
| 留学生招聘 |





  1.I am puzzled(puzzle)by his failure to reply that he hasn't replied to my letter.

  2.It was said that this was the only copy of the book in existence(exist).

  3.As we all know,a bad eating habit is harmful(harm) to one's health.

  4.Unlike(like)what he said,he didn't carry out his promise.

  5.As the old saying goes,it is easier to_pull(pull) down than to build up.

  6.Give Mary a call;she needs cheering up.

  7.I was warned to watch out for the terrifying dog.

  8.Last night a fire broke out in the hotel across the street.

  9.Last night,Mrs.Green had a heart attack.But luckily,the doctor came in time to save her life.

  10.Class Three should be responsible for raising the red flag this week in its turn.



  These days,breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon,causing_serious_harm_to_life_and_the_environment.


  There_existed_huge_animals_on the earth a long time ago.


  The_puzzled_look_on_her_face suggested she didn't understand what I said.


  He is believed to arrive in_time.


  They made_it_clear_to_the_public_that they did an important and necessary job.


  The International Children's Wildlife Photography Competition is organized every year by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Foundation for Global Peace and Environment.It has been held since 1991 and has received more than 3 million entries from children in over 100 countries.It is open to photographers from any country in the world.

  Theme:“Wildlife And Environment”

  After the competition,the photos will be used to raise environmental awareness through exhibition,websites,posters,publications etc.and to raise funds to further promote environmental activities by children.

  Eligibility(资格):Children between the ages of 6 and 14 can enter the competition.Only the hard copies of photos will be accepted.The full name,age,and full address including phone number and e­mail must be on the back of the photos.



  Limit:There is no limitation of how many photos one can submit (提交).

   Entry Fee:£10

  Prizes:Cash prize of £5,000 for the champion

  The winning photographs will be included in a touring exhibition across the UK and an excellent coffee table book,published by AA Publishing.During September 2016 the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in London.

  Image requirements:

  The photos should be no more than 1024 pixels(像素)along the longest side.All those on the shortlist will be contacted and will then have about 12 days to supply a high­resolution (高分辨率的) file.

  Photos of family pets and farm animals are not eligible,nor are wildlife photographs published in newspapers and magazines.



  Copyright(版权): Note that by entering the competition,you have given the copyright of your photograph(s) to the organizers.The photograph(s) will not be returned.

  【答案速查】 1-4 ACBC



  1.Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself reminded(remind)of his own dreams.

  2.Forgive me for having_taken(take)up so much of your time and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness.

  3.We apologize(apologize)for the late departure of this flight.

  4.Many people around the world admire China for its great contributions to the world peace.

  5.I have great admiration(admire)for her as a writer.

  6.They were told that the meeting was_taken(take)place in the lawyers' office.

  7.If you want to catch that train you'd better set off/out for the station immediately.

  8.Jane's sister played a trick on her—she put orange juice in her shampoo bottle!

  9.On the square,some people lit candles in memory of those who died in the earthquake.

  10.We look forward to meeting(meet)each other again.



  I don't agree with her,but I admire_her_for sticking to her principles.


  You must apologize/make_an_apology_to_your_teacher_for being so rude.


  After getting the work done,we put up a board reminding_people_to_protect_the_trees.


  It_is_obvious_that a good learning habit can help us a lot.


  People can admire the moon while_they_eat_moon_cakes.


  “The journey of a thousand miles begins and ends with one step”—Lao Tzu.This is a quote I picked up a few years ago and it is one of my mottos.

  I was a(n) __1__ writer.I had a blog on my coaching website,but I __2__ updated it,so I had few readers.Then in 2012,I __3__ a new project called The Quotable Coach.Since then,I've sent out five __4__ quotes with reflections and exercises every single week,and I now have 1,200 __5__ having signed up to get these straight to their email in box.Each quote is 100—200 words long,__6__I'm writing 500—1,000 words per week.That might not sound __7__ impressive but this small,consistent effort over the course of two years has given me a huge __8__ with an archive(存档)of over 500 quotes,and a book of 365 of the __9__ quotes that's now available on Amazon.Three years ago,I couldn't __10__writing a whole book.But today,I'm a published author.__11__ you too want to write a book and you never __12__ writing 200 words per day will give you over 72,000 words after a year.That's a(n) __13__ novel.It does take a lot of time to achieve a __14__ result but a “little and often” approach will get you there sooner than you might __15__.

