One Is Such a Bad Number
Why is one such a bad number? It is because when the date has th is number in it, some bad thing always happens. Let me give you some examples. there midnight in Taiwan. the earthquake was very horrible. That night, there were about three thousand people that died in that accident. Many houses collapsed and the mountains moved.
America was attacked by terror is ts on September 11 th is year. the terror is ts crashed into America’s pentagon with an airplane. the terror is ts used airplanes to hit many tall buildings in America. there were bombs inside the buildings. When the airplanes hit the tall buildings, the tall buildings and the airplanes exploded. About six thousand people died. How terrible that is ! I think the terror is ts were crazy. People say that the American emergency number is 911, so the terror is ts chose September 11 to attack America. there was a big typhoon on July 11 th is year in Taiwan. It’s name was Toraji. Many cities were flooded. Some people died because of landslides. these dates all th is "one" number. I really don’t think "one" is a good or lucky number. So we have to be careful on dates with th is number
)My Happiest Day
Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening. Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"
At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was! Let’s Repair It Together!
It was Monday. I got up very early and was the first to come to the classroom. When I came to my desk and was going to sit down, I found my chair was broken. What could I do? At that
time no one was around. I quickly changed my chair with Li Ming’s and sat down to read the book as if nothing had happened.
My classmates came in one after another. After a while, Li Ming came. When he found his chair was broken, he tried to repair it. I didn’t say a word but my face turned red. Soon I ran to the teacher’s office and brought back a hammer. I said to I.i Ming, "Let’s repair it together."
(3) An Unforgettable Holiday
I am ’always busy with my lessons. What I have to do everyday is nothing but study.
Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle’s farm.We enjoyed a really interesting holiday. During the holiday, I didn’t have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises. I rode the horse in the fields. I milked the cows on the farm. To my GREat joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing. Life on the farm is quite different from that at school. I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again.
(4) A Day to Remember
It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.
We got there at nine o’clock. Mr Zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working. the students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. the studentsin Group Two were busycollecting litter left by the tourist. they also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.
At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.
(5) A Sunset
the sunset is very beautiful and lovely. Its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city.
When the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the GREen fields. the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful. When the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball. Its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red. When the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn GREy and the mountains become black.
then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature.
reading: finish reading a novel
after reading, i will write down all the strage words
writing: write a diary every day
memorizing: remember words of vocabulary 10000, do an english exercise.
计划执行过程计划完成情况(含学习时间、地点、具体学习内容,如:星期几、下午或晚上几点至几点,学习内容须列出学习的书名、篇章和数量或页数) each afternoon, reading a novel about twenty pages which is named the seventh key and writing a compositiong using all the new words which i meet in the novel. each evening ,write a diary what happen the whole day and then telling what i think about this matter.
listening to the english materials such as cet-6 in the evening of tuesday and thursday from 7 o’clock to 9 o’clock.
remember 30 words in vocabulary 10000 in the morning at the dorm. doing a set of cet-6 exercise every evening after writtinh a diary.
i think my plan is not very good but just arranged reasonally. in fact, i find it difficult yo finish my plan. not only because we have
not such much time everyday, but also because i, peasonally, have not great willpower. i think i will try my best to finish my plan. 备注:1、本周记不记录与英语学习无关的内容。
这一周除了周五和周日晚上没有给依依念英文童书,其余时间均按照常规进行,每晚念10-15分钟的英文童书,早上听晨曦或者《我的第一本英文亲子书》的 cd。本周给依依买了《机灵狗abc》这一套英文童书,个人感觉也很不错,内容很有趣,非常适合初学者,附带的光盘朗读得很好,依依一个晚上可以看4本书,所以这套书虽然周三才到货,但是本周依依已经看到第10本了。总结一下本周的英文学习:
2. 依依明显开口讲英语要多一些了,在家里除了唱“apple”“good morning”的儿歌外,还会主动说“i love you,mum”这样的句子。
3. 本周我开始学《我的第一本亲子英文书》,也就是利用早上刷牙洗脸的时间我来听一遍,和晨曦英语交替着听,本周听了第一章,依爸也很不错,也开始用听到的一些英语用语早上来叫赖床的依依起床“yiyi,its time to get up!”,呵呵,想着早上这个情景真是挺好玩的。计划每周学一章节吧,把节奏尽量放慢一些。
4. 晨曦英语现在依依已经开始了第二本,本周也就听了3次,依依还是对这套书中的英文儿歌感兴趣,对第二本的“put finger”这首已经开始自己哼唱了。
