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Theme parks说课稿

Theme parks – fun and more than fun

你有一个苹果,我有一个苹果,我们交换后各自仍只有一个苹果;你有一种思想,我有一种思想,我们交流后各自会拥有两种思想。很高兴有这样一个机会与各位老师分享我的教学计划和教学思想。我说课的题材是人教版高一必修4第五单元阅读课Theme parks—fun and more than fun.我的说课内容由以下8个部分组成。



“阅读”(reading) 部分介绍了主题公园—— 一种围绕一个或多个主题展开,提供游戏﹑展览﹑演出的娱乐中心。并举了三个例子(Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot Park)来说明主题公园的多样性和丰富性。表明人们不仅可以在这种公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和有益的体验。这篇文章属于说明文,按照由总到分的方式来安排顺序,包含了较多新单词和短语,涉及了定语从句,动词-ing 形式的用法,在整个单元教学中起着重要的作用。






1. 如何帮助学生扫除词汇障碍,运用恰当的阅读技巧来提取信息和分析信息。

2.让学生了解主题公园的含义和发展。懂得它带给人们的不仅仅是娱乐,还有各种各样的知识和激动人心的体验,从而加深对文章标题Theme parks — have fun and more than fun的理解。淘@课件网



1. 理解文章主旨大意,抓住主要细节信息,把握篇章结构。

2. 学习并掌握本单元教学大纲中所列的词汇(theme﹑central﹑various﹑be famous for ……)。






1. 让学生体会主题公园的魅力,保持一种乐观的生活态度。

2. 引导学生处理好学与玩的关系。











1.培养学生养成课前自学的习惯 。高中阶段的生词量逐步加大、课文篇幅也逐步加长,因此自学很重要。它可以使学生掌握学习的主动权,增强听课效率,否则上新课时就会心中无数、不得要领。





电脑课件和黑板 (以电脑课件为主)


1. Lead-in (导入)

Greet the whole class as usual.

Show the following pictures on the computer screen

And ask the students:

Who are they?

Where can you meet them? ( in Disneyland )

In this way, I introduce theme parks to my students:

Disneyland is not a traditional park but a theme park. You can have fun and more than fun in it. Now, please skim the passage on page 34.


Give my students five minutes to skim the passage and then answer the following questions on the screen:

What a theme park is?

Which theme parks are mentioned in the passage?

I’ll remind my students that skimming is not reading in detail, but reading quickly to grasp only the main idea.

4. Scanning (寻读)

Ask the students to read the passage again and fill in the blanks according to the pictures and key words.

The first theme park

Name: Disneyland


In several parts of the world


Fairy tale stories


◆Travelling through space

◆Visiting a pirate ship

◆Meeting fairy tale or Disney cartoon characters

◆Riding in a swinging ship

◆Going on a free-fall drop

The second theme park

Name: Dollywood


In the Smoky Mountains inthe southeastern USA


America’s traditional southeastern culture


◆Listening to famous country music淘^课件网

◆Watching carpenters and craftsmen making objects

◆Trying traditional candies

◆Riding on the only steam engine train

◆Watching bald eagles in the preserve

◆Riding on the old wooden roller coasters, thunderhead which is famous for having the most length in the smallest space.

The third theme park

Name: Camelot Park


In England


Ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies


◆Watching magic shows

◆Seeing fighting with swords or on horseback in the jousting area

◆Visiting the farm area and learning about farms in ancient England

I designed this activity to help my students learn new words and grasp the important information about the three different theme parks. I will divide the whole class into six groups to have a competition in filling in the above blanks and then decide which group is the best one. In this way, I can arouse their interests.淘_课件网

3. Comprehending(对文章进行深层挖掘)

1) Where do you think you would see this kind of writing?

A. a novel

B. a magazine

C. a story book

D. a guide book

2) Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. Disneyland can be found everywhere.

B. Dollywood has the only electric train still working in the USA.

C. Camelot park has an ancient English farm.

D. Visitors to Camelot Park can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England.

3) What is the meaning of the title “Theme Parks—Fun and More Than Fun”?

