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外研社八年级英语上册教案module 2 My home town and my country

外研社八年级英语上册module 2

Date: September 21st, 2013

Teaching aims:

1. Master key vocabulary and phrases: population, wide, than, especially, north, south, west, east, be famous for, in the 1980s…

2. Master some language points and grammar points

Teaching procedures:

Step1 comment on exercises of module1

Step2 learn some language points and grammar points

1. population


(2)表示某地有多少人口,用“某地+has a population of……”或者 “The population of+某地+is”


What about the population of+某地?

How large is the population of+某地?


经典例题:———_____________is the population of your city?

——About two million.

A. How B. What C. How many D. How much

解析:访问某地人口数量用 “What/How lagre (is the population of…)?”句型。故选B

2.over= more than 超过

eg. We stayed there for over two months. = We stayed there for more than two months.我们在那里待了两个多月。

2. million 百万

(1) million, thousand, hundred与基数词连用时必须用单数形式,表示确切数量。 Two million people 200万人

(2) millions of 意为“数以百万的”,表示大概的数量,前面不能再加基数词。 Eg. Millions of people from all over the word come to visit the town every year. 每年都有数百万来自世界各地的人来参观这个城市。

3. as……as 和·····一样


as……as的否定式为not as/so+形容词/副词的原级+as,意为“不如……”。 Eg. My younger sister is as tall as me.我妹妹和我一样高。

Tom doesn’t sing as/so well as Lucy. Tom不如Lucy唱得好。

经典例题 Li Hua’s shoes are as _________as Zhang Hui’s.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest.

4. 区别 ago/before

Eg. Twenty years ago, the village was very poor.20年前,这个村子很穷。 Wash your hands before dinner饭前要洗手。

5. How+be+主语?=What+be+主语+like?


这是一个表问候的句子,用于询问对方的情况,表达对对方的关心与问候。回答时可用:It was great(很棒)/ It was OK.(很好)/ Not bad.(不错)【外研版八年级上册Module,2,my,home,town,and,my,country,教案】

It was not good.(不怎么好)/It was pretty good.(相当好)等等。

6.“在·····年代”两种表达法:in the 1980s=in the 1980’s

经典例题:A war took place in ___________.

A. The 1720’s B.1720s C.1720’s D. the 1720

解析:表示年代时应在年份前加定冠词the ,故首先排除B/C两项。表示在什么年代时,在年份后加s’,表示在具体年份时则不能加the,在排除D,the 1970’s 意为“在18世纪20年代”。

7.Much 用于比较级前,表示程度,意为“·······得多”,以加强语气。even,far,rather,a little, a lot 等都可以修饰比较级。every, quite等不能用来修饰比较级 Eg. Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.它的街道也更宽、更干净。

I’m a little taller than my brother.我比我妈妈稍微高一点。

8.介词 in/on/to的区别


介词 on, in, to表示方位的用法。

1) in 表示方位,含义是“在„„之内”,即一个小地方处在一个大地方的范围(疆域)之内。例如:China is in the east of Asia. 中国在亚洲东部。


2) on 表示方位,含义是“在„„端/边”,即一个地方在另一个地方的某一端或某一边,两个地方只是相邻或接壤,却互不管辖。

例如: Guangdong Province is on the southeast of Guangxi. 广东省在广西的东南边。 (广东省与广西在地理位置上是连在一起的,即两者相邻,却互不管辖)

3) to 表示方位,含义是“在„„面”,即一个地方在另一个地方的范围之外,互不管辖。尤其当两个地方相隔较远,且有湖泊、大海等区域相隔时,通常用 to。 例如: Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。


9.辨析be famous for, be famous as, be famous to

10.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

Eg. My sister enjoy playing music. 我姐姐喜欢音乐。

拓展enjoy oneself 玩的高兴=have a good time.【外研版八年级上册Module,2,my,home,town,and,my,country,教案】

Eg. We’re enjoying ourselves very much in Shanghai now.


经典例题 Do you enjoy __________ English in our class,Mr.Green?

A. teach B. taught C. to teach D. teaching

11.比较级+than + any other+可数名词单数+in…,表示在某一范围比其他任何·······更······

如:Tony is taller than any other boy in his class.


注意:如做比较的人或物不在同一个范围内,any后不需跟other。 Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.

在中国,长江比其他任何一条河流都长。(同一范围内比较) Changjiang River is longer than any river in India.


Step3.homewok: do some exercise(轻巧夺冠P9——P10)

外研社八年级英语上册Module 2 My home town and my country__Unit 2

Module 2 My home town and my country

Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England


1.-How do the students at the _________________(大学)go to school? -They walk to school.

2.I am going to the _______________(乡下)to visit my grandparents next Sunday. 3.Hainan is in the _________________(南方)of China.

4.Some children in a poor _________________(地区)can’t go to school. for the West Lake. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.There are lots of old ________________ (church) in the city.

2.London is a great city with seven ________________ (million) people.

3.An elephant is ___________________ (heavy) and ______________ (strong) than a sheep. 4.Which is ________________ (long),this river or that one?

