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Unit5 Whose dog is it说课稿

Unit5 Whose dog is it? Part A 说课稿

府谷第四小学 康改霞

一、 说教材

教材内容是人教社出版的PEP新教材五年级下册Unit 5Whose dog is it?Part A部分,本节课的课型是词汇和会话的整合课。这部分的内容是新教材新编排的内容。新版《课程标准》告诉我们“现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。”。本节课出现的形容词性物主代词在以前有学到过my, your, our, his, her,但没有这么系统地整理出来,总结出来。而新教材这样编排,肯定是值得研究的。这一课时围绕Whose dog is it?这一话题展开,通过对话与交流,学习六个名词性的物主代词mine/ yours/ hers/ his/ ours/ theirs,懂得以前学过的形容词性的物主代词后面是要加名词的,而这六个名词性的物主代词不需要,他本身已经代替了这个名词。其次是巩固和运用三组句型:陈述句It’s my dog,The dog is mine. 特殊疑问句及回答Whose dog is it?It is mine/ yours/ hers/ his/ ours/ theirs. 一般疑问句及回答Are these all ours? Yes,they are./No, they aren’t. 学会在真实的生活和学习的情景中运用,表达真实的意义。


1. 教学目标:五年级的学生已经接触学习英语两年,已经学会形容词性物主代词my/your/her/his/our/their,名词性的物主代词



能够学会并运用六个物主代词,能够使用句型It’s my dog,The dog is mine. Whose dog is it?It is mine/ yours/ hers/ his/ ours/ theirs. 询问Are these all ours? Yes,they are./No, they aren’t.对自己和他人的东西进行介绍,询问调查。



在新编教材这一单元第一课时,我们要学习六个名词性物主代词mine/ yours/ hers/ his/ ours/ theirs,要理解并运用这些物主代词就是一个重点,而会灵活运用句型进行交流就是本节课的难点。






本节课有一条主线:dog show----our show-----our talk show,通过观察zoom和zip他们的dog show,感知了解,输入语言。然后通过穿件我们自己的our show,模仿运用,内化语言。接着通过学习Chen Jie 和Mike谈论他们的picture show,我们也来谈论我们的show,这样巩固交流,输出语言。继而实现从学到用。

(一)热身 (Warm-up)

1. Greeting.打招呼拉近与学生之间的距离。

2 .Guess a riddle.

(二)新课呈现 (Presentation)

1.创设情境导入学习6个单词。老师运用实物创设情景,引导学生用已学的知识进行对话。I like reading books, Do you like books? Do you have books? Show me your book, let’s see! Whose book is it? 引导学生学习并回答,把学生提到的物主代词板书到黑板上。再引导学生自主预习:这些词组我们可以用什么词代替,变得更简洁?


3.创设任务our show。

通过学习文本中let’s learn:dog show.创建我们的show.教师在学生活动时,在各小组巡视,检查学生能否用更多的名词性物主代词进行交流。任务完成后,各小组展示,不仅展示了他们的英语表达能力,也展示了他们小组的各具特色的物品。


(三)巩固操练 (Practice)

1、老师参与到小组展示中去,好奇的开始询问物品的主人是谁?导入学习句型Whose it??It’s my „ mine.





新PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it教案

Unit 5 Whose dog is it ?

Period 1 Section A Let's learn P49

教师寄语:(Think today and speak tomorrow .三思而后行。)

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 掌握新单词: his ,hers, theirs, ours, yours, mine .

2. 掌握句型: Whose dog is that ? It’sImportant &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能准确的读出和写出新的单词。

2. 能理解和运用新单词、句子:Whose dog is it ? It’s 导学探究

Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1. Sing a song : When is your birthday ? ( P71) S: Spring.

is April Fool’s Day ? S: It’s on April 1st.

S1: My birthday is on August 5th. (教师板书这些句型,并强调划线部分) Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)

1. Learn words : his, her, their, our, my ,your (老师板书在黑板上)

T: Read after me :his book, her pen, their dog , our cat, my book.