A. You can have a good time in it

B. You can learn something in it

C. Theme parks are more interesting than traditional parks

D. Theme parks are fun to visit and can also be educational


Ask the students to use the new words and expressions to fill in the blanks to retell the passage.


Design a new theme park that will attract as many visitors as possible. The following questions can help you:

1. What is the name of your park?

2. What is the theme of your park?

3. What kind of attractions will you have in your park?

4. What do you expect visitors to learn from it?


Ask the students to read the passage again and do exercises1﹑2﹑3 on page 36.

theme parks说课稿

Unit5 Theme Parks


我说的课题是高中英语必修4第5单元Theme Parks主题公园 当今社会的发展,人们物质生活达到一定水平后,人们追求文化生活的提高,因此,各国新的主题公园不断的建立,在一定意义上,体现了人类文明。主题公园成为目前社会人们选择的主要休闲、娱乐方式之

一。本主题是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可深度挖掘的教学主题。本单元围绕Theme parks这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。今天我主要就本单元第二课时Reading. Theme Parks-Fun And More Than Fun进行阐述。内容包括五部分:第一,教学目标;第二,教学重难点;第三,教学方法;第四,学习方法;第五,教学过程。



当今社会的发展,人们物质生活达到一定水平后,人们追求文化生活的提高,因此,各国新的主题公园不断的建立,在一定意义上,体现了人类文明。主题公园成为目前社会人们选择的主要休闲、娱乐方式之一。本主题是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可深度挖掘的教学主题。本单元围绕Theme parks这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。单元语言素材涉及摩天轮、旋转木马、过山车、蹦极运动、自由落体车、赛车等娱乐方式及各类主题公园内容,具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解生活、运动与休闲,了解中外文化,增强世界意识,有利于培养积极的生活态度。对本单元的教学,我们可以从学生身边的或熟知的主题公园谈起,帮助学生对这一话题有比较全面的了解。

In Warming up and Pre-reading part, 先以图片呈现不同风格的主题公园、引起学生兴趣,然后提出问题,便于学生小组讨论。


Reading是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文内容有趣、易于理解。作者不仅讲述了主题公园与普通公园的异同以及各种类型的主题公园。Theme Parks -fun and more than fun这篇主题公园指出了人们不仅可以在主题公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和必要的体验。我们引导学生了解和比较不同主题公园的特色后,激发学生联想主题公园的未来发展,鼓励学生自行设【The,theme,parks,说课稿】


学生在本单元的学习过程和开展的小组活动中,除了增长语言知识、提高语言技能外,更要拓展文化视野,发展跨文化交际的意识和能力;并且结合个人经验充分体验他人在个别主题活动方面的感受,加强合作意识、陶冶情操,提高自身素养。 从素质教育的要求和学习语言的目地看,高中英语教学重视培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。根据英语课程标准的要求,应重视培养学生的口语表达能力,体现英语教学的交际性、得体性、准确性和实践性。因此本节课教学应着重培养学生熟练运用所学功能用语谈论主题公园话题的能力,为语法学习打下基础。

2 说(阅读课)教学目标的确立及其依据


(1) 语言知识目标是:明确主题公园的概念,了解世界著名的主题公园,掌握娱乐项目及有关主题公园的词汇(文章中黑体部分)

(2) 能力目标:是在围绕主题公园的话题,在连贯的听读说中训练学的逻辑思维能力和快速反应能力

(3) 德育目标: 引导学生了解主题公园及其他相关户外活动,理解其主题内涵;激发学生热爱生活,积极进取,合作创新。





Talking about theme parks.


amuse, amusement , variety, various, shuttles, charge, admission, profit , sourvenir, brand, sneaker, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to


主题公园是娱乐,又不仅仅是娱乐。 (人们不仅可以在主题公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和有益的体验。)

二 说教法


三 说学生


四 说教学程序

Step1 Leading-in

1 Enjoy the following pictures with students with students. Ask students the questions: Where do you think the pictures were taken?

