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译林牛津高中英语模块五Unit 1 教材答案

M5 U1答案

Welcome to the unit

Sample answers

1 Sure I do. My best friend is Mary. she is an honest, kind-hearted, diligent and smart person. What I like most about her is her carefree attitude. Her motto is “Life is too short to be unhappy”. She is very caring and she always tries to cheer me up when I’m happiness to others is bliss. I love her infections laugh and her strong will power. That’s why I regard her as my best friend.

2 I get on fairly well with my friends. Whenever we have problems, we ask for each other’s opinions and advice. We never hesitate to offer support to each other. I think friendship is largely based on mutual support.

3 People look for different qualities is their friends. For me, the most important quality in a friend is honesty. An honest person is worth making friends with. I don’t want to be friends with someone who is dishonest or disloyal. If he or she is dishonest to others, he or she might be dishonest with me too. I can’t trust such a person. If that was the case, there would be no possibility of a good friendship.


A 1 They’re feeling sad.

2 She got a D.

3 Because his friend Matthew was playing badly in the match.

C1 1 She thought it was quite easy.

2 She told Hannah how badly she had done in the math quiz.

3 Because she thought that Hannah had told her classmates about her grade after promising not to do so.

4 Because Andrew was very angry with him and said he was not trying hard enough. 5 He thought is wasn’t his fault.

6 He is usually cheerful and outgoing.

C2 2 She felt upset.

3 She felt angry.

4 He got angry.

5 he felt really guilty.

6 He felt awkward.

D 1 c 2 a 3 f 4 b 5 d 6 e

E (1) betrayed (2) pretended (3) horrible (4) awkward (5) apologize

(6) quilty (7) cruel (8) admit (9) forgive (10) swear


A (1) easy-going (2) quiet (3) shy (4) friendly

(5) honest (6) hard-working (7) humorous (8) strict

B Positive

academic athletic

calm careful


stupid naughty

unfriendly cold-hearted

Grammar and usage

(1) to thank (2) to apologize (3) to have (4) e-mail (5) to receive (6) to go

(7) watch (8) borrow (9) visit (10) to try (11) to see (12) come

Page 11

(1) visiting/to visit (2) chatting/to chat (3) visiting/to visit (4) pretending

(5) chatting/to chat (6) stop (7) chatting (8) to do【牛津高中英语模块五Unit1Getting,along,with,others,welome,to,the,unit】

(9) pass (10) making


2 their homes

3 open and honest; what he or she has to say

4 activity group

5 be there for them, be honest about

A 1 phone 2 True 3 False 4 teenagers’ problems 5 advice

B 2 two important friends; don’t like one another.

3 feel divided

4 write a letter to each friend to explain; meet outside of school.

5 write a letter, meet at a café on Saturday; talk

Unit 1

Language practice

Part A1 (Page 90)

1 a 2 b 3 b

Part A2 (Page 90)

1 a swear b swear/promise C swear

2 a turn into b turned...into C turn to

Part A3 (Page 90)

1 on 3 by 5 of 7 of

2 with 4 behind 6 for 8 at/in【牛津高中英语模块五Unit1Getting,along,with,others,welome,to,the,unit】

Part B1 (Page 91)

1 regardless of 3 apologized 5 security 7 adolescence

2 basis for 4 incident 6 stopped 8 qualities

Part B2 (Page 91)

1 shares 3 end up 5 rely on 7 thanks to 9 are anchored in

2 supports 4 get along 6 attitude 8 were cautious about 10 In conclusion

Part C1(Page 92)

1 to have an interview with Mr White;

To have an interview with Mr White

2 to post to his sister 3 to have dinner 4 to buy some eggs

5 to repair his computer and return his books

Part C2 (Page 92)

1 chatting3 discussing5 to see7 crying

2 to make4 to meet6 to discover8 to hurt

Part D1 (Page 93)

1 grades 3 adolescents 5 admits 7 to help 9 truly

2 attitude 4 betrays 6 apologize 8 focuses10 manner

Part D2 (Page 93)

1 Tom had an argument with his wife yesterday. To apologize, he left his wife a note, saying, “Sorry. Please forgive me.”

