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重大版小学英语五年级上册our new rooms


Unit 5 Our new rooms Lesson 1教案

学校:沙坪坝新发小学 班级:5.2班 教师:牟仁莉


1,能在情景中,听懂、会读有关家里物品的单词:TV, computer, bed, clock, photo. 2,能够在相应情景下,使用句型There is 的肯定句和一般疑问句,并能够做出相应的正确回答。




2,能灵活运用Is there a ____ in your room?询问他人的房间的物品,并作出相应的回答:Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.






Step1, Warm-up (3mins)

1, Greetings: Hello,boys and girls. Nice to see you again. What day is it today? How’s the weather today?

2,Sing a song: In the room.

T: Before the class, let’s warm up. Let’s sing a song together.

3, 出示课题:today,we’ll learn unit 5 our new rooms.

4, 出示房间图片:Look, what’s this? Ss: It’

s a bedroom.

T: Can you guess whose room?

Is it Du xiaomao’s room? Is it Gao wendi’s room? Is it Stanley’s room?

A, Du xiaomao’s room B, Gao wendi’s room C, Stanley’s room

T: Let’s enjoy a song and find out whose room.

观看欣赏歌曲:I have a room of my own.

观看后Ss回答:It’s Du xiaomao’s room.

T: yes, it’s Du xiaomao’s room. Is it beautiful? Ss: yes, it is.


Step2, Presentation.(15mins)

1, 用幕布功能遮住房间图片:Can you remember what’s in Du xiaomao’s room? 再用聚光灯回顾Du xiaomao 的房间吸引同学们的注意力,并了解房间的物体。 2,listen and learn the words:

A, 出示房间里的图片,听单词录音,自学单词。

B, 小老师教读单词,老师纠正发音。


学习单词TV时,利用图片引出短语 watch TV。

单词computer利用书写笔划分音节:com/pu/ter。利用电子白板的拖动功能将单词_om_u_er补充完整,将字母c, p, t 拖到相应的位置。然后出示玩电脑的图片,引出短语play computer game.

单词bed,根据音标,让学生拼出单词:b__d,请学生在白板上写出缺少的字母e. 用电子白板的克隆功能出示复数/bedz/,并教读复数的发音。

单词clock,利用电子白板画出出示不同时间的钟表,问:what’s the time? S1: it’s 10 o’clock. S2: It’s 3 o’clock. S3: It’s 9 o’clock. (复习旧知)

单词photo,出示不同人物的照片问:whose photo?

Ss: Miss Liu’s photo; Miss Mou’s photo, 以及班上孩子的照片。

3,listen and number (听录音,给图片编序号)



1)computer 2)TV 3)bed 4) clock 5)photo

4,再次出示Du xiaomao 的房间图片:

T: Look,what can you see in the room?


S1: There is a bed in the room.

S2: There is a computer in the room.

S3: There is a clock in the room.

S4: There is a chair in the room.

S5: There is a desk in the room. ( 学生边说一边圈出物品)

T: Is there a schoolbag in the room?

引导学生回答:Yes, there is.

T: Is there a TV in the room?

引导学生回答:No, there isn’t.

T: Is there a photo in the room?

Ss: No, there isn’t.

板书:There is a ____ in the room.

Is there a ___ in the room? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

(板书时,用箭头提醒there is 和is there的变化)

Step3, Practice(5mins)

1,Game:炸弹游戏。老师读有炸弹的单词,学生不读并stand up, 老师读没有炸弹的单词,学生跟读。

2, 用聚光灯练习读单词,再一次让学生巩固单词。

3,出示Gao wendi的房间,让学生2人一组练习There is的疑问句,并作出相应的正确回答。

S1: Is there a ___ in the room?

S2: Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.

Step4, Consolidation.(15mins)

1, 用展示台投影出同学们自己画的房间图片。

T: Show me your pictures of the room.

Look, Whose room? Can you talk about your room.

S1: There is a bed in my room. There is a …in my room.

T: What can you do on the bed.

S1: I can have a sleep.

T: Is there a TV in your room?

S1: Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.


2,Talk about the room in groups.



1)Look,this is my room. (看,这是我的房间。)

2)There is a ___ in my room.(房间里有。。。。。。)

3)I can watch TV in my room. (我能在房间里看电视/睡觉/做家庭作业)

4)Is there a __ in your room? (房间里有。。。。。。吗?)

5)Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. (是的,有。/ 不,没有。)


3,Show time.


Step5, Summary. (2mins)

T: today, we talk about different rooms. This is a girl’s room. This is a boy’s room. This is a special(特别的) room. They are all beautiful. But for some children, their rooms are not so good. Let’s have a look.

T:.Children, remember, east or west, home is best.


love your home and love your family.


Step6, homework.

1, Draw your ideal room and name the furnitures.


2, Introduce your room to your friends.



Unit 5 Our new rooms

There is a ___ in the room.

Is there a ____ in the room?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.







Unit 1

Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday 星期日 week周,星期 fly a kite 放风筝 ride a bike 骑自行车 go to the park 去公园

Unit 2

sport 运动 table tennis 乒乓球 tennis 网球 high jump 跳高 long jump跳远 go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去滑冰 go boating去划船 go fishing 去钓鱼 Unit 3

noodles 面条 chicken 鸡肉 vegetable 蔬菜 rice 米饭,大米 soup 汤,羹 bread 面包 tomato 番茄 potato 土豆 fish 鱼

Unit 4

house 房子 bedroom 卧室 bathroom 浴室 living room 起居室 study 书房 kitchen厨房 dining room餐厅 next to紧挨着 between两者之间 behind后面 in front of 在前面

Unit 5

TV电视机 computer电脑 bed床 clock闹钟 photo 照片 door门 floor 地板 cup 茶杯 window 窗子 sofa 沙发 umbrella 伞


Unit 1

1.—Do you have English every day? 你们每天都上英语课吗?