2 Have a free talk with students. Ask: what place do you think is the best for us to take a walk in?

Step2 warming up

Discuss the following questions:

1 What is a park? What is a park for?

2 What kind of activities do people do in a park?

3 Try to match the names of the parks with the pictures and ask:

Which parks are and which theme parks are?

Step3 Pr-reading

Discuss the following questions:

1 What do you think a theme park is?

2 What might you do in a theme park?

Skim the reading passage and check the ideas.

Step4 Reading

1 Fast reading

Answer the questions:

What is the meaning of the title "Theme Parks-Fun and More Than Fun?

2 Intensive reading

Complete the table with the information from the passage.

Park nameThemeExamples of ActivitiesDisneylandDollywoodCamelotDo True or False 1 Disneyland can be found everywhere.

2 you can meet any cartoon character you like at Disneyland.

3 Tourism develops where a Disneyland is built.

4 Dollywood is in the mountains in the southeastern USA.

5 Country music singers perform in Dollywood throughout the whole year.

6 Dollywood has the only electric train still working in the USA.

7 Visitors to Camelot Park can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England.

8 Camelot Park has the oldest roller coaster in the world.

9 Camelot Park has an ancient English farm.

10 Camelot Park has places for visitors to watch and maybe take part in sword fighting. Step5 Consolidation

Write a summary of the reading passage.

Theme Parks -fund and more than funType of writingTheme of the passageMain idea of each paragraphParagraph1Paragraph2Paragraph3Paragraph4 Have the students be ready to retell the reading passage.

Step6 Discussing


1 Why do people build so many different theme parks?

2 Would you like to go travelling to see the natural beauty of the country or go to the theme parks? Step7 Homework

learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.




2 用构词法知识判断和记忆派生词及合成词。


1关键词在阅读前处理,如 theme, fantasy, no wonder, unique等

2 借助构词法让学生猜单词,如 whichever, fantasy, whatever,

indoor, outdoor, craftsman 等。

3 通过图片教授,如 cartoons, roller coaster, fantasy, swinging ship, free-fall, drops, craftsman, steam-engine, bald eagle,


4 通过上下文推测其含义,如various。

5 对专有名词要熟悉其发音,如Camelot Park, Dollywood等。



高中英语必修4 Unit5 Theme parks说课稿

课题:高二英语必修4 Unit5 T说课稿

我说的课题是高中英语必修4第5单元Theme parks 的第二课时Reading. 说课的内容包括四部分:一教材分析;二 说教法;三 说学生; 四 说教学程序。

一. 教材分析


当今社会的发展,人们物质生活达到一定水平后,人们追求文化生活的提高,因此,各国新的主题公园不断的建立,在一定意义上,体现了人类文明。主题公园成为目前社会人们选择的主要休闲、娱乐方式之一。本主题是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可深度挖掘的教学主题。本单元围绕Theme parks这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。单元语言素材涉及摩天轮、旋转木马、过山车、蹦极运动、自由落体车、赛车等娱乐方式及各类主题公园内容,具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解生活、运动与休闲,了解中外文化,增强世界意识,有利于培养积极的生活态度。对本单元的教学,我们可以从学生身边的或熟知的主题公园谈起,帮助学生对这一话题有比较全面的了解。

In Warming up and Pre-reading part, 先以图片呈现不同风格的主题公园、引起学生兴趣,然后提出问题,便于学生小组讨论。 Reading是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文内容有趣、易于理解。作者不仅讲述了主题公园与普通公园的异同以及各种类型的主题公

园。Theme Parks –fun and more than fun这篇主题公园指出了人们不仅可以在主题公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和必要的体验。我们引导学生了解和比较不同主题公园的特色后,激发学生联想主题公园的未来发展,鼓励学生自行设 计公园的主题活动,鼓励学生积极想象、培养创新能力。


