七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案

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七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇一:仁爱七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 2 What does she look likeSection C课件

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇二:七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like Section C教学设计


Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like

Section C


The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. (1)Learn some words about clothes:

T-shirt, shoe, cap, coat, skirt, dress

(2)Learn other useful words and expressions:

at, look at, photo, strong

2. Review people’s appearances and clothes:

(1)She has short brown hair.

(2)He has blond hair.

(3)Her hair is red.

(4)—What color is this/that T-shirt?

—It’s red.

(5)—What color are these/those shoes?

—They’re green.

(6)The girl in yellow is Maria.

(7)He is in a black cap and blue shoes.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)

1. (利用实物进行师生互动问答。复习各种颜色的词。)

T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pen.

T: What color is it?

Ss: It’s yellow.


T: What are these?

Ss: They are pens.

T: What color are they?

Ss: They’re yellow.

- 1 -



(可以利用学生书桌上的书、笔等进行提问。全面复习有关颜色表达方式的句型。) (由物转向人的外貌特征。)

T: S1. What color is your hair?

S1: It is black.

T: S2. What color are your eyes?

S2: My eyes are black.

2. (利用服装图片和颜色引出生词。)


T: What’s this?

Ss: 帽子。

T: It’s a cap. What color is this cap?

Ss: It’s green.


T: What are these?

Ss: 鞋。

T: They’re shoes. What color are these shoes?

Ss: They’re white.


T: S3. What color are your shoes?

S3: They’re … ) G1: What is this?

G2: It’s a coat.

G1: What color is it?

G2: It’s brown.

T: Good. Exchange. (译为“替换”。)

G2: What are these?

G1: They are shoes.

G2: What color are they?

G1: They are white.


Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)

1. (出示1a挂图,让学生听1a录音,跟读,并注意语音语调。)

T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. (学生对自己的服装进行对话操练,先师生问答,然后学生间进行类似的问答。) T: Hello, S8. What color is your shirt?

S8: My shirt is red. S9, what color is your coat?

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S9: My coat is blue. S10, what color is your skirt?

S10:My skirt is pink. S11 …

3. (请一名高大的男学生到黑板前,进行问答,导出新句型和新单词。)

T: Who’s this boy?

Ss: He is …

T: Is he tall?

Ss: Yes, he is.

T: Does he have short hair?

Ss: Yes, he does. His hair is black.

T: OK. What color is his coat?

Ss: His coat is green.

T: Good. Let me describe him.

T: This is a boy. His name is … He is in Class One, Grade One. He is tall and strong. (肢体语

言表示strong) He has short black hair and big eyes. He is in a green coat. The boy in green is … )

4. (利用2的相片来呈现主要内容,引出新词组。)

T: Now look here. What’s this?

Ss: It’s a photo.


T: Look at this photo. There are four people in the photo.


T: Who is this?

Ss: She is Maria.

T: Good. Who is this?

Ss: She is Jane.

(用同样方法引出Kangkang, Michael)



T: Look at Maria. What does she look like?

S1: She is tall.

S2: She has short hair.

S3: She has short brown hair.

T: OK. What color is her dress?

Ss: Her dress is yellow.

T: Very good. The girl in yellow is Maria.

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T: Please look at Jane. What does she look like?

S1: She has long hair.

S2: Her hair is red.

S3: She has a wide mouth.

S4: Her T-shirt is purple. T: Very good. She is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt.


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9分钟)

1. (听2录音,让学生跟读并在服装类名词下划线,圈出颜色类名词。然后核对。)

2. (让学生读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F),并核对答案。)

3. (让学生朗读短文后看图描述。)

4. (放录音,完成3。并核对答案。)

T: Listen to the tape and complete the sentences, then find the children in the picture.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间


1. (设计一个小游戏,以小组为单位,每组推荐一名同学到讲台前参加活动。首先教师把一幅黄色短裙的图片、一幅白色鞋子的图片,一幅蓝色裤子和一幅橘黄色长裙的图片贴在黑板上,然后给每个学生一个拍子。这时老师用1a句型发指令,同学们抢答同时要拍到这幅图片上,谁先拍到,并回答得准确为胜者,为小组获得一颗星。通过游戏可培养学生们力争上游的竞争意识,又使学生能在轻松愉快的气氛中巩固本节课所学习的新知识。完成1c。)

2. (把全班学生分成两个小组完成1b,检查完成情况。)

G1: What color is this skirt?

G2: It’s yellow.

G1: What color is that dress?

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G2: It’s red.

G1: What color are these shoes?

G2: They’re white.

G1: What color are those pants?

G2: They’re blue.


3. (老师在学生间走动,运用手势对学生的服装进行提问。)

T: What color is your T-shirt?

S1: It’s blue.

T: What color is his T-shirt?

