering where I stand now, three years after graduation with debt up to my eyeballs. He threatened to give me no financial help at all, and I said that was fine, and I would be able to get enough loans.
The fights about where I was going to get the money continued until the day I packed everything up into our car. It was then, at breakfast before we made our journey down, that my dad said he was proud of me. He hadn’t thought I would actually leave. As my parents dropped me off at my dorm room, my mom started crying, and even my dad kissed me on the forehead, which was the first time I could remember getting hugged and kissed by them in years.
At this point, my relationship with my parents changed. They’ve done well to leave me to my own life, and to just be happy when I call home. No matter what happens now, I know standing my ground on where to go for university has been the best decision of my life, as I have gained both education and a life experience.
4. Why was going to a faraway college less advisable to the father?
A. The poor family could not afford the education and boarding fees.
B. Going to college was not a popular idea in those days.
C. The hometown university was as good as the state university in teaching.
D. He was less ambitious than his son.
5. Which word can best replace the underlined word “sound” in paragraph 2?
A. wrong B. complex C. confusing D. reasonable
6. The relationship between the author and his parents changed for the better when ___________.
A. he decided to go to an Ivy League university
B. he was accepted into both of the universities
C. he began the journey to his university
D. he first called home from his university
7. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Sticking to Your Dream University
B. Making the Best Decision of My Life C. Improving Relationship between Parents and Son
D. Changing Father’s Attitude to College Education
In 1974, when I was 18, I took up hang-gliding and paragliding. Today I’m a professional hang-glide instructor, but at the time I was one of only about a dozen in the country doing it. I was lucky to survive; the sport was so new and dangerous then. In 1997, I heard about the Birdman competition, in which participants compete to fly the furthest distance; I thought it sounded like fun. I feel that a hang-glider, which usually travels around 90 meters, could go as far as 100 meters one day. The first leap was frightening: a huge crosswind meant I had to take off at almost 90 degrees and it was difficult to manage. But I came back, and now participate in the various Birdman competitions that take place across the country, attracting serious and silly competitors alike.
It’s taken 17 years to break the 100 meters barrier, and I was the first to do it. When I broke the record in 2014, I took off from Worthing pier (码头) and didn’t touch down for 20 seconds. It was the longest ever flight from a pier, carrying me 159.8 meters until I touched the water. Twenty seconds is a long time when you are doing 45 miles an hour, flying over the waves. Though I still hold the distance record, I didn’t win the 2015 Birdman competition. This past year has been more difficult. I’m nearly 60 now. Competitors have always joked about how they’ll probably be throwing me off the pier. I had operations on my knees, and then three weeks before this year’s competition at Bognor Regis, I had a mild heart attack. I managed to compete again, but I didn’t feel right. My wife was obvious very concerned, but I keep fit. As long as I don’t overwork myself, and prepare properly for the event, there’s no reason that I can’t do it for the next 12, 13 years. Next year, I’m going to win it again.
8. The passage mainly talks about the writer’s _________.
A. enthusiasm about a sport B. knowledge about hang-gliding
C. difficulties in his career D. records in Birdman competitions
9. What can be learned about hang-gliding in 1974?.
A. It was quite popular. B. It was full of risks.
C. It had a record of 100 meters. D. It had about 12 instructors.
10. The writer failed to win the competition in 2015 because he _________.
A. didn’t take it seriously enough. B. was too proud of his record.
C. was throwing off the pier by others. D. was in a poor physical condition.
11. Which of the following best describe the writer?
A. considerate B. humourous C. determined D. patient
“Selfie” (自拍) has been named the word of the year 2013 by Oxford Dictionaries.
The word has evolved from a social media word into a mainstream term for a self-portrait photograph. Research suggested its frequency in the English language increased by 17,000% in 2013.
The word of the year award celebrates the inventiveness of English speakers when confronted with social, political or technological change. In 2004, the word of the year was “chav” (傻帽), in 2008 it was “credit crunch” (信贷危机) and in 2012 it was “omnishambles” (一团糟 ).
To qualify, a word need not have been invented within the past 12 months, but it does need to have become notable at that time.