2. 说(阅读课)教学目标的确立及其依据



(2) 能力目标:是在围绕主题公园的话题,在连贯的听读说中训练学的逻辑思维能力和快速反应能力

Theme parks单元说课教案

Theme parks单元说课教案

人教版新课标 必修四 unit 5


主题公园作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可深度挖掘的教学主题。本单元以主题公园为背景,围绕a world of fun 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。单元语言素材涉及过山车、蹦极运动、自由落体车、赛车等娱乐方式及各类主题公园的不同特色,具有很强的时代气息,贴近学生生活,有利于学生了解生活、运动与休闲,了解中外文化,增强世界意识,有利于培养积极的生活态度。

本单元的Warming up部分以图片形式引入本单元的话题之一:amusement parks;并通过师生或生生自由问答,让学生了解并交流个体各类活动方面的体验、喜好及理由,从而引出话题amusement parks 和theme parks,为听力部分和阅读部分作必要的铺垫。

Listening提供一个会议事例:在我市建一个主题公园的招标大会上,Fun Fun Productions and Merry Rides Limited两个不同特色公司的代表人发表演说表达各自优势以争取承建权。在听音之前需要作恰当的导入,听时做课文1、2部分,听后再作小组讨论:选择哪一家公司作为承建商及给出相应的理由。这一话题具有社会性,时代性特点,在课堂上可以激发学生模拟真实语境进行创造性对话活动。

Speaking紧紧围绕“问路与指路”话题: 课内提供一张公园平面图,学生根据出发点和目的地的联系进行有意义的对话实践。Post-speaking内容扩展至生活实际情况。

Reading是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它包括主题公园的定义、特点,同时介绍了the World Park of China, the Ocean Park of Hong Kong, Disneyland in California三个不同的主题公园,引导学生了解和比较主题公园的不同主题,激发学生联想主题公园的未来发展。Post-reading部分鼓励学生自行设计主题公园活动,鼓励学生积极想象、培养创新能力。 文章结构思路如下:

1)What is a theme park? →

2)Know about 3 great theme parks:

The World park ---People can have fun and experience sth different.

The Ocean Park in Hong Kong ---People come for thrills and entertainment and know more about the idea behind the park.

Disneyland in California ---The theme is the world of Walt Disney and his characters. →

3)New theme parks are being built.


What is a theme park?


Three parks What do people

Themes, attractions experience and learn?

Theme parks in the future


When you come to a wonderful theme park, you are sure to enjoy yourself. You can find a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions. They are based on a common theme. On one hand , people can have fun, thrills and entertainment. On the other, theme parks are designed to teach people something. Those who come for thrills will also know more about a certain subject, such as life in the ocean, the discovery of the ancient world, and life in the future. What’s more, you may imagine much new things if you think you cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures. Then there will be new designs, and new theme parks will be coming.


* All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


* Never should a man stay in a closed-door room. You should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing.

任何人都不应闭关自守,而应面向世界,以探索人们怎样对付日新月异的事态发展。 * Never go to the forest if you are afraid of the wolf. (Lenin)


Language study要求学生掌握和运用相应的词汇;了解分词的意义,学习掌握现在分词作状语的用法,区别运用分词的进行式作状语与完成式作状语结构。

Integrating skills阅读部分在主题公园的基础上以rides为主题内容,介绍了几种不同的rides, 要求读后以课文为基础,鼓励学生创造、想象, 以小组活动形式设计并描述the scarest and most exciting ride in the word。





学习策略:通过小组活动等,指导学生积极与人合作、相互学习、相互帮助,培养合作能力、团队精神。利用图书馆、网络等辅助学习,在学习、讨论、反思和探索实践中逐步形成策略。 文化意识:拓展文化视野,发展跨文化交际的意识和能力。


1. 重点:【The,theme,parks,说课稿】

话题: Talking about amusement parks.

功能: Ways of giving directions.

Designing new things.

词汇: theme create attract attractions lead to have sth. in common

thrills and entertainment be based on more advanced step into experience sth. risk injury give sb. a thrill scream one’s way… race against imagination design live to ride

表达用语: Excuse me. Am I going in the right direction?

