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冷集三中 杨定富


(一)是抓住课本,有效复习。教材和教学大纲是考前复习和考试命题的依据。 (二)是系统归纳,分清脉络。 (三)是专项练习,有的放矢。



七年级新教材的突出特点是词汇量大,词汇是英语学习的基础,不熟练掌握单词,英语的学习将从我说起。因此要想方设法的搞好词汇的复习,把单词进行归类使学生容易掌握。 2、关于语法知识的复习

考试前需要复习的语法知识有:一般现在时、名词的复数形式、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句等。计划对语法知识进行全面的总结,并配合大量练习,大范围的让学生达到懂语法并且会用语法。由此,减少或解除学生心中模糊的知识。复习语法时,要注重引导学生记住结构,能灵活运用到实际生活中去,运用学过的语法写句子,写简单的文章。 3.习题的设置:







有关课本的知识的要求,应该分层次进行。因为基础知识内容过多,要求所有同学全部掌握是不可能的。因此要进行分层次教学。 练习过程中采取逐步引导,渗透作题技巧,要注意培养学生的分析问题能力、解决问题能力。查缺补漏。 复习时要强调针对性和有效性。不搞题海战术,把各种针对性比较强的综合训练作为检查存在不足的工具,重点突破那些平时没有熟练掌握的内容。





1.有部分学生的基础较差,学习成绩较低 2.学生的解题方法与技巧掌握的不够好. 3.优生人数较少..


5.七<7>班的女生学习成绩较高,男生成绩较低. 6.少部分学生已经对英语的学习失去了兴趣与信心. 7.大部分学生的书写较好



2复习教习用语,26个字母,5个元音字母和字母的共同因素。 第二部分(2-3课时):1复习1-4单元的单词和词组。 2复习名字的英语表达(First name last name full name ) 3复习电话号码,数字0-9

4复习this that,学会办公和生活用品的英语表达。 5复习家庭成员单词。 6复习方位词组。

第三部分(2-3课时):1复习5-8单元单词和词组。 2复习球类单词 3复习水果词组。

4复习how much 句型,熟练运动询问价格以及表达。 5复习12个月份和序数词1-31、


2复习电影类型,学会句型, do you like …..? does he/she like….? 3复习乐器的种类,使用can的句型. 4 复习时间的表达方法,

5复习几种学科.自己喜欢的学科和老师,并能简单的说出原因. 第五部分(2课时):本册书中语法和关键句的总提要,并适当举例. 第六部分(1课时):考前听力模拟测试,并指导学生的应试策略和心理辅导.



2014—2015学年上学期七年级英语上册期末复习计划 教师:Justine





为了提高学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生们能积极地配合老师进行复习,争取期末考试成有大的提高。根据学生的学习情况,以及与同年级教师研讨期末出卷的特点后, 特制定以下计划:

我准备用7节课对后半部分(Units6-9)的内容进行整理。梳理各个单元语言点;用7节课来讲评单元试题;用7节课来评讲本书前半部分(StarterUnits 1-3和正式篇Units1-5);对他们的错处进行认真评讲,最后注意进行考试技巧的指导,然后进行一次模拟测试(去年的期末考卷),让学生熟悉考试题型。




3、狠抓学生Grammar Focus 结构和单词的记忆,每天不定时抽查。只有这样,学生的单词关才能把握。会说不会写的弊病才可以得到解决。背诵部分所学过课文的对话和短文,对语法点与知识点巩固和落实。提炼知识点突出重点与难点,抓住主干,就重点强化。









12月 24日:处理习题

12月 25日:starter unit1-3复习,讲解习题

12月 26日:unit1复习,讲解试卷

12月 27日:unit2复习,讲解试卷

12月 30日:unit3复习,讲解试卷

12月 31日:unit4复习,讲解试卷

1月 6日:unit5复习,讲解试卷

1月 7日:unit6复习,讲解试卷

1月 8日:unit7复习,讲解试卷

1月 9日:unit8复习,讲解试卷

1月 10日:unit9复习,讲解试卷

1月 13日:综合复习

1月 14日:机动复习






1复习1-5模块的单词、词组和句型。 2复习名字的英语表达(first name, given name, family name, last name, full name )

3复习电话号码、班级、年级、座位号;数字0-9 及基数词1-999

4复习this, that,these,those, 学会办公和学习生活用品的英语表达。 复习how many; there be; have/has got. 5复习家庭成员单词并会描述家谱。 6复习食品、饮料等词汇。 7复习方位词组。


1复习6-10模块单元单词、词组和句型。 2复习建议、请求句式。 3复习球类、学科、乐器、动物、大洲、电脑等的词汇

4复习how much 句型,熟练地询问价格以及表达。


6 复习疑问句


1复习1-10模块全部词汇和短语。 2复习常用句型, 如Do you like …..? Does he/she like…? Have you got…? Is there any …? 3复习12个月份和序数词1-31,四季及星期名称。

4复习句子种类及动词的种类. 5复习时态


1自由复习本册书中词汇、句型、语法和功能话题,教师答疑。 2 基础语法测试


第六部分(5课时): 自由复习,浏览考卷及复习练习测试题,进一步做好查漏补缺,信心十足迎接期末。
















有关课本的知识的要求,应该分层次进行。因为基础知识内容过多,要求所有同学全部掌握是不可能的。因此要进行分层次教学。练习过程中采取逐步引导,渗透作题技巧,要注意培养学生的分析问题能力、解决问题能力。及时查缺补漏。 复习时要强调针对性和有效性。不搞题海战术,把各种针对性比较强的综合训练作为检查存在不足的工具,重点突破那些平时没有熟练掌握的内容。







新课标七年级上册共12个单元。全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。


A. Talking Topic

1.Good morning .