2 When I walked into the room,he pretended to be reading a book.

3 Parents should try to discourage their children from smoking.

4 I rang his office but couldn’t get through.

5 She overcame the fear of talking in front of a big audience and gave a short speech. 6 I would rather walk than take a bus.

7 It is absurd for you to put forward such a suggestion.

8 There are disagreements among doctors about the best way to deal with the disease. Reading

Part A (Page 94)【牛津高中英语模块五Unit1Getting,along,with,others,welome,to,the,unit】

1 He fell off a mountain path and was badly injured.

2 Whether to go and get help or stay with Ian.

3 Because the boys were missing and the parents needed help to find him.

4 Jeremy gave Ian his food and water and he let Ian on his jacket so he would be more comfortable. Jeremy used his jacket and extra shirt to keep Ian warm.

5 He carried Ian back to their parents.

Part B (Page 95)

1 How/Ways 3 necessary 5 Spending

2 compromises 4 feelings 6 share



Parts A and B(Page 96)

Name Liu Dong

loves adventure


brave interested in history and nature

s decision

Accept with the following conditions:

1 three months 2 friendlier outgoing 3 become a full member

Part C (Page 96)

1 brave 3 nature 5 interesting 7 three 9 outgoing 2 history 4 carry out 6 conditions 8 friendlier 10 full member Writing

Part B (Page 97)

Dear Mary

After reading your letter, I know that you worry about making friends. You are very shy, are not very confident and feel like you stick out from the group because you are very tall.

Do not worry, Mary. First of all, you should realize that there is nothing wrong with being tall. You should like yourself for who you are. As a matter of fact, you should take pride in being tall. Most basketball players are very tall. Many people would love to be as tall as you!

In my opinion, you are shy because you are not very confident.Learn to be brave and try to communicate more with your classmates.Smile at them first,and then try to start a conversation with them.You will find that your classmates are really nice people.The more you try to get to know them,the more they will try to get to know you.You will soon be able to talk to them about anything.You will become more confident as you get to know them,and you will suddenly find that you have many friends.

Good luck in making friends.

Best wishes


牛津高中英语模块5 Unit1

Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others

Period 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading (1)Secrets and lies



1. 理解文章大意与细节; 2. 掌握阅读内心倾诉式书信体记事文方法; 3. 分析长难句。


1. 通过跳读,归纳概括文章的大意;

2. 通过查读,理解文章细节,分析作者情感,了解内心世界;

3. 通过分析长、难句,提高阅读理解能力。


通过本单元课文学习,启发学生思考人文层面的提升,同时也激励学生树立正确积极的人生观与价值观, 帮助学生了解如何交友,真朋友的标准以及朋友应该具备的素质。

二、 学习重、难点 :1. 理解课文; 2. 分析2个长、难句。

三、 学习课时 1课时

四、 学习过程

Step 1 主题引入

Almost everyone , rich or poor, should at least have one or two friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine. The longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragnant drink. So friends are a very important part of our lives. A true friend is one soul in two bodies. True friends have hearts that beat as one.

Step 2 Talk about the 4 pictures on Page 1.

Picture 1: Where are the two girls? What are they doing there? Do you think they enjoy their company? Do you like spending time with your friends? What do you think `Friends are thieves of time‟ means?

Picture 2: What do you use a mirror for? What is the girl on the left doing? Do you think the girl on the right is a good friend? Why? How long have you known your best friend? Do you know everything about your best friend? Do you think your friend influences you a lot? What do you think the saying „The best friend is an old mirror‟ means?

Picture 3: What is the boy on the left doing? Why does he do so? Why does the boy on the left look puzzled? Do you think it is possible for a person to buy friendship? In your opinion, what is the basis of a good friendship?

Picture 4: Aristotle once said „ A true friend is one soul in two bodies. ‟ Does this saying imply the same meaning as the one below this picture?

Step 3 Discussion

1. A friend is someone who is honest, kind-hearted, diligent, generous, understanding, smart,

caring, carefree. A friend is someone who you respect and who respects you. A friend is someone who is honest, affectionate and loving and shares your happiness and sorrows. A friend is someone who accepts your differences. A friend is someone who is devoted and loyal to you and is selfless.

