
| 教案 |


译林版7Aunit1 单元测试卷(含答案)

2014-2015学年南化二中译林版7Aunit1 单元测试卷

班级 姓名


( )1.My grandmother likes to help others.She’s kind and________.

A.old B.helpful C.polite D.useful

( )2.The students ________at home today.

A.a11 are B.all not C.are all D.not all

( )3.— How often do you go to the Swimming Club?


A.An hour B.Twice a week C.For a week D.A week

( )4.The trousers are for________.

A.you and me B.me and he C.I and you D.me and you

( )5.I’d like ________right now.

A.go boating B.to go boating C.going boating D.goes boating

( )6.She likes chatting________ her friend________ the phone.

A.with;on B.with;with C.to; with D.to;on

( )7.Does he know the answer ________the question?

A.of B.for C.to D.with

( )8.It’s time________.

A.having lunch B.have lunch C.for have lunch D.to have lunch

( )9.—does he often go to Hong Kong?

—By plane.

A.When B.What C.Why D.How

( )10.I spend three hours________ my homework every day.I have no time to play.

A.do B.doing C.does D.to do

( )11.He has two rulers.________is new,________is old.

A.One;another B.One;the other C.One;the others D.One;one

( )12.There is________ bread on the plate.

A.a B.an C.any D.some

( )13.Lucy would like________ the fashion show.

A.to join in B.joining in C.to join D.joining

( )14.My aunt________ at weekends.

A.enjoys go shopping B.enjoy going shopping

C.enjoys to go shopping D.enjoys going shopping

( )15.He________ me ________my English.

A.help;on B.helps;with C.help;with D.helps;on


I’m Kitty.I’m very happy to meet you.First 1et me say something about my family. ,my mother,my father,my sister,my brother .

.My mother is a teacher of Chinese.My sister is eighteen

and my brother is sixteen.I’m“fifteen...

My home is at South Hill.There’.And behind it there

is a hill.There is one big tree and some small trees around it.. photo of my house.In the photo,.One is

white,.We like them very much.

( )1.A.men B.peoples C.people D.children

( )2.A.or B.and C.but D./

( )3.A.big B.small C.young D.old

( )4.A.different B.same C.that D.this

( )5.A.play B.speak C.study D.say

( )6.A.bedroom B.house C.room D.home

( )7.A.There’re B.It’s C.They’re D.Here’re

( )8.A.He’s B.Here’s C.It’s D.Here’re

( )9.A.look B.see C.watch D.have

( )10.A.the other B.another C.any D.some



We are learning English,but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot

about English,but maybe he can not speak English.

If you want to know how to swim,you must get into the river.And if you want to be

a basketball player,you must play basketball.So,you see,you can learn English only by

using it.You listen to your teacher in class.You must read your lessons every day.You

must speak English to your classmates and also you must write in English.Then one day,

you may find your English very good.

( )1..

A.can’t speak it B.can’t study it

C.can study it D.can’t use it

( )2..

A.to play with water B.to go boating

C.to learn how to swim D.to catch a fish

( )3.If you want to be a basketball player,

A.put your basketball away B.buy a good basketball

C.play basketball D.watch others play basketball

( )4.How can we learn English well?

A.We must buy English book. B.We must have a good English teacher.

C.We must sing more English songs.D.We must use it often.

( )5.Who can you speak English to in your class?

A.Only my classmates. B.My English teacher and classmates.

C.My father and mother. D.All my friends.


Li Ming is a middle school student.He is a good boy.Uncle Wu lives next to him.Uncle Wu has no child and can’t see anything.He works in the factory near Li Ming’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon.Li Ming walks to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon.On weekdays,Li Ming gets up early to take Uncle Wu to the factory.After school he takes him home.On Sundays Li Ming helps Uncle Wu clean the house and do some cooking.Uncle Wu thanks Li Ming very much.He says,“Li Ming is a good boy.He is like my son.”

( )1.

A.go to school B.run C.help Uncle Wu D.cook

( )2.Li Ming doesn’.

A.weekdays B.Sundays C.Monday D.weekends

( )3..

A.do the housework B.do homework

C.go to school D.go to sleep


A.3:30 B.4:30 C.5:00 D.7:00

( )5.Which is right?

A.Li Ming likes Uncle Wu’s son. B.Li Ming is Uncle Wu’s son.

C.Li Ming looks like Uncle Wu’s son.D.Li Ming is like Uncle Wu’s son



1.’s family.


3.A::Yes,very much.

4. up.


5.成员)of the Reading Club?

6.努力),so she is good at her work.

7.运动员)in the world.