2.What’s this in English?

3. What color is it?

4. My name’s Gina . 敏

5.Is this your pencil?

6.This is my sister.

7.Wherre is my backpack?

8.Do you have a soccer ball?

9.Do you like bananas?

1o.How much are these pants?

B. Structures:

1. Letter A—H and pronunciation of letter A – H.

2. Letter I—R ; pronunciation of letter A, E, I, O; What question.

3. Letter S – Z ; pronunciation of letter A, E.I.O,U; Review of the alphabet.

4. Present tense to be ; What question; possessive adjectives my, your; his, her.

5. Demonstratives this, that; What question; Yes/No questions and short answers; How do you spell pen? P-E-N.

6. Demonstratives this, that, these, those; Present progressive tense; How questions ; Plural nouns.

7. Where questions; Yes/No questions and short answers; Prepositions on, in, under; Subject pronoun they.

8. Ask and answer questions about ownership; Make suggestions.

9. Present tense to like; Yes/No questions and short answers; Affirmative and negative statements.

10. How much questions; Demonstratives this , that, these, those;

C. Ability Objects Train students’ listening , speaking, reading and writing skills Train students’ communicative. Train students’ communicative sompetence

D. English sounds.


1. Present tense to

be ;What question; possessive adjectives my, your; his, her.

2. Demonstratives this, that; What question; Yes/No questions and short answers; How do you spell pen? P-E-N.

3. Present progressive tense; How questions ; Plural nouns.

4. Where questions; Prepositions on, in, under; Subject pronoun they.

5. Ask and answer questions about ownership; Make suggestions.

6. How much questions









第4周:Unit 1 第5周:Unit 2 第6周:Unit 3

第7周:Unit 4 My name’s Gina

第8周:Unit 4-5 第9周: Unit 5 Is this your pencil?

第10周:Unit 5-6 第11周:Unit 6 This is my sister 期中考试

第12周:Unit 7 Where is my backpack?

第13周:Uint7―Unit 8

第14周:Unit 8 Do you have a soccer ball?

第15周:Unit 9 Do you like bananas?

第16周:Unit 9 -10 第17周 Unit 10 How much are these pants?

第18―21周 复习迎接期末考试

阅读(1) 评论(0) 分类:默认分类 发表于12:32


作者:loveyourlife 2010-08-27 10:23 星期五 晴


本学期的总的指导思想就是英语课程标准规定的基础教育阶段英语课程的任务:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力; 培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想像能力和创新精神;帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。




《新目标英语》七年级(上册),全书共有十二个单元,两个复习单元。本教材各单元话题灵活,贴近生活实际。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目和语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A和B两部分。A部分是基础,B部分是扩展和综合,Self check可用来自助我检测。本册教材将要学习的一些语法知识点有:be动词和实义动词的一般现在时,情态动词can的用法等。
















第四周—第五周:Unit 1-Unit 2 阶段性检测

第六周—第七周Unit 3-Unit 4 阶段性检测

第八周—第九周Unit5-Unit 6 阶段性检测

第十周Review Unit 1-Unit 6 复习迎接期中考试

第十一周—第十二周Unit 7-Unit 8 阶段性检测

第十三周—第十四周Unit 9-unit 10 阶段性检测

第十五周—第十六周Unit 11-Unit 12 阶段性检测

第十七周—第十八周Review Unit 7-Unit 12 复习迎接期末考试


1、 英语书法比赛。英语手抄报比赛。

2、 听歌学英语

3、 英语听力比赛。

4、 英语智力竞赛,单词接龙,谜语竞猜。

5、 作文竞赛和翻译竞赛

6、 圣诞节派对。了解西方文化

7、 七年级英语奥林匹克竞赛

8、 英文读书笔记展活动

9、 制作英文书签和节日贺卡。


转载自网络的 2010年秋 教学计划 七年级上 人教新目标版








一. 代词 (pron.)



人称代词我你 / 你们他她它我们他们



物主代词我的你的/ 你们的他的她的它的我们的他们的


(一) 翻译成英语:

1.我是&shy;&shy;&shy;&shy;&shy;_______________ 2.我父母&shy;&shy;&shy;&shy;&shy;________________ 3.你可以______________

4.你的电话号码______________5. 谢谢你_____________6. 他有________________

7.他的姓氏_____________ 8. 听他说_____________ 9. 她喜欢它。____________

10.她全家照______________ 11.帮助她____________ 12. 它吃________________

13.它名字______________14.看见它____________ 15.我们想要____________

16.我们最喜爱的水果_____________________ 17.加入我们_________

18. 他们唱歌___________ 19.他们旧电脑_______________20.画出它们__________

(二) 选词填空: 1. What’s ________ name? (you / your ) _________ name is Bob. ( My / I / me) 2. _________ erasers are in ________drawer. (her / she / Her / She)

3. Can ________(you / your ) do _______ (you / your ) homework?

4. ___________ is a cat. ________ name is Mimi. ( it / its / It / Its )

5. _________ brother can speak Japanese. (He’s / His / He )

6. Please take _________ keys to school. __________ are on the table.

( they / their / them / They / Their / Them )

7. __________ is thirteen years old. __________ birthday is March 1st.

(He / His / Him)

8. __________ favorite vegetable is tomato. (her / she / Her / She)

9. Can you help ______ ?( we / us / our) Please take ______ to school. (

they / their / them)

10. _________ can’t see _________baseball. It’s behind _________.( My / I

/ me / my )


1. A: What’s this / that ?

B: _________ is a dresser.