  If you're unwilling to spend that amount of time,then here's a prospect (远景) to __16__: time marches on whether we want it to or not,and you will get nowhere.In fact,you've __17__ had dreams to do something for years.If you've made no progress in the __18__ years,it is because you keep waiting for the right __19__ to take big action,which hasn't ever come about.So perhaps it's time to take the small,daily __20__ that will help you get to your goal.

  【答案速查】 1-5 ADACB 6-10 DCADB

  11-15 CBDCB 16-20 ACBDA

  【语篇解读】 千里之行,始于足下。我们不要等待好时机出现,这样会浪费时间。作者劝我们每天采取一点儿行动,向既定目标迈开步伐。即使步伐不大,它也能使我们实现我们的目标。

  1.A.unknown       B.good

  C.free D.normal

  【解析】 根据后文可知作者在他自己的网站上有网络日志。再根据“so I had few readers”可知,作者很少更新他的博客,因此他博客的读者很少,由此也可知他是位没有名气的作家。

  【答案】 A

  【规律技巧】 利用首句关键信息解题


  2.A.usually B.often

  C.always D.seldom

  【解析】 seldom(很少),符合上下文。

  【答案】 D

  3.A.started B.showed

  C.supposed D.planned

  【解析】 根据后文“a new project called The Quotable Coach”可知,作者开始了一个新的项目,称为“可引用的辅导”。

  【答案】 A

  4.A.unique B.simple

  C.new D.common

  【解析】 他每周在他的网站上登载出五个新的格言,即不重复旧的,用此来吸引读者。

  【答案】 C

  5.A.fans B.readers

  C.partners D.supporters

  【解析】 作者的网站上现在有1,200个注册了的读者。

  【答案】 B

  6.A.then B.if

  C.but D.so

  【解析】 根据前文“Each quote is 100-200 words long”可知,每个格言100至200词,所以作者每周写了500至1000个词。这个结果是推算出来的。

  【答案】 D

  7.A.perfectly B.completely

  C.especially D.generally

  【解析】 根据后文“but this small,consistent effort...”可知,作者说他所做的听起来不是特别令人印象深刻。

  【答案】 C

  8.A.website B.business

  C.question D.chance

  【解析】 根据前文“I had a blog on my coaching website”可知,作者在两年时间内他的微薄的不断坚持的努力就给他造就了一个大网站。

  【答案】 A

  9.A.shortest B.longest

  C.biggest D.best

  【解析】 作者网站的文档里有500多个格言,他的一本书就选了其中最好的365个格言。

  【答案】 D

  10.A.forget B.imagine

  C.ignore D.avoid

  【解析】 前文提到以前作者很少更新他网上的博客。由此可见在三年前,动手写书是他不可想象的事情。

  【答案】 B

  11.A.Though B.Since

  C.If D.Because

  【解析】 根据后文“writing 200 words per day...”可知,作者此处说“如果你也想写书,你需要坚持”。

  【答案】 C

  12.A.leave out B.give up

  C.hold on D.take off

  【解析】 决不放弃,每天写200个词。

  【答案】 B

  13.A.favorite B.interesting

  C.famous D.whole

  【解析】 根据前文“over 72,000 words after a year”可知,这么多词就构成了一整本小说。

  【答案】 D

  14.A.right B.funny

  C.powerful D.clear

  【解析】 取得一个巨大的结果的确需要许多时间。但是一点一点而持之以恒的办法比你想的要快得多。这里作者是告诫我们不要轻视他说的这个办法。

  【答案】 C

  15.A.guess B.think

  C.care D.notice

  【解析】 见上题解析

  【答案】 B

  16.A.see B.measure

  C.ask D.recall

  【解析】 如果你不愿意花那么多时间去实现你的目标,有个远景你会看到:时间不在乎你的意志,它前进,而你将一事无成。

  【答案】 A

  17.A.exactly B.partly

  C.probably D.hardly

  【解析】 事实上你这些年很可能有干点什么的理想。

  【答案】 C

  18.A.future B.past

  C.later D.final

  【解析】 根据前文“...for years.If you've made no progress in the...”以及后文可知,作者说在过去那些年你没有取得进步。

  【答案】 B

  19.A.theory B.ability

  C.effort D.moment

  【解析】 原因是你在等待合适的时机去采取巨大的行动。然而这样的时机没有出现,从而耽误了你。

  【答案】 D

  20.A.step B.thing

  C.route D.advice

  【解析】 作者劝我们每天采取一点儿行动,向既定目标迈开步伐,即使步伐不大,它也能使我们实现我们的目标。

  【答案】 A


  假设你所在学校举办英语周活动,你的班级要办一期以Family Life为主题的英语板报。请你用英语写一篇短文,记叙发生在你与父母之间的一件难忘的事,与同学分享。要求:词数100左右。








  I have been living in school since I entered senior high.Last week,I gave my mother a call.I could tell by her voice that she was ill.Worried about her too much,I promised to go home as soon as I had time.When I got home last Saturday,I found several dishes had been laid on the table,all of which were my favorites.My mother had prepared the meal for a whole morning even when she was ill.I was so moved that I couldn't hold back my tears.