Ss: It’s blue.

T: What color are your shoes?

S2:My shoes are black.

T: What color are her shoes?

Ss: They’re black.

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)

1. (小组活动。六人一组描述自己最喜欢的衣服颜色,每小组派一名学生在班上作汇报。)

2. (六人一组进行滚雪球式的练习,表颜色和衣物的单词搭配词组,不能重复。) S1: A red coat.

S2: A red coat, a white cap.

S3: A red coat, a white cap, black shoes.

S4: …

S5: …

S6: …

3. (班级活动。完成4。)

T: Let’s chant.

4. Homework:


(2)复习Section A、B、C的单词。


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七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇三:七年级英语上册_unit2topic2sectionc课件_仁爱版

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇四:七年级英语上册 unit2topic2sectionc课件 仁爱版

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇五:七年级英语上册_unit2topic2sectionc课件_仁爱版

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇六:七年级英语上册Unit2 Topic2教学案

召陵区实验中学师生共用教学案 Unit 2 Topic 2What does she look like ?

年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit2 Topic2 SectionA

执笔:韩素华 审核:七年级英语组




那个男孩 我的朋友 来自 看起来像 说得对。 黑色的头发 黑眼睛 金头发和蓝眼睛 好朋友 什么颜色 左手 红太阳

好好地拉 在湖里游泳

二、语法提示 (1) We don’t look the same.= We look different.我们相貌不同。look the same 看起来像,look 在这里是系动词,意为“看起来” We don’t look the same.是个否定句,由于主语是第一人称复数,而谓语动词是系动词所以在系动词前面加don’t。如果主语是第三人称单数则要用doesn’t来变否定句。如:She doesn’t look like her sister.她不像她的姐姐。

(2) 询问颜色用 What color +be +主语?答语是主语+be+颜色。如:

What color is the car? 这辆车是什么颜色? It’s red.它是红色的。

What color are their eyes?他们的眼睛是什么颜色的? They’re blue.是蓝色的。

三 、合作探究(1)分组练习根据1b介绍三个小男孩。

(2) 根据2a图片练习询问颜色的对话。(同桌或小组对话)



1、---What color is the sky (天空)? ----- It’s .

2 We are Chinese. We have eyes.

3 The traffic lights(交通灯) have three colors. They are and . 4 She is from Cuba .Her hair is 5 Are your teeth (牙齿) ?


( ) 1、---- are the boxes? ----- They are red .

A What’s color B What colors C What’s colors D What color

( )2 Do Lucy and Lily look ?

A like B the same C at D same

( )3 I have a round face .His face is long. We A look the different B not look the same

C look not the same D don’t look the same

( )4 --- Who is that girl? ----Oh, .

A it is my friend ,Mary. B that is my friend,Jack.

C he is my friend ,Tom. D she is my friend,Jane.

( ) 5 ---- What color is your pencil ? --- It is .

A white and pink B white but pink

C white with green D a white and pink

( A That’s OK. B That’s all right .

C You’re welcome. D That’s right.

III.根据要求改写句子 (对划线部分提问)

2 My hair is (对划线部分提问)

3 Jane has a small nose. (变为否定句)

4 Lucy looks like Lily. (写出同义句)

IV 从方框中选出恰当的选项完成对话。

A: Hello ,Jim.



B: Oh,he is my good friend,Peter.


B: He is from the USA.

A:But you look the same.

B; We have blond hair and blue eyes. A: I have blond hair and gray eyes.

B: We look different, 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、

五、 拓展延伸

Look like 看上去很像后面必须接宾语如:Jim looks like his borther.

Look the same看起来像后面不能接宾语 如: Jim and his borther look the same.

六、写作练习 描写你同桌的外貌特征。


召陵区实验中学师生共用教学案 Unit 2 Topic 2What does she look like ?

年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit2 Topic2 SectionB

执笔:韩素华 审核:七年级英语组



把这封信给玛利亚 在七年级四班

看起来很像 短儿金黄的头发

大而黑色的眼睛 他是个年轻人。



1、give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.把某物给某人。如:

Please give the letter to Maria.= Please give Maria the letter. 把这封信给玛利亚。 注意:当所给的事物是it/them时,必须用give sth. to sb.而不能用give sb. sth. 如:Please give it to Kangkang.请把它给康康。不能说成:Please give Kangkang it.

2、询问认得长相、外貌的句型为:What does/do +主语+look like?某人长得怎

么样?如:--- What does the boy look like ?那个男孩张得怎么样?He has small eyes and a small nose. 他有两只小眼睛和一个小鼻子。

3、I see.= I know.我明白了。

4、I’ll give it to her.我会给她的。I’ll 是I与will的缩写,will是“将要、愿意”

的意思,可用于表示将要发生的动作。如:They will come here.他们将要来这儿。

5、She has short blond hair and a small nose. 她有一头金色的短发和一个小鼻

子。 多个形容词修饰名词的语序为:数量+大小(长短)+形状+颜色+名词。如:We have four big round red apples.我们有四个又大又圆的红苹果。

三、合作探究:分组训练 2、3.并写下来。


I .情景交际。(5分)


A: Hello, Lucy.