A: How do you spell _________ , please ?

B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R.

2. A: What are these / those ?

B: _________ are tomatoes.

3. A: Does Cindy like salad?

B: No, _________doesn’t.

4. A: How much are his shoes?

B: _________ are 100 dollars.

5. A: Is Alan your friend?

B: Yes, _________ is.

6. A: Do you have a soccer ball?

B: Yes, _________ do.

7. A: Who is that girl?

B: _________ is Jack’s sister.’

8. This is David and this is Tim. _________ are our friends. We often help

_________ .

9. Those are strawberries. Sally likes _________.

10. The pants are nice. I’ll take _________.

二. 名词的格:

(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:

a) 单数后加 ’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt

b) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ’如: his friends’ bags

c) 不以s 结尾的复数后加 ’s children’s shoes

l 并列名词中,如果把 ’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如:

Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车

l 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s

Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车

(2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如:

a picture of the classroom a map of China


1. 汤姆的背包________________ 2. 我朋友的生日聚会__________________

3. 他们父母亲的房间____________

4. 露西和莉莉家的书橱_________________________

5. 一张吉姆家的全家照___________________

6. 一幅中国地图_______________ 7.一本英语字典_________________________


1. 种类:(1)不定冠词:a / an a unit / an uncle

元音开头的可数名词前用an :

an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an

alarm clock /

an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example /

an opera / an hour

an old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie /

an art lesson /

(2)定冠词:the the egg the plane

2. 用法:


(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk.

(2)复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new.

(3)谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school.

(4)在序数词前: John’s birthday is February the second.

(5)用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening


(1)专有名词前:China is a big country.

(2)名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等:

This is my baseball.

(3)复数名词表示一类人和事:Monkeys can’t swim. They are teachers.

(4)在节日,日期,月份,季节前:Today is Christmas Day. It’s Sunday.

(5)一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30.

(6)球类 棋类运动前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home. * 但乐器前要用定冠词:I play the guitar very well.

(7)学科名称前:My favorite subject is music.

(8)在称呼或头衔的名词前:This is Mr Li.

(9)固定词组中:at noon at night by bus


一.填空:(在有必要的地方填上冠词,不填的划 “/ ”)

1. What’s this? It’s _____ clock.

2. What’s that? It’s _____ alarm clock.

3. What is it? It’s _____ w.

4. What color is the jacket? It’s _____ orange. It’s _____ orange jacket. 5. Jim’s mother is _____ Mrs Green. She is _____ teacher. 6. Those pens are in _____ pencil case.

7. Here’s _____ interesting family photo.

8. When does Lily go to _____ bed in _____ evening?

9. _____ “h”, _____ “o” and _____ “w” are in the word “how”.

10. Where is _____ bag? It’s under _____ table.

11. I often go to _____ school at _____ 7:00.

12. Take _____ things to _____ your brother.

13. Do you want to see _____ action movie? No, I want to play _____


14. When’s his sister’s birthday? It’s _____ April _____ eleventh.

15. Does Bill like _____hamburgers? No, he doesn’t.

16. A: Let’s play _____ soccer. B: I don’t have _____ soccer ball.

A: Well, let’s play _____ drums. B: That sounds good.

17. Do you have _____ Art Festival at your school? Yes, we do.

18. When do people usually eat _____ breakfast? They usually eat _____ it in _____ evening.

19. Rick often goes to see _____ Beijing Opera _____ weekends.

20. Can Tom play _____ piano? Yes, he can.Can he play _____ it well? No, he can’t.



1、Be 动词的一般现在时

Be动词要根据句中主语的人称和数而变化。它有三种形式:am, is , are

am跟在I后面, is 跟单数主语,are跟复数主语及单数You后面。如: I am a teacher. My brother is at school. Lucy and Lily are in Class One,

Grade Two.

You are a good boy.

2、 实义动词的一般现在时

一个动作经常反复地发生,就用一般现在时。第三人称单数(he, she , it, Tom等)作主语,谓语动词要加 ″s″ 或


They get up at six o’clock.

He goes to school at seven- thirty .


1)一般情况下加s get—gets like---likes

2)以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es: watch---watches go---goes do---does

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i,加es carry---carries

特殊: have---has, dictionary , strawberry , tomato , photo , documentary,

comedy. Beinjing Opera 和 broccoli没有复数形式.注意unit 7中的复数名词的用法,a pair of



情态动词(can, may, must )后动词用原形。如:

I can play the guitar. He can play the violin. 注意:play chess中间不加the


1、let后用动词原形 Let’s play soccer.

2、like及介词后动词用ing形式, 如:be good at swimming, help kids with singing, like playing basketball, What about playing tennis?

3、want加 to 再加原形

4、help +人+动词原形 help+人+with sth /doing sth.

5、Like/love to +动词原形 ;like/love +动词ing ; like/love + sth(直接跟名词). Exercises:


1. I _________ (know) the boy.

2. They __________(go) to work on Saturdays.

3. He usually _____________(come) to school early.

4. I often _____________(have) rice, meat and vegetables.

5. My grandfather _____________(play) sports in the park.

6. Miss Li ____________(teach) English in our school.

7. The students of Class Four ___________(sing) a song on Monday.

8. Alicia and Jerry ______________ (do) homework after school.

9. We _____________(take) a shower in the evening.

10. Her sister ____________(have) Chinese every day.

11.__________ you __________( have) a soccer ball﹖

12. Mary _______________ (not come) from America.

She ___________(come) from Britain.