9.原谅)me,can I borrow your book please?

10.步行)home after school.


11.This is a photo of Kate..

12. 13..

14.’clock at night.

15.Don’.It’s hot today.


1.She is good at singing.(改为同义句)

She sings ________ ________.

2.He is in the Swimming Club.(改为同义句)

He is ________ ________ ________ the Swimming Club.

3.Where does he come from?(改为同义句)

Where ________ he ________?

4.He fixes bikes every day.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

________ he ________ bikes every day?

Yes,he ________.



He was ________ in Shanghai,but he ________ in Beijing.


She is kind.She likes to ________ ________.


I know him very well.________ ________ you?


Your sister ________ ________.She is a good girl.


Can I ________ a book ________ you?


My name is John I am 13 years old My b _______is 1st October and 1 was b _____in

Nanjing.I live with my f ________ in Shanghai.I have a t ________ brother.I am s

________and 1 w ________ glasses.I am good at English.I like playing football.I play football in the football f ________.I also like C ________ games.In the evening,I do my homework care—fully.My father r ________ newspapers.My mother C ________ dinner for us.My brother reads Chinese books every day.


One day a tiger catches(抓住)a fox(狐狸)in the forest.Before the tiger could eat him

up,the fox cries out,“You can’t eat me.Don’t you know that I’m king(王)of the forest.If you eat me up,all the other animals in the forest will be angry.with you.”The tiger doesn’t believe him.“How can such a small animal be king of the forest?’’He asks himself.“If you don’t believe(相信)me,”the fox says,“then take a walk with me in the forest.You can see for yourself whether(是否)they are afraid of me.”The tiger thinks it is a good idea,so the fox walks in front and the tiger goes behind.When the other animals see the tiger coming,they run away as fast as they could.

“See for yourself,Mr. Tiger,” he calls out quickly.“All the animals are a{raid of me.”

“Yes,yes,”the tiger says.“You are quite right” He then lets the fox go.

( )1.One day a tiger catches a ________.

A.dog B.pig C.cat D.fox

( )2.The fox walks ________ the tiger.

A.in front of B.in the middle of

C.behind D.beside

( )3.In fact(事实上)the other animals are afraid of the ________.

A.fox B.tiger C.dog D.elephant

( )4.When the other animals see the tiger,they ________.

A.are angry B.are happy C.run off D.are sad

( )5.Does the tiger eat the fox at last?

A.Yes,he doesn’t. B.No,he does.

C.No,he doesn’t.D.Yes,he does.







1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.B

11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.B


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A


(A)1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B (B)1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D


1.people 2.every 3.1istening 4.grow

5.member 6.hard 7.player 8.flat 9.Excuse 10.walks

11.best 12.singing 13.plays 14.goes 15.close


1.very well 2.a member of 3.is;from 4.Does;fix;does


1.born;lives 2.make friends 3.How/What about 4.sounds great



1.birthday 2.born 3.father 4.twin 5.strong

6.wear 7.field 8.computer 9.reads 10.cooks


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C


I’m a girl from America.My name is Kate.Now I’m a new student in Beijing Sun—shine School.I’m 13 years old.My birthday is on 1st October.I’m a little fat and tall.I like eating fried food very much.I like juice as well.I like playing the piano after school.I wan t to be a artist when 1 grow up.



(总分:150分 时间:120分钟,)

听 力 部 分 (共20分)

I. 听力(每小题1分,共20分)。


A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。

( ) 1. What is Jim’s uncle?

A. B.

( ) 2. What are the boys doing?

A. B.

( ) 3.What’s this ?



( ) 4. Where are the glasses?

B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。

( ) 5. Is Millie swimming?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t.

( ) 6 . What’s her telephone number?

A. 84351978 B. 84561968

( ) 7. What colour is Lily’s blouse?

A. White. B. Red.

( ) 8. How many students are there in Class One?

A. 35. B. 43.

( ) 9.Who has a yellow ruler?

A. Tom. B. Mike.

( ) 10. Where are they talking?

A. In a library. B. In a bookshop

C. 听对话,选择正确答案.


( )11. Are Amy and her cousin at home now?


C. C. C. Sorry, I don’t know. C. 83561958 C. Black. C. 42. C. David. C. In the classroom.

A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. We don’t know.

( )12. Who’s playing a new computer game?

A. Amy. B. Her cousin. C. Amy and her cousin.


( )16. What are they good at ?

A. English B. Math C. Chinese

( )17. What do they like to do in their holiday ?

A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes. C. Swim and play basketball.

( )18. Where do they fly kites ?

