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I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education. I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.








申 请 人:

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申 请 事 项:













申请人签字: 申请人家长签字:

申请日期: 年 月 日


给系里秘书索要申请材料信件示例: 简洁型:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am an undergraduate student in the Department of XXX, XXX University. I am very interested in the Ph.D. program in your institution, and I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in XXX major. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2005.

I have taken Toefl Test(08/08/2005, 647) and will take GRE Test on Oct, 2005. I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study at your institution will be of great help to me. I hope my solid background can meet your requirements of entrance as a doctoral graduate.

Would you please send me the Application Forms, Financial Support Forms, the detailed introductions of faculty and research, and other relevant materials needed for application? Thank you very much for your kind assistance.

My mailing address is

My email address is

Yours sincerely XXX


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am very sorry to trouble you, but I really need your help. I am a graduate student majoring in XXX major in the Department of XXX, XXX University. I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in XXX at your university. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2005. I am writing this letter to introduce myself and request necessary materials about the application and financial supports.

Born on Jan. 1, 2000, I entered XXX University in 2001 and achieved my degree of B.S. in June, 2003. Due to my outstanding performance in undergraduate study, I was admitted to the Graduate School of XXX University at the Department of XXX without examination. I will obtain my degree of M.S in June, 2005.

I learn from my advisor, Professor Yu Minhong, that your university is one of the best universities in US and has a strong research background with many famous professors. I eagerly wish to continue my graduate study on XXX at your university. I have taken Toefl (08/08/2005, 647)and GRE General Test (Oct. 2004, V680/Q800/AWA5.5). I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study at your university will be of great help to me. I hope my solid background in XXX can meet your requirements of entrance to XXX department as a graduate with financial supports.

Would you please consider my application and send me the Application Forms, Financial Support Forms, the detailed introductions of faculty and research, and other relevant materials needed for application? Thank you very much for your kind assistance.

My mailing address is

My email address is

Yours sincerely XXX


Dear Sir or Madam:

This is to request an application package for your Ph.D. program on ________ starting in the fall of 200X.

I am a junior student at the Department of ___ of ___ University of China, one of the nation’s leading institutes of higher education. In the past three years, I have been receiving systematic and comprehensive training in ___, and gradually I found that ___ is a challenging and attractive field that I want to make my career in.

I have heard the fame of your university for several years, and after checking into the Peterson’s Guide and other sources, I have found that your university offers the kind of graduate program that caters to my interests. It is therefore hoped that this letter will start me off in a process that will lead to my enrollment in your program next year.

Could you do me the favor to send me the Application Form, Financial Aid Form and other necessary materials? My mailing address is:


Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Yours sincerely ______



Dear Sir or Madam:

Before I submit my formal application to your esteemed Ph.D. program, I have several questions which need your kind reply. First, I am now a graduate student majoring in AAA, but my undergraduate major is not in AAA, thus my years of instruction in AAA is not very long. Yet I have learned, sometimes by myself, all the basic knowledge and many advanced knowledge in AAA (you may refer to my transcript). The GRE Subject Test is hold only once a year in China, and I have missed the deadline to register for the coming test. But I believe that I have been quite familiar in the knowledge of AA, both in the courses and the researches. I believe that should I have had the chance to take the GRE Subject Test, the score should be 990. would you please tell me whether it is possible to give me a waiver of my GRE Subject Test according to my superior AAA course scores? Thanks.

Next, since I am very young, I cannot work and don’t have any amount of funds in dollars available. Also, my parents are

poor workers and I cannot arrange for me any fees. Your institution has the best graduate program that matches with my research interest, I wonder whether you can provide financial supports, and, if possible, waive or defer my application fee?

Thank you very much for you kind assistance. Please contact me if further information about me is required.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Mr. XXX:

I am an applicant at P. R. China. Due to my economic situation and the difficulties in changing RMB (our official currency) into US Dollars, I cannot submit the application fee in time. Could I defer my payment of the application fee for some time?

I am looking forward to your answer.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am an applicant of your Ph.D. program in AAA starting from Fall, 2005. I have mailed out my application on Nov.26 directly to you. Up to now however, I have not received from you any feedback yet. I understand that you do not provide an acknowledgement for applications.

Nevertheless, I have heard here many tragic stories about lost application packages: many students said that their application packages arrived in US with only an empty envelope, nothing left. As XXX University is the best university I wish to join, I am very afraid that my application experiences the same nightmare. So I wonder whether you can spend some time to check the current status of my application. Thank you very much.

My information:

Last Name: Yu First Name: Minhong

Date of Birth: Jan. 1, 2005

Looking forward to receive your kind reply,

Best wishes,

Yours sincerely,


Dear Prof. Yu Minhong:

I am a senior student at the Department of ___ of ___ University of China. I have visited your homepage on the internet and I am impressed by your program emphasis on ___. This is also my personal interest. I would like to do some research in ___. Since I am hoping to pursue a Ph.D degree in this field, I would like to know if there is a chance for me to further my study under you. If necessary, my advisor could send you a recommendation for me.