13. I ____________ ( not ,like) playing computer games.

14.______________Tom and his brother _____________(study) in Beijing?

15. __________ Your brother ___________(have) a son?

三 动词填空。

1、Who helps you ____________(look) after your daughter at home?

2、The child is good at ____________(play) chess.

3、What about ______________(go) to the shop?

5 Bob likes ______________(watch) TV.

6 Can you help kids with _____________(swim)?

7 Let’s _____________( sing) an English song.

8 I want ____________(join) the soccer club.

10 John often helps his mother___________(do) the housework.

11 . Who ______________ ( teach ) English in your school ?

12 . May I _____________(know) your address?

13 . ___________(be) you twelve?

15 . Her mother is good at _____________ ( make ) cakes .

17 .Who _________(be) your English teacher?.

18 . My father ___________ ( go ) to bed at 10:00 every evening .

21. __________your mother _________(have) a baseball bat?

22._________Jim and Tom _________(like) hamburgers? 23. What kind of movies ________your grandfather ___________(want) to see? 24. Where _______(be) the two volleyballs? 25. That _____ (be ) is his family photo.

27. He can ____________(do) Chinese Kung fu.

28. What time _________Mr. Brown ___________(take) a shower?

29. Mrs Jones ___________(watch) TV on weekends.

30. __________(be) your sisters in the bedroom?


Ⅰ 句型结构

1、肯定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+„ I am Lynn.

主语+can+动词原形+„ She can play the trumpet.

动词原形 I like to listen to music. 主语+ +其他„

动词第三人称单形式 She likes to play the guitar very much.

2、否定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+„ I am not 14.

主语+can’t+动词原形+„ They can’t swim.

主语+don’t(doesn’t)+动词原形+„ My sister doesn’t play sports.

3、一般问句〈1〉be(am/is/are)+主语+„? Are you Lin?

Yes,+主语+ be No,+主语+be not.

〈2〉Can+主语+动词原形+„? Can you paint?

Yes,主语+can No,主语+can’t




1. 重点句型.

1. ----How are you ?

---- I’m fine, thank you. \ thanks. How are you? \ And you?

-----I’m OK, thank you.\ thanks.----- Fine, thank you.\thanks.

2. -----What’s this \ that in English? ----- It’s a\ an …

3. ----What this \ that? ------It’s a \an…

4.Spell it, please.=How do you spell it please?

5.. --- What color is it? ---- It’s + 表示颜色的单词


1.HB 2. CD 3. BBC 4. NBA 5.CCTV 6. UFO 7. UN

8.P 9. S、M、L 10. USA 11.kg

Unit 1

1. 重点词短语

1.first name = given name 2. last name = family name

3. phone number = telephone number 4. ID card 5. school ID card

2. 重点句型.

1. ----What’s your name? -----My name’s +名字./ I’m +名字 ./ 直接回答名字.

2.----What’s her name? 3. ------What’s his name?

-----Her name’s… -----His name’s…

4. --What’s your telephone number? ----It’s + 电话号码.\ My telephone number is + 号码

5.---What’s her\ his telephone number? ----Her \His telephone number is+号码

6.---Nice to meet you! -----Nice to meet you, too.


1.中英姓名的用法与区别:中国人,姓在前名在后。英美国家则相反,名在前姓在后。所以名是 first name=given name,姓family name= last name.(Jim Green)(Li Xiao hong)

2. be 动词用法口决:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他她它 (he\she\it),单数主语用(is),复数主语全用(are).

3.人称代词及用法. (请写出)

人称 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

第一人称 I (我) me(我) my(我的)

第二人称 you(你) you(你) your(你的)

第三人称 he(他) him(他) his(他的)

She(她) her(她) her(她的) it(它) it(它) its(它的)

人称 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

第一人称 we(我们) us(我们) our(我们的)

第二人称 you(你们) you(你们) your (你们的)

第三人称 they(他她它)们 them(他她它)们 their(他她它)们的


d.不定冠词a与an的用法: 都表示“一个,一张,一件”等义,一般用于单数名词前。a用于辅音音素


an English book \ an UFO\ an easer\an orange\an apple\an egg\an ID card\ a green apple


( )1. Can you spell____ name? A. you B. it C. your D. me

( )2. -----Are you Bill ?----- ______________.

A. Yes,I’m. B. No, I am. C. No, I’m not. D. Yes, I’m not.

( )3. There's ____ "u" and _____ "s" in the word "us".

A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an

( )4. This______ my sister and those ______my parents.

A. is, is B. is, are C, are, is D. are, are

( )5.. Miss Zhou is ________ English teacher. ________ is a good teacher.

A. our, Her B. my, He C. a, She D. an, She

( )6.—Your English is very good. —_________.

A. No , it isn’t. B. Yes , it is. C. Thank you. D. No .

( )7.The man Nick Hand.____ is his family name, and___ is his given name.

A. Nick , Hand B . Hand, Nick C. Hand, Hand D. Nick, Nick

( )8.Lucy and Tony___ my good friends. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )9. ----What’s that in English?-----_______ID card.

A. This is a B. That’s an C. It’s a D. It’s an

( )10.My name___ Alice ,__name is Tony ..A. am ,her B. is , his C. is, her D. am , his


1. What color_____ (be)your quilt? 2.This boy and his friend______(be) English students.

3._____are good students. I like____ very much..(they) 4.Mary is her _____(one) name.



1.parent =father or mother 2. patents= father and mother 3.grandparent= grandfather or grandmother 4.grandpatents= grandfather and grandfather

5.couin= my uncle’s \ aunt’s son \ daughter 6. uncle = my father’s \ mother’s brother

7. aunt = my father’s \ mother’s sister 8. picture = photo 9. pen friend 10. family photo

11. thanks for… 12. a photo of my family

2. 重点句型.