S: his book, her pen, their dog, our cat ,my book.

2.T: Do you have a pet ? S: Yes ./ No.

T: Look at this picture , This is Mike’s dog. This is his dog . The dog is Ok, Everybody, follow me “his “

S: “his “

Use the same way to learn other words : hers , theirs, ours, yours, mine.

3.T: Look ! That is my book . The book is mine .

T: Whose book is that ? book .


4. Listen to the tape and follow reading.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)

1. Who is faster? (谁最快)For example :T: It’s your bag . S: The bag is yours . T: It’s my pen . S: The pen is mine .(…)

2. Finish P49 of Look, say and complete. Write two sentences .

Example : It’s her book. The book is hers .

Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)


mine ours his hers whose yours theirs

他们的 谁的 我的 你的 她的 他的 我们的


A. Look! That is his dog.

B. Whose rulers are these ?

C. It’s their dog.

D. Zip’s cat is so cute.


E. This is her phone .

1.________ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________


1. The blue pencil is __________ (my,mine )

2. This is not my dog .It’s _________ ( she , hers)

3. –Whose picture are these ? --They are _________( we ,ours)

4. Is this __________ (Amy, Amy’s ) desk ?

5. The white cat is _______ (he, his ).


( )1. A. he B. she C. his

( )2. A. first B. theirs C. third

( )3. A. ours B. mine C. her

( )4. A. May B. yours C. his

( )5. A. Whose B. spring C. summer

学生小结:这节课我学到了____________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2分钟)

1、学生正确的抄写单词:hers , theirs, ours, his, yours, mine.

2、运用每个单词写出句子。It’s their book. The book is theirs….

Title 板书标题 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Let’s learn p49

Board Design 板书内容设计

It’s his dog . = The dog is his . It’s her dog. = The dog is hers. It’s my dog. = The dog is mine. It’s their dog . = The dog is theirs. It’s your dog. = The dog is yours. It’s our dog. = The dog is ours. 教学反思:

Period 2 Section A Let's learn P48

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 听录音完成Let’s try的练习题.

2. 熟练掌握对话及重点句型:The yellow picture is mine . Are these all ours ? There is picture of Shanghai . Whose is it ?

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能听录音完成相应的练习题。

2. 能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)X k B 1 . c o m

1. T: Is this his cat ? S: Yes, it is .

T: Is this her bag ? S: No, it isn’t. ( 板书)

T: Whose book / pen /ruler is that ? S1: It’s mine/ yours/his .

2. Review sentences : T: It’s his dog . S: The dog is his .(用上节课的图片) T: It’s her book. S: The book is hers.

T: It’s their dog . S: The dog is theirs .(…)

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟)

1. Listen to the tape of Let’s try part and finish exercises. (老师讲解录音中的重点


2. Teach key’s words and sentences: yellow picture, picture of , beautiful, There is …(板书在黑板上)

3. T: Is this a yellow picture ? S: Yes, it is .

T: That is a picture of Beijing. S: Read it .

T: There is a beautiful picture. S: Read it “beautiful “

4. Listen the tape of Let’s talk and follow reading .

T: Look here .There are so many pictures . S; Yes.

T: The yellow picture is ChenJie’s . The yellow picture is hers .

T: Whose is that picture of Beijing ? S: It’s Zhang Peng’s .

T: Whose is that picture of Shanghai ? S: It’s Yifan’s .

5. Students read this part ,and understand this part.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

1.Pair work. (Lost and found 失物招领)灵活掌握本节课的句型)

S1: Whose storybooks are these ? S2: They are mine .

S1: Whose book is this ? S2: It’s Mike’s ./ It’s his .

2. Role play reading of Let’s talk part .

Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)


( ) 1. The yellow picture is Mike’s .

( ) 2. That picture of Beijing is beautiful.

( ) 3. That picture of Shanghai is Zhang Peng’s.