5. 今后晚上的童书共读还是以《机灵狗》那一套为主了,每周听1-2次晨曦,因为机灵狗的故事比较多,更能吸引孩子兴趣一些,这两个月计划就机灵狗和晨曦交替着来听来学了。
姓 名: 杜宗飞
学 号: 2011090118
专 业: 英语专业
班 级: 英语专业01班
指导教师: 赵晓明
工作过程我得出了一些体会:我工作过程要相信自己,如果做不到这一点,你就无法成为一个好的职员或者好的领导。一个相信自己的人,才会在走路时神采飞扬,让老板看上去你有无穷的精力;一个相信自己的人,才会在待人接物时落落大方,这一切能帮助老板培养对你的信心,必要时才会委你以重任。你怎么对待别人,别人就会怎么对待你。在工作中,要待人如待己。在你困难的时候,你的善行会衍生出另一个善行。在别人遇到困境时,热情地伸出援手。在职场上,尽可能地做一个与人为善的好人,这样,当你在工作上不小心出现纰漏,或当你面临加薪或升职的关键时刻,可尽可能减少别人放冷箭的危险。 第7周
在目前的英语教学中, 英语写作是学生相对薄弱的一个环节, 而且很多学生惧怕写作。学生在英语写作中主要存在无话可写、用汉语思维方式写作、语法错误百出等问题。本人认为此种现象出现的主要原因是:中学英语教学严重忽视写作训练。为了提高学生的英语写作水平,我觉得让学生写英语周记是很有效的方法。
一、 让学生养成用英文写周记的习惯。
刚进入高中的学生,英语书面表达能力一般较差,所以刚开始写英文周记,大部分学生不是满篇的Chinese English,就是词汇的随意凑合。为了克服这一毛病,要从抓基本句型训练入手,指导学生进行造句训练。英语的基本句型有五种:1.S+V。2.S+V+C。
1. It was the fourth Friday of this month .(S+V+C)
2. We cleaned our classroom .(S+V+O)
3. Some students moved the desks and chairs .(S+V+O)
4. Others mopped the floor .(S+V+O)
5. Our monitor and I cleaned the windows .(S+V+O)
6. We worked two hours .(S+V)
8. We gave our classroom a thorough cleaning .(S+V+O+O)
9. We saw the classroom bright and clean .(S+V+O+C)
10. We were happy.(S+V+C)
在加强基本句型训练的同时,还要指导学生注意英文遣词造句的规律和习惯。如写“梅州发生了巨大的变化”,一般不说“Meizhou has happened great changes."而应说:"Great changes have taken place in Meizhou.” 教师对这些问题要给学生多做分析,归纳对比。
高中英语新教材中有很多与现实生活贴近的话题,教师可以就这些话题让学生用短评的形式在作文中写下自己的看法。如在学习高一必修(3)Health eating 这一单元时,笔者让学生以“My view on health eating”为题写短评。学生们各抒己见,写出了不少有见地的文章来。
对于基础较差的学生,要求他们基本做到用词得当,句子结构正确,语法规范,没有拼写错误等等。这样适当放宽要求,有利于基础较差的学生克服畏难心理。同时还要不失时机地加上鼓励性评语,使学生增强信心。例如,一位学生在一篇周记上只写了: Yesterday I played basketball. I and my classmates played very well. We had a good time yesterday.
我在纠正其中的错误之后,给了他这样的评语: Your weekly journal is not bad,并表示: I am glad that you had a happy day.
Please answer my following questions:
What day was yesterday ?
Did you have any classes at school ?
What time did you go to play basketball ?
Who did you play with
How did you play?
Were they glad to play with you ?
It was Saturday yesterday. We had no classes at school„We had a lot of fun in our weekend .回答完之后,学生高兴地发现自己居然写成一篇稍为像样的短文了。
对于程度较好的学生,我则要求他们在遣词造句符合英语习惯、语言通畅,并提出更高要求。如:“Your work is well done, But it will be better if you keep it clean and tidy / pay attention to your spelling.”“It’s good to be correct. But it’s good to be correct. But it’s also important to use your own words and try to think in English.”
对中等生的作业, 教师应多一点督促.如:“I’m sorry you have made the mistake again, Don’t so careless.”“Are you working hard these days?”同时评语还应涉及学生学习和生活的方方面面,表达形式多样化,可以是词汇、句子,也可以是三言两语的描述和随感、提问。如:“What a good idea!”“Don’t you think you are not listening carefully enough in class recently?”“If you read more you can understand better.”有时也可以写上一句谚语,如:“No pains no gains.”“Where there is a will there is a way.”这些话语都能很好地鼓励学生, 从而增强学生的自信心,进而提高学生的学习兴趣,使学生由被动的“要我学”转变为主要的“我要学”, 同时也能提高他们的写作能力。
六、 采用灵活多变的方法进行批改
2.学生自改。有些毛病只要稍加提示,学生就可以自行改正。这些就让给学生自改。如一周记中出现若干时态方面的错误,我便给予提示:There are some mistakes about the English tenses .Find them out and correct them .或者在错误的地方划上红线,加个问号。由于这些问题难度不大,一经提示,学生便能给予正确的修改。
Food and Health
Nowadays, with the improvement of people’s living standards, health is a hot topic that many people are concerned about. But how to keep healthy? In my opinion, appropriate and healthy food is a key part in keeping healthy. Every day, we eat a variety of food in order to keep our body in balance.Our body needs various foods which offer different nutrients. But too much chocolate and ice-cream may get us fat or even sick. So we must be careful about what we eat and how much we eat. In a word, reasonable and balanced diets are the keys to staying healthy. So we should pay more attention to healthy food. 食物及卫生
Relax Yourself放松自我
What does it mean to relax?Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our
lives, very few people have deeply considered what it's really about.
When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax, most will answer in
a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later you do it on vacation, in a hammock, when you retire, or when you get everything else done. This implies, of course, that most other times should be spent nervous, agitated, rushed, and frenzied. Very few actually come out and say so, but this is the obvious implication.Could this explain why so many of us operate as if life were
one great big emergency?
It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can access on a regular basis rather than something reserved for some later time. You can relax now. It's helpful to remember that relaxed people can still be superachievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand.When I'm feeling uptight, for example, I don't even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.
As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, many people are in the habit of rushing through life. Some admit that stress seems to be on the increase all the time. A certain degree of stress is beneficial to us, but too much stress is certainly harmful, and sometinles may even harmful to our health and physique. So it is necessary to know how to reduce stress.