1. Is this your \ his \ her sister? 2. Is that your \ his \ her brother? 3.Are these\ those your\his\her sisiters? ----Yes, it is. -----No, it isn’t. \ ---Yes, it is. ----No, it isn’t. \ Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

4. Is she your sister? 5. Is he your father? 6. This is my cousin. 7. That is my brother. ---Yes, she is.---No, she isn’t.\ Yes, he is.---No, he isn’t.\ These are my cousins. \ Those are my brothers.


1.介绍人的句型:This is + 某人. \ These are + 某人.(指着距离较近的人进行介绍)

That is + 某人. \ These are + 某人. (指着距离较远的人进行介绍)

2. 对“this” /“that”直接做主语的疑问句回答时,答句的主语用“it”.

3. 对“these”/“those”作主语的疑问句回答时,用“they”.

4. Thanks for„ = Thank you for„为„„而感谢.

5. 名词所有格:是指在某一名词后右上角打“’”加上 s等, 表示“„„的”这一结构形式。 a.有生命的名词;一般在词后加’s.如果是以“s”或“es”结尾的只需加上“’”.Jim’s key\teachers’ pens

b.无生命的:of + 名词. the picture of our classroom \ a photo of your family


( )1. My uncle’s daughter is my .

A. brother B. sister C. cousins D. cousin

( )2. ------ your sister? ------Yes, it is .

A. Are these B. Are those C. Is that D. Is these

( )3. Here is a photo__ my father. A. at B. in C. for D. of

( )4. --- Hi, Jim! _______ is Tom. He is my good friend.

-- Hi, Tom! Nice to meet you. A. He B. That C. This D. It

( )5.. – How do you do? -- .

A. Fine, thank you. B. How do you do? C. How are you? D. Good night!

( )6. ---Is she your sister? ---Yes, ___. A. he is B. she is C. it is D. she isn’t

( )7. ---___ they her brothers? ---No, they ___.

A. Are, aren’t B. Are, are C. Is, are D. These, aren’t

( )8.. Here ___ my family photo. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( )9.. Thanks ___ your pen. A. for B. to C. at D. in

( )10.Are ________ Kate’s ________?

A.this, book B.that,book C.these,books D.those,book

( )11. -This is a new student,Ann. - .

A. What’s your name? B. How do you do? C. Are you Ann? D. Hello


1. There are two ____ (girl) in the picture. 2. What are (this)?

3.Where is (she) book? 4. It’s _____(I) pencil.

5. This is____(Jim) brother. 6. _____ are our good friends.(he)


1.this(反义词)________ 2.these(反义词)________

3.it(复数形式)________ 4.that(复数形式)________

5.photo(复数形式)________ 6.picture(复数形式)________

7.cousin(复数形式)________ 8.friend(复数形式)________

9.son(对应词)________ 10.sister(对应词)________



1.in English 2. excuse me 3. computer game 4 . lost and found 5 . call…at… 6. a set of keys

2. 重点句型.

1.----Is this \that your pen? 2.---Is this \that his\her book?

-----Yes, it is. -----No, it isn’t.. -----Yes, it is. -----No, it isn’t..

3.---Are these\those your\his\her pencils? ----Yes, they are. ----No, they aren’t..


1.一般疑问句: 是以be动词( is, are等),情态动词(can等)或助动词(do, does等)开头,表示疑问的句子。 一般疑问句的回答,肯定回答:Yes+主语代词+用来提问的词.No+主语代词+用来提问的词+not..


3. 特殊疑问句:是以特殊疑问代词what(什么)who(谁)等或疑问副词how(怎样)where(在那里)等开头,表示疑问的句子。回答不能用Yes或No,要根据问的内容来答。

4.如何写失物招领: 5.如何写寻物启事: 6. call +某人+at+电话号码(拨打„„号码找某人) Found: watch Lost:

Is this your watch? My ID card.

Please call Mary. My name is Tom.

Phone # 123698. Please call 685---3564.


( )1. What’s that ________ Chinese? A. with B. of C. to D. in

( )2. ------Are these your bikes? ------No, I think (认为) they’re bikes.

A. they aren’t, they B. these are, his C. they aren’t ;his D. these are, their

( )3. Are these your rulers?---No, _____ aren’t. ______ rulers are in the box.

A. they, They B. they, My C. their, Their D. them, We

( )4. , are you Li Hua? A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Hello

( )5. Is that your eraser? A.No, It’s my eraser. B. Yes,it is.

C. No,that’s isn’t D. No, that is.

( )6.Please callJenny___ 396—4438. A. in B. to C. on D. at


1. 重点词组及同义词、同义短语.

1.come on 2 .in the room 3. in the bookcase 4. on the chair 5.under the table

6. I don’t know

2. 重点句型.

1.Where’s the +东西 ? -----It’s + on \ in\ under\ behind + 介词短语

2.Where are your \ his \ her + 东西 ? ----- They’re on \ in \ under \ behind + 介词短语


1.介词:是用以放在名词或代词之前,表明该名词或与其词之间某种关系册一类词。(不能单独使用,需与某一名词或代词等搭配成介宾短语)( on \ in \ under )eg: on the bed 2. 定冠词 the 的用法: a. 常用在特指的单复数名词前,指某人,某物,某些人或某些物. eg: The students are boys. b . 用于双方都知道的人或物.eg: The girl is my friend. c. 上文提到的人或物, 下文再次提到. eg: I have a pen. The pen is red. d. play 后跟球类名词是,不用the. 乐器前一定要用 the. ( play basketball \ play the drums )

3.. Here is my room. ( here is = this is )

4.. have \ has : 表示“拥有” “占有”. eg: I have a computer.