If you are interested in my detailed information, you can contact me by email.

My email address is ____

I will wait and appreciate your reply.

Sincerely yours,


Sample 1

Dear Professor XXX:


It has been a little while since I wrote to you last time. I have completed the application process, and I learned that my materials are now at the department for admission decision. I understand that perhaps you are not a member of the admission committee, yet I still wish you can take some time to review my sincere application, and consider my competence to be your student.

To my best knowledge, each Harvard physics graduate student has only one research advisor. My friends told me that it is more important to find a good advisor than to find a good university. It is based on my careful consideration that I believe you are one of the best advisors at Harvard’s physics department: for example, your articles about metal and other new materials emphasize not only the computation methods but also some very interesting theoretical ideas. I find that your research emphasizes both theoretical and computational works. I think my graduate research under your direction will be very enjoyable and tenable.

Also, I think my academic background might be qualified to be your student. I have had many new ideas in the area of materials physics. I will get my Master of Science degree this year with honors. In my doctoral study I wish to work with an active and authoritative professor, and develop my ideas as well as learn new ideas from him. Again I find that you are the right research advisor I wish to find.

My current advisor, who is the head of physics dept. at Peking Univ., strongly approves my doctoral graduate study plan. He told me that the strict training for Harvard graduate students will do me a lot of good. With the rese3arch knowledge learned from him, now I feel that I am well prepared for such strict training. I am willing to make great contribution to0 the knowledge of low-dimensional condensed matter physics during my graduate study. Ms. XXX told me that my recommendation letters are in my application files now.

I wonder whether you can consider my willing and youthful spirit, and accept me as your student. I know that you are very busy currently, yet I am quite embarrassed to ask you to review my application. Would you please tell me whether I

am qualified to join your research group? Anyway I think it might be better to discuss the possibilities of being accepted by you before I am accepted by the esteemed Harvard Univ., if possible. Thank you for your kind reply in advance. Best wishes,


Sample 2

Dear Professor XXX:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I am a graduate student at Peking Univ., Beijing China. I met you when you visited Beijing in 1997. I am very sorry to bother you by this mail. However, as I am very young, I wish to take doctoral study and make the best effort to win the Nobel Prize under your direction. I have sent my application for the Fall 1999 Applied Physics Ph.D. program to Stanford. I wonder whether you can consider my eager wish and accept me to join your group.

Born in 1978, I enrolled in the Special Class for Gifted Children (SCGC) in XXX University in 1993. I won the Top 1% honor “Outstanding Graduate”. Then I enrolled in Physics department at XXX University, and received extensive research training that made me much experienced. I will get the Master of Science degree in June 1999.

In the National Lab of Laser Technology and National Integrated Optics Lab in China, I have had much research experience in laser technology and optical physics, especially in quantum well optics, laser spectroscopy, high-power laser radiation and interaction with matter, optical fiber communication, optical waveguides, etc. In my Master graduate study, I happen to have been very familiar with the recent highlights in laser cooling and trapping of atoms, and laser spectroscopy. I have extensive knowledge in both optical physics and solid-state physics. I think my background and interest seem perfectly fit your research projects. It will be most helpful to my academic career if I can be your student.

In the coming new year, I wish I can have the chance to take doctoral study at Stanford under your direction. My Resume and Statement are ready to be sent to you. Would you please consider my sincere application and tell me whether I am qualified to be your student, if openings available? I would be happy to act on your advice. Thank you very much, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

May your Christmas be bright with happiness!

May peace and joy be with you in the new year!

Best wishes,


To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this reference at the request of Zhang who is applying for your graduate program. As an English teacher at the School of Humanities and arts, I have had the pleasure of knowing him for the last four years. He has been a tremendous student at the School of Communication Engineering. Mr. Zhang is a dedicated student and thus far his grades have been exemplary. In my English class, he has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully participate in any task. For his excellent academic performance, he won the Third Grade Annual Scholarship in 2008. In his senior year, he designed Light-Controlled Insects Killer, which won the Third Prize in the school’s Spark Cup Electronic Design Contest As a team member of his school, he won Championship of Freshmen-3+1-Cup Basketball Match. His love for extracurricular activities is not limited to sports, he also won awards in many art exhibitions, for example, their dance Song and Dance in the Youthhood won the First Prize Award in 2009 Xidian Art Show, and their group the Excellent Team in collecting folk songs by alumni. During the years, as class monitor, he has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by organizing various activities and contacting with the School and University. He has helped his classmates by offering lots of constructive advice, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding his pleasant and encouraging attitude. Due to his outstanding performance, he was awarded Excellent Student-Cadre in 2010 and his class won many honorary titles, including the Class with Good Style of Study. I feel confident that he will continue to succeed in his studies. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Mr. Zhang without any hesitation. His drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please contact me. Associate Professor Department of Foreign Languages School of Humanities and Arts University Email: Tel:



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