5.There are thousands of _________________ (tour) coming to China for a visit every day. 三、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空

1.Shandong is _________________________ China. 2.The small town _________________________ the tea.

3._____________________________ go to Beijing to see these famous palces. 4.London is ___________________________ England.

5.There are lots of small villages _______________________________. 四、单项选择

1.-Look!What a beautiful hill!

-Yes,and it’s also famous ____________ its old trees.

A.about B.with C.by D.for 2.She is an ____________ girl.

A.eight years old B.eight-years-old C.eight-year-old D.eight-years old 3.Japan is ______________ China.

A.in the east of B.on the east of C.to the east of D.at the east of【外研版八年级上册Module,2,my,home,town,and,my,country,教案】

4.Lucy’s book is __________ nicer than yours.

A.very B.quite C. a little D.too 5.The mountain in our home town is about 2,000 metres. A.big B.small C.deep D.high 6.-It’s too cold today.

-Yes,it’s ___________ colder than it was yesterday. A.some B.more C.very D.much 7.The weather will be not too hot _______ too cold in the future. A.or B.and C.but D.with 8.Li Hua’s shoes are as _____________ as Zheng Hui’s.

A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheaper D.more cheaper 9.Jin Yong is __________ a writer.

A.famous as B.famous for C.famous in Dfamous with 10.The city has a population of about ___________.

A.seven and half millions B.seven and half a millions C.seven and a half million D.seven and half a million 五、句子翻译


____________________________________________________________________________. 2.上海位于中国东部。

____________________________________________________________________________. 3.大连以海鲜而著称。

____________________________________________________________________________. 4.台湾是中国的一部分。

____________________________________________________________________________. 5.那座大楼越有500米高。

____________________________________________________________________________. 六、句型转换

(对画线部分提问) ______________ ______________ your school?

(对画线部分提问) ______________ _____________ is the city.


______________ ______________ the weather ______________ in summer?

(对画线部分提问) ______________ is the capital of France?

5.What is the population of Hong Kong?(改为同义句)

______________ ______________ _____________ _______________ ______________ _______________ _______________? 八.无词填空


A man is driving his car on a country road. Suddenly two three-legged chickens ran 1.____________ the road.

“Wow! How fast those chickens run!” said the man.He was really 2.________________about these chickens, so he followed the road where the chickens had just come from. 3._______________, he came to a farm. There were many three-legged chickens running 4._____________. The farmer came out to greet him. “How is it possible to breed(繁殖)these chickens?” asked the man.

The farmer explained, “Our family all love 5.______________ chickens legs. We tried and created the three-lagged chickens, so that we could eat even more chicken legs every day!”

“Interesting! How does the chicken legs 6.______________ ?”asked the man. “Well, there is a problem —we haven’t been able to catch one yet!” said farmer.

外研版 八年级上册 英语 (新)Module 2 My home town and my countryy





( )1.— Is London capital city of the UK?

— Yes, it is. A. a C. / B. an D. the ( )2.Liaoning Province is the north of China. A. to B. in C. off A. mountain C. island D. on B. coast D. village ( )3. Hainan is the second largest in China. ( )4.The Smiths to the city two years ago. A. moved B. will move C. move D. are moving ( )5.— Is John heavier than Mike? — Yes. He is heavier than Mike. A. many B. too C. much A. close C. closing D. very B. to close D. closed ( )6.Remember the windows when you leave, Bob. ( )7.Mr White enjoys doing morning exercises he is very healthy. A. so B. or C. but D. if ( )8.— Where Linda go on vacation last summer? — She to Shanghai. A. do; go B. does; went D. did; went B. more; that D. more; it C. did; go A. larger; it C. larger; that ( )9.The population of Shanghai is than of Tianjin. ( )10.This museum is very famous. About people visit it every year. A. seven millions of B. seven millions

C. seven million D. seven million of A. other B. others C. any other — OK, Mum. A. umbrella C. bag B. book D. pencil B. much longer D. long D. some ( )11.David is stronger than student in his class. ( )12.— Lily, don’t forget to bring your . It is rainy (下雨的). ( )13.This ruler is as as that one. I will buy it. A. longer C. the longer ( )14.— — It has about 100, 000 people. A. Where is your home town B. How do you like your home town C. How old is your home town D. What’s the population of your home town — A. Good idea! B. Pretty good! C. Sorry. D. I don’t know. ( )15.— How was your weekend, Susan?

二、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


My family went on a trip last Saturday. We didn’t much money and really had a good time.

In the morning, my father us to a science centre in our city. We didn’t spend any money on the tickets it is free. There is a children’s area in the science centre. My brother and I saw different kinds of animals and did some interesting things. We both had a lot of playing together in the science centre. Then we took car to a park near the science centre. My parents set up the tent first, and then we had a picnic . After the picnic, my father started to read newspapers and my mother games with me. After we got back home in the afternoon, I turned the computer and copied (拷贝) all the photos we took that day. My mother even wrote some words for our us remember the happy time.

( )16. A. get

B. spend C. collect D. ask

( )17. A. put



Do you know Kafue National Park? It is a beautiful national park. It is in Zambia (赞比亚). It is about 22,400 km2. There’s a river in the park. Its name is Kafue River. It is 240 kilometres long. The park is named for the Kafue River.