There are many ways that can help us solve this problem, but the following may be the most effective. First, learn to COllie to terms with yourselves. Don't set a goal that is too high because there are many things in this world that are beyond your reach. Learn to be content to go as far as you can. Second, learn to COllie to terms with the world around you. Don't try to change other people or other things. There are people and things in this world that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept them. Third, don't be too interested in material things and don't try to "keep up with the Joneses." Don't harbor any jealousy, vanity or resentment to others. Be satisfied with what you have. Finally, keep in touch with your friends. Talk with them, share with them your happiness and misery. This will help to make you feel better.
These are not necessarily the only ways to solve the problem, and it is my hope that everyone
can reduce the too much stress in his work and study and live a relaxed happy life.
Some people think that life at present is better than life in the past. They think that now we are living a life that our ancestors could never have dreamed of. For instance, convenient foods from markets have simplified cooking. Electric appliances at home have taken the drudgery out of housework. New inventions have helped to make our work more sufficient and less tiring. Development in medicine has helped to make people live longer and healthier. It seems as if we were living in paradise.
Other people, however, believe that life in the past is better than life at present. They argue that in this highly competitive society people have to work even harder and learn much more in order to adapt to the fast pace of modern life. Moreover, people have to be sophisticated to deal with the many complicated matters in life and work. Development in industry has caused lots of pollution. New inventions have put many people out of work.
In my opinion, life always has its problems. There are problems now which people didn't have to face in the past, and there were also problems in the past which people don't have to confront today. Life is full of happiness if we should be optimistic. We should smile through everything whether it is happiness or misery. This is the right attitude towards life.
在我看来,生活总是有它的问题。有问题,现在人们没有面对过去,也有一些问题,在过去,人们不必面对今天。生活是充满幸福的,我们应该乐观。我们应该微笑的一切,无论是快乐或痛苦。这是一个正确的态度对待生活。 It is clear that health is the foundation of one's future success. If you get sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are stout and strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you.
Now that we know that health is the source of our energy, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we should keep regular reasonable hours. If we get up early, we can breathe fresh air. This habit can do wonders in our life. Third, there is a proverb that says, "Prevention is better than cure."
In short, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but love their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. If you want your wish to come true, you should do exercise and keep fit. Health is the most important ingredient of your success.
Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.
I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.
After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.
there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.
First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.
Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.
The new term has begun! -
Time flies, time if shuttle! The beginning of this term I have risen a grade and have become junior college student, so I must make a study plan to improve myself .I will spend more time in studying English. and do my best to pass the English CET4.At first I must believe myself, it may be the most important.! -
On the other hand, in this term, for me, I have some changes, for my mind, my position, and my study attitude. -
These changes may be good, Yes? -
I felt I can‟t fit the school‟s life before I come to school. But now, I think it impossible, new terms has many interesting things, too. Certainly, we have many themes to talk about them together. I t made us laugh. -
And now, it is the second week, however, I often sleep less, it has six or seven hours more or less, so I always feel tired with my eyes. -
On Tuesday, it is open ceremory. It often includes that prize to students who has well performanced, maybe will get a prize. But this term, I had backslide, so I can‟t get a scholarship., it is a pity! and I can‟t get a electronic dictionary. SO I will hard study, aim at a scholarship. -
Wednesday is Teachers ‟Day, at the same time, it‟s my classmate, Dandan ‟s Birthday. - I was in a good mood that day! -
我觉得我无法适应学校的生活,我来上学之前。但现在,我认为是不可能的,新的条款有很多有趣的事情,太多。当然,我们有很多的主题,他们一起讨论。 I T让我们笑。现在,它是第二个星期,但是,我经常睡眠不足,六,七个小时或多或少,所以我总是感到厌倦了我的眼睛。周二,它是开放ceremory的。它通常包括奖金,以及performanced学生,也许会得到奖品。但这个词,我不得不倒退,所以我不能获得奖学金。,这是可惜!我不能得到一个电子词典。所以我会努力学习,目的是一门学问。周三是教师节,在同一时间,,它是我的同班同学,丹丹的生日。我是在一个好心情,每天!
This time really fast. National Day holidays has ended. This week, I almost stay at home. At home, I always repeated these things, such as watch TV, read books ,and did some housework. Maybe it has a bit boring. But at home, it always make me happy. With my family together is golden hours. -
Backed home this time, I also got a MP4.With the MP4,I think it‟s more convenient to train English listening. And I thought of the dresident of the assignment. let us to write an essay ”my dream” essay. I began writing:
“Everyone has a dream, it is for everyone ,but people who don‟t have dream it will be empty. But the dream is always with the ideological change before then” When I wrote the assignment, I haven‟t seriously thought of what is my real dream to
be teacher. While I also. But my heart really dream, I haven‟t think clearly, do the things you can pull sight, I still feel OK. But now I still have a little dream, it‟s have an electronic dictionary. Come on~` - I hope everybody come true their dream, including myself. -
The weather becomes colder and colder, people began to wear long sleeve. Indeed, to take good care of yourself physically. This kind of weather easily cause cold. -
On Tuesday, It was Harsmar . And I asked some classmates a question ”what‟s Harmar ?”bur few people can answer. It also called ”JING LAO JIE”. It‟s maybe clear. and I sent a message to several teachers, including Lin Zhenhua, and he also gave me message, the content is motivating. I received his massage was very happy. -
This weekend, I began to practice the tutor. The students is poor in English, so I
just beginning from the simple grammar to teach. Two days of family education and feel good. -
Today I received notice, It said that the next week after week will held an exam ,it‟s about “basic training” ,I also have a little worried.