A: Do you know Kumiko? She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.

B: Sorry, I don’t know.

A: She’s tall. She has long black hair.


A: Her dress is yellow.


A: She is from Japan.

A: Yes. You’ re right.

1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______

II 根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1、 are my mom’s friends.

2 --- Please (给)this book to Li Hui. ---- I’ . I don’t know her. 3 ---What do they look (像)? ---- They have long brown hair.

4 My mom is (老的),but my English teacher is (年轻的)

5 Kangkang is a (高的)boy, but Lucy is a (矮的)girl.

6 ---Hi, Jane.Your (信)。 ----Thanks.

7 The girl can’t find (找到) her mom. We w help her.

III 单项选择

( ) 1 Please give the book Ada.She’s in Class7,Grade7.

A to B in C for D on

( ) 2 ---What does the girl look like? A She is 4. B She is a student.

C She has long hair, a big nose and a wide mouth. D It’s yellow.

( ) 3---Who’s the boy?- ----- ,I don’t know.

A Excuse me B That’s all right C Sorry D That’s right

( an apple, but I don’t have an orange. Michael has an orange, but he an apple.

A has; have B have; don’t have

C have;doesn’t has D have;doesn’t have

五、拓展延伸:询问人的长相用What do/does sb. look like? 询问人的气质,性格,个性则常用What is/are sb. like? 如:

---- What is your sister like? 你姐姐是个什么样的人?

----- She is nice.她和蔼可亲.


召陵区实验中学师生共用教学案 Unit 2 Topic 2What does she look like ?

年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit2 Topic2 SectionC 执笔:韩素华 审核:七年级英语组


一、词汇提示(汉译英)1、会读并会默写课本37、38 页的单词


一双鞋 那顶帽子 看着。。。。。。

穿黄衣服的女孩 一条粉红色的裙子

看起来很高兴 你的左腿

蓝裤子 一件白色的T恤衫


1、want to do sth. 想要做某事 如:

I want to buy a T-shirt,a cap and a pair of pants.我想要买一件T恤衫,一顶帽子和一条裤子。

2、 Look at the photo.在这句话中,look是行为动词,意为“看。。。。。”后接宾语时,必须与at连用,如:Look at the girl。看着这个女孩。 Photo相片,是个名词,其复数形式是photos。

3、in+a/an /the+颜色+名词或者in+颜色,意思是“穿着某种颜色的衣服”in是个介词,和后面的名词一起构成介词短语,短语可作定语和表语,作定语是放在所修饰词的后面,称为后置定语。如:the boy in green 穿绿衣服的男孩(定语) The boy is in white.那个男孩穿着白衣服。(表语)

4、His pants are blue.他的裤子是蓝色的。Pants一般以复数形式使用,做主语是,谓语动词用复数形式。类似的词有shoes(鞋),gloves(手套)、glasses(眼镜)等。如:His shoes are black,but his pants are white.他的鞋是黑色的,但是他的裤子是白色的。



I.根据汉语或首字母提示,用你所学的表示 衣服、鞋帽的名词填空。

1、? ---- Mr. Black.

2 is my sister.

3 . 4 The boy doesn’.

5 --- Does she have a yellow (帽子)?

--- No,she doesn’t . She has a yellow (外套).

6 a toy for .

7 to help the man carry (搬运) the box.

II. 句型转换。

1 (对划线部分提问)

are these shoes ?

2 对划线部分提问)

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇七:七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like Section C》导学案

内蒙古巴彦淖尔市乌中旗二中七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Topic2 What

does she look like Section C》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版 学习目标:




一. 根据汉语意思写出单词(P133)。

1.T恤T-sh__ __t 2.鞋sh__e 3.帽子c__p 4.外套c__ __t

5.女士短裙sk__ __t 6.长裤p__nts tr__ __s__rs

7.连衣裙dr__ss 8.照片ph__t___9.强壮的str__ng

10.高兴的,快乐的 h__ppy 11.在(几点种)__t(看着l__ __k at)12.想要,需要w__nt

13. 买 b__y 14. 一对,一双 p__ ___r


1.want to buy____(翻译:想吃____ ____ ____想拼写___ ___ ____)

2.a pair of shoes______(翻译:一双手套___ ___ ___ ______

一条裤子___ ____ _____ ______) 3. those shoes______(翻译:那些

连衣裙____ ______那些手套_____ _____那些照片 _____ _____) 4.What color is this T-shirt?_________(变复数句子:______________ )

5.What color are these shoes?________( 变单数句子:_____________)

6.The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.______________.(注解in +颜色或者in+a/an/ the +颜色+名词,意思是“穿着某种颜色的衣服。”

★Michael is in a black cap.(Michael戴着一顶黑帽子)= The boy in a black cap is Michael.(戴着一顶黑帽子的男孩是Michael)=Michael is wearing a

black cap(Michael戴着一顶黑帽子)翻译:Jane穿着一件绿色的上衣。

①__________________. ②__________________. ③_____________________) 7.Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt.____________________.