Excuse me. Does this road lead to …?

Got it. Thank you.

句型: There is the Fun Fun Park, where we will have rides and entertainment.

What reason does he give for choosing his park?

Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like steeping into the world of your favourite film.

It seemed like people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.

You can feel what it is like to live in space…

语法: The –ing form used as an adverbial.

eg. Many people come to the theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment.

Visitors leave knowing more about the idea behind the park.

Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the Lowland.

2. 难点:



写作技巧(如何描写事物?Tips P70)


Ask ourselves questions as follows:

What is it?

What is the use of it?

What does it look like?

How large is it?

What does it sound / feel / smell / taste like?

How does it work?

What do people do to it?

What do people think of it?

Why do some people love it?

What is your opinion towards it?


Period 1 Warming up and Listening

Period 2 Reading

Period 3 Speaking

Period 4 Integrating Skills

Period 5 Language Study


Period 1 Warming-up & Listening


1. Talk about amusement parks and our experiences.

2. Learn to express likes and dislikes about the amusing activities.

3. Be able to listen for information and understanding.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming-up

Task 1 Talk about the topic and the word FUN

Students talk about fun things use Adjs to describe fun things

Question 1. What is fun? (snowing, sailing, hiking, rafting---)

2.What do fun things have in common?

Cooking is fun because it is challenging ( interesting, relaxing---).

3. Where can we have fun? ( cinemas, amusement parks, theme parks---

Fun is everywhere if we can enjoy it.)

Task 2 Talk about our own experiences

Questions: 1. Have you ever been to an amusement park? What did you see?

2. Have you ever tried sitting in a roller coaster?

3. How did you feel?

4. Do you like it? Why?

Task 3 Watch pictures and talk about likes and dislikes

1. Look at the pictures and name the activites

Question: Do you like these activities? Why / Why not?

2. Do an interview to find others’ ideas (make up a dialogue).

The dialogue can be like this:

Student A: Hello, .... Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Student B: Oh, yes. I have tried…

Student A: Do you like it?

Student B: Sure. I like it because it’s really exciting and …

Step2 Listening

Pre-listening Talk about the theme of the theme parks

A theme park must have a special theme.

Questions: If you are to build a theme park, what theme will you have? Why?

While-listening: Listen and finish the exercises 1 and 2

Post-listening: 1. Fill in the following form.

Which of the parks do you think is better?

Name Theme Your reason and ideas

2. Act out and make decisions

Situation: Two presidents of different colleges in England come to China to try to persuade Chinese students to study in his college in England. Have two students prepare in advance and make a report in class.Other students listen to the report and make their own decisions. Students can also think up their own situations


a. Recall all the new words and expressions that occur in this period.

b. Finish the exercise Talk on the workbook.

c. Preview Reading

Period 2 Reading


1. Learn some expressions about theme parks.

3. Read through the material and have a good understanding of theme parks.

Step 1 Pre-reading

Task 1. Watch some pictures of some parks and have fun

2. Lead-in questions:

a. What do you think you can see in a theme park?

b. Do you like scary rides? Why?

c. What do you think of adventure sports?

Step 2 Reading

Task1 Students read the text and find necessary information.

Q: What is a theme park?

A: As we all know, a theme park is a wonderful park. It has its own theme. It has a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions.

T: What are the activities based on?

Ss: The activities are based on a common theme.

Task 2 Skimming

Question 1. How many theme parks does the writer tell us?

What are they ? Where are they?

Task 3 Scanning

Question: What are the themes about?

What attract people in these theme parks?

Read through the passage, then fill in the form below.

Par Parks Themes Attractions





Notes: Pay attention to the new phrases and sentences

Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like steeping into the world of your favorite film.

It seemed like people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.

The parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allow us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.

Ask certain questions to check students’ understanding to these sentences.

Task 4 Discussing

1. Which of the theme parks mentioned in the text will you visit? Why?

2. Why are theme parks so popular throughout the world ?


theme park优质说课稿

Good morning,judges. (鞠躬)

I am candidate No. 1 applying for senior high school English teacher.