The next thing really busier and busier. It‟s about the exam. I might be a little scared. -
Today is Friday, a week is going over, as usual, this weekends will probably very bored. However, it is a good, so that I can have enough sleep. hehe~~ And on the basic of sleep is enough, I should plan to do, so don‟t let myself nothing. For example: hand a copy, Jianbi painting ,English words, etc. But the important thing still is to let myself get sufficient rest.
Now, the basic assessment of time delay ,on 27th.For me,so have enough time to prepare. It‟s a pleasant. Originally though it would began to exam at tomorrow‟s tomorrow. so now I must make a good use of the time. -
Recent Yanchipu nearby roads are repairing, so the traffic is very troublesome.
And I will go to the supermarket to buy something, it‟s very unconvenient. So I also did not go out this week. Every day, repeated this three place to walk, namely the school canteen, dormitory, the classroom. Perhaps this some boring, but I also don‟t know how to relaxation time. Sometimes , I am very busy, but sometimes have nothing to do .Also I‟m now a tutor, maybe I will more fulling. Let‟s cheer myself!
The basic assessment of time is around the corner in the day after tomorrow, but I shall never seems to be ready until now. May be a bit worse. -
Just finished the tutor‟s work, this one is ten minutes‟ walk. And in this ten minutes . I was walking alone, so I usually think a lot. Sometimes I seem to realize some sense, sometimes what things are summarized, anyway, it‟s thought a lot. Like just I was thinking the composition of the topic in that day,” If I were a boy,” I haven‟t really think “if I were a boy”, and what can I do ? I really didn‟t think about it too much,,…..
Perhaps the most early monthly share happy, because the school will grant, and at the end of this time, maybe everyone became very expect, I feel the same way. Sometime a week doesn‟t happen something, so that nothing to write, like this week. That‟s all.
基本评估的时间大约是在后天的角落,但我将永远不会似乎是准备到现在为止。可能是有点雪上加霜。刚刚参加完导师的工作,这个人是10分钟的步行路程。而在这10分钟。我独自走,所以我想了很多。有时候,我似乎意识到从某种意义上说,有时什么事情总结,反正想了很多。只是我在想在这一天的主题组成的一样,“如果我是一个男孩,”我没有真的认为“如果我是一个男孩”,我能做些什么呢?我真的没有去想太多,... ... ..也许最早期的每月分享快乐,因为学校将补助金,并在这段时间结束时,也许每个人都成为非常期待,我觉得同样的方式。有时一个星期不发生的事情,所以什么都不写,像这个星期。这是所有。
I was fell ill last night, but the strange to say, yet. Yesterday afternoon concepts can still play volleyball and skip rope. When back dormitory after school, began to feel dizzy ,body fatigue. May be tired. Later in the evening, and aware of the fever. I have hardly enough strength left to move my body. and to persuade my classmates and teachers, don't go to see the doctor. May be very stubborn, but the consequences caused heavier. In the dormitory, With students of class chatting, then how suddenly fainted, for carrying people had to be taken to the hospital. I don't know what happened from fainting to be sent to the hospital this time, but I wanted to say with classmates, teacher, "thank you." The time is my classmate review, the teacher taking delays and spend some time with me, and really touched. Thank you -
Shouldn't sick, it aside to me. Remember before the exam period of last semester with a fever, and ill for several days, then no review test scores, and left behind .I think the midterm exam as well. However, the performance should is not important, Health matters. Really, people began to feel uncomfortable, just think what things are not wonderful. instead, they will be very happy. Like yesterday morning till noon, I am very happy. First, my dad's birthday. Secondly, to learn that I won first prize in the composition contest, I was very excited. -
Change is said, Night is ill. On the way back to school, she said that she more and more like the head teacher, She said with a teacher of a pretty chat, and I also feel very well. - That evening is unforgettable . -
In midweek, we held a simple English forum in the classroom,. The topic of "the advantages and disadvantages of network."After a few minutes, we stopped, they all go to the dormitory nap. We were not ready for it,s o the effect is not so good. In this my point is: -
Computers play an important role in our everyday life. Also we can see in the
electronic reading room ,rows of students sit in front of the monitors. We us-e computers to cope with files and photos etc. And the internet is just a large database
and we can get on the internet to search for anything we need through the computers. We can keep in touch with the others with the emails, msn and QQ etc. Enjoying ourselves in music, games and movies can loosen us after nervous classes. -
Each coin has two sides. Disadvantages of the computers can also do harm to us. Most of us students use the computers more to play games and chat with strangers than searching for useful information. That‟s a waste of time. There is so much rubbish on the net, which are some medium messages about crime or sex. It does harm to our minds. -
From all above, we should learn to use computers in our own right ways....
The computers doesn‟t have no responsibility, it depends on the way we use them. In my view, Internet has both advantage and disadvantage, it depends on users. How do you use Internet? - That's all -
在周中,我们举行了一个简单的英语论坛,在课堂上。主题“的优势和劣势的网络。”几分钟后,我们停了下来,他们都去宿舍午睡。我们没有准备好,所以效果也不是那么好。这是我的观点是:计算机在我们的日常生活中发挥的重要作用。此外,我们可以看到,在电子阅览室,一排排学生坐在显示器前面。我们我们- E电脑,以应付文件和照片等,并在互联网仅仅是一个庞大的数据库,我们可以在互联网上得到任何我们需要通过计算机搜索。我们可以保持在接触其他与电子邮件,MSN和QQ等享受自己的音乐,游戏和电影可以放松后神经类。每一个硬币的两面。计算机的缺点也可以给我们的伤害。我们大多数学生使用计算机玩游戏和与陌生人聊天,比寻找有用的信息。这是浪费时间。有如此多的在网络上的垃圾,这是有关犯罪或性别的一些中等消息。它危害到我们的头脑。从所有上述,我们应该学会用电脑在我们自己的权利的方式....在电脑中没有任何责任,它取决于我们使用它们的方式。在我看来,互联网的优势和劣势,这取决于用户。你如何使用互联网?这就是全部
Friday again. How time flies. Another week has gone. I got an e_mail this week
from an old friend of mine. Her name is Qimeng. We parted when halfway through seventh grade. I haven‟t heard from her at all since about halfway throught ninth grade. I honestly thought I „d never hear from her again. She was one of my best friend, though. We had quite a bit in common. It was really great to hear from her. -
“If you could revidit any one moment from your life and live it again, what
would it be?”
