
| 演讲稿 |


2016年白宫演讲稿 第一篇

奥巴马在2016白宫记者协会晚宴的演讲英文全文|附段子解析 "奥巴马最后以致敬篮球运动员科比的方式扔掉麦克风,并说'Obama,out', 大步流星的走下舞台,令人唏嘘。"

美国时间上周六晚间,美国总统奥巴马在他最后一次的白宫记者协会的晚宴上,又一次段子手上身,不但狂黑各大媒体,对Hillary、Trump,Ted Cruz等正激烈竞争总统宝座的候选人们也毫不留情。这篇演讲非常精彩。

CARAOL: Mr.President. The podium is yours.

THE PRESIDENT: You can’t say it, but you know it’s tr-ue.

开场音乐是Anna Kendrick的“When I’m Gone”,这句话是在玩这个梗,因为奥巴马即将卸任(be gone)。

Good evening, everybody. It is an honor to be here at my last — and perhaps the last — White House Correspondents’ Dinner. You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better. I do apologize — I know I was a little late tonight. I was running on

C.P.T. — which stands for ―jokes that white people should not make.‖ It’s a tip for you, Jeff.

1, C.P.T是指Colored People's Time,吐槽黑人被说迟到。

2,反击纽约市长Bill de Blasio此前关于C.P.T的玩笑。Bill de Blasio之前在另一个场合迟到,于是开了一个玩笑I am running on CP Time.结果全场陷入尴尬。

Anyway, here we are. My eighth and final appearance at this unique event. And I am excited. If this material works well, I’m going to use it at Goldman Sachs next year. Earn me some serious Tubmans. That’s right.

1,这里吐槽希拉里在高盛(Goldman Sachs)演讲赚了几十万美元的事情。


My brilliant and beautiful wife, Michelle, is here tonight. She looks so happy to be here. That’s called practice — it’s like learning to do three-minute planks. She makes it look easy now.

Next year at this time, someone else will be standing here in this very spot, and it’s anyone’s guess who she will be. But standing here, I can’t help but be reflective, a little sentimental. Eight years ago, I said it was time to change the tone of our politics. In hindsight, I clearly should have been more specific.【2016年白宫演讲稿


2,8年前,他想努力改善一下政治环境(the tone of our politics),后来的more specific吐槽这个环境其实越来越差了。

Eight years ago, I was a young man, full of idealism and vigor, and look at me now. I am gray and grizzled, just counting down the days ’til my death panel. Hillary once questioned whether I’d be ready for a 3 a.m. phone call — now I’m awake anyway because I’ve got to go to the bathroom. I’m up.



In fact, somebody recently said to me, Mr. President, you are so yesterday; Justin Trudeau has completely replaced you — he’s so handsome, he’s so charming, he’s the future. And I said, Justin, just give it a rest. I resented that.

Meanwhile, Michelle has not aged a day. The only way you can date her in photos is by looking at me. Take a look.



Here we are in 2008.

Here we are a few years later.

And this one is from two weeks ago.

So time passes. In just six short months, I will be officially a lame duck, which means Congress now will flat-out reject my authority. And Republican leaders won’t take my phone calls. And this is going to take some getting used to, it’s really going to — it’s a curve ball. I don’t know what to do with it.

吐槽自己将要下台(lame duck),大家也越来越不把他当回事了。下面说英国小王子George和他见面时穿着浴袍,就感觉自己被呼了一巴掌。

Of course, in fact, for months now congressional Republicans have been saying there are things I cannot do in my final year. Unfortunately, this dinner was not one of them. But on everything else, it’s another story. And you know who you are, Republicans. In fact, I think we’ve got Republican Senators Tim Scott and Cory Gardner, they’re in the house, which reminds me, security, bar the doors! Judge Merrick Garland, come on out, we’re going to do this right here, right now. It’s like ―The Red Wedding.‖


2,吐槽之前提名大法官,共和党迟迟不做反应,所以想bars the door,然后就地解决。

3,The Red wedding是《权利的游戏》里面的梗,看过的都知道场面有多震撼吧:)。

But it’s not just Congress. Even some foreign leaders, they’ve been looking ahead, anticipating my departure. Last week, Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe. That was a slap in the face. A clear breach in protocol. Although while in England I did have lunch with Her Majesty, the Queen, took in a performance of Shakespeare, hit the links with David Cameron — just in case anybody is still debating whether I’m black enough, I think that settles the debate.

在吐槽自己是不是being black enough,因为他说的那些活动都是很白人的。

I won’t lie — look, this is a tough transition. It’s hard. Key staff are now starting to leave the White House. Even reporters have left me. Savannah Guthrie, she’s left the White House Press Corps to host the Today show. Norah O’Donnell left the briefing room to host CBS This Morning. Jake Tapper left journalism to join CNN. 讲Journalism和CNN做对立,吐槽CNN做的不算是新闻。(画面里的Jake Tapper本人表情好尴尬)

2016年白宫演讲稿 第二篇


Weekly Address: This Thanksgiving, Recognizing the Greatness of American Generosity

Hi, everybody. In 1620, a small band of pilgrims came to this continent, refugees who had fled persecution and violence in their native land. Nearly 400 years later, we remember their part in the American story -- and we honor the men and women who helped them in their time of need.

Thanksgiving is a day for food and football, and for hoping the turkey didn't turn out too dry. But it's also a day to count our blessings and give back to others -- a reminder that no matter our circumstances, all of us have something to be grateful for. Maybe it's good health, a new addition to the family, or a child taking a next step toward college or a career. Maybe it's a new job, or long overdue raise. Maybe it's something as simple, and as important, as the chance to spend time with the people who matter most.

Of course, every American can be thankful for the chance to live in a country founded on the belief that all of us are created equal. And as President, I'm thankful that I get to see the best of America every day -- the courage of our troops and veterans, the resilience of our families, and the basic goodness of the ordinary people who call this country.

On this uniquely American holiday, we also remember that so much of our greatness comes from our generosity. There's the generosity of Americans who volunteer at food banks and shelters, making sure that no one goes hungry on a day when so many plates are full. There's the generosity of Americans who take part not just in Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but Giving Tuesday -- recognizing that in the holiday season, what you give is as important as what you get.

And I've been touched by the generosity of the Americans who've written me letters and emails in recent weeks, offering to open their homes to refugees fleeing the brutality of ISIL.【2016年白宫演讲稿】【2016年白宫演讲稿

Now, people should remember that no refugee can enter our borders until they undergo the highest security checks of anyone traveling to the United States. That was the case before Paris, and it's the case now. And what happened in Paris hasn't stopped Americans from opening their arms anyway.

One woman from Pennsylvania wrote me to say, "Money is tight for us in my household ... But i have a guest room. I have a pantry full of food. We can do this." Another woman from Florida told me her family's history dates back to the Mayflower -- and she said that welcoming others is part of "what it means to be an American."

Nearly four centuries after the Mayflower set sail, the world is still full of pilgrims -- men and women who want nothing more than the chance for a safer, better future for themselves and their families. What makes America America is that we offer that chance. We turn Lady Liberty's light to the world, and widen our circle of concern to say that all God's children are worthy of our compassion and care. That's part of what makes this the greatest country on Earth.

I hope that you and your family have wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by loved ones, and full

of joy and gratitude. And together, may we all play our own small part in the American story, and write a next chapter that future generations can be thankful for.