(翻译:那男孩子穿着白衣服。The boy ___ ___ ___.)

★[链接]:in 还有“在„„里面”和“用„„语言”的意思。

翻译:1.那女孩坐在一辆红色小轿车里。The girl ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

2.你在哪个班?What ___ ___ ___ ___?

3.这个用英语怎么说?What’s ___ ___ ___?


1.Revision. Finish off these words,then read them,ask students to mark the rising tone and the falling tone,after that,read sentences in 3b.(3a,3b)

2.Finish off 1c and check the answers, read them in the rising tone and the falling tone in pairs.(1c)

3.Reading 1a and learn“want to„, a pair of„”,then practice in pairs till they can recite it. After that ,write down one of conversations according to 1b.(1a,1b)

4.Reading 2a and answer some questions, then learn“in+color,in+a\an+color+ none”, practice it more, finish off 2b and check the answers.(2a,2b)



1.看那幅图画。____ _____that photo.

2. ---你认识那个穿红衣服的女孩吗?---对不起,我不认识她。 ---Do you know the girl ___ ___?---___, I ___ ___ her.

3.穿着紫色T恤杉的那个男孩是杰克。The boy ___ the ___T-shirt is Jack.


1. These shoes are green. (对划线部分提问)_____ ______are these shoes?

2. John is tall and strong. (对划线部分提问)_____ _____John _____ _____?

3. Please give Li Ping the book. (同义句转换)Please give the book _____ _____.

4. Does he like his Chinese teacher? (改复数)____ ____like____Chinese teacher?

5. She is wearing(穿着) a white cap. (同转)She _____ ____ a white cap.

6. This apple is red.(同义句转换)This is an ____ ____.

三.模仿2a 也写一段话,描述一下自己的亲人,老师或同学的衣着外貌

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇八:仁爱英语七年级上册说课稿_Unit2_Topic2_SectionC


课题:Unit2 . Topic2. I have a small nose. SectionA


我这节课讲的内容是仁爱英语七年级上册Unit 2. Topic 2.IWhat does she look like? Section C部分,本节课主要活动是1a和2a。通过看图、阅读对话引入衣衫鞋帽的新单词,同时学习询问衣物颜色及辨认事物的表达方式“What color is that T-shirt?”,“It’s„”,“What color are those shorts?”,“They are „”,“What’s this/that?”,“It’s a/an „”,“What are these/those?”,“They are „”; 以及介词in 引导的表示穿着或穿戴的用法“The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.”,“He is in a black cap and blue shoes.”,表示想要购买某物的句型:“I want to buy „ ”此外,语音板块培养学生根据音标及图片拼写单词的能力,通过本课的学习学生应该初步具有拼读单词的能力。


1) 语言知识目标:

能够掌握并应用新学习的表衣物的单词: want, buy, cap, pair, shoe, coat, dress, skirt等;

能够用颜色谈论人的外貌和穿戴: What color is „? It’s„What color are„? They are„What’s this/that? It’s a/an„What are these/those? They are„ 能够掌握陈述句、一般疑问句及特殊疑问句的语调;

能掌握介词in引导的表示穿着或穿戴的用法:in a+颜色+服装。

2) 语言技能目标:


能运用表示询问衣物颜色、穿戴及辨认事物表达方式进行简单的交流; 能读懂简短的段落,并能掌握主要信息;



3) 情感目标:


三. 说本节的重点、难点内容。

1. 重点

正确使用表示询问衣物颜色及辨认事物的表达方法:What color is „? It’s„What color are„? They are„What’s this/that? It’s a/an„What are these/those? They are„

正确使用be动词:is, are

掌握介词in 引导的表示穿着或穿戴的表达方式;


2. 难点

正确使用be动词:is, are


能够掌握介词in 引导的表示穿着或穿戴的表达方式;








5、引导学生借助单词和所学的句型,尝试理解1a,教师讲解a pair of是“一双、一对”的意思。





七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇九:仁爱版七年级上册 Unit2 Topic2 SectionB 课件

七年级上册unit 2C topic 2 section what does she look?教案篇十:仁爱版英语七年级上Unit2Topic2SectionC