There are so many choices! In light of recent circumstances, I guess that if I had
no pick, I‟d go back to the day Qimeng was leaving and tell her how much her friendship meant to me. I „d tell just how much I was going to miss her and make her promise to stay in touch and come back and see me once in a while. -
I know that when people leave your life, you always regret not saying
something to them. I‟ ve waved goodbye to many people in my life, and Qinmeng‟s the only one who ever kept in touch with me and who I regretted not saying more. - 周五再次。时间过得真快。一个星期已经一去不复返了。我得到了一个邮箱本周从我的老朋友。她的名字是启蒙。我们分手时,中途通过七年级。我没有听说她在所有九年级,因为大约一半的思想。老实说,我认为我从来没有听到从她再次。她是我最好的朋友之一,虽然。我们有共同颇有几分。这是真正伟大的,听到从她的。 “任何一个时刻,如果你可以revidit从你的生活和生活再次,会是什么?”有这么多的选择!鉴于最近的情况下,我想,如果我
1、 今天是第一天,我们的暑假。经过一段时间的紧张复习,昨天考试结束了,总算可以轻松一下了。一整天我发现,三分之二的时间我很困。我想明天会更好。
Today is the first day of our summer holiday. After a period of intense review, the exam ended yesterday, so I can relax. One day I found that2/3 of the time, I was very sleepy. I think tomorrow will be better.
2、今天一大早,我和妈妈单位的人一起去黄山旅游,因为好奇才去的,没想到爬山真累,但在大家的鼓励下,我还是坚持爬上了山顶。 In the early morning, I and mother unit of a person go to Mount Huangshan tourism, because of curiosity only, did not think of climbing is tiring, but in everyone 's encouragement, I still insist on climbing up to the top of the hill。
3、 对我们来说重要的是身体健康,没有健康的身体,我们不能很好的学习或工作。有很多方法来保持健康。首先,我们应该每天坚持锻炼。我们可以走路去学校,放学后,我们可以花一小时玩球。我们必须记得:早睡,早起才能身体好。 Important for us to be healthy, do not have a healthy body, we can not very good study or work. There are many ways to keep healthy. First, we should exercise every day. We can walk to school, after school, we can spend an hour playing with a ball. We must remember: early to bed, early to good health.
Today, I still went to my mother's office. My mother is very busy, and my father is the same, they are all doctors, in the hospital, every day they for the physical health of the patient is busy。
In the afternoon when I came home, I found ten dollars in the road, must have been careless lost. I stood there for a long time no one to find, do not know how to do the home. But my heart is not happy。
4月3日 第五周
Recent feel particularly busy, class activities with the activities of associations crowded together, plus a lot of this semester elective course, some class teachers need to find time to complete assignments, people say that college life is not busy, I think just the opposite . But some elective courses are frivolous, the teacher is talking about the professional knowledge, I can only learn about the number, in fact, like when listening to the divine book, do not understand the teacher's class, may be too esoteric, there is no basis for the sake of it, but I will not skip class, I have to learn well.
4月8日 第六周
After training tonight cases, have reached 23 o'clock, I went back to quarters, lying in bed, the thought, since I entered the law school since the GB team, is the first time for a performance and training for so long, but I find it worthwhile, meaningful, because this benefit performance is to a large earthquake occurred in the disaster areas Yushu in Qinghai Province to raise money, so I am very serious about training for want to make a difference.
4月17日 交谊舞大赛 第七周
今晚是校学生会举办的第七届交谊舞大赛决赛,我们的法学院国标队有一对选手进了决赛,现在已经七点十五分了,比赛在七点半就开始,而我还在宿舍做着作业,我看了下手机的时间后,赶紧换了件衣服,然后往决赛地点跑去,因为队友进了决赛,我们队里的其他人都有去帮他们加油,今晚的表演真的很精彩,我们拿了季军,实在是太令人高兴了。 Dance competition
Tonight is the student holding the 7th dance contest, our law school national team with a pair of players into the finals, now has seven and fifteen minutes, the game in it, and I also do the job in the dormitory, I looked at the time of the next phone, quickly changed his clothes, and then to the final location, because his teammates into the finals, our team of other people have to help them, tonight's show was really exciting, we took 2nd Runner-up, is too nice.
4月23 第八周
This week bustles about very much, because approaches 51 vacations quickly, therefore many disciplines have arranged some holiday task, moreover quickly to the semester time, will also have arranged except work some disciplines the midterm examination, examined the student semester the study achievement, also therefore supervised the student not to forget to study, this was a good deed, looked like my also push to review lessons.