It’s my great honor to be here and meet you all.

Today, my topic is Unit4 How Daisy learned to help wildlife . 板书

I will divide this topic into 6 parts. (6动作)

Analysis of teaching material

Analysis of students

Teaching methods

Learning methods

Teaching procedures

And blackboard design.

Now I will talk about them one by one.

First, let me give some analysis of the teaching material.

My content is from the reading part of Unit 4 of Book 2 Senior English For China. The reading material is mainly about and tells us the importance of wildlife protection. This topic is quite familiar to Ss and can arouse their interest. Therefore, this lesson plays an important part in the teaching material. If Ss can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.

Then I will proceed to talk about the teaching aims. Based on the New Curriculum Standard, my teaching aims are:

Firstly, (手势1) knowledge aim

Enable students to understand Daisy’s wonderful experience with some animals.

Secondly,(手势2)ability aim

Cultivate Ss’ reading ability, analysis ability and problem-solving ability.

Thirdly,(手势3)emotion aim

To help Ss understand that theme parks are not only fun to visit, but they can also be educational and can offer useful information.

Based on these teaching aims, my teaching key point and difficult point are:

Firstly(手势1), my teaching key point is improving Ss reading skills of skimming, scanning and intensive reading.

Secondly(手势2), my teaching difficult point is getting Ss to grasp the main idea and the key words of each paragraph as quickly as possible.

After the analysis of the teaching material, let me analyze the students.

Students in senior Grade one have learned English for more than eight years. So they already have knowledge reserve in English. However, they still need to enlarge their vocabulary and improve their oral English. Thus, I will let them watch videos and organize group work for them to practise. In that case, they could learn English in a happy and effective way.

Now it comes to the teaching methods. According to the physical and mental features of my Ss, I will adopt the task-based teaching approach, situational teaching approach and communicative teaching approach to improve my Ss’ passion.

About the learning methods, students will use the learning strategy of participation, cooperation and exploration. Ss will participate in class discussion, and finish tasks in group work and improve their integrated language using ability.

Ok, so much for the teaching methods and learning methods. Next comes the most important part- the teaching procedures. In the class, I will stick to the theory that “learning by doing, learning by using” to design the following procedures.

Step one(手势1): Lead in.

I’ll play a video to Ss that Doraemon receives a phone call and he is told that he can go to a theme park. Then ask Ss, if you were Doraemon, which theme park would you like to go. Step two(手势2): pre-reading

I’ll show some pictures of the theme parks and ask Ss to guess what are their themes. These two steps can arouse Ss interest and activate their background knowledge.

Step three(手势3): while-reading: there are 3 tasks in this step.

Task 1(手势1):skimming

Doing fast reading is a good way to train Ss ability of getting information in short time. Firstly, I will ask Ss to look through the passage and get the main idea of the whole passage. Secondly, I’ll ask Ss to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph in 2 minutes.

Task 2(手势2):scanning

In order to help Ss understand the structure of the reading passage, Ss are asked to finish the table in page 35. This table makes a comparison among different types of theme parks so that Ss can have a clearer understanding of the theme and the activities of each park.

Task 3(手势3): intensive reading

Ss are required to do the True or False exercise, aiming to get some detail information of the passage.

Since Ss have a deeper understanding of the passage, I’ll move to the next step.

Step four(手势4): post-reading

I’ll show three postcards of the theme parks and ask Ss to choose one of them. Suppose they have been to one of the theme parks and want to send a postcard to their friend. Thus ask them to write down a short introduction to the theme park from the aspects of its name, location, theme and activities(板书). And I’ll invite some Ss to present their introduction.

Step five: homework

Read the passage carefully and then design your ideal theme park and write a short passage.

Here comes the last part of my presentation, blackboard design. The title of this passage is on the top of the blackboard. And I divide the blackboard into two parts. The right part is for some

That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for listening.


