2第一作者单位标题收录号作者作者单位通讯作者来源卷 Beijing NationaHelix-sense-selIP53180838Zhao, ZhiYuan(1);(1) BeijinLiu, A. (aScience Ch Center for BiomInVitro Study oIP53138658Zhen, Zhen(1); Xi(1) CenterXi, T. (xiJournal of China Nuclear PThe development2014231779Chen, Yanfang(1);(1) China Internatio3 College of CompPrivacy protect2014241781Guo, Dan(1,2)(1) CollegGuo, D. (hInternatio8 College of CompHeterogeneity-b2014231779Wang, Xizhong(1,2(1) CollegZhong, X. Sichuan Da46 College of ElecInvestigation o2014241782Han, Xu(1); Wang,(1) CollegWang, P. (Applied Me556-562 College of EnviEffect of tempeIP53138149Chen, Zhaobo(1,2)(1) CollegChen, Z. (Journal of Dalian Naval AcChinese transpo2014241780Jiang, Yu(1); Ni,(1) DalianJiang, Y.Informatio12 Department of CZinc oxide hollIP53138401Jamil, Saba(1,2,3(1) DepartJamil, S. Materials Department of IImplementation 2014251783Song, Zhibin(1); (1) DepartSong, Z. (Journal of34 Department of MBoundedness and2014221775Zhang, Huisheng(1(1) DepartZhang, H. Neural Pro39 Department of MConvergence to 2014251782Chen, Shaohua(1);(1) DepartChen, S. (Nonlinear 20 Department of PApplication of 2014231779Mehboob, Khurram((1) DepartMehboob, KInternatio1 HIT-HAS LaboratGamma-irradiati2014221776Zhao, Hongtao(1,2(1) HIT-HAXu, P. (pxRSC Advanc4 Institute of EnGround response2014231779Chen, Zhuo Shi(1)(1) InstitAdvanced M919-921 Institute of EnAnalysis on the2014221776Chen, Zhuo Shi(1)(1) InstitAdvanced M915-916 Institute of EnThe preliminary2014231779Chen, Zhuo Shi(1)(1) InstitAdvanced M919-921 Key Laboratory γ-Fe2O3-MWNT/poly(p-phenylenebenzobisoxazole) composites with excellent microwav2014241780Chen, Yi(1); Liu,(1) Key LaLiu, X. (lNanoscale6 Key Laboratory The improvement2014231779Yu, Xiao Bo(1); S(1) Key LaAdvanced M919-921 Key Laboratory Flow electrific2014241782Chen, Qingguo(1);(1) Key LaChen, Q. (Zhongguo D34 Medical TechnolPhotonic crysta2014241782Zhang, Lanlan(1);(1) MedicaZhang, L. Qiangjigua26 Ningbo DongfangSimulation of e2014241782Ye, Xin-Hong(1); (1) NingboHan, B.-Z.Dianji yu 18 Nuclear Power ISensitivity ana2014231779Yang, Zhi-Da(1,2)(1) NucleaInternatio2 Research CenterRelative status2014241780Sun, Jun(1,2); Zh(1) ResearWu, X. (xiMathematic2014 School of AppliAnalytical appr2014231778Wang, Qi(1); Guo,(1) SchoolWang, Q. (Communicat392 PART I School of AutomMoving object d2014231779Xia, Lin-Lin(1); (1) SchoolXia, L.-L.Zhongguo G22 School of ChemiBasicity and cr2014231780Su, Yu(1,2); Dong(1) SchoolWang, P. (Advanced M924 School of CivilShaking table t2014231779Wang, Xiaolei(1);(1) SchoolInternatio2 School of MechaResearch on in-2014241782Zhao, Long-Zhi(1,(1) SchoolZhao, L.