A. Near the lake. B. In the park. C. At school.

( )19.Who likes playing football ?

A. Jack B. John C. Jack and John

( )20. Do they often help each other ?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. I don’t know

笔 试 部 分(共130分)

II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)。

( ) 21. It’s 8:00 a.m. We say “___________”.

A. Good night. B. Good afternoon. C. Good morning. D. Good evening.

( ) 22. --- You are Jill, right? ---_____________.

A. Yes, I am Nick. B. No, I’m Nick. C. I’m Peter. D. This is Nick.

( ) 23. Lily is _______ English girl. ________ is a student.

A. a, He B. an, She C. an, He D. a, She

( ) 24. Peter and I _________ in Room 807.

A. am B. is C. are D./

( )25. There is a picture ________ the wall.

A. on B. under C. in D. at

( )26. —Sit down, please. —_______.

A. OK B. You’re right C. Thank you D. No

( ) 27. —Are there two pictures on the desk? —Yes, ________.

A. there is B. there are C. there aren’t D. there isn’t

( ) 28. —Are they ______ books? —No, they are ______ books.

A. their; we B. their; our C. they; our D. our; they

( ) 29. —Where is my coat? —___________.

A. Yes, it is. B. Here is it. C. Here it is. D. Here they are.

( ) 30. There is a zoo on the right _____ the park.

A. between B. on C. of D. under

( ) 31. Today is my birthday. I have a new bike. I’m very .

A. polite B. helpful C. sad D. happy

( ) 32. My sister is good ______ volleyball.

A. in playing B. play C. at play D. at playing

( ) 33. ______ your teacher ______ happy today?

A. Is, looking B. Does, look C. Are, look D. Does, look at

( ) 34. ______ are in Class 1, Grade 6. ______ in the same class.

A. Jimmy, I and Tom; Their B. I, Jimmy and Tom; They’re

C. Jimmy, Tom and I; They’re D. Jimmy, Tom and I; We’re

( ) 35. This is a very interesting book with lots of new words. Please ______ it carefully.

A. look B. see C. look at D. read

( ) 36. —______. Is it five o’clock now? — ______, I don’t know.

A. Sorry, Sorry B. Sorry, Excuse me C. Excuse me, Sorry D. Excuse me, Excuse me

( ) 37. Daniel likes playing ______, and Simon likes playing ______.

A. football, piano B. the football, piano C. the football, the piano D. football, the piano

( ) 38. Girls often talk _____ beautiful clothes.

A. on B. about C. to D. at

( ) 39.______ are really lovely.

A. She all the dolls B. All her doll C. Her all dolls D. All her dolls

( your e-dog?

A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look over

III. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)。

Mr Smith 41 from London. Now he is in China. He is 42 .He teaches 43 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 44 very much. He can 45 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese 46 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 47 his students.

Mr Smith 48 a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 49 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 50 TV in the evening.

( )41.A. come B. comes C. are D. coming【7,A英语译林版unit,1的试卷(只有笔试)】

( )42.A. a teacher B. a worker C. a driver D. a farmer

( )43.A. on B. in C. to D. from

( )44.A. he B. him C. she D. her

( )45.A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell

( )46.A. at B. on C. of D. in

( )47.A. for B. to C. with D. at

( )48.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are

( )49.A. on B. by C. in D. of

( )50.A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. looking at

IV. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)。


There are four people in the twins’ family .They are the twins ,their father and their mother . The twins’ names are Lucy and Lily . They are fourteen . They are in the same class in the NO.1

Middle School . They are very good students . They not only work very hard but also sing very well . They want to join the music club . Lucy wants to play the piano . Lily can play the guitar .

Their father , Mr King , is a teacher . He teaches English in a school near his home . Their mother , Mrs King ,is a teacher ,too .She teaches Chinese . Mr and Mrs King are in different schools . But they have the same hobby—play the guitar .

( ) 51. Mr King is a good _______ .

A. driver B. worker C. teacher D. farmer

( )52. Lily can __________ .

A. play the piano B. draw horses C. play the guitar D. play chess

( ) 53. Mrs King is a __________ .

A. Math teacher B. Chinese teacher C. English teacher D. doctor

( ) 54. Their parents work __________ .

A. in the same school B. in the hospital C. in the factory D. in different schools

( ) 55. The twins are in the _______ Middle School .

A. No.5 B. No.1 C. No.4 D. No.2


My name is Jack . I am a pupil of Grade One . I’m in No.1 Middle School . On weekdays I get up at six o’clock . I have breakfast at seven and then I go to school by bike. We begin our class at eight o’clock in the morning. We have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.