Selfie is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website”. Its increase in use is calculated by Oxford Dictionaries using a research programme that collects around 150 million English words currently in use from around the web each month. This software can be used to track the emergence of new words and monitor changes in geography, register, and frequency of use.
Selfie can be traced back to 2002 when it was used in an Australian online forum, according to Oxford Dictionaries. A man posted a picture of injuries to his face when he tripped over some steps. He apologized for the fact that it was out of focus, saying that it was not because he was drunk but because it was a selfie.
Selfie has been popular throughout the English-speaking world.
Judy Pearsall, editorial director for Oxford Dictionaries, said: “Social media sites helped to popularize the term. Selfie appeared on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004, but its usage wasn’t widespread until around 2012, when selfie was being used commonly in mainstream media sources.”
Selfie was added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online in August, 2013, but is not yet in the Oxford English Dictionary.
12. The following words have been named the word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries EXCEPT __________.
A. selfie B. chav C. credit D. omnishambles
13. According to Oxford Dictionaries, the standard for the word of the year is ____________.
A. the influence of its inventor B. the time of its creation
C. the class of its users D. its popularity in a language
14. The word “selfie” first appeared in Australian media in_______________.
A. 2002 B. 2004 C.2012 D. 2013
15. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?
A. New terms may be the results of social, political or technological change.
B. Selfies are photos taken with a smartphone and uploaded to a media website.
C. Young people often help to popularize the new terms.
D. Selfie has been included in the Oxford English Dictionary.
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
Since the day of its birth, the United Nations has been the subject of much debate. Others think that it is too weak. We can better understand this debate if we learn more about the U.N. and its history.
The U.N. was started for two reasons. First, when the idea was born, people all over the world were tired of war. They felt that there must be peaceful answers to the world’s problems.
The second reason was that modern science had developed new bombs and airplanes. National borders were beginning to lose their meaning. Science would develop even more dangerous weapons in the future. Only an international organization would be able to control modern science.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President at the time, believed that the Allies (联盟) should plan for peace before the war ended. On December 1, 1943, Roosevelt, Britain’s Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin from Soviet Union agreed to start an organization for world peace.
During the next year and a half, the idea of such an organisation was debated around the world. Then came the big day. On April 11, 1945, the first international meeting of the United Nations took place in San Francisco. The goal of the meeting was to write the U.N. Charter (宪章). All of the fifty-one nations at the meeting had their own ideas to offer for the Charter. Every nation present voted for the Charter. No one voted against it.
A. After a long debate, a final Charter was agreed upon.
B. The U.N. Charter is a beautiful piece of writing.
C. They asked all countries, large and small, to join the organization.
D. Even the smallest country on earth can have its voice heard.
E. They also felt that only an international organization could keep world peace.
F. These weapons made it almost impossible for a country to defend itself.
G. Some people attack the organization because they think it is too powerful.
第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Most people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can’t but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it , but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them .
Many kinds of birds are very in fooling other animals. For example, a bird called plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to its young. When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its , the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends that one wing is the nest.