1. Is this your book ? A. This is my red bag .

2. The red bag is mine . B. Is the book yours ?

3. This is Chen Jie’s chair . C. This is a beautiful picture of spring.

4. This picture of spring is beautiful. D. This chair is Chen Jie’s.


A. get up B. live on C. breakfast D. face E. play sports My name is Robinson. I 1.________ an island . I always 2.________ early every

day . I wash my 3._______ ,and then I eat 4.________. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. In the afternoon ,I 5._________ with my friend.

四、单项选择。新- 课 -标- 第 -一 - 网

( ) 1. The yellow picture is __________.

A. mine B. my C. I

( ) 2. Are these all _________ ?

A. our B. my C. ours

( ) 3. That picture _________ Beijing is beautiful.

A. on B. at C. of

( ) 4. --_________ dress is this ?

-- It’s __________.

A. What ; Sarah’s B. Whose ; Sarah C. Whose ; Sarah’s 学生小结:这节课我学到了____________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2分钟)

1、熟读Let’s talk部分。

2、抄写Let’s talk部分并写出汉语意思。

Title 板书标题 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Let’s talk p48

Board Design 板书内容设计

The yellow picture is mine .

Whose is that picture of Beijing?

Whose is that picture of Shanghai?

Are these all ours ? Yes , they are.


Period 3 Section B Let's learn P52

Learning aims(学习目标)


1.掌握新单词: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping.

2.掌握句型: Fido is sleeping. They are playing with each other.

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能掌握新单词,并知道如何在单词的后面加上ing。

2. 能用英语表达谁正在做什么。

2015新pep五年级英语下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it单元备课

Unit 5 Whose dog is it ?





1、 能够听、说、读、写句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all

ours? Whose is this? It’s Zhang Peng’s. Is he drinking water? No,he isn’t. He’s eating.

2、 能够在情景中运用句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all

ours? Whose is this? It’s Zhang Peng’s.询问和回答某物属于某人。

3、 能够在情景中运用句型:Is he drinking water? No, he isn’t. He’s

eating. 询问和回答某人正在做某事。

4、 能够在图片的帮助下读懂韵文,并能正确地朗读;能够运用核



1、 能够听、说、读、写六个名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, hers,

theirs, ours; 能够听、说、读、写六个动词现在分词:climbing, eating, playing,jumping,drinking,sleeping和词组each other。

2、 能够在语境中正确使用上述六个名词性物主代词的单词和六个



1、能够掌握字母组合ng/ nk的发音规则,即ng/ nk在单词中发/ /和/ /。

2、能够读出符合ng/ nk的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合ng/nk发音规则的单词。





1、能够听、说、读、写句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is this? It’s Zhang Peng’s. Is he drinking water? No,he isn’t. He’s eating.

2、 能够听、说、读、写六个名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours; 能够听、说、读、写六个动词现在分词:climbing, eating, playing,jumping,drinking,sleeping和词组each other。


1、能够在情景中运用句型:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is this? It’s Zhang Peng’s.询问和回答某物属于某人。

2、 能够在情景中运用句型:Is he drinking water? No, he isn’t. He’s

eating. 询问和回答某人正在做某事。

3、 能够在语境中正确使用上述六个名词性物主代词的单词和六个



第一课时A Let's learn P49

第二课时A Let's try Let’s talk P48 第三课时B Let's learn P52

第四课时B Let's try Let’s talk P51

第五课时B Let's spell Read and write P50 、53 第六课时 Let's check Story time P54 、55

最新人教版五年级英语下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Part A 精品教案

Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Part A精品教案





(3)能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose …is it/are they? It’s/They’re mine/yours/his/hers/ ours.


(1)能通过游戏进一步正确运用名称所有格…’s 表述物品的所属关系,并能与其他缩写形式进行区分。

(2)能运用“Whose … is it/are they?It’s\They are hers\his\mine.等句式熟练地进行对话。






(2)能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose …is it/are they? It’s/They’re mine/yours/his/hers/ ours.


1、词汇:能通过游戏进一步正确运用名称所有格…’s 表述物品的所属关系,并能与其他缩写形式进行区分。

2、句型:能运用“Whose … is it/are they?It’s\They are hers\his\mine.等句式熟练地进行对话。





Step 1:warm-up

Free talk

T: Boys and girls, Are you ready for our English lesson?

Hello, boy! May I have your name? Your jacket is nice!

Hello, girl! What’s your name? Is that your pencil-box? It looks beautiful!


Step 2:Presentation

1. Lead-in

(1)教师收集一些学生的物品(尺子、橡皮、小刀、铅笔盒等),然后提问。 T: What’s this?

Is this your pen/ruler/...?

I’m sorry, whose pencil is this?

S: It’s my/his/her pencil.

This is Anne’s pen.

This is Xiao Ming’s ruler.


S2:Whose is this? Is this your pen, S1? S1:No,it isn’t.

S1: Is this your pen, S2? S2:Yes,it is.

T(Ss): It’s S2’s pen.

(设计意图:自然导入新课,引出课题Whose dog is this? 同时复习之前学习的whose以及his、her、my等形容词性物主代词。)

2.Whose is it? It’s Zhang Peng’s.

(1)播放教材第48页Let’s try部分的音频,回顾Sb’s 的用法。


(2)播放Let’s talk部分flash动画。

(3)请学生找到Let’s talk 部分中出现的新词并出示新词卡片:

2015年新审定pep五年级英语下册Unit5Whose dog is it

Unit 5 Whose dog is it ?

Period 1 Section A Let's learn P49

教师寄语:(Think today and speak tomorrow .三思而后行。)

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 掌握新单词: his ,hers, theirs, ours, yours, mine .

2. 掌握句型: Whose dog is that ? It’sImportant &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能准确的读出和写出新的单词。

2. 能理解和运用新单词、句子:Whose dog is it ? It’s 导学探究

Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)

1. Sing a song : When is your birthday ? ( P71) S: Spring.

is April Fool’s Day ? S: It’s on April 1st.

S1: My birthday is on August 5th. (教师板书这些句型,并强调划线部分) Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟)

1. Learn words : his, her, their, our, my ,your (老师板书在黑板上)

T: Read after me :his book, her pen, their dog , our cat, my book.

S: his book, her pen, their dog, our cat ,my book.

2.T: Do you have a pet ? S: Yes ./ No.

T: Look at this picture , This is Mike’s dog. This is his dog . The dog is Ok, Everybody, follow me “his “

S: “his “

Use the same way to learn other words : hers , theirs, ours, yours, mine.

3.T: Look ! That is my book . The book is mine .

T: Whose book is that ? book .


4. Listen to the tape and follow reading.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)【PEP五年级英语下册whose,dog,is,it,说课稿】

1. Who is faster? (谁最快)For example :T: It’s your bag . S: The bag is yours . T: It’s my pen . S: The pen is mine .(…)

2. Finish P49 of Look, say and complete. Write two sentences .

Example : It’s her book. The book is hers .

Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)


mine ours his hers whose yours theirs

他们的 谁的 我的 你的 她的 他的 我们的


A. Look! That is his dog.

B. Whose rulers are these ?

C. It’s their dog.

D. Zip’s cat is so cute.

E. This is her phone .

1.________ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________


1. The blue pencil is __________ (my,mine )

2. This is not my dog .It’s _________ ( she , hers)

3. –Whose picture are these ? --They are _________( we ,ours)

4. Is this __________ (Amy, Amy’s ) desk ?

5. The white cat is _______ (he, his ).


( )1. A. he B. she C. his

( )2. A. first B. theirs C. third

( )3. A. ours B. mine【PEP五年级英语下册whose,dog,is,it,说课稿】

C. her

( )4. A. May B. yours C. his

( )5. A. Whose B. spring C. summer

学生小结:这节课我学到了____________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2分钟)

1、学生正确的抄写单词:hers , theirs, ours, his, yours, mine.