4月30日 第九周
Friday in the afternoon the last class is unendurable, because previous day was the weekend has a vacation. But this Friday afternoon's last class is more unendurable, because tomorrow will be 51 Labor Day, along with will finish class the bell sound, I flushed the dormitory, hurried to tidy up the thing to run toward the station, because I must go to Guangzhou friend there to pass my vacation. This 51 we have gone to the amusing place, has eaten many delicacy foods, has bought clothes which admires, watched the movie which just left "Leaf To ask 2", but also saw many beforehand friends, we crossed happily.
5月8日 第十周
Sanshui Charity
The day finally arrived, the national standard of the people we are excited because the results of training for two months, finally came out to play tonight. In order to do something to help the disaster areas in Yushu, our school organized a Sanshui Charity Volunteers, this day, we arrived on the scene early on, because to do well prepared to perform on stage, we put a dress, dressed up, wait for the show arrival. The evening's performance was wonderful, our national standard jump very well, benefit performance ended, we offer a bit hit Yushu in Qinghai Province modest, feeling very happy.
5月14日 第十一周
On May 14
in our team's people sang Kara OK tonight, because the social dancing big game has made the third good progress, moreover three water benefit performance complete success, because will teach the big two fellow apprentices female apprentices who we will dance to return to the collated and corrected copy department shortly afterward again to study, therefore we exit to get together tonight, everybody has drunk many liquor, several happy teammates have gotten drunk, but our these have not been drunk the human enough will bring back to them the school, returns the school will lie down after the bed, I sigh with emotion extremely, because we already had the very deep friendship.
五月20日 第十二周
Almost overslept the morning, then come later to the classroom if the Morning Reading words would be a demerit, and fortunately, when trained in military training, in emergency situations a lot faster, in time the classroom. Classes in the morning when it suddenly received a text message, on the office opening tonight at the administration building monitor the meeting notice, think of the headaches, it appears to do, reported. In the evening just about to go to the office, they received a text message, work on our award-winning DV class notice, I jumped up excited, rewarded for work pays off, we made it, the hard work pays off, took a Best Choice Award. But now and have to go to the meeting is finished, and then be too late to celebrate.