1.在课桌下面 ___________2.在沙发上面 ___________3.在书包里 ______________ 4.在椅子下面 ____________


( )1.Is your photo in the bookcase ? ________.

A.Yes, I am B.No,it is C.Yes,it is D.No,I’m not

( )2.________ my baseball? It’s under the chair.

A.Where B.Where’s C.Where’re D.Where are

( )3.________ under the tree? No,they aren’t.

A.Where are B.What is C.Are they D.Is it

( )4.Where are your brothers? ________.

A.He is at home B.He is in his room

C.Yes,they are D.I don’t know

( )5.What’s under the desk? ________.

A.It’s a football B.I can see a set of keys

C.They are red box D.There’s a cat

( )6..Lucy and Lily ________ a new bike

A.have B.has C.there is D.there are

( )7.. ---Where are your parents? ---_________.

A. He is at home B. Yes, they are C. No, they aren’t D. Sorry, I don’t know

( )8.----_______is Li Ping ? ----He is in the room.

A. What B. Where C. He D. It


1. 重点词组及同义词、同义短语

1. play basketball 2. play volleyball 3. play soccer 4. watch TV

5.after class 6. every day 7. fun= interesting 8. on TV 9. boring = not interesting

2. 重点句型.

1.Do you have … -----Yes, I have. \ No, I don’t. 2. Do they have … ----Yes, they do. \ No, they don’t..

3. Does he have …--Yes, he does.\No, he doesn’t. 4. Does she have …--Yes, she does.\ No, she doesn’t.

5.Let’s play tennis. ----- I don’t have a tennis. \ That’s sounds good. \ interesting.


1. do 与does的 用法:a.作助动词没 有含义。do是does的第三人称单数形式。在句中起到表疑问或构成否定形式的作用。 b. 当句子主语是he, she , it 或单数名词时用does\ doesn’t. . 当句子主语是I, you , they或复数主语时用do \ don’t.

2. have \ has 的用法:has 是have 的第三人称单数. 三单主语用 has其他人称用 have. have句变疑问句首要把do来借,变否定have前面把don’t添. has 句变疑问句首要把does来借,变否定has前面把doesn’t添,has还原为 have.

3.Let’s + 动词原形. ( Let’s do sth ) 4. play + 球类名词时,球类名词前不用定冠词 the.

5. sound 后跟形容词. ( boring \ interesting \ fun \ good \ difficult)


1.That ________(sound) interesting.

2.________ you ________(have) a tennis racket?

3.My brother ________(have) a baseball bat.

4.We have many ________(club) in our school.

5.Let watch ________(they) on TV.

6.She ________(play) sports every day.

7.Can you ________(bring) your new picture books here?

8.________ your friend ________(like) sports?

9.Let ________(we) play tennis.

10.That’s an ________(interest) computer game.

11. Tom II.单项选择

( )1.I _____TV at night(在晚上). A.look at B.see C.watch D.look




上传: 李芳 更新时间:2012-3-8 22:18:57


1. what’s her family name? (p5)

● family name= last name 姓 first name = given name 名 ●姓名顺序:

英美人的名在前,姓在后。如:jim green中,jim 是first name/ given name, green是family name/ last name;


(1)单姓单名:姓与名的首字母分别大写。如:li ping

(2 ) 单姓双名:名的双字写在一起,只大写第一个名的首字母。如:yang liwei (3 ) 复姓:把复姓写在一起,只大写第一个字母。如:zhuge liang



如:my family were eating dinner when uncle li came in. i have a family, the family is a happy one.

2. thanks for the photo of your family. (p 17)

●thanks = thank you thanks a lot = thank you very much.= many thanks. ●thanks for sth./doing sth. 谢谢你„„ thanks for your help. thanks for helping me with my english.

thanks to„多亏„,由于„ thanks to trees and flowers, our school is becoming more and more beautiful.

●a photo of mine 我的一张照片 a photo of me 一张我本人的照片

3. here is my family photo. ( p17)

●以here, there等副词开头的句子,主谓倒装。(主语为代词时则不倒装)

如:here comes the bus. here is your pen. here you are.=here it is. not only

have i been to beijing, but also i have been to taiyuan.

4. please take these things to your brother. can you bring some things to school?(p23) ●take:把东西从此处带走。 bring:把东西由别处带来。 fetch/get:去把东西带来(go and bring) carry:携带,搬运(无方向性)




5. that sounds good.(p27)



●sound:声音的总称。 noise:噪音 voice:嗓音

6. do you like bananas?(p31)

●like sb. to do sth. like sb. not to do sth. 以此类推:want,tell,teach,ask,

●like doing sth.:一贯性喜欢做某事,经常性喜欢做某事 like to do sth. 具体某一次喜欢做某事

●like v. 喜欢 prep.介词 像„„一样

7. how much is this t-shirt? (p41)

●how much is/are„„? „„多少钱? it’s/they’re„„

●how much 修饰不可数名词;how many 修饰可数名词复数 它们都是“多少”的意思。

8. can i help you? (p43)

售货员招呼顾客:can i help you?=what can i do for you?=may i help you?

顾客告诉售货员:yes, please. i want to buy„/i’m looking for„/i’d like to buy„ 或者:no, thanks. i only have a look.

询问顾客想买东西的特征:what color/size/kind do you want?

向顾客推荐商品:what/how about this one? this one is cheap and nice.