  It was only a small thing in my life,but it showed Mother's love.I appreciate her and I will do my best to repay the love.




  1.The company is developing a new product in combination (combine)with several research centers.

  2.Before making the final decision,you'd better balance (balance) the advantages against the disadvantages.

  3.We can work wonders if we unite as a family,caring for each other and helping those in need.Unity is strength (strong).

  4.Having_benefited(benefit)from the teacher's help,Li Ping has made great progress in his English study.

  5.How will you use the limited(limit)time you have?

  6.Since Jenny stopped cycling to work,she has put on weight.

  7.The doctor told Bob his heart was in poor condition and that he must cut down on alcohol and smoking.

  8.Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it.

  9.He worked hard to win back his boss's trust and respect.

  10.He was sent to_spy(spy)on the enemy,but unfortunately he was caught.



  While she was riding a bike,she lost_her_balance and fell down.


  There is_a_limit_to one's life,but no_limit_to serving the people.


  It is said that yoga is_of_great_benefit_to/is_very_beneficial_to_human health.


  He was lucky to_get_away_with a fine.


  Mr.Stevenson is great to work for—I really_couldn't_find_a_better_boss.




  Call Ahead to Schedule an Appointment

  Call 541­346­2770 to make an appointment.Students may make an appointment in person,but walk­ins (无预订者) are not guaranteed a same­day appointment.A nurse is always available to answer any questions or concerns.Click here for directions and parking information.

  Cancel an Appointment

  Please call 541­346­2770 at least 2 hours before your scheduled check­in time to cancel an appointment.Students who miss or fail to cancel their appointment within 2 hours of check­in will be charged a non­refundable No Show Fee ($20-$30 depending on the type of appointment).

  Services Offered

  Our board­certified physicians,nurse practitioners and dentists are prepared to address general medical care needs including illness and injuries,preventive exams,sexual health concerns,dental exams,and specialty care.Click here for a comprehensive list of our services.

  A Healthcare Facility for Students

  The University Health Center is funded primarily by student fees.We serve only students currently enrolled (在读) at the University of Oregon.

  Sick Notes/Medical Excuses

  The Health Center does not provide excuses for students who miss class due to illness or injury.Students are advised to notify their faculty that they are unable to attend class.Click here for more information.

  Health Center Calendar

  ●Apr.18 10:00 AMCPR and First Aid Class

  ●May 2 10:00 AMCPR and First Aid Class

  ●May 16 10:00 AMCPR and First Aid Class 10-5


  ●Phone: 541­346­2770 Fax: 541­346­2747

  ●Location: 1590 E.13th Ave.

  ●Emergency? Call 9­1­1


  ●Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

  ●Saturday 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

  【答案速查】 1-3 CACB

  【语篇解读】 本文主要对俄勒冈大学健康中心的职能作了介绍。

  1.If you can't make it to meet the doctor tomorrow as appointed,you should ________.

  A.let somebody else keep the appointment for you

  B.visit the health center anytime when it is convenient

  C.call to cancel the appointment in advance as early as possible

  D.go to the health center after the doctor's work ends

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据“Cancel an Appointment”中的说明“Please call 541­346­2770 at least 2 hours before your scheduled check­in time to cancel an appointment.”可知,取消预约须至少提前两小时,因此如果明天不能按约定时间去,应尽早打电话取消预约。

  【答案】 C

  2.The health center can help you when you have ________.

  A.a toothache

  B.serious cancer

  C.heart diseases

  D.mental health problems

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据“Services Offered”中的说明“Our board­certified physicians,nurse practitioners and dentists are prepared to address general medical care needs”可知,该健康中心会有牙医,因此牙痛可以前往就医。其他选项的病症不在健康中心的服务范围内。

  【答案】 A

  3.Who can enjoy the service of the health center?

  A.Both teachers and students from the University of Oregon.

  B.Students who have already graduated from the University of Oregon.

  C.Only students who are studying in the University of Oregon now.