2、运用每个单词写出句子。It’s their book. The book is theirs….

Title 板书标题 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Let’s learn p49

Board Design 板书内容设计

It’s his dog . = The dog is his . It’s her dog. = The dog is hers. It’s my dog. = The dog is mine. It’s their dog . = The dog is theirs. It’s your dog. = The dog is yours. It’s our dog. = The dog is ours. 教学反思:

Period 2 Section A Let's learn P48

Learning aims(学习目标)

1. 听录音完成Let’s try的练习题.

2. 熟练掌握对话及重点句型:The yellow picture is mine . Are these all ours ? There is picture of Shanghai . Whose is it ?


Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能听录音完成相应的练习题。

2. 能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。


Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)X k B 1 . c o m

1. T: Is this his cat ? S: Yes, it is .

T: Is this her bag ? S: No, it isn’t. ( 板书)

T: Whose book / pen /ruler is that ? S1: It’s mine/ yours/his .

2. Review sentences : T: It’s his dog . S: The dog is his .(用上节课的图片) T: It’s her book. S: The book is hers.

T: It’s their dog . S: The dog is theirs .(…)

Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时17分钟)

1. Listen to the tape of Let’s try part and finish exercises. (老师讲解录音中的重点


2. Teach key’s words and sentences: yellow picture, picture of , beautiful, There is …(板书在黑板上)

3. T: Is this a yellow picture ? S: Yes, it is .

T: That is a picture of Beijing. S: Read it .

T: There is a beautiful picture. S: Read it “beautiful “

4. Listen the tape of Let’s talk and follow reading .

T: Look here .There are so many pictures . S; Yes.

T: The yellow picture is ChenJie’s . The yellow picture is hers .

T: Whose is that picture of Beijing ? S: It’s Zhang Peng’s .

T: Whose is that picture of Shanghai ? S: It’s Yifan’s .

5. Students read this part ,and understand this part.

Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时8分钟)

1.Pair work. (Lost and found 失物招领)灵活掌握本节课的句型)

S1: Whose storybooks are these ? S2: They are mine .

S1: Whose book is this ? S2: It’s Mike’s ./ It’s his .

2. Role play reading of Let’s talk part .

Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)


( ) 1. The yellow picture is Mike’s .

( ) 2. That picture of Beijing is beautiful.

( ) 3. That picture of Shanghai is Zhang Peng’s.


1. Is this your book ? A. This is my red bag .

2. The red bag is mine . B. Is the book yours ?

3. This is Chen Jie’s chair . C. This is a beautiful picture of spring.

4. This picture of spring is beautiful. D. This chair is Chen Jie’s.


A. get up B. live on C. breakfast D. face E. play sports My name is Robinson. I 1.________ an island . I always 2.________ early every

day . I wash my 3._______ ,and then I eat 4.________. Sometimes I clean my cave, too. In the afternoon ,I 5._________ with my friend.

四、单项选择。新- 课 -标- 第 -一 - 网

( ) 1. The yellow picture is __________.

A. mine B. my C. I

( ) 2. Are these all _________ ?

A. our B. my C. ours

( ) 3. That picture _________ Beijing is beautiful.

A. on B. at C. of

( ) 4. --_________ dress is this ?

-- It’s __________.

A. What ; Sarah’s B. Whose ; Sarah C. Whose ; Sarah’s 学生小结:这节课我学到了____________________________________ Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时2分钟)

1、熟读Let’s talk部分。

2、抄写Let’s talk部分并写出汉语意思。

Title 板书标题 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Let’s talk p48

Board Design 板书内容设计

The yellow picture is mine .

Whose is that picture of Beijing?

Whose is that picture of Shanghai?

Are these all ours ? Yes , they are.


Period 3 Section B Let's learn P52

Learning aims(学习目标)

1.掌握新单词: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping.

2.掌握句型: Fido is sleeping. They are playing with each other.

Important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能掌握新单词,并知道如何在单词的后面加上ing。

2. 能用英语表达谁正在做什么。