顾客询问价格:how much is/are„? how much does it cost? what’s the price of it?

买卖达成:i’ll take/have/buy/get it.

9. when is your birthday? how old are you?(p49)

询问年龄:how old are you? what’s your age?

回答年龄:主语+be+数词 (+years old)

●he is an eight-year-old boy.= he is eight years old.

●how old, how often, how soon, how far, how long, how many, how much, how many times,

10. i want to see an action movie. (p53)

●want sth. want to do sth. want sb. to do sth. want sb. not to do sth. ●look:发生看的动作 look at„ 看„„ see:看见没有的结果

listen:发生听的动作 listen to„ 听„„ hear:听见没有的结果 watch: 强调观看运动着的事物或影像。如:看电视,看比赛,看电影,看表演等 read: 阅读,朗读 如:看书,看报,看信,看杂志,看地图

11. can you play the guitar? (p 59)

●can, may, must, need是情态动词,后面必须跟动词原形一起构成谓语。

●play the + 乐器 play +球/棋/牌类

12.what a funny time to eat breakfast! (p67)


how + adj./adv. (+ 主语+谓语)! 如:how hard he works!

what a/an + adj. +名词单数(+ 主语+谓语)! what + adj. +名词复数(+ 主语+谓语)! what + adj. +不可数名词(+ 主语+谓语)!

如:what bad weather/music/news/water/advice it is!


乐器:guitar, drum, piano, trumpet, violin

球类:football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, tennis, ping-pong 星期:sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday

月份:january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december

电影:action movie, comedy, documentary, thriller, beijing opera, cartoon

新目标英语七年级上复习计划篇十:新目标英语 七年级 上 复习

天翼英语 免费辅导 / 免费索取资料 电话:13518667177

新目标英语七年级上 内部复习资料 Starter Unit One – Three

1. 字母

1)5个元音字母:A a E e I i O o U u

2) 含有相同音素的字母归类

a h j k b c d e g p t v i y

f l m n s x z q u w o r

3) 在元音音素的单词前用an, 在辅音音素的单词前用a。

an apple an orange an umbrella an uncle an ice cream

an English boy an American girl ( a European man a useful book)

There is _____ “a / h / e / f / l / m / n / s / x / i / o / r ” in the word “ … ”.

4) 英语缩写词及含义

P 停车场 NBA全美职业篮球协会 kg公斤 km 公里 CD 光盘

BBC英国广播电台 CCTV中国中央电视台 UFO不明飞行物

UN 联合国 USA美国 UK英国 ID 身份证 MTV 音乐电视

世界贸易组织 WTO 世界卫生组织 WHO

2. 代词 与 BE 动词。 I am we / you / they are he / she / it is

主格: I we you he she it they

宾格: me us you him her it them

形容词性物主代词: my our your his her its their

名词性物主代词: mine ours yours his hers its theirs



3. 句子的种类及互变。

肯定句:主语+谓语动词(BE)+ 宾语. (主语/谓语用名词或代词)

否定句:主语+谓语动词(be not)+ 宾语. ( am not, aren’t, isn’t )

一般疑问句: Is / Are + 主语+ 宾语?

祈使句:动词原形 + 宾语. Don’t + 动词原形 + 宾语.

特殊疑问句:疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ?

提问名词用 what What’s his name? What’s this in English?

What colour is it?

提问形容词用 how How old are you? How is Emma?

How do you spell “…”?

提问地点用 where 提问 谁 用 who 提问 谁的 用 whose

提问数量用 how many + 名词复数? How much + 不可数名词?

提问价格用 How much

 句型转换

(祈使句)You can spell it. That’s (同义句) I’m fine, thank you. Thank you very much. This is a red flag.

Nice to meet you. What’s the English for this? My name is Mike. He is Li Lei.

(肯定回答) Is this your ruler? Is it a jacket?

(否定句) That is my key. It’s red.


I _____ your math teacher. Who ____ that woman? You _____ nice.

She ____ Kate. They ______ teachers here. What _____ this in English?

Lucy ____ at home. That bag ____ too big. The flowers _____ beautiful.

My mum ____ a teacher. We _____ in No. 1 Middle school.

He _____ ten. Beijing _______ beautiful. The dog _____ lovely.

 改错题。

What’s this? This is a jacket. This is “G”.

Is this your book? Yes, this is. What's that? That’s a book.

This is a orange. It’s key. It’s a apple. It’s an map

Look to the picture, please.

What’s colour is it? It’s red.

How are you? I’m good, thanks..

How are you, Wang Mr?

What is you name? What is she name?

Hello! My name is Zhang li. My names Jim Green.

Her family name is Kate. Nice to meet your.

That’s my an eraser.

 选择题 / 填空题。

-Hello! - __________________! This is John. ____ is a boy.

I _____ Frank. That is Mary. _____ is a girl.

Good afternoon ______ your teacher. Hello, Lucy. _____ is my mother.

What’s this ______ English? -Is your name Kate? -Yes, ____ ____.

It’s _____ English book. I like English _________(非常).

Where _____ your desk? ____ do you spell it?

-Spell _____, please. –K-I-T-E. - _____ is “S”? -It’s here.

Sit _____, please. -I am sorry. -________________.

What colour _____ your pen? My shirt is _____. (red a red)

What colour _____ your pens? It’s __________ shirt. (red a red)

-_____ is this? -It’s T. -What’s ____ name? -He’s John.

-What ______ is it? -Black. What’s the Chinese _____ “orange”?

What color is ____ jacket? Lucy and Lily _____ twin sisters.