---No, we don’t. 不,我们没有。

2.--What day is it today?今天是星期几?

-It’s Friday.今天星期五。

3.—Do you like English?你喜欢英语课吗?

---Yes, we do.是的,我们喜欢。

4. ---Thank you.谢谢。

---Not at all.不用谢。

5. ---When do you have English? 你们什么时候上英语课?

---On Monday and Friday. 星期一和星期五。

6. ---Do you like Saturdays? 你喜欢星期六吗?

---Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

Unit 2

1. ---Do you love sports? 你热爱运动吗?

---Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

2. ---Does Stanley love sports? 斯坦雷喜欢运动吗?

---Yes, he does. 是的,他喜欢。


3. ---Is she good at swimming? 她擅长游泳?

---Yes, of course. 是的。她当然喜欢。

Unit 3

1. ---What would you like for lunch? 午餐你想吃什么?

---I’d like some rice and soup. 我想吃米饭和汤。

2. ---Have some vegetables. 吃点蔬菜。

---No, I don’t like vegetables. 不要,我不喜欢蔬菜。

3. ---How are you today? 你今天好点了吗?

---I’m much better now. 我今天好多了。

4. ---What would your mother like for breakfast? 你妈妈早餐想吃什么? ---She’d like some tomato juice. 她想喝番茄汁。

Unit 4

1. ---Where is the study? 书房在哪里?

---It’s on the left. 在左边。

2. ---Who’ll try first?谁先来试试?

---Me, first. 我先来。

3. ---Do you have a study? 你家有书房吗?

---- Yes. Look,the study is on the left. 有。看,书房在左边。

4. ---Where are they? 两个浴室在哪里?

--- One is between the bedrooms. One is next to the living room. 一个在两个卧室之间,另一个在起居室旁边。

Unit 5

1. ---Is there a clock in your room? 你的房间里有钟吗?

---Yes, there is. 是的,有一个钟。/No, there isn’t. 不,没有。

2. ---Are there any toys in your room? 你的房间里有玩具吗? ---Yes, there are. 是的,有玩具。

3. ---Where is it? 盒子在哪里?

--- It’s behind the door. 在门后面。



(时间:60分钟;总分: 100分)

班级:_________________ 姓名:__________________

一、 根据中文意思写出英语单词。(共20分)

1.纸 2. 瓶子 3. 什么 4.蔬菜 5. 桌子 6. 早餐 7.帮助 8.面条 9. 鸡肉 10.一些 二、 规范抄写下列句子。(共10分)

1. Can I help you, Max?

2. How much are they altogether, please?

3. What would you like for dinner, Andy?

4. OK. Give me more vegetables and more ice cream. 5. I want a box of crayons and some paper, please. 三、 找出下列选项中不同类型的单词或短语。(共10分)

( ) 1. A. ink B. paper C. what ( ) 2. A. seventy B. eighty C. see

( ) 3. A. noodle B. chicken C. plate

( ) 4. A. fork B. cup C. today

( ) 5. A. breakfast B. dinner C. want

四、 单项选择,将题目的最佳选项填入括号内。(共10分)

( ) 1. --Here you are.

-- _______.

A. Thank you. B. OK. C. You’re welcome.【重大版小学英语五年级音频】

( ) 2. 当客人走进商店时,店员应说:

A. Can I help you?

B. What’s your name?

C. How old are you?

( ) 3.问“多少钱”,应说:

A. How old are you?

B. How are you?

C. How much are they?

( ) 4.你想要什么,应说:

A. What do you want?

B. What’s your number?

C. How much are they?

( ) 5.你早饭吃什么,应说:

A. What’s for lunch?

B. What’s for breakfast?

C. What’s for dinner?


( ) What can I do for you? A. Sixty yuan.

( ) How much are they? B. Noodles.

( ) What would you like for dinner? C. Yes, we can.

( ) Can you use chopsticks? D.A box of crayons, please.

( ) Do you have a spoon? E. Yes, we do.


( ) 1. sunglass A.100

( ) 2. hundred B.蔬菜

( ) 3. give C.太阳镜

( ) 4. vegetable D.多少钱

( ) 5. how much E.给


A. Here you are. Try it on.

A. May I help you, sir?

B. Purple, please.

C. Yes, it’s cold. I need a scarf.

D. What color do you like?【重大版小学英语五年级音频】

1. ______2. _______ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5._______

七、 阅读理解,判断下列句子的正误,请在正确的前面写“T”,


My favorite food

My name is Lucy. I have a friend. Her name is Lu Hua. My favorite food are chicken and noodles. And her favorite food are chicken and noodles, too. I eat eggs and noodles every morning. I don't like vegetables because they taste not good. But Lu Hua likes it very much because they are healthy. For lunch, I eat rice, meat and chicken and she eats rice, vegetables and soup. For dinner, I eat eggs and rice. And Lu Hua eats nothing because she wants to keep fit.

( )1. My favorite food are eggs and noodles.

( )2. I eat eggs and noodles every morning.

( )3. Lu Hua likes vegetables very much.

( )4. For lunch, I eat rice, vegetable and chicken.

( )5. For dinner, Lu Hua eats eggs and rice.




A b C D e F G【重大版小学英语五年级音频】


nglasses ke gurt per



( ) 1.May I help you? A.Thanks.

( ) 2.Here you are. B.Eleven yuan.

( ) 3.How much are they? C.Yes,plase.

(四)从方框中选择正确的语句补全对话,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) A: !

B: Good morning!

( ) A: ?

( ) B: Yes, I want a cup. ?

A: 10 yuan.

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you.

( ) B:





