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unit 6 topic3 集体备课教案

仁爱英语七年级下册 Unit6 Topic3 集体备课教案 学科:英语 年级:七年级下 主备人:程冬 授课人:_______

备课时间:2015年4月7日 备课周数:第五周 上课时间:第六周










bridge, along, across, turn, meter, until, kilometer, should, change, stop, safe, hurt, lose accident, obey, rule, sign, before, both, tired, last, careful, ticket, speed, wrong, place, fast


How can I get to… = Could you tell me the way to…

Go along …turn left at the first crossing.

Go along this road until you get to Beishihuan Road.

It’s about 15kilometers away from here.

Don’t drive too fast.

We must obey the traffic rules.

4. 教材难点:







教学内容与学生的生活紧 密相关,能激起学生的兴趣,适当安排小组讨论,让学生在做中学、练、巩固。




Section A

StepⅠ Warming-up

1)课前播放a wonderful song,营造英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入角色


What kind of home do you live in? Where is the bank?

Step Ⅱ Free-talk

幻灯出示一些比较有代表性的城市图片,问学生:Where do you want to go?激起学生表达自己想去那里的欲望。 Step Ⅲ Presentation

1) Lead in

T: Boys and girls, We know every one of us should go to school everyday, so how can you get to school? Now , look at the screen ,can you tell me what they are? And guess how can I get to school?

T: Do you know how I get to school? I go along Chenbei Street (城北路)and turn left at the first crossing. Go across the bridge(桥).It’s about one hundred meters along on the right.

2) Pair-work

(1) T: Now Let’s talk about the routes of going to school of you:

A: Excuse me, how can I get to Nanbin Middle School?

B: Go along../Go across…

(2) look at the picture of 1a and listen to the tape of 1a,and find out the place that the dialogue mentions.

(3) listen again and find out the important sentence structure and review the new words again.

1) A: Excuse me, is there a.. near here?

B: Yes. Go up…

2) A: Excuse me, which is the way to bookstore/..?

B: Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here.

A: Thank you all the same!

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

(1) Divide into four groups to practice the sentences.

(2) Act out

(3) Do 1b, ask the students to draw the map and describe.

(4) Practice

1) 出示2a的图片,让学生根据图片理解介词和介词短语的含义

2) 根据2a的内容填空,完成2b,核对答案。

3) 完成3,运用对话操练。

Step Ⅵ Project

A foreigner wants to come to Nanbin Middle School, how can you help him/her?

1. Go over the words and phrases learned in Section A .

2. Show some pictures of some places and get them to ask how to get to these places.

Step 2 Lead- in

1. Get them to draw their own map to describe how to get to the school from their home. Make up a new conversation in pairs. Then practice the conversation. Some pairs show their maps and act out the conversations to the whole class.

2. Look at the picture of 1a in Section A. Listen to the teacher’s questions about asking ways. Try to answer the teacher’s questions as quickly as you can.

T: Suppose I am in A place. Now how can I get to the library?

S1: Go along Xinhua Street and turn right at the first crossing. It’s about twenty meters along on the left.

T: Good. Now, which is the way to the hospital?

T: Could you tell me the way to.../Where is ...

(Lead to the new expressions about asking ways in conversation. )

S3: Go along ... until you get to ... Turn left and walk on.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Look at the pictures in 1a. Answer the following questions:

(1)How can you get to DinghaoBuilding? (2)At which bus stop can you change to the No.108 bus?

Listen to the tape and check your answers.

2. Read the phrases in 1b. Then listen again and write down the key words or phrases in 1b.

Listen to the tape the third time and check the answers with your partner.

3 .Do 1c. Read 1a again. Underline the sentences in 1a about asking ways and giving directions. Check with your partner. Step 4 Consolidation

1. Read 1a after the tape. Practice the conversation in pairs based on 1b.

2. Some pairs act out the conversation to the whole class.

Step 5 Prctice

1. listen to 2a and check your answers. Then listen again and read after the tape.

2. Do brainstorming. Try to say the words about public facilities as many as you can.

Step 6 Project

Look at the map given by the teacher on the screen. Make up new conversations about asking ways and giving directions A: Excuse me, where is the bank?

B:Go along Zhongshan Road until you get to the end. Turn right. It’s on your left. You can’t miss it.

Step 7 Homework

Go on making conversations about how to asking ways and giving directions in pairs. Then report it to the class next day; 课堂练习:1. Could you tell me ____the bus station? A. way to B. the ways C. the way to D. the ways to

2. She ____take the No.1 bus to the library. A. need to B. needs C. needs to D. need

3. Go straight and turn ____. You’ll find the hotel. A. to right B. right C. the right D. on the right

5. The park is 200 kilometers ____here. A. far B. (away )from C. far away D. away


1.Revise the words and expressions in Section B.

2. Show them a map on the screen and help revise the expressions of asking ways and giving directions.

3. Revise the words of traffic signs.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Make the students learn the new words with the help of the pictures: ticket, speed, wrong, place, safe, hurt, lose, rule, cross, sign, before, careful, accident, obey.

2. Do 1a & 1b.

Look at the title and the picture in 1a. Guess what the passage is about. Read 1a for the first time and check their guess. .Read 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1b individually. Then the whole class check the answers.

Step 3 Consolidation

Get them to retell 1a in pairs based on 1b, using first, second, third and last.

Step 4 Practice

1. Do 2.

2.Do 3.

3. Do 5a.

4. Do 5b.

Step 5 Project

1. Work in groups. Discuss in groups about the traffic rules. Draw them on the paper and write down the traffic rules. Then some students show their pictures and share their traffic rules to the whole class.


(1)Don’t drive after drinking.

(2)Don’t drive too fast.

(3)Wear a helmet when you are driving a bike or a motorbike.

(4)Wait until the light turn green.

Step 6 Homework

1.Review the words and expressions in Section A with your partner;

2. Go on observing the traffic signs and traffic rules around you. Then report it to the class next day;

3. Preview Section D.


1. Don’t be late _______ class. A. on B. for C. in

2.We must be careful when we go _____ the road. A. cross B. across C. in

3.Here is a ticket ______ parking in the wrong place. A. for B. in C. on

4.Every year many people lose their _____ in traffic accidents. A. life B. lifes C. lives

5.Wait ____ your turn when the light is red. A. in B. on C. for




1.Revise the words and expressions in the last section.

2. Discuss in groups about the traffic rules. Draw them on the paper and write down the traffic rules.

Then some students show their pictures and share your traffic rules to the whole class.

3. Read the chant in Section C individually. Some students read the chant to the whole class.

After that, the whole class read the chant given by the teacher.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Look at the pictures and choose the prepositions in “Grammar” to complete the sentences.

2. Make the students revise the “Grammar” and “Functions”.

Work in groups. The teacher shows the pictures about traffic signs, public facilities and warnings. Then every group try to say them out as quickly as you can and make sentences with the words. The group which can answer the most correct answers will be the winner.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Look at the map on the screen. Work in pairs.

Make up a new conversation about asking ways and giving directions. Practice the dialog with partner. 2.Then some pairs act out your conversations to the whole class.

Step 4 Practice

1. Do Task 1.

2. Do Task 2.

3. 3.Do Task 3.

Step 5 Project

Sit in groups of four. Student 1 puts the six places in A,B,C,D,E and F. Student 2 and student 3 make up a new conversation about asking ways and giving directions from A to F. Student 4 draws the route with color pens according to the conversation. Then change roles in groups. Finally, some pairs act out your conversations to the whole class.

Step 6 Homework

1.Review the words and expressions in this topic. Complete the Exercise Book;

Go on writing the conversations in Project;


1在拐角处_______________2在…与…之间______________ 3多远_____________

4当心点____________________ 5不要在街上玩耍






How can I get to the library ?


湖北咸丰黄金洞民族中学 梁光祥 罗朝远 教学设计

[教学目标] 本单元以“How can I get to the library?”为话题,主要学习问路和指路

用语, 其中还包括学习各种交通设施、交通标志、交通规则等。新课程标准要求教师让







[教学方法] 本单元主要以任务型活动(Task-based Language Teaching)进行课堂教学设

计。在教学过程中,让学生通过分组合作、小组竞争,激发学生的参与欲望 ,调动学



课堂评价] 新课程标准要求实现学生评价的多样性,全面评价学生的发展与进步。本课主


法是,将全班学生分为四个小组(编号A B C D),每组学生均按优、良、中、差的不


现进行记录(Give a star),课末根据记录评出三个组(Good—Better—Best)。然后



[教学内容] 仁爱版Project English七年级下册Unit 6, Topic 3, Section A .【Topic,3,How,can,I,get,to,the,library?Section,A教案】

[教学准备] Powerpoint电子课件、录音机、签4根(编号A B C D).

[教学过程] Step 1 Warming up activities for interest 课前热身。

Step 2 Free talk复习在新的学习过程中即将用到的知识。 Step 3 Pre-task 呈现和学习完成任务所需的语言知识。 Step 4 While-task 围绕教学目标设计几个微型任务,构成任务链。 Step 5 Post-task 展示完成任务的结果。

Step 6 Practice 巩固练习语言知识点。

Step 7 Homework 课堂活动产品。

[课堂实录] Step 1 Warming up activities for interest .

游戏:“I say you do”. 教师发口令stand up、sit down、turn left、

turn right、put up your left hand、put up your right hand等,学生听口令做动作,发现做错的同学,让他唱一首英语歌曲以示鼓励。

Step 2 Free talk .

教师示范:My friend is in Team „, he sits on the left of „, who is

he? Can you guess?然后让猜出的同学继续谈论他的朋友,以此形成一个会话链„„ Step 3 Pre-task .


Activity 1c (找出图中的公共交通)。 然后由学生找出地图上未学过的词汇并写在黑板上,教师利用课件展示图片来教学新词汇 。

Step 4 While-task .

T1 . 教师逐段播放Activity 1a 中的四段对话录音,学生关上书看地图听录


T2 . 教师利用Powerpoint的批注功能,在地图上画出各段对话的行进路线,


T3 . 教师通过课件展示生活中的几个问路情景,学生小组合作归纳问路指路


T4 . 在地图上任意选取4个地点,标上代号A—D ,让各组抽签(如抽到的

签号与本组的代号相同,就另抽一支)。假定本组的代号就是学生在地图上的当前位置,抽到的签号表示学生要到达的目的地,让学生通过小组合作找出一条最佳路线,利用黑板上的目标语编一段情景对话。教师巡回指导,随时提供帮助,并提醒学生作好记录。 Step 5 Post-task .



Step 6 Practice .

教师利用课件展示交通标志图片,学生通过小组抢答完成Activity 2 . 同时

教师不失时机地强调遵守交通规则的重要性,增强学生的安全意识。最后师生通过有节拍地齐读“Let’s chant”完成Activity 3 .

Step 7 Homework .





活动任务的积极性高涨,教师与学生、学生与学生之间不断地进行着信息和情感的交流,学生真正成为了课堂的主人,体现了让学生在实践中去体验和学习新知识的新课程理念。同时,在教学活动中还培养了学生的竞争意识与合作精神,以及与他人友好相处的交际能力。 当然,我们在教学过程中也遇到了一些问题:

1 . 如何让基础较差的同学积极性更高地参与小组的合作学习活动?

2 . 如何让学生在完成活动任务的合作学习过程中养成保持用英语交流的习惯?