I ____ Grace. This _____ Eric. _____________(我和李平) are ten.

-_____ is it? -It’s a blue car. There’s ____ “a” in the word “map”.

My pen is red. Here is ____, too. There’s ____ “m” in the word “map”.

-Thanks. -__________________. I like _____(他) very much.


1.早上、下午、晚上 好。 晚安。

2.谢谢。 不用谢。

3.你好吗? 4.我很好。

5.这是我的老师。 妈妈,这是张老师。

6.这个(那个)用英语怎么说? 它用英语说是pen。

7.我们都喜欢英语。 8.很高兴认识你。

9. 请拼写“orange”。 10.A在哪里? 它在这儿。

11. 那是谁?那是我的妈妈。 12. 看看这幅图,这是什么?


天翼英语 免费辅导 / 免费索取资料 电话:13518667177

新目标英语七年级上 内部复习资料 Unit One

 姓名 (英:名+(中间名)+姓 中国:姓+名)

姓 last name family name surname

名 first name given name forename

中间名:middle name

 句型转换 His teacher’s telephone number is . What's the girl’s name?

同义句 I am Jim Green. This is Jim’s red card. He is Nick.

They are Lucy and Lily. That’s all right.

My family name is Green. My first name is Kate.

一般疑问句 I’m Jenny. He is a boy of nine.

否定句 She is a new student.

 首字母填空

you. name is Wang Zhi.

? name is John.

. Tony.

What’s your p number? Where’s your ID cThere’s three people in my f My name is Li Lei. name is Li. at the picture.

This is my mother. name is Mrs Wang.

isn’t working. Can I use your cell phone?

 改错题

His first name is Linda. What do you spell it?

Yes, I’m. Alice and Rose are boys.

she’s name is Jane. Is that his a room?

Nice meet you,too. What’s this? This is “D”.

Are your name Gina? Sorry! Are you Miss Liu?

He is are a student. Is that cat?

He name is John. Nice too meet you.

I have a brother. Its name is Lele. his name is Tom.


刘是刘邦的姓氏。 你姓什么?我姓胡。 她的名字叫Linda。

Jim的车牌号是什么? 8加9等于几? 在墙上有一张中国地图。

他的名字是Jim 吗? 小王的电话号码是多少? 你的身份证在那儿。

 词形转换

序数词 one nine eight

同义词 phone nice 反义词last

缩写number I am 对应词 his

同音词 for two

 填空题。

your name Maria? What the girls’ name?

That is Her name is Lucy King.

“I” a word and a letter. Tony is his name.

Kate and (my) are friends. Are in Class 2, Grade 7.

name is Mike. studies in China. Nine and one is In China, we put our name first. Tim a good student.

I’m in 七年级1班. you in Class Two?

In America, family name comes Glad (meet) you.

What’s (you) sister’s name? She’s nice and I like very much.

Bill is doing homework. is the car? White.

First name is name. Last name is name.

is a girl. name is Alice. It’s very nice you.

Our English teacher Miss Wang. is your father? Fine,thanks.

Where is (冠词) book? The pen black and white.

The girl is Sue. I’m friend. in my class. are friends.

How your friends?

天翼英语 免费辅导 / 免费索取资料 电话:13518667177

新目标英语七年级上 内部复习资料 Unit Two

 一般疑问句: 答语用Yes,No,

be + 主语 + ...? Can + 主语 + 动词原形 +...?

 特殊疑问句: 答语要针对疑问词回答。

用特殊疑问词引导:what, where, how, who , when,

 句型转换 It’ It’

同义句 This is a nice flower. I am Ann. What’s this in English?

肯定句 Is this your eraser?

一般疑问句 That's her pencil case. It’s her ruler.

That is Ann’s pencil case. This is his backpack. This is my ID card.

否定句 That is my pencil case. This is Tony’s ruler.

肯定&否定回答 Is this his book? Is that my pen? Is it a bag?

复数句 Is this your dictionary? It is a backpack.

How do you spell your name? (用Bill 回答)

 首字母填空

in the pencil case. at home. game in the lost and found case?

book? “B-O-O-K”. that in English? I don’ I don’t know the time. is this?

in the pencil case. 55437898.

What’case? . , so she is very worried.

again. It is in my pencil case.

 改错题

She’s a English girl. What are your phone number? That’s my an eraser. This is a his bag.

Is this your book? Yes, this is. Yes, it isn’t.

What’s that? That’s a book. She familly name is Smith. Tom and Ann is English. Call Mary for 7687539. I brother is a student. Are that our room?

How are you spell “watch”? No, I amn’t.

That is they school. Are you in Number 3? What’s this in China? What one plus three?

This is my red pencils. How are you? I’m thirteen. Her pen is a yellow. Are you spell that, pleaseNice in meet you.

 翻译题

你的名字怎样拼写? 这个用英语怎么说? 那是你的铅笔盒吗?

这个男孩不是我的朋友。 这是一张好看的图片。 请拨打880879找Amy。 用英语说那是什么?是个棒球。 这是她的学生证吗?不,是Mike的。

它是个辆英国轿车。 他的电脑游戏在失物招领处的箱子里吗?

那部是Jane的身份证。 不要玩电脑游戏。 我的笔记本在哪里?在那儿。 请拨打2657658找Tom。 那是她的汉语词典吗?

 词形转换

同义词 call phone thank you

缩写it is identity 对应词 that

同音词 for two

复数watch ________ key ________ 反义词 lost

物主代词 I he 人称代词 her 原形 lost 过去分词 find

 填空题。

What’s this in English? eraser. Please 5876587.

Is that your ring the lost and found case?

Her English book