-ZGongneng C45 School of MechaControl strategIP53134070Shen, Wei(1); Jia(1) SchoolShen, W.Journal of State Key LaborIn-plane mesopo2014231779Ying, Yulong(1); (1) State Fan, Z. (fRSC Advanc4 Harbin EngineerStudy on SiO2 a2014231778Zhao, Hong(1,2); (1) HarbinZhao, H.Informatio12 Harbin EngineerAnalysis of fac2014231779Hou, Gangling(1);(1) HarbinInternatio3 Harbin EngineerA rete rule rea2014241781Liu, Gang(1); Hua(1) HarbinInternatio7 Harbin EngineerStudy on the be2014231779Wang, Jianjun(1);(1) HarbinInternatio4 Harbin EngineerA proposal on u2014231779Yoshikawa, Hideka(1) HarbinYoshikawa,Internatio3 Harbin EngineerInvestigation o2014231779Chen, Lei(1); Yan(1) HarbinInternatio4 Harbin EngineerStudy of surrog2014231779Zhang, Wenchao(1,(1) HarbinInternatio6 College of ShipNumerical ident2014241782Liu, Ya Chong(1);(1) CollegApplied Me556-562 College of ShipAn AUV for ocea2014221777Zhang, Lei(1,2); (1) CollegZhao, J.-XOpen Mecha7 College of ShipExperimental st2014251783Wang, Shi-ping(1)(1) CollegZhang, A. China Ocea28 College of ShipAnalysis and op2014241782Li, Xiao Wen(1); (1) CollegLi, P. (heApplied Me556-562 Deepwater EnginLarge-Eddy SimuIP53145512Dai, Shaoshi(1); (1) DeepwaDai, S. (dApplied Ma Institute of NaFinite element 2014231779Liu, Ning(1); Ren(1) InstitAdvanced M918 Institute of NaMooring system 2014241782Ren, Hui Long(1);(1) InstitApplied Me556-562 Institute of OcOne way fluid a2014241782Zhang, Liang(1); (1) InstitZhang, X. Huazhong K42 Institute of OcStochastic resp2014241782Wu, Haitao(1); Zh(1) InstitWu, H. (wuHuazhong K42 National Key LaA fault-tolerab2014221775Huang, Hai(1); Wa(1) NationHuang, H. Internatio11 College of AeroA stress-induce2014241782Guo, Xiaogang(1);(1) CollegGuo, X.Proceeding9058 College of AeroResearch on the2014241781Liu, Changmeng(1)(1) CollegGao, Y. (gHarbin Gon46 College of AeroSynthesis and LIP53166557Sun, Xiaoyu(1); S(1) CollegSun, X. (xJournal of College of CiviEstablishment a2014241780Sun, Li Ying(1); (1) CollegApplied Me548-549 Smart StructureElastic-viscoplIP53166785Liang, Wen-yan(1)(1) Smart Liang, W.-Applied Ma 0000 Key文件
传染性单核细胞增多症与急性淋巴细胞白血病、传染性淋巴细胞增多症的鉴别诊断 鉴别点 传染性单核细胞增多症 急性淋巴细胞白血病 传染性淋巴细胞增多症 发热 常持续1~3周 持续时间长 无或短暂发热 淋巴结肿大 有 有 无 脾肿大 24%~65%有 有 无 传染性 小 无 大 白细胞计数 中等度增多 从减少到极度增多 显著增多 有诊断价值细胞 异型淋巴细胞 原淋巴细胞 正常成熟淋巴细胞 贫血 无 有 无 血小板 一般无 有 无 减少 骨髓象 有少量异型淋巴细胞 原淋巴细胞显著增多 正常小淋巴细胞
嗜异性凝集试验 阳性 阴性 阴性 预后 良好 不良 良好
类白血病反应与白血病的鉴别诊断 类白血病反应 白血病 明确的病因 有 无 临床表现 原发病症状常明显 可见贫血、出血、肝、脾、淋巴结肿大 外周血白细胞计数 中度增加<100×109/L 明显增多,可>100×109/L 不成熟白细胞 幼稚细胞<5%~15%;原始细胞<1%~5 % 常很多 白细胞形态 感染病例见中毒颗粒及空泡(尤其是粒细胞型) 常有细胞畸形,可见Auer 氏小体 *嗜碱粒细胞 不增多 粒细胞白血病常增多 红细胞 无明显变化 减少,可出现幼红细胞 血小板 正常或增加 除慢粒早期外均减少 *NAP 显著增加 粒细胞白血病显著减少 骨髓象 可有白细胞增加,核左移,但很少达到白血病程极度增生,并有大量原始和幼稚细胞
Ph 染色体 无 >90%慢粒和少数急淋、急粒为阳性 病理检查 无器官和组织白血病细胞浸润 器官和组织白血病细胞浸润 治疗反应 原发病灶去除,迅速恢复 疗效差
恶性组织细胞病与反应性组织细胞增多症的鉴别 恶组 反组 临床特点 病因 不明 有原发病或诱因 贫血 明显 无 出血 多见 无 黄疸 可见 无 治疗反应 抗生素 无效 有效 激素 无效 有效 实验室检查 血象 进行性全血细胞减少 无明显改变,或有一定的倾向性改变 骨髓象 造血细胞数量 减少 大致正常,粒细胞系可增生 组织细胞形态 畸形显著 多为正常成熟型 组织细胞核分裂 多见,可有多核 少见,无多核 组织细胞吞噬现象 可吞噬各种血细胞 少见吞噬幼红细胞者 NAP活性 明显降低 大多增高 淋巴结活检 炎症性反应 不明显 明显 组织细胞 异常型 成熟型 淋巴结结构 可破坏 基本完整
脾大 轻至中度 红细胞计数轻度升高 (×1012/L)
粒细胞计数<50 (×109/L)
血小板计数显著增高 (×109/L) 其他 异形血小板
轻至中度 >6.0 <50 正常或增多
中至重度 正常或偏低 >50 正常或增多 幼稚粒细胞
中至重度 低于正常 10~20 常减少
中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶积分(NAP) 骨髓象
病程中骨髓纤维化 转成急性粒细胞白血病 髓外造血
Ph1染色体和(或)bcr/abl 中位生存期
巨核细胞系增生为主,可见幼巨核细胞增多 常发生 极少 极少或晚期 少数阳性 >10~15年
红细胞系增生为主 常发生 5%~30% 20% 不定 10~15年
粒细胞系增生为主,可见各阶段粒细胞 少数发生 80% 少
95%以上阳性 3~4年
增生减低,活检可见纤维化 全部发生 5%~20% 常见 阴性 5年