  D.Any person who feels sick when he is in the University of Oregon.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据“A Healthcare Facility for Students”中的说明“We serve only students currently enrolled (在读) at the University of Oregon.”可知,该健康中心只服务于俄勒冈大学的在校学生。

  【答案】 C

  4.When can you visit the health center?

  A.At 18:00 on Monday,September 14.

  B.At 9:40 on Thursday,September 24.

  C.At 8:30 on Saturday,September 19.

  D.At 12:00 on Sunday,September 20.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据“Hours”中时间的说明可知,该中心周一至周五上午九点至下午五点和周六上午十点至下午两点营业。根据文章顶部的说明“THE HEALTH CENTER WILL OPEN AT 9:45 A.M.ON THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 17,2016.”可知,该中心九月十七日才开业,所以只有九月二十四日(周四)上午九点四十的时间符合营业时间。

  【答案】 B



  Things successful people do before sleep

  Read.Reading is the very last thing that most successful people do before going to sleep.__5__ Many successful people find value in being browsers (浏览者)of information from a variety of sources,believing it helps fuel greater creativity and passion in their lives.

  Reflect on the day.__6__They think of three things they are appreciative of that happened that day.Keeping a gratitude diary also reminds people of the progress they made that day in any aspect of their life,which in turn serves as a key way to stay motivated.

  Disconnect from work.__7__They don't always check their email,and they try not to think of work­related issues.Give yourself a buffer period (缓冲时间) between the time you read your last email and the time you go to bed.The idea is to get your head out of work before you lie down to go to sleep.

  Plan out sleep.__8__One habit many successful people have is to get enough sleep first—which can be a challenge for workaholics (工作狂) or businessmen.One way to do that is to go to bed at a consistent time each evening.

  Picture tomorrow's success.Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to imagine a positive outcome unfolding for the projects they're working on.__9__For most,this is not a task or exercise; it is the confidence that comes naturally.

  A.Truly successful people do anything but work right before bed.

  B.Remember to take some time to reflect on the positive moments.

  C.They look forward to the future.

  D.It's a great way to relax your body and quiet your mind.

  E.Successful people spare time just before bed for reading.

  F.Many successful people take the time just before bed to look back.

  G.Much has been written about the dangers facing those busy people who always lack sleep.

  【答案速查】 1-5 EFAGC

  【语篇解读】 本文从成功人士的角度介绍了睡前可做的事情。

  1.E 根据该空上下文可知,成功人士会在睡前抽出时间来阅读。

  2.F 根据上文“Reflect on the day.”及下文“They think of three things they are appreciative of that happened that day.”可知,很多成功人士会在睡前回想当天发生的事。

  【规律技巧】 利用代词线索解题

  英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。例如6、7题空后均出现了代词they;选项中A、E中都含有名词successful people;和原文中比对后,很自然的选出答案。

  3.A 根据下文“They don't always check their email,and they try not to think of work­related issues.Give yourself a buffer period (缓冲时间) between the time you read your last email and the time you go to bed.”可知,他们不会一直检查邮箱,不会思考和工作有关的问题。在回复完最后一封邮件之后,上床之前,给自己留出一定的缓冲时间。由此可知,真正的成功人士临近睡觉之前绝不会工作。

  4.G 根据下文“One habit many successful people have is to get enough sleep first—which can be a challenge for workaholics (工作狂) or businessmen.”可推知,很多文章都讲了因为工作繁忙而总缺少睡眠的危险。

  5.C 根据上文“Picture tomorrow's success.Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to imagine a positive outcome unfolding for the projects they're working on.”可知,很多成功人士睡前会花几分钟想象一下自己正在做的项目取得成功的画面,即他们展望未来。








  Dear Sir,

  After carefully consideration and investigation,I think your college is an ideal place for my college education,which I want to major in English literature.I'm interested in English literature owing to its long history and long list of world­famous writer.I'm sure I can get along well with them because English is my most favorite subject in high school,which will be helpful to my further study in college.As for my hobbies,I'm keen basketball fan and I played a lot of it at school.In addition,I'm crazy with rock music and my dream was to found a rock group.I hope my dream will come true in college.

  I'm looking forward to receive your early reply.


  Li Hua


  Dear Sir,

  After consideration and investigation,I think your college is an ideal place for my college education, I want to major in English literature.I'm interested in English literature owing to its long history and long list of world­famous .I'm sure I can get along well with because English is my favorite subject in high school,which will be helpful to my further study in college.As for my hobbies,I'm keen basketball fan and I a lot of it at school.In addition,I'm crazy rock music and my dream to found a rock group.I hope my dream will come true in college.

  I'm looking forward to your early reply.


  Li Hua