Kafue National Park is also the largest wild zoo in Zambia. People can see many kinds of animals like zebras, giraffes, lions and elephants. But they must take a bus to see the animals. It is a good place for holidays.


( )26. Kafue National Park is in Zambia.

( )27. The park is 22,40 km2.

( )28. The Kafue River is 240 kilometres long.

( )29. Kafue National Park is the largest wild zoo in Zambia.

( )30. People can walk in the park to see the animals.


C. drove ( )18. A. because ( )19. A. questions C. time C. their C. happily C. sang ( )20. A. our B. bought D. left B. but B. fights D. fun B. her D. its D. easily B. played D. gave B. on D. down D. car D. explain C. after D. or ( )21. A. exactly B. early ( )22. A. danced ( )23. A. off C. up C. park C. enjoy ( )24. A. trips B. photos ( )25. A. help B. agree 三、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,26-30小题每小题1分,31-40小题每小题2分,共25

2013年新版外研版八年级上Module2 My home town and my country






a tall woman a tall horse


The plane is so high in the sky.






five million dollars五百万美元

(2)表达非具体数目时,用million,billion等的复数+of。如:millions of people数百万人。 拓展:hundred(百),thousand(千),billion(十亿)的用法与million相同。

xK b1.C om

3.So it’s a newer city than Hong Kong?所以它是一个比香港还新的城市吗?

than译为:比。 是比较级的标志词,它前面的形容词、副词要用比较级。

4.In fact, it only became important in the 1980s.事实上,它只有在20世纪80年代才变得很重要。

in the 1980s表示20世纪80年代。in the early 1980s在20世纪80年代早期,in the late 1980s在20世纪80年代晚期

5.What’s the population of Shenzhen?深圳的人口是多少?


The population of China is larger and larger.中国的人口越来越多了。


The population of the USA is smaller than that of china.美国的人口比中国的人口要少。


What’s the population of+国家或城市名称?

注意:提问有多少人口,用what或how large,而不用how many或how much.

What’s the population of China?中国有多少人口?

6.I’d like to go there one day.我想有一天去那里。

one day可指过去或将来,可用于过去时态或将来时态。

One day the temperature was 30℃.有一天气温达到了30摄氏度

One day people will be able to go to the moon on holiday.总有一天人们可以到月球上去


注意:some day通常只指将来,即只用于将来时态。

We are all going to be old some day.总有一天我们都会老的。








形容词若是多音节,more, most前面写


例1.E-mailing is much than long distance calling.

A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest


例2. China is of Japan. It’s a developing country.

A.in the east B. To the west

C.to the east D.in the east

解析:表示两地方位关系的介词有in, on和to. In表示一地在某一区域范围内,on表示两地接壤;to表示两地不接壤。中日两国不接壤,中国在日本的西方,所以选B



difficult. I can’t work it out.

than yours.

3.I live in a quiet street. I don’one.



1.My ruler is long. Your ruler is longer.(合并为一句)

Your ruler is 2.She is ten years old. He is twelve years old.(合并为一句)

He is two years 3.Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai.(改为一般疑问句)

Hong Kong Shanghai?

4.How many people are there in Shanghai?(改为同义句)

外研版英语八年级上册module2My home town and my country重点语法知识点

Module2 My home town and my country

1、 How+ be动词+主语?=What +be动词+主语+like?

这是一个表问候的句子,用于询问对方的情况,表达对对方的关心与问候。回答时可用:It was great(很棒)/ It was OK.(很好)/ Not bad.(不错)

It was not good.(不怎么好)/It was pretty good.(相当好)等等。 2、 ago与before的区别

注意:时间点+before 一段时间+ago 3、“在„„年代”有两种表达方法 如:in the 1980s=in the 1980’s 4、“和„„一样”的as„„as


as„„as的否定式为not as/so+形容词/副词的原级+as,意为“不如„„”。





(2)表示某地有多少人口,用“某地+has a population of„„”或者 “The population of+某地+is” (3)询问人口用以下句式:

What about the population of+某地? How large is the population of+某地?

(4)表示人口的多少,可以用great,large或者small来修饰,不能用many或much。 6、over=more than 超过




even,far,rather,a little, a lot 等都可以修饰比较级。every, quite等不能用来修饰比较级 9、轻松用than作比较

“A +be+形容词的比较级+than+ B”,表示A比B更„„ 10、介词in、on、to的区别


11、be famous for, be famous as, be famous to的区别 12、enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

enjoy oneself 玩的高兴=have a good time.

13、比较级+than + any other + 可数名词单数 +in„,表示在某一范围内比其他任何„„更„„

如:Tony is taller than any other boy in his class. 托尼比班里其他任何一个男孩都高。


注意:如做比较的人或物不在同一个范围内,any后不需跟other。 Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China. 在中国,长江比其他任何一条河流都长。(同一范围内比较) Changjiang River is longer than any river in India. 长江比印度的任何一条河流都长。(不同范围内比较)