2. The most important quality in a friend is:

3. Friendship is largely based on mutual support and interest.

Step 4 Reading comprehension on Page 2一轮阅读,完成表层理解。

1. Have students go through the first letter as quickly as possible and try to find the answers

to the three questions in Part A.

2. True or false :

Hannah and Sarah used to get along well with each other before the incident. ( )

Sarah didn‟t expect that she should have got the lowest grade in her class. ( )

It was Hannah who told Sarah that Sarah had done badly in the exam. ( )

3. 选择最佳答案:

1). Why did Sarah feel betrayed?

A. Her friend Hannah didn‟t talk to her any more. B. She got a D in the Maths test.

C. Hannah‟s mark was higher than hers. D. She thought Hannah gave her away.

2). Why was Sarah proud of herself after the test?

A. She felt the test was easy and she thought she had done it very well.

B. She felt the test was very difficult. C. Her teacher praised her.

D. Her classmates admired her very much.

3). Why didn‟t Sarah forgive Hannah?

A. She thought Hannah kept her word. B. She thought Hannah didn‟t keep her word.

C. She thought Hannah wasn‟t her best friend. D. She thought Hannah teased her.

4. Reading strategy: 本单元是内心倾诉式书信体记事文,重点在于通过理解作者的内心情感,从而做出准确判断,并给予合理的建议和帮助。

方法:1. 抓住记事文题材,了解基本事实

Secrets and lies 中的基本事实 time---- on Monday, place-----at school, characters: Hannah and Sarah , event ------Sarah didn‟t pass an easy test and her friend let it known to all. cause----Sarah thought Hannah told everyone about her mark after promising not to. result--- Sarah lost her best friend and everyone teased her.

2. 分析作者情感,了解内心世界

此类文章的阅读重点在于对作者的情感世界的把握,从而达到给予合理建议的阅读目的。 How Sarah felt? Betrayed----She thought Hannah didn‟t keep her secret; Shamed----- She scored the lowest mark in her class; Upset----She found a piece of paper on her desk saying “ Stupid Sarah got a D ” Angry---- She thought Hannah didn‟t keep her promise.

Step 5 分析长难句

1. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quize, saying how easy it was and how I

was sure to get a good grade. (P2 L8---9)

这是一个______句。a. must have done 一定…… 对过去发生的事情的____________。 b. saying…是分词短语作_______状语。

c. and 连接的两个how 引导的感叹句做saying的____语。

2. However, the next day, I noticed that my calssmates were staring at me as I came into math

class and, when I went to sit down, I was shocked to find a piece of paper on my desk that said, “ Stupid Sarah got a D ”. (P2 L16—18)

①这是一个and 连接的_______________; ②第一个that引导的是__________语从句; ③as引导的是________________________; ④when引导的是__________________; ⑤第二个that引导的是_____语从句,修饰先行词a piece of paper 。

Step 6 Assignments :1. 预习第二封信 2. 在第一封信中找出含must的句子。

Module 5 Unit 1 Period 2 Reading(1) Friendship in trouble



1. 理解文章大意与细节; 2. 掌握阅读内心倾诉式书信体记事文方法; 3. 分析长难句。


1. 通过跳读,归纳概括文章的大意;

2. 通过查读,理解文章细节,分析作者情感,了解内心世界;

3. 通过分析长、难句,提高阅读理解能力。


通过本单元课文学习,启发学生思考人文层面的提升,同时也激励学生树立正确积极的人生观与价值观, 帮助学生了解如何交友,真朋友的标准以及朋友应该具备的素质。

二、 学习重、难点 :1. 理解课文; 2. 分析2个长、难句。

三、 学习课时 1课时

四、 学习过程

Step 1 Check homework

1. 从课文中找出并理解下列词汇的含义:

betrayed ___________ academic ______________ quiz ________ admit _______________ pretend ____________ cheerful _______________ beg _________ upset _______________ swear ______________ washroom _____________ fun _________ forgive______________

2. 从课文中找出并理解下列短语的含义:

primary school __________ It is no fun doing/to do _______like it that way _____________ be proud of _____________ get good grades _____________feel ashamed ______________ the next day_____________ beg sb not to do _____________feel like doing _____________ stare at sb/sth.____________ not any more ______________ spy on sb. _______________ keep one‟s word _________________ behind one‟s back ____________________________

3. 从课文中找出含must have done的句子并将其翻译成汉语。

1). I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz,saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade.