今天开始放暑假了。暑假到了,但是暑假要干什么呢?觉得是想做一些不同的事情,但是不知道从哪里开始,又从哪里结束……或许本来就没有开始,没有结束。暑假是这样,生活也是这样。 在孩子们的眼里,社会总是充满着真善美,生活是甜蜜而多彩的。在大人们的眼中,社会是有两面性的,既有真善美,又有假丑恶,生活具有酸甜苦辣。为何大人与孩子的思想有那么大的差别?结论只有一个:这是成熟与稚嫩最根本的区别。 大千世界中,任何事物都具有双面性。大人们的阅历丰富,决定了他们看东西比较全面。而孩子要走向成熟,就必定需要经历一些事情。有人说:“生活是一个大练兵场,是磨砺人的舞台。”在这个特殊的舞台上,每个人将会遇到开心的事情与悲哀的事情。悲哀的事情会使人承受巨大痛苦,开心的事物会让人拥有美好的心情。如果整日面对悲事,人容易丧失信心进而自暴自弃、颓废沉沦;而整日面对喜事,人又会被眼前的事物所迷惑,缺乏社会经验,容易上当受骗。正如植物不能缺少阳光与雨水一样,人的经历中不能缺少快乐和悲伤。 2. 暑假里面最爱做的一件事情之一当然是看《快乐男生》了。我最喜欢陈楚生了,我想很多人都喜欢他,有人喜欢他的声音,有人喜欢他抱着吉他的神情,有人喜欢他的故事,有人喜欢他的为人……我喜欢他,似乎不需要因为什么,又似乎是因为他的一切。 当再次看到他的时候就已经很是被他吸引了,是因为他的声音,还有他抱着吉他用心歌唱,用音乐讲故事的神情,记得当时听他演唱的时候,整个人就完完全全的陷进去了,似乎是你走进了他的故事,又似乎是他走进了你的内心深处,这种感觉是当时在场的其他所有选手都没有的,别的选手唱歌时就是简单的机械的在听,而对于楚生是聆听。 在后来一场一场的比赛中对他的喜欢一次次加深。决赛在陈楚生和苏醒之间,歌迷分成了两派,评委分成了两派,主持人似乎也分成了两派,最终结果出来后,何老师还口误把陈楚生说成苏醒。陈楚生和苏醒,完全是两个世界的人,一个卖盒饭度日,一个少年留学海外。最后冠军是陈楚生,我兴高采烈地大声疾呼,我赢了,我们楚生赢了。 这个世界上,我相信每个人付出的坚持与努力都是回得到回报的。 3. 炎热的夏季往往是考验人毅力的时候,每个人的毅力不同,但求知的大门永远敞开。就看远处的你我愿不愿走进。走过了炎热,也就代表你走上了一个新的起点。今天我无意中看书,看到童第周这篇课文,童第周学习十分差,但他艰苦努力,早上、晚上都合理利用学习,
从最后一名成为第一名。我从中受到很大的启发:无论做什么事要想成功,必须付出辛勤的劳动和汗水,才能获得丰收的喜悦。这又使我想起一句名言:“一分耕耘,一分收获。”多么好的名言,我的精神一下子提上来了,我找到了精神需要的补品。向以往那样,我又好好学习,每天老师带我们去知识的海洋,攻破了一道道难关。得到了一份份美好的战利品。 使我坚定了信念,锻炼了意志和不断学习攀登的精神。等待下一关的挑战...... 4. 呆在家里做作业,不免觉得有些乏味,除了看看书或电视,陪着外公外婆打几副牌,寻开心。妈妈对我非常苛刻,时常在我耳边唠叨,定要让我复习语数英,说什么“马上毕业了,升初中还那么放松!”我只好乖乖认命,仅5天,就做完了作业的一半!惊人啊!我的暑假虽吁了口气,但还是“闭门自习”的,唉,倒霉! 游泳是我在夏日中必不可少的运动,在碧波里狠狠一个猛蹿,便会让那碧湛湛的、清凉的池水,凉便全身,浸透心田。虽说在游泳池里偶尔喝几口水,但在池里感觉还是很棒、很爽的!在炎热的夏,来几个狗爬式,几下蛙泳,有一种休闲时尚的感觉。 暑假,平淡中也有自在,也有快乐。无聊而快乐的生活啊!呵呵。 5. 暑假里,我看见妈妈总是心事重重的,还总是在镜子前照来照去,我知道,妈妈是为自己逐渐变胖的身材而苦恼。暑假以来,妈妈的客户经常请妈妈吃饭, 这些东西不知道有多少卡路里呢!唉,可不是嘛,《大长今》过后,妈妈爱上了韩剧,每天晚都要看,而且天天都到10点多钟,早上怎么能早起?妈妈下班晚,根本没有时间去运动,怎样才能让妈妈变瘦呢? 我先让妈妈做健美操,其实就是广播操,妈妈才做了一半,就已经气喘吁吁了,接下来,是转呼啦圈,妈妈接过那个特大号的呼啦圈。只见妈妈踢踢腿,弯弯腰,扭扭脖子,甩甩手,很认真地做着每个动作。一会儿工夫,就见她全身大汗。我赶紧拿来毛巾和水杯,关心地说:“好了好了,今天到此为止。”妈妈擦了擦汗,一下子喝完了整杯水,这才舒了一口气。 一个星期后,妈妈站上台称。她惊喜地喊道:“减了减了,1公斤呢!”“耶!减肥成功!”我欢呼道。 原来只要能坚持,减肥一定也会成功。 6. 今天去吃肯德基了。一进去,我们一家三口立即分了工,爸爸去订餐,我和妈妈去找座位。好不容易找了个座位坐了下来,趁爸爸还没来,我又打量了一下肯得基店堂:大厅很宽敞,桌椅整洁漂亮,设施齐全,四周的墙壁上画满了儿童卡通画和肯得基宣传画,有清凉的饮料、酥焦的薯条、香喷喷的汉堡包、
色香味具全的大鸡腿,看着画上的食物,我馋得直流口水。“可以吃了!”随着我的一声欢叫,爸爸端着满满一托盘食物走来了。爸爸给我买了儿童套餐,我往餐盘里一看,哇!儿童套餐原来还送玩具呢!一个小巧玲珑的肯得基小人正在翻油桶,可每次他都运气不好,总是一头栽进桶里去!看着他那滑稽的样子,我不由得“咯咯”地笑出声来!“洋洋,你要是不饿,我们可要全吃了!”妈妈故意逗我,只见她拿起汉堡包大大地咬了一口,我一看急了,左手抓起大鸡腿,右手拿起汉堡包,也啊呜啊呜地吃起来,不一会儿,一套儿童套餐就被我“报销”了! 走出肯德基店门,肯德基的美味还在我嘴里回味。我心中一直在想,其实国外真的有很多好的东西值得我们学习。 7. 今天,因为天气炎热,所以爸爸带我到河边去玩,还带了瓶子装鱼。来到河边,爸爸坐在大树下乘凉,我呢,就在河里玩水呀、捉鱼呀。 忽然,我看见一只虾,还以为是鱼,就迫不急待地正想把它搂了起来,没想到它却跑了。我又去追,好不容易才用手把它围住了,搂到瓶子里,仔细一看,呀,原来是一只虾。