At noon , I have lunch at home . Classes are over at four fifteen in the afternoon. After class , we often play football in the afternoon . I go home at about five. I have supper at about six thirty in the evening. I do my homework at seven thirty . At weekends, I watch TV. I often go to bed at ten . I’m very happy .

( )56. Jack is a pupil in ______ .

A. Class One B. Grade One C. Class Two D. Grade Two

( )57. Jack gets up at _________ in the morning .

A. five B. six C. seven D. eight

( )58. After class they often play ______ on the playground .

A. volleyball B. basketball C. football D. ping-pong

( )59. Jack often watches TV on __________ .

A. Monday B. Thursday C. Sunday D. Tuesday

( )60. Which is true (真实的)? _________ .

A. Jack is a good boy . B. Jack has his lunch at school . C. Jack watches TV every day . D. Jack is not happy


Mr and Mrs Su don’t often go out in the evening, but today they go out for a walk after supper. They go to the park and have a good time there. On their way home, Mr Su says to Mr Su, “Look! A woman is running in the street and a man is running after her.” Mr Su says, “ What’s the matter? Let’s go and help her.”

Now the woman gets near them. Mr Su asks, “Shall we help you?” “No, thank you,” the woman says, “My husband and I are running home, and the slower one does the housework.”

( )61.In the evening, Mr and Mrs Su often __________.

A. go out for a walk B. go out and watch people running C. stay at home D. stay at home and do housework

( )62.Mr and Mrs Su have a good time __________.

A. at home B. in the park C. in the street D. today

( )63.They see __________ are running in the street.

A. a woman B. a man C. a man and a woman D. many people

( )64.The woman is running __________ the man.

A. before B. after C. beside D. behind

( )65.Housework is __________.

A. homework B.exercises people do in their houses C.staying in the house D. cleaning, washing and cooking


David Beckham,a well.known football player, was born in London on May 2nd,1975.He is about

1.80 metres tall.He is very strong and big.He is quite a good football player.He scored a lot of goals for his old team.the National Football Team of England(英格兰围家足球队).He joined the

Real Madrid(皇家马德里对)after he left his old team.He wants to play football in Paris in the next World Cup.

( )66.What is David Beckham like?

A.Football. B.Basketball. C.Big and strong.D.Quiet and tall.

( )67.What's the meaning of well-known’?

A.著名的. B.神奇的. C.奇怪的. D.优秀的.

( )68.Which country will hold the next World Cup?

A.France. B.China. C.the USA. D.Japan.

( )69.Where does David Beckham come from?

A.France. B.the UK. C.the USA. D.Japan.

( )70.Which sentence is wrong?

A.David Beckham is a very good football player.

B.David Beckham scored many goals for the National Football Team of England.

C.David Beckham joined the National Football Team of England after he left the Real Madrid.

D. David Beckham would like to play football in Paris in the next World Cup.

V. 根据汉语提示、首字母提示、英文释义和句意,写出合适的单词(每小题1分,共10分)。

71. ―What’s your _______? ―I’m fourteen years old

72. Do they often play ball games _______ (behind, not before) school?

73. Daniel is my new ________ (a student in the same class).

74. Simon is now in Class Four, ________ (年级) Seven.

75. _________ (everybody) in our school knows him well.

76. How many desks are there in your _______ (a room where your teacher gives lessons)?

77. Kitty is my sister and she is very ________ (讨人喜欢的).

78. Sally is very _______ (happy) to meet her uncle in the street.

79. There are twenty-five ________ in my class and we all study hard.

80. I have many _________ (业余爱好) and I like reading best.

VI. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)。

81. Yao Ming _____________(be) my favorite basketball player.

82. These are my dogs. I know how _____________( look) after them.

83. His father is a kind man. He often _____________(help)others

84.You can find Millie in the_____________(read)room.

85. The boy often _____________ (draw) pictures in the park.

86. This is not my dog. It’s ___________(her).

87. There is an art room on the ____________ (one) floor

88. There ______________(be) some water in the cup.

89. Are there any __________________(library) in your school ? No, there aren’t any.

90. _____________ (not be) late for school again.

VII. 首字母填空(每小题1分,共10分)。

Hi! My (91)n______ is Linda. I am 12 years (92)o_______. I (93)s________ at No. 2 Middle School. I go to school (94)f________ Monday to Friday .My favorite day is (95)F________. We have art and P.E. lessons and we have beef for lunch. Beef is my favorite (96)f__________. My favorite

(97)t________ is Miss White. She is our (98)E________ teacher. She has (99)1________ hair. She loves (100)m__________. She often sings for us.