2). I thought Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to.


3). Everyone must have been laughing behind my back.

Step 2 Reading comprehension on Page 3一轮阅读,完成表层理解。

1. Ask students to read the two letter and complete Parts C1,C2 on Page 3.

2. True or false:

Sarah thought she had done very well in the maths test but in fact she didn‟t. ( )

When Sarah told she wasn‟t going to be Hannah‟s best friend any more, Hannah felt upset. Sarah and Hannah have been best friends since primary school. ( )

Andrew‟s brother suggested he should make friends with Peter instead of Matthew. ( ) They lost the game because of Matthew‟s absence. ( )

Matthew‟s dilemma is that both football and friendship are important to him but he chooses the former. ( )

3. 选择最佳答案:


①. What kind of boy was Matthew before?

A. He was usually cheerful and outgoing. B. He was really quiet and sad.

C. He was really athletic and better at football than Andrew.

D. He was always absent-minded.

②. When we want to read such kind of passage, what kind of reading strategy should we use?

A. Read to understand the problems. B. Read to understand the details.

C. Read to understand the emotion. D. Read to understand the plot.

③. How did Matthew feel after he quarrelled with Andrew?

A. Happy. B. Moved. C. Annoyed. D. Upset.

4. Have students go over Part D and check the answers as a class.

5. Have students read the two letters again and finish Part E.

6.Have students read the passages in Part A and Part B on Pages 94---95 in the workbook.

1. Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I can‟t help wondering if he wants

to be his best friend instead of me. (P3 L49—50)

a. 这是一个_________________句; b. see sb. doing… 看见某人正在做某事,强调动作_____________; c. can‟t help doing… 禁不住/忍不住做某事;d. if 引导的是______语从句。

2. I told my brother about the quarrel, but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football, and that I had better find another friend. (P3 L50---53)

a. 这是一个_________句;b. said后面是and的两个_________从句,第一个that位于said后,可以省略;第二个that_______省略;c. because引导的是_______状语从句。

Step 4 Homework :

1. Ask students to finish language practiceA1, A2 and A3 in workbook on Page 90.

2.Let students read the two letters loudly and try to remember the key words andphrases.

Module 5 Unit 1 Periods 3-----4 Reading (2) Language study





1. 通过朗读、比较、观察和思考,掌握主题句的寻找方法和分析句子结构的方法;

2. 通过选择、填空、翻译等形式的练习,掌握使用单词和短语的方法。



二、 学习重点与难点

识记和理解8个单词,短语的用法,复习must + 完成式的含义及用法。

三、学习课时 2课时


Step 1课前预习

一).朗读下列单词, 指出其在课文中的意思。

superb(P3L35)__________ focus (P3L35)_________ horrible(P3L41)__________ guilty ( P3L42)__________ cruel( P3L43)__________ awkward(P3L46)_________ bitter(P3L52)___________ athletic(P3L52)__________ sensitive(P3L51)__________ remark(P3L43)___________ annoyed(P3L39)_________ fault(P3L39)_____________ apologize(P3L48)_________ argument(P3L41)_________ outgoing(P3L46)___________

二).朗读下列短语, 指出其在课文中的意思。

play as well as me___________________ stop talking to me _______________________ can‟t help wondering________________ had better not do ________________________ shout at sb. ________________________ turn …into… ___________________________ keep pace with ______________________ sit next to ___________________________ apologize to sb. for sth.________________ even though ____________________________ be determined to do ___________________ get annoyed _____________________________ look quiet and sad _____________________ stare at sb. ______________________________ feel ashamed of_______________________ be gifted at/in ___________________________ talk aboutsb/sth behind one‟s back________________________________________________ blame sb. for sth. _____________________ argue sb. into doing sth. __________________ argue about sth. With sb. ______________ turn to a dictionary ______________________ admit doing sth. ______________________ admit sb. into ___________________________ Step 2目标呈现


1. fun 2. pretend 3. admit 4. blame

5. before long 6. keep pace with 7. spy on 8. keep one‟s word


Step 3 课堂探究


1.Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we both very academic and like to study, but we like it that way.(P2L3-5) (句意: fun词性: 意思: )