这时,我像一个泄了气的皮球,一下子软了。我想:好不容易才把它抓住,还是把它养起来吧!接着,我又捉住几条鱼放在瓶子里,和虾做伴。 我抬着瓶子得意地往前走,不小心踩到石头上的一块青苔。只听“咚”的一声,我像一只落汤鸡,浑身是水。而且瓶子里的鱼和虾也趁此机会跑了,留下一个空瓶子泡在水里。我捡起瓶子闷闷不乐地向岸上走去。真是“偷鸡不成,反失把米”。结果我就这样湿漉漉地回家了。 平时的我,总是在学校,很少和大自然亲密接触,对于大自然的很多东西,我都很陌生,以后有机会我一定多接触接触大自然。 8. 长长的路的尽头是一片满是星星的夜空。 长长的世界的旅程充满太多物质的诱惑。说不清对你承诺的一切还有多少没有实现过。 不愿放开手,不愿让你走,不愿眼睁睁的看你走出我的生活。 ------------CHEER 华丽的冒险 今天早上醒来清晰的记得自己的梦里,有CHEER的脸。整个梦里全是逃命后来LOG站在窗口前拉着我的手,对着我说,没事。跳下去。有我在。你的生命如同我的一样重要。这句话直到我醒来都还在我脑海里挥之不去。我想我肯定是很想念她了。亲爱的,快快回来。 刚刚看完一部短片《寻找黄金时代》是一部王小波先生的记录片吧。其实挺无聊的,整整27分钟不断的在追叙这个作家的过去。我大概感兴趣的内容就是其中有太多的来自于王小波本人的录影和他的作品。说起这个短片的由来有点好玩
,今天去了两个书店,在第二家书店的时候,看了一个下午,腰都直掉了。准备走了,工作人员说有碟子可以免费赠送给你。不过是电脑碟,出于贪小便宜的心理,想的反正我家有电脑,就去看了是什么碟。碟到很多最后只淘出来这么一张有兴趣的。说起来也算没有白费我站在那里腰酸背疼的看了一个下午的书。总是有收获的嘛。 9. 暑假已过了一半儿,我的作业早写完了,剩下的日子里,我本想好好玩几天的,可是,家长逼着我学这学那,如果我不情愿,他们就问我是不是骄傲了,然后就莫名其妙的训我一顿,讲一大堆道理,还说是为我好,真不知道他们是怎麽想的。 早上我起床,先洗漱完毕。然后,妈妈连吃早饭的时间都不给我,逼着我写奥数作业,写完就该吃中午饭了,吃完午饭,妈妈也不让我睡午觉,就让我写作文,写完后,我知道该在网上学英语了。学了三四个小时。 吃完饭,出去转一圈,回来就得冲澡,然后爸爸就催我早点睡,迎接新的一天。 哎,一天就这样模模糊糊过去了。晚上,我趴在床前,看着星星自由的眨着眼睛,心想:我今天都干了什麽有意义的事?没有啊!我进入了梦想,我做梦都在写作业。 我期待的暑假不是这样的!是劳逸结合,是很灿烂、很阳光的。并不是像考试前一样,整天挣扎在学海里,在习题中苦苦煎熬,我不要! 也许在家长们的眼里,暑假是学习的黄金时段,而在我们这些小学生眼里,暑假是放松的日子。 爸爸妈妈,请尊重我们,我的暑假,我做主。 10. 暑假的一天,在爸爸、妈妈的陪同下,我走进体育馆的大门,我仿佛置身于一个奇妙无比的世界里:喷水池前,两盆大月季傲然怒放,数百朵小月季环绕簇拥,争气斗艳,真是好一派佳景呵,东边的鲜花白似飘雪,西面的鲜花金黄如金,阳光之下,黄白交映,分外清馨宜人,喷水池傍边,还开满了雅洒脱,多姿华丽的俏月季,枝头低下来,好像一个脸红的少女。还沉静在遐想中我,突然,听见一声“嘟嘟,快过来呀”,我吓了一大跳,原来是妈妈在叫我,我风一样地跑了过去,妈妈给我报了暑假补习班,有奥数、作文和主持人,我开心极了,因为我最喜欢的就是这些,只是报主持人课的老师没有回来,所以没有上,多少有些遗憾。 不管刮风下雨,还是身体有些不舒服,我都坚持上课,说实话,虽然这个暑假比较辛苦,学习任务比较重,但是苦中有乐,在爸爸、妈妈的鼓励和陪同下,在老师们辛勤的培养下,我逐步攀登知识的智慧宝塔,在智慧的世界里散步,饮着智慧仙泉,品尝智慧之果…… 11. 今天我与妈妈去了乡
下,我一个人在田间的小路上散步。走着走着,一只正在缓慢爬动的小动物进入了我的眼球。 仔细一瞧,原然是一只小蜗牛。我突发奇想,我想与这只小蜗牛一起散步。于是,我慢慢得走着,生怕这只小蜗牛跟不上。当我走了几步,回头一看,那只小蜗牛竟离我这么远。 我在它后面推了推,可它仍是那样慢慢地爬着。我催它,我唬它,我责备它,蜗牛用抱歉的眼光看着我,彷佛在说:“我已经尽力了!” 蜗牛它虽然爬不快,但是它仍旧爬着。为的就是能到达自己想去的地方,为的就是能完成给自己定下的目标。 我们的目标是什么?我们是怎么样完成这些目标的?蜗牛它靠自己的努力,永不放弃的精神,完成了自己的目标。我们要学习蜗牛的精神,去完成自己的目标! 生活常给人以启示,然而,生活却不会主动把"启示"送上门。生活按照它自己的模样和规律进行着,每个人都有权利从它那里获得启示。它给每个人以机会,而问题在于我们自己能不能从中去发现"启示"。勤于思索的人,在某种意义上,就是在辛勤寻找启示的人------带着悬而未决的问题去找,怀着种种疑团去找。思索生活本身,思索生活中的种种现象,你才会受到生活的馈赠。 12. 在我们的身边,也曾经有一些小事或正在发生:同学们因为作业多而长吁短叹;因为成绩不好而怨天尤人;两名学生为了一个荣誉而争得不可开交;吃饭插队引起众怒…… 这些现象,有的我们曾听说过,有的亲眼见到过,更有的在我们自己身上发生过。面对这些,我可以把它归结于一种原因,即“内心不宁静”。试想,如果我们以宁静的心态去面对每一天,用微笑面对每件事,心中不会再有愤懑与急促,而是坦然与幸福,这正是“不以物喜,不以己悲”的和谐。 售货员收了假币,她吸取了教训;车主们到咖啡厅商议了赔付事宜,佩服对方的理智成了朋友;仇恨的双方相约恳谈,却发现是一场误会…… 我们耐心认真地写了作业,全对;我们努力了,有进步了,便不后悔;大家投了票,虽然只有一个优秀,在我们心中有两个;排好了队,一会子便到了你。 于是,人们见了面都有舒心的微笑,朋友,哪儿都有。一个近乎理想的和谐社会,悄然地建立了起来! 13. 暑假,夏天,红。我喜欢夏天的红,红色象征着火热,阳光下,灿烂的心情仿佛只有红色可以映衬。这个季节,火红、粉红、橘红,不同的颜色,相融在一块布艺上,也为它增添了一份时尚的美感。我喜欢红色,因为我心里总有一团火在燃烧,我热爱生活,热爱身边的每一个人,也总喜欢帮助需要帮助的人。外向且很