91.__________ 92._____________ 93. __________ 94. __________ 95. ___________

96.__________97.______________ 98. ___________99. __________100. _________

VIII. 翻译下列句子(每小题1分,共10分)。

译林六上 Unit 1-7 阶段试卷


译林六上 Unit 1-7 阶段测试试卷 号内。(10分)

笔试部分(90分) ( )1.Don‟t litter here! A.Yes, please.

二、英汉词组互译。(10分) ( )2.How to protect our Earth? B.Yes, he does.

1.小心地滑 ( )3.What does that sign mean? C.It‟s Thursday.

2.购物中心 ( )4.What day is it today? D.It means “Wet

3.来自 8.save energy floor”.

4.从……搬走 _____________ 9. messy and dirty ( )5.Can we use too many plastic? E.We should save

5.开始 10.cut down too many tress trees.

___________ ( )6.Would you like an egg? F.I‟m sorry.

三、选择题 (15分) ( )7.How was your holiday? G.No, we can‟t.

( )1. —— What ______ the cinema dirty ? ——( )8.Does he often waste water? H.Yes , he was. ______ makes it dirdy ( )9.What did you do on the farm ? I.It was great fun.

A.makes, Rubbish B.make ,Signs C. ( )10. Was he at home just now? J.We picked some keeps ,Rubbish oranges.

( )2. „No parking means‟ means we ______ park our 五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

cars here. 1. It‟s time _______ (have ) lunch.

A. can B. shouldn‟t C. must 2. Miss Li__________(buy) some flowers last Sunday.

( )3. All the children are _______ the party. 3. We shouldn‟t ______( throw) rubbish anywhere.

A.exciting with B excited about C. excited on 4. Smoke from factories ___________ (make)our city dirty.

( )4. He _______ a banana skin on the floor. 5. It means“No ”.

A. give B. cuts C. throws 6. What can we do ________ (keep) the city clean ?

( )5. Mr Green usually his friends when he 7. The sign on the wall ________ (mean) “No littering”. was young. 8. What happened ? I ________ (lose) my kite just now.

A. writes to B. is writing to C. wrote to 9. Water is useful for us. We use water ___________ (clean)

( )6. Does the sign „No ‟?——Yes, it things.

does. 10. The floor is wet. Be (carefully).

A. say, writing B. says, write C. says, writing 六、按要求完成下列句子。 (10分)

( )7. —— Why we swim in the river? 1. This sign means .(对划线部分提问)

—— Can‟t you see the sign „No swimming‟ there? A. can B. should C. can‟t 2. Tom takes the metro to his factory every day. (改为同义

( )8. Where were my shoes?________________________ 句)

A. It‟s on the desk. B. They are under the desk. C. ____ to his factory _______ metro everyday.

They were under the desk. 3. He went to the supermarket just now. (否定句)

( )9. There is not ______ coal on the Earth. He _______ _______ to the supermarket just now .

A. too many B. many too C. too much 4. We should protect our earth.(改为一般疑问句)

( )10. I called yesterday afternoon. But she your earth?

in. 5. makes, park, the, rubbish, messy , dirty, and(.)(连词成

A. she, isn‟t B. her, wasn‟t C. her, isn‟t 句)

( )11.I‟m going to watch a film________. 七、根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)

A. yesterday B. last weekend C. tomorrow 1.大多数能源来自煤炭和石油。

( )12. Trees help__________ the air clean. A. keep B. to keeping C. keeping t 2. 我们可以用纸做玩具。

( )13. We _____a parrot show in the school this We can ________ ________ to make toys.

afternoon and it was very interesting . 3.海伦六岁时就会跳舞。

A. looked at B. watched C. saw Helen _______ dance when she ______ six years old.

( )14. There_____ rubbish in the water and the fish 4. 你能用“鸡蛋”造句吗? 是的,我昨天吃了一个。

______dead. __ “egg” to make a sentence ? Yes . I __

A. is; are B. are; is C. am; is __ an egg yesterday .

( )15.--- What about ____ basketball on the playground? 5.昨天天气是多风的。我在去公园放风筝了。

--- All right. Let‟s____ now. It was _______ yesterday. I _______ kites in the park.

A. playing, playing B. play, play C. playing, play




班级 姓名


( )1._________ the students will go to the island for the picnic.

A. Two hundreds of B. Two hundred C. Two hundred of D. Hundreds of

( ) 2. Mary has ______ bedroom in the new flat.

A. she’s B. her’s C. her own D. her own’s

( ) 3. The teacher asked those boys ______ so much noise.

A. do not make B. not make C. not making D. not to make

( ) 4. They are reading ______ lesson on page _______.

A. twentieth, twenty B. the twentieth, twentieth

C. the twentieth, twenty D. twenty, twentieth

( ) 5. That tennis ball is one of ___________.

A. Jane father B. Jane’s father C. Jane fathers’ D. Jane’s father’s

( )6.They arrived__________ London_________ the morning of July 1.

A.in,in B.on,in C.in,on D.at.on

( )7.—What do you usually have_________ breakfast?

—A bag of milk and two eggs.

A.by B.for C.at D.with

( )8.Do you share a bedroom__________ your sister?

A.with B.for C.of D.at

( )9.Welcome_________ to visit our school.

A.you B.your C.yours D./

( )10.There are________ in our school library.

A.a lot books B.a lot of books C.lots books D.lots of book

( )11.That music sounds________.I want to listen to it again.

A.well B.good C.badly D.bad

( )12.I like_______ card with_________ apple on it.

A.the,the B.the,a C.a,the D.the.an

( )13.Neil will send________.

A.a video for Simon B.Simon to a video

C.a video to Simon D.Simon for a video

( )14.Your bike is different__________.

A.from my B.from mine C.of me D.of mine

( )15.I live__________ a small room__________ my parents.

A.on,in B.on,with C.in,with D.with.with

( )16.Nancy’s sister doesn’t__________ bedroom.

A.has her own B.have her own

C.have her own’s D.has her own’s

( )17.Look! The boy ran_________ the classroom__________ a bird in his hand.

A.in,has B.into,with C.into,has D.in.with

( )18.The girl came back_________ her mother was cooking.

A.so B.while C.and D.but

( )19.Stephen_________ on the bunk bed while Neil________ in the kitchen.

A.is lying,is siting B.lies,is sitting

C.is lieing,is siting D.is lying,is sitting

( )20.He has_________ books and he reads__________.

A.a lot of,a lot B.a lot.lot

C.lots of,lot of D.a lot of.a lot of


We go to many places every day. do you usually travel(旅行)? Do you usually walk or ride bikes?

In a modern city, there are many for you to choose when you go travelling. If you are in a hurry, you can take a to stop at the bus stop. And the driver can take you to any you want to go.

take the underground. It is much faster than buses. You don't have to a lot if you travel by underground. When you are not busy, you can take a bus, then you can also the scenery(风景) of the city on it.

If you want to foot or by bike may be good for you. Walking can make you healthy.【7,A英语译林版unit,1的试卷(只有笔试)】

Today, many people have cars. But do you think it is a good thing to have too many cars in the street?

( )1. A .Why B. How C. When D. Where

( )2. A. roads B. traffic C. places D. ways

( )3. A. bus B. car C. plane D. taxi

( )4. A .want B. need C. like D. hope

( )5. A. station B. bus stop C. place D. office

( )6. A. However B. And C. For example D. Because

( )7. A. cost B. take C. spend D. buy

( )8. A. enjoy B. talk about C. think of D. like

( )9. A. work B. study C. be busy D. exercise

( )10. A. with . B. on C. by D. in



Hello, everyone! Welcome to Suqian. This is a new city in the north of

Jiangsu. There are many places of interest to visit here. You can stay in the

Star International (星辰国际) Hotel, a 5-star hotel. It was in use in 2011 and is one of the best hotels in Suqian. It is near Luoma Lake on Yulan Road. The hotel is close to Suqian Horticultural Park (园博园), with Santai Mountain (三台山) to the east and Luoma Lake to the west. Luoma Lake is one of the four largest freshwater lakes in Jiangsu. The hotel is 20 minutes’ walk from the lakeside and 15 minutes’ drive from the city centre. No. 102 and No. 105 buses can take you there. The hotel has Wifi, and each room has a computer, a TV set and a telephone. Hot water is offered (供应) 24 hours. There is a shopping center which is open from 9 a.m. to 22:00 p.m. The coffee bar is open from 10:00 am to 23:00 pm. There is a free swimming pool inside. The hotel also has a KTV, a SPA, a gym, chess and cards rooms and so on. You can enjoy yourselves there. Hope that you will have a great time during your stay in Suqian.

( )1. The passage mainly tells something about ______.

A. a lake B. a park C. a hotel D. a mountain

( )2. There is ______ in each room in the Star International Hotel.

A. a swimming pool B. a computer, a TV set and a telephone

C. A computer and a clock D. a TV set and a picture

( )3. What’s the meaning of the underlined(划线的)word “free” in the second paragraph ?

A. 自由的 B. 免费的 C.空闲的

B D. 松散的

2015-2016年七年级上Unit1单元试卷含答案 牛津译林版



班级 姓名


( )1. —Is Amy from China?

—No. Amy is an _______ girl, but she’s in ______ now.

A. Chinese; English B. English; China C. China; English D. English; Chinese

( )2. —Is Miss Wang a good PE teacher?


A. Yes, he is B. No, we are C. No, I think so D. Yes, I think so

( )3. —What grade is he _______?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

A. from B. in C. at D. after

( )4. —Would you like to ______ Jane, Simon?【7,A英语译林版unit,1的试卷(只有笔试)】

—Yes. We can be friends, I think.

A. look B. read C. meet D. be

( )5. —What _______ your sister _______?

—She is tall and slim.

A. is; like B. are; look like C. is; look like D. are; like

( )6. He loves _________.

A. reads B. reading C. read D. readding

( )7. she her homework?

A. Do; does B. Does; do C. Do; do D. Does; does

( )8. Is your brother good ________ Chinese?

A. at B. in C. for D. of

( )9. My name Jane.

A. are B. am C. is D. be

( )10. —Welcome to our school. — .

A. Yes, I am B. Oh, good C. Thank you D. No, I’m not

( )11. —________? —No, he isn’t.

A. Is Millie good at sports B. Is Mr. Cao your English teacher

C. Where is he from D. How old is he

( )12. —Are they your books?

—No. Our books ______ old, but ______ are very new.

A. is; we B. is; you C. are; they D. are; we

( )13. —What does “I’m Simon.” mean(意思是)?


A. I’m not Simon. B. Are you Simon?

C. This is Simon. D. My name is Simon.

( )14. —Where do you live?

—I live ______ my family in Nanjing.

A. with B. from C. at D. after

( )15. —_______books does Andy have?

—He has two English books and three Chinese books.

A. How old B. How often C. How many D. How much


I am a student. I have a good e-friend. His name is Tony. He is from He lives in a small town near London. He is in Class 4, Grade 7. He and his classmates are learning in their school. His Chinese teacher’s name is Wang Ling. She is very nice. She comes from Beijing. Tony has some good friends. of Tony’s friends is Jimmy. Jimmy is tall and he black hair. He is good at the school basketball team. He usually plays basketball after school every day.

Tony’s sister is Mary. She a yellow dress sometimes. She can Chinese well. glasses. She likes swimming very much. She is a member of the School Swimming Club. Mary is friendly and ( )1. A. America B. England C. China D. Japan


( )2. A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. French

( )3. A. The one B. Two C. They D. One

( )4. A. has B. have C. is D. are

( )5. A. doing B. playing C. making D. taking

( )6. A. of B. at C. in D. for

( )7. A. puts on B. wearing C. be in D. wears

( )8. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk

( )9. A. wears B. with C. on D. in

( )10. A. hard B. well C. strong D. helpful



Li Ming is a middle school student.He is a good boy.Uncle Wu lives next to him.Uncle Wu has no child and can’t see anything.He works in the factory near Li Ming’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon.Li Ming walks to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon.On weekdays,Li Ming gets up early to take Uncle Wu to the factory.After school he takes him home.On Sundays Li Ming helps Uncle Wu clean the house and do some cooking.Uncle Wu thanks Li Ming very much.He says,“Li Ming is a good boy.He is like my son.”

( )1..

A.go to school B.run C.help Uncle Wu D.cook

( )2.Li Ming doesn’t take Uncle Wu to the factory on

A.weekdays B.Sundays C.Monday D.weekends

( )3..

A.do the housework B.do homework

C.go to school D.go to sleep

( )4 .

A.3:30 B.4:30 C.5:00 D.7:00

( )5.Which is right?

A.Li Ming likes Uncle Wu’s son. B.Li Ming is Uncle Wu’s son.

C.Li Ming looks like Uncle Wu’s son.D.Li Ming is like Uncle Wu’s son


I am John. I always get up late at the weekend. At about 9:30 am, I have breakfast. After breakfast, I start doing my homework. We have lunch at about 12:00, and then I watch TV or have a rest(休息). I like reading and I often read some interesting books in the afternoon. I like sports, too. Sometimes I play football or basketball with my friends at school. My school is near my home, so I can walk there. Every weekend, my father takes me to a restaurant for a big dinner. I can enjoy lots of nice food. I like my weekend.

( )6. What time does John have breakfast at the weekend?

A. At about 8:30 am. B. At about 9:30 am.

C. At about 10:30 am. D. At about 11:30 am.

( )7. What does John often do in the afternoon at the weekend?

A. He often reads some books. B. He often has a rest.

C. He often watches TV. D. He often plays basketball.

( )8. Which is NOT true(正确的)?

A. John likes reading. B. John likes playing basketball.

C. John likes playing football. D. John likes cooking.

( )9. Where does John enjoy lots of nice food at the weekend?

A. At home. B. At school.

C. In a restaurant. D. At his friend’s home.

( )10. Who take(s) John for a big dinner at the weekend?

A. His brother. B. His father.

C. His grandparents. D. His friends.


Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the USA . Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sundays and Saturdays. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play ping-pong ball after class.

Wu Dong and Peter like making things. Now they are making a model plane. They like flying model planes on Sunday mornings. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other.

( )11. Where does Wu Dong’s friend come from?

A. He comes from the UK. B. He comes from the USA.

C. He comes from China. D. He comes from Canada.


( )12. How many days a week are they at school?

A. Six. B. Seven. C. Five. D. Four.

( )13. What do they do after class?

A. They play ping-pong ball at home. B. They play ping-pong ball at school.

C. They make things at home. D. They make things at school.

( )14. What do they teach each other?

A. Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.

B. Wu Dong teaches Peter Chinese and Peter teaches Wu Dong English

C. Wu Dong teaches Peter to play tennis.

D. Peter teaches Wu Dong to make a model plane.

( )15. Which one of the following is NOT true?

. A. Peter doesn’t like China and Chinese food.

B. Peter likes playing ping-pong ball and making things.

C. Peter speaks good English and Wu Dong speaks good Chinese.

D. Peter and Wu Dong don’t go to school on Sundays or Saturdays





3.A::Yes,very much.

4. up.


5.成员)of the Reading Club?

6.努力),so she is good at her work.

7.运动员)in the world.


9.原谅)me,can I borrow your book please?

10.步行)home after school.


11.This is a photo of Kate..


14.(go)to bed before nine o’clock at night.

15.Don’t.It’s hot today.


1. We like reading this book.(用he作主语改写句子)


2. Her hair is short. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

_____________________________________________ 3. Our Chinese teacher is 30 years old. (对划线部分提问)


4. Mr Wu is her English teacher. (改为否定句) _____________________________________________

5. We’re good at English. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)


6. She is good at music. (改为否定句)


7. She is in Class 1, Grade 7. (改为一般疑问句)


8. The girls are very tall and slim. (改为否定句)



1. 我们的数学老师戴着眼镜。

Our Maths teacher _______ _______.


Anna _______ _______ Nanjing.

3. 安娜是我的新的同班同学。

Anna is my new _____.

4. 埃米擅长于数学。 Amy _____ _____ _____ Maths

5. 我喜欢跳舞和游泳。

I like _____ and_____.


My name is John I am 13 years old My b __1_____is 1st October and 1 was b __2___in Nanjing.I live with my f ___3_____ in Shanghai.I have a t ___4_____ brother.I am s

____5____and 1 w ____6____ glasses.I am good at English.I like playing football.I play football in the football f ___7_____.I also like C __8______ games.In the evening,I do my homework care—fully.My father r ____9____ newspapers.My mother C __10______ dinner for us.My brother reads Chinese books every day.


One day a tiger catches(抓住)a fox(狐狸)in the forest.Before the tiger could eat him

up,the fox cries out,“You can’t eat me.Don’t you know that I’m king(王)of the forest.If you eat me up,all the other animals in the forest will be angry.with you.”The tiger doesn’t believe him.“How can such a small animal be king of the forest?’’ He asks himself.“If you don’t believe(相信)me,”the fox says,“then take a walk with me in the forest.You can see for yourself whether(是否)they are afraid of me.”The tiger thinks it is a good idea,so the fox walks in front and the tiger goes behind.When the other animals see the tiger coming,they run away as fast as they could.

“See for yourself,Mr. Tiger,” he calls out quickly.“All the animals are a{raid of me.” “Yes,yes,”the tiger says.“You are quite right.’’He then lets the fox go.

( )1.One day a tiger catches a ________.

A.dog B.pig C.cat D.fox

( )2.The fox walks ________ the tiger.

A.in front of B.in the middle of

C.behind D.beside

( )3.In fact(事实上)the other animals are afraid of the ________.

A.fox B.tiger C.dog D.elephant

( )4.When the other animals see the tiger,they ________.

A.are angry B.are happy C.run off D.are sad

( )5.Does the tiger eat the fox at last?

A.Yes,he doesn’t. B.No,he does.

C.No,he doesn’t.D.Yes,he does.