可能用到的相对原子质量: C 12 O 16 Na 23 Fe 56
7.只含有一种元素的物质( )
A.可能是纯净物也可能是混合物 B.可能是单质也可能是化合物
C.一定是纯净物 D.一定是一种单质
8.下列说法中正确的是 ( )
A. 硫酸、纯碱、醋酸钠和生石灰分别属于酸、碱、盐和氧化物
B. C60、金刚石、石墨互为同素异形体
C. 铝热剂、福尔马林、冰水混合物都是混合物
D. 氯化钙、烧碱、胆矾、金刚石都是化合物
9.下列有关分散系的说法正确的是 ( )
10.设NA代表阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是 ( )
A.22.4 L Cl2中含有NA个C12分子
B.1 L 0.1 mol·L-1 Na2SO4溶液中有0.1NA个Na+
C.1 mol Ca变成Ca2+时失去的电子数为2NA
D. 1 mol H2与1 mol C12反应生成NA个HCl分子
11.下列逻辑关系图示中正确的是 ( )
12. 下列有关分散系中几个基本概念的分析,其中正确的是 ( )
C. 一束平行光照射蛋白质溶液时,从侧面可以看到光亮的通路
22.NA为阿伏加德罗常数,下列叙述正确的是 ( )
B. 22.4LCH4和CH3Cl的混合物所含有的分子数目为NA
23.某合作学习小组讨论辨析以下说法,期中正确的是: ( )
A. 冰和干冰既是纯净物又是化合物; B. 盐酸和食醋既是化合物又是酸;【2016汕尾林伟华中学分数线】
C. 浓盐酸和硝酸都是氧化性酸 D. 碱性氧化物肯定是金属氧化物
30. (16分) (1)取少量Fe2O3粉末加入适量盐酸恰好完全反应,反应的化学方程式为 FeCl3溶液.用此溶液做以下实验:
(2)取少量溶液置于试管中,滴入NaOH溶液,看到有红褐色沉淀生成,反应的化学方程式为 。
(3)在小烧杯中加入25 mL蒸馏水,加热至沸腾后,向沸水中加入2 mL FeCl3饱和溶液,继续煮沸至溶液呈 色,即可制得Fe(OH)3胶体.
(4)取乙烧杯中少量Fe(OH)3胶体置于试管中,向试管中滴加一定量的稀硫酸,边滴边振荡,可以看到的现象是 ,此变化的离子方程式为 .
(5)已知明矾能净水,理由是 .
(1)根据方案Ⅰ进行分类时,某同学认为Na2SO3、Na2CO3溶液都显碱性,于是将Na2SO3、Na2CO3与NaOH都划分为碱类,是否合理? (填合理或不合理),
(2)你是如何给这六种物质分类的。酸 (填化学式,下同)、碱 、盐
(3)在方案Ⅱ中,三种钠盐用以上其他物质中的 (填化学式)可加以区分(结合现象和气味加以区分),有关反应的离子方程式分别为: 。
32.(16分)实验室欲配制50mL 2.0mol·L-1的Na2CO3溶液,请填写下列空白:
(1)若用无水碳酸钠配制,则需Na2CO3的质量是 ,称取这些Na2CO3固体常用的仪器有 。
(2)若用5mol·L-1的Na2CO3溶液配置,则需该Na2CO3溶液的体积是 mL,量取该—
Na2CO3溶液常用的仪器是 。定容时俯视刻度线读数,所得浓度 (填“偏高” 或“偏低”或“不变”)。
(3)从上述配制的溶液中取出10mL,其中Na2CO3的物质的量浓度是 ,含有Na2CO3的质量是 。
(4)将取出的10mL溶液加水稀释到100mL,稀释后溶液中Na2CO3的物质的量浓度是 。
30. (16分2332(2) FeCl3+3NaOH===Fe(OH)3↓+3NaCl
(3)红褐 (4)首先得到红褐色沉淀,后沉淀溶解得到棕黄色溶液
Fe(OH)3+3H===Fe3+3H2O ++
(2)酸:H2SO4, 碱:NaOH, 盐:KCl、Na2SO3、Na2CO3、NaCl、
++(3)H2SO4;CO32― + 2H=CO2↑+H2O,SO32― + 2H=SO2↑+H2O
32.(16分)(1)10.6g 托盘天平 (2)20mL 量筒 偏高(3)2.0mol·L-1 2.12g (4)+
+-+-33. (16分) (1)温度 (2)过滤 C (3)Na、Cl ; Na用焰色反应检验,Cl用AgNO3溶液和
稀HNO3检验 (4)重结晶
2015年汕尾市林伟华中学第八周理综化学试题及答案 一、单项选择题
7、以下进行性质比较的实验设计,不合理的是 ... A.比较Cu、Fe2+的还原性:Cu加入FeCl3溶液中 B.比较氯、溴非金属性:氯气通入溴化钠溶液中
D.比较高锰酸钾、氯气的氧化性:高锰酸钾中加入浓盐酸 8、下列实验操作不能达到预期实验目的的是
A.28g的CO和N2混合物中,含原子总数为4NA B.标准状况下,5.6LCCl4中含有的碳原子数为0.25NA
C.1L PH=1 的硫酸溶液中,含有0.1NA个H+ D.24g碳和20克氧气充分反应可以得到NA个CO2分子 10.下列各组离子,能在溶液中大量共存的是( )
A.K、Mg、CO3、Br B.H、Fe2、SO4、NO3
C.H、Ba、ClO、I D.Ca2、Al3、NO3、Cl 11.下列离子方程式与所述事实相符且正确的是( )
MnCl22H2O A. 用浓盐酸与MnO2反应制取少量氯气:MnO24H2Cl
B. 向漂白粉溶液通入过量SO2:ClOSO2H2OHClOHSO3
D.向硫酸铝铵[NH4Al(SO4)2]溶液中滴加过量Ba(OH)2溶液:Al3++3OH-=Al(OH)3 12、
二、双项选择题 22、
23、下列离子方程式书写错误的是: ..
A.稀H2SO4与Ba(OH)2溶液混合:H++SO42+Ba2++OH=BaSO4 ↓+H2O B.CuSO4溶液中通入过量H2S:Cu2++H2S=CuS↓ +2H+
C.AlCl3溶液与Na2CO3溶液混合:2A13++3CO32=A12(CO3)3 ↓
D.AlCl3溶液与过量氨水混合:Al3++3NH3·H2O=3NH4++Al(OH)3 ↓
三、非选择题 30、(16分)完成下列离子方程式 ① Na2O2与水反应
Ⅰ、Na2O2与SO3(g)的反应类似于Na2O2与CO2(g)的反应,请写出Na2O2与SO3反应的化学方程式: 。
(1)图中各装置接口连接顺序是(填各接口的编号,其中连接胶管及夹持装置均省略,): → → →⑥ → ⑦ → → →
(2)装置C中放入的反应物是 和 (填化学式)。 (3)装置B的作用是 。
(4)为了较准确测量氧气的体积,除了必须检查整个装置的气密性之外,在读反应前后甲管中液面的读数求其差值的过程中,应注意__ (填字母编号)。 a.视线与凹液面最低处相平
c.读数时应上下移动乙管,使甲乙两管液面相平 d.读数时不一定使甲乙两管液面相平
(5)实验测得收集的氧气在标准状况下体积为V L,则参与反应的Na2O2 的物质的量为 mol。
(2)废旧电池残留有单质锂,拆解时需隔绝空气,是因为锂易与空气中的___________反应。 (3)碱浸时反应的离子方程式为____________________________________。
33. (16分)某研究小组在实验室中用铜粉(含铁粉5%以上)制取胆矾(CuSO4 .5H2O)并检验其
(1) 在答题卡上补充完成制取胆矾的实验方案。
(3) 若胆矾中含有少量
的质量分数为_____ ___ (列出算式。化学式量:
:250 BaSO4:
① 2Na2O2+2H2O=4Na++4OH-+O2 ② Cu2O+2H+=Cu+Cu2++ H2O
③ AlO2-+ CO2+ 2H2O = Al(OH)3
3- ④ Ca2++2ClO-+CO2+ H2O=CaCO3 ⑤ 2Fe2++ H2O2+2H+=2 Fe3++ 2H2O ⑥ HCO3- +OH-+Ba2+= Ba CO3↓+ H2O ⑦ S2O32-+2H+=S↓+SO2↑+ H2O
⑧ Mg2++2HCO3-+4OH-
=Mg(OH) +2CO32-+2H2O 31、(共16分) Ⅰ、2SO3+2Na2O2=2Na2SO4+O2(2分) Ⅱ、(1)⑤③④⑥⑦②①⑧(3分)
(2) CaCO3;HCl (4分)
(3) 吸收CO2中混有的HCl (2分) (4) abc (3分) (5) V/11.2 (2分) 32、
(1)Al(OH)3和CoSO4 3分 (2)水蒸汽和氧气 3分
(3)2Al+2OH+2H2O= 2AlO2+3H2↑ 3分
(4)2LiCoO2+H2O2+3H2SO4==Li2SO4+2CoSO4+O2↑+4H2O 3分 有氯气生成,污染较大 2分 (5)趁热过